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    hakache's Avatar Active Member
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    [v9.2] LiveStats Plugin

    LiveStats Plugin

    Latest TurboHUD version supported (v9.2 currently).

    Here is my last pet project which got way way bigger than anything I was expecting at the start.

    The initial idea was to replace the F5 Stats Panel and I wasn't really convinced by my early plugins testing. At some point, I thought about RunStats by Razorfish (A big thanks to him). What if we could have a similar bar at the top middle of the screen ? I went from there, adapting RunStats to do so, under the name TopStats and started to do a few modules to show some stats initially present in the F5 Stats Panel. Along the way, I realized the possibilities and went abit more agressive on new modules ideas, starting with the Rift Tracker.

    As the project got bigger, I merged both plugins into a single one that would deal with both bars at the same time, bringing full modulability to the plugin set : LiveStats was born !

    LiveStats is a full plugin set which is made of RunStats & TopStats, as well as a bunch of independent modules. The idea of this plugin set is to be some kind of dashboard showing stats and datas that are relevant to your gaming session in a variety of ways, while being completely modulable and customizable.

    Now, here is a general overview of each plugin/module (Partly taken from initial Razorfish's post) :


    This is the main plugin. It draws a menu bar across the screen (Bottom right corner for RunStats & Top middle screen for TopStats). When you hover your mouse over a module on the bar, it may expand to show additional stats and there will be a grey pin icon to the right of it. If you hover over the pin icon for a second until it turns red, it will "pin" open the expanded stat display to the side of your screen. Hover over the pin again for a moment to unpin it.

    Any other module can "hook" into the top or bottom menu bar by adding its own TopLabelDecorator through the menu bar's with an Add(TopLabelDecorator) function (Which optionally takes a positional priority/order number). Any plugin can also dynamically set any of their added TopLabelDecorators to be hidden by setting the instance of TopLabelDecorator.Enabled = false (This also applies to its expandup menu labels) on the fly. This means that the menu bar stats can show or hide data based on whether or not it is relevant to the player's hero. For example, a code that tracks Hexing Pants buff uptime while in combat in a rift, and the menu label for it hides itself if the character is not wearing Hexing Pants.

    So every menu bar option (or module) you see in the first screenshot is its own plugin that can be simple or complex, but is self-contained/separate from the main plugin. That means that there is a quick and simple way to turn off each feature you see in the picture, and new menu options can be added easily without disturbing any of the existing installed modules.

    XPHelper.cs (By Razorfish)
    This adds some XP stats to the menu bar (If you want something more extensive, look into XPTracker.cs further down).

    BagSpaceHelper.cs (By Resu)
    This tracks the inventory free space and the space left for 2 slots items (If you're only interested into the bag space left without fancy stuff, look for the Bag Space Widget included in the main plugin).

    DamageMeter.cs (By Razorfish)
    This records the values of some damage stats made available by TurboHUD and adds them to the menu bar, visualizing the data with a 30 seconds line graph. You can hover over the graph when it is pinned open to see exact recorded damage values. Press the Down Key to save a snapshot of the current "Live" data, and the Up Key lets you toggle between Live and Saved data graphs (An example of custom graph drawing tracked datas).

    Note : HUD's damage dealt tracker stats don't update while Conduit is active, but you will see the Monster HP Loss rate stat still active during that time.

    KeystoneHelper.cs & BreathHelper.cs (By Razorfish)
    This tracks your Greater Rift Keystone and Death's Breaths usage and gains (A few examples of custom trackers for material count changes).

    LootHelper.cs (By Razorfish)
    This tracks your legendary drops, shows a loot list of recently dropped items with some configuration options, such as list size, highlight duration for the most recent drops, whether or not older loot disappears from the list, and even defining your own loot list filtering to only show the items you care about (Some examples and a FilterList are in the Customizer).

    It also draws name labels and map markers for Ancients on the minimap and tab world map that you've seen nearby and remembers their position even if you move out of HUD detection range, approximately 2 screens (An example of custom events logger with further use of recorded datas for map marker).

    BloodShardHelper.cs (By Resu)
    This tracks your Blood Shards usage and gains and warn you when you have a set amount of Blood Shards (Another example of custom tracker for material count changes).

    UptimeHelper.cs (By Razorfish)
    This tracks your in-combat or in-rift uptime for different effects, and it will only appear if it is relevant to your character (An example of a custom state tracker with configurable requirements and dynamic show/hide of menu labels based on relevance to the current hero). The currently implemented uptime trackers you might see are :

    • Dayntee's Binding (If you have it equipped or in the cube)
    • Hexing Pants of Mr Yan (If you have it equipped or in the cube)
    • 5+ Stacks of Squirt's Necklace (If you have it equipped or in the cube)
    • Flying Dragon (If you have it in the cube)
    • Ignore Pain (If anyone in the party has this skill equipped)
    • Focus & Restraint (If you have the rings equipped)
    • Simulacrum (If you have this skill equipped)
    • Archon (If you have this skill equipped)
    • 4+ Stacks of Gruesome Feast Passive (If you have this passive assigned)
    • Big Bad Voodoo
    • Aegis of Valor 2P Stacks
    • Gear of Dreadlands 2P Timer
    • Oculus Ring (If anyone in the party (or follower) has the equipped buff - Warning: The uptime of this tends to be very low due to the uptime tracking requirements Razorfish set for the default : The Oculus circle itself has to be in range (Configurable) of a non-minion elite monster... You can change/remove this requirement entirely if you choose to)

    Note : Any rule can be disabled (IsEnabled bool for each rule) or any new rule can be added directly in the plugin. Easier customization is something to look into. Also, keep in mind the module is not restricted to buffs and new rules could track some different effects (From the top of my head : Krysbin Efficiency ? Strongarm Boss Uptime ?...).

    BountiesHelper.cs (By Resu)
    This tracks the Bounties & Keywardens state and records any related event into an history (An example of custom events logger using Chat Lines). The history will show the last 6 events related to Bounties or Keywardens, but holding down the Up Key will show the last 20 if you want to access them.

    This will also warn you when The Cursed Peat bounty for Curses! Conquest is available and log every Bounty Game completion and their timer :

    HealthMonitor.cs (By HaKache)
    This records the health changes happening to all players in the party, visualizing the data with a 60 seconds line graph. This allows you to somehow read Damage Taken & Healing values for each player individually (My personal take on the request for an actual HealMeter). You can hover over the graph when it is pinned open to see exact recorded health changes values. Press the Right Key to save a snapshot of the current "Live" data, and the Up Key lets you toggle between Live and Saved data graphs.

    Additionally, the menu labels show the life % of each player currently in the party and the background color of those labels will change to red if the player is under proc (An example of a dynamic menu labels background change based on players being under proc).

    RiftTracker.cs (By HaKache & RNN)
    This tracks the rifts cleared during your session, shows you some related stats and records all rift clears into an history, distinguishing Nephalem & Greater Rifts (An example of custom events logger using Quest State).

    LatencyMeter.cs (By HaKache)
    This records the average and current latency values made available by HUD, visualizing the data with a 120 seconds line graph as well as recording your lowest and highest ping values for the session. This allows you to vizualize your lag spikes and your general latency situation over time more efficiently. You can hover over the graph when it is pinned open to see exact recorded latency values. Press the Left Key to save a snapshot of the current "Live" data, and the Up Key lets you toggle between Live and Saved data graphs. Furthermore, the font color of the latency in the main menu label will change depending on your current latency.

    MonsterTracker.cs & MaterialTracker.cs (By HaKache)
    This adds some materials count & monsters killed stats to the menu bar.

    RiftTimeline.cs (By HaKache)
    This creates a Timeline of all the most important events happening during a Greater Rift : This includes deaths, pylons found and taken, boss spawn and kill... It will also mark deaths and pylons on the map. This is the ultimate module to see what happened, when and where exactly in a greater rift ! The timeline is reseted everytime you enter a new GR.

    Also worth mentioning, the module will log in "log_riftguardians.txt" every boss spawn and boss kill you're doing under this format (Deprecated due to recent TH Log limitations) :
    2020.02.01 04:16:10.539 The Binder spawned in GR80 Solo in [3m 09s]
    2020.02.01 04:16:17.654 The Binder killed in [0m 07s] - GR80 Solo cleared in [3m 16s]
    DeathLogger.cs (By HaKache)
    This adds some deaths stats made available by TurboHUD and records any player death in the party into an history.

    XPTracker.cs (By HaKache)
    This adds some more XP stats to the menu bar, tells you the paragon levels earned this session and will also record any discovered pool or bandit shrine not taken yet in a list below the menu label (The last function being an adaptation of a really good plugin from RNN). The pools or bandit shrines recorded will also be marked on the minimap or tab world map if you're not in HUD detection range.

    UbersHelper.cs (By HaKache)
    This tracks the ubers killed during your session, shows you which ones you killed in the current game and records all uber kills into an history. The module menu will only show if you're about to, are doing, or did ubers during your session (An example of custom events tracker and logger with dynamic show/hide menu).

    Customizer :
    LiveStats is completely customizable. The customizer is the file you should look into and modify to make the main plugin and the modules fit your needs. You can enable or disable any module. You can setup all the options available to the main plugin and modules. You can for instance choose to hide the graphs or even disable the pin function when you're in combat (To avoid eventual screen clutter). It is also possible to setup all the history/logger options for every module, the lootfilter... Everything in LiveStatsCustomizer.cs is commented, so just check it out and find out what you can do !

    Modulability :
    LiveStats is completely modulable. It is possible to run any module on the TopStats bar or RunStats bar depending on your liking (Hook), as well as positioning the modules where you want in the bars (Priority Order). To do so, take a look into LiveStatsModuleManager.cs !

    For instance, here is the Rift Tracker and the Uptime Helper running on the TopStats bar, with their priority order setting them at the end of the bar :

    Download the plugin package here : LiveStats (Update 20/07/2020)
    Remove your RunStats folder if you have it installed.
    Put the LiveStats folder into : TurboHUD / plugins /

    Finally, to modulate as you want the RunStats & TopStats bars or the modules Configuration, go into LiveStatsCustomizer.cs & LiveStatsModuleManager.cs and... do what you want !

    Note : By default, both bars will be shown and you can hit F7 to hide them. My personal configuration is that both bars are hidden by default and they appear when I hit F5. You can set up this in the fully commented Customizer file available. The plugin set also includes custom versions of Default plugins InventoryFreeSpace, BloodShards, TopExperienceStatistics and NetworkLatency in order to make them fit the LiveStats design but also to make them able to interact with the hotkey/toggle function from LiveStats.

    A big thanks to Razorfish for his initial RunStats which is a damn good plugin ! Please keep in mind its a release version that might contains some bugs or inconsistencies. Hope you'll like LiveStats and feel free to share your thoughts, report any bug, or make any suggestion !
    Last edited by hakache; 07-22-2021 at 03:45 PM. Reason: Download Link available again!

    LiveStats Plugin
  2. #2
    Vern1701's Avatar Active Member
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    ItemQuality threshold values lower than legendary are what? Normal, Magic and Rare? I would like to track all drops from Normal items all the way to Primal. This is for the LootFilter function.
    Last edited by Vern1701; 09-21-2019 at 05:37 PM.

  3. #3
    Saico's Avatar Active Member
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    Wow, nice efforts, this one is huge, thanks for all contributors.

    I tested quickly and could not see the list of looted itens (not the amout numbers) but the names of each one looted as screenshoted, am I missing some config on customize that I did not realize ?

  4. #4
    hakache's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by Vern1701 View Post
    ItemQuality threshold values lower than legendary are what? Normal, Magic and Rare? I would like to track all drops from Normal items all the way to Primal. This is for the LootFilter function.
    You can add HUD datas for white/blue/yellow items in the menu labels. Thats a question already asked and answered in details by Razorfish in his old thread : Link here ([v9.0] RunStatsPlugin)

    Originally Posted by Saico View Post
    Wow, nice efforts, this one is huge, thanks for all contributors.

    I tested quickly and could not see the list of looted itens (not the amout numbers) but the names of each one looted as screenshoted, am I missing some config on customize that I did not realize ?
    Thanks ! Hum, you mean the name of the items on the minimap ? That's the Map Marker function which highlight the loots you want on the minimap. By default I put the range of it at 130 yards (~2 screens), meaning the Map Marker will enable when you are approximately out of the HUD detection range. I made a quick edit of the files so you can change easily this range value in the customizer (MapMarkerTreshold). Put the value at 0 to enable the Map Marker at all time.

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    Saico's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by hakache View Post
    You can add HUD datas for white/blue/yellow items in the menu labels. Thats a question already asked and answered in details by Razorfish in his old thread : Link here ([v9.0] RunStatsPlugin)

    Thanks ! Hum, you mean the name of the items on the minimap ? That's the Map Marker function which highlight the loots you want on the minimap. By default I put the range of it at 130 yards (~2 screens), meaning the Map Marker will enable when you are approximately out of the HUD detection range. I made a quick edit of the files so you can change easily this range value in the customizer (MapMarkerTreshold). Put the value at 0 to enable the Map Marker at all time.
    No, I mean in the plugin directly, the looted item names in bottom LootHelper, and they normally stays for 20 sec. But is not showing when I loot legendaries, do I have to change LootHistoryTimeout ?

    // Loot Helper
    Hud.GetPlugin<LiveStats.Modules.LiveStats_LootHelper>().MapMarker = true; // Enable or disable the Map Marker function
    Hud.GetPlugin<LiveStats.Modules.LiveStats_LootHelper>().LootHistoryTimeout = 0; // Stop showing old drops after this many seconds (0 = Never time out)
    Hud.GetPlugin<LiveStats.Modules.LiveStats_LootHelper>().LootHistoryHighlight = 20; // Highlight if the drop is new for this many seconds
    Hud.GetPlugin<LiveStats.Modules.LiveStats_LootHelper>().LootHistoryShown = 12; // Max # of items to show for loot history (0 = No history)
    Last edited by Saico; 09-21-2019 at 09:25 PM.

  6. #6
    hakache's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by Saico View Post
    No, I mean in the plugin directly, the looted item names in bottom LootHelper, and they normally stays for 20 sec. But is not showing when I loot legendaries, do I have to change LootHistoryTimeout ?
    Everything should work just fine as far as I know

    • Did you remove RunStats if you had it installed ?
    • Did you make any change in the plugin package ?
    • Did you try to migrate an old RunStats DropsHelper module to LiveStats ?
    • Are other modules that draws additional labels such as Graph or History are working (DamageMeter, RiftTracker...) ?

  7. #7
    takayo72's Avatar Active Member
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    Same as the RunStats plugin, it will throw a lot of exception during game session
    2019.09.22 11:44:47.324 overlay paint error (System.InvalidOperationEx -

  8. #8
    Vern1701's Avatar Active Member
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    That is a lot of exceptions. Migration isn't the same as copying, is it? Also, it helps to not use out of date data from other plugins, due to versioning.

    As hakache pointed out, having RunStats AND LiveStats running at the same time is not a wise idea. I completely deleted one before using the other to avoid getting exceptions. LiveStats uses most of the options from RunStats, so having RunStats would be redundant.

  9. #9
    User5981's Avatar First Dev On The Internet
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    Hi hakache!
    Great work! I really like how the community keeps maintaining Razorfish's (who doesn't look being around anymore) RunStats plugin and adds new features and concepts.
    I also think we should organize ourselves around a GitHub, I could update my parts via pull requests you could accept or not, same for any new features or modifications from anybody.
    What do you think ?
    Supported version for all Resu plugins

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    hakache's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by takayo72 View Post
    Same as the RunStats plugin, it will throw a lot of exception during game session
    2019.09.22 11:44:47.324 overlay paint error (System.InvalidOperationEx -
    This is something I noticed after posting, while in party when doing new game or entering a game at the same time than other people, the HealthMonitor is throwing a few exceptions sometimes. I tried to fix it, if you downloaded the pack yesterday, redownload it and test if it works better now.

    Originally Posted by User5981 View Post
    Hi hakache!
    Great work! I really like how the community keeps maintaining Razorfish's (who doesn't look being around anymore) RunStats plugin and adds new features and concepts.
    I also think we should organize ourselves around a GitHub, I could update my parts via pull requests you could accept or not, same for any new features or modifications from anybody.
    What do you think ?
    Thanks ! Yeah I was thinking about it and started to look into it already ! Definitely a good idea to maintain the pack because we're talking about 20+ files for thousands of lines

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    Saico's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by hakache View Post
    Everything should work just fine as far as I know

    • Did you remove RunStats if you had it installed ?
    • Did you make any change in the plugin package ?
    • Did you try to migrate an old RunStats DropsHelper module to LiveStats ?
    • Are other modules that draws additional labels such as Graph or History are working (DamageMeter, RiftTracker...) ?
    No, did not modify any, it is working fine now, that was caused when I tested opening Bounty Caches, and they do not track loot of them.

    I have 2 questions:

    1. How do I move the TopStats Bar some pixels to the left ? Where do I have to change cause they are overlapin a plugin that I have > Screenshot_1.png I kinda fixed it tookin out some stats and/or moving some from Top to BottomStats, but should be good to know how to move the Bar Right/Left

    2. Where do I change text size and rgb for this minimap name ? > LiveStats Plugin-screenshot_3-png

    Last edited by Saico; 09-22-2019 at 06:36 AM.

  12. #12
    hakache's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by Saico View Post
    I have 2 questions:

    1. How do I move the TopStats Bar some pixels to the left ? Where do I have to change cause they are overlapin a plugin that I have > Screenshot_1.png I kinda fixed it tookin out some stats and/or moving some from Top to BottomStats, but should be good to know how to move the Bar Right/Left

    2. Where do I change text size and rgb for this minimap name ? > LiveStats Plugin-screenshot_3-png

    1. The TopStats bar is expanding itself from the middle of the screen. You can check in the main plugin (LiveStats.cs) for any instance of "Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.5f" and change the 0.5f which is the middle of the screen for a lower value. Never tried myself but it should work.

    2. Check the "MapMarkerPool" Decorator in the XPTracker.cs file. To do it properly : Take this code below, put it in your LiveStatsCustomizer and modify the decorator as you want :

    	    // XP Tracker Map Marker Pool Decorator
                Hud.RunOnPlugin<LiveStats.Modules.LiveStats_XPTracker>(plugin => { 
    		plugin.MapMarkerPool = new WorldDecoratorCollection(
                    new MapShapeDecorator(Hud)
                        ShapePainter = new CircleShapePainter(Hud),
                        Brush = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(225, 25, 225, 255, 3),
                        ShadowBrush = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(96, 0, 0, 0, 1),
                        Radius = 4f,
                        RadiusTransformator = new StandardPingRadiusTransformator(Hud, 333),
                    new MapLabelDecorator(Hud)
                        LabelFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 6f, 255, 25, 155, 175, true, false, 128, 0, 0, 0, true),
                        //Up = true,
                        //RadiusOffset = 6.0f,
    Last edited by hakache; 09-22-2019 at 07:07 AM.

  13. #13
    Saico's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by hakache View Post
    1. The TopStats bar is expanding itself from the middle of the screen. You can check in the main plugin (LiveStats.cs) for any instance of "Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.5f" and change the 0.5f which is the middle of the screen for a lower value. Never tried myself but it should work.

    2. Check the "MapMarkerPool" Decorator in the XPTracker.cs file. To do it properly : Take this code below, put it in your LiveStatsCustomizer and modify the decorator as you want :

    	    // XP Tracker Map Marker Pool Decorator
                Hud.RunOnPlugin<LiveStats.Modules.LiveStats_XPTracker>(plugin => { 
    		plugin.MapMarkerPool = new WorldDecoratorCollection(
                    new MapShapeDecorator(Hud)
                        ShapePainter = new CircleShapePainter(Hud),
                        Brush = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(225, 25, 225, 255, 3),
                        ShadowBrush = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(96, 0, 0, 0, 1),
                        Radius = 4f,
                        RadiusTransformator = new StandardPingRadiusTransformator(Hud, 333),
                    new MapLabelDecorator(Hud)
                        LabelFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 6f, 255, 25, 155, 175, true, false, 128, 0, 0, 0, true),
                        //Up = true,
                        //RadiusOffset = 6.0f,
    Hum, thanx,
    1. Worked fine
    2. I modified the XpTracker.cs only ( did not put the code in customized ) it worked. but somehow got exception below after changing (do not know if its related to this one)

    2019.09.22 11:26:55.505 overlay paint notification (SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x88990001], Module: [SharpDX.Direct2D1], ApiCode: [D2DERR_WRONG_STATE/WrongState], Message: The object was not in the correct state to process the method.

    em SharpDX.Result.CheckError()
    em *‏**​​‪‏‫‫‪‪‏​‬‬‫‬‏**‏****.**‫*‬‬‎‎‪​‎‪*‬​‎‏*​*‎‫​* *())
    I have a suggestion to do:
    Could you pls modify DeathLogger.cs text color ? Red is kind of bad to see, contrast is not so good, a b brighter color should be fine, could you help me where to modify DeathLogger text color ?
    Last edited by Saico; 09-22-2019 at 11:06 AM.

  14. #14
    Vern1701's Avatar Active Member
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    I concur with that statement. I know how to do it, but am confused on the color format (specifically the four number format). RGB, I get. The fourth number is throwing me for a loop and I need a refresher on how that works. Enlightenment would be helpful on this.

  15. #15
    JarJarD3's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Vern1701 View Post
    I concur with that statement. I know how to do it, but am confused on the color format (specifically the four number format). RGB, I get. The fourth number is throwing me for a loop and I need a refresher on how that works. Enlightenment would be helpful on this.
    I try to use code like this when I set a color value for text (font). I take color names from here.
    var color = Color.Gold;
    var font = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 7, 255, color.R, color.G, color.B, false, false, true);
    Most functions take a ARGB style color value, where A stand for alpha (opacity of the color).
    Alpha can have value from 255 (non-transparent) to 0 (fully transparent).

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