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    prrovoss's Avatar Contributor
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    Comprehensive Troubleshoot

    If you have problems getting TurboHUD up and running and are about to create a thread on the forum, read this.
    Most of the general issues can be resolved if you follow these rules precisely:

    1. Make sure that you extracted the THUD archive into an EMPTY folder. Empty means empty: no files, no folders whatsover
    2. Make sure to run THUD at least once without any modifications or user plugins. This way we can make sure that this issue isnt caused by any non-default modifications
    3. Run THUD with admin rights
    4. Run D3 in 32-Bit mode
    5. Run D3 in windowed or fullscreen-windowed mode
    6. Make sure that your antivirus software is NOT interfering with THUD. Whitelist the THUD directory and check if your antivirus software has deleted any of THUDs files. (Further reading for the interested: [HOW TO] Solve your antivirus problems)
    7. IF you are on Windows 7, make sure you have the Windows 7 Service Pack 1 and the Platform Update for Windows 7 installed
    8. Make sure that you have one of the latest .Net Frameworks installed: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1
    9. If none of the above points could help you, read the second post in this thread here. It gives you a more in-detail explanation and solutions for many of the more specific issues.

    If you see black circles on your screen while THUD is running, read this thread:
    [HOW TO] Transparency problems

    If you did everything described here and still have get exceptions or have issues installing the Windows updates, read this:
    [HOW TO] Solve DirectX overlay issue

    In case you still can not get THUD to work properly, feel free to ask for help in the support forum
    But please try to follow this guideline when you report an error:

    1. See if you have an exceptions.txt in your log folder in the THUD directory. If so, provide the content of this file when you report your issue
    2. If possible provide a screenshot of your THUD directory. This isnt necessary in the most cases but might help with some rare issues
    Last edited by prrovoss; 04-05-2017 at 02:01 PM.

    Comprehensive Troubleshoot
  2. Thanks JackCeparou, RealGsus (2 members gave Thanks to prrovoss for this useful post)
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    Stormreaver's Avatar Contributor
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    Post by StormReaver on Apr 23, 2015 13:54:16 GMT

    I compiled a comprehensive support thread to help troubleshoot most problems you run into when using TurboHUD.
    For all those who keep asking the same questions over and over again, PLEASE read this post first!!

    This list covers issues like:

    (I) TurboHUD files getting deleted
    (II) TurboHUD does not work
    (III) TurboHUD exception errors
    (IV) Black screens and black circles
    (V) TurboMGR does not work
    (VI) FPS drops or stutters
    (VII) General tips!

    >> RULE 1: The first and foremost warning:
    DO NOT use any TurboHUD files or binary downloads UNLESS they are from this very website: Ownedcore D3 Turbohud.

    >> New releases are posted here: Ownedcore Turbohud Releases. Always download the latest stable version.

    >> When working with language files like .cs or .xml files, it is important to use a proper editor. I highly recommend Notepad++, a free program with great features.

    (I) TurboHUD Files Get Deleted

    This is an Antivirus Issue:

    Many people seem to have a problem with TurboHUD files getting deleted when they download the program or when they try to run it. This is caused by security software on their machines - Antivirus, Firewall programs or Internet Security Suites - which mistakingly identify TurboHUD as a malicious program. This is simply a false-positive report by the security software due to obfuscation methods used in TurboHUD. TurboHUD is SAFE (refer to Rule 1).

    Disabling or closing Antivirus or Firewall programs does not really turn them off in most cases, as they normally still have services running in the background.

    A whitelist or exception list is a feature in your AV software. Files or folders placed on those lists will be considered as safe by your AV, which allows them to run properly. Consult your particular AV software documentation (or Google) on how to do this.


    You need to whitelist TurboHUD:

    - You can put the whole TurboHUD folder on your Antivirus' or Firewall's whitelist or exception list.
    - If that does not work, then you need to put the TurboHUD.exe file on that list.
    - Some AV programs also have multiple whitelists for different modules or components, so you may need to whitelist TurboHUD in each of them.
    - You can also send the false-positive report to your AV developers so that they can update their next virus definitions.

    Here is a picture of all TurboHUD's default files and folders that should be in its installation directory (as per the downloaded zip file). Make sure you have all those; if you are missing any, then your AV has deleted them.

    > Here is a post from KillerJohn, the TurboHUD developer, on the Antivirus issue:

    Hi all!

    As you probably already know, antivirus systems does not like obfuscated .exe files.

    Q: What obfuscated means?
    A: It is the protection how I hide HUD's source code from shady eyes.

    Q: Which obfuscator do you use?
    A: ConfuserEx

    Q: How do you know ConfuserEx does not add a trojan to the .exe?
    A: It is opensource and I compile it myself, so it can't do that.

    Q: Any source ConfuserEx causes this?
    A: link

    Q: Why does this f*ck up antivirus software?
    A: Because it looks like something trying to hide it's real code pattern. In fact it looks like something really messed up.

    Q: Could you turn it off?
    A: No.

    Q: What can I do?
    A: You have multiple options:
    - Entirely disable your AV software. This is not recommended because it makes your system vulnerable.
    - Add TurboHUD's folder to a feature called "whitelist". Most AV software has this feature. Be aware that some of them has multiple whitelists for multiple features so be sure you added HUD to all.
    - Send a bugreport to your AV software support service, with TurboHUD.exe file, and this link to ConfuserEx
    - Pray every day, but I don't think it would solve the problem.

    > A good explanation by Vidar as to why only certain versions get flagged:

    Why does TurboHUD come up as a virus with one version and not another? I will explain why/how this can happen.

    As it was pointed out, KJ uses obfuscation to protect his program from being reverse-engineered. A good obfuscation program, for the most part, will not generate the same obfuscated code for the same program, even if none of the code has changed. This leads the internal code signatures to change every time, even for functions that don't change.

    Antivirus programs use specific signatures, especially of obfuscated code, to look for code the could be suspicious. These signatures are updated daily and do not rely on reading an entire program, just parts of it, and the match does not need to be 100% for it to trigger a warning. Antiviruses looking at any type of obfuscated code that resembles anything they have seen before will err on the side of caution and flag it because of both how obfuscation works and that it could be a variant of the virus/malware they think it's detecting. They are following the old adage "Better safe than sorry".

    When you combine these two things it's very easy to see why one version wouldn't trigger a warning, but a new version with new obfuscated code signatures would, if they possibly resemble something found in a virus or other malware.

    If you trust the source of the file -in this case KJ- then it shouldn't worry you, even with those false positives. I have personally wrote programs that when I compiled and ran, my Anti-Virus balked and told me it was suspicious and could be a virus. Considering I wrote the program, I know it wasn't a virus and it wasn't the first build and test of the program, so it meant the AV updated its signatures and something in my code triggered it. It's as simple as that.

    I hope this explanation will put you at ease of them being a false positive.

    (II) TurboHUD Does Not Work

    (1) Compatibility Issue

    Sometimes there is a compatibility issue between TurboHUD and your Operating System.


    You need to run TurboHUD with administrator privileges:

    1. Right-click Turbohud.exe.
    2. Click Properties.
    3. Click Compatibility tab.
    4. Check Run this program as an administrator.
    5. Click Change settings for all users.
    6. Check Run this program as an administrator again.
    7. Click OK, then click OK again.
    8. If the compatibility issue persists, under the Compatibility tab, try to check/uncheck the different Settings options and test if any of the options help.

    Hopefully this will fix any compatibility issues.

    (2) Dual Graphics Cards Issue

    If TurboHUD seems to work fine in the background (i.e. no errors and no exceptions log), but TurboHUD is still not visible in the game, then it could be an issue with your GFX card(s). Some computers, especially laptops, come with 2 GFX cards: an on-board/integrated card (Ex: Intel) and a dedicated card (Ex: NVIDIA/Radeon). TurboHUD normally defaults to "Auto" or to the integrated (Intel) card.

    Check if your computer has 2 GFX cards by consulting your PC documentation or searching online, or alternatively by going to:
    Start > Control Panel > System > Device Manager > Display Adapters and see if you have 2 GFX cards listed.


    If you do have 2 GFX cards, then you should try forcing TurboHUD.exe to run on the dedicated card (NVIDIA/Radeon).

    1st Method

    The easy way of doing this is:

    1. Right-click TurboHUD.exe.
    3. Choose Run with Graphics processor.
    3. Select NVIDIA processor.

    2nd Method

    If for some reason the previous method does not work or you do not have that option, then:

    1. Right-click on your Desktop.
    2. Select NVIDIA Control Panel.
    3. In the left panel, select Manage 3D Settings.
    4. In the right panel, select Program Settings tab.
    5. Check the box Show only programs found on this computer.
    6. Under section 1. Select a program to customize:, click the drop-down list and find TurboHUD.exe.
    7. If it's not there, click Add and Browse for the TurboHUD installation folder.
    8. Select TurboHUD.exe and press Open.
    9. Under section 2. Select the preferred graphics processor, click the drop-down list and select NVIDIA processor.
    10. Click Apply and close.

    PS: Sometimes you may have to do the complete opposite for TurboHUD to work! Try to force it to run on the integrated (Intel) card instead. Just keep this in mind if the dedicated card method did not work.

    PSS: If you have a Radeon GFX card, please check online how to do the switch, but the process should be similar.

    (3) Missing .NET Framework 4.5

    If TurboHUD is not working or is not visible in game, then you could be missing the proper .NET Framework 4.5, which is required by the latest TurboHUD versions.


    Please scroll down and read Section (III), (1) Missing .NET Framework 4.5.

    (4) User Issues

    There are "other" cases where TurboHUD does not seem to run or work properly, so here are some tips.


    1. Do NOT run TurboHUD directly from the compressed zip file!

    2a. Do NOT unzip TurboHUD into a protected location or folder, such as Desktop or Program Files.

    2b. Extract or Unzip TurboHUD's zip file into a directory on your drive (Ex: C:\TurboHUD) or into your Documents folder (Ex: C:\Users\John\Documents\TurboHUD).

    3. One more thing to try:
    - Go to NVIDIA Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings > Program Settings > Diablo III.exe
    - Reset settings to default.

    (5) UHD Monitor & DPI Scaling

    A user reported that TurboHUD did not work when having a UHD Monitor and a Windows DPI Scaling of over 100%.


    1. Right-click TurboHud.exe.
    2. Check the box to ignore DPI Scaling.

    (III) TurboHUD Exception Errors

    (1) Missing .NET Framework 4.5

    If TurboHUD is not visible in game and throwing a lot of exception errors, then you are missing the proper .NET Framework 4.5, which is required by the latest TurboHUD versions.


    Install .NET Framework 4.5 or .NET Framework 4.5.2 and restart your PC.

    Here are the download links:
    MS .NET Framework v4.5
    MS .NET Framework v4.5.2

    If you are not sure which .NET Frameworks are currently installed on your PC, check this link:
    How to: Determine Which .NET Framework Versions Are Installed

    Alternatively, you can check this link for a useful tool (use at your own discretion):
    4 Ways to Check MS .NET Framework Version

    If you are still having this problem, try to uninstall and then reinstall any Microsoft.NET software you currently have.

    If nothing helps, it could be a .NET related issue, such as "clr20r3", which is a common .NET problem. You can Google this error to see its many different solutions.

    (2) Multiple TurboHUDs or Damaged Files

    Some exception errors could be caused by running TurboHUD more than once.
    Damaged or corrupted TurboHUD config files are another cause.


    1. Re-download a fresh copy of the latest version of TurboHUD.
    2. Do a clean install of TurboHUD. A clean install means you use TurboHUD as is, without copying any custom files.
    3. Run TurboHUD with the default settings, i.e. without any custom files or themes.
    4. Make sure you have only ONE instance of TurboHUD running.
    5. You can check Task Manager to verify that only ONE TurboHUD.exe is active.

    (3) Exceptions Log

    If you are still getting errors, then it's best to check your TurboHUD logs inside TurboHUD\logs folder, in particular exceptions.txt and status.txt. Those are used to further troubleshoot any issues.

    Copy their contents and paste them into either PASTEBIN or HASTEBIN, and provide the given link(s) in your post.

    Note 1: If you have a long list of repeating errors in your exceptions.txt, only copy the first 20 lines or so.

    Note 2: Some "array" exception errors seem to be common and are normally harmless memory-read glitches that happen in TurboHUD once in a while.

    (IV) Black Screen & Black Circles

    This is a Transparency Issue:

    A black screen in game or black circles around the character are issues related to Windows Aero (Transparency/Desktop Composition), as can be seen in this post by KillerJohn, TurboHUD developer:

    If you have transparency issues (black circles, etc) then follow this description (posted by a user):
    Turned on aero and now work fine. Solution:
    - Type the following text into the Start Search box: Aero
    - Click on a search result listing under Control Panel group that named as the following: Find and fix problems with transparency and other visual effects
    - An Aero Troubleshoot computer problems wizard dialog will appear. Click on Next button.
    - check the transparency settings: LINK
    Another post about transparency issue from a user:
    I tried all the fixes in this thread. Eventually what I discovered is that my Windows Theme was the issue.
    I changed it from Basic to Win7 Theme and it fixed all the transparency issues (black circle while moving, blacked out mini map, etc).
    So if anyone else is in the same boat as me - try changing your windows theme under "personalize" in control panel.
    What your looking for is the annoying semi-transparent task bar and windows.
    It looks like a good way to fix most of the Aero-related problems is to run the Windows Experience Index test.

    According to a post, GTX980 owners with multiple monitors have issues with Aero support.


    Enable Aero to solve the issue.

    1. Click Start.
    2. Search for Aero.
    3. Click the Find and fix problems with transparency and other visual effects.
    4. Click Next.
    5. Follow the instructions.

    6. You can also try running the Windows Experience Index[ test.

    Advanced Steps 1:

    If the previous step did not help, try this:

    - Go to Control Panel.
    - Go to System.
    - Click Advanced System Settings (left side).
    - Click Advanced tab.
    - Click Settings (under Performance).
    - Make sure the following 3 are checked (under Visual Effects), and that custom is chosen:
    > enable Aero Peek
    > enable desktop composition
    > enable transparent glass

    Advanced Steps 2:

    If all fails, or if you still cannot enable Desktop composition, try this:

    - Click Start.
    - Search for services.
    - A window called Component Services will open up.
    - On the left panel, click Services (local).
    - Press T and look for a service called Themes.
    - Right-click it and choose Properties.
    - On the General tab, look at the option that says Startup type. Click on it and choose Automatic.
    - Look at the Service status option, and click the button that says Start.
    - Hit Apply then OK.

    - You will be back to the Services list.
    - Press D and look for a service called Desktop Windows Manager Session Manager.
    - Right-click it and choose Properties.
    - On the General tab, look at the option that says Startup type. Click on it and choose Automatic.
    - Look at the Service status option, and click the button that says Start.
    - Hit Apply then OK.

    Finally, restart your PC then see if you can now enable Desktop composition and/or your transparency issue is resolved.

    (V) TurboMGR Does Not Work

    This is a User Issue:

    There are a few steps to ensure that TurboMGR runs properly.


    1. Make sure TurboHUD is NOT running.
    2. Go to TurboHUD\Config folder.
    3. Open config.xml file.
    4. Search for tcp_server.
    5. Change enabled=0" (which comes right after it) to enabled=1".
    6. Start Diablo 3 as usual.
    7. Start TurboHUD as usual.
    8. Start TurboMGR. It will now query all data from the running TurboHUD.
    9. Make sure to log into each character once so that TurboMGR can take an initial snapshot of each character's inventory.

    PS: Do NOT touch http_server as that is NOT needed.

    (VI) FPS Drops or Stutters

    (1) FPS Drops:

    FPS problems are generally hard to troubleshoot as they can be caused by many things, some not related to TurboHUD. It could be PC hardware issues, accumulated dust and heat dissipation problems, or software drivers.

    In the case of Diablo 3 however, the game itself also has issues. The game relies heavily on the CPU, more than GPU, so systems with lower-end CPUs can suffer more. Also, many maps have bad optimization, such as Westmarsh Sewers or areas with live fire/magma effects, which can cause severe FPS lag in certain PCs, even high-end ones.

    Here are some suggestions that may help in certain situations.


    Your PC

    (1) Update your graphics card drives and other drivers, like Chipset, Audio, etc.
    (2) If you have Dual Graphics Cards, make sure the game executable itself (Diablo III.exe) is forced to be rendered by the NVIDIA processor. Check Dual Graphics Cards Issue section on how to do this.
    (3) Make sure Windows Aero (Transparency/Desktop Composition) is on. More details under section IV above.
    (4) Unpark your CPU cores, if you have a multicore CPU. Google this feature for more info. Here is a nifty free utility:]ParkControl.

    Diablo 3

    (1) Lower all game video settings to minimum, but leave Texture at High.
    (2) Try with VSync on and off, to see if it makes a difference.
    (3) Play around with Max Forground FPS and Max Background FPS. Enable and/or Disable them, or try setting them at different values like 60 @ minimum, or 120 @ maximum.
    (4) Disable game Sound and Music and see if that helps.
    (6) Alternatively, change your game Sound Channels to the lowest possible. Also change Speaker Setup to Mono.

    As a reference, this is how my D3 video options look like on my Laptop:


    (1) Disable High Framerate option in TurboHUD\config\config.xml. Change high_framerate=1" to high_framerate=0".
    (2) Disable Low Priority option in TurboHUD\Config\config.xml. Change low_priority=1" to low_priority=0".


    If you did everything suggested above without avail, the only other way to improve performance might be to buy a better PC -.-
    But before you do that, here are some links from the Internet that may prove useful for some users. Use at your own risk:

    (1) Diablo 3 Tweaks Guide - Tweak Your Config For Graphics and Performance

    (2) FPS Optimization and Troubleshooting Thread!!

    (3) Is your Diablo 3 running slow in big fights? Try these tips

    (4) FPS drops? Lag spikes? Stuttering? SOLUTION here! WORKS!


    (6) Tip from TH user: To gain a nice FPS boost, try to lower your game resolution while still in D3 Windowed or Windowed-Fullscreen mode. Normally, doing that via the game settings (or game ini files) will result in a smaller game window, which is not ideal. But since both Windowed modes use your Desktop's native display, you can lower game resolution without changing game window size by simply changing your display resolution in Windows display settings.

    (2) FPS Stutters:

    If your game stutters or freezes for a few seconds every time you gain a Paragon level, then do not worry. This is a feature included in TurboHUD called Paragon Capture, which takes a burst of screenshots of your character upon level-up and saves them in the folder TurboHUD\Capture. This may result in the FPS stutter or freeze.


    1. Go to TurboHUD\Config folder.
    2. Open config.xml file.
    3. Search for paragon_capture.
    5. Change enabled=1" (which comes right after it) to enabled=0".

    (VII) General Tips

    File Extensions Issue

    When working with TurboHUD files, for customization purposes for example, make sure your Windows file extensions are not hidden in order to avoid any issues with file naming and renaming.

    Here are some links explaining how to do that:
    - How to show or hide file name extensions in Win Explorer
    - Show or hide file name extensions

    Alt-Tab Issue

    Some people run into Alt-Tab issues when using TurboHUD, where they cannot Alt-Tab out of D3 anymore. This is generally a "focus" issue with windows/applications. Basically, D3 steals focus permanently.


    1. Go to D3 > Options > Video.
    2. Change Display from Windowed (Fullscreen) to Windowed (or vice verse depending on the original choice).
    3. Click Apply.
    3. When the game asks to Accept new options?, click Cancel.

    Focus will be restored and you should be able to Alt-Tab normally.

    Other Tips

    1. In case of any problems:
    > First, try a fresh clean install of TurboHUD's latest version.
    > Update your video drivers, DirectX, C++ Redistributable Packages and .NET Framework to their latest versions.
    > Check and share your TurboHUD exceptions.txt log file, as detailed in section III above.

    2. Make sure you run TurboHUD in Windowed or Fullscreen Windowed mode. It does NOT work in Full Screen.
    3. Make sure you have only ONE instance of TurboHUD running.
    4. Allow TurboHUD through your Windows Firewall, and any other security programs or Antivirus you have, as described above.
    5. Make sure Aero is enabled. Check section IV above for more details.
    6. Do NOT run TurboHUD dirently from the compressed zip file!
    7a. Do NOT unzip TurboHUD into a protected location or folder, such as Desktop or Program Files.
    7b. Extract or Unzip TurboHUD's zip file into a directory on your drive (Ex: C:\TurboHUD) or into your Documents folder (Ex: C:\Users\John\Documents\TurboHUD).

    Good Luck!

    - SR

  4. Thanks Gascin (1 members gave Thanks to Stormreaver for this useful post)
  5. #3
    KillerJohn's Avatar TurboHUD HUDmaster CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    nice! thanks!

  6. #4
    Stormreaver's Avatar Contributor
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    Yeah, I grabbed my good old post (along with a few others) from a cached snapshot, cleaned it all up and updated it
    Can't use [spoiler] tags though it seems in here.

  7. #5
    ignatech52's Avatar Member
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    I have the latest version of turbohud, but I get such a message: " The new version is available.jpg "
    It happened suddenly.
    Last edited by ignatech52; 10-29-2017 at 01:04 PM.

  8. #6
    ch25's Avatar Active Member
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    Which word you didn't understand?

  9. #7
    ignatech52's Avatar Member
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    Thx but I have the latest version of turbohud just now! But I get such a message: " The new version is available.jpg "
    Originally Posted by ch25 View Post
    Which word you didn't understand?
    Last edited by ignatech52; 10-29-2017 at 02:08 PM.

  10. #8
    Vern1701's Avatar Active Member
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    The latest STABLE version is
    The current patch is
    The PTR (BETA) version was disabled about 2 days ago, so we are in a holding pattern while KJ works on a new STABLE version.
    For more info, check out the 2.6.1 patch thread.

  11. Thanks ignatech52 (1 members gave Thanks to Vern1701 for this useful post)
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    BoostedLsJuan's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by KillerJohn View Post
    nice! thanks!
    Hey there John

    Just a quick question, I have a friend who uses a Mac Desktop PC running Yosemite OS 10.10.5 and after knowing I am an avid user of TurboHud they'd done a lot of inquiring as to how the Overlay works with research on the information they'd learn ingame and be able to understand more so. I have the basic plugins + some that i have adjusted to my liking and now they're seeking assistance to have the THud Overlay running on their Mac Processor - I've reached out purely as they're a 70+ year old female and unsure where to find direct and true information/support!

    Best regards,


    (My apologies if this is the incorrect thread to invade and question you on)

  13. #10
    Russlan's Avatar Member
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    Version française

    Bonjour ,

    Puis-je me permettre de vous demander comment mettre les voix de turbohud en français dans le jeu Diablo 3 car comme je ne parle pas anglais je suis obligé de me servir du logiciel de traduction SYSTRAN pour vous envoyer ce message .

    Merci pour vôtre gentillesse .

    Ps : et puis j'ai lis 2 messages sur le forum et je

    ne les vois nulle part !

    English version

    Hello , May I ask you how to put the voices of turbohud in French in the game Diablo 3 because since I do not speak English I am obliged to use the translation software SYSTRAN to send you this message

    Thank you for your kindness .

    Ps: and then I read 2 posts on the forum and I don't see them anywhere!

  14. #11
    SeaDragon's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Russlan View Post
    Version française

    Bonjour ,

    Puis-je me permettre de vous demander comment mettre les voix de turbohud en français dans le jeu Diablo 3 car comme je ne parle pas anglais je suis obligé de me servir du logiciel de traduction SYSTRAN pour vous envoyer ce message .

    Merci pour vôtre gentillesse .

    Ps : et puis j'ai lis 2 messages sur le forum et je

    ne les vois nulle part !

    English version

    Hello , May I ask you how to put the voices of turbohud in French in the game Diablo 3 because since I do not speak English I am obliged to use the translation software SYSTRAN to send you this message

    Thank you for your kindness .

    Ps: and then I read 2 posts on the forum and I don't see them anywhere!
    Save the txt file to TurboHUD\data\

  15. #12
    Russlan's Avatar Member
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    Good evening , thanks for your answer , but I had already done this maneuver! I put in this file text fr FR instead of in US but when I am in the game of Diablo 3 the voice speaks in English when I approach towers or reflection wells

    Thank you for your kindness .

  16. #13
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    Originally Posted by Russlan View Post
    Good evening , thanks for your answer , but I had already done this maneuver! I put in this file text fr FR instead of in US but when I am in the game of Diablo 3 the voice speaks in English when I approach towers or reflection wells

    Thank you for your kindness .
    Running TTS, switching languages

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