[V9.1] [INTERNATIONAL] [RNN] OtherCoeBar & MyCoeBar menu

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    [V9.1] [INTERNATIONAL] [RNN] OtherCoeBar & MyCoeBar

    Supported TurboHUD version: 9.x

    I have decided to publish in your own thread the plugin for the coe that i uploaded in another. There are 2 versions:

    1- OtherCoeBar : Coe for all players, is drawn next to the portrait.

    Download: OtherCoeBar.cs

    If you have installed . (Movable plugins system) , download this file instead of the previous one

    Installation: Place OtherCoeBar.cs in "plugins\RNN\OtherCoeBar.cs"

    Custom code (in Plugins\User\PluginEnablerOrDisablerPlugin.cs , Optional) :

    	Hud.GetPlugin<RNN.OtherCoeBar>().Enabled = true;	
    	Hud.RunOnPlugin<RNN.OtherCoeBar>(plugin =>
    		plugin.OffsetX = 0.047f;	// 0f..1f  To set the x coordinate of the icon
    		plugin.OffsetY = 0.071f;	// 0f..1f  To set the y coordinate of the icon
    		plugin.HideMyBar = false;	// No CoeBar for Me 
    		plugin.MoveMyBar = false;	// Change position of My Bar (if HideMyBar = false)	
    		plugin.OffsetX_Me = 0.46f;	// 0f..1f  To set the x coordinate of the icon for Me (MoveMyBar is true)
    		plugin.OffsetY_Me = 0.25f;	// 0f..1f  To set the y coordinate of the icon (MoveMyBar is true)
    		plugin.SizeMultiplier = 0.65f;	// 0f..1f  Size multiplier for icons
    		plugin.Opacity = 1.0f;		// 0f..1f  Opacity for icons and text
    		plugin.ShowInactiveRed = false;	// inactive elements show as red (active with yellow frame)	
    		plugin.GuessGROnly = false;	// Guess only in GR the COE status of a remote player (Red Bar)
    		plugin.ProgressBarWidth = 2;	// Width progressbar Coe (pixels)
    		plugin.Alert = false;				// Alert With Sound (only playing GR)
    		plugin.AlertTime = 1.0f;			// 1.0f .. 8.0f , Alert with these seconds in advance
    		plugin.AlertFile = "notification_4.wav";	// File to be played. It must be in the Sounds\ folder
    		plugin.AlertLevelGR = 129;			// Alert only when you are playing a GR greater than (not equal to) this value		
    	}  );

    2- MyCoeBar : Coe exclusively for your character and that you can draw anywhere on the screen.

    Download: MyCoeBar.cs

    If you have installed . (Movable plugins system) , download this file instead of the previous one

    	Hud.GetPlugin<RNN.MyCoeBar>().Enabled = true;			
    	Hud.RunOnPlugin<RNN.MyCoeBar>(plugin =>
    		plugin.OffsetX_Me = 0.53f;	// 0f..1f  To set the x coordinate of the icon 
    		plugin.OffsetY_Me = 0.46f;	// 0f..1f  To set the y coordinate of the icon 
    		plugin.SizeMultiplier = 0.75f;	// 0f..1f  Size multiplier for icons
    		plugin.Opacity = 0.75f;		// 0f..1f  Opacity for icon texture
    		plugin.ShowInactiveRed = true;	// inactive elements show as red (active with yellow frame)
    		plugin.OnlyGR = false;		// Show in GR only
    		plugin.ProgressBarWidth = 2;	// Width progressbar Coe (pixels)
    		plugin.Alert = false;				// Alert With Sound (only playing GR)
    		plugin.AlertTime = 1.0f;			// 1.0f .. 8.0f , Alert with these seconds in advance
    		plugin.AlertFile = "notification_4.wav";	// File to be played. It must be in the Sounds\ folder
    		plugin.AlertLevelGR = 129;			// Alert only when you are playing a GR greater than (not equal to) this value			
    	}  );

    3- Variants of previous versions .

    A) MyCoeBarPlus .

    MyCoeBar + (Spirit Barrage + Nayr + Singularity + Bone Spear + Thorns Bomb) , (only) for your character


    If you have installed . (Movable plugins system) , download this file instead of the previous one

    remove or disable MyCoeBar before, this plugin includes it

    	Hud.GetPlugin<RNN.MyCoeBarPlus>().Enabled = true;			
    	Hud.RunOnPlugin<RNN.MyCoeBarPlus>(plugin =>
    		/* Necro */
    		plugin.Singularity = true;	// Enable Icons Build Singularity	
    		plugin.Nayr = true;		// Enable Icons Build Nayr	
    		plugin.BoneSpear = true; 		// Enable Icons Build Bone Spear (Set Bonus 6)	
    		/* WitchDoctor	*/
    		plugin.SpiritBarrage = true;	// Enable Icons Build Spirit Barrage	
    		plugin.SBWarning = 2.0f;	// 9.0f...0f Text will take the color yellow when it reaches this value
    		plugin.ShowGlobes = true;	// Health Globes Counter (floor)
    		plugin.ShowBigBadVoodoo = false;	// Show Big Bad Voodoo
    		plugin.ShowSpiritWalk = false;		// Show Spirit Walk icon
    		plugin.ShowLocust = false;		// Locust Affected Monster Counters (Total \n Elites) at  distance = YardsLocustHaunt
    		plugin.ShowHaunted = false;		// Haunted Affected Monster Counters (Total \n Elites) at distance = YardsLocustHaunt
    		plugin.YardsLocustHaunt = 40;		// Yards for Monsters Counters (Locust and Haunted)
    		/* Crusader	*/
    		plugin.ThornsBomb = true;		// Show Icon Bonus 2 items Set Invoker (only if belt of the Trove equipped, for build thorns bomb)
    		plugin.ValorFotH = true;		// Show Icon for Aegis of Valor - Fist of the Heaven		
    		plugin.SteedCharge = true;		// Show Steed Charge icon 
    		plugin.FlailCharge = true;		// Show Flail of the Charge icon  (Bonus 2)
    		plugin.Akarat = true;			// Show Icon Akarat´s Champion
    		/* Wizard	*/
    		plugin.Fenix = true;		// Enable Icons Build Fenix (4 Items Set)
        	        /* Monk */
            	plugin.Inna = true; 			// Enable Icons Build Inna (6 Items Set)
    		plugin.MantraSalvation = true;		// Show Mantra of Salvation Icon
    		plugin.AllyAmount = true;		// Show amount of mystical allies 
    		plugin.SpiritGuards = true;		// Show Bracers Spirit Guards icon
    		plugin.Lefebvre = true;			// Show Shoulders Lefebvre´s Soliloquy icon
    		plugin.FlyingDragon = true;		// Show Flying Dragon icon
    		/* Common */
    		plugin.Xpor = 0.53f;		// 0f..1f  To set the x coordinate of the icon 
    		plugin.Ypor = 0.45f;		// 0f..1f  To set the y coordinate of the icon 
    		plugin.Opacity = 0.75f;		// 0f..1f  Opacity for icon texture
    		plugin.SizeMultiplier = 0.75f;	// 0f..1f  Size multiplier for icons
    		plugin.ShowInactiveRed = true;	// inactive elements show as red (active with yellow frame)
    		plugin.ProgressBarWidth = 2;	// Width progressbar Coe (pixels)
    		plugin.OnlyGR = false;		// Show in GR only
    		plugin.SymbolCooldown = false;	// Symbol "✔️"
    		plugin.Alert = false;				// Alert With Sound (only playing GR)
    		plugin.AlertTime = 1.0f;			// 1.0f .. 8.0f , Alert with these seconds in advance
    		plugin.AlertFile = "notification_4.wav";	// File to be played. It must be in the Sounds\ folder
    		plugin.AlertLevelGR = 129;		// Alert only when you are playing a GR greater than (not equal to) this value			
    	}  );

    B) MyCoeBestElement .

    Same as MyCoeBar, but will only show an icon for the Coe

    To be compatible with Jordan, it does not require a unique best element (coe). If you wear this ring, please remove it from your gear for a couple of seconds so that the plugin finds the best element


    	Hud.GetPlugin<RNN.MyCoeBestElement>().Enabled = true;			
    	Hud.RunOnPlugin<RNN.MyCoeBestElement>(plugin =>
    		plugin.OnlyGR = false;			// Show in GR only	
    		plugin.OffsetX_Me = 0.43f;		// 0f..1f  To set the x coordinate of the icon 
    		plugin.OffsetY_Me = 0.46f;		// 0f..1f  To set the y coordinate of the icon 
    		plugin.Opacity = 0.75f;			// 0f..1f  Opacity for icon texture
    		plugin.SizeMultiplier = 0.75f;		// 0f..1f  Size multiplier for icons
    		plugin.ShowInactiveRed = false; 	// inactive elements show as red (active with yellow frame)
    		plugin.TimerTotal = false;		// Will use a Single Timer:  16s (4 elements) -> 16...0 . If true then Two Timers: 16s (4 elements) -> 12..0, 4...0
    		plugin.TextureBest = false;		// Show the Texture of the Best element or the Texture of the Active element			
    		plugin.Alert = true;				// Alert With Sound (only playing GR)
    		plugin.AlertLevelGR = 129;			// Alert only when you are playing a GR greater than (not equal to) this value	
    		plugin.AlertTime = 1.0f;			// 1.0f .. 8.0f , Alert with these seconds in advance
    		plugin.AlertFile = "notification_4.wav";	// File to be played. It must be in the Sounds\ folder
    	}  );

    C) MyCoeBestElementPlus .

    Same as MyCoeBarPlus, but will only show an icon for the Coe

    To be compatible with Jordan, it does not require a unique best element (coe). If you wear this ring, please remove it from your gear for a couple of seconds so that the plugin finds the best element


    	Hud.GetPlugin<RNN.MyCoeBestElementPlus>().Enabled = false;			
    	Hud.RunOnPlugin<RNN.MyCoeBestElementPlus>(plugin =>
    		/* Necro */
    		plugin.Singularity = true;		// Enable Icons Build Singularity	
    		plugin.Nayr = true;			// Enable Icons Build Nayr	
    		plugin.BoneSpear = true; 		// Enable Icons Build Bone Spear (Set Bonus 6)
    		/* WitchDoctor	*/
    		plugin.SpiritBarrage = true;		// Enable Icons Build Spirit Barrage	
    		plugin.SBWarning = 2.0f;		// 9.0f...0f Text will take the color yellow when it reaches this value
    		plugin.ShowGlobes = true;		// Health Globes Counter (floor)
    		plugin.ShowBigBadVoodoo = false;	// Show Big Bad Voodoo
    		plugin.ShowSpiritWalk = false;		// Show Spirit Walk icon			
    		plugin.ShowLocust = false;		// Locust Affected Monster Counters (Total \n Elites) at distance = YardsLocustHaunt
    		plugin.ShowHaunted = false;		// Haunted Affected Monster Counters (Total \n Elites) at distance = YardsLocustHaunt
    		plugin.YardsLocustHaunt = 40;		// Yards for Monsters Counters (Locust and Haunted)
    		/* Crusader	*/
    		plugin.ThornsBomb = true;		// Show Icon Bonus 2 items Set Invoker (only if belt of the Trove equipped, for build thorns bomb)
    		plugin.ValorFotH = true;		// Show Icon for Aegis of Valor - Fist of the Heaven
    		plugin.SteedCharge = true;		// Show Steed Charge icon 
    		plugin.FlailCharge = true;		// Show Flail of the Charge icon  (Bonus 2)
    		plugin.Akarat = true;			// Show Icon Akarat´s Champion
    		/* Wizard	*/
    		plugin.Fenix = true;				// Enable Icons Build Fenix (4 Items Set)
    		/* Common */
    		plugin.OnlyGR = false;			// Show in GR only
    		plugin.Xpor = 0.53f;			// 0f..1f  To set the x coordinate of the icon 
    		plugin.Ypor = 0.45f;			// 0f..1f  To set the y coordinate of the icon 
    		plugin.Opacity = 0.75f;			// 0f..1f  Opacity for icon texture
    		plugin.SizeMultiplier = 0.75f;		// 0f..1f  Size multiplier for icons
    		plugin.ShowInactiveRed = false;		// inactive elements show as red (active with yellow frame)		
    		plugin.TimerTotal = false;		// Will use a Single Timer:  16s (4 elements) -> 16...0 . If true then Two Timers: 16s (4 elements) -> 12..0, 4...0
    		plugin.TextureBest = false;		// Show the Texture of the Best element or the Texture of the Active element			
    		plugin.Alert = false;				// Alert With Sound (only playing GR)
    		plugin.AlertLevelGR = 129;			// Alert only when you are playing a GR greater than (not equal to) this value	
    		plugin.AlertTime = 1.0f;			// 1.0f .. 8.0f , Alert with these seconds in advance
    		plugin.AlertFile = "notification_4.wav";	// File to be played. It must be in the Sounds\ folder
    	}  );
    D) MovableCoeBar .

    Variant of OtherCoeBar fully adapted to Movable plugins system

    In this version each Coe bar can be individually moved and resized.
    Also, if you move any of them over your character, the name of the player to which it belongs will appear and you can also activate an audible alert when its best element is active. There is an Area created for this purpose and that is also resizable. This can be useful for supports: in that area he can place the relevant dps bar.


    	Hud.GetPlugin<RNN.MovableCoeBar>().Enabled = true;	
    	Hud.RunOnPlugin<RNN.MovableCoeBar>(plugin =>
    		plugin.OffsetX = 0.047f;		// 0f..1f  To set the x coordinate of the icon. Reference Point: character portrait
    		plugin.OffsetY = 0.071f;		// 0f..1f  To set the y coordinate of the icon. Reference Point: character portrait
    		plugin.SizeMultiplier = 0.65f;		// 0f..1f  Size multiplier for icons
    		plugin.Opacity = 1.0f;			// 0f..1f  Opacity for icon texture
    		plugin.ShowInactiveRed = true;		// inactive elements show as red (active with yellow frame)
    		plugin.GuessGROnly = false;		// Guess only in GR the COE status of a remote player (Red Bar)
    		plugin.ProgressBarWidth = 2.0f;		// Width progressbar Coe
    		plugin.AlertMe = true;				// Alert With Sound (only playing GR)
    		plugin.AlertLevelGR = 129;			// Alert only when you are playing a GR greater than (not equal to) this value	
    		plugin.AlertTime = 1.0f;			// 1.0f .. 8.0f , Alert with these seconds in advance
    		plugin.AlertFile = "notification_4.wav";	// File to be played. It must be in the Sounds\ folder
    		plugin.AreaSpecialCoe = new int[]{800,100,320,250};	// {x,y,width,height} defines an area on the screen, in pixels. If you place a Coebar here, you will see the name and receive an alert.
    		plugin.AreaNames = true;				//  The character's name will appear at the top of the bar
    		plugin.AreaAlert = true;				//  Alert X seconds (AlertTime) before the last element of the bar (best?)
    		plugin.AreaMovable = false;			// Allow moving and resizing AreaSpecialCoe
    	}  );
    Last edited by RNN; 12-05-2021 at 05:53 AM. Reason: Added Inna Build (MyCoeBarPlus)

    [V9.1] [INTERNATIONAL] [RNN] OtherCoeBar &amp; MyCoeBar
  2. Thanks johnbl, mois, BeeAntOS, knight84, Wasted75, 731113 (6 members gave Thanks to RNN for this useful post)
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    mois's Avatar Member
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    RNN's Avatar Legendary
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    sorry, I don't plan to do it, if you want that function you will have to use its plugin

  5. #4
    takayo72's Avatar Active Member
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    when I were playing support barb, I would like to see other two damage classes's coe shown over the top (can be customize to any where)of my characters,

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails [V9.1] [INTERNATIONAL] [RNN] OtherCoeBar &amp; MyCoeBar-bd9y0uk-jpg  
    Last edited by takayo72; 03-25-2020 at 12:25 PM.

  6. #5
    RNN's Avatar Legendary
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    In GR a support will not have coe. It would only be necessary to rearrange the bars in one position of the screen (vertically for example). Also, the bk is usually crusader, i could show the Crusader if progress = 100 and the/others dps if progress <100, or make it optional

    ok i just saw the picture

  7. #6
    RNN's Avatar Legendary
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    MyCoeBar mistakenly disable the original coe, solved

  8. Thanks BeeAntOS (1 members gave Thanks to RNN for this useful post)
  9. #7
    RNN's Avatar Legendary
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    Originally Posted by takayo72 View Post
    when I were playing support barb, I would like to see other two damage classes's coe shown over the top (can be customize to any where)of my characters

    	Hud.GetPlugin<RNN.SupportCoeBar>().Enabled = true;			
    	Hud.RunOnPlugin<RNN.SupportCoeBar>(plugin =>
    		plugin.Xpor = 0.46f;			// 0f..1f  To set the x coordinate of the icon for Me (if MoveMyBar is true)
    		plugin.Ypor = 0.14f;			// 0f..1f  To set the y coordinate of the icon for Me (if MoveMyBar is true)
    		plugin.SizeMultiplier = 0.70f;		// 0f..1f  Size multiplier for icons
    		plugin.Opacity = 0.75f;			// 0f..1f  Opacity for icon texture
    		plugin.ShowInactiveRed = false;		// Inactive elements show as red (active with yellow frame)
    		plugin.ProgressBarWidth = 3;		// Width progressbar Coe (pixels)
    		plugin.BKHeroClass = HeroClass.Crusader;	// Boss killer Class
    		plugin.BKP100 = false;				// Show only BK Coe when Progress = 100 / others dps when progress < 100.	
    	}  );
    Conditions: GR and barb support (SheetDps < 1000000 and HealthMax > 1000000)
    Last edited by RNN; 8 Hours Ago at 09:14 AM. Reason: link enabled, no changes

  10. Thanks BeeAntOS, mois (2 members gave Thanks to RNN for this useful post)
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    takayo72's Avatar Active Member
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    I have tested the SupportCoeBar.cs. It worked flawlessly.
    However there is an minior "issue". is it possible to add one more condition to check if im playing support barb?
    When I play dps barb with coe the coe barb of other dps in party is still shown up.
    How could THUD will know it is a support barb ? damage in char's profile less than say 10K or vitality greater than 200K

  12. #9
    RNN's Avatar Legendary
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    I have updated it several times, maybe you are using the first version (Initially, to test it, I only checked if the character is Barb).
    To verify if you are support, the plugin uses this line (167):
    if ((Hud.Game.Me.HeroClassDefinition.HeroClass != HeroClass.Barbarian) || (Hud.Game.Me.Offense.SheetDps > 1000000) || (Hud.Game.Me.Defense.HealthMax < 1000000) ) return;
    If you are not a Barb, or you have more than 1kk dps (SheetDps) or less than 1kk of health (HealthMax) , nothing will be displayed

    (I advise everyone to download it again)
    Last edited by RNN; 03-26-2020 at 06:59 PM.

  13. Thanks takayo72 (1 members gave Thanks to RNN for this useful post)
  14. #10
    franehr's Avatar Member
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    Hi, plugin is beautiful, can someone point out to me where do i change position and where i zoom it in a little(i want it little bit bigger in size.. i tried to sniff the positions by myself in .cs file but cant recognize it.
    Last edited by franehr; 03-29-2020 at 07:51 AM.

  15. #11
    RNN's Avatar Legendary
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    Size multiplier for icons:

    To set the x,y coordinates:
    OffsetX and OffsetY
    OffsetX_Me and OffsetY_Me
    Xpor and Ypor

    Last edited by RNN; 03-29-2020 at 08:26 AM.

  16. #12
    knight84's Avatar Active Member
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    great thank u for update .)

  17. #13
    LittleDez13's Avatar Member
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    Hi RNN!

    Is it possible to adjust to hide this plugin "supportcoebar" after the boss's death?


  18. #14
    RNN's Avatar Legendary
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    Originally Posted by LittleDez13 View Post
    Is it possible to adjust to hide this plugin "supportcoebar" after the boss's death?
    SupportCoeBar will be enabled until the boss dies and only in the GR
    I have adjusted, in all plugins, the base size of the icons so that they don't vary as much from one resolution to another. It may be necessary to re-adjust SizeMultiplier (0.65 - 0.75 normally)

  19. Thanks BeeAntOS (1 members gave Thanks to RNN for this useful post)
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    LittleDez13's Avatar Member
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    Hi RNN!

    Thank you!

    Is it possible to make one more adjustment, in case there is no cruzader / rgk in the group, the dps bar remains visible on the boss? That would do a lot for me, also in push 3men and 2men.


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