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  1. #16
    s4000's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Saico View Post
    Hm, deleted the "else" in this block code and when elite shield stills drawing a red border (The same with condition "else") instead of black background. Attachment 68667

    My configs are: [ATTACH]68668[/ATTACH - ]Attachment 68669
    he had changed other code, the deletion for his need only

    [ENG] Elite Info
  2. #17
    Saico's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by s4000 View Post
    he had changed other code, the deletion for his need only
    hm, got it, how do I do to make shield elites background brush turn to black (when shielded) ? I also would like to have it, this option is so relevant.

  3. #18
    FoxPox's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Saico View Post
    Hm, deleted the "else" in this block code and when elite shield stills drawing a red border (The same with condition "else") instead of black background. Attachment 68667

    My configs are: [ATTACH]68668[/ATTACH - ]Attachment 68669
    change it to Brush_Invulnerable = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 20, 20, 20, 0);

  4. #19
    Saico's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by FoxPox View Post
    change it to Brush_Invulnerable = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 20, 20, 20, 0);
    Oh, worked like a charm ! Thx Bro =)

  5. #20
    RNN's Avatar Legendary
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    Originally Posted by Saico View Post
    Oh, worked like a charm ! Thx Bro =)
    If you want it as in my mod, with black background and yellow border to indicate that it is invulnerable due to the shield

    There are more reasons to be invulnerable, for example that it is hidden in the ground. In those cases, the border will be white

    I paste the complete code and you look at the changes. If you need it, I tell you what concrete lines are

    // combined of elite bar, elite circle, health bar on elite, elite line, Zei Circle for Boss
    using System;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Globalization;
    using Turbo.Plugins.Default;
    namespace Turbo.Plugins.DavMonster
    	public class DAV_EliteInfoPlugin : BasePlugin, IInGameWorldPainter, ICustomizer {
    		public float XPos { get; set; }
    		public float YPos { get; set; }
    		public float offsetZ { get; set; } = 0f;
    		public bool showDebuff_CC { get; set; } = true;
    		public bool showCurse { get; set; } = true;
    		public WorldDecoratorCollection ZeiDecorator { get; set; }
    		public DAV_EliteInfo Elite_Boss { get; set; }
    		public DAV_EliteInfo Elite_Null { get; set; }
    		public DAV_EliteInfo Elite_Rare { get; set; }
    		public DAV_EliteInfo Elite_Judd { get; set; }
    		public Dictionary<int, DAV_EliteInfo> Elite_Blue { get; set; } = new Dictionary<int, DAV_EliteInfo>();
    		public Dictionary<string, IFont> Affix_Font { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, IFont>();
    		public Dictionary<MonsterAffix, Tuple<int, string, string>> DisplayAffix { get; set; } = new Dictionary<MonsterAffix, Tuple<int, string, string>>();
    		public DAV_EliteInfoPlugin() {
    			Enabled = true;
    			Order = 2005;
    		public override void Load(IController hud) {
    			XPos = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.2f;
    			YPos = Hud.Window.Size.Height * 0.005f;
    			Elite_Boss = new DAV_EliteInfo(Hud, 153, 51, 255);
    			Elite_Null = new DAV_EliteInfo(Hud, 178, 102, 255);
    			Elite_Rare = new DAV_EliteInfo(Hud, 255, 153, 51);
    			Elite_Judd = new DAV_EliteInfo(Hud, 255, 51, 51);
    			Elite_Blue.Add(1, new DAV_EliteInfo(Hud, 51, 153, 255));
    			Elite_Blue.Add(2, new DAV_EliteInfo(Hud, 0, 204, 0));
    			Elite_Blue.Add(3, new DAV_EliteInfo(Hud, 154, 205, 50));
    			Elite_Blue.Add(4, new DAV_EliteInfo(Hud, 255, 153, 204));
    			Elite_Blue.Add(5, new DAV_EliteInfo(Hud, 96, 96, 96));
    			ZeiDecorator = new WorldDecoratorCollection(
    				new GroundCircleDecorator(Hud) {
    					Brush = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255,192,96,0, 1),
    					Radius = 50f
    			Affix_Font.Add("Normal", Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 6, 255, 240, 240, 240, false, false, true));
    			Affix_Font.Add("Lightning", Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 6, 255, 240, 240, 0, false, false, true));
    			Affix_Font.Add("Fire", Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 6, 255, 255, 70, 0, false, false, true));
    			Affix_Font.Add("Arcane", Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 6, 255, 140, 45, 225, false, false, true));
    			Affix_Font.Add("Cold", Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 6, 255, 0, 190, 255, false, false, true));
    			Affix_Font.Add("Poison", Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 6, 255, 128, 255, 0, false, false, true));
    			Affix_Font.Add("Danger", Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 6, 255, 255, 128, 0, false, false, true));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Wormhole, new Tuple<int, string, string>(1, "蟲洞", "Danger"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Juggernaut, new Tuple<int, string, string>(2, "強韌", "Danger"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Waller, new Tuple<int, string, string>(3, "築牆", "Danger"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Teleporter, new Tuple<int, string, string>(4, "傳送", "Danger"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Shielding, new Tuple<int, string, string>(5, "護盾", "Danger"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Illusionist, new Tuple<int, string, string>(6, "幻像", "Danger"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Electrified, new Tuple<int, string, string>(7, "帶電", "Lightning"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Orbiter, new Tuple<int, string, string>(8, "電球", "Lightning"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Thunderstorm, new Tuple<int, string, string>(9, "雷霆風暴", "Lightning"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.FireChains, new Tuple<int, string, string>(10, "火鏈", "Fire"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Desecrator, new Tuple<int, string, string>(11, "褻瀆", "Fire"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Molten, new Tuple<int, string, string>(12, "熔火", "Fire"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Mortar, new Tuple<int, string, string>(13, "炮轟", "Fire"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.FrozenPulse, new Tuple<int, string, string>(14, "冰凍衝擊", "Cold"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Frozen, new Tuple<int, string, string>(15, "凍結", "Cold"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Arcane, new Tuple<int, string, string>(16, "秘法", "Arcane"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Jailer, new Tuple<int, string, string>(17, "囚禁", "Arcane"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Plagued, new Tuple<int, string, string>(18, "瘟疫", "Poison"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Poison, new Tuple<int, string, string>(19, "毒素加持", "Poison"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Horde, new Tuple<int, string, string>(20, "族群", "Normal"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.MissileDampening, new Tuple<int, string, string>(21, "投射抑制", "Normal"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.ExtraHealth, new Tuple<int, string, string>(22, "強命", "Normal"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Fast, new Tuple<int, string, string>(23, "快速", "Normal"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Vampiric, new Tuple<int, string, string>(24, "吸血", "Normal"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Knockback, new Tuple<int, string, string>(25, "擊退", "Normal"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Nightmarish, new Tuple<int, string, string>(26, "夢魘", "Normal"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Vortex, new Tuple<int, string, string>(27, "漩渦", "Normal"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Avenger, new Tuple<int, string, string>(28, "復仇者", "Normal"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Reflect, new Tuple<int, string, string>(29, "傷害反彈", "Normal"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.HealthLink, new Tuple<int, string, string>(30, "生命鏈接", "Normal"));
    		public void PaintWorld(WorldLayer layer) {
    			var packs = Hud.Game.MonsterPacks.Where(x => x.MonstersAlive.Any()).OrderBy(m => m.IsFullChampionPack);
    			var bosses = Hud.Game.AliveMonsters.Where(m => (m.Rarity == ActorRarity.Boss || m.Rarity == ActorRarity.Unique) && m.SummonerAcdDynamicId == 0);
    			var nullpacks = Hud.Game.AliveMonsters.Where(m => (m.Rarity == ActorRarity.Champion || m.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare) && m.SummonerAcdDynamicId == 0 && m.Pack == null);
    			float yref = YPos;
    			foreach(IMonster m in bosses) {
    				Elite_Boss.DrawInfo(layer, m, XPos, ref yref, offsetZ, showDebuff_CC, showCurse);
    				yref += 0.2f;
    				if (Hud.Game.Me.Powers.BuffIsActive(403468, 0))
    					ZeiDecorator.Paint(layer, m, m.FloorCoordinate, null);
    			foreach(IMonster nullpack in nullpacks) {
    				if (nullpack.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare)
    					Elite_Rare.DrawInfo(layer, nullpack, XPos, ref yref, offsetZ, showDebuff_CC, showCurse);
    				else Elite_Null.DrawInfo(layer, nullpack, XPos, ref yref, offsetZ, showDebuff_CC, showCurse);
    				yref += 0.4f;
    			var blueNum = 1;
    			foreach(IMonsterPack MonPack in packs){
    				var monsters = MonPack.MonstersAlive.Where(m => m.Rarity != ActorRarity.RareMinion && m.SummonerAcdDynamicId == 0).OrderBy(p => p.CurHealth);
    				if (monsters.Count() == 0) continue;
    				// Elite Affix
    				var aff_x = XPos;
    				float aff_h = 0f;
    				var PackAffix = MonPack.AffixSnoList.ToList();
    				PackAffix.Sort((a, b) => (DisplayAffix[a.Affix].Item1).CompareTo(DisplayAffix[b.Affix].Item1));
    				foreach(var affix in PackAffix) {
    					var affixInfo = DisplayAffix[affix.Affix];
    					var AffixFont = Affix_Font[affixInfo.Item3];
    					var custname = AffixFont.GetTextLayout(affixInfo.Item2);
    					AffixFont.DrawText(custname, aff_x, yref);
    					aff_x += (float) custname.Metrics.Width + 5;
    					aff_h = (float) custname.Metrics.Height;
    				yref += aff_h;
    				DAV_EliteInfo ColorInfo = null;
    				if (MonPack.IsFullChampionPack) {
    					ColorInfo = Elite_Blue[blueNum];
    					if (blueNum < Elite_Blue.Count)
    				else if (MonPack.AffixSnoList.Any(a => a.Affix == MonsterAffix.Juggernaut))
    					ColorInfo = Elite_Judd;
    					ColorInfo = Elite_Rare;
    				foreach(var monster in monsters)
    					ColorInfo.DrawInfo(layer, monster, XPos, ref yref, offsetZ, showDebuff_CC, showCurse);
    				yref += 0.2f;
    		public void Customize() {
    			Hud.RunOnPlugin<StandardMonsterPlugin>(plugin => {
    				plugin.EliteChampionDecorator.Enabled = false;
    				plugin.EliteLeaderDecorator.Enabled = false;
    				plugin.EliteMinionDecorator.Enabled = false;
    				plugin.EliteUniqueDecorator.Enabled = false;
    				plugin.KeywardenDecorator.Enabled = false;
    	public class DAV_EliteInfo {
    		public bool Enabled { get; set; }
    		public IController Hud { get; set; }
    		public float barH { get; set; }
    		public float barW { get; set; }
    		public float barHmon { get; set; }
    		public float barWmon { get; set; }
    		public float distance { get; set; }
    		public IBrush Brush_BG { get; set; }
    		public IBrush Brush_Border { get; set; }
    		public IBrush Brush_Health { get; set; }
    		public IBrush Brush_Line { get; set; }
    		public IBrush Brush_Invulnerable { get; set; }
    		public IBrush Brush_BG_Invulnerable { get; set; }
    		public IFont Font_White { get; set; }
    		public IFont Font_Mon { get; set; }
    		public WorldDecoratorCollection EliteDecorator { get; set; }
    		public DAV_EliteInfo(IController hud, int r, int g, int b, float Monsize = 3f, float dist = 45f) {
    			Enabled = true;
    			Hud = hud;
    			barH = Hud.Window.Size.Height * 0.012f; //0.014f
    			barW = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.11f;
    			barHmon = barH * 1.6f; // 1.4f
    			barWmon = barW * 0.35f;
    			distance = dist;
    			Font_White = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 6, 255, 255, 255, 255, false, false, false); //255, 255, 255, 255, true);
    			Font_Mon = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 8f, 200, 255, 255, 255, false, false, true);
    			Brush_BG = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 125, 120, 120, 0);
    			Brush_Border = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 255, 255, 255, -1);
    			Brush_Health = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, r, g, b, 0);
    			Brush_Line = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(153, r, g, b, -1);
    			Brush_Invulnerable = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 255, 255, 0, 2);
    			Brush_BG_Invulnerable = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    			EliteDecorator = new WorldDecoratorCollection(
    				new MapShapeDecorator(Hud) {
    					Brush = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(180, r, g, b, 0),
    					Radius = 8,
    					ShapePainter = new CircleShapePainter(Hud)
    				new GroundCircleDecorator(Hud) {
    					Brush = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, r, g, b, 6),
    					Radius = Monsize
    				new GroundCircleDecorator(Hud) {
    					Brush = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 255, 255, 255, 1.5f),
    					Radius = Monsize
    		private string Debuff(IMonster m, bool showDebuff) {
    			if (!showDebuff) return "";
    			string textDebuff = null;
    			if (m.Locust) textDebuff += "Locust";
    			if (m.Haunted) textDebuff += (textDebuff == null ? "Haunt" : ", Haunt");
    			if (m.Palmed) textDebuff += (textDebuff == null ? "Palm" : ", Palm");
    			if (m.MarkedForDeath) textDebuff += (textDebuff == null ? "Mark" : ", Mark");
    			if (m.Strongarmed) textDebuff += (textDebuff == null ? "Strongarm" : ", Strongarm");
    			string textCC = null;
    			if (m.Frozen) textCC += "Frozen";
    			if (m.Chilled) textCC += (textCC == null ? "Chill" : ", Chill");
    			if (m.Slow) textCC += (textCC == null ? "Slow" : ", Slow");
    			if (m.Stunned) textCC += (textCC == null ? "Stun" : ", Stun");
    			if (m.Invulnerable) textCC += (textCC == null ? "Invulnerable" : ", Invulnerable");
    			if (m.Blind) textCC += (textCC == null ? "Blind" : ", Blind");
    			var output = "\t" + textDebuff + (textDebuff != null && textCC != null ? " | " : "") + textCC;
    			return output;
    		private string Curse(IMonster m) {
    			string Curses = "";
    			if (m.GetAttributeValue(Hud.Sno.Attributes.Power_Buff_2_Visual_Effect_None, 471845) == 1) //471845 1 power: Frailty
    				Curses += "F";
    			if (m.GetAttributeValue(Hud.Sno.Attributes.Power_Buff_2_Visual_Effect_None, 471869) == 1)  //471869 1 power: Leech
    				Curses += (Curses == "" ? "L" : " L");
    			if (m.GetAttributeValue(Hud.Sno.Attributes.Power_Buff_2_Visual_Effect_None, 471738) == 1) //471738 1 power: Decrepify
    				Curses += (Curses == "" ? "D" : " D");
    			return Curses;
    		public void DrawInfo(WorldLayer layer, IMonster monster, float Pos_X, ref float Pos_Y, float offset, bool showDebuff, bool showCurse){
    			EliteDecorator.Paint(layer, monster, monster.FloorCoordinate, monster.SnoMonster.NameLocalized);
    			if (monster.CentralXyDistanceToMe >= distance)
    				Brush_Line.DrawLineWorld(monster.FloorCoordinate, Hud.Game.Me.FloorCoordinate);
    			var CurPercent = monster.CurHealth / monster.MaxHealth;
    			if (CurPercent < 0 || CurPercent > 1)
    				CurPercent = 1;
    			//Draw Rectangles
    			Brush_BG.DrawRectangle(Pos_X, Pos_Y, barW, barH);
    			Brush_Health.DrawRectangle(Pos_X, Pos_Y, (float) CurPercent * barW, barH);
    		//	Brush_Border.DrawRectangle(Pos_X, Pos_Y, barW, barH); // white border for bar on screen
    			var name = Font_White.GetTextLayout(monster.SnoMonster.NameLocalized);
    			Font_White.DrawText(name, Pos_X + 3, Pos_Y + (barH - (float)name.Metrics.Height)/2);
    			var HPtext = (CurPercent * 100).ToString("0.0") + "%";
    			var textLayout = Font_White.GetTextLayout(HPtext + Debuff(monster, showDebuff));
    			Font_White.DrawText(textLayout, Pos_X + barW + 4 , Pos_Y + (barH - (float)textLayout.Metrics.Height)/2);
    			if (showCurse) {
    				var curseInfo = Curse(monster);
    				textLayout = Font_White.GetTextLayout(curseInfo);
    				Font_White.DrawText(textLayout, Pos_X + barW - textLayout.Metrics.Width - 6, Pos_Y + (barH - (float)textLayout.Metrics.Height)/2);
    			if (monster.IsOnScreen){
    				var Mon_X = monster.FloorCoordinate.ToScreenCoordinate().X - barWmon / 2;
    				var Mon_Y = monster.FloorCoordinate.ToScreenCoordinate().Y + barHmon + offset;
    				Brush_BG.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, barWmon, barHmon);
    				if (monster.Invulnerable) 
    					Brush_BG_Invulnerable.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, barWmon, barHmon);
    					if ( monster.AffixSnoList.Any(a => a.Affix == MonsterAffix.Shielding)  && monster.Attackable  ) Brush_Invulnerable.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, barWmon, barHmon); //Option: barWmon -> (float) CurPercent * barWmon
    					else Brush_Border.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, barWmon, barHmon);
    				else {
    					Brush_Health.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, (float) CurPercent * barWmon, barHmon);
    					Brush_Border.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, barWmon, barHmon);
    				var textLayout2 = Font_Mon.GetTextLayout(HPtext);
    				Font_Mon.DrawText(HPtext, Mon_X + (barWmon - textLayout2.Metrics.Width)/2 , Mon_Y + (barHmon - textLayout2.Metrics.Height)/2);
    			else {
    				var missing = Font_White.GetTextLayout("\u26A0");
    				Font_White.DrawText(missing, Pos_X - 17, Pos_Y + (barH - missing.Metrics.Height)/2);
    			Pos_Y += barH * 1.1f; // * 1.3f;
    Last edited by RNN; 09-02-2019 at 02:50 PM. Reason: shielding detect+

  6. Thanks BeeAntOS (1 members gave Thanks to RNN for this useful post)
  7. #21
    s4000's Avatar Contributor
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    updated with curse information

  8. Thanks Saico (1 members gave Thanks to s4000 for this useful post)
  9. #22
    Saico's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by RNN View Post
    If you want it as in my mod, with black background and yellow border to indicate that it is invulnerable due to the shield

    There are more reasons to be invulnerable, for example that it is hidden in the ground. In those cases, the border will be white

    I paste the complete code and you look at the changes. If you need it, I tell you what concrete lines are

    // combined of elite bar, elite circle, health bar on elite, elite line, Zei Circle for Boss
    using System;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Globalization;
    using Turbo.Plugins.Default;
    namespace Turbo.Plugins.DavMonster
    	public class DAV_EliteInfoPlugin : BasePlugin, IInGameWorldPainter, ICustomizer {
    		public float XPos { get; set; }
    		public float YPos { get; set; }
    		public float offsetZ { get; set; } = 0f;
    		public bool showDebuff_CC { get; set; } = true;
    		public WorldDecoratorCollection ZeiDecorator { get; set; }
    		public DAV_EliteInfo Elite_Boss { get; set; }
    		public DAV_EliteInfo Elite_Null { get; set; }
    		public DAV_EliteInfo Elite_Rare { get; set; }
    		public DAV_EliteInfo Elite_Judd { get; set; }
    		public Dictionary<int, DAV_EliteInfo> Elite_Blue { get; set; } = new Dictionary<int, DAV_EliteInfo>();
    		public Dictionary<string, IFont> Affix_Font { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, IFont>();
    		public Dictionary<MonsterAffix, Tuple<int, string, string>> DisplayAffix { get; set; } = new Dictionary<MonsterAffix, Tuple<int, string, string>>();
    		public DAV_EliteInfoPlugin() {
    			Enabled = true;
    			Order = 2005;
    		public override void Load(IController hud) {
    			XPos = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.2f;
    			YPos = Hud.Window.Size.Height * 0.005f;
    			Elite_Boss = new DAV_EliteInfo(Hud, 153, 51, 255);
    			Elite_Null = new DAV_EliteInfo(Hud, 178, 102, 255);
    			Elite_Rare = new DAV_EliteInfo(Hud, 255, 153, 51);
    			Elite_Judd = new DAV_EliteInfo(Hud, 255, 51, 51);
    			Elite_Blue.Add(1, new DAV_EliteInfo(Hud, 51, 153, 255));
    			Elite_Blue.Add(2, new DAV_EliteInfo(Hud, 0, 204, 0));
    			Elite_Blue.Add(3, new DAV_EliteInfo(Hud, 154, 205, 50));
    			Elite_Blue.Add(4, new DAV_EliteInfo(Hud, 255, 153, 204));
    			Elite_Blue.Add(5, new DAV_EliteInfo(Hud, 96, 96, 96));
    			ZeiDecorator = new WorldDecoratorCollection(
    				new GroundCircleDecorator(Hud) {
    					Brush = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255,192,96,0, 1),
    					Radius = 50f
    			Affix_Font.Add("Normal", Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 6, 255, 240, 240, 240, false, false, true));
    			Affix_Font.Add("Lightning", Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 6, 255, 240, 240, 0, false, false, true));
    			Affix_Font.Add("Fire", Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 6, 255, 255, 70, 0, false, false, true));
    			Affix_Font.Add("Arcane", Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 6, 255, 140, 45, 225, false, false, true));
    			Affix_Font.Add("Cold", Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 6, 255, 0, 190, 255, false, false, true));
    			Affix_Font.Add("Poison", Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 6, 255, 128, 255, 0, false, false, true));
    			Affix_Font.Add("Danger", Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 6, 255, 255, 128, 0, false, false, true));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Wormhole, new Tuple<int, string, string>(1, "蟲洞", "Danger"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Juggernaut, new Tuple<int, string, string>(2, "強韌", "Danger"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Waller, new Tuple<int, string, string>(3, "築牆", "Danger"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Teleporter, new Tuple<int, string, string>(4, "傳送", "Danger"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Shielding, new Tuple<int, string, string>(5, "護盾", "Danger"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Illusionist, new Tuple<int, string, string>(6, "幻像", "Danger"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Electrified, new Tuple<int, string, string>(7, "帶電", "Lightning"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Orbiter, new Tuple<int, string, string>(8, "電球", "Lightning"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Thunderstorm, new Tuple<int, string, string>(9, "雷霆風暴", "Lightning"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.FireChains, new Tuple<int, string, string>(10, "火鏈", "Fire"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Desecrator, new Tuple<int, string, string>(11, "褻瀆", "Fire"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Molten, new Tuple<int, string, string>(12, "熔火", "Fire"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Mortar, new Tuple<int, string, string>(13, "炮轟", "Fire"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.FrozenPulse, new Tuple<int, string, string>(14, "冰凍衝擊", "Cold"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Frozen, new Tuple<int, string, string>(15, "凍結", "Cold"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Arcane, new Tuple<int, string, string>(16, "秘法", "Arcane"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Jailer, new Tuple<int, string, string>(17, "囚禁", "Arcane"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Plagued, new Tuple<int, string, string>(18, "瘟疫", "Poison"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Poison, new Tuple<int, string, string>(19, "毒素加持", "Poison"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Horde, new Tuple<int, string, string>(20, "族群", "Normal"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.MissileDampening, new Tuple<int, string, string>(21, "投射抑制", "Normal"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.ExtraHealth, new Tuple<int, string, string>(22, "強命", "Normal"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Fast, new Tuple<int, string, string>(23, "快速", "Normal"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Vampiric, new Tuple<int, string, string>(24, "吸血", "Normal"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Knockback, new Tuple<int, string, string>(25, "擊退", "Normal"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Nightmarish, new Tuple<int, string, string>(26, "夢魘", "Normal"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Vortex, new Tuple<int, string, string>(27, "漩渦", "Normal"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Avenger, new Tuple<int, string, string>(28, "復仇者", "Normal"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Reflect, new Tuple<int, string, string>(29, "傷害反彈", "Normal"));
    			DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.HealthLink, new Tuple<int, string, string>(30, "生命鏈接", "Normal"));
    		public void PaintWorld(WorldLayer layer) {
    			var packs = Hud.Game.MonsterPacks.Where(x => x.MonstersAlive.Any()).OrderBy(m => m.IsFullChampionPack);
    			var bosses = Hud.Game.AliveMonsters.Where(m => (m.Rarity == ActorRarity.Boss || m.Rarity == ActorRarity.Unique) && m.SummonerAcdDynamicId == 0);
    			var nullpacks = Hud.Game.AliveMonsters.Where(m => (m.Rarity == ActorRarity.Champion || m.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare) && m.SummonerAcdDynamicId == 0 && m.Pack == null);
    			float yref = YPos;
    			foreach(IMonster m in bosses) {
    				Elite_Boss.DrawInfo(layer, m, XPos, ref yref, offsetZ, showDebuff_CC);
    				yref += 0.2f;
    				if (Hud.Game.Me.Powers.BuffIsActive(403468, 0))
    					ZeiDecorator.Paint(layer, m, m.FloorCoordinate, null);
    			foreach(IMonster nullpack in nullpacks) {
    				if (nullpack.Rarity == ActorRarity.Rare)
    					Elite_Rare.DrawInfo(layer, nullpack, XPos, ref yref, offsetZ, showDebuff_CC);
    				else Elite_Null.DrawInfo(layer, nullpack, XPos, ref yref, offsetZ, showDebuff_CC);
    				yref += 0.4f;
    			var blueNum = 1;
    			foreach(IMonsterPack MonPack in packs){
    				var monsters = MonPack.MonstersAlive.Where(m => m.Rarity != ActorRarity.RareMinion && m.SummonerAcdDynamicId == 0).OrderBy(p => p.CurHealth);
    				if (monsters.Count() == 0) continue;
    				// Elite Affix
    				var aff_x = XPos;
    				float aff_h = 0f;
    				var PackAffix = MonPack.AffixSnoList.ToList();
    				PackAffix.Sort((a, b) => (DisplayAffix[a.Affix].Item1).CompareTo(DisplayAffix[b.Affix].Item1));
    				foreach(var affix in PackAffix) {
    					var affixInfo = DisplayAffix[affix.Affix];
    					var AffixFont = Affix_Font[affixInfo.Item3];
    					var custname = AffixFont.GetTextLayout(affixInfo.Item2);
    					AffixFont.DrawText(custname, aff_x, yref);
    					aff_x += (float) custname.Metrics.Width + 5;
    					aff_h = (float) custname.Metrics.Height;
    				yref += aff_h;
    				DAV_EliteInfo ColorInfo = null;
    				if (MonPack.IsFullChampionPack) {
    					ColorInfo = Elite_Blue[blueNum];
    					if (blueNum < Elite_Blue.Count)
    				else if (MonPack.AffixSnoList.Any(a => a.Affix == MonsterAffix.Juggernaut))
    					ColorInfo = Elite_Judd;
    					ColorInfo = Elite_Rare;
    				foreach(var monster in monsters)
    					ColorInfo.DrawInfo(layer, monster, XPos, ref yref, offsetZ, showDebuff_CC);
    				yref += 0.2f;
    		public void Customize() {
    			Hud.RunOnPlugin<StandardMonsterPlugin>(plugin => {
    				plugin.EliteChampionDecorator.Enabled = false;
    				plugin.EliteLeaderDecorator.Enabled = false;
    				plugin.EliteMinionDecorator.Enabled = false;
    				plugin.EliteUniqueDecorator.Enabled = false;
    				plugin.KeywardenDecorator.Enabled = false;
    	public class DAV_EliteInfo {
    		public bool Enabled { get; set; }
    		public IController Hud { get; set; }
    		public float barH { get; set; }
    		public float barW { get; set; }
    		public float barHmon { get; set; }
    		public float barWmon { get; set; }
    		public float distance { get; set; }
    		public IBrush Brush_BG { get; set; }
    		public IBrush Brush_Border { get; set; }
    		public IBrush Brush_Health { get; set; }
    		public IBrush Brush_Line { get; set; }
    		public IBrush Brush_Invulnerable { get; set; }
    		public IBrush Brush_BG_Invulnerable { get; set; }
    		public IFont Font_White { get; set; }
    		public IFont Font_Mon { get; set; }
    		public WorldDecoratorCollection EliteDecorator { get; set; }
    		public DAV_EliteInfo(IController hud, int r, int g, int b, float Monsize = 3f, float dist = 45f) {
    			Enabled = true;
    			Hud = hud;
    			barH = Hud.Window.Size.Height * 0.012f; //0.014f
    			barW = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.11f;
    			barHmon = barH * 1.6f; // 1.4f
    			barWmon = barW * 0.35f;
    			distance = dist;
    			Font_White = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 6, 255, 255, 255, 255, false, false, false); //255, 255, 255, 255, true);
    			Font_Mon = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 8f, 200, 255, 255, 255, false, false, true);
    			Brush_BG = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 125, 120, 120, 0);
    			Brush_Border = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 255, 255, 255, -1);
    			Brush_Health = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, r, g, b, 0);
    			Brush_Line = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(153, r, g, b, -1);
    			Brush_Invulnerable = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 255, 255, 0, 2);
    			Brush_BG_Invulnerable = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    			EliteDecorator = new WorldDecoratorCollection(
    				new MapShapeDecorator(Hud) {
    					Brush = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(180, r, g, b, 0),
    					Radius = 8,
    					ShapePainter = new CircleShapePainter(Hud)
    				new GroundCircleDecorator(Hud) {
    					Brush = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, r, g, b, 6),
    					Radius = Monsize
    				new GroundCircleDecorator(Hud) {
    					Brush = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 255, 255, 255, 1.5f),
    					Radius = Monsize
    		private string Debuff(IMonster m, bool showDebuff) {
    			if (!showDebuff) return "";
    			string textDebuff = null;
    			if (m.Locust) textDebuff += "Locust";
    			if (m.Haunted) textDebuff += (textDebuff == null ? "Haunt" : ", Haunt");
    			if (m.Palmed) textDebuff += (textDebuff == null ? "Palm" : ", Palm");
    			if (m.MarkedForDeath) textDebuff += (textDebuff == null ? "Mark" : ", Mark");
    			if (m.Strongarmed) textDebuff += (textDebuff == null ? "Strongarm" : ", Strongarm");
    			string textCC = null;
    			if (m.Frozen) textCC += "Frozen";
    			if (m.Chilled) textCC += (textCC == null ? "Chill" : ", Chill");
    			if (m.Slow) textCC += (textCC == null ? "Slow" : ", Slow");
    			if (m.Stunned) textCC += (textCC == null ? "Stun" : ", Stun");
    			if (m.Invulnerable) textCC += (textCC == null ? "Invulnerable" : ", Invulnerable");
    			if (m.Blind) textCC += (textCC == null ? "Blind" : ", Blind");
    			var output = "\t" + textDebuff + (textDebuff != null && textCC != null ? " | " : "") + textCC;
    			return output;
    		public void DrawInfo(WorldLayer layer, IMonster monster, float Pos_X, ref float Pos_Y, float offset, bool showDebuff){
    			EliteDecorator.Paint(layer, monster, monster.FloorCoordinate, monster.SnoMonster.NameLocalized);
    			if (monster.CentralXyDistanceToMe >= distance)
    				Brush_Line.DrawLineWorld(monster.FloorCoordinate, Hud.Game.Me.FloorCoordinate);
    			var CurPercent = monster.CurHealth / monster.MaxHealth;
    			if (CurPercent < 0 || CurPercent > 1)
    				CurPercent = 1;
    			//Draw Rectangles
    			Brush_BG.DrawRectangle(Pos_X, Pos_Y, barW, barH);
    			Brush_Health.DrawRectangle(Pos_X, Pos_Y, (float) CurPercent * barW, barH);
    			var name = Font_White.GetTextLayout(monster.SnoMonster.NameLocalized);
    			Font_White.DrawText(name, Pos_X + 3, Pos_Y + (barH - (float)name.Metrics.Height)/2);
    			var HPtext = (CurPercent * 100).ToString("0.0") + "%";
    			var textLayout = Font_White.GetTextLayout(HPtext + Debuff(monster, showDebuff));
    			Font_White.DrawText(textLayout, Pos_X + barW + 4 , Pos_Y + (barH - (float)textLayout.Metrics.Height)/2);
    			if (monster.IsOnScreen){
    				var Mon_X = monster.FloorCoordinate.ToScreenCoordinate().X - barWmon / 2;
    				var Mon_Y = monster.FloorCoordinate.ToScreenCoordinate().Y + barHmon + offset;
    				Brush_BG.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, barWmon, barHmon);
    				Brush_Health.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, (float) CurPercent * barWmon, barHmon);
    				if (monster.Invulnerable) 
    					Brush_BG_Invulnerable.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y,  barWmon, barHmon);
    					if ( monster.AffixSnoList.Any(a => a.Affix == MonsterAffix.Shielding) ) Brush_Invulnerable.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, barWmon, barHmon);
    				else Brush_Border.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, barWmon, barHmon);
    				var textLayout2 = Font_Mon.GetTextLayout(HPtext);
    				Font_Mon.DrawText(HPtext, Mon_X + (barWmon - textLayout2.Metrics.Width)/2 , Mon_Y + (barHmon - textLayout2.Metrics.Height)/2);
    			else {
    				var missing = Font_White.GetTextLayout("\u26A0");
    				Font_White.DrawText(missing, Pos_X - 17, Pos_Y + (barH - missing.Metrics.Height)/2);
    			Pos_Y += barH * 1.1f; // * 1.3f;
    Hm I gonna have a look in the code as I have translated affixes, resized and mod fonts and bars. I`ll have to copy them.

    Gonna test curse code s4 upgrade also. Ty

  10. #23
    RNN's Avatar Legendary
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    I have updated the code above for the last update (curses). You better remove the old code in Quote

    I write now only the changes I made, it will be easier to see:

    this code
    	public IBrush Brush_Invulnerable { get; set; }
    replace by
    	public IBrush Brush_Invulnerable { get; set; }
    	public IBrush Brush_BG_Invulnerable { get; set; }
    this code
    	Brush_Invulnerable = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 255, 0, 0, 3);
    replace by
    	Brush_Invulnerable = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 255, 255, 0, 2);
    	Brush_BG_Invulnerable = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    And This code
    	Brush_Health.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, (float) CurPercent * barWmon, barHmon);
    	if (monster.Invulnerable) Brush_Invulnerable.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, barWmon, barHmon);
    	else Brush_Border.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, barWmon, barHmon);
    replace by
    	if (monster.Invulnerable) 
    		Brush_BG_Invulnerable.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, barWmon, barHmon);  //Option: barWmon -> (float) CurPercent * barWmon
    		if ( monster.AffixSnoList.Any(a => a.Affix == MonsterAffix.Shielding) && monster.Attackable ) Brush_Invulnerable.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, barWmon, barHmon);
    		else Brush_Border.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, barWmon, barHmon);
    		Brush_Health.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, (float) CurPercent * barWmon, barHmon);
    		Brush_Border.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, barWmon, barHmon);
    Last edited by RNN; 09-02-2019 at 02:52 PM. Reason: shielding detect+ (added monster.Attackable)

  11. Thanks Saico (1 members gave Thanks to RNN for this useful post)
  12. #24
    Saico's Avatar Active Member
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    Holy ! Thanks for such help RNN !! Added your lines and it is working fine Black Background for shielded. =) ( I did not encounter grounded packs for test, but it should be fine Black BG anyways)

    Curses upgrade looks good s4, I was lookin them in right side of debuufs (old EliteBar style)
    but you put them inside actual RectangleBar (which looks great) gives more space to debuufs in right side and I do not have any purpose to decrease EliteBarRectangle to not cause them overlaying (Elite name) and (FLD text)

  13. #25
    RNN's Avatar Legendary
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    I comment on a change that may be interesting to someone
    changing this code
    if (Hud.Game.Me.Powers.BuffIsActive(403468, 0))
    for this one:
    if (Hud.Game.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => (p.HasValidActor && p.Powers.BuffIsActive(403468, 0))) != null)
    The circle of the zei (Boss) will be shown if any of the nearby players have the gem. For example, in GR, the Support will see if a bk is at the limit of the zei

  14. Thanks Saico, hakache, BeeAntOS (3 members gave Thanks to RNN for this useful post)
  15. #26
    WRG's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by s4000 View Post
    - show elite health bar on screen
    - elite circle for non illusion elite
    - show health bar under each elite
    - show line from player to elite if too far
    - different color for blue elite
    show zei circle for boss, unique

    1. please modify the elite affix for your language, eg
    (priority of the affix , name of , color of the text(dont modify if you dont know about coding)
    DisplayAffix.Add(MonsterAffix.Wormhole, new Tuple<int, string, string>(1, "蟲洞", "Danger"));

    2. color for blue elite, I have added 5 different color, for more color , please use number 6, 7, ........
    Elite_Blue.Add(1, new DAV_EliteInfo(Hud, 51, 153, 255));

    3. color, size of circle, line for monster exist X distance, modify
    Elite_Boss = new DAV_EliteInfo(Hud, red, green, blue, size, distance);

    Attachment 68641

    Copy to plugins\DavMonster
    [C#] DAV_EliteInfoPlugin - Pastebin.com
    Which section do I edit to change the size of the bars and text in the top left? Most importantly the size of the affix text.

  16. #27
    iThinkiWin's Avatar Active Member
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    just did simple ShapePainter = WorldStarShapePainter.NewCross(Hud), for when mine shield

  17. #28
    takayo72's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by RNN View Post
    I have updated the code above for the last update (curses). You better remove the old code in Quote

    I write now only the changes I made, it will be easier to see:

    this code
    	public IBrush Brush_Invulnerable { get; set; }
    replace by
    	public IBrush Brush_Invulnerable { get; set; }
    	public IBrush Brush_BG_Invulnerable { get; set; }
    this code
    	Brush_Invulnerable = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 255, 0, 0, 3);
    replace by
    	Brush_Invulnerable = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 255, 255, 0, 2);
    	Brush_BG_Invulnerable = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    And This code
    	Brush_Health.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, (float) CurPercent * barWmon, barHmon);
    	if (monster.Invulnerable) Brush_Invulnerable.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, barWmon, barHmon);
    	else Brush_Border.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, barWmon, barHmon);
    replace by
    	if (monster.Invulnerable) 
    		Brush_BG_Invulnerable.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, barWmon, barHmon);  //Option: barWmon -> (float) CurPercent * barWmon
    		if ( monster.AffixSnoList.Any(a => a.Affix == MonsterAffix.Shielding) && monster.Attackable ) Brush_Invulnerable.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, barWmon, barHmon);
    		else Brush_Border.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, barWmon, barHmon);
    		Brush_Health.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, (float) CurPercent * barWmon, barHmon);
    		Brush_Border.DrawRectangle(Mon_X, Mon_Y, barWmon, barHmon);

    I followed ur code segment to modify.
    There is no black blackground color for elite with shield affix
    Last edited by takayo72; 09-06-2019 at 06:18 PM.

  18. #29
    s4000's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by WRG View Post
    Which section do I edit to change the size of the bars and text in the top left? Most importantly the size of the affix text.
    Affix Size :
    Affix_Font.Add("Normal", Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 6, 255, 240, 240, 240, false, false, true));
    Affix_Font.Add("Lightning", Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 6, 255, 240, 240, 0, false, false, true));
    Affix_Font.Add("Fire", Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 6, 255, 255, 70, 0, false, false, true));
    Affix_Font.Add("Arcane", Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 6, 255, 140, 45, 225, false, false, true));
    Affix_Font.Add("Cold", Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 6, 255, 0, 190, 255, false, false, true));
    Affix_Font.Add("Poison", Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 6, 255, 128, 255, 0, false, false, true));
    Affix_Font.Add("Danger", Hud.Render.CreateFont("arial", 6, 255, 255, 128, 0, false, false, true));

    bar size :
    barH = Hud.Window.Size.Height * 0.012f; //0.014f
    barW = Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.11f;
    barHmon = barH * 1.6f; // 1.4f
    barWmon = barW * 0.35f;

  19. Thanks WRG (1 members gave Thanks to s4000 for this useful post)
  20. #30
    takayo72's Avatar Active Member
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    sometimes i saw an exclamation mark on the elite info bar
    what is that mark meaning of ?


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