Packet decoding on NA patch? menu

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  1. #1
    rickrubin's Avatar Member
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    Packet decoding on NA patch?

    Hey all,

    I noticed yesterdays patch added some encryption on NA packets. Has anyone gotten around to deciphering it yet? It doesn't seem as complex as the Russian encryption it seems to only change 2 bytes out of every 4.
    IE: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 becomes cb 02 00 00 92 02 00 00 59 02 00 00 20 02 00.

    Here is the code the Russians are using for their client:
    byte Inline(ref uint cry)
        cry += 3532013U;
        byte n = (byte)(cry >> 16);
        return (byte)(((int)n == 0) ? 254 : n);
    byte[] CtoSDecrypt(byte[] BodyPacket, uint UnkKey)
        byte[] Array = new byte[BodyPacket.Length];
        uint cry = (uint)((ulong)UnkKey + (ulong)BodyPacket.Length) * UnkKey ^ 1973428001u;
        int n = 4 * (BodyPacket.Length / 4);
        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            Array[i] = (byte)((uint)BodyPacket[i] ^ (uint)Inline(ref cry));
        for (int i = n; i < BodyPacket.Length; i++)
            Array[i] = (byte)((uint)BodyPacket[i] ^ (uint)Inline(ref cry));
        return Array;
    byte[] StoCDecrypt(byte[] BodyPacket)
        byte[] Array = new byte[BodyPacket.Length];
        uint cry = (uint)(BodyPacket.Length ^ 522286496);
        int n = 4 * (BodyPacket.Length / 4);
        for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            Array[i] = (byte)((uint)BodyPacket[i] ^ (uint)Inline(ref cry));
        for (int i = n; i < BodyPacket.Length; i++)
            Array[i] = (byte)((uint)BodyPacket[i] ^ (uint)Inline(ref cry));
        return Array;
    From what I understand the key to decrypt the messages from the server to client is static and the key to encrypt a message to the server changes every time. The current bot programs watch the packets when a buff is cast and gets the current key. They then use this key to do stuff while blocking that buff command to the server.

    Anyone care to adapt this to NA?


    Packet decoding on NA patch?
  2. #2
    Ehnoah's Avatar Elite User
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    Would be nice to get decrypted Packages to change the language. Since German/France is in, we need a language Patch. Sadly packets are now crypted

  3. #3
    rickrubin's Avatar Member
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    Here is some more info about the packets. Please help contribute.

    Sprint (Not Encrypted)
    25 00 DD 01 ## ## AF 00 00 {player} 0A 4A 20 00 {player} B8 00 00 00 73 0A 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14
    Sprint (Encrypted)
    Stop Sprinting (Not Encrypted)
    0D 00 DD 01 ## ## B0 00 {player} B8 00 00 00
    Stop Sprinting (Encrypted)
    I have included what the unencrypted/crypted packets look like so someone can try and help with decrypting everything.

    The first two bytes are the length of the packet message from client. You will need to split up the packets by this.
    The DD means server to client. 00 here would mean client to server from what i've found.
    The 01 means unencrypted and 05 means encrypted. (I think 02,03,04 are for crest info etc)
    The ##'s are a sequence number I think. They are always changing.
    Next comes the opcode (ie: 0x0AF SCBuffCreated), see full list below
    Later on there is 3 bytes for player id.

    0x000	 EnterWorldResponse
    0x001	SCReconnectAuth
    0x002	SCPrepareLeaveWorld
    0x003	SCLeaveWorldGranted
    0x004	SCLeaveWorldCanceled
    0x005	SCWorldQueue
    0x006	SCInitialConfig
    0x007	FactionList
    0x008	FactionRelationList
    0x009	 NoPck
    0x00A	SCExpeditionRolePolicyList
    0x00B	SCExpeditionRolePolicyChanged
    0x00C	SCExpeditionRoleChanged
    0x00D	SCExpeditionOwnerChanged
    0x00E	SCExpeditionShowRenameUI
    0x00F	SCFactionRenamed
    0x010	SCFactionRetryRename
    0x011	SCFactionCreated
    0x012	SCExpeditionSponsorChanged	
    0x013	SCExpeditionDismissed
    0x014	SCExpeditionMemberList
    0x015	SCExpeditionMemberStatusChanged
    0x016	SCFactionOwnerChanged
    0x017	SCFactionSetRelationState
    0x018	SCExpeditionInvitation
    0x019	UnitFactionChanged
    0x01A	UnitExpeditionChanged
    0x01B	SCDominionData
    0x01C	SCDominionDeleted
    0x01D	SCDominionOwnerChanged
    0x01E	SCDominionTaxRate
    0x01F	SCNationalTaxRate
    0x020	SCNationalMonumentChanged
    0x021	SCDominionTaxBalanced
    0x022	SCFactionIndependence
    0x023	SCFactionImmigrateInvite
    0x024	SCFactionImmigrateInviteResult
    0x025	SCFactionImmigrateToOriginResult
    0x026	SCFactionKickToOriginResult
    0x027	SCFactionDeclareHostileResult
    0x028	SCFactionRelationExpired
    0x029	SCFamilyInvitation
    0x02A	SCFamilyCreated
    0x02B	SCFamilyRemoved
    0x02C	SCFamilyDesc
    0x02D	SCFamilyMemberAdded
    0x02E	SCFamilyMemberRemoved
    0x02F	SCFamilyOwnerChanged
    0x030	SCFamilyTitleChanged
    0x031	SCFamilyMemberNameChanged
    0x032	SCFamilyTitle
    0x033	SCFamilyMemberOnline
    0x034	CreateCharacterResponse
    0x035	DeleteCharacterResponse
    0x036	SCEditCharacterResponse
    0x037	SCCharacterDeleted
    0x038	CancelCharacterDeleteResponse
    0x039	CharacterCreationFailed
    0x03A	CharacterList
    0x03B	SCRaceCongestion
    0x03C	CharacterState
    0x03D	SCNotifyResurrection
    0x03E	CharacterResurrected
    0x03F	SCForceAttackSet
    0x040	 NoPck
    0x041	SCCharacterLaborPowerChanged
    0x042	SCBmPoint
    0x043	SCAddActionPoint
    0x044	SCLpManaged
    0x045	SCCharacterBound
    0x046	SCCooldowns
    0x047	SCCharacterInvenInit
    0x048	SCCharacterInvenContents
    0x049	SCInvenExpanded
    0x04A	SCFriends
    0x04B	SCSearchList
    0x04C	SCAddFriend
    0x04D	SCDeleteFriend
    0x04E	SCFriendStatusChanged
    0x04F	SCCharDetail
    0x050	SCBlockedUsers
    0x051	SCAddBlockedUser
    0x052	SCDeleteBlockedUser
    0x053	SCLoginCharInfoHouse
    0x054	SCCharBrief
    0x055	SCPlaytime
    0x056	SCCharacterRenamed
    0x057	SCCharacterPortals
    0x058	SCCharacterReturnDistricts
    0x059	SCPortalInfoSaved
    0x05A	SCPortalDeleted
    0x05B	 NoPck
    0x05C	SCUnitPortalUsed
    0x05D	SCSlaveCreated
    0x05E	SCSlaveRemoved
    0x05F	SCSlaveDespawn
    0x060	SCSlaveBound
    0x061	 NoPck
    0x062	SCMySlave
    0x063	SCEscapeSlave
    0x064	SCSlaveEquipmentChanged
    0x065	UnitState
    0x066	SCUnitsRemoved
    0x067	SCUnitMovements
    0x068	SCOneUnitMovement
    0x069	SCSkillControllerState
    0x06A	SCUnitOffline
    0x06B	SCActiveWeaponChanged
    0x06C	SCUnitNameChanged
    0x06D	UnitDeath
    0x06E	SCTeleportUnit
    0x06F	SCBlinkUnit
    0x070	SCKnockBackUnit
    0x071	 NoPck
    0x072	UnitAttached
    0x073	UnitDetached
    0x074	SCUnitInvisible
    0x075	SCUnitImpulse
    0x076	SCUnitFlyingStateChanged
    0x077	SCNpcInteractionSkillList
    0x078	SCNpcInteractionEndedByZone
    0x079	 NoPck
    0x07A	SCWorldInteractionSkillList
    0x07B	SCWorldInteractionCanceled
    0x07C	SCNpcInteractionStatusChanged
    0x07D	SCVegetationCutdowning
    0x07E	SCNpcFriendshipList
    0x07F	SCNpcFriendshipChanged
    0x080	TargetChanged
    0x081	SCCombatEngaged
    0x082	SCCombatCleared
    0x083	SCCvFCombatRelationship
    0x084	SCFvFCombatRelationship
    0x085	SCCombatFirstHit
    0x086	SCDumpCombatStat
    0x087	SCDuelChallenged
    0x088	SCDuelStartCountdown
    0x089	SCDuelStarted
    0x08A	SCDuelEnded
    0x08B	SCDuelState
    0x08C	SCItemTaskSuccess
    0x08D	SCItemTaskNotify
    0x08E	 NoPck
    0x08F	SCItemDetailUpdated
    0x090	SCUnitEquipmentsChanged
    0x091	SCUnitEquipmentIds
    0x092	SCCofferContentsUpdate
    0x093	SCItemAcquisition
    0x094	SCSyncItemLifespan
    0x095	SCSpecialtyRatio
    0x096	SCSpecialtyGoods
    0x097	SCSpecialtyRecords
    0x098	SCGradeEnchantResult
    0x099	SCItemSocketingResult
    0x09A	SCGradeEnchantBroadcast
    0x09B	SkillStarted
    0x09C	SkillFired
    0x09D	SkillEnded
    0x09E	SkillStopped
    0x09F	SCCastingStopped
    0x0A0	SCCastingDelayed
    0x0A1	UnitDamaged
    0x0A2	UnitHealed
    0x0A3	SCUnitTracked
    0x0A4	SCBombUpdated
    0x0A5	SCCombatText
    0x0A6	 NoPck
    0x0A7	SCSkillCooldownReset
    0x0A8	SCPlotEvent
    0x0A9	SCPlotEnded
    0x0AA	SCPlotProcessingTime
    0x0AB	SCPlotCastingStopped
    0x0AC	SCPlotChannelingStopped
    0x0AD	SCEnvDamage
    0x0AE	SCBuffState
    0x0AF	SCBuffCreated
    0x0B0	SCBuffRemoved
    0x0B1	 NoPck
    0x0B2	SCBuffUpdated
    0x0B3	SCUnitPoints
    0x0B4	SCUnitBountyMoney
    0x0B5	SCHouseState
    0x0B6	SCHouseBuildProgress
    0x0B7	SCHousePermissionChanged
    0x0B8	SCHouseBuildPayChanged
    0x0B9	SCHouseDemolished
    0x0BA	SCMyHouse
    0x0BB	SCMyHouseRemoved
    0x0BC	SCHouseFarm
    0x0BD	SCHouseTaxInfo
    0x0BE	SCConstructHouseTax
    0x0BF	SCHousingRecoverToggle
    0x0C0	 NoPck
    0x0C1	SCHouseSetForSale
    0x0C2	SCHouseResetForSale
    0x0C3	SCHouseSold
    0x0C4	SCHouseOwnerNameChanged
    0x0C5	SCJoinedChatChannel
    0x0C6	SCChatMessage
    0x0C8	SCNpcChatMessage
    0x0C9	SCNoticeMessage
    0x0CA	SCChatFailed
    0x0CB	SCChatLocalizedMessage
    0x0CC	SCChatSpamDelay
    0x0CD	SCAskToJoinTeam
    0x0CE	SCAskToJoinTeamArea
    0x0CF	SCJoinedTeam
    0x0D0	SCRejectedTeam
    0x0D1	SCLeavedTeam
    0x0D2	SCTeamDismissed
    0x0D3	SCTeamMemberJoined
    0x0D4	SCTeamMemberLeaved
    0x0D5	SCTeamMemberDisconnected
    0x0D6	SCTeamOwnerChanged
    0x0D7	SCTeamOfficerChanged
    0x0D8	SCTeamMemberRoleChanged
    0x0D9	SCTeamBecameRaidTeam
    0x0DA	SCTeamMemberMoved
    0x0DB	 NoPck
    0x0DC	SCTeamLootingRuleChanged
    0x0DD	SCRefreshTeamMember
    0x0DE	SCTeamRemoteMembersEx
    0x0DF	SCTeamAreaInvited
    0x0E0	SCOverHeadMarkerSet
    0x0E1	SCTeamPingPos
    0x0E2	SCTeamAckRiskyAction
    0x0E3	SCSiegeState
    0x0E4	SCSiegeDeclared
    0x0E5	SCSiegeReinforce
    0x0E6	SCSiegeMember
    0x0E7	SCSiegeAlert
    0x0E8	SCConflictZoneState
    0x0E9	SCConflictZoneHonorPointSum
    0x0EA	TimeOfDay
    0x0EB	DetailedTimeOfDay
    0x0EC	SCQuests
    0x0ED	SCCompletedQuests
    0x0EE	 NoPck
    0x0EF	SCCraftItemUnlock
    0x0F0	ItemLookChanged
    0x0F1	SCLootableState
    0x0F2	SCUnitLootingState
    0x0F3	SCLootBagData
    0x0F4	SCLootItemTook
    0x0F5	SCLootItemFailed
    0x0F6	SCLootDice
    0x0F7	SCLootDiceNotify
    0x0F8	SCLootDiceSummary
    0x0F9	SCExpChanged
    0x0FA	SCAbilityExpChanged
    0x0FB	SCRecoverableExp
    0x0FC	SCMileageChanged
    0x0FD	LevelChanged
    0x0FE	UnitModelPostureChanged
    0x0FF	 NoPck
    0x100	SCSkillLearned
    0x101	SCSkillUpgraded
    0x102	SCBuffLearned
    0x103	SCSkillsReset
    0x104	SCAbilitySwapped
    0x105	ErrorMsg
    0x106	 NoPck
    0x107	DoodadCreated
    0x108	DoodadRemoved
    0x109	DoodadChanged
    0x10A	SCDoodadPhaseChanged
    0x10B	SCDoodadPuzzleScene
    0x10C	SCDoodadQuestAccept
    0x10D	SCDoodadsCreated
    0x10E	SCDoodadsRemoved
    0x10F	SCDoodadOriginator
    0x110	SCMailFailed
    0x111	SCCountUnreadMail
    0x112	SCMailSent
    0x113	SCGotMail
    0x114	SCMailList
    0x115	SCMailListEnd
    0x116	SCMailBody
    0x117	SCMailReceiverOpened
    0x118	SCAttachmentTaken
    0x119	SCChargeMoneyPaid
    0x11A	SCMailDeleted
    0x11B	SCSpamReported
    0x11C	SCMailReturned
    0x11D	SCMailStatusUpdated
    0x11E	SCMailRemoved
    0x11F	SCMineAmount
    0x120	SCNewMate
    0x121	SCMateSpawned
    0x122	SCMateEquipmentChanged
    0x123	SCMateEquipmentExpired
    0x124	 NoPck
    0x125	 NoPck
    0x126	SCEmotionExpressed
    0x127	SCSoldItemList
    0x128	SCActionSlots
    0x129	SCAuctionPosted
    0x12A	SCAuctionSearched
    0x12B	SCAuctionLowestPrice
    0x12C	SCAuctionBid
    0x12D	SCAuctionCanceled
    0x12E	SCAuctionMessage
    0x12F	SCDiceValue
    0x130	SCNpcSpawner
    0x131	SCActability
    0x132	SCHung
    0x133	SCUnhung
    0x134	SCBondDoodad
    0x135	SCUnbondDoodad
    0x136	SCPlaySequence
    0x137	SCGimmicksCreated
    0x138	SCGimmicksRemoved
    0x139	SCGimmickMovement
    0x13A	SCGimmickJointsBroken
    0x13B	SCGimmickResetJoints
    0x13C	SCGimmickGrasped
    0x13D	SCWorldRayCastingResult
    0x13E	SCWorldAimPoint
    0x13F	SCWorldAABB
    0x140	SCQuestContextFailed
    0x141	SCQuestContextStarted
    0x142	SCQuestUnitReqFailed
    0x143	SCQuestContextUpdated
    0x144	CSQuestAcceptConditional
    0x145	SCQuestContextCompleted
    0x146	SCQuestContextReset
    0x147	SCDoodadCompleteQuest
    0x148	SCQuestRewardedByMail
    0x149	SCQuestList
    0x14A	SCQuestMailSent
    0x14B	SCScheduleItemSent
    0x14C	SCSoundAreaEvent
    0x14D	SCAreaChatBubble
    0x14E	SCChatBubble
    0x14F	SCAreaTeamMessage
    0x150	SCDoodadSound
    0x151	SCDoodadPhaseMsg
    0x152	SCDoodadUccString
    0x153	 NoPck
    0x154	SCDoodadUccData
    0x155	SCUccCharacterNameLoaded
    0x156	SCNaviTeleport
    0x157	SCItemUccDataChanged
    0x158	SCCanStartTrade
    0x159	SCCannotStartTrade
    0x15A	SCTradeStarted
    0x15B	SCTradeCanceled
    0x15C	SCTradeItemPutup
    0x15D	SCOtherTradeItemPutup
    0x15E	SCTradeMoneyPutup
    0x15F	SCOtherTradeMoneyPutup
    0x160	SCTradeItemTookdown
    0x161	SCOtherTradeItemTookdown
    0x162	SCTradeOkUpdate
    0x163	SCTradeLockUpdate
    0x164	SCTradeMade
    0x165	SCTowerDefList
    0x166	SCTowerDefStart
    0x167	SCTowerDefEnd
    0x168	SCTowerDefWaveStart
    0x169	SCCrimeChanged
    0x16A	SCCriminalArrested
    0x16B	SCAskImprisonOrTrial
    0x16C	SCInviteJury
    0x16D	SCSummonJury
    0x16E	SCJuryBeSeated
    0x16F	SCSummonDefendant
    0x170	SCCrimeData
    0x171	SCCrimeRecords
    0x172	SCChangeTrialState
    0x173	SCChangeJuryOKCount
    0x174	SCChangeJuryVerdictCount
    0x175	SCTrialWaitStatus
    0x176	SCJuryWaitStatus
    0x177	SCRulingStatus
    0x178	SCRulingClosed
    0x179	SCTrialAudienceJoined
    0x17A	SCTrialAudienceLeft
    0x17B	SCTrialInfo
    0x17C	SCJuryWaitingNumber
    0x17D	SCTrialCancled
    0x17E	SCBotSuspectReported
    0x17F	SCBotSuspectArrested
    0x180	SCUnderWater
    0x181	SCCharacterGamePoints
    0x182	SCGamePointChanged
    0x183	SCJuryPointChanged
    0x184	SCAppliedToInstantGame
    0x185	SCCancelInstantGame
    0x186	SCInstantGameState
    0x187	SCInviteToInstantGame
    0x188	SCInstantGameInviteTimeout
    0x189	SCInstantGameJoined
    0x18A	SCInstantGameStart
    0x18B	SCInstantGameEnd
    0x18C	SCInstantGameAddPoint
    0x18D	SCInstantGameKill
    0x18E	SCInstantGameKillstreak
    0x18F	SCLoadInstance
    0x190	SCProcessingInstance
    0x191	SCGmCommand
    0x192	SCGmDumpInventory
    0x193	SCGmDumpEquipment
    0x194	SCGmDumpQuests
    0x195	SCGmDumpCompletedQuests
    0x196	SCGmDumpNpc
    0x197	SCKicked
    0x198	SCAccountWarned
    0x199	SCAboxTeleport
    0x19A	SCDelayedTaskOnInGameNotify
    0x19B	SCAppellations
    0x19C	SCAppellationGained
    0x19D	SCAppellationChanged
    0x19E	SCTutorialSaved
    0x19F	SCEmblemUploaded
    0x1A0	SCEmblemDownloaded
    0x1A1	SCShipyardState
    0x1A2	SCSlaveState
    0x1A3	SCMateState
    0x1A4	SCDumpCombatInfo
    0x1A5	SCUccCheckec
    0x1A6	SCShowQuestArea
    0x1A7	SCShowCommonFarm
    0x1A8	SCResponseCommonFarmList
    0x1A9	SCTelescopeToggled
    0x1AA	SCTelescopeUnits
    0x1AB	SCTransferTelescopeToggled
    0x1AC	SCTransferTelescopeUnits
    0x1AD	SCSchoolOfFishFinderToggled
    0x1AE	SCSchoolOfFishDoodads
    0x1AF	SCShowDemoModeUi
    0x1B0	SCDemoCharResetItem
    0x1B1	SCDemoCharResetLoc
    0x1B2	SCDemoResetActionSlot
    0x1B3	SCSetBreath
    0x1B4	SCAggroTargetChanged
    0x1B5	SCDoodadReqBattleField
    0x1B6	SCCraftFailed
    0x1B7	SCExpertLimitModified
    0x1B8	SCExpertExpanded
    0x1B9	SCAccountInfo
    0x1BA	SCAiDebug
    0x1BB	SCAiAggro
    0x1BC	SCHSRequest
    0x1BD	SCHGRequest
    0x1BE	SCUnitLocation
    0x1BF	SCRestrictInfo
    0x1C0	SCIsUnitInFarm
    0x1C1	SCResponseUIData
    0x1C2	SCUnitVisualOptions
    0x1C3	SCNotifyUIMessage
    0x1C4	SCRefreshInCharacterList
    0x1C5	SCResultRestrictCheck
    0x1C6	SCICSMenuList
    0x1C7	SCICSGoodList
    0x1C8	SCICSGoodDetail
    0x1C9	SCICSCheckTime
    0x1CA	SCICSBuyResult
    0x1CB	SCICSSyncGood
    0x1CC	 NoPck
    0x1CD	SCICSCashPoint
    0x1CE	SCICSExchangeRatio
    0x1CF	SCPremiumServiceList
    0x1D0	SCBountyList
    0x1D1	SCSetBountyPermitted
    0x1D2	SCSetBountyDone
    0x1D3	SCBountyPaid
    0x1D4	SCInvitationCanceled
    0x1D5	SCPlaySound
    0x1D6	SCSendUserMusic
    0x1D7	SCUserNoteLoaded
    0x1D8	SCPauseUserMusic
    0x1D9	SCGetSlotCount
    0x1DA	SCSecondPassSetted
    0x1DB	SCSecondPassKeyTables
    0x1DC	SCSecondPassChanged
    0x1DD	SCSecondPassChecked
    0x1DE	SCSecondPassCleared
    0x1DF	SCSecondPassCheckOverFailed
    0x1E0	SCSecondPassAccountLocked
    0x1E1	SCSecondPassCreated
    0x1E2	SCScheduleItemUpdate
    0x1E3	SCScheduledEventStarted
    0x1E4	SCScheduledEventEnded
    0x1E5	SCMouldList
    0x1E6	SCMouldAsked
    0x1E7	SCMouldTaken
    0x1E8	SCToggleBeautyshopResponse
    0x1E9	 NoPck
    0x1EA	SCCharacterGenderAndModelModified
    0x1EB	SCSpecialtyCurrent
    0x1EC	SCUnitIdleStatus
    0x1ED	SCRaceCond
    0x1EE	SCRacing
    0x1EF	SCRacingResult
    0x1F0	SCRankRewardMail
    0x1F1	SCRankCharacter
    0x1F2	SCRankSnapshot
    0x1F3	SCUpdatePremiumPoint
    0x1F4	SCPremiumPointChanged
    0x1F5	SCUnitGmModeChanged
    0x1F6	SCUnitPvPPointsChanged
    Please contribute!
    Last edited by rickrubin; 08-06-2014 at 11:51 AM.

  4. #4
    goodi123's Avatar Private
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    Did you found anything useful by know? Maybe we can search together (PM?)

  5. #5
    qcrist's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by rickrubin View Post
    Here is some more info about the packets. Please help contribute.

    Sprint (Not Encrypted)
    25 00 DD 01 ## ## AF 00 00 {player} 0A 4A 20 00 {player} B8 00 00 00 73 0A 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14
    Sprint (Encrypted)
    Stop Sprinting (Not Encrypted)
    0D 00 DD 01 ## ## B0 00 {player} B8 00 00 00
    Stop Sprinting (Encrypted)
    I have included what the unencrypted/crypted packets look like so someone can try and help with decrypting everything.

    The first two bytes are the length of the packet message from client. You will need to split up the packets by this.
    The DD means server to client. 00 here would mean client to server from what i've found.
    The 01 means unencrypted and 05 means encrypted. (I think 02,03,04 are for crest info etc)
    The ##'s are a sequence number I think. They are always changing.
    Next comes the opcode (ie: 0x0AF SCBuffCreated), see full list below
    Later on there is 3 bytes for player id.

    0x000	 EnterWorldResponse
    0x001	SCReconnectAuth
    0x002	SCPrepareLeaveWorld
    0x003	SCLeaveWorldGranted
    0x004	SCLeaveWorldCanceled
    0x005	SCWorldQueue
    0x006	SCInitialConfig
    0x007	FactionList
    0x008	FactionRelationList
    0x009	 NoPck
    0x00A	SCExpeditionRolePolicyList
    0x00B	SCExpeditionRolePolicyChanged
    0x00C	SCExpeditionRoleChanged
    0x00D	SCExpeditionOwnerChanged
    0x00E	SCExpeditionShowRenameUI
    0x00F	SCFactionRenamed
    0x010	SCFactionRetryRename
    0x011	SCFactionCreated
    0x012	SCExpeditionSponsorChanged	
    0x013	SCExpeditionDismissed
    0x014	SCExpeditionMemberList
    0x015	SCExpeditionMemberStatusChanged
    0x016	SCFactionOwnerChanged
    0x017	SCFactionSetRelationState
    0x018	SCExpeditionInvitation
    0x019	UnitFactionChanged
    0x01A	UnitExpeditionChanged
    0x01B	SCDominionData
    0x01C	SCDominionDeleted
    0x01D	SCDominionOwnerChanged
    0x01E	SCDominionTaxRate
    0x01F	SCNationalTaxRate
    0x020	SCNationalMonumentChanged
    0x021	SCDominionTaxBalanced
    0x022	SCFactionIndependence
    0x023	SCFactionImmigrateInvite
    0x024	SCFactionImmigrateInviteResult
    0x025	SCFactionImmigrateToOriginResult
    0x026	SCFactionKickToOriginResult
    0x027	SCFactionDeclareHostileResult
    0x028	SCFactionRelationExpired
    0x029	SCFamilyInvitation
    0x02A	SCFamilyCreated
    0x02B	SCFamilyRemoved
    0x02C	SCFamilyDesc
    0x02D	SCFamilyMemberAdded
    0x02E	SCFamilyMemberRemoved
    0x02F	SCFamilyOwnerChanged
    0x030	SCFamilyTitleChanged
    0x031	SCFamilyMemberNameChanged
    0x032	SCFamilyTitle
    0x033	SCFamilyMemberOnline
    0x034	CreateCharacterResponse
    0x035	DeleteCharacterResponse
    0x036	SCEditCharacterResponse
    0x037	SCCharacterDeleted
    0x038	CancelCharacterDeleteResponse
    0x039	CharacterCreationFailed
    0x03A	CharacterList
    0x03B	SCRaceCongestion
    0x03C	CharacterState
    0x03D	SCNotifyResurrection
    0x03E	CharacterResurrected
    0x03F	SCForceAttackSet
    0x040	 NoPck
    0x041	SCCharacterLaborPowerChanged
    0x042	SCBmPoint
    0x043	SCAddActionPoint
    0x044	SCLpManaged
    0x045	SCCharacterBound
    0x046	SCCooldowns
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    0x052	SCDeleteBlockedUser
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    0x054	SCCharBrief
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    0x056	SCCharacterRenamed
    0x057	SCCharacterPortals
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    0x05E	SCSlaveRemoved
    0x05F	SCSlaveDespawn
    0x060	SCSlaveBound
    0x061	 NoPck
    0x062	SCMySlave
    0x063	SCEscapeSlave
    0x064	SCSlaveEquipmentChanged
    0x065	UnitState
    0x066	SCUnitsRemoved
    0x067	SCUnitMovements
    0x068	SCOneUnitMovement
    0x069	SCSkillControllerState
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    0x06E	SCTeleportUnit
    0x06F	SCBlinkUnit
    0x070	SCKnockBackUnit
    0x071	 NoPck
    0x072	UnitAttached
    0x073	UnitDetached
    0x074	SCUnitInvisible
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    0x076	SCUnitFlyingStateChanged
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    0x082	SCCombatCleared
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    0x084	SCFvFCombatRelationship
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    0x08D	SCItemTaskNotify
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    0x091	SCUnitEquipmentIds
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    0x097	SCSpecialtyRecords
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    0x09D	SkillEnded
    0x09E	SkillStopped
    0x09F	SCCastingStopped
    0x0A0	SCCastingDelayed
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    0x0A2	UnitHealed
    0x0A3	SCUnitTracked
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    0x0A6	 NoPck
    0x0A7	SCSkillCooldownReset
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    0x0A9	SCPlotEnded
    0x0AA	SCPlotProcessingTime
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    0x0AC	SCPlotChannelingStopped
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    0x0BB	SCMyHouseRemoved
    0x0BC	SCHouseFarm
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    0x0BF	SCHousingRecoverToggle
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    0x0C2	SCHouseResetForSale
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    0x0C8	SCNpcChatMessage
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    0x0CC	SCChatSpamDelay
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    0x0CE	SCAskToJoinTeamArea
    0x0CF	SCJoinedTeam
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    0x0D4	SCTeamMemberLeaved
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    0x0D8	SCTeamMemberRoleChanged
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    0x0DA	SCTeamMemberMoved
    0x0DB	 NoPck
    0x0DC	SCTeamLootingRuleChanged
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    0x0E1	SCTeamPingPos
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    0x0E4	SCSiegeDeclared
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    0x0E6	SCSiegeMember
    0x0E7	SCSiegeAlert
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    0x0E9	SCConflictZoneHonorPointSum
    0x0EA	TimeOfDay
    0x0EB	DetailedTimeOfDay
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    0x0ED	SCCompletedQuests
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    0x0EF	SCCraftItemUnlock
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    0x0F2	SCUnitLootingState
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    0x0F5	SCLootItemFailed
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    0x0FA	SCAbilityExpChanged
    0x0FB	SCRecoverableExp
    0x0FC	SCMileageChanged
    0x0FD	LevelChanged
    0x0FE	UnitModelPostureChanged
    0x0FF	 NoPck
    0x100	SCSkillLearned
    0x101	SCSkillUpgraded
    0x102	SCBuffLearned
    0x103	SCSkillsReset
    0x104	SCAbilitySwapped
    0x105	ErrorMsg
    0x106	 NoPck
    0x107	DoodadCreated
    0x108	DoodadRemoved
    0x109	DoodadChanged
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    0x10B	SCDoodadPuzzleScene
    0x10C	SCDoodadQuestAccept
    0x10D	SCDoodadsCreated
    0x10E	SCDoodadsRemoved
    0x10F	SCDoodadOriginator
    0x110	SCMailFailed
    0x111	SCCountUnreadMail
    0x112	SCMailSent
    0x113	SCGotMail
    0x114	SCMailList
    0x115	SCMailListEnd
    0x116	SCMailBody
    0x117	SCMailReceiverOpened
    0x118	SCAttachmentTaken
    0x119	SCChargeMoneyPaid
    0x11A	SCMailDeleted
    0x11B	SCSpamReported
    0x11C	SCMailReturned
    0x11D	SCMailStatusUpdated
    0x11E	SCMailRemoved
    0x11F	SCMineAmount
    0x120	SCNewMate
    0x121	SCMateSpawned
    0x122	SCMateEquipmentChanged
    0x123	SCMateEquipmentExpired
    0x124	 NoPck
    0x125	 NoPck
    0x126	SCEmotionExpressed
    0x127	SCSoldItemList
    0x128	SCActionSlots
    0x129	SCAuctionPosted
    0x12A	SCAuctionSearched
    0x12B	SCAuctionLowestPrice
    0x12C	SCAuctionBid
    0x12D	SCAuctionCanceled
    0x12E	SCAuctionMessage
    0x12F	SCDiceValue
    0x130	SCNpcSpawner
    0x131	SCActability
    0x132	SCHung
    0x133	SCUnhung
    0x134	SCBondDoodad
    0x135	SCUnbondDoodad
    0x136	SCPlaySequence
    0x137	SCGimmicksCreated
    0x138	SCGimmicksRemoved
    0x139	SCGimmickMovement
    0x13A	SCGimmickJointsBroken
    0x13B	SCGimmickResetJoints
    0x13C	SCGimmickGrasped
    0x13D	SCWorldRayCastingResult
    0x13E	SCWorldAimPoint
    0x13F	SCWorldAABB
    0x140	SCQuestContextFailed
    0x141	SCQuestContextStarted
    0x142	SCQuestUnitReqFailed
    0x143	SCQuestContextUpdated
    0x144	CSQuestAcceptConditional
    0x145	SCQuestContextCompleted
    0x146	SCQuestContextReset
    0x147	SCDoodadCompleteQuest
    0x148	SCQuestRewardedByMail
    0x149	SCQuestList
    0x14A	SCQuestMailSent
    0x14B	SCScheduleItemSent
    0x14C	SCSoundAreaEvent
    0x14D	SCAreaChatBubble
    0x14E	SCChatBubble
    0x14F	SCAreaTeamMessage
    0x150	SCDoodadSound
    0x151	SCDoodadPhaseMsg
    0x152	SCDoodadUccString
    0x153	 NoPck
    0x154	SCDoodadUccData
    0x155	SCUccCharacterNameLoaded
    0x156	SCNaviTeleport
    0x157	SCItemUccDataChanged
    0x158	SCCanStartTrade
    0x159	SCCannotStartTrade
    0x15A	SCTradeStarted
    0x15B	SCTradeCanceled
    0x15C	SCTradeItemPutup
    0x15D	SCOtherTradeItemPutup
    0x15E	SCTradeMoneyPutup
    0x15F	SCOtherTradeMoneyPutup
    0x160	SCTradeItemTookdown
    0x161	SCOtherTradeItemTookdown
    0x162	SCTradeOkUpdate
    0x163	SCTradeLockUpdate
    0x164	SCTradeMade
    0x165	SCTowerDefList
    0x166	SCTowerDefStart
    0x167	SCTowerDefEnd
    0x168	SCTowerDefWaveStart
    0x169	SCCrimeChanged
    0x16A	SCCriminalArrested
    0x16B	SCAskImprisonOrTrial
    0x16C	SCInviteJury
    0x16D	SCSummonJury
    0x16E	SCJuryBeSeated
    0x16F	SCSummonDefendant
    0x170	SCCrimeData
    0x171	SCCrimeRecords
    0x172	SCChangeTrialState
    0x173	SCChangeJuryOKCount
    0x174	SCChangeJuryVerdictCount
    0x175	SCTrialWaitStatus
    0x176	SCJuryWaitStatus
    0x177	SCRulingStatus
    0x178	SCRulingClosed
    0x179	SCTrialAudienceJoined
    0x17A	SCTrialAudienceLeft
    0x17B	SCTrialInfo
    0x17C	SCJuryWaitingNumber
    0x17D	SCTrialCancled
    0x17E	SCBotSuspectReported
    0x17F	SCBotSuspectArrested
    0x180	SCUnderWater
    0x181	SCCharacterGamePoints
    0x182	SCGamePointChanged
    0x183	SCJuryPointChanged
    0x184	SCAppliedToInstantGame
    0x185	SCCancelInstantGame
    0x186	SCInstantGameState
    0x187	SCInviteToInstantGame
    0x188	SCInstantGameInviteTimeout
    0x189	SCInstantGameJoined
    0x18A	SCInstantGameStart
    0x18B	SCInstantGameEnd
    0x18C	SCInstantGameAddPoint
    0x18D	SCInstantGameKill
    0x18E	SCInstantGameKillstreak
    0x18F	SCLoadInstance
    0x190	SCProcessingInstance
    0x191	SCGmCommand
    0x192	SCGmDumpInventory
    0x193	SCGmDumpEquipment
    0x194	SCGmDumpQuests
    0x195	SCGmDumpCompletedQuests
    0x196	SCGmDumpNpc
    0x197	SCKicked
    0x198	SCAccountWarned
    0x199	SCAboxTeleport
    0x19A	SCDelayedTaskOnInGameNotify
    0x19B	SCAppellations
    0x19C	SCAppellationGained
    0x19D	SCAppellationChanged
    0x19E	SCTutorialSaved
    0x19F	SCEmblemUploaded
    0x1A0	SCEmblemDownloaded
    0x1A1	SCShipyardState
    0x1A2	SCSlaveState
    0x1A3	SCMateState
    0x1A4	SCDumpCombatInfo
    0x1A5	SCUccCheckec
    0x1A6	SCShowQuestArea
    0x1A7	SCShowCommonFarm
    0x1A8	SCResponseCommonFarmList
    0x1A9	SCTelescopeToggled
    0x1AA	SCTelescopeUnits
    0x1AB	SCTransferTelescopeToggled
    0x1AC	SCTransferTelescopeUnits
    0x1AD	SCSchoolOfFishFinderToggled
    0x1AE	SCSchoolOfFishDoodads
    0x1AF	SCShowDemoModeUi
    0x1B0	SCDemoCharResetItem
    0x1B1	SCDemoCharResetLoc
    0x1B2	SCDemoResetActionSlot
    0x1B3	SCSetBreath
    0x1B4	SCAggroTargetChanged
    0x1B5	SCDoodadReqBattleField
    0x1B6	SCCraftFailed
    0x1B7	SCExpertLimitModified
    0x1B8	SCExpertExpanded
    0x1B9	SCAccountInfo
    0x1BA	SCAiDebug
    0x1BB	SCAiAggro
    0x1BC	SCHSRequest
    0x1BD	SCHGRequest
    0x1BE	SCUnitLocation
    0x1BF	SCRestrictInfo
    0x1C0	SCIsUnitInFarm
    0x1C1	SCResponseUIData
    0x1C2	SCUnitVisualOptions
    0x1C3	SCNotifyUIMessage
    0x1C4	SCRefreshInCharacterList
    0x1C5	SCResultRestrictCheck
    0x1C6	SCICSMenuList
    0x1C7	SCICSGoodList
    0x1C8	SCICSGoodDetail
    0x1C9	SCICSCheckTime
    0x1CA	SCICSBuyResult
    0x1CB	SCICSSyncGood
    0x1CC	 NoPck
    0x1CD	SCICSCashPoint
    0x1CE	SCICSExchangeRatio
    0x1CF	SCPremiumServiceList
    0x1D0	SCBountyList
    0x1D1	SCSetBountyPermitted
    0x1D2	SCSetBountyDone
    0x1D3	SCBountyPaid
    0x1D4	SCInvitationCanceled
    0x1D5	SCPlaySound
    0x1D6	SCSendUserMusic
    0x1D7	SCUserNoteLoaded
    0x1D8	SCPauseUserMusic
    0x1D9	SCGetSlotCount
    0x1DA	SCSecondPassSetted
    0x1DB	SCSecondPassKeyTables
    0x1DC	SCSecondPassChanged
    0x1DD	SCSecondPassChecked
    0x1DE	SCSecondPassCleared
    0x1DF	SCSecondPassCheckOverFailed
    0x1E0	SCSecondPassAccountLocked
    0x1E1	SCSecondPassCreated
    0x1E2	SCScheduleItemUpdate
    0x1E3	SCScheduledEventStarted
    0x1E4	SCScheduledEventEnded
    0x1E5	SCMouldList
    0x1E6	SCMouldAsked
    0x1E7	SCMouldTaken
    0x1E8	SCToggleBeautyshopResponse
    0x1E9	 NoPck
    0x1EA	SCCharacterGenderAndModelModified
    0x1EB	SCSpecialtyCurrent
    0x1EC	SCUnitIdleStatus
    0x1ED	SCRaceCond
    0x1EE	SCRacing
    0x1EF	SCRacingResult
    0x1F0	SCRankRewardMail
    0x1F1	SCRankCharacter
    0x1F2	SCRankSnapshot
    0x1F3	SCUpdatePremiumPoint
    0x1F4	SCPremiumPointChanged
    0x1F5	SCUnitGmModeChanged
    0x1F6	SCUnitPvPPointsChanged
    Please contribute!
    Have you had any luck with this?

  6. #6
    Silverdraco's Avatar Member
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    Who is still attempting this stuff? PM me.

  7. #7
    zius's Avatar Member
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    i would like to contribute to this ,its why i registered but im a little newbie so i hope you don't mind answering me , what file does AA store its packet data?
    here is something a found you might find it useful
    Last edited by zius; 04-21-2015 at 03:15 PM.

  8. #8
    Silverdraco's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by zius View Post
    i would like to contribute to this ,its why i registered but im a little newbie so i hope you don't mind answering me , what file does AA store its packet data?
    here is something a found you might find it useful
    This is interesting, where did you find it?
    I'm not aware of any packet data being stored. I wrote a program to intercept and show me the packets in real time and am able to inject packets so far.

    Wanna pm me your Skype?

  9. #9
    zius's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Silverdraco View Post
    This is interesting, where did you find it?
    I'm not aware of any packet data being stored. I wrote a program to intercept and show me the packets in real time and am able to inject packets so far.

    Wanna pm me your Skype?
    i found it while i was googling about AA packet, i have a little experience with older online game called silkroad , usually these type of games store all the data in compressed files
    in custom extensions like bin and they encrypt them , so in AA that file would be game_pak , logically there will be a file for each packet category for example skills ,buffs etc..
    the packet will be encrypted but the idea is to know which packet do what, as for the decryption part it needs somenoe good at reverse engineering most of what you will be looking for will be in the launcher or the game exe and perhaps some dll files ,already found a script to unpack game_pak using quickbms but i don't have enough disk space to unpack it, you can find these scripts and how to unpack the pak files on mod fourms here is the script i testes and how to use it
    pm me your skype name , but im busy now working one a project and learning new stuff but we could play around with the game and see what happens

  10. #10
    Silverdraco's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by zius View Post
    i found it while i was googling about AA packet, i have a little experience with older online game called silkroad , usually these type of games store all the data in compressed files
    in custom extensions like bin and they encrypt them , so in AA that file would be game_pak , logically there will be a file for each packet category for example skills ,buffs etc..
    the packet will be encrypted but the idea is to know which packet do what, as for the decryption part it needs somenoe good at reverse engineering most of what you will be looking for will be in the launcher or the game exe and perhaps some dll files ,already found a script to unpack game_pak using quickbms but i don't have enough disk space to unpack it, you can find these scripts and how to unpack the pak files on mod fourms here is the script i testes and how to use it
    pm me your skype name , but im busy now working one a project and learning new stuff but we could play around with the game and see what happens
    You can do some fun stuff editing game files, but that's completely unnecessary and also very limited =) By packets I'm talking of network packets. Data sent between client and server. This isn't stored anywhere locally, it's a steady stream of information to do certain things in the game/server. Like when you open a mail, your client requests the information from that mail from the server by sending something like "player [PLAYERID] is requesting data from mail [MAILID]", and the server will respond with a long packet detailing the title, content, attached items and gold.

    I sent you my contact details

  11. #11
    Albert Ellis's Avatar Member
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    Very interested in working on this project, please PM me.

  12. #12
    smurffarm's Avatar Member
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    Me too, PM me.

  13. #13
    Albert Ellis's Avatar Member
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    Rickrubin, I have started the process of modding ArcheAge. Although the GUI is limited it is nice to enable buttons and send commands to the server. There are boolean values that are checked by the client. It is true that you can send these commands directly through the network packets and bypass the game client all together. I feel that the strongest mods are those that handle both the client and the network. I have downloaded VFArche and noticed that it does use a Microsoft visual studio build extension. I am in the process of recompiling it.

    I do believe that they are using some sort of enigma like scheme between the client and server, switching the keys so that you have to keep up with the meanings. My idea is to simply play the game and capture the packets in log files. Each command that I press will be logged along with the corresponding network packets. The basic idea is to compile a lexicon of keys and meanings. I believe there is a fixed set, just enough to frustrate the casual hacker. Once I determine the total set of keys say 256 of them (just a guess) all that is needed is a basic look up table like the one you provided for each key.

    Here are my notes and useful links so far.

    ArcheAge is source code stored in a game_pak file in the following directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Glyph\Games\ArcheAge\Live

    The first step is to un-compress the files and fix them so that they are in readable format. You then make your modifications and repack them using quickbms.

    Links on Modding game_pak files:
    w w o m/watch?v=Xbu4hGD3J2M
    w w w.ownedcore.c o m/forums/mmo/archeage/495039-alb-files.html


    Working Example Mod

    Example on how to use unluac.jar to read the files for modification:

    java -jar unluac.jar "C:\Program Files (x86)\Glyph\Games\ArcheAge\Live\game\scriptsbin\x2ui\ucc.alb" > "C:\Program Files (x86)\Glyph\Games\ArcheAge\Live\game\scriptsbin\x2ui\ucc_read.alb"

    Please PM me if you wish to share in what I learn.

  14. #14
    Albert Ellis's Avatar Member
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    Successfully compiled VFArche with the community version of Visual Studio. Its very sophisticated. I ran it and it failed while trying to connect to mysql. Downloading Mysql and installing it. I think I will start a separate VFArche thread. It appears to have the starting of a total client emulator.

  15. #15
    pisanbon's Avatar Member
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    VFArche has nothing inside just a login server and thats all .. did anyone managed to get past decryption am working on it and still couldn't decrypt packets

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