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    Classes Broken Down By Tiers

    This is a post off pastebin that we found, colored it up and made it look a bit better. It was last updated in July and is still relavent. Reference updated archeage tier list for lvl 50 cap -

    Explanation of the Guide/Skill Tree's

    This list is meant to represent the viability of class combinations in ArcheAge at the current level cap of 50, a lot of the builds change when the 1.0 patch rebalances classes around, specially those involving Vitalism and Archery (EDIT: Archery still op, songcraft got ****ed). I may sound biased towards some classes, but this is just the general consensus I've picked after months of following this game, playing in various servers and watching a lot of streamers and their performance. You're not "a baddie" for playing a less popular class, but you'll struggle more and will require your team to complement your weaknesses.

    Tiers aren't meant to be a straight representation of strength in a class combination, the higher in tiers they're usually more viable all around in all situations (unless it's specified in the descriptions), and the lower they are they can be lacking in some aspects and be strong in others, as well as being more or less desirable in pvp/pve/solo/group content. Use your own judgement accordingly and play what you want, but don't be stupid and pick two offensive branches that require different stats, like Battlerage+Sorcery, you won't be able to stack both str and int, so you'll be mostly useless.

    Most of the time you'll want one offensive class and one defensive class, if you don't pick any of the defensive
    Trees you'll die in a simple cc combo. Occultism can fill the role of Offensive Tree quite well, but I still
    consider it a mix of Damage and CC, unlike Shadowplay which really isn't good enough to fill a damaging role. Solo pvp
    builds use Shadowplay a lot, it's incredibly useful, but it will also leave you very lacking in some other aspect, so
    choose wisely.

    ---Offensive Trees---

    Your average melee warrior class, gap closers, nice aoe, some cc, a great debuff, and probably the strongest buff in the game (Rage). WARNING going melee as your main source of damage can be frustrating in this game, there's a lot of risk, and not that much of a reward. It is fun and can be strong if played right, just expect it to be kind of a hard mode for a while as well as taking a lot more damage in pve and some enemies being simply unkillable by yourself.

    EDIT: All of this rambling is about Quickshot being in Shadowplay. Patch 1.0 already moved it to Archery. It is, however, recommended to grab shadowplay with archery anyways for the ranged buffs, stealth, and possible melee skills (though if your enemy is attacking you up close as an archer, you're going to die anyways). Archery really isn't anti-mage, it is just clothie destroyer (gee I wonder which classes use cloth). Your advantages will be based on if you hit first and pull off your CC's first. You'll, of course, give melee classes plenty of hell.

    Your not so average ranger, first of all koreans decided to put your basic spammable attack on another Tree, so you
    better grab Shadowplay with this, or you'll be one useless mess. Best range in the game, decent area damage, average
    cc, and some unreasonably long cooldowns. Half the time you'll blow your stuff and be left doing nothing but quick
    Quickshot, that's the reason Shadowplay tied with Archery is so important. Archery is supposed to be the mage killer
    class, but I wouldn't be so sure about that.

    Archeage's spoiled child, You can't go wrong with this class at this level cap, almost every skill is useful
    somehow, a defensive shield that also increases your stealth detection, some moderate CC, a few instant atacks, some
    long casting devastating attacks, great area damage, great spammable atack (that leaves your rooted, but the good
    damage makes up for it) and even a small group buff.

    ---Utility Trees/mixed Trees---

    Lot's useful skills, good aoe+cc, a really nice spammable attack, crits and crit damage for spells, nothing wrong
    with Occultism, a very solid class. Be ready for people to say they hate your impale+crows combo.

    This is not the "rogue" class, this does have melee skills, and yes it has stealth, but you won't be a ninja with
    this class by itself. It has ranged attacks, as well as gap closers and stuns. Many people will say stealth is
    cheating, and they're probably right, but thankfully it comes with a big tradeoff and is very limited outside of
    this class (for now). If you're really against grouping you relly want stealth, you can also stealth while carrying
    a tradepack which helps a lot to avoid ganks.

    ---Support Trees---

    Edit: This class got severely nerfed in patch 1.2. Proceed with caution.

    Lots of Buffs, a few heals, Debuffs, and a stupidly strong passive. Just remember if you're playing songs they get
    cancelled once you use any non song skill. WARNING if your class uses a magic regeneration instrument, the flute
    sound may drive you insane, you'll hear this stupid tune so many times you'll listen to it during your sleep, in the
    bathroom, during exams or while saying your marriage vows.

    Edit: This class got severely nerfed in patch 1.2.
    This class is based off of the spirit stat now for healing, which is found on club weapons.
    It is not recommended to roll this unless you really want to heal or weapon swap.

    Not as many heals as you'd expect from the healing class, but some is better than none, continuous recovery is
    ridiculous and people will hate you when you go from 1% to 50% or more in the blink of an eye. It has some not so
    hot damage spells, a moderately useful buff and an aura, the only class with built in resurrection and even a group
    stealth. All the builds involving Vitalism get ****ed as soon as 1.0 hits, because your heals are no longer tied to
    your intelligence, you'll have too choose between healing or damaging gear.

    ---Defensive Trees---

    Lot's of protection against melee and specially against archers, it has an invincibility buff and a reasonably large
    area spell that can restrict people from leaving it's area of effect as long as they're being damaged so they can't glide out. Stun
    reduction, healthpool increase, as well as a really good silence atack.

    The tryhard pvp class, this game has a ****ton of CC's, and this class helps you to get rid from good deal of them, as
    well as provide you with considerable magic protection for those big mage cooldowns. It's mostly a series of oh shit
    buttons as well as some area disables and damage mitigation. So you hate dying? grab Auramancy and see how much your
    survivability increases, you'll cry when you see a teleportation spell proc 4 times in a row and that guy you were
    ganking is now 100 meters away.

    Do you like making people useless for moderate periods of time? Does your mage need to lift their opponents in the
    sky unable to act while you cast your 5 second spells? Then grab Witchcraft as your defensive class and boost your
    chances of surviving as well as disabling your opponents left and right.

    ***** T1.- Most of this builds are popular, not necessarily for the right reasons, they simply work for what they're built, this doesn't mean all the builds in this tier are on equal ground against each other, it just means you are safe to grab one of this combinations and learn it along the way. *****

    Witchcraft+Sorcery+Shadowplay = Hermit / Daggerspell
    Want to make people put your name in their death note? well you're on the right track with this. Some will argue
    that you're missing a bit of damage for a mage, but who cares, you can kill pretty much anybody equally geared
    unless they're anti mage.
    Auramancy+Archery+Shadowplay = Treasure Hunter / Primeval
    I've seen a stream where the 10 players on the arena match where using this exact build... so that might give you an idea of how popular it is. It's just the most viable pvp archer build in this stage of content, no way around it
    Battlerage+Auramancy+Shadowplay = Politician / Darkrunner
    Another super common build, great mobility, good damage, gap closers, cc, if only you could throw fireballs...
    Battlerage+Defense+Shadowplay = Fighter / Blighter
    Probably the most well rounded melee build, a good amount of gap closers, nice cc, decent mitigation, and stealth so you can gank anyone anywhere, can't go wrong with this as long as you understand the limitations of melee.
    Defense+Auramancy+Occultism = Defender / Skullknight
    T A N K, baby's first character, you rarely die, superb in pve, annoying in pvp, good build for
    raid/guild leaders who steal all the loot from their guild because they're the main tank
    Occultism+Sorcery+Shadowplay = Angel of Death / Reaper
    You're open to most attackers, but play like an opportunist and you'll do great, you have amazing sustainable
    damage, quite a few combos and some of the best area attacks
    Witchcraft+Occultism+Sorcery = Darkweaver / Demonologist
    Aoe disabler mage, not as popular as your average stealth ganker, but very desired in any group and much more
    Battlerage+Defense+Auramancy = Soldier / Abolisher
    The melee tank, it's a very solid build for guild leaders or anyone who wants to boss people around and stand in the front of a raid.
    Defense+Archery+Shadowplay = Strategist / Stone Arrow
    A bow and a shield? who would have thought, it does work, one of few things AA did right, it's definitely T1 against physical classes, but trust me most tryhard mages will make you cry

    ***** T2.- This combos are simply good, you may be lacking something, but you'll make up for it with strong synergy among your classes. *****

    Auramancy+Occultism+Sorcery = Warlock / Revenant
    Great mage build, suitable in any situation, two spammable atacks, one usable on the move, and one for turret mode with increased damage, you can escape from almost any problematic encounter, you'll love it
    Witchcraft+Auramancy+Occultism = Exorcist / Nightcloak
    A good antimage build, tanky, mobility and lots of disables, some small self heals, probably your best bet if you
    like the apostle build but don't want to be useless once 1.0 goes live
    Battlerage+Witchcraft+Shadowplay = Assasine / Shadowblade
    Supposedly a very OP and popular build, I call it the combo warrior, I'd place in T1, but sadly you still get hit
    for a lot, and your chain can be destroyed with some simple dodge/block/parry leaving you open to retaliation.
    Witchcraft+Archery+Shadowplay = Chaser / Trickster
    Really good archer build, you can be one special snowflake in a sea of primevals with this build, you might even
    beat them half the time, that's if either of you leaves stealth or meet each other face to face
    Defense+Auramancy+Sorcery = Mage Patron / Thaumaturge
    A mage that makes archers cry, good for someone who wants maximum mitigation and still be able to throw heavy nukes like a siege tank
    Witchcraft+Auramancy+Sorcery = Sorcerer / Arcanist
    The best tanky mage build imo, you're lacking on the crit department, but you're still better than 80% of the other classes regarding damage, I'd even say this build is OP under the radar, but that's just me
    Auramancy+Sorcery+Shadowplay = Shadow Mercenary / Enigmatist
    A fun mage build, good for most situations, a bit hard to keep people from running if you're trying to gank them,
    but it gets the job done, if you like nukes and stealth, but hate dying in two blows, this is what you should pick
    Defense+Occultism+Sorcery = Sorcery Guard Officer / Battlemage
    Great anti physical mage, but other mages will still kill you, so pick only if you hate archers with a passion or
    you're preparing for the lvl55 update
    Witchcraft+Defense+Occultism = Caretaker / Defiler
    A nice disruptor tank, not the most popular but not bad for pve, but you still can get cced and ignored most of the time in pvp
    Battlerage+Archery+Shadowplay = Spy / Outrider
    A very fragile but strong archer, the crit debuff from combat is the only reason to pick combat instead of
    will/protection/conjury, but is it worth it? follow your dreams and find out.

    ***** T3.- You'll be subpar in one or more areas, you're not necessarily "bad", some experienced people might even grab them because they know exactly what they're getting into, but I wouldn't recommend them to new players because you'll get beat by the more common class combos and complain that you can't do X thing they do better than you. *****

    Auramancy+Occultism+Shadowplay = Interrogator / Planeshifter
    This isn't a bad build, you have a nice aoe combo you can pull after breaking stealth on unsuspecting groups, but
    there's a bunch of more viable solutions for whatever you're trying to get out of this
    Defense+Occultism+Shadowplay = Guardsman / Dreadnaught
    Sneaky, annoying and disruptive with good defense, it's very playable in pvp groups imo, but by yourself you'll be missing a bit of damage and can get countered with cc really bad
    Witchcraft+Defense+Sorcery = Paladin* / Cabalist
    One of the most defensive mage builds, a bit too heavy on the defense I'd say, but if that's your thing go for it.
    Battlerage+Witchcraft+Auramancy = Builder / Hex Warden
    Go loco, a very disruptive warrior with lowish damage, it can work with a healer backing you up, just don't expectto one shot people like the other warriors unless they're squishie
    Battlerage+Witchcraft+Defense = Mental Destroyer / Hexblade
    A very defensive combination with the potential for dps bursts, but still susceptible to some heavy CC, only for the adventurous
    Defense+Sorcery+Shadowplay = Paladin* / Swiftstone
    A somewhat unusual mage, not my personal favorite, but it gets the job done if you really want stealth and blocking non magical damage
    Sorcery+Songcraft+Vitalism = Physiognomist / Gypsy
    I've seen a few people playing this, I wouldn't recommend it, but if you're aware of the risks involved in having no cc breakers and missing all the perks of the defensive classes, then feel free to pick this. You can manage by keeping Barrier up all the time and spamming Continuous Recovery, Anthem of Defense and Loving Soul will give you some very desired magical resistance to you and your teammates, Flowing life, Seed of restoration and Anthem of recovery will keep your regeneration going, and in very dire situations Healing Earth can be just what you need to stay alive in the right situation
    Battlerage+Defense+Occultism = Dark Knight / Doomlord
    If you want a melee disabler conjury is better, necro has some neat stuff going on, but remember it's magic damage, it won't help you that much if your main source of damage is melee. Funny thing is Rage combos with a necro ability to avoid the stun, I still don't think they're meant to be together unless you plan some gimmicky aoe combo which you can do with the protection abilities.
    Witchcraft+Occultism+Shadowplay = Civil Engineer / Shroudmaster
    Not incredibly terrible as it might seem at first, sadly necro passives only boost magical attacks, otherwise this could be an interesting build boosting crit damage with plenty of CC and what not, but that's not the chase.
    Battlerage+Auramancy+Occultism = Parlamenter / Bloodreave
    It probably should be lower in the list, but I think you can still kill some people with this, just not many, but
    some of the less optimized can be killed somehow with this thanks to Auramancy.
    Defense+Auramancy+Shadowplay = Shadow Projection / Nightblade
    A tanky rogue with barely any damage, I'd rate this lower, but this is a good build for those who like playing some sort of scout for tradeships or stealing tradepacks in the middle of a fight while no one is paying attention
    Witchcraft+Defense+Auramancy = Enchanter / Dreambreaker
    The ultimate disruptor, you can be very annoying and you can soak damage like it's nothing, sadly your offensive
    capability is close to nothing or at least very insignificant at lvl 50. I'd say this build isn't viable and I've
    never seen someone use it, but I know one of you crazy enthusiasts might surprise me with this someday wearing ultra expensive gear that allows you to deal damage reliably and still be one indestructible fortress.

    ***** T4.- Picking one of this combos is settling yourself for disappointment, you probably thought something about this combination sounded cool, but trust me, it's not. *****

    Battlerage+Occultism+Shadowplay = Berserker / Executioner
    Weak to everything, if you want disables get Witchcraft instead of necro
    Occultism+Archery+Shadowplay = Killer / Shadehunter
    A playable combination, but very fragile, If gear supported this build it could be in T3, but there's not, so why
    Defense+Shadowplay+Vitalism = Secret Knight / Death Warden
    Yeah you get to heal, stealth and block, but everything else will be mostly disappointing, this could be in T3 for pve, but seriously you can do better
    Battlerage+Shadowplay+Songcraft = Romantic Robber / Blade Dancer
    The stealthy melee bard, I don't know, there's worse stuff out there, but you can do better as well
    Shadowplay+Songcraft+Vitalism= Musician / Confessor
    I get it, you want to support and still be able to stealth, but you'll be very vulnerable to any competent player, you won't be the worst class ever, but you'll struggle with a lot of people
    Battlerage+Occultism+Vitalism = Martial Arts Master / Blackguard
    It's not good, but I guess you could do some surprise Rage combo for fun if people forget to cc you.
    Witchcraft+Auramancy+Shadowplay = Executioner / Eidolon
    Just bad, you can take some heavy punishment, be sneaky mcstabs, and provide some really nice disables, but by
    yourself you're pretty mediocre
    Battlerage+Witchcraft+Songcraft = Choreographer / Dirgeweaver
    I wish this combination was more viable so you could play a sort of melee bard, but sadly it's not, artistry simply doesn't combine in any way with Battlerage.
    Battlerage+Witchcraft+Occultism = Master of Unarmed Battlerage / Hordebreaker
    If only necro boosted all crits instead of magical, this would be good, but sadly it's not even decent.
    Battlerage+Auramancy+Songcraft = Sophisticated Romantic / Herald
    Again a melee bard that should be viable, but it's not, sad times.
    Defense+Shadowplay+Songcraft = Bully / Nightbearer
    It's not the most unplayable of builds, but it'd be very underwhelming in a lot of areas, I actually did play this combination in the Russian server to see if Shadowplay by itself provided enough damage for a competent character, the results of that experiment are reflected in the position of this class combo
    Battlerage+Defense+Songcraft = Romantic Knight / Dawncaller
    Not exactly viable, it has some heals, defense and damage, but you either hit or you sing, so there's a good deal of the class being useless half of the time
    Witchcraft+Defense+Shadowplay = Slayer / Shadowknight
    Surprise commander, pop out of stealth and annoy people, funsies for all the family
    Defense+Archery+Vitalism = Guardian Knight / Druid
    Well you can heal people and be useless most of the time, so that's something
    Defense+Archery+Songcraft = Hunter / Honorguard
    If you can level this to 50 I'd applaud you, I don't know why'd you do it, but you go and be creative man, have fun kiting everything for 30 seconds
    Battlerage+Occultism+Songcraft = Tragic Musician / Lorebreaker
    Not much synergy for combat with any of this two other branches, yeah you can level with this if you feel, but I'd advice against it
    Battlerage+Witchcraft+Archery = Ranger / Dreadhunter
    With a name like ranger you'd expect an actual archer class to be playable, but nope, Archery without Shadowplay is just bad.

    ***** T5.- This classes are simply not viable, they shouldn't even exist, but they do. Avoid like the plague. *****

    Battlerage+Occultism+Sorcery = Envoy / Ravager
    You can kill stuff with this alright, but please don't do it, there's no reason to mix magic with combat, yeah rage
    can get you some crazy dmg boost, but you won't live long with this build for rage to even reach 5 stacks.
    Battlerage+Defense+Sorcery = Sorcery Knight / Crusader
    Sounds cool, but you can't stack two offensive stats
    Battlerage+Auramancy+Sorcery = Tactician / Enforcer
    Half mage, half warrior, half wins, full loses. Math doesn't add up!
    Battlerage+Sorcery+Shadowplay = Sorcery Thief / Hellweaver
    Only try this if you feel like impersonating a magical kirito
    Battlerage+Witchcraft+Sorcery = Geomancer / Harbinger
    God damn they had to give the cool name to a shit combination, str+int no no no...
    Battlerage+Sorcery+Songcraft = Warrior Mage / Spellsword
    It's not horrible, but there's no way to gear for this (so yeah it's horrible)
    Battlerage+Sorcery+Vitalism = Knight of Honor / Fleshshaper
    This is for the role confused people, I want to heal, but I want to be a mage, and also I want to be a warrior, your
    body will end like a hybrid splat of blood on the floor, but you won't miss anything!
    Battlerage+Archery+Vitalism = Guardian of the Battlefield / Warpriest
    No gear to support this build and archer sucks by itself, I've seen streamers using this, I'm really sad they didn't
    research at all or even read their tooltips
    Witchcraft+Defense+Archery = Forest Defender / Archon
    Tanky? sure, useless? pretty much, I'd be really surprised to see anyone with this at 50
    Battlerage+Defense+Archery = Knight Errant / Liberator
    Doesn't work sorry
    Auramancy+Archery+Sorcery = Expert / Stormchaser
    Stoooooooooooooooooooooormchaaaaseeer It totally sounds like an 80's cartoon show I'd love to watch, but I wouldn't
    love to watch this build on my team sorry
    Witchcraft+Auramancy+Archery = Wanderer / Arcane Hunter
    One of the builds that goes from T5 to T1 overnight once the lvl 55 cap is raised, very amazing, but not playable
    until then
    Witchcraft+Archery+Sorcery = Natural Mystic / Stormcaster
    Into the trash it goes
    Witchcraft+Occultism+Archery = Trained Geomancer / Shadestriker
    Another confused archer, now with more dark thoughts for free
    Witchcraft+Archery+Vitalism = Summoner / soulbow
    Doesn't work, it's ****ed
    Defense+Archery+Sorcery = Wild Sorceryian / Farslayer
    People will tell stories about you until the servers are closed with this build, do it if you want praise and
    admiration from complete strangers
    Defense+Auramancy+Archery = Observer / Bastion
    don't, stop right there, don't even think abuout it, you don't want this, I can assure you that
    Auramancy+Archery+Vitalism = Mystic / Oracle
    I've played a character like this in Dungeons and Dragons, it was a blast, too bad AA devs realized archery needed
    to be viable by itself until 1.0
    Defense+Occultism+Archery = Wrathful Warrior Spirit / Dreadstone
    Another cool concept made useless due to game mechanics
    Battlerage+Auramancy+Archery = Inventor / Bonestalker
    Auramancy+Occultism+Archery = Monster Hunter / Astral Ranger
    You won't be hunting any monsters with this, again game mechanics make this build barely playable
    Auramancy+Archery+Songcraft = Commoner / Howler
    Nothing to see here, another fail build no one should touch until the update, NO ONE
    Witchcraft+Archery+Songcraft = Archaeologist / Hex Ranger
    B A D
    Archery+Sorcery+Vitalism = Itinerant Trader / *Naturalist
    So many things wrong with this, well actually just one, I'll let you find out
    Occultism+Archery+Sorcery = Diviner / Spellbow
    Yeah you can do this and still kill people 50% of the time, but it's a waste, don't pick this please
    Occultism+Archery+Vitalism = Player / Blood Arrow
    Waste of time, don't do this to yoursel
    Archery+Sorcery+Shadowplay = Sniper / Infiltrator
    I've seen people actually playing this in my guild, a single tear runs down my face when I see them, but I'm not
    alpha enough to tell them they're wasting their time
    Occultism+Archery+Songcraft = Black Musician / Gravesinger
    Drop archery, and pick something else, you'll be fine, preferably not combat either
    Archery+Sorcery+Songcraft = Adventurer / Evoker
    Your adventures will be very mediocre using this build
    Archery+Songcraft+Vitalism = Playboy / Soulsong
    Lame, don't bother
    Battlerage+Archery+Sorcery = Sorceryal Warrior / Destroyer
    I want ALL the DAMAGE in the world! you go girl! take the them them all out with your god damn genkidama.
    Battlerage+Archery+Songcraft = Warrior Poet / Bloodskald
    Yeah you don't want this, trust me.
    Battlerage+Occultism+Archery = Oppressor / Dreadbow
    A complete mess

    ***** T6.- Healer Tier. *****

    Auramancy+Songcraft+Vitalism = Priest / Cleric
    This is what most people pick when they want to play a full support character and don't do much research about the
    game. It's very good indeed, but please consider other builds before picking it, you'll have a really rough time
    before 30, and even after that you don't have a spammable attack. Remember any heal will cancel your auras so you
    have to recast them. Great for those who want to help their friends all the time or if you want to turn your
    girlfriend into a walking healthpot/buffbot 24/7.
    Defense+Auramancy+Vitalism = Bodyguard / Templar
    Everyone loves a healer, a healer that blocks arrows and melee atacks and can break out of cc's is even better. I'd
    just like to say Vitalism isn't what you expect even at higher levels, while you have some extraordinaire heals, the
    cooldown of most abilities is way too long, so you might want something less passive than this build to avoid
    falling asleep
    Witchcraft+Auramancy+Vitalism = Sage / Hierophant
    The most badass healer you can be, horrible for solo play, but godly for groups, suitable for anyone who likes to
    support and do more than playing whack-a-mole with healthbars or playing songs far from the action.

    ***** T7.- NERFED TO ALL HELL tier. You can try your luck if you think you're bad ass enough to weapon swap or masochist enough. *****

    The descriptions are valid to pre 1.0 builds. I will keep them intact for reference.
    FYI all these builds have vitalism or songcraft and there is a reason for this.
    Maybe you can heal with these.

    Auramancy+Occultism+Vitalism = Apostle / Edgewalker
    This is the first build on the list, So I won't go into much detail about it, I'll just say you can kill 1 or even 2
    guys with ease most of the time as long they aren't playing this exact build or jumped on you first
    Sorcery+Shadowplay+Songcraft = Clown / Spellsinger
    A very bursty mage for a surprise ambush, but you die faster than you kill if people catch you with your pants down,
    most people will hate you for the ridiculous burst you can drop in 1 second when things go your way, so have fun
    with it
    Auramancy+Sorcery+Songcraft = Tramp / Spellsong
    Really solid build, I'm very tempted to play this on release, it's lacking a bit of cc, but you can still drop
    ridiculous damage and defend yourself against other magey characters
    Witchcraft+Occultism+Vitalism = Elementalist / Necromancer
    A really devastating build, 2 of this guys can take on hordes of enemies when played right. You'll be missing the
    always handy perks of will, but you're still likely to be the last man standing in any large scale fight or small
    Witchcraft+Sorcery+Songcraft = Master of Elements / Lamentor
    A really well rounded bursty mage, fun, strong, annoying, and not squishie at all
    Defense+Occultism+Vitalism = Priest of Death / Justicar
    Great combo, focusing on physical defense with a lot of tools to keep yourself alive, a viable tank for small group
    content, more pve oriented than the apostle or the prophet
    Defense+Auramancy+Songcraft = Conservative Poet / Tomb Warden
    The sturdy bard singing in the middle of a fight to invigorate his allys, little to no micro, you're pretty much a
    walking totem of auras. Get some help while leveling or you'll hate the game
    Battlerage+Defense+Vitalism = White Knight / Paladin
    Good for pve, not that good for pvp but still manageable. Some people say the best tank is a tank that can heal
    itself, I'm not so sure about that, I guess it depends on the content you're doing.
    Occultism+Sorcery+Vitalism = Mystic Miracle / Cultist
    The famous zombie build, king of pve solo farming, approved by thousands of bots daily! no defensive class hurts
    your pvp viability tho, but you can always be of help in zergs
    Defense+Sorcery+Songcraft = Playwright / Earthsinger
    If you want a burst mage with an edge against physical damage pick this, the speed boost is always good and some
    emergency heals also help
    Defense+Songcraft+Vitalism = Warrior Protector / Caretaker
    Great support character, just hard to level
    Auramancy+Occultism+Songcraft = Tragic Poet / Phantasm
    Like crits? hate mages? love flutes that make you run fast? well this is a somewhat unpopular combination that works
    fine in most scenarios
    Auramancy+Sorcery+Vitalism = White Mage* / Boneweaver
    Half mage, half healer in one single package, I'd be really happy to have an army of guys like this with me, they're
    the swiss knife of ArcheAge
    Witchcraft+Auramancy+Songcraft = Preacher / Enchantrix
    Oh you crazy bards and your tricks, a very passive build with some fun on the side, for when you don't want to think
    about stuff and just have a good time, I'd like to play this but I'm too lazy to level it
    Witchcraft+Occultism+Songcraft = Scout / Tombcaller
    this is probably the most warlocky warlock out there. it's not popular afaik, the extra juicy crits can make your
    crows destroy people, you're still suceptible to heavy cc and your damage isn't stelar, but you're still very useful
    in a group scenario
    Defense+Sorcery+Vitalism = Secret Protector / Scion
    I'd say this is a sort of druid build, average damage, heals/support and good defense, fun to play overall
    Witchcraft+Sorcery+Vitalism = White Sorceryian / Shaman
    Damage, heals, control, a jack of all trades that doesn't suck, I recommend this to those who don't like being
    locked to one role
    Sorcery+Shadowplay+Vitalism = Purifying Narrator / Animist
    I'd rate this lower, but it's always nice to have a healer who can stealth and still nuke like a champ, just don't
    forget you're open to any kind of crowd control people decide to throw your way
    Witchcraft+Defense+Vitalism = Surgeon / Shadowbane
    Not your everyday healer, good in every group, but some heavy cc can still make you sad, and as expected ultra low
    damage potential
    Witchcraft+Songcraft+Vitalism = Rehabilitation Specialist / Athame
    All the support in the game in one character, now with increased survivability and annoying debuffs, great if you
    can get a static party or you like whoring yourself all the time, otherwise you'll struggle to level and perform
    menial daily chores
    Archery+Shadowplay+Vitalism = Missionary / Ranger
    Also known as Gaian, a lot of people use this on my guild, I'm not a fan of it tho, I was going to place this on T3
    but I'm reconsidering it after realizing how limited archer builds are, I guess this kind of hybrid builds are
    invaluable when there's no proper healers available, specially since Shadowplay synergizes with archery perfectly
    Battlerage+Auramancy+Vitalism = Wandering Monk / Argent
    For some reason not as popular as paladin, I wouldn't play it, but it's legit for pve, not that bad for pvp if you
    have people carrying you, but you won't have much combos available.
    Occultism+Sorcery+Songcraft = Cultivator / Requiem
    Pretty much the most glass cannon build you can pick, I don't recommend it, you'll die A LOT, but if you like the
    highest numbers possible popping in your screen go ahead and grab this class
    Archery+Shadowplay+Songcraft = Shadow Dancer / Ebonsong
    Mostly a pve build, but it works in pvp too, One of the few archer playable builds, so go ahead and pick this if you
    like songs and bow attacks
    Witchcraft+Shadowplay+Songcraft = Headhunter / Solstice Singer
    This is not a combat centric character, this is the merchant build, don't pick this unless you're devoted to being a
    Occultism+Shadowplay+Vitalism = Writer / Doombringer
    Another build for the building enthusiasts, it's very playable if you know what're getting into, still I suggest you
    reconsider other alternatives before picking this, It's a great build for pirates who prey on weaker people, or
    players more focused on trading, but on fair combat you're very open to cc making your life miserable
    Defense+Occultism+Songcraft = Praetorian / Dark Aegis
    Crits for everyone and beyond thanks to passives, all your classes provide some sort of area effect that can bring a
    lot of mayhem to group fights, I'd rate this in T2 for pve, but for pvp will is better than protection
    Auramancy+Shadowplay+Songcraft = Shadow Musician / Exorcist
    Surprise your enemies with a pocket bard, sing sweet songs of destruction to your enemies and inspiring melodies to
    your friends, if all goes wrong you're still an excellent entertainer for children parties and romantic serenades
    Battlerage+Witchcraft+Vitalism = Spiritualist / Dervish
    An ok Alternative to the Paladin build if you want more CC instead of straight up mitigation, still lacking some
    desired survivability and mobility.
    Battlerage+Shadowplay+Vitalism = Inquisitor
    A good melee option if you just want to have fun, you can keep yourself up and others, ambush in partys, but weak to
    pretty much anyone heavy on cc
    Occultism+Songcraft+Vitalism = Monk / Sorrowsong
    The crit healer, it's not a very durable build, if you can manage to stay out of danger it could work, but seriously
    I'd use it mostly as a leveling build, once you're 50 drop one of them and grab a defensive class so you can be more
    viable in pvp.
    Occultism+Shadowplay+Songcraft = Athlete / Nocturne
    Eventhough your crits will be massive, you don't have the nukes to exploit it nor the combos to burst people down
    consistently, not to mention your lack of defensive skills. But stealth allows you to choose your fights, pick your
    encounters wisely and this will be fun
    Witchcraft+Defense+Songcraft = Trickster / Poxbane
    The disable bard, very hard to level, worth it? only if you're a masochist but sure
    Witchcraft+Shadowplay+Vitalism = Jester / Assassin
    You're mostly a joke, but don't get discouraged, some people might like you simply because you can heal, cc and be a
    good little girl hiding in stealth
    Battlerage+Songcraft+Vitalism = Defrocked Priest / Bloodthrall
    A super flimsy support, it can be fun in pve, but it's really bad for pvp, only for the jolly bards at hearth
    without a care in the world.
    Auramancy+Shadowplay+Vitalism = Predictor / Soothsayer
    We have a guy in our guild with this build and no one but him likes it, it can somehow annoy 1 person and get lucky
    kills, but it's extremely limited in a lot of areas, I'd skip it but feel free to try it and prove me wrong

    Last edited by TSBowsta; 08-11-2014 at 10:40 PM.

    Classes Broken Down By Tiers
  2. #2
    km3r's Avatar Member
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    Love your post man

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    Siks's Avatar Member
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    Me love too, nice post


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    TheBlackLotus's Avatar Member
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    speaking from experience the outrider can be fairly potent in pvp if used as a melee. taking archery almost entirely for the bleed and CC abilities and comboing the bleed + poison arrow as your opener makes quick work of most people in 1v1s so i dont know if i agree with it being t2, but i 100% agree with your T1 combos, they're the most common ones you'll see and usually for good reason.

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