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    misterchen's Avatar Member
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    Witch Doctor Act 4 Inferno Farm WALKTHROUGH

    PREFACE: The bosses farmed in this guide are not new, people have been farming them for a while. This is a guide on how to EFFICIENTLY farm them as a WITCH DOCTOR. By efficient I mean: make the run as fast as possible, die as least as possible, know when to leave the game and make the next one.

    WHAT: This is my farming route for Act 4 Inferno which has netted at least 5 mil over 2 days and I would say I'm on the lower end of the "lucky" scale when it comes to drops. Friends who have joined my games which just makes the fights longer/harder/more likely for me to die have gotten better drops than me. So we are farming two bosses on this route and each game takes about a 1 1/2 - 2 minutes. Like all the other act 4 Inferno farming guides, our main goal is to farm high dps weapons or level 60 legendaries/sets for the big moneyz. But something that isn't often mentioned is that these mobs can drop blues which have amazingly high stat rolls, all those blues in the AH that give 190+ dex/int/str and some +vit that sell for around 100k? Yeah those drop here. Yes there are a billion of posts which say these guys are nerfed everyday, and yes I QQ a little when I read them, but then proceed to farm them later that day and still find my level 60 items.

    WHO: Witch doctors can do this run very efficiently, I do these WITH EASE runs in magic find / int gear which drops my dps to about 16k, so all you noobie witch doctors who just reached inferno, don't worry your 12k dps is probably enough with some tweaking / investing in a new weapon (you will make the money back after your drops anyways) . YOUR BEST RUNS will be solo runs because everyone else will slow you down. THAT BEING SAID, with my build, you can bring along your friends and have them "help DPS" down the bosses / come along for free loot / guilt them into giving you good caster drops because hey, you can do these runs without them but the opposite might not be true.

    Witch Doctor - Game Guide - Diablo III
    ^ My build
    You will be using snore fest VQ build: spam your cool downs and then burst down the boss and collect loot. I don't want to explain the basic concepts behind why this build is good for bursting down bosses because if you're a level 60 witch doctor in Inferno, you already know.

    Gargantuan: Use him as a target for the bosses to hit (so they don't run to you).
    Dire bats: Less damage than bears, but a lot more safer than bears. Enough damage to burn these bosses down, without putting you so close to them they decide to 1 shot you instead of hitting your pets/tyreal/templar/other party members.
    Zombie wall: good damage, your are fighting in some narrow passages so correct placement of the wall block the boss from coming to you. You can also swap these out for zombie dogs , this is safer (gives 3 additional targets for the boss to hit) but does less damage.
    Hex: rune it for damage, almost everything will one shot you so who cares about healing.
    Spirit Walk: you need this so you don't die, rune it for mana if you are having mana issues.
    Big Bad Voodoo: Burst that boss down, rune it for mana if you are solo, rune it for damage if you are bringing along buddies.

    Spirit Vessel: If done correctly, you will kill the first boss (the one that leah spawns) without getting hit/activating spirit vessel. Once you kill the boss (or when hes about to die) adds will spawn that 1 shot you, this activates your spirit vessel giving you 3 seconds to grab your loot and run as far north as you can.
    Vision Quest: Duh
    Spiritual Attunement: this slot doesn't even matter, pick what helps the most (do you have mana problems? do you need shorter cooldowns? etc.)

    Step 0: get some 12% movement speed boots, they make this a lot easier.

    Step 1: get to act 4 inferno through the highly publicized exploit.
    Make an act 4 game in HELL on the quest PRIME EVIL. Start the game and then exit.
    Click join public game, the default option will be Act 4 Prime Evil INFERNO. Join that game and then leave.
    Now you can just click resume game and you will be at the checkpoint required for these runs.

    Step 2 (first boss): Take the waypoint to The Crystal colonnade.

    Witch Doctor Act 4 Inferno Farm WALKTHROUGH-1-jpg

    As you follow the red arrow, mobs spawn, if it looks like they are going to hit you, pop spirit walk, you want to try as hard as possible to have spirit vessel up for the first boss.

    Witch Doctor Act 4 Inferno Farm WALKTHROUGH-2-jpg
    Witch Doctor Act 4 Inferno Farm WALKTHROUGH-3-jpg

    TWO out of the THREE red circles spawn mobs if you get too close to them, the two "active" ones change each game. Following the blue route should keep you far enough from the first two circles so that you don't trigger the mobs. The 3rd circle is unavoidable. Theoretically, you should only trigger one set of mobs each run MAX. If the unavoidable one is "active" then the mobs will spawn and you might have to pop spirit walk + hex so you can burst them down without dying based on your gear. If the unavoidable one isn't active then hooray you get to the boss like 5 seconds quicker because you don't have to deal with mobs (this is important because if you are running with a party, these mobs will probably be strong enough to trigger spirit vessel in one hit).

    Witch Doctor Act 4 Inferno Farm WALKTHROUGH-4-jpg

    This is taken in the middle of the boss fight. When you first reach this point, leah will be at the pink X. Make sure you have spirit walk + hex ready to go before you click on leah. IMPORTANT: This boss periodically "blinks" and will disappear, to make her reappear, you have to walk on top of where it disappeared and then quickly walk away, you will get the hang of this after a couple of runs. Follow this fool-proof method for the boss fight (this is assuming you have everything OFF cooldown when you reach her, if you had to use some spells on the earlier mobs then just figure out whats the best way to do this fight, its not that difficult).
    Pop gargantuan -> Talk to leah -> big bad voodoo -> hex -> PROTIP: Press spacebar, this will skip all the dialogue and start the boss fight -> At the beginning of the boss fight the mob will disappear. Pop spirit walk and take the blue path (or you can just go up and down, you just have to walk over where she disappeared to make her pop up again) -> throw a zombie wall to block the boss from getting to within melee range -> Spam dire bats.

    After several seconds of the boss fight, mobs will spawn which 1shot you/activate spirit vessel. Hopefully the boss is dead by this time so you can just focus on looting and running north. Once you boss dies, pick up the blue (FORGET anything in white, its a waste of your time and might cause you to die, slowing down the run) then run north and click on the thing that teleports you to silver spire level 1, pop spirit walk/hex while youre running if they're up so you can get to the spire safely.

    PROTIP: If you die before you can loot and the item is a blue (if its a rare or above, its worth it to do w.e you can to loot it), while your on the death screen, press ctrl and hover over the item, if the stats suck, just leave the game and make new.

    PROTIP: If you die after killing the first boss, depending on where you die you have to decide whether to leave the game or res and go on to the next boss. If you died south of the pink X, then you will respawn at the entrance (near the red circles) and I would just leave the game if the blue on the floor sucks. If you die north of the pink X you will respawn pretty close to the spire for silver spire level 1, with another round of spirit vessel / spirit walk this means you can safely get to the next boss so its worth it to respawn and move on.

    Step 3 (2nd boss)

    Witch Doctor Act 4 Inferno Farm WALKTHROUGH-5-jpg

    Again the screenshot is taken mid boss fight. When you first get to this point, there will be one of three possible NPCs. If it as a favorable NPC, click it to start the fight (remember to press spacebar to skip the dialogue).
    If the NPC is mira hearmon or however you spell it, just leave and make the next game, if your gear is good enough to handle her then you don't need to be reading this guide.
    If the NPC is Maghda, she spawns a ranged mob (the one that im fighting in the screenshot). Do what you gotta do, pop your cooldowns, spam her down while VQ is up, etc. She shoots two things at you, the boulder circled in blue in the screenshot DOES NOT hurt you, just keep dire batting away. If it is a green acid fireball thing, dodge that, it will one shot you.
    If the NPC is Zultan something, it will spawn a fat melee mob that has a huge melee range and 1 shots you so step back after you press space bar and keep your distance. He is also frost enchanted or w/e so watch out for the frost orbs that spawn which will own you if you're bad.

    Step 4: Collect the loot, drive down the AH prices for weapons so baddies like me can start gearing/progressing for cheaper.

    Like I said, I'm sure these bosses have been posted here before, and more extensively in the elite section which I don't have access to. But when I MF I do it with the thought process that efficiency/speed > everything. After you read this guide and spend like half n hour getting used to the runs and the ins and outs of it, you will kill these two bosses fast, probably faster than the people who first posted these "exploits".

    Witch Doctor Act 4 Inferno Farm WALKTHROUGH
  2. #2
    WIFEBUSTER's Avatar Banned
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    With my WD i use bears,cause with correct positioning they wont reach you anyways cause of the wall of zombies.
    But either way,great guide,will surely help some people out even tho good weapons are not dropping that often anymore.

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