[Guide] How to obtain the amazing new level 70 Hellfire Ring menu

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    BlodyWarior's Avatar Contributor
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    [Guide] How to obtain the amazing new level 70 Hellfire Ring

    2.1 update: as of the 2.1 patch you are now also able to craft the BiS hellfre amulet with the same mats. the recipe for the amulet is bought from Squirt the Peddler in the act2 city for 5mil gold.

    Today i will show you guys how to obtain the new and improved Hellfire Ring for level 70. Much like its previous version this ring has no level requirement but has an extra 10% experience gain making it 45%, also the level 70 version can roll up to 500 int/str/dex.

    I will explain what you need for this bad boy, and where you can find everything needed to make yourself a proud owner of the new and improved hellfire ring. So without any further ado lets get started

    1. Keys and where to find them!
    First of you need to aquire 4 different keys. Each of these keys drop from special Unique monsters found in specific areas. The easiest way to have acces to all keys is simply in addventure and bounty modes. This way you can swap between act during the same game without having to recreate new games every time.

    -first you need the "key of Bones", found on Odeg the Keywarden in Act 1 - Fields of Misery.
    -Second you will need the "key of Gluttony", found on Sokahr the Keywarden in Act 2 - Dahlgur Oasis
    -The third key will be the "key of War", found on Xah'Rith the Keywarden in Act 3 - Stonefort
    -The final key will be the "key of Evil", found on Nekarat the Keywarden in Act 4 - Silver Spire Level 1

    2. Infernal Machines.
    Now that you have all the keys needed it is time to combine them into the Infernal Machines. But first you need to aquire the Blacksmithing plan to create those machines. This plan is dropped from Nekarat the Keywarden in Act 4 - Silver Spire Level 1. Once you have the plan and used it you have learned how to create the infernal machines. Simply go to your local blacksmith and search the list for a subsection called "Portal Device". In this section you will see 4 different recipes, Infernal Machine of War/Evil/Bones/Gluttony. Depending on your luck you need atleast 1 of each meaning you have to farm 4 of each key making it a total of 16 keys.

    3. Bosses and what they drop.
    We have collected 4 different keys, made them into an Infernal Machine and are ready to rock. Each machine will open its own realm with its own unique set of bosses. Each realm contains 2 Bosses wich are the main act bosses in the campaign. You will have to fight both of them at the same time.

    -Infernal Machine of Bones
    This will open a portal where you have to fight The Skeleton king and Maghda.
    This encounter drops "Leorics Regret"

    Skeleton King: he will often teleport and melee you as well as spawn adds just deal with those and he is simply dealt with.

    Maghda: She has to be dealth with the same time as skeleton king, she wil spawn fly swarms and arcane beams regularly, simply avoid these. Aside from that she will shield herself after every 25% hp lost and spawn a set of adds. You will need to kill these adds in order to remove her shield and be able to dps her again.

    -Infernal Machine of Gluttony
    This will open a portal where you have to fight Ghom and Rakanoth
    This encounter drops "Vial of Putridness"

    Ghom: a fairly simple and straight forward encounter. He will often spawn gas clouds wich will deal damage over time, stay out of it but remain close to it so the next gas cloud will spawn near the previous one. The clouds last for a long time and you might find yourself in a position where you have no more room to stand if you don't have high enough dps. He will also sometimes spit at a random player spawning slimes. Just kill the slimes and focus back on Ghom

    Rakanoth: realy easy boss. He will sometimes spin throwing projectiles in random directions, just deal with it it is hard to dodge and the damage from it is low. He also randomly jumps to people, again nothing you can avoid.

    -Infernal Machine of War
    This will open a portal where you have to fight Siegebreaker and Zoltun Kulle
    This encounter drops "Idol of Terror"

    Siegebreaker: From the start he will have his reflect affix up at all times reflecting damage you deal to him. He will sometimes grab people during wich period he will stand still and after a few seconds slam them into the ground. He will also charge you wich you can simply sidestep and avoid. As a final attack he will slam the gound with heavy damage, dont stand infront of him.

    Zoltun Kulle: He can be a pain. He will often shoot fireballs at you, spawn tornados and spawn slow bubbles on the ground. Avoid everything he throws at you and keep him away from siegebreaker to simplify the fight.

    special note: Personally i have found it easiest to leave 1 person on siegebreaker on the far side of the room and take kulle to the opposite side where the rest of the team takes him out. This will ensure that you aren't getting unlucky RNG with their abilities

    -Infernal Machine of Evil
    This will open a portal where you have to fight Diablo himself.
    This encounter drops "Heart of Evil"

    Finaly, Diablo himself. Troughout the whole fight he will shoot fireballs at you, wich if you get hit by will leave a pool of flame dealing heavy damage. He will slam the ground causing fireballs to shoot in all directions, when you see him raise his fists run away to make it easier to avoid. The third ability he has is a fire breath, he will channel this for a few seconds while following the player he is focussing on, run away from it and try to make sure you dont kite the beam trough your team members. His final ability is rather simple to deal with, he will stand still and spawns prisons around the map wich will be indicated a few seconds before by shadows on the ground. If you stand in the shadow when the prison spawns you get locked in place and diablo will pick you up dealing heavy damage.

    Finally on when you get diablo to 75% and 50% he will spawn 1 additional boss. The bosses that spawn can be any of the bosses that are available in the other realms, meaning it can spawn skeleton king, mahgda, zoltun kulle, siegbreaker, rakanoth and ghom. All these bosses their tactics remain unchanged and have to be dealth with right away.

    On 25% diablo will make 2 copies of himself with the same health wich will have the same abilities.

    4. Crafting the ring.
    If you are lucky you will have all 4 pieces to craft the ring. The final task at hand is getting the recipe and crafting the ring. The recipe to craft the ring is sold by Squirt the Peddler for 5million gold wich can be found in act2 next to the Mystic. After learning the recipe at your jeweler you can craft ring.

    5. Droprates.
    In order to obtain the keys and the parts for the ring your game needs to be on atleast torment 1. On torment 1 you will have a base of 25% drop chance wich gets increased by 5% for each torment level up to a maximum of 50% on torment 6. Also each keywarden has a small chance of dropping any of the other act keys aside from his own

    Hopefully this guide has been helpfull, if you have any questions let me know and ill try to answer them.

    Happy hunting and good luck on rolling that awesome quad fecta ring.
    Last edited by BlodyWarior; 08-28-2014 at 07:02 AM.

    [Guide] How to obtain the amazing new level 70 Hellfire Ring
  2. #2
    iminurpocket's Avatar Member
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    Thanks a ton man definately gnona do this when my hard drive starts

  3. #3
    iminurpocket's Avatar Member
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    gets fixed****

  4. #4
    Xel's Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    Currently the effort needed to craft one of these "bad boys" is way too much in comparison to the stats they have.
    I'd wait until Blizzard either buffs the rings or makes the process of acquiring the materials easier.

    This is a very well written guide I will probably end up using later. Thanks. +rep

  5. #5
    BlodyWarior's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Xel View Post
    Currently the effort needed to craft one of these "bad boys" is way too much in comparison to the stats they have.
    I'd wait until Blizzard either buffs the rings or makes the process of acquiring the materials easier.

    This is a very well written guide I will probably end up using later. Thanks. +rep
    the effort needed to make it is indeed pretty high if you compare it to the 100% mp10 drops. However with a bit of luck and some group play it shouldn't be to hard. Besides that if you dont have any pre 2.0 rings chances are no matter what stats the hellfire ring rolls it is gonna be significantly better then any of the rare drops, which for me atleast so far have be horrible.

  6. #6
    bloxbills's Avatar Private
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    I got the Infernal Machine plan from Odeg in act 1. First kill on level 70. Believe I was on T1 at the time. Don't know if it's just extreme luck.

  7. #7
    watsiin's Avatar Private
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    I don't really remember if I got the plan for the new Machine. So, I went to the BS and I do have all (4) new Infernal Machiens (gluttony, war, evil, and bones) listed under my portal section.

    However, the new Hellfire Ring recipe is not available for me to buy, so does that mean I still need the new recipe? I'm kind of confused; wondering if I could get some clarification.
    I do have 4 Keys of Evil, if that means anything. Thanks.

  8. #8
    vv3's Avatar Contributor
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    Very nice guide, +rep for you!

  9. #9
    BlodyWarior's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by bloxbills View Post
    I got the Infernal Machine plan from Odeg in act 1. First kill on level 70. Believe I was on T1 at the time. Don't know if it's just extreme luck.
    I have read that it could drop from the other keywardens aswell but i killed the act4 warden before any of the others and got it on first kill, ill edit the main post.

    Originally Posted by watsiin View Post
    I don't really remember if I got the plan for the new Machine. So, I went to the BS and I do have all (4) new Infernal Machiens (gluttony, war, evil, and bones) listed under my portal section.

    However, the new Hellfire Ring recipe is not available for me to buy, so does that mean I still need the new recipe? I'm kind of confused; wondering if I could get some clarification.
    I do have 4 Keys of Evil, if that means anything. Thanks.
    the plan that drops will teach you all 4 recipes so no need to get more then one. The recipe is sold by Squirt the peddler in the "Hidden Camp" wich is the main city of act 2. Im looking @ the vendor right now and i can see 2 recipes for Hellfire Ring, the design(wich is the lvl 60 version) and the plan(the level 70). You want the Plan:hellfire ring for 5million. If you are not able to buy the recipe are you sure you are at the correct vendor?

  10. #10
    Eudemon's Avatar Member
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    why not do it in group, then you only need 4 keys minimum

  11. #11
    BlodyWarior's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Eudemon View Post
    why not do it in group, then you only need 4 keys minimum
    This guide is to show players how the way to a Hellfire Ring. It is always better to do it with a group but you will still need same total mats, I personally prefer to farm 4 sets of keys myself with a buddy in my group doing the same so we got 2 sets of bosses to spawn.

  12. #12
    kingdomofsteel's Avatar Active Member Authenticator enabled
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    4 rings crafted, all 4 had shitty roles, all 4 were vitality. No Int/Str/Dex. Anyone has same problem?

  13. #13
    iminurpocket's Avatar Member
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    Got me one yesterday going for a secodn today got LOTS oF KEYS

  14. #14
    eden999's Avatar Member
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    after having obtained one, it definitely is not worth your time to craft this ring. I mean it gives +45% bonus experience.... it's not multiplicative, just additive. For example, if you're on T1 (bonus 300%, wearing the ring will give 345% bonus experience, not 435% bonus experience). Proc rate for the firepool is quite low too.

  15. #15
    BlodyWarior's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by eden999 View Post
    after having obtained one, it definitely is not worth your time to craft this ring. I mean it gives +45% bonus experience.... it's not multiplicative, just additive. For example, if you're on T1 (bonus 300%, wearing the ring will give 345% bonus experience, not 435% bonus experience). Proc rate for the firepool is quite low too.
    with no level requirement and rolling upwards 500 mainstat i think it is well worth it for a low lvl char. for level 70 depending on difficulty level you roll the xp is indeed not worth it, however the rolls on the ring can be as awesome as any other rings with the xp beeing a bonus.

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