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  1. #16
    RNN's Avatar Legendary
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    To clarify a bit more, the basic format is this:

    ex TextFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 7, 190, 255, 0, 0, false, false, true);
    Name = Hud.Render.CreateFont(fontFamily, size, opacity, red, green, blue, bold, italic, shadow);

    ex BgBrushTitle = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(175, 132, 50, 50, 0);
    Name = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(opacity, red, green,blue, stroke width);

    RGB -> RGB Color Codes Chart
    Values opacity, red , green, blue -> 0 to 255
    Values bold,italic,shadow -> true/false
    stroke width if zero, padding is used, for example to draw the entire area of ​​a circle
    Last edited by RNN; 09-22-2019 at 12:55 PM.

    LiveStats Plugin
  2. Thanks Saico (1 members gave Thanks to RNN for this useful post)
  3. #17
    Saico's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by RNN View Post
    To clarify a bit more, the basic format is this:

    ex TextFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 7, 190, 255, 0, 0, false, false, true);
    Name = Hud.Render.CreateFont(fontFamily, size, opacity, red, green, blue, bold, italic, shadow);

    ex BgBrushTitle = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(175, 132, 50, 50, 0);
    Name = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(opacity, red, green,blue, stroke width);

    RGB -> RGB Color Codes Chart
    Values opacity, red , green, blue -> 0 to 255
    Values bold,italic,shadow -> true/false
    stroke width if zero, padding is used, for example to draw the entire area of ​​a circle
    Oh, thank you for clarifying RNN.

    I changed DeathLogger text to yellow now and it is better. =)

  4. #18
    Silkdog569's Avatar Member
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    hakache great plugin. Thank You. Tons of information.
    And now I resort to being one of those annoying people asking for one more thing if possible. Can a plugin be created for the current players in group of their time zone / current time. I have no idea if this is even possible, just asking.
    It would fit great in this plugin if it is possible. Love to be able to know the persons time from where they are playing to see if when teaming up person could be on for a while or close to getting off or just to see where they are playing from. We play with so many people from everywhere might be nice to know.

    Thanks for the current plugin.

  5. #19
    hakache's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by Silkdog569 View Post
    hakache great plugin. Thank You. Tons of information.
    And now I resort to being one of those annoying people asking for one more thing if possible. Can a plugin be created for the current players in group of their time zone / current time. I have no idea if this is even possible, just asking.
    It would fit great in this plugin if it is possible. Love to be able to know the persons time from where they are playing to see if when teaming up person could be on for a while or close to getting off or just to see where they are playing from. We play with so many people from everywhere might be nice to know.

    Thanks for the current plugin.
    Thanks ! Sadly for you, as far as I know you can't get the timezone of players by any mean with HUD.

    Originally Posted by takayo72 View Post
    Same as the RunStats plugin, it will throw a lot of exception during game session
    2019.09.22 11:44:47.324 overlay paint error (System.InvalidOperationEx -
    Originally Posted by Saico View Post
    I have a suggestion to do:
    Could you pls modify DeathLogger.cs text color ? Red is kind of bad to see, contrast is not so good, a b brighter color should be fine, could you help me where to modify DeathLogger text color ?
    In regards of this request and this bug report, here is an updated version which includes :
    • Some more Area Fix for pools in the XP Tracker (For instance a pool spot in Cemetery that was considered in Fields of Misery by the game)
    • A slightly different handling for Hamelin by the Rift Tracker (This boss has no OnKill message so its kinda hard to deal with him in all situations)
    • A yellow font for the Death Log (only the history) to see it better
    • A fix (hopefully) for the Health Monitor that was causing exceptions in some specific situations when joining a multiplayer game.

    Here is the updated package :

    Link has been updated in first post as well.
    Last edited by hakache; 09-22-2019 at 06:03 PM.

  6. #20
    takayo72's Avatar Active Member
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    No more exceptions with the updated zip package. thx

  7. Thanks hakache (1 members gave Thanks to takayo72 for this useful post)
  8. #21
    Saico's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by hakache View Post
    Thanks ! Sadly for you, as far as I know you can't get the timezone of players by any mean with HUD.

    In regards of this request and this bug report, here is an updated version which includes :
    • Some more Area Fix for pools in the XP Tracker (For instance a pool spot in Cemetery that was considered in Fields of Misery by the game)
    • A slightly different handling for Hamelin by the Rift Tracker (This boss has no OnKill message so its kinda hard to deal with him in all situations)
    • A yellow font for the Death Log (only the history) to see it better
    • A fix (hopefully) for the Health Monitor that was causing exceptions in some specific situations when joining a multiplayer game.

    Here is the updated package :

    Link has been updated in first post as well.
    I am still having exceptions with HealthMonitor ( I did extracted the last fixed release), I noticed it only occurs when I am in multiplayer games and changes one game to another.

    2019.09.23 00:05:00.613 overlay paint notification (SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x88990001], Module: [SharpDX.Direct2D1], ApiCode: [D2DERR_WRONG_STATE/WrongState], Message: O objeto não estava no estado correto para processar o método.

    em SharpDX.Result.CheckError()
    em *‏**​​‪‏‫‫‪‪‏​‬‬‫‬‏**‏****.**‫*‬‬‎‎‪​‎‪*‬​‎‏*​*‎‫​* *())
    2019.09.23 00:44:36.279 overlay paint error (System.InvalidOperationException: A sequência não contém elementos
    em System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
    em Turbo.Plugins.LiveStats.Modules.LiveStats_HealthMonitor.<>c__DisplayClass171_0.< Load>b__14()
    em Turbo.Plugins.LiveStats.Modules.LiveStats_HealthMonitor.PaintTopInGame(ClipState clipState)
    em ‏**​*‏*‫​‏​*****‬​‪‏​‏*‎***‪*.​*‪*‫‪*‬*‏‏‏**​‬‬*​‫​ *‏*.**‫‪‪‏‬**‏*‎‎‫‪*​**‏‫‬‪‏*​*()
    em ‏**​*‏*‫​‏​*****‬​‪‏​‏*‎***‪*.​​**‏‎**‎‬‏*‪**​*​*‬‫* ‪*(IPlugin , String , Action )
    em ‏**​*‏*‫​‏​*****‬​‪‏​‏*‎***‪*.​‪‎****‬‬‎**​***‬*​‫‎‬‎*‏ *(Object , EventArgs )
    em *‏**​​‪‏‫‫‪‪‏​‬‬‫‬‏**‏****.**‫*‬‬‎‎‪​‎‪*‬​‎‏*​*‎‫​* *())
    2019.09.23 00:44:36.299 overlay paint notification (SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x88990001], Module: [SharpDX.Direct2D1], ApiCode: [D2DERR_WRONG_STATE/WrongState], Message: O objeto não estava no estado correto para processar o método.

    em SharpDX.Result.CheckError()
    em *‏**​​‪‏‫‫‪‪‏​‬‬‫‬‏**‏****.**‫*‬‬‎‎‪​‎‪*‬​‎‏*​*‎‫​* *())

  9. #22
    Vern1701's Avatar Active Member
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    When pinned, any module on the bottom line gets slightly cut off. Almost as if just the pinned window coordinates are off to the right, making the stats there hard to read. Which file controls the pinned window and how do I shift it left about an inch to show the entire window?

    @Saico Might be a SharpDX problem and not a plugin issue, but don't quote me on that. I've seen it with other plugins.

  10. #23
    Saico's Avatar Active Member
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    Funny thing, I put false in the HealthMonitor bool trying to avoid this exception but got 95 exceptions with JarJar plugin (that I never had before)

    Nome do parâmetro: source
    em System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
    em Turbo.Plugins.JarJar.DefaultUI.PercentCDR.GetEnhancedItemMod(IItem item)
    em Turbo.Plugins.JarJar.DefaultUI.PercentCDR.handleItem(IItem item, Boolean cdrItem, Boolean rcrItem, RectangleF rect)
    em Turbo.Plugins.JarJar.DefaultUI.PercentCDR.PaintTopInGame(ClipState clipState)
    em ‏**​*‏*‫​‏​*****‬​‪‏​‏*‎***‪*.*​*​***‎‎‏***‎​*‫‫**​**‬* ***.‫**‎​**‏‫‫‎*‫‬‪‎**‎‏‎*​*‏‪***()
    em ‏**​*‏*‫​‏​*****‬​‪‏​‏*‎***‪*.​​**‏‎**‎‬‏*‪**​*​*‬‫* ‪*(IPlugin , String , Action )
    em ‏**​*‏*‫​‏​*****‬​‪‏​‏*‎***‪*.‎*‏‬*‬‪***‎‫‎‎*‬‪‎‏‎*​‬‫ **(Object , EventArgs )
    em *‏**​​‪‏‫‫‪‪‏​‬‬‫‬‏**‏***.**‫*‬‬‎‎‪​‎
    Dont know if this SharpDX error is something about the plugin and/or Thud Build. (Using the latest )

  11. #24
    ArnesMeyer's Avatar Member
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    hi,plugin not showing for me how many rifts im finish,im finish 2 GR already but still show 0

  12. #25
    JarJarD3's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Saico View Post
    Funny thing, I put false in the HealthMonitor bool trying to avoid this exception but got 95 exceptions with JarJar plugin (that I never had before)

    Dont know if this SharpDX error is something about the plugin and/or Thud Build. (Using the latest )
    You can try to replace GetEnhancedItemMod() code with this, I guess that item.Affixes can be NULL (when things are not 100% right for an equipped item)!?
    private static ISnoItemMod GetEnhancedItemMod(IItem item)
        var affix = item.EnchantedAffixNew != 0 && item.Affixes != null ? item.Affixes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == item.EnchantedAffixNew) : null;
        return affix != null && affix.Mods.Length > 0 ? affix.Mods[0] : null;
    Anyway this should have nothing to do with other plugins, only how THUD reads and collects memory.

  13. #26
    hakache's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by ArnesMeyer View Post
    hi,plugin not showing for me how many rifts im finish,im finish 2 GR already but still show 0
    This Rift Tracker works mostly around ChatLog method (Like BountiesHelper from Resu) meaning the module only supports 1 langage. The langage supported is obviously english, because most players play in english even if they're not native speakers, so you either need to modify the plugin to adapt it to your langage or play with the game in english.

    Dont know if this SharpDX error is something about the plugin and/or Thud Build. (Using the latest )
    I got exceptions with the BTagAboveBanner from Resu as well in last HUD version (Just like the HealthMonitor Module, when joining multiplayer games sometimes), seems like we need to put more safecheck for null exceptions now. As for the exceptions of the HealthMonitor, I'm pretty sure you did something wrong while installing (Just like with your LootHelper in first page ) cause the exception you linked has been fixed before the one I fixed in last version... Seems like everything is fixed with my last update for Takayo and for me as well so (For now at least )

    As well, I found a critical bug in all modules that draw a history like the LootHelper, which was already there in the original RunStats : If you put an History Timeout, when the History becomes empty it makes the module crash and throwing null exceptions (Maybe because of latest HUD just like the other plugins). I added a safety check in all modules that draw some kind of history, this concerns LootHelper, RiftTracker, DeathLogger, UbersHelper and BountiesHelper. Here is the updated package with the fix : (Update 23/09/2019 15:30)
    Last edited by hakache; 09-23-2019 at 08:39 AM.

  14. #27
    ArnesMeyer's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by hakache View Post
    This Rift Tracker works mostly around ChatLog method (Like BountiesHelper from Resu) meaning the module only supports 1 langage. The langage supported is obviously english, because most players play in english even if they're not native speakers, so you either need to modify the plugin to adapt it to your langage or play with the game in english.

    I got exceptions with the BTagAboveBanner from Resu as well in last HUD version (Just like the HealthMonitor Module, when joining multiplayer games sometimes), seems like we need to put more safecheck for null exceptions now. As for the exceptions of the HealthMonitor, I'm pretty sure you did something wrong while installing (Just like with your LootHelper in first page ) cause the exception you linked has been fixed before the one I fixed in last version... Seems like everything is fixed with my last update for Takayo and for me as well so (For now at least )

    As well, I found a critical bug in all modules that draw a history like the LootHelper, which was already there in the original RunStats : If you put an History Timeout, when the History becomes empty it makes the module crash and throwing null exceptions (Maybe because of latest HUD just like the other plugins). I added a safety check in all modules that draw some kind of history, this concerns LootHelper, RiftTracker, DeathLogger, UbersHelper and BountiesHelper. Here is the updated package with the fix : (Update 23/09/2019 15:30)
    The problem is idk how change this im translate other plugins, loothelper,deathlogger etc. and working fine but this rifttracker not working....

  15. #28
    Saico's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by JarJarD3 View Post
    You can try to replace GetEnhancedItemMod() code with this, I guess that item.Affixes can be NULL (when things are not 100% right for an equipped item)!?
    private static ISnoItemMod GetEnhancedItemMod(IItem item)
        var affix = item.EnchantedAffixNew != 0 && item.Affixes != null ? item.Affixes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == item.EnchantedAffixNew) : null;
        return affix != null && affix.Mods.Length > 0 ? affix.Mods[0] : null;
    Anyway this should have nothing to do with other plugins, only how THUD reads and collects memory.
    Added your code, lets see how it goes.

    @hakache Just downloaded latest Thud Stable build and your latest fix package, runned few hours with old fix you did and it worked fine.

    The only modifications I did in your package are RGB colors mode, Text size and took out some Stats from Bottom and Top just to have all together in the Free Monitor Space I have to fit them, as well the priorities. Nothing else. Just superficial things.

    PS: Your "YellowFont" change to DeathLogger is not working by default, I am still having to modify red text rgb to yellow mannually,.
    Last edited by Saico; 09-23-2019 at 10:58 AM.

  16. #29
    RNN's Avatar Legendary
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    Originally Posted by hakache View Post
    This Rift Tracker works mostly around ChatLog method (Like BountiesHelper from Resu) meaning the module only supports 1 langage. The langage supported is obviously english, because most players play in english even if they're not native speakers, so you either need to modify the plugin to adapt it to your langage or play with the game in english.
    Since I don't have TH in English, I made an alternative version that doesn't use chat, it's language independent : LiveStats_RiftTracker.cs
    Last edited by RNN; 09-23-2019 at 05:30 PM. Reason: Some details that do not affect its operation have been modified.

  17. Thanks hakache (1 members gave Thanks to RNN for this useful post)
  18. #30
    RNN's Avatar Legendary
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    I don't understand why this happens:

    If the time is longer than 10min, a time of 11 or 12 appears and stops. Almost better to write "-" or the infinity symbol if it cannot be avoided

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