[Goldfarming] [Barbarian] BlackSack's Sarkoth Script 360GPH [AutoIT] [1920x1080] menu

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  1. #346
    PetjePuck's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by owned727 View Post
    Swisstrade thanks for the fix. Script is working now.

    So is the script fine w all movement speeds? I plan on upgrading boots but don't want to buy 25% run speed if it isn't going to work.
    i am using 17% and its so tightly timed without changing the path...23% mostly fails when he trys to leap...so i guess you need to change the waypoints with higher speeds.

    [Goldfarming] [Barbarian] BlackSack's Sarkoth Script 360GPH [AutoIT] [1920x1080]
  2. #347
    BlackSack's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    soo.. I expect all of you are wondering if I accept gifts of gold for my hard work and making you loads of money.. well the answer is yes, yes i do

  3. #348
    Dieri's Avatar Sergeant
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    would do haha :P but my script gets bugged more and more xd

  4. #349
    Jack187's Avatar Member
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    1 million from me ;-).... hope he earns it this night, now as it runs without errors - hopefully :-)! pm me your battletag

  5. #350
    BlackSack's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    Originally Posted by Dieri View Post
    would do haha :P but my script gets bugged more and more xd
    Didnt my last suggestion fix it?

    Originally Posted by Jack187 View Post
    1 million from me ;-).... hope he earns it this night, now as it runs without errors - hopefully :-)! pm me your battletag
    @Jack187 Thank you! that's very generous

  6. #351
    bordoc's Avatar Private
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    On the latest script, the stat window disappears after the first run, I think it has to do with the lantern blocking boxes that popup, i'll try to disable it and see if it works, not too worried about false positives on legendaries.

    Also, I'm running with 200% GF and I'm only able to pull 200k gph, I have decent dps no run speed, just doesn't seem to be getting the 250k+ i'd expect.

  7. #352
    BlackSack's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    Originally Posted by bordoc View Post
    On the latest script, the stat window disappears after the first run, I think it has to do with the lantern blocking boxes that popup, i'll try to disable it and see if it works, not too worried about false positives on legendaries.

    Also, I'm running with 200% GF and I'm only able to pull 200k gph, I have decent dps no run speed, just doesn't seem to be getting the 250k+ i'd expect.
    You should try to reduce your run times by tuning the sakroth killtime at the top so that he has just died when you start picking up loot, i get 29s open runs and 13s close runs so i can make over 110 runs an hour thats how you get the GPH up. Also on the latest version the lantern blocking boxes are a thing of the past make sure you really do have the latest version

  8. #353
    AlaZhaY's Avatar Private
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    Hey Black, i noticed your run times are alot quicker than mine because your hero loads the maps about twice as fast as mine. What ssd are you running? I think its time to upgrade my old ssd.

  9. #354
    spenzter's Avatar Private
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    Hey Sir Black, I need help. I happen to copy the exact same code but after killing sarkoth it tries to use the tesseractscreencapture but my problem is everytime it uses that function. My diablo 3 loses its window focus. How do I solve this? Is it because I'm running on win 32?

    Please Help

  10. #355
    sushixt's Avatar Private
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    So it goes in the game , leaves . Resume and leaves
    Last edited by sushixt; 07-01-2012 at 10:35 PM.

  11. #356
    heatl0rd's Avatar Corporal
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    I must be super lucky. Netted myself 729 legendary items XD

    On a serious note i just cant seem to reduce the amount of whites it keeps picking up. However since using this script, my run times have gone down to 30seconds for successful runs and around 15seconds on failed runs. Which is great!

    Ive also noticed the script is now starting to stash a few magic items as well instead of only rares... heres my script if anyone can figure out a fix to my issues.

    ; Blaksack's mod 1.93t
    ; added TP fail detection
    ; made ilvl optional
    ; timing improvements
    ;- optional cellar grid search
    ;- optional hour wait after X runs
    ;-Added latest changes from NotAres 1.93 including all the iLVL60-63 stuff dont forget new images: http://www45.zippyshare.com/v/15622375/file.html
    ;-Fixed the OCR bug where 0 is seen as O
    ;-Added option to use another war shout and call ancients before warping out on failed runs called $ExtraSafeExit
    ;-Added LATMs legendary item count fix
    ;-cleaned up cellar detection code - i hate repeated lines! you can define your own cellar co-ords at line 234ish
    ; enhanced cellar find
    ; item salvaging
    ; stash tab choosing
    ; full logging
    ; gold income OCR
    ; custom keys for skills
    ; for latest version see http://pastebin.com/PtE6XJ4W
    ; you will need tesseract from https://tesseract-ocr.googlecode.com/files/tesseract-ocr-setup-3.01-1.exe
    ; and you will need tesserect library to in your auto it include folder from https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22203901/Tesseract.au3
    ; you will also need image files and search dlls from https://dl.dropbox.com/u/9955791/BotFiles.zip
    ; and http://www45.zippyshare.com/v/15622375/file.html
    ; see for instructions http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/diablo-3/diablo-3-bots-programs/d3-gold-profiles/354464-goldfarming-notares-sarkoth-dh-gold-script-autoit-script-1920x1080.html
    ; use this build http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/barbarian#TUXgkj!ghV!bYcbZa
    ;notAres' Gold Script for BARBARIAN 1.9 - 6/16/2012
    ;Thread: http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/diablo-3/diablo-3-bots-programs/d3-gold-profiles/355316-goldfarming-barbarian-sarkoth-goldfarming-script-autoit-script-1920x1080.html
    ;Required build: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/barbarian#TUXgkj!ghV!bYcbZa
    ;Required display mode for cellar detection: "FULLSCREEN WINDOWED"
    ;Official supported resolution: 1920x1080
    ;Original by mackus101 @ ownedcore
    ;ImageSearch contributions by rvbfreak, goofinator, and asuRob
    ;Refactoring and additional functions by Shimizoki
    ;=========== DO NOT TOUCH ===========;
    #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
    #include <StaticConstants.au3>
    #include <WindowsConstants.au3>
    $UseEnhancedCellarFind = True
    #include <FastFind.au3>
    ;=========== mypart ===========;
    #include <Tesseract.au3>
    If $UseEnhancedCellarFind Then
    	AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 4)
    	Global $FFhWnd = WinGetHandle("Diablo III")
    Global $numitem, $numgem, $numtomb, $numgold, $numpot, $lblGold, $numsold, $numstashed, $monold = 0, $mon = 0, $monstart = 0, $SprintStart, $lootany
    Opt('MouseCoordMode', 2)
    Opt('PixelCoordMode', 2)
    Global $size = WinGetClientSize("[CLASS:D3 Main Window Class]"), $ver = "BlackSack 1.9.3t ", $hFont = 0, $title, $Paused, $Go = False, $i = 0, $gX = 0, $gY = 0, $LegendaryCount = 0, $SetCount = 0, $RareCount = 0, $MagicCount = 0, $GemCount = 0, $TomeCount = 0, $deathCount = 0, $cellarCount = 0, $t = TimerInit(), $rt = 0, $run = 0, $yellow = 0xFFF000, $red = 0xD90000, $lblRun, $lblLocation, $lblStatus, $lblLast, $lblRuntime, $lblGear, $lblItems
    Global $str_Stash, $str_StashGems, $str_StashMisc, $str_Vendor, $str_Salvage, $int_TownPosition
    For $i = 0 To Random(0, 3, 1)
    	$title &= Chr(Random(97, 122, 1))
    For $i = 0 To Random(2, 5, 1)
    	$title &= Chr(Random(65, 90, 1))
    $title &= " "
    Global $gems[8] = ["Ru1.png", "Ru2.png", "Em1.png", "Em2.png", "To1.png", "To2.png", "Am1.png", "Am2.png"]
    If @OSArch = "X64" Then DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection", "int", 1)
    If @OSArch = "X64" And Not @AutoItX64 Then MsgBox(16, "ERROR", "Why aren't you running the 64-bit AutoIt??? Expect bugs!")
    If $size = 0 Then
    	MsgBox(16, "Error", "Diablo III is not running, cannot grab resolution!" & @CRLF & "Exiting...")
    ;============= SETTINGS =============;
    HotKeySet("=", "Begin") ;script toggled on/off by pressing =
    HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause") ;script toggle pause by pressing Pause/Break key
    HotKeySet("x", "Stop") ;script stopped by pressing x
    HotKeySet("0", "GoTown") ;script stopped by pressing x
    $movementSpeed = 0;This is the % increase movement speed you have. 25 = 25%, 0 = 0%, 50 = 50%
    ;Custom Loot
    $pngLoc = "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\pics\" ;Location of the .PNGs (NO SUBFOLDERS - ALL PNGS GO HERE)
    ;Array of items to loot (GEMS AND TOMES ALREADY INCLUDED)
    Global $pick[1] = ["gold.png|40"]
    ;$pick[0] = "gold.png|50"
    ;$pick[1] = "mythic.png|50" ;png|Tolerance
    ;$pick[2] = "item3.png"
    $ExtraSafeExit = True ;use ancients when you port back to prevent death if you have low HP
    $RunsUntilMenuWait = 0 ;wait for 1 hour at menu after x successful runs, set to 0 to disable
    $TakeMissShots = False ;take screenshots into \shots folder on every cellar miss for finding positions
    $SarkothKillTime = 1000 ;additional time delay to wait for sarkoth to die use 2800 for 10K dps 800 for 15kdps etc
    $DetectTPFail = True ;set true to immediatly exit game if TP is inturrupted (requires TP.png)
    $TPProtectTime = 2.5 ;number of seconds to check for TP inturrupt if TPfail detection is enabled if your pc is slow reduce this number
    $BlankLamps = False ;enable/disable putting boxes over the lamps before looting legendaries to reduce false positives
    $ReduceLegendSearch = True ; limit legendary searching to lower part of screen to reduce false finds
    ;define your own cellar co-ords here, list the most likely ones first for efficiency
    ;change the [4] to how many co-ords you listed
    Dim $celx[5] = [300, 210, 190, 250, 230]
    Dim $cely[5] = [179, 179, 224, 160, 210]
    $Skill1 = "1"
    $Skill2 = "2"
    $Skill3 = "3"
    $Skill4 = "4"
    $TownPortalButton = "t"
    $Inventory = "i"
    $LootSets = True ;True if you want to pick up Sets
    $LootLegendaries = True;True if you want to pick up Legendaries
    $LootRares = True ;True if you want to pick up Rares
    $LootMagic = True ;True if you want to pick up Magic
    $LootGems = True ;True if you want to pick up Gems
    $LootTomes = True ;True if you want to pick up Tome of Secrets
    $LootCustom = True ;True if you want to pick up Custom Items (The items in the $pick array above)
    ;Manage Loot
    $Identify = False ;True to enable identifying items before stashing/vendoring
    $mLoot = 11 ;Nuber of successful runs until Stash and Vendor
    $mLootOff = 2 ;Stash and Vendor after mLoot +- X number of runs (Variability)
    ;Variability ==NEW SETTINGS==
    $Timer = False ;True and the bot will add random sleep intervals
    $walktime = 2400 ;Time (in ms) the script waits for you to enter and load the cellar. Slow this down for slower move speeds and loading times
    $loadtime = 3400 ;Time (in ms) the script waits for the game to load before it starts pathfinding. Slow this down for slower hard drives
    $tptime = 6000 ;Time (in ms) the script waits for teleport before exiting the game
    ;Stashing/vendoring COMMON
    $StashRare = True ;True if you want to store Rare items in the stash
    $StashMagic = False ;True if you want to store Magic items in the stash
    $VendorRare = False ;True if you want to vendor Rares
    $VendorMagic = True ;True if you want to vendor Magic
    $GemTab = 3 ;Tab to put gems and tombs in
    $ItemTab = 1 ;Tab to put any items in
    $NextItemTab = 2 ;Next Tab to put any items in when first one is full
    ;Stashing/vendoring TRADITIONAL METHOD to enable set line 155 to FALSE
    $StashLoot = True ;True if you want to store Items in the stash
    $StashLegendary = True;True if you want to store Legendary items in the stash
    $StashTomes = True ;True if you want to store Tomes items in the stash
    $StashGems = True ;True if you want to store Gems items in the stash
    ;SALVAGE - setting this will OVERRIDE traditional vendoring options - it will be skipped
    ; make sure you have a stack of each material in your bottom row( which is not scanned )for it to add To
    ; otherwise it will start tying to salvage your craft items and do nothing!
    $SalvageLoot = False
    ;Vendoring ==NEW SETTINGS==
    $VendorLoot = True ;True if you want to vendor anything
    $vendorAll = False ;True if you want to right click all items when talking to vendor
    $vendorRows = 6 ;# of rows to vendor, starting from the top (default = 5: bottom row is safe)
    $vendorCols = 10 ;# of columns to vendor, starting from left
    $UseiLVL = False ;set true or false to enable the iLVL system THIS OVERRIDES ALL "TRADITIONAL" SETTINGS
    ;New Analyze Loot Settings Options are "salvage", "stash", and "vend"
    $i59Rare = "stash"
    $i60Rare = "stash"
    $i61Rare = "stash"
    $i62Rare = "stash"
    $i63Rare = "stash"
    $i59Magic = "vend"
    $i60Magic = "vend"
    $i61Magic = "vend"
    $i62Magic = "vend"
    $i63Magic = "stash"
    $x_ratio = $size[0] / 1920
    $y_ratio = $size[1] / 1080
    $mLootIn = $mLoot ;DO NOT CHANGE, how many more runs till next manage
    $RunsUntilMenuWaitCnt = $RunsUntilMenuWait
    $totalItems = UBound($pick) ;Number of items in the pick array
    If $totalItems < 1 Then $LootCustom = False
    $movementSpeed = 1 + ($movementSpeed / 100)
    If $TakeMissShots Then
    If Not FileExists($pngLoc & "MainMenu.png") Then
    	$pngLoc = @ScriptDir & "\pics\"
    	If Not FileExists($pngLoc & "MainMenu.png") Then
    		MsgBox(16, "Fatal Error", "FATAL ERROR: Cannot find: " & $pngLoc & "MainMenu.png" & @CRLF & "Make sure your directory is set properly in the script")
    While 1
    Func RestartRun()
    	If ($Go) Then
    		$i = 0
    		WinSetTitle($title, "", $title & $ver & " - Running")
    		MouseMove(Round(Random(0, 400) * $x_ratio), Round(Random(700, 1080) * $y_ratio), 1) ;Moves mouse out of the way
    		;Checks if the player is Dead/Logout/Window, then if in Main Menu, etc.
    		If CheckDead() Then
    		ElseIf CheckFor("ExitGame", "", Round(860 * $x_ratio), Round(400 * $y_ratio), Round(1040 * $x_ratio), Round(450 * $y_ratio), 0.5, 140) Then
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Exit window up")
    			MouseClick("left", Round(1064 * $x_ratio), Round(632 * $y_ratio))
    		ElseIf CheckFor("MainMenu", "", Round(40 * $x_ratio), Round(300 * $y_ratio), Round(400 * $x_ratio), Round(450 * $y_ratio)) Then
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblRun, "Runs till vendor: " & $mLootIn & ", Run Number: " & $run)
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblLocation, "Location: Main Menu")
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Starting Game")
    			RandClick("left", Round(230 * $x_ratio), Round(416 * $y_ratio), 120, 20, 1, 6) ;Random Click on the resume button
    			CheckFor("OldRuins", "Area", 0, 0, 0, 0, $loadtime / 1000)
    			$rt = TimerInit()
    			$run += 1
    		ElseIf CheckFor("OldRuins", "Area") Or CheckFor("NewTristram", "Area") Or CheckFor("DankCellar", "Area") Then
    		ElseIf CheckFor("LimitError", "", Round(700 * $x_ratio), Round(340 * $y_ratio), Round(1200 * $x_ratio), Round(600 * $y_ratio), 1, 140) Then
    			MouseClick("left", Round(960 * $y_ratio), Round(635 * $x_ratio))
    			$rand = Random(40000, 80000)
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Input Limit - Waiting " & Round($rand / 1000) & " seconds.")
    		ElseIf CheckFor("Disconnect", "", Round(700 * $x_ratio), Round(340 * $y_ratio), Round(1200 * $x_ratio), Round(600 * $y_ratio), 1, 140) Then
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Network Disconnect window up")
    			MouseClick("left", Round(960 * $x_ratio), Round(632 * $y_ratio))
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "ERROR: Cannot find Resume button")
    		$CellarWasFound = 0
    		;Make sure we are in the right area before beginning run
    		If CheckFor("OldRuins", "Area") Then
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblLocation, "Location: Old Ruins")
    			$cellfoundat = -1
    			If $UseEnhancedCellarFind Then
    				RandClick("middle", Round(587 * $x_ratio), Round(350 * $y_ratio), 2, 2) ;starts the main run
    				Sleep(Random(700, 710))
    				RandMove(Round(16 * $x_ratio), Round(350 * $y_ratio), 2, 2)
    				Sleep(Random(5, 10))
    				Send($Skill1) ;leap
    				RandClick("middle", Round(2 * $x_ratio), Round(350 * $y_ratio), 1, 1, 1, 1)
    				RandClick("middle", Round(2 * $x_ratio), Round(400 * $y_ratio), 1, 1)
    				walktime(Round(2 * $x_ratio), Round(400 * $y_ratio))
    				; cellar check on minimap
    				FFSnapShot(1593 * $x_ratio, 62 * $y_ratio, 1880 * $x_ratio, 350 * $y_ratio, 0, $FFhWnd)
    				Local $bColorArray[3] = [0x692A09, 0x5A2408, 0x6A2A0A]
    				FFAddExcludedArea(1824 * $x_ratio, 80 * $y_ratio, 1912 * $x_ratio, 353 * $y_ratio)
    				;FFSaveBMP("CellarMinimap_" & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC, false) ;->uncomment if you wanna see  the cellar minimap detection bmp ( gets saved where the script runs )
    				Local $aCoords = FFBestSpot(2, 1, 4, 367 * $x_ratio, 135 * $y_ratio, -1, 25, False, $FFhWnd)
    				If Not @error Then
    					$cellfoundat = 1 ;found the cellar
    					AddLog("enhanced fail")
    				;Start Run
    				RandClick("middle", Round(587 * $x_ratio), Round(333 * $y_ratio), 2, 2) ;starts the main run
    				Sleep(Random(990, 1140) / $movementSpeed)
    				RandMove(Round(96 * $x_ratio), Round(383 * $y_ratio), 2, 2)
    				Sleep(Random(5, 10))
    				Send($Skill1) ;leap
    				RandClick("middle", Round(56 * $x_ratio), Round(360 * $y_ratio), 1, 1)
    				walktime(Round(56 * $x_ratio), Round(360 * $y_ratio))
    				For $i = 0 To UBound($celx) - 1
    					MouseMove(Round($celx[$i] * $x_ratio), Round($cely[$i] * $y_ratio), 1) ;moves cursor over to the cellar
    					;$Pixel2 = PixelSearch(600, 0, Round(1000 * $x_ratio), Round(300 * $y_ratio), 0xffffff, 5)
    					$Pixel2 = PixelSearch(0, 0, Round(600 * $x_ratio), Round(600 * $y_ratio), 0x334FB7, 3) ;checks for open cellar (in a 600x400 box from the top left - where it should always be)
    					If Not @error Then
    						$cellfoundat = $i
    			If CheckDead() Then
    			;Checks if Dank Cellar is Open
    			If $cellfoundat > -1 Then
    				GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Cellar - Found at " & $cellfoundat + 1)
    				Call("AddLog", "Cellar Found at: " & $cellfoundat + 1)
    				$cellarCount += 1
    				$cellaratx = 1000 * $x_ratio
    				$cellaraty = 500 * $y_ratio
    				If $UseEnhancedCellarFind Then
    					RandClick("middle", Round(400 * $x_ratio), Round(400 * $y_ratio), 1, 1)
    					walktime(Round(400 * $x_ratio), Round(400 * $y_ratio))
    					Local $cellpos = EnhancedFind(0, 0, 1300, 300, 1090, 280)
    					$cellaratx = $cellpos[0]
    					$cellaraty = $cellpos[1]
    					;standard method co-ords
    					$cellaratx = $celx[$cellfoundat] * $x_ratio
    					$cellaraty = $cely[$cellfoundat] * $y_ratio
    				RandClick("left", Round($cellaratx), Round($cellaraty), 1, 1, 2, 2) ;Entrance to cellar
    				walktime(Round($cellaratx), Round($cellaraty))
    				;Call("AddLog",walktime(Round($cellaratx), Round($cellaraty),0,True))
    				RandClick("left", Round(993 * $x_ratio), Round(469 * $y_ratio), 1, 1, 2, 2) ;Entrance to cellar				
    				CheckFor("DankCellar", "Area", 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    				$CellarWasFound = 1
    			Else ;ABORT RUN
    				GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Cellar - Not Found" & @CRLF)
    				Call("AddLog", 'No Cellar')
    				If $TakeMissShots Then
    					CaptureToTIFF("", "", "", "shots\NoCell_" & String($run) & ".tif", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    				If $ExtraSafeExit Then
    					Send($Skill2) ;grim harvest
    					Send($Skill4) ;ancients
    				RandClick("left", Round(900 * $x_ratio), Round(600 * $y_ratio), 100, 100) ;earthquake
    				If Not CheckDead() Then
    			If Not CheckDead() Then
    		$TryRecover = 0
    		If Not CheckFor("DankCellar", "Area", 0, 0, 0, 0, .5) Then
    			;600 450 3s
    			RandClick("left", Round(993 * $x_ratio), Round(469 * $y_ratio), 1) ;Entrance to cellar
    			$TryRecover = 1
    			If Not CheckFor("DankCellar", "Area", 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.5) Then
    				If $UseEnhancedCellarFind Then
    					$TryRecover = 3
    					$cellpos = EnhancedFind(0, 0, 1300, 450, 1000, 350, True)
    					RandClick("left", Round($cellpos[0]), Round($cellpos[1]), 1) ;Entrance to cellar
    					$TryRecover = 2
    					RandClick("left", Round(600 * $x_ratio), Round(450 * $y_ratio), 1)
    				CheckFor("DankCellar", "Area", 0, 0, 0, 0, 4)
    		;Checks that the player is in the Dank Cellar
    		If CheckFor("DankCellar", "Area") Then
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblLocation, "Location: Dank Cellar")
    			If $TryRecover = 1 Then Call("AddLog", 'OnCellar Recovery Success from ontop')
    			If $TryRecover = 2 Then Call("AddLog", 'OnCellar Recovery Success From wall')
    			If $TryRecover = 3 Then Call("AddLog", 'OnCellar Recovery Success using enhanced find')
    			RandClick("middle", Round(80 * $x_ratio), Round(830 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;moves to doorway leading to rare inside cellar
    			walktime(Round(80 * $x_ratio), Round(830 * $y_ratio), -100)
    			;Sleep(Random(2250, 2300))
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Attacking Sarkoth")
    			RandMove(Round(350 * $x_ratio), Round(60 * $y_ratio), 1) ;hovers over the rare Sarkoth
    			RandClick("left", Round(11 * $x_ratio), Round(1037 * $y_ratio), 10, 10) ;earthquake
    			RandClick("left", Round(11 * $x_ratio), Round(1037 * $y_ratio), 10, 10) ;earthquake
    			MouseClick("right", Round(694 * $x_ratio), Round(929 * $y_ratio)) ;cancel aura thanks to LATM
    			If CheckDead() Then
    			Sleep(Random($SarkothKillTime, $SarkothKillTime + 400))
    			RandClick("middle", Round(730 * $x_ratio), Round(585 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;move to left top corner for gold
    			Sleep(Random(850, 1350))
    			RandClick("middle", Round(1205 * $x_ratio), Round(380 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;move to right top corner for gold
    			Sleep(Random(900, 1400))
    			RandClick("middle", Round(1121 * $x_ratio), Round(805 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;move to middle before looting
    			Sleep(Random(900, 1150))
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Looting")
    			$numgem = 0
    			$numtomb = 0
    			$numgold = 0
    			$numpot = 0
    			$numitem = 0
    			RandSleep(0, 6, 30)
    			$mon = _TesseractScreenCapture(0, "", 1, 2, 1454 * $x_ratio, 508 * $y_ratio, (1920 - 1571) * $x_ratio, (1080 - 525) * $y_ratio, 0)
    			$mon = CleanOCR($mon)
    			$mondelt = Number($mon) - Number($monold)
    			If $mondelt > 15000 Then $mondelt = 5000
    			If $monstart = 0 Then $monstart = Number($mon) - $mondelt
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblGold, "Gold: " & $mon & ", Run: " & $mondelt & ", Gain: " & Number($mon) - $monstart)
    			$monold = $mon
    			$lootany = 0
    			For $retryloot = 1 To 4
    				If $lootany > 0 Then
    					Call("AddLog", 'Got extra loot on attempt ' & $retryloot)
    			Call("AddLog", 'Gold: ' & $mon & ', Gold Delt: ' & $mondelt & ', Items: ' & $numitem & ', Gems: ' & $numgem & ', Books: ' & $numtomb & ', Potions: ' & $numpot & ', GoldPick: ' & $numgold)
    			If $TryRecover = 1 Then
    				Call("AddLog", 'OnCellar Recovery Failure')
    			If $CellarWasFound = 1 Then
    				Call("AddLog", 'Cellar was found but didnt end up there')
    			If $TakeMissShots Then
    				CaptureToTIFF("", "", "", "shots\MissCell_" & String($run) & ".tif", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    			RandClick("left", Round(900 * $x_ratio), Round(600 * $y_ratio), 100, 100) ;earthquake
    			If Not CheckDead() Then
    		;After successful run
    		If Not CheckDead() Then
    			If $mLootIn = 1 And CheckFor("NewTristram", "Area") Then ;If its time to manage loot and we are in town
    				$mLootIn = Round(Random($mLoot - $mLootOff, $mLoot + $mLootOff)) ;Reset Counter
    				If $UseiLVL Then
    					If $Identify Then Call("Identify")
    					If $StashLoot Then Call("StashLoot")
    					If $SalvageLoot Then
    						If $VendorLoot Then Call("VendorLoot")
    			ElseIf Not CheckFor("NewTristram", "Area") Then
    				GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Skipping vendor, not in New Tristram")
    			ElseIf $mLootIn <= 0 Then
    				$mLootIn = 1
    				$mLootIn -= 1
    			If Not CheckDead() Then
    			If ($RunsUntilMenuWaitCnt = 1) And ($RunsUntilMenuWait > 0) Then
    				$RunsUntilMenuWaitCnt = $RunsUntilMenuWait
    				Sleep(Random(3550000, 3650000)) ;wait 1 hour
    				$RunsUntilMenuWaitCnt -= 1
    EndFunc   ;==>RestartRun
    ;Helper Functions
    Func EnhancedFind($x1 = 0, $y1 = 0, $x2 = 577, $y2 = 220, $xpos = 367, $ypos = 135, $recov = False)
    	For $retry = 1 To 3
    		; take 2 snapshots and black out everything that did not change
    		FFSnapShot($x1 * $x_ratio, $y1 * $y_ratio, $x2 * $x_ratio, $y2 * $y_ratio, 2, $FFhWnd)
    		FFSnapShot($x1 * $x_ratio, $y1 * $y_ratio, $x2 * $x_ratio, $y2 * $y_ratio, 3, $FFhWnd)
    		FFKeepChanges(3, 2, 25)
    		;FFSaveBMP("CellarOpen_" & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC, false) ->uncomment if you wanna see  the cellar minimap motion map
    		; do special search for the color in our motionmap
    		Local $aColorArray[3] = [0x7897EB, 0x404E9E, 0x536CB6]
    		FFAddColor($aColorArray) ; add color to find array
    		;Func FFBestSpot($SizeSearch, $MinNbPixel, $OptNbPixel, $PosX, $PosY, $Color, $ShadeVariation = 0, $ForceNewSnap = True, $Left = 0, $Top = 0, $Right = 0, $Bottom = 0, $NoSnapShot = $FFLastSnap, $WindowHandle = -1)
    		Local $cellarCoords = FFBestSpot(10, 1, 4, $xpos * $x_ratio, $ypos * $y_ratio, -1, 25, False, $FFhWnd) ; search for the opening
    		If @error Then
    			Call("AddLog", "The motionmap failed on try " & $retry & " with code " & @error)
    	If Not @error Then
    		If Not $recov Then GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Cellar - Found position " & $cellarCoords[0] * $x_ratio & ", " & $cellarCoords[1] * $y_ratio)
    		If Not $recov Then Call("AddLog", "Cellar - Found position " & $cellarCoords[0] * $x_ratio & ", " & $cellarCoords[1] * $y_ratio)
    		If $TakeMissShots Then
    			CaptureToTIFF("", "", "", "shots\NoCell_" & String($run) & ".tif", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    		$cellarCoords[0] = 1000 * $x_ratio
    		$cellarCoords[1] = 500 * $y_ratio
    	Return $cellarCoords
    EndFunc   ;==>EnhancedFind
    Func SetupGUI()
    	$frmBot = GUICreate($title & $ver & " - Updating", 290, 140, Round(1580 * $x_ratio), Round(900 * $y_ratio), -1, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW), 0)
    	$lblRun = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Run Number: 0 - Runs till vendor: 0", 4, 0, 280, 24)
    	GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 600, 0, "Segoe UI")
    	GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFF0000)
    	$lblLocation = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Location: Main Menu", 12, 20, 240, 17)
    	$lblStatus = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Status: ", 12, 35, 240, 17)
    	$lblLast = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Last Runtime: 0 seconds", 12, 50, 240, 17)
    	$lblRuntime = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Total Runtime: 0 hours, 0 minutes", 12, 65, 240, 17)
    	$lblGear = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Legendary: 0 - Set: 0 - Rare: 0", 12, 80, 240, 17)
    	$lblItems = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Magic: 0 - Gems: 0 - Tomes: 0", 12, 95, 240, 17)
    	$lblGold = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Gold: 0", 12, 110, 240, 17)
    EndFunc   ;==>SetupGUI
    Func CheckDead()
    	$LogoutTimerCancel = PixelSearch(Round(900 * $x_ratio), Round(240 * $y_ratio), Round(1010 * $x_ratio), Round(290 * $y_ratio), 0x993827) ; checks for cancel button on logout timer
    	If Not @error Then
    		Call("AddLog", "Logged out")
    		GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Logging out")
    		CheckFor("MainMenu", "", Round(40 * $x_ratio), Round(300 * $y_ratio), Round(400 * $x_ratio), Round(450 * $y_ratio), $loadtime / 1000)
    		Return 1
    	$CloseButton = PixelSearch(Round(1570 * $x_ratio), Round(110 * $y_ratio), Round(1590 * $x_ratio), Round(120 * $y_ratio), 0x8C2300) ; checks for the red color of the "X" on an open window
    	If Not @error Then
    		GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Open Window")
    		Call("AddLog", "Open Window")
    		Send("{SPACE}") ;close any open windows
    		Return 1
    	$YouHaveDied = PixelSearch(Round(620 * $x_ratio), Round(325 * $y_ratio), Round(625 * $x_ratio), Round(330 * $y_ratio), 0xFFFFFF) ; checks for white text "YOU HAVE DIED"
    	If Not @error Then
    		GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Dead")
    		Call("AddLog", "You have died")
    		$deathCount += 1
    		For $c = 1 To 110 + $loadtime / 100
    			If CheckFor("MainMenu", "", Round(40 * $x_ratio), Round(300 * $y_ratio), Round(400 * $x_ratio), Round(450 * $y_ratio), 0.1) Then ExitLoop
    		Return 1
    		Return 0
    EndFunc   ;==>CheckDead
    Func CheckRepair()
    	$RepairArea = PixelSearch(Round(1480 * $x_ratio), 0, Round(1570 * $x_ratio), Round(100 * $y_ratio), $yellow)
    	If Not @error Then
    	$RepairAreaRed = PixelSearch(Round(1480 * $x_ratio), 0, Round(1570 * $x_ratio), Round(100 * $y_ratio), $red)
    	If Not @error Then
    EndFunc   ;==>CheckRepair
    Func DoRepair()
    	Sleep(Random(75, 150))
    	If CheckDead() Then
    	If CheckFor("NewTristram", "Area") Then
    		RandClick("left", Round(1480 * $x_ratio), Round(281 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;begin movement towards merchant
    		RandClick("left", Round(1316 * $x_ratio), Round(206 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;moves to get merchant in screen
    		RandClick("left", Round(845 * $x_ratio), Round(225 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;NPC Merchant to the right of cain's home
    		RandClick("left", Round(521 * $x_ratio), Round(506 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;button to open up repair menu
    		RandClick("left", Round(260 * $x_ratio), Round(595 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;button to pay for repairs
    		Call("AddLog", "Repair")
    		If Not CheckDead() Then
    EndFunc   ;==>DoRepair
    Func CalcTime()
    	$srt = TimerDiff($rt)
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblLast, "Last Runtime: " & Round($srt / 1000, 2) & " seconds.")
    	$trt = TimerDiff($t)
    	$total = Round((($trt / 1000) / 60) / 60, 4)
    	Call("AddLog", "Last Runtime: " & Round($srt / 1000, 2) & " seconds.")
    	;Total runtime calculation.
    	$hours = Floor((($trt / 1000) / 60) / 60)
    	$minutes = (($trt / 1000) / 60)
    	;trim minutes if runtime is more then 1 hour.
    	If $minutes > 60 Then
    		While $minutes > 60
    			$minutes -= 60
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblRuntime, "Runtime: " & $hours & ":" & Ceiling($minutes) & ", GPH: " & Ceiling((Number($mon) - $monstart) / ($trt / 3600000)))
    EndFunc   ;==>CalcTime
    Func CheckFor($img, $type = "", $startX = 0, $startY = 0, $endX = @DesktopWidth, $endY = @DesktopHeight, $seconds = 6, $tolerance = 140)
    	If $type = "Area" Then
    		$startX = 1500 * $x_ratio
    		$startY = 0 * $y_ratio
    		$endX = 1920 * $x_ratio
    		$endY = 90 * $y_ratio
    		If $seconds = 6 Then $seconds = 2.5
    	$c = 0
    	$string = $pngLoc & $img & ".png"
    		$c += 1
    		If $c > ($seconds * 5) Then ;Make sure we never get stuck here for infinity.
    			If $type = "Area" Then
    				GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Area not found - " & $img)
    			Return False
    	Until _ImageSearchArea($string, 1, $startX, $startY, $endX, $endY, $gX, $gY, $tolerance)
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Area found! " & $img)
    	Return True
    EndFunc   ;==>CheckFor
    Func DoSprint()
    	RandClick("right", Round(15 * $x_ratio), Round(1055 * $y_ratio)) ;sprint
    	$SprintStart = TimerInit()
    EndFunc   ;==>DoSprint
    Func WalkTime($lootx, $looty, $extra = 0, $returnv = False)
    	$PPmSsprint = (960 / 2100) * $movementSpeed
    	$PPmSwalk = (960 / 3000) * $movementSpeed
    	Dim $BarbFeet[2] = [960 * $x_ratio, 505 * $y_ratio]
    	$dist = Sqrt(($BarbFeet[0] - $lootx) ^ 2 + ($BarbFeet[1] - $looty) ^ 2)
    	$sprintremain = 3000 - TimerDiff($SprintStart)
    	;determine if sprint is still active to choose run speed
    	If $sprintremain > 0 Then ;duration of sprint - 100 for safty
    		;calculate milliseconds per pixel for this run, return delay
    		;calculate composite sleep time
    		If $dist < $PPmSsprint * $sprintremain Then
    			$stime = ($dist / $PPmSsprint + $extra)
    			$stime = (($sprintremain + ($dist - $sprintremain * $PPmSsprint) / $PPmSwalk) + $extra)
    		$stime = ($dist / $PPmSwalk + $extra)
    	If Not $returnv Then
    	Return $stime
    EndFunc   ;==>WalkTime
    Func Loot($extra = False)
    	MouseMove(Round(Random(0, 400) * $x_ratio), Round(Random(700, 1080) * $y_ratio), 3) ;Moves mouse out of the way
    	If Not $extra Then
    		If $LootGems Then
    			LootImage("square.png", 90, 10)
    		If $LootTomes Then
    			LootImage("tome.png", 90, 10)
    		 	If $LootMagic Then
    		$mac = LootGear(0x6969FF, 0)
    		$MagicCount += $mac
    		$numitem -= $mac
    	If $LootRares Then
    		$RareCount += LootGear(0xBBBB00, 1)
    	If $LootLegendaries Then
    		If $BlankLamps Then
    			$frmBlock = GUICreate("block", 250 * $x_ratio, (160 - 20) * $y_ratio, Round(150 * $x_ratio), Round(225 * $y_ratio), -1, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW), 0)
    			$frmBlock2 = GUICreate("block", 200 * $x_ratio, (100 - 20) * $y_ratio, Round(700 * $x_ratio), Round(0 * $y_ratio), -1, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW), 0)
    			WinActivate("Diablo III")
    			WinWaitActive("Diablo III", "", 1)
    		If $ReduceLegendSearch Then
    			$LegendaryCount += LootGear(0xBF642F, 1, 365, 442, 380)
    			$LegendaryCount += LootGear(0xBF642F, 1, 442, 1690, 115)
    			$LegendaryCount += LootGear(0xBF642F, 1)
    		If $BlankLamps Then
    	If $LootSets Then
    		$SetCount += LootGear(0x02CE01, 2)
    	If $LootCustom Then
    EndFunc   ;==>Loot
    Func LootGear($color, $tolerance = 2, $x1 = 400, $x2 = 1690, $y1 = 20, $y2 = 900)
    	$count = 0
    	$Loot = PixelSearch(Round($x1 * $x_ratio), Round($y1 * $y_ratio), Round($x2 * $x_ratio), Round($y2 * $y_ratio), $color, $tolerance)
    	If Not @error Then
    		While Not @error
    			$count += 1
    			MouseClick('left', $Loot[0], $Loot[1], 1, 1)
    			MouseMove(Round(Random(0, 400) * $x_ratio), Round(Random(700, 1080) * $y_ratio), 3) ;Moves mouse out of the way
    			WalkTime($Loot[0], $Loot[1])
    			;Sleep(Random(700, 800))
    			;Run at max 10 times per quality
    			$lootany += 1
    			If $count >= 10 Then
    			$Loot = PixelSearch(Round(400 * $x_ratio), 0, Round(1690 * $x_ratio), Round(900 * $y_ratio), $color, $tolerance)
    	$numitem += $count;
    	Return $count
    EndFunc   ;==>LootGear
    Func LootImage($img, $tol, $max = 10)
    	$count = 0
    	$gX = 0
    	$gY = 0
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Looting - " & $img)
    	While _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & $img, 1, 0, 0, @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight, $gX, $gY, $tol)
    		$count += 1
    		MouseClick("left", $gX, $gY - 3, 1, 1)
    		MouseMove(Round(Random(0, 400) * $x_ratio), Round(Random(700, 1080) * $y_ratio), 3) ;Moves mouse out of the way
    		$lootany += 1
    		If $img == "square.png" Then
    			$GemCount += 1
    			$numgem += 1
    		ElseIf $img == "tome.png" Then
    			$TomeCount += 1
    			$numtomb += 1
    		ElseIf $img == "gold.png" Then
    			$numgold += 1
    		ElseIf $img == "mythic.png" Then
    			$numpot += 1
    		WalkTime($gX, $gY)
    		If $count >= $max Then
    EndFunc   ;==>LootImage
    Func LootCustom()
    	For $i = 0 To ($totalItems - 1)
    		$array = StringSplit($pick[$i], "|")
    		LootImage($array[1], $array[2], 5)
    EndFunc   ;==>LootCustom
    Func Identify()
    	$count = 0
    	While _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "unidentified.png", 1, 1400 * $x_ratio, 580 * $y_ratio, 1914 * $x_ratio, 888 * $y_ratio, $gX, $gY, 120)
    		$count += 1
    		GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Identifying")
    		MouseClick("right", $gX, $gY, 1, 4)
    		MouseMove(Round(Random(0, 400) * $x_ratio), Round(Random(700, 1080) * $y_ratio), 3) ;Moves mouse out of the way
    		Sleep(Random(3000, 3500))
    		If $count >= 30 Then
    EndFunc   ;==>Identify
    Func CleanOCR($text)
    	$out = ""
    	For $i = 1 To StringLen($text)
    		$chr = Asc(StringMid($text, $i, 1))
    		If $chr >= 48 And $chr <= 57 Then $out = $out & Chr($chr)
    		If $chr = 79 Then $out = $out & '0'
    	Return $out
    EndFunc   ;==>CleanOCR
    Func ClickTab($Tabno)
    	If $Tabno = 1 Then RandClick("left", Round(517 * $x_ratio), Round(229 * $y_ratio), 3, 4)
    	If $Tabno = 2 Then RandClick("left", Round(517 * $x_ratio), Round(361 * $y_ratio), 3, 4)
    	If $Tabno = 3 Then RandClick("left", Round(517 * $x_ratio), Round(486 * $y_ratio), 3, 4)
    	Sleep(Random(100, 200))
    EndFunc   ;==>ClickTab
    Func UseNextTab()
    	If $ItemTab = $NextItemTab Then
    		Call("AddLog", "Stash full Both tabs full, disabling stashing")
    		$StashLegendary = False
    		$StashRare = False
    		$StashMagic = False
    		Call("AddLog", "Stash full Using next tab")
    		$ItemTab = $NextItemTab
    EndFunc   ;==>UseNextTab
    Func AddLog($logtxt)
    	Local $file = FileOpen("log.txt", 1)
    	$msg = @MDAY & '/' & @MON & '/' & @YEAR & ' ' & @HOUR & ':' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ': ' & $logtxt & @CRLF
    	FileWrite($file, $msg)
    EndFunc   ;==>AddLog
    Func StashLoot()
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Putting Items in Stash")
    	MouseClick("left", 1064 * $x_ratio, 256 * $y_ratio)
    	Sleep(Random(800, 1000))
    	If $StashTomes Then
    		GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Stashing Tomes")
    		ClickImage("TomeIcon.png", 140, 1)
    	If $StashGems Then
    		GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Stashing Gems")
    		For $i = 0 To 7
    			ClickImage($gems[$i], 150, 1)
    	$numstashed = 0;
    	If $StashLegendary Then
    		ClickItems(0xFF7F00, 2, True, 5)
    		ClickItems(0x8F5C25, 2, True, 5)
    	If $StashRare Then
    		ClickItems(0x4A3C0B, 1, True, 20)
    	If $StashMagic Then
    		ClickItems(0x182037, 1, True, 30)
    	Call("AddLog", "Stashed Items: " & $numstashed)
    	Sleep(Random(200, 300))
    EndFunc   ;==>StashLoot
    Func VendorLoot()
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Vendoring Items")
    	Sleep(Random(200, 300))
    	If Not $StashLoot Then ;Move from TP towards vendor
    		Sleep(Random(100, 300))
    		MouseClick("middle", 1565 * $x_ratio, 50 * $y_ratio)
    		walktime(1565 * $x_ratio, 50 * $y_ratio, 100)
    	Else ;Move from Stash towards vendor
    		Sleep(Random(100, 300))
    		MouseClick("middle", 1560 * $x_ratio, 120 * $y_ratio)
    		walktime(1560 * $x_ratio, 120 * $y_ratio, 100)
    	MouseClick("left", 1030 * $x_ratio, 210 * $y_ratio) ;Talk to vendor
    	walktime(1030 * $x_ratio, 210 * $y_ratio, 250)
    	$numsold = 0;
    	If $vendorAll Then
    		For $c = 1 To $vendorCols
    			For $r = 1 To $vendorRows
    				RandClick("right", (((($c - 1) * 50) + 32 + 1400) * $x_ratio), (((($r - 1) * 51) + 32 + 580) * $y_ratio), 2, 2, 1, 2.5)
    	If $VendorRare Then
    		ClickItems(0x4A3C0B, 2)
    	If $VendorMagic Then
    		ClickItems(0x182037, 2)
    	$montmp = $mon
    	$mon = _TesseractScreenCapture(0, "", 1, 2, 1454 * $x_ratio, 508 * $y_ratio, (1920 - 1571) * $x_ratio, (1080 - 525) * $y_ratio, 0)
    	$mon = CleanOCR($mon)
    	If $mon > 0 Then
    		$mondelt = Number($mon) - Number($monold)
    		GUICtrlSetData($lblGold, "Gold: " & $mon & ", Sold value: " & $mondelt)
    		$monold = $mon
    		Call("AddLog", "Sold Items: " & $numsold & ", Sold value: " & $mondelt)
    		$mLootIn = 1
    		$mon = $montmp
    		Call("AddLog", "Somthing went wrong in town, retrying next time")
    		GUICtrlSetData($lblGold, "Vend fail, retry next run")
    	RandClick("left", Round(521 * $x_ratio), Round(506 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;button to open up repair menu
    	RandClick("left", Round(260 * $x_ratio), Round(595 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;button to pay for repairs
    	$mon = _TesseractScreenCapture(0, "", 1, 2, 1454 * $x_ratio, 508 * $y_ratio, (1920 - 1571) * $x_ratio, (1080 - 525) * $y_ratio, 0)
    	$mon = CleanOCR($mon)
    	$mondelt = Number($mon) - Number($monold)
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblGold, "Gold: " & $mon & ", Repair cost: " & $mondelt)
    	$monold = $mon
    	Call("AddLog", "Repair Cost: " & - $mondelt)
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Done With Vendor")
    EndFunc   ;==>VendorLoot
    Func ClickItems($color, $tolerance, $checkfull = False, $max = 30)
    	$c = 0
    	While $c < $max
    		RandMove(1200 * $x_ratio, 600 * $y_ratio, 5, 5, 2)
    		Sleep(Random(60, 120))
    		$StashPixel = PixelSearch(1400 * $x_ratio, 580 * $y_ratio, 1914 * $x_ratio, 888 * $y_ratio, $color, $tolerance)
    		If Not @error Then
    			MouseClick("right", $StashPixel[0], $StashPixel[1], 1, 4)
    			$c += 1
    			If $checkfull Then
    				$numstashed += 1
    				$numsold += 1
    	Sleep(Random(60, 120))
    	If $checkfull Then
    		If $c = $max Then Call("UseNextTab")
    EndFunc   ;==>ClickItems
    Func ClickImage($image, $tolerance, $max = 20)
    	For $c = 1 To $max
    		RandMove(1200 * $x_ratio, 600 * $y_ratio, 5, 5, 2)
    		Sleep(Random(100, 300))
    		If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & $image, 1, 1400 * $x_ratio, 580 * $y_ratio, 1914 * $x_ratio, 888 * $y_ratio, $gX, $gY, $tolerance) Then
    			MouseClick("right", $gX, $gY, 1, 4)
    EndFunc   ;==>ClickImage
    Func SalvageLoot()
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Salvaging Items")
    	Sleep(Random(300, 500))
    	MouseClick("middle", 1786 * $x_ratio, 535 * $y_ratio)
    	walktime(1786 * $x_ratio, 535 * $y_ratio, 100)
    	MouseClick("left", 1430 * $x_ratio, 390 * $y_ratio) ;Talk to anvil
    	walktime(1430 * $x_ratio, 390 * $y_ratio, 100)
    	$c = 0
    	While $c <= 20
    		Sleep(Random(200, 300))
    		$MagicPixel = PixelSearch(1400 * $x_ratio, 580 * $y_ratio, 1914 * $x_ratio, 830 * $y_ratio, 0x182037, 1)
    		If Not @error Then
    			MouseClick("left", 265 * $x_ratio, 291 * $y_ratio, 1, 4)
    			Sleep(Random(200, 300))
    			MouseClick("left", $MagicPixel[0], $MagicPixel[1], 1, 4)
    			Sleep(Random(200, 300))
    			MouseClick("left", 1072 * $x_ratio, 375 * $y_ratio, 1, 4)
    			RandMove(1200 * $x_ratio, 600 * $y_ratio, 5, 5, 2)
    			$c += 1
    	Call("AddLog", "Salvaged Items: " & $c)
    	Sleep(Random(300, 500))
    EndFunc   ;==>SalvageLoot
    Func _ImageSearchArea($findImage, $resultPosition, $x1, $y1, $right, $bottom, ByRef $x, ByRef $y, $tolerance)
    	If $tolerance > 0 Then $findImage = "*" & $tolerance & " " & $findImage
    	$findImage = "*TRANSBLACK " & $findImage
    	If @AutoItX64 Then
    		$result = DllCall("ImageSearchDLL_x64.dll", "str", "ImageSearch", "int", $x1, "int", $y1, "int", $right, "int", $bottom, "str", $findImage)
    		$result = DllCall("ImageSearchDLL.dll", "str", "ImageSearch", "int", $x1, "int", $y1, "int", $right, "int", $bottom, "str", $findImage)
    	If $result = "0" Then
    		Return 0
    	; Otherwise get the x,y location of the match and the size of the image to
    	; compute the centre of search
    	$array = StringSplit($result[0], "|")
    	If (UBound($array) >= 4) Then
    		$x = Int(Number($array[2]))
    		$y = Int(Number($array[3]))
    		If $resultPosition = 1 Then
    			$x = $x + Int(Number($array[4]) / 2)
    			$y = $y + Int(Number($array[5]) / 2)
    		Return 1
    EndFunc   ;==>_ImageSearchArea
    Func LeaveGame()
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Leaving Game")
    	RandClick("left", Round(956 * $x_ratio), Round(579 * $y_ratio), 120, 20) ;Random Click on the leave button
    EndFunc   ;==>LeaveGame
    Func TownPortalShort()
    	$gX = 0
    	$gY = 0
    	$c = 0
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Waiting for TP bar")
    		$c += 1
    		If $c > 4 Then Return
    	Until _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "TP.png", 1, 600, 200, 1000, 500, $gX, $gY, 50)
    	$seconds = $TPProtectTime
    	$c = 0
    		$c += 1
    		GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Prepared for inturrupt, " & $seconds * 5 - $c)
    		If $c > ($seconds * 5) Then ;Make sure we never get stuck here for infinity.
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: safe, doing long wait for town")
    			Sleep($tptime - $seconds * 1000 - 1200)
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: detecting town")
    			CheckFor("NewTristram", "Area")
    	Until Not _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "TP.png", 1, 600, 200, 1000, 500, $gX, $gY, 50)
    EndFunc   ;==>TownPortalShort
    Func TownPortal()
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Returning to Town")
    	If $DetectTPFail Then
    		Sleep(Random($tptime, $tptime + 500))
    EndFunc   ;==>TownPortal
    #region OtherStuff
    Func Moving($time)
    	Sleep($time / $movementSpeed)
    EndFunc   ;==>Moving
    Func RandClick($clickType, $xpos, $ypos, $xOff = 10, $yOff = 10, $clicks = 1, $speed = 4)
    	If $xOff < 1 Then $xOff = 1
    	If $yOff < 1 Then $yOff = 1
    	$randX = Round(Random($xpos - ($xOff * $x_ratio), $xpos + ($xOff * $x_ratio)))
    	$randY = Round(Random($ypos - ($yOff * $y_ratio), $ypos + ($yOff * $y_ratio)))
    	MouseClick($clickType, $randX, $randY, $clicks, $speed)
    EndFunc   ;==>RandClick
    Func RandMove($xpos, $ypos, $xOff = 10, $yOff = 10, $speed = 1)
    	$randX = Round(Random($xpos - ($xOff * $x_ratio), $xpos + ($xOff * $x_ratio)))
    	$randY = Round(Random($ypos - ($yOff * $y_ratio), $ypos + ($yOff * $y_ratio)))
    	MouseMove($randX, $randY, $speed)
    EndFunc   ;==>RandMove
    Func RandSleep($min = 5, $max = 45, $chance = 3)
    	$randNum = Round(Random(1, 100))
    	If $Timer And $randNum <= $chance Then
    		$sleepTime = Random($min * 1000, $max * 1000)
    		GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Random Sleep - " & Round($sleepTime / 1000) & " secs")
    		For $c = 0 To 10
    			Sleep($sleepTime / 10)
    EndFunc   ;==>RandSleep
    ;Hotkey Functions
    Func Begin()
    	$Go = Not $Go
    	If Not $Go Then WinSetTitle($title, "", $title & $ver & " - Halted")
    EndFunc   ;==>Begin
    Func TogglePause()
    	$Paused = Not $Paused
    	While $Paused
    		WinSetTitle($title, "", $title & $ver & " - Paused")
    		ToolTip('[PAUSED] - Deaths: ' & $deathCount & ' | Cellars: ' & $cellarCount, 0, 0)
    	WinSetTitle($title, "", $title & $ver & " - Running")
    EndFunc   ;==>TogglePause
    Func ShowLoot()
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblGear, "Legendary: " & $LegendaryCount & " - Set: " & $SetCount & " - Rare: " & $RareCount)
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblItems, "Magic: " & $MagicCount & " - Gems: " & $GemCount & " - Tomes: " & $TomeCount)
    EndFunc   ;==>ShowLoot
    Func Stop() ;to allow the script to stop
    EndFunc   ;==>Stop
    Func GoTown()
    	$mLootIn = 1
    EndFunc   ;==>GoTown
    Func AnalyseLoots() ; Grid search + ilvl detection, a little bit slower than old method but computes db for fast stashing/vendoring/new salvaging
    	;ConsoleWrite("---- NEW ANALYSIS ----" & @crlf)
    	$str_Stash = ""
    	$str_StashGems = ""
    	$str_StashMisc = ""
    	$str_Vendor = ""
    	$str_Salvage = ""
    	$int_TownPosition = 0
    	$int_emptygrid = 0
    	$str_Ignore = ""
    	$nX = 0
    	$nY = 0
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Analysing loots")
    	For $y = 0 To 5
    		$int_emptygrid = 0
    		MouseMove(1435, Round(609 + (45 * $y)), 1)
    		For $x = 0 To 9
    			If StringInStr($str_Ignore, 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)) Then ContinueLoop
    			MouseMove(1435 + (48 * $x), 609 + (45 * $y), 1)
    			If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_check.png", 0, Round((1435 + (48 * $x) - 455) * $x_ratio), Round((609 + (45 * $y) - 500) * $y_ratio), Round((1435 + (48 * $x) - 35) * $x_ratio), Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 10) Then ; If tooltip exists
    				$int_emptygrid = 0
    				If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_unidentified.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, $gX, $gY, 40) And $Identify Then ; Identify items.
    					Sleep(Random(3000, 3500, 1))
    				If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_square.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, $gX, $gY, 40) Then ; Gem, automatic stashing.
    					$str_StashGems = $str_StashGems & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_tome.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, $gX, $gY, 40) Then ; Tome, automatic stashing.
    					$str_StashMisc = $str_StashMisc & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_exquisite.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, $gX, $gY, 40) Then ; Crafting, automatic stashing.
    					$str_StashMisc = $str_StashMisc & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_iridescent.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, $gX, $gY, 40) Then ; Crafting, automatic stashing.
    					$str_StashMisc = $str_StashMisc & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_fiery.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, $gX, $gY, 40) Then ; Crafting, automatic stashing (faster than the pixel detection below).
    					$str_StashMisc = $str_StashMisc & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_plan.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, $gX, $gY, 60) Then ; Plans, automatic stashing.
    					$str_StashMisc = $str_StashMisc & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_neck.png", 0, $gX + 320, $gY + 60, $gX + 425, $gY + 150, $nX, $nY, 60) == 0 And _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_waist.png", 0, $gX + 320, $gY + 60, $gX + 425, $gY + 150, $nX, $nY, 60) == 0 And _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_finger.png", 0, $gX + 320, $gY + 60, $gX + 425, $gY + 150, $nX, $nY, 60) == 0 And _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_follower.png", 0, $gX + 320, $gY + 60, $gX + 425, $gY + 150, $nX, $nY, 60) == 0 Then
    					$str_Ignore = $str_Ignore & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * ($y + 1))
    				$tt_title = PixelSearch($gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, 0x00FF00, 1) ; Set, no ilvl check since they drop rarely. Goes to stash.
    				If Not @error Then
    					$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				$tt_title = PixelSearch($gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, 0xBF642F, 1) ; Legendary, no ilvl check since they drop rarely. Goes to stash.
    				If Not @error Then
    					$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				$tt_title = PixelSearch($gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, 0xFFFF00, 1) ; Rare
    				If Not @error Then
    					If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "ilvl59.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 125, Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 20) Then ; Rare ilvl 59
    						If (getOption("i59r") == 1) Then
    							$str_Salvage = $str_Salvage & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    						ElseIf (getOption("i59r") == 2) Then
    							$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    							$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    					If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "ilvl60.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 125, Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 20) Then ; Rare ilvl 60,  goes to salvage
    						If (getOption("i60r") == 1) Then
    							$str_Salvage = $str_Salvage & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    						ElseIf (getOption("i60r") == 2) Then
    							$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    							$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    					If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "ilvl61.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 125, Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 20) Then ; Rare ilvl 61,  goes to salvage
    						If (getOption("i61r") == 1) Then
    							$str_Salvage = $str_Salvage & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    						ElseIf (getOption("i61r") == 2) Then
    							$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    							$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    					If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "ilvl62.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 125, Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 20) Then ; Rare ilvl 62,  goes to salvage
    						If (getOption("i62r") == 1) Then
    							$str_Salvage = $str_Salvage & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    						ElseIf (getOption("i62r") == 2) Then
    							$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    							$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    					If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "ilvl63.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 125, Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 20) Then ; Rare ilvl 63,  goes to stash
    						If (getOption("i63r") == 1) Then
    							$str_Salvage = $str_Salvage & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    						ElseIf (getOption("i63r") == 2) Then
    							$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    							$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    					; Below ilvl 59
    					If $StashRare Then
    						$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    					ElseIf $VendorRare Then
    						$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    						$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				$tt_title = PixelSearch($gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, 0x6969FF, 1) ; Magic
    				If Not @error Then
    					If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "ilvl59.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 125, Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 20) Then ; Magic ilvl 59
    						If (getOption("i59m") == 1) Then
    							$str_Salvage = $str_Salvage & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    						ElseIf (getOption("i59m") == 2) Then
    							$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    							$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    					If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "ilvl60.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 125, Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 20) Then ; Magic ilvl 60, goes to salvage
    						If (getOption("i60m") == 1) Then
    							$str_Salvage = $str_Salvage & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    						ElseIf (getOption("i60m") == 2) Then
    							$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    							$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    					If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "ilvl61.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 125, Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 20) Then ; Magic ilvl 61, goes to salvage
    						If (getOption("i61m") == 1) Then
    							$str_Salvage = $str_Salvage & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    						ElseIf (getOption("i61m") == 2) Then
    							$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    							$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    					If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "ilvl62.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 125, Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 20) Then ; Magic ilvl 62, goes to salvage
    						If (getOption("i62m") == 1) Then
    							$str_Salvage = $str_Salvage & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    						ElseIf (getOption("i62m") == 2) Then
    							$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    							$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    					If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "ilvl63.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 125, Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 20) Then ; Magic ilvl 63, goes to stash
    						If (getOption("i63m") == 1) Then
    							$str_Salvage = $str_Salvage & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    						ElseIf (getOption("i63m") == 2) Then
    							$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    							$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    					; Below ilvl 59
    					If $StashMagic Then
    						$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    					ElseIf $VendorMagic Then
    						$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    						$str_Ignore = $str_Ignore & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				; Probably white/gray trash bugged pick, add to vendor string
    				$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				$int_emptygrid += 1
    				If $int_emptygrid == 2 Then ; If there's nothing 2 times in a row in a row (see wut i did thar?), it probably ends here, skip to the next row.
    					$int_emptygrid = 0
    	;Call("AddLog", "Stash gear : "  & $str_Stash )
    	;Call("AddLog", "Stash misc : "  & $str_StashMisc )
    	;Call("AddLog", "Stash gems : "  & $str_StashGems )
    	;Call("AddLog", "Salvage : "  & $str_Salvage )
    	;Call("AddLog", "Vendor : "  & $str_Vendor )
    	;Call("AddLog", "Ignored Square : "  & $str_Ignore )
    	Call("AddLog", "Stashed Items: " & UBound(StringSplit($str_Stash, "|")))
    	If $str_Stash <> "" Or $str_StashGems <> "" Or $str_StashMisc <> "" Then Call("StashLoot_new")
    	If $str_Salvage <> "" Then Call("SalvageLoot_new")
    	If $str_Vendor <> "" Then Call("VendorLoot_new")
    EndFunc   ;==>AnalyseLoots
    Func StashLoot_new()
    	$arr_split = ""
    	$pos_split = ""
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Putting Items in Stash")
    	MouseClick("left", 1064 * $x_ratio, 256 * $y_ratio)
    	$int_TownPosition = 1
    	;Gems Page 1
    	If $str_StashGems <> "" Then
    		$str_StashGems = StringMid($str_StashGems, 2)
    		$arr_split = StringSplit($str_StashGems, "|")
    		For $i = 1 To $arr_split[0]
    			Sleep(Random(300, 350))
    			$pos_split = StringSplit($arr_split[$i], ",", 2)
    			MouseClick("right", $pos_split[0], $pos_split[1], 1, 3)
    	;Tomes/Crafting Materials/Plans/Etc Page 2
    	If $str_StashMisc <> "" Then
    		$str_StashMisc = StringMid($str_StashMisc, 2)
    		$arr_split = StringSplit($str_StashMisc, "|")
    		For $i = 1 To $arr_split[0]
    			Sleep(Random(300, 350))
    			$pos_split = StringSplit($arr_split[$i], ",", 2)
    			MouseClick("right", $pos_split[0], $pos_split[1], 1, 3)
    	;Gears Page 2
    	If $str_Stash <> "" Then
    		$str_Stash = StringMid($str_Stash, 2)
    		$arr_split = StringSplit($str_Stash, "|")
    		For $i = 1 To $arr_split[0]
    			Sleep(Random(80, 100))
    			If Random() < 0.5 Then
    			Sleep(Random(300, 350))
    			$pos_split = StringSplit($arr_split[$i], ",", 2)
    			MouseClick("right", $pos_split[0], $pos_split[1], 1, 3)
    	Sleep(Random(100, 150))
    EndFunc   ;==>StashLoot_new
    Func SalvageLoot_new()
    	$arr_split = ""
    	$pos_split = ""
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Salvaging loots")
    	If $int_TownPosition = 0 Then ; Starting from TP
    		MouseClick("middle", 1582 * $x_ratio, 527 * $y_ratio)
    		MouseClick("left", 1661 * $x_ratio, 409 * $y_ratio)
    	Else ; Starting from Stash
    		MouseClick("middle", 1484 * $x_ratio, 583 * $y_ratio)
    		MouseClick("left", 1773 * $x_ratio, 484 * $y_ratio)
    	$int_TownPosition = 2
    	MouseClick("left", 263 * $x_ratio, 287 * $y_ratio)
    	$str_Salvage = StringMid($str_Salvage, 2)
    	$arr_split = StringSplit($str_Salvage, "|")
    	For $i = 1 To $arr_split[0]
    		Sleep(Random(300, 400))
    		$pos_split = StringSplit($arr_split[$i], ",")
    		MouseClick("left", $pos_split[1], $pos_split[2], 1, 3)
    		If $pos_split[0] == 3 Then
    	Sleep(Random(300, 400))
    EndFunc   ;==>SalvageLoot_new
    Func VendorLoot_new()
    	$arr_split = ""
    	$pos_split = ""
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Vendoring Items")
    	If $int_TownPosition = 0 Then ; Starting from TP
    		MouseClick("middle", 1565 * $x_ratio, 50 * $y_ratio)
    	ElseIf $int_TownPosition = 1 Then ; Starting from Stash
    		MouseClick("middle", 1560 * $x_ratio, 120 * $y_ratio)
    	Else ; Starting from Blacksmith
    		MouseClick("middle", 738 * $x_ratio, 64 * $y_ratio)
    	MouseClick("left", 1030 * $x_ratio, 210 * $y_ratio) ;Talk to vendor
    	$str_Vendor = StringMid($str_Vendor, 2)
    	$arr_split = StringSplit($str_Vendor, "|")
    	For $i = 1 To $arr_split[0]
    		Sleep(Random(100, 300))
    		$pos_split = StringSplit($arr_split[$i], ",", 2)
    		MouseClick("right", $pos_split[0], $pos_split[1], 1, 3)
    		If PixelGetColor(819 * $x_ratio, 375 * $y_ratio) == 0x370C00 Then Send("{ENTER}")
    	Sleep(Random(100, 200))
    	$mon = _TesseractScreenCapture(0, "", 1, 2, 1454 * $x_ratio, 508 * $y_ratio, (1920 - 1571) * $x_ratio, (1080 - 525) * $y_ratio, 0)
    	$mon = CleanOCR($mon)
    	$mondelt = Number($mon) - Number($monold)
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblGold, "Gold: " & $mon & ", Sold value: " & $mondelt)
    	$monold = $mon
    	Call("AddLog", "Sold Items: " & $arr_split[0] & ", Sold value: " & $mondelt)
    	Sleep(Random(200, 300))
    	RandClick("left", Round(521 * $x_ratio), Round(506 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;button to open up repair menu
    	RandClick("left", Round(260 * $x_ratio), Round(595 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;button to pay for repairs
    	$mon = _TesseractScreenCapture(0, "", 1, 2, 1454 * $x_ratio, 508 * $y_ratio, (1920 - 1571) * $x_ratio, (1080 - 525) * $y_ratio, 0)
    	$mon = CleanOCR($mon)
    	$mondelt = Number($mon) - Number($monold)
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblGold, "Gold: " & $mon & ", Repair cost: " & $mondelt)
    	$monold = $mon
    	Call("AddLog", "Repair Cost: " & - $mondelt)
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Done With Vendor")
    EndFunc   ;==>VendorLoot_new
    Func getOption($option) ;Gets the correct INI settings corrisponding to the vend/stash/salvage of items.
    	If ($option == "i59r") Then
    		If ($i59Rare = "salvage") Then
    			Return 1
    		ElseIf ($i59Rare = "vend") Then
    			Return 2
    			Return 0
    	ElseIf ($option == "i60r") Then
    		If ($i60Rare = "salvage") Then
    			Return 1
    		ElseIf ($i60Rare = "vend") Then
    			Return 2
    			Return 0
    	ElseIf ($option == "i61r") Then
    		If ($i61Rare = "salvage") Then
    			Return 1
    		ElseIf ($i61Rare = "vend") Then
    			Return 2
    			Return 0
    	ElseIf ($option == "i62r") Then
    		If ($i62Rare = "salvage") Then
    			Return 1
    		ElseIf ($i62Rare = "vend") Then
    			Return 2
    			Return 0
    	ElseIf ($option == "i63r") Then
    		If ($i63Rare = "salvage") Then
    			Return 1
    		ElseIf ($i63Rare = "vend") Then
    			Return 2
    			Return 0
    	ElseIf ($option == "i59m") Then
    		If ($i59Magic = "salvage") Then
    			Return 1
    		ElseIf ($i59Magic = "vend") Then
    			Return 2
    			Return 0
    	ElseIf ($option == "i60m") Then
    		If ($i60Magic = "salvage") Then
    			Return 1
    		ElseIf ($i60Magic = "vend") Then
    			Return 2
    			Return 0
    	ElseIf ($option == "i61m") Then
    		If ($i61Magic = "salvage") Then
    			Return 1
    		ElseIf ($i61Magic = "vend") Then
    			Return 2
    			Return 0
    	ElseIf ($option == "i62m") Then
    		If ($i62Magic = "salvage") Then
    			Return 1
    		ElseIf ($i62Magic = "vend") Then
    			Return 2
    			Return 0
    	ElseIf ($option == "i63m") Then
    		If ($i63Magic = "salvage") Then
    			Return 1
    		ElseIf ($i63Magic = "vend") Then
    			Return 2
    			Return 0
    		Return 0
    EndFunc   ;==>getOption
    #endregion OtherStuff
    Heres a log if anyone needs it.

    01/07/2012 17:13:34: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:13:34: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:13:44: Last Runtime: 16.01 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:14:57: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:14:57: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:15:07: Last Runtime: 15.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:15:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:15:24: Cellar - Found position 1095, 255
    01/07/2012 17:15:47: Gold: 11285048, Gold Delt: 5000, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 17:15:49: Last Runtime: 33.07 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:16:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:16:06: Cellar - Found position 1059, 216
    01/07/2012 17:16:33: Gold: 11292538, Gold Delt: 7490, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:16:36: Last Runtime: 38.18 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:16:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:16:53: Cellar - Found position 1091, 251
    01/07/2012 17:17:16: Gold: 11297811, Gold Delt: 5273, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 17:17:19: Last Runtime: 33.68 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:17:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:17:35: Cellar - Found position 999, 268
    01/07/2012 17:17:59: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 17:18:06: Gold: 11302179, Gold Delt: 4368, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 5
    01/07/2012 17:18:07: Last Runtime: 39.61 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:18:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:18:26: Cellar - Found position 1062, 268
    01/07/2012 17:18:47: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 17:18:54: Gold: 11307829, Gold Delt: 5650, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:18:56: Last Runtime: 39.35 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:19:10: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:19:10: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:19:20: Last Runtime: 15.11 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:19:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:19:36: Cellar - Found position 1022, 264
    01/07/2012 17:20:03: Gold: 11315104, Gold Delt: 7275, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:20:07: Last Runtime: 38.48 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:20:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:20:24: Cellar - Found position 1095, 272
    01/07/2012 17:20:46: Gold: 11321223, Gold Delt: 6119, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:20:50: Last Runtime: 34.31 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:21:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:21:07: Cellar - Found position 1074, 265
    01/07/2012 17:21:14: OnCellar Recovery Success using enhanced find
    01/07/2012 17:21:32: Gold: 11328192, Gold Delt: 6969, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 17:21:35: Last Runtime: 36.12 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:21:50: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:21:50: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:22:00: Last Runtime: 16.46 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:22:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:22:17: Cellar - Found position 1065, 284
    01/07/2012 17:22:40: Gold: 11332828, Gold Delt: 4636, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 17:22:43: Last Runtime: 33.86 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:23:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:23:43: Cellar - Found position 1043, 249
    01/07/2012 17:24:08: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    01/07/2012 17:24:15: Gold: 11339154, Gold Delt: 5000, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 17:24:16: Last Runtime: 41.26 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:24:31: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:24:31: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:24:43: Last Runtime: 18.18 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:24:47: Logged out
    01/07/2012 17:24:52: Logged out
    01/07/2012 17:25:07: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:25:07: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:25:17: Last Runtime: 15.57 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:25:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:25:33: Cellar - Found position 1034, 249
    01/07/2012 17:25:56: Gold: 11345750, Gold Delt: 6596, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:26:00: Last Runtime: 34.19 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:26:16: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:26:16: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:26:27: Last Runtime: 18.34 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:26:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:26:44: Cellar - Found position 1065, 265
    01/07/2012 17:27:07: Gold: 11350274, Gold Delt: 4524, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:27:10: Last Runtime: 34.51 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:27:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:27:27: Cellar - Found position 1037, 273
    01/07/2012 17:27:52: Gold: 11354974, Gold Delt: 4700, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:27:55: Last Runtime: 35.62 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:28:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:28:12: Cellar - Found position 1071, 258
    01/07/2012 17:28:34: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 17:28:41: Gold: 11360673, Gold Delt: 5699, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 17:28:42: Last Runtime: 38.53 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:28:57: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:28:57: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:29:02: Last Runtime: 10.83 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:29:21: Last Runtime: 29.37 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:30:19: Last Runtime: 87.76 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:30:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:30:36: Cellar - Found position 1088, 276
    01/07/2012 17:31:00: Gold: 11368930, Gold Delt: 8257, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:31:03: Last Runtime: 34.76 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:31:17: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:31:17: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:31:26: Last Runtime: 14.86 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:31:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:31:43: Cellar - Found position 1077, 229
    01/07/2012 17:32:08: Gold: 11375401, Gold Delt: 6471, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:32:10: Last Runtime: 35.21 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:32:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:32:27: Cellar - Found position 1041, 251
    01/07/2012 17:32:46: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 17:32:55: Gold: 11379947, Gold Delt: 4546, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:33:31: Last Runtime: 71.21 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:33:51: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:33:51: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:34:00: Last Runtime: 15.36 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:34:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:34:17: Cellar - Found position 1094, 284
    01/07/2012 17:34:38: Gold: 11392843, Gold Delt: 12896, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 17:34:42: Last Runtime: 32.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:34:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:34:58: Cellar - Found position 1057, 277
    01/07/2012 17:35:20: Gold: 11403110, Gold Delt: 10267, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 17:35:23: Last Runtime: 32.15 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:35:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:35:39: Cellar - Found position 1049, 203
    01/07/2012 17:36:05: Gold: 11408800, Gold Delt: 5690, Items: 0, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:36:10: Last Runtime: 38.18 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:36:24: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:36:24: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:36:33: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:36:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:36:50: Cellar - Found position 1064, 244
    01/07/2012 17:37:14: Gold: 11417064, Gold Delt: 8264, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 17:37:35: Last Runtime: 52.34 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:37:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:37:51: Cellar - Found position 1068, 256
    01/07/2012 17:38:18: Gold: 11426685, Gold Delt: 9621, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 17:38:21: Last Runtime: 37.71 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:38:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:38:38: Cellar - Found position 1059, 285
    01/07/2012 17:39:28: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 17:39:36: Gold: 11432242, Gold Delt: 5557, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 6
    01/07/2012 17:39:58: Stashed Items: 3
    01/07/2012 17:40:17: Sold Items: 30, Sold value: 11963
    01/07/2012 17:40:18: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 17:40:19: Last Runtime: 108.62 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:40:33: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:40:33: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:40:43: Last Runtime: 15.61 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:40:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:41:00: Cellar - Found position 1048, 256
    01/07/2012 17:41:25: Gold: 11453960, Gold Delt: 9755, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:41:30: Last Runtime: 38.02 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:41:45: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:41:47: Cellar - Found position 1065, 257
    01/07/2012 17:42:11: Gold: 11460251, Gold Delt: 6291, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 17:42:15: Last Runtime: 36.7 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:42:30: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:42:30: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:42:40: Last Runtime: 15.63 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:42:55: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:42:55: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:43:05: Last Runtime: 15.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:43:19: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:43:19: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:43:23: Last Runtime: 9.42 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:43:26: Logged out
    01/07/2012 17:43:32: Logged out
    01/07/2012 17:43:47: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:43:47: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:43:57: Last Runtime: 16.25 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:44:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:44:14: Cellar - Found position 1059, 278
    01/07/2012 17:44:39: Gold: 11466227, Gold Delt: 5976, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 17:44:42: Last Runtime: 35.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:44:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:44:59: Cellar - Found position 1079, 271
    01/07/2012 17:45:25: Gold: 11473012, Gold Delt: 6785, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 17:45:28: Last Runtime: 37.29 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:45:44: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:45:45: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:45:54: Last Runtime: 16.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:46:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:46:10: Cellar - Found position 1048, 257
    01/07/2012 17:46:35: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    01/07/2012 17:46:37: Gold: 11480883, Gold Delt: 7871, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:46:38: Last Runtime: 35.66 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:46:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:46:55: Cellar - Found position 1103, 242
    01/07/2012 17:47:18: Gold: 11486480, Gold Delt: 5597, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:47:22: Last Runtime: 34.58 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:47:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:47:39: Cellar - Found position 1082, 259
    01/07/2012 17:48:01: Gold: 11493778, Gold Delt: 7298, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 17:48:04: Last Runtime: 34.03 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:48:19: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:48:19: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:48:29: Last Runtime: 15.38 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:48:43: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:48:43: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:48:52: Last Runtime: 14.86 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:49:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:49:09: Cellar - Found position 1078, 249
    01/07/2012 17:49:33: Gold: 11500423, Gold Delt: 6645, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 17:49:37: Last Runtime: 35.58 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:49:51: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:49:51: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:50:01: Last Runtime: 15.33 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:50:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:50:18: Cellar - Found position 1048, 274
    01/07/2012 17:50:41: Gold: 11505819, Gold Delt: 5396, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 17:50:45: Last Runtime: 35.07 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:51:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:51:03: Cellar - Found position 1079, 238
    01/07/2012 17:51:28: Gold: 11513101, Gold Delt: 7282, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:51:32: Last Runtime: 38.15 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:51:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:51:49: Cellar - Found position 1068, 274
    01/07/2012 17:52:14: Gold: 11520874, Gold Delt: 7773, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 17:52:26: Stashed Items: 0
    01/07/2012 17:52:42: Sold Items: 24, Sold value: 7665
    01/07/2012 17:52:44: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 17:52:44: Last Runtime: 63.74 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:52:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:53:01: Cellar - Found position 1115, 268
    01/07/2012 17:53:26: Gold: 11542091, Gold Delt: 13552, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:53:28: Last Runtime: 34.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:53:43: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:53:43: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:53:52: Last Runtime: 14.83 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:54:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:54:09: Cellar - Found position 1060, 253
    01/07/2012 17:54:32: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 17:54:39: Gold: 11549293, Gold Delt: 7202, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 17:54:41: Last Runtime: 39.8 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:54:55: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:54:55: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:55:05: Last Runtime: 15.9 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:55:20: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:55:20: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:55:24: Last Runtime: 9.48 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:55:27: Logged out
    01/07/2012 17:55:33: Logged out
    01/07/2012 17:55:48: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:55:48: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:55:57: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:56:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:56:13: Cellar - Found position 1073, 261
    01/07/2012 17:56:36: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 17:56:43: Gold: 11554633, Gold Delt: 5340, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 17:56:44: Last Runtime: 39 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:56:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:57:01: Cellar - Found position 1100, 235
    01/07/2012 17:57:27: Gold: 11563002, Gold Delt: 8369, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:57:30: Last Runtime: 36.42 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:57:44: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:57:44: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:57:54: Last Runtime: 15.39 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:58:09: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:58:11: Cellar - Found position 1091, 249
    01/07/2012 17:58:36: Gold: 11568060, Gold Delt: 5058, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:58:40: Last Runtime: 36.8 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:58:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:58:56: Cellar - Found position 1090, 284
    01/07/2012 17:59:20: Gold: 11572521, Gold Delt: 4461, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:59:23: Last Runtime: 33.99 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:59:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:59:39: Cellar - Found position 1091, 272
    01/07/2012 18:00:04: Gold: 11584467, Gold Delt: 11946, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:00:07: Last Runtime: 35.77 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:00:22: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:00:22: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:00:31: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:00:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:00:49: Cellar - Found position 1086, 276
    01/07/2012 18:01:14: Gold: 11593763, Gold Delt: 9296, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:01:18: Last Runtime: 37.75 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:01:32: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:01:32: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:01:41: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:01:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:01:58: Cellar - Found position 1097, 258
    01/07/2012 18:02:22: Gold: 11597567, Gold Delt: 3804, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:02:35: Stashed Items: 0
    01/07/2012 18:02:47: Sold Items: 15, Sold value: 7356
    01/07/2012 18:02:49: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 18:02:49: Last Runtime: 59.13 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:03:04: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:03:04: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:03:13: Last Runtime: 15.12 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:03:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:03:30: Cellar - Found position 1011, 247
    01/07/2012 18:03:51: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 18:03:58: Gold: 11608859, Gold Delt: 3936, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 18:04:00: Last Runtime: 37.82 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:04:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:04:17: Cellar - Found position 1080, 261
    01/07/2012 18:04:38: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 18:04:44: Gold: 11618182, Gold Delt: 9323, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:04:46: Last Runtime: 37.11 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:05:01: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:05:01: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:05:11: Last Runtime: 15.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:05:25: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:05:26: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:05:35: Last Runtime: 15.6 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:05:50: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:05:52: Cellar - Found position 1068, 262
    01/07/2012 18:06:15: Gold: 11622013, Gold Delt: 3831, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:06:18: Last Runtime: 34.59 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:06:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:06:35: Cellar - Found position 1072, 272
    01/07/2012 18:06:58: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 18:07:05: Gold: 11624032, Gold Delt: 2019, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 18:07:07: Last Runtime: 39.4 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:07:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:07:23: Cellar - Found position 1061, 289
    01/07/2012 18:07:49: Gold: 11637377, Gold Delt: 13345, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:07:52: Last Runtime: 36.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:08:06: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:08:06: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:08:16: Last Runtime: 15.63 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:08:32: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:08:32: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:08:42: Last Runtime: 16.53 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:08:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:08:58: Cellar - Found position 1069, 261
    01/07/2012 18:09:21: Gold: 11646119, Gold Delt: 8742, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:09:24: Last Runtime: 33.79 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:09:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:09:41: Cellar - Found position 1026, 250
    01/07/2012 18:10:04: Gold: 11650256, Gold Delt: 4137, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:10:12: Last Runtime: 38.8 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:10:15: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:10:21: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:10:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:10:38: Cellar - Found position 1087, 268
    01/07/2012 18:11:00: Gold: 11655813, Gold Delt: 5557, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 18:11:08: Last Runtime: 38.3 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:11:23: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:11:23: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:11:33: Last Runtime: 15.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:11:47: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:11:47: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:11:51: Last Runtime: 9.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:11:54: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:12:00: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:12:15: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:12:15: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:12:25: Last Runtime: 15.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:12:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:12:41: Cellar - Found position 1108, 264
    01/07/2012 18:13:05: Gold: 11659903, Gold Delt: 4090, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:13:08: Last Runtime: 34.86 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:13:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:13:25: Cellar - Found position 1091, 243
    01/07/2012 18:13:50: Gold: 11666681, Gold Delt: 6778, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 18:13:53: Last Runtime: 36.19 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:14:08: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:14:08: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:14:17: Last Runtime: 15.35 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:14:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:14:34: Cellar - Found position 1069, 264
    01/07/2012 18:14:57: Gold: 11674280, Gold Delt: 7599, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 18:15:00: Last Runtime: 33.68 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:15:14: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:15:15: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:15:18: Last Runtime: 9.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:15:22: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:15:27: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:15:43: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:15:43: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:15:52: Last Runtime: 15.34 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:16:07: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:16:07: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:16:17: Last Runtime: 15.67 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:16:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:16:34: Cellar - Found position 1094, 254
    01/07/2012 18:16:59: Gold: 11684552, Gold Delt: 10272, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:17:01: Last Runtime: 35.53 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:17:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:17:18: Cellar - Found position 1101, 276
    01/07/2012 18:17:42: Gold: 11691276, Gold Delt: 6724, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:17:44: Last Runtime: 34.3 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:17:59: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:17:59: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:18:08: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:18:23: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:18:23: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:18:32: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:18:47: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:18:47: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:18:57: Last Runtime: 16.72 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:19:12: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:19:12: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:19:16: Last Runtime: 9.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:19:20: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:19:25: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:19:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:19:42: Cellar - Found position 1084, 253
    01/07/2012 18:20:10: Gold: 11697398, Gold Delt: 6122, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 18:20:13: Last Runtime: 38.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:20:30: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:20:30: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:20:40: Last Runtime: 17.69 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:20:55: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:20:55: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:21:05: Last Runtime: 16.21 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:21:20: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:21:20: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:21:30: Last Runtime: 15.67 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:21:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:21:46: Cellar - Found position 1076, 257
    01/07/2012 18:22:14: Gold: 11706488, Gold Delt: 9090, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 5
    01/07/2012 18:22:32: Stashed Items: 1
    01/07/2012 18:22:49: Sold Items: 26, Sold value: 9873
    01/07/2012 18:22:50: Repair Cost: 3328
    01/07/2012 18:22:51: Last Runtime: 72.31 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:23:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:23:08: Cellar - Found position 1101, 258
    01/07/2012 18:23:32: Gold: 11718640, Gold Delt: 5607, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:23:37: Last Runtime: 37.27 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:23:52: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:23:52: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:24:01: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:24:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:24:17: Cellar - Found position 1074, 258
    01/07/2012 18:24:39: Gold: 11723544, Gold Delt: 4904, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 18:24:42: Last Runtime: 32.73 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:24:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:24:59: Cellar - Found position 1088, 278
    01/07/2012 18:25:06: OnCellar Recovery Success using enhanced find
    01/07/2012 18:25:26: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 18:25:33: Gold: 11724574, Gold Delt: 1030, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:25:35: Last Runtime: 43.67 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:25:49: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:25:49: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:25:54: Last Runtime: 10.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:25:58: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:26:04: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:26:19: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:26:19: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:26:30: Last Runtime: 17.05 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:26:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:26:46: Cellar - Found position 1095, 259
    01/07/2012 18:27:07: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 18:27:14: Gold: 11736322, Gold Delt: 11748, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:27:16: Last Runtime: 37.2 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:27:31: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:27:31: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:27:40: Last Runtime: 15.64 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:27:55: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:27:55: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:28:05: Last Runtime: 15.59 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:28:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:28:23: Cellar - Found position 1028, 275
    01/07/2012 18:28:47: Gold: 11743764, Gold Delt: 7442, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:28:49: Last Runtime: 35.83 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:29:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:29:07: Cellar - Found position 1075, 249
    01/07/2012 18:29:29: Gold: 11747284, Gold Delt: 3520, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:29:33: Last Runtime: 34.23 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:29:47: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:29:47: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:29:57: Last Runtime: 15.65 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:30:12: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:30:12: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:30:21: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:30:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:30:38: Cellar - Found position 1052, 293
    01/07/2012 18:31:02: Gold: 11756303, Gold Delt: 9019, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:31:05: Last Runtime: 35.09 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:31:19: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:31:20: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:31:29: Last Runtime: 15.42 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:31:44: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:31:44: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:31:53: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:32:09: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:32:11: Cellar - Found position 1073, 267
    01/07/2012 18:32:35: Gold: 11761113, Gold Delt: 4810, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:32:38: Last Runtime: 36.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:32:53: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:32:53: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:33:03: Last Runtime: 16.04 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:33:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:33:20: Cellar - Found position 1077, 258
    01/07/2012 18:33:44: Gold: 11766226, Gold Delt: 5113, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 18:33:47: Last Runtime: 35.76 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:34:02: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:34:04: Cellar - Found position 1062, 261
    01/07/2012 18:34:26: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    01/07/2012 18:34:34: Gold: 11776899, Gold Delt: 10673, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:34:35: Last Runtime: 38.79 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:34:50: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:34:52: Cellar - Found position 1098, 252
    01/07/2012 18:35:18: Gold: 11787201, Gold Delt: 10302, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:35:34: Stashed Items: 1
    01/07/2012 18:35:50: Sold Items: 22, Sold value: 7443
    01/07/2012 18:35:51: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 18:35:52: Last Runtime: 67.64 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:36:06: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:36:06: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:36:16: Last Runtime: 15.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:36:31: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:36:31: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:36:40: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:36:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:36:56: Cellar - Found position 1081, 251
    01/07/2012 18:37:23: Gold: 11798899, Gold Delt: 4255, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:37:27: Last Runtime: 38.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:37:42: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:37:42: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:37:51: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:38:06: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:38:06: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:38:15: Last Runtime: 15.13 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:38:30: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:38:30: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:38:33: Last Runtime: 9.46 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:38:37: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:38:42: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:38:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:39:00: Cellar - Found position 1063, 273
    01/07/2012 18:39:21: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 18:39:28: Gold: 11801976, Gold Delt: 3077, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 6
    01/07/2012 18:39:30: Last Runtime: 37.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:39:44: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:39:44: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:39:53: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:40:08: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:40:09: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:40:18: Last Runtime: 15.89 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:40:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:40:35: Cellar - Found position 1096, 261
    01/07/2012 18:40:58: Gold: 11809197, Gold Delt: 7221, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:41:01: Last Runtime: 33.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:41:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:41:18: Cellar - Found position 1044, 256
    01/07/2012 18:41:40: Gold: 11813730, Gold Delt: 4533, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 18:41:44: Last Runtime: 34.22 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:41:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:42:01: Cellar - Found position 1052, 289
    01/07/2012 18:42:26: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    01/07/2012 18:42:32: Gold: 11820005, Gold Delt: 6275, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:42:34: Last Runtime: 41.16 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:42:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:42:51: Cellar - Found position 1071, 280
    01/07/2012 18:43:17: Gold: 11825637, Gold Delt: 5632, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:43:19: Last Runtime: 36.64 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:43:34: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:43:34: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:43:43: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:43:58: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:43:58: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:44:07: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:44:21: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:44:22: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:44:31: Last Runtime: 15.16 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:44:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:44:48: Cellar - Found position 1057, 259
    01/07/2012 18:45:13: Gold: 11832113, Gold Delt: 6476, Items: 1, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 18:45:16: Last Runtime: 35.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:45:31: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:45:31: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:45:40: Last Runtime: 15.85 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:45:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:45:57: Cellar - Found position 1088, 256
    01/07/2012 18:46:20: Gold: 11837128, Gold Delt: 5015, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 18:46:23: Last Runtime: 33.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:46:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:46:42: Cellar - Found position 1071, 239
    01/07/2012 18:47:05: Gold: 11845983, Gold Delt: 8855, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 18:47:09: Last Runtime: 37.3 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:47:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:47:26: Cellar - Found position 1109, 250
    01/07/2012 18:47:47: Gold: 11856158, Gold Delt: 10175, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 18:47:51: Last Runtime: 33.36 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:48:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:48:09: Cellar - Found position 1091, 266
    01/07/2012 18:48:35: Gold: 11865647, Gold Delt: 9489, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 5
    01/07/2012 18:48:53: Stashed Items: 1
    01/07/2012 18:49:06: Sold Items: 16, Sold value: 6638
    01/07/2012 18:49:07: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 18:49:08: Last Runtime: 67.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:49:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:49:25: Cellar - Found position 1070, 255
    01/07/2012 18:49:49: Gold: 11882146, Gold Delt: 9861, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:49:53: Last Runtime: 36.13 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:50:08: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:50:08: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:50:17: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:50:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:50:33: Cellar - Found position 1101, 259
    01/07/2012 18:50:58: Gold: 11885830, Gold Delt: 3684, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:51:00: Last Runtime: 34.71 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:51:15: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:51:15: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:51:18: Last Runtime: 9.01 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:51:22: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:51:27: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:51:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:51:46: Cellar - Found position 1061, 281
    01/07/2012 18:52:10: Gold: 11893773, Gold Delt: 7943, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:52:17: Last Runtime: 39.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:52:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:52:34: Cellar - Found position 1086, 254
    01/07/2012 18:52:57: Gold: 11899741, Gold Delt: 5968, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 18:53:00: Last Runtime: 33.84 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:53:15: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:53:15: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:53:24: Last Runtime: 15.14 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:53:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:53:41: Cellar - Found position 1093, 276
    01/07/2012 18:54:04: Gold: 11909006, Gold Delt: 9265, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:54:08: Last Runtime: 35.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:54:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:54:25: Cellar - Found position 1038, 243
    01/07/2012 18:54:47: Gold: 11917131, Gold Delt: 8125, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 18:54:51: Last Runtime: 33.93 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:55:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:55:08: Cellar - Found position 1055, 278
    01/07/2012 18:55:33: Gold: 11920904, Gold Delt: 3773, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:55:36: Last Runtime: 36.46 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:55:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:55:53: Cellar - Found position 1073, 255
    01/07/2012 18:56:17: Gold: 11924343, Gold Delt: 3439, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 18:56:20: Last Runtime: 34.63 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:56:35: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:56:35: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:56:45: Last Runtime: 15.96 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:56:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:57:01: Cellar - Found position 1076, 265
    01/07/2012 18:57:26: Gold: 11931698, Gold Delt: 7355, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:57:30: Last Runtime: 35.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:57:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:57:47: Cellar - Found position 1082, 258
    01/07/2012 18:58:09: Gold: 11939942, Gold Delt: 8244, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 18:58:11: Last Runtime: 33.07 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:58:26: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:58:26: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:58:35: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:58:50: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:58:52: Cellar - Found position 1067, 274
    01/07/2012 18:59:15: Gold: 11949726, Gold Delt: 9784, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 18:59:18: Last Runtime: 34.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:59:33: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:59:33: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:59:42: Last Runtime: 15.38 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:59:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:59:59: Cellar - Found position 1098, 249
    01/07/2012 19:00:26: Gold: 11960483, Gold Delt: 10757, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:00:29: Last Runtime: 37.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:00:44: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:00:44: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:00:54: Last Runtime: 15.59 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:01:08: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:01:09: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:01:18: Last Runtime: 15.12 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:01:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:01:35: Cellar - Found position 1088, 256
    01/07/2012 19:01:57: Gold: 11967497, Gold Delt: 7014, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 19:02:10: Stashed Items: 0
    01/07/2012 19:02:25: Sold Items: 22, Sold value: 9255
    01/07/2012 19:02:26: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 19:02:27: Last Runtime: 60.64 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:02:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:02:45: Cellar - Found position 1078, 261
    01/07/2012 19:03:07: Gold: 11981981, Gold Delt: 5229, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 19:03:11: Last Runtime: 34.76 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:03:26: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:03:26: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:03:35: Last Runtime: 15.8 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:03:50: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:03:50: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:04:00: Last Runtime: 15.99 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:04:15: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:04:15: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:04:24: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:04:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:04:41: Cellar - Found position 1063, 260
    01/07/2012 19:05:04: Gold: 11986068, Gold Delt: 4087, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:05:06: Last Runtime: 33.5 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:05:21: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:05:21: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:05:25: Last Runtime: 9.7 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:05:28: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:05:34: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:05:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:05:51: Cellar - Found position 1071, 257
    01/07/2012 19:06:14: Gold: 11990162, Gold Delt: 4094, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:06:18: Last Runtime: 34.73 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:06:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:06:34: Cellar - Found position 1086, 276
    01/07/2012 19:06:57: Gold: 11996612, Gold Delt: 6450, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:07:00: Last Runtime: 33.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:07:15: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:07:15: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:07:24: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:07:39: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:07:40: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:07:49: Last Runtime: 16.56 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:08:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:08:06: Cellar - Found position 1067, 267
    01/07/2012 19:08:31: Gold: 12004197, Gold Delt: 7585, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 19:08:34: Last Runtime: 35.46 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:08:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:08:51: Cellar - Found position 1054, 259
    01/07/2012 19:09:15: Gold: 12011611, Gold Delt: 7414, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:09:19: Last Runtime: 36.04 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:09:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:09:35: Cellar - Found position 1083, 256
    01/07/2012 19:09:58: Gold: 12020910, Gold Delt: 9299, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 19:10:00: Last Runtime: 32.84 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:10:15: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:10:15: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:10:24: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:10:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:10:41: Cellar - Found position 1108, 240
    01/07/2012 19:11:05: Gold: 12027505, Gold Delt: 6595, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:11:08: Last Runtime: 35.29 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:11:23: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:11:23: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:11:32: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:11:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:11:49: Cellar - Found position 1040, 265
    01/07/2012 19:12:14: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 19:12:21: Gold: 12031947, Gold Delt: 4442, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:12:33: Stashed Items: 1
    01/07/2012 19:12:47: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 7894
    01/07/2012 19:12:48: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 19:12:49: Last Runtime: 67.58 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:13:03: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:13:05: Cellar - Found position 1099, 258
    01/07/2012 19:13:28: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 19:13:35: Gold: 12044686, Gold Delt: 4845, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 19:13:36: Last Runtime: 39.08 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:13:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:13:53: Cellar - Found position 1070, 268
    01/07/2012 19:14:19: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    01/07/2012 19:14:27: Gold: 12049128, Gold Delt: 4442, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:14:29: Last Runtime: 43.36 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:14:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:14:45: Cellar - Found position 1068, 253
    01/07/2012 19:15:08: Gold: 12055408, Gold Delt: 6280, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 19:15:11: Last Runtime: 33.03 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:15:25: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:15:25: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:15:34: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:15:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:15:51: Cellar - Found position 1083, 273
    01/07/2012 19:16:16: Gold: 12065565, Gold Delt: 10157, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:16:18: Last Runtime: 35.08 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:16:33: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:16:33: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:16:42: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:16:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:16:59: Cellar - Found position 1062, 283
    01/07/2012 19:17:21: Gold: 12071910, Gold Delt: 6345, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:17:25: Last Runtime: 34.11 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:17:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:17:42: Cellar - Found position 1095, 256
    01/07/2012 19:18:02: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 19:18:11: Gold: 12081595, Gold Delt: 9685, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:18:13: Last Runtime: 38.86 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:18:27: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:18:27: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:18:36: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:18:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:18:53: Cellar - Found position 1097, 253
    01/07/2012 19:19:18: Gold: 12088230, Gold Delt: 6635, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:19:20: Last Runtime: 35.09 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:19:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:19:37: Cellar - Found position 1022, 255
    01/07/2012 19:20:02: Gold: 12092981, Gold Delt: 4751, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:20:04: Last Runtime: 35.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:20:19: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:20:19: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:20:28: Last Runtime: 15.15 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:20:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:20:45: Cellar - Found position 1057, 280
    01/07/2012 19:21:09: Gold: 12100714, Gold Delt: 7733, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 19:21:12: Last Runtime: 34.59 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:21:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:21:29: Cellar - Found position 1107, 281
    01/07/2012 19:21:53: Gold: 12104765, Gold Delt: 4051, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:21:55: Last Runtime: 34.61 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:22:10: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:22:10: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:22:19: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:22:34: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:22:34: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:22:43: Last Runtime: 15.39 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:22:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:23:00: Cellar - Found position 1073, 283
    01/07/2012 19:23:27: Gold: 12110757, Gold Delt: 5992, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:23:45: Stashed Items: 1
    01/07/2012 19:23:58: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 6526
    01/07/2012 19:24:00: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 19:24:00: Last Runtime: 67.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:24:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:24:17: Cellar - Found position 1080, 270
    01/07/2012 19:24:40: Gold: 12127589, Gold Delt: 10306, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:24:42: Last Runtime: 33.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:24:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:24:59: Cellar - Found position 1087, 276
    01/07/2012 19:25:26: Gold: 12135698, Gold Delt: 8109, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:25:29: Last Runtime: 37.47 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:25:43: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:25:43: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:25:47: Last Runtime: 9.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:25:50: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:25:56: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:26:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:26:13: Cellar - Found position 1095, 259
    01/07/2012 19:26:36: Gold: 12140838, Gold Delt: 5140, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:26:40: Last Runtime: 34.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:26:55: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:26:55: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:27:07: Last Runtime: 17.57 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:27:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:27:24: Cellar - Found position 1099, 255
    01/07/2012 19:27:50: Gold: 12145703, Gold Delt: 4865, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:27:53: Last Runtime: 37.57 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:28:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:28:10: Cellar - Found position 1089, 271
    01/07/2012 19:28:34: Gold: 12150300, Gold Delt: 4597, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:28:37: Last Runtime: 35.16 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:28:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:28:54: Cellar - Found position 985, 260
    01/07/2012 19:29:16: Gold: 12155183, Gold Delt: 4883, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 19:29:20: Last Runtime: 33.72 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:29:34: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:29:34: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:29:43: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:29:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:30:00: Cellar - Found position 1066, 255
    01/07/2012 19:30:25: Gold: 12160873, Gold Delt: 5690, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:30:28: Last Runtime: 35.4 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:30:42: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:30:42: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:30:52: Last Runtime: 15.12 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:31:06: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:31:06: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:31:16: Last Runtime: 15.39 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:31:30: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:31:31: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:31:40: Last Runtime: 15.4 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:31:55: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:31:55: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:32:05: Last Runtime: 16.21 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:32:20: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:32:20: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:32:29: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:32:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:32:46: Cellar - Found position 1071, 261
    01/07/2012 19:33:13: Gold: 12167638, Gold Delt: 6765, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:33:17: Last Runtime: 39.07 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:33:31: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:33:32: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:33:41: Last Runtime: 15.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:33:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:33:58: Cellar - Found position 1044, 278
    01/07/2012 19:34:22: Gold: 12175498, Gold Delt: 7860, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:34:27: Last Runtime: 36.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:34:41: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:34:41: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:34:50: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:35:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:35:07: Cellar - Found position 1067, 265
    01/07/2012 19:35:34: Gold: 12183124, Gold Delt: 7626, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 19:35:52: Stashed Items: 2
    01/07/2012 19:36:05: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 9478
    01/07/2012 19:36:07: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 19:36:07: Last Runtime: 68.07 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:36:22: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:36:22: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:36:32: Last Runtime: 15.66 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:36:47: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:36:47: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:36:56: Last Runtime: 15.7 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:37:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:37:14: Cellar - Found position 1070, 255
    01/07/2012 19:37:36: Gold: 12203311, Gold Delt: 10709, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 19:37:39: Last Runtime: 33.51 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:37:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:37:56: Cellar - Found position 1084, 257
    01/07/2012 19:38:23: Gold: 12210951, Gold Delt: 7640, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 19:38:26: Last Runtime: 37.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:38:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:38:42: Cellar - Found position 1089, 265
    01/07/2012 19:39:10: Gold: 12216260, Gold Delt: 5309, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 5
    01/07/2012 19:39:13: Last Runtime: 38.66 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:39:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:39:30: Cellar - Found position 1103, 258
    01/07/2012 19:39:53: Gold: 12226396, Gold Delt: 10136, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:39:56: Last Runtime: 33.99 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:40:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:40:13: Cellar - Found position 1103, 245
    01/07/2012 19:40:38: Gold: 12232189, Gold Delt: 5793, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:40:41: Last Runtime: 36.63 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:40:56: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:40:56: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:41:06: Last Runtime: 15.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:41:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:41:23: Cellar - Found position 1080, 243
    01/07/2012 19:41:45: Gold: 12235978, Gold Delt: 3789, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:41:48: Last Runtime: 33.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:42:03: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:42:03: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:42:12: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:42:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:42:29: Cellar - Found position 1110, 222
    01/07/2012 19:42:55: Gold: 12239991, Gold Delt: 4013, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:42:58: Last Runtime: 37.08 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:43:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:43:15: Cellar - Found position 999, 208
    01/07/2012 19:43:39: Gold: 12251605, Gold Delt: 11614, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:43:42: Last Runtime: 35.02 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:43:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:43:59: Cellar - Found position 1110, 273
    01/07/2012 19:44:21: Gold: 12259832, Gold Delt: 8227, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:44:24: Last Runtime: 32.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:44:38: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:44:39: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:44:42: Last Runtime: 9.52 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:44:46: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:44:51: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:45:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:45:08: Cellar - Found position 1072, 288
    01/07/2012 19:45:34: Gold: 12266073, Gold Delt: 6241, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 19:45:36: Last Runtime: 35.96 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:45:51: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:45:51: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:46:02: Last Runtime: 16.52 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:46:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:46:19: Cellar - Found position 1080, 270
    01/07/2012 19:46:45: Gold: 12272425, Gold Delt: 6352, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:46:59: Stashed Items: 1
    01/07/2012 19:47:12: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 7445
    01/07/2012 19:47:14: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 19:47:14: Last Runtime: 63.86 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:47:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:47:31: Cellar - Found position 1066, 252
    01/07/2012 19:47:56: Gold: 12289644, Gold Delt: 9774, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 19:47:59: Last Runtime: 35.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:48:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:48:16: Cellar - Found position 1096, 256
    01/07/2012 19:48:39: Gold: 12298906, Gold Delt: 9262, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 19:48:42: Last Runtime: 34.54 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:48:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:48:59: Cellar - Found position 1072, 238
    01/07/2012 19:49:23: Gold: 12306958, Gold Delt: 8052, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:49:26: Last Runtime: 35.02 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:49:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:49:43: Cellar - Found position 1086, 259
    01/07/2012 19:50:10: Gold: 12314012, Gold Delt: 7054, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:50:13: Last Runtime: 38.52 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:50:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:50:31: Cellar - Found position 1091, 275
    01/07/2012 19:50:54: Gold: 12321163, Gold Delt: 7151, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:50:57: Last Runtime: 34.59 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:51:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:51:14: Cellar - Found position 1098, 265
    01/07/2012 19:51:38: Gold: 12326691, Gold Delt: 5528, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:51:40: Last Runtime: 34.76 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:51:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:51:57: Cellar - Found position 1081, 251
    01/07/2012 19:52:23: Gold: 12333095, Gold Delt: 6404, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:52:26: Last Runtime: 36.73 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:52:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:52:43: Cellar - Found position 1090, 257
    01/07/2012 19:53:04: Gold: 12336855, Gold Delt: 3760, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:53:12: Last Runtime: 37.49 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:53:16: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:53:21: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:53:36: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:53:36: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:53:45: Last Runtime: 15.16 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:54:00: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:54:00: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:54:10: Last Runtime: 16.02 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:54:25: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:54:26: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:54:30: Last Runtime: 11.11 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:54:34: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:54:39: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:54:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:54:57: Cellar - Found position 1088, 269
    01/07/2012 19:55:20: Gold: 12343136, Gold Delt: 6281, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:55:23: Last Runtime: 34.58 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:55:38: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:55:38: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:55:48: Last Runtime: 15.67 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:56:03: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:56:05: Cellar - Found position 1068, 286
    01/07/2012 19:56:29: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 19:56:37: Gold: 12351305, Gold Delt: 8169, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:56:38: Last Runtime: 41.55 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:56:53: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:56:53: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:57:02: Last Runtime: 15.16 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:57:17: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:57:17: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:57:27: Last Runtime: 15.96 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:57:42: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:57:42: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:57:52: Last Runtime: 15.69 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:58:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:58:08: Cellar - Found position 1072, 283
    01/07/2012 19:58:33: Gold: 12361452, Gold Delt: 10147, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:58:36: Last Runtime: 35.53 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:58:51: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:58:51: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:59:00: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:59:14: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:59:15: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:59:24: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:59:38: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:59:38: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:59:42: Last Runtime: 9.46 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:59:45: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:59:51: Logged out
    01/07/2012 20:00:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:00:08: Cellar - Found position 1074, 277
    01/07/2012 20:00:32: Gold: 12368409, Gold Delt: 6957, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:00:59: Stash full Using next tab
    01/07/2012 20:01:00: Stashed Items: 20
    01/07/2012 20:01:16: Sold Items: 23, Sold value: 7814
    01/07/2012 20:01:17: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 20:01:18: Last Runtime: 77.3 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:01:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:01:35: Cellar - Found position 1014, 255
    01/07/2012 20:02:00: Gold: 12382574, Gold Delt: 6351, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:02:03: Last Runtime: 36.8 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:02:18: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:02:18: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:02:27: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:02:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:02:44: Cellar - Found position 1054, 269
    01/07/2012 20:03:14: Gold: 12389848, Gold Delt: 7274, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 20:03:16: Last Runtime: 40.56 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:03:31: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:03:31: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:03:42: Last Runtime: 16.77 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:03:57: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:03:57: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:04:07: Last Runtime: 16.45 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:04:22: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:04:22: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:04:32: Last Runtime: 16.18 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:04:47: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:04:47: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:04:57: Last Runtime: 15.64 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:05:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:05:14: Cellar - Found position 1079, 258
    01/07/2012 20:05:36: Gold: 12395357, Gold Delt: 5509, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:05:38: Last Runtime: 32.62 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:05:54: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:05:54: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:06:03: Last Runtime: 16.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:06:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:06:21: Cellar - Found position 1036, 250
    01/07/2012 20:06:43: Gold: 12405603, Gold Delt: 10246, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:06:46: Last Runtime: 33.84 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:07:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:07:03: Cellar - Found position 1093, 258
    01/07/2012 20:07:35: Gold: 12409750, Gold Delt: 4147, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 20:07:38: Last Runtime: 43.39 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:07:54: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:07:54: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:08:04: Last Runtime: 16.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:08:18: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:08:18: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:08:28: Last Runtime: 15.16 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:08:43: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:08:43: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:08:52: Last Runtime: 15.67 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:09:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:09:09: Cellar - Found position 1098, 277
    01/07/2012 20:09:30: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    01/07/2012 20:09:37: Gold: 12412654, Gold Delt: 2904, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:09:39: Last Runtime: 37.65 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:09:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:09:56: Cellar - Found position 1091, 244
    01/07/2012 20:10:21: Gold: 12423829, Gold Delt: 11175, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:10:24: Last Runtime: 36.1 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:10:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:10:41: Cellar - Found position 1099, 263
    01/07/2012 20:11:03: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    01/07/2012 20:11:11: Gold: 12430166, Gold Delt: 6337, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 20:11:12: Last Runtime: 39.76 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:11:27: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:11:27: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:11:37: Last Runtime: 15.69 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:11:52: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:11:52: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:11:55: Last Runtime: 9.68 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:11:59: Logged out
    01/07/2012 20:12:04: Logged out
    01/07/2012 20:12:19: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:12:22: Cellar - Found position 1115, 263
    01/07/2012 20:12:47: Gold: 12437773, Gold Delt: 7607, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:12:49: Last Runtime: 35.78 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:13:04: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:13:04: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:13:13: Last Runtime: 15.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:13:28: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:13:28: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:13:37: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:13:52: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:13:53: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:14:03: Last Runtime: 17.46 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:14:18: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:14:18: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:14:22: Last Runtime: 9.73 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:14:25: Logged out
    01/07/2012 20:14:31: Logged out
    01/07/2012 20:14:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:14:48: Cellar - Found position 1083, 266
    01/07/2012 20:15:14: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 20:15:21: Gold: 12441857, Gold Delt: 4084, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 7
    01/07/2012 20:15:23: Last Runtime: 42.48 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:15:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:15:40: Cellar - Found position 1062, 295
    01/07/2012 20:16:04: Gold: 12453956, Gold Delt: 12099, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 20:16:07: Last Runtime: 35.72 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:16:22: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:16:22: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:16:31: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:16:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:16:48: Cellar - Found position 1078, 271
    01/07/2012 20:17:11: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 20:17:19: Gold: 12461875, Gold Delt: 7919, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 5
    01/07/2012 20:17:21: Last Runtime: 40.62 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:17:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:17:38: Cellar - Found position 1057, 264
    01/07/2012 20:17:58: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 20:18:05: Gold: 12471013, Gold Delt: 9138, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 20:18:21: Stashed Items: 2
    01/07/2012 20:18:32: Sold Items: 13, Sold value: 5946
    01/07/2012 20:18:33: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 20:18:34: Last Runtime: 64.35 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:18:49: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:18:49: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:18:58: Last Runtime: 15.67 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:19:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:19:15: Cellar - Found position 1091, 228
    01/07/2012 20:19:39: Gold: 12489624, Gold Delt: 12665, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 20:19:43: Last Runtime: 35.65 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:19:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:20:00: Cellar - Found position 1069, 253
    01/07/2012 20:20:22: Gold: 12495523, Gold Delt: 5899, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:20:26: Last Runtime: 34.53 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:20:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:20:43: Cellar - Found position 1069, 261
    01/07/2012 20:21:06: Gold: 12501619, Gold Delt: 6096, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 20:21:09: Last Runtime: 33.92 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:21:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:21:27: Cellar - Found position 1072, 256
    01/07/2012 20:21:51: Gold: 12516171, Gold Delt: 14552, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:21:54: Last Runtime: 35.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:22:09: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:22:11: Cellar - Found position 1082, 263
    01/07/2012 20:22:35: Gold: 12522691, Gold Delt: 6520, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 20:22:38: Last Runtime: 34.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:22:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:22:55: Cellar - Found position 1077, 233
    01/07/2012 20:23:19: Gold: 12532416, Gold Delt: 9725, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:23:22: Last Runtime: 35.62 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:23:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:23:39: Cellar - Found position 1059, 273
    01/07/2012 20:24:03: Gold: 12539981, Gold Delt: 7565, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:24:06: Last Runtime: 34.67 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:24:20: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:24:21: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:24:30: Last Runtime: 15.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:24:45: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:24:45: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:24:56: Last Runtime: 16.77 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:25:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:25:13: Cellar - Found position 1101, 245
    01/07/2012 20:25:39: Gold: 12547442, Gold Delt: 7461, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:25:43: Last Runtime: 38.08 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:25:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:26:00: Cellar - Found position 1043, 258
    01/07/2012 20:26:21: Gold: 12553119, Gold Delt: 5677, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:26:24: Last Runtime: 32.43 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:26:39: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:26:39: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:26:48: Last Runtime: 15.16 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:27:03: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:27:03: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:27:12: Last Runtime: 15.47 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:27:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:27:29: Cellar - Found position 1094, 251
    01/07/2012 20:27:51: Gold: 12562967, Gold Delt: 9848, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:27:55: Last Runtime: 33.5 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:28:09: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:28:12: Cellar - Found position 1061, 264
    01/07/2012 20:28:37: Gold: 12570309, Gold Delt: 7342, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 20:28:50: Stashed Items: 0
    01/07/2012 20:29:04: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 8323
    01/07/2012 20:29:05: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 20:29:06: Last Runtime: 62.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:29:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:29:25: Cellar - Found position 1081, 270
    01/07/2012 20:29:49: Gold: 12583489, Gold Delt: 4857, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:29:56: Last Runtime: 41.92 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:30:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:30:13: Cellar - Found position 1072, 257
    01/07/2012 20:30:36: Gold: 12592016, Gold Delt: 8527, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 20:30:39: Last Runtime: 33.83 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:30:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:30:56: Cellar - Found position 1064, 251
    01/07/2012 20:31:18: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    01/07/2012 20:31:25: Gold: 12594264, Gold Delt: 2248, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:31:26: Last Runtime: 38.47 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:31:41: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:31:41: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:31:50: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:32:05: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:32:05: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:32:14: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:32:29: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:32:29: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:32:39: Last Runtime: 16.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:32:55: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:32:55: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:33:05: Last Runtime: 16.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:33:19: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:33:19: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:33:28: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:33:44: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:33:44: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:33:54: Last Runtime: 16.37 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:34:09: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:34:11: Cellar - Found position 1046, 282
    01/07/2012 20:34:34: Gold: 12602791, Gold Delt: 8527, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:34:37: Last Runtime: 34.77 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:34:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:34:54: Cellar - Found position 1058, 274
    01/07/2012 20:35:16: Gold: 12607293, Gold Delt: 4502, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 20:35:18: Last Runtime: 32.43 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:35:34: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:35:34: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:35:43: Last Runtime: 15.36 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:35:58: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:35:58: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:36:08: Last Runtime: 16.39 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:36:23: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:36:23: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:36:33: Last Runtime: 16.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:36:48: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:36:48: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:37:00: Last Runtime: 17.81 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:37:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:37:17: Cellar - Found position 1070, 263
    01/07/2012 20:37:38: Gold: 12612154, Gold Delt: 4861, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 20:37:41: Last Runtime: 32.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:37:56: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:37:56: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:38:07: Last Runtime: 17.24 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:38:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:38:24: Cellar - Found position 1084, 266
    01/07/2012 20:38:46: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 20:38:54: Gold: 12621233, Gold Delt: 9079, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 20:38:55: Last Runtime: 39.12 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:39:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:39:12: Cellar - Found position 1080, 251
    01/07/2012 20:39:36: Gold: 12626165, Gold Delt: 4932, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:39:39: Last Runtime: 35.26 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:39:55: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:39:55: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:40:04: Last Runtime: 16.33 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:40:19: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:40:21: Cellar - Found position 1042, 259
    01/07/2012 20:40:45: Gold: 12636469, Gold Delt: 10304, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 20:40:48: Last Runtime: 34.79 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:41:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:41:06: Cellar - Found position 1094, 275
    01/07/2012 20:41:28: Gold: 12639908, Gold Delt: 3439, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 20:41:50: Stashed Items: 2
    01/07/2012 20:42:01: Sold Items: 12, Sold value: 6456
    01/07/2012 20:42:03: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 20:42:03: Last Runtime: 66.52 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:42:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:42:20: Cellar - Found position 1093, 273
    01/07/2012 20:42:43: Gold: 12653282, Gold Delt: 6918, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:42:47: Last Runtime: 34.4 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:43:01: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:43:01: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:43:11: Last Runtime: 15.73 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:43:26: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:43:28: Cellar - Found position 1072, 257
    01/07/2012 20:43:53: Gold: 12655935, Gold Delt: 2653, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:43:57: Last Runtime: 37.11 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:44:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:44:14: Cellar - Found position 1095, 258
    01/07/2012 20:44:37: Gold: 12662291, Gold Delt: 6356, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:44:40: Last Runtime: 33.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:44:55: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:44:55: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:45:04: Last Runtime: 15.46 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:45:19: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:45:19: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:45:30: Last Runtime: 16.52 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:45:44: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:45:44: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:45:54: Last Runtime: 15.39 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:46:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:46:12: Cellar - Found position 1076, 271
    01/07/2012 20:46:38: Gold: 12669179, Gold Delt: 6888, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:46:41: Last Runtime: 38.66 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:46:56: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:46:56: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:47:06: Last Runtime: 16 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:47:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:47:23: Cellar - Found position 1083, 254
    01/07/2012 20:47:49: Gold: 12673939, Gold Delt: 4760, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:47:52: Last Runtime: 36.81 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:48:07: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:48:07: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:48:16: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:48:30: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:48:33: Cellar - Found position 1093, 272
    01/07/2012 20:48:55: Gold: 12679130, Gold Delt: 5191, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:48:58: Last Runtime: 33.1 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:49:12: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:49:12: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:49:23: Last Runtime: 16.83 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:49:38: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:49:38: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:49:41: Last Runtime: 9.05 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:49:45: Logged out
    01/07/2012 20:49:50: Logged out
    01/07/2012 20:50:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:50:08: Cellar - Found position 1071, 268
    01/07/2012 20:50:33: Gold: 12683551, Gold Delt: 4421, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:50:35: Last Runtime: 35.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:50:50: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:50:52: Cellar - Found position 1102, 251
    01/07/2012 20:51:08: Cellar was found but didnt end up there
    01/07/2012 20:51:10: You have died
    01/07/2012 20:51:10: Last Runtime: 25.92 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:52:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:52:11: Cellar - Found position 1074, 240
    01/07/2012 20:52:33: Gold: 12695660, Gold Delt: 12109, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:52:36: Last Runtime: 33.61 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:52:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:52:53: Cellar - Found position 1110, 239
    01/07/2012 20:53:17: Gold: 12704627, Gold Delt: 8967, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:53:20: Last Runtime: 35.21 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:53:35: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:53:35: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:53:44: Last Runtime: 15.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:53:59: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:53:59: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:54:08: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:54:23: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:54:23: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:54:32: Last Runtime: 15.45 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:54:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:54:49: Cellar - Found position 1125, 265
    01/07/2012 20:55:13: Gold: 12709633, Gold Delt: 5006, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:55:17: Last Runtime: 35.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:55:31: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:55:31: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:55:41: Last Runtime: 15.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:55:56: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:55:56: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:56:05: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:56:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:56:22: Cellar - Found position 1076, 254
    01/07/2012 20:56:37: Cellar was found but didnt end up there
    01/07/2012 20:56:46: Last Runtime: 31.63 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:57:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:57:03: Cellar - Found position 1083, 253
    01/07/2012 20:57:30: Gold: 12716767, Gold Delt: 7134, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:57:47: Stashed Items: 1
    01/07/2012 20:58:01: Sold Items: 17, Sold value: 5806
    01/07/2012 20:58:02: Repair Cost: 3328
    01/07/2012 20:58:03: Last Runtime: 68.28 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:58:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:58:20: Cellar - Found position 1051, 242
    01/07/2012 20:58:43: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 20:58:51: Gold: 12729001, Gold Delt: 9756, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 6
    01/07/2012 20:58:52: Last Runtime: 40.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:59:07: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:59:07: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:59:12: Last Runtime: 10.72 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:59:15: Logged out
    01/07/2012 20:59:21: Logged out
    01/07/2012 20:59:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:59:38: Cellar - Found position 1087, 280
    01/07/2012 21:00:08: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    01/07/2012 21:00:09: Gold: 12739081, Gold Delt: 10080, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 21:00:11: Last Runtime: 40.61 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:00:25: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:00:25: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:00:34: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:00:50: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:00:53: Cellar - Found position 1075, 265
    01/07/2012 21:01:17: Gold: 12744789, Gold Delt: 5708, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:01:20: Last Runtime: 36.37 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:01:34: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:01:34: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:01:45: Last Runtime: 16.83 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:02:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:02:02: Cellar - Found position 1065, 249
    01/07/2012 21:02:29: Gold: 12750274, Gold Delt: 5485, Items: 0, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:02:32: Last Runtime: 37.57 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:02:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:02:49: Cellar - Found position 1053, 270
    01/07/2012 21:03:11: Gold: 12758307, Gold Delt: 8033, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 21:03:14: Last Runtime: 33.33 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:03:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:03:31: Cellar - Found position 1087, 257
    01/07/2012 21:03:58: Gold: 12766861, Gold Delt: 8554, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 21:04:03: Last Runtime: 39.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:04:17: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:04:17: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:04:27: Last Runtime: 15.45 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:04:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:04:44: Cellar - Found position 1081, 239
    01/07/2012 21:05:09: Gold: 12771329, Gold Delt: 4468, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:05:12: Last Runtime: 35.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:05:26: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:05:26: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:05:37: Last Runtime: 16 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:05:50: Last Runtime: 4.57 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:05:53: Logged out
    01/07/2012 21:05:59: Logged out
    01/07/2012 21:06:14: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:06:14: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:06:24: Last Runtime: 15.99 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:06:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:06:42: Cellar - Found position 1068, 264
    01/07/2012 21:07:07: Gold: 12778049, Gold Delt: 6720, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:07:10: Last Runtime: 36.76 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:07:25: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:07:25: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:07:35: Last Runtime: 16.22 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:07:50: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:07:50: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:08:01: Last Runtime: 17.09 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:08:16: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:08:16: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:08:25: Last Runtime: 15.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:08:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:08:42: Cellar - Found position 1102, 270
    01/07/2012 21:09:10: Gold: 12782224, Gold Delt: 4175, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 21:09:13: Last Runtime: 39.07 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:09:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:09:30: Cellar - Found position 1103, 260
    01/07/2012 21:09:54: Gold: 12790561, Gold Delt: 8337, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 21:10:07: Stashed Items: 0
    01/07/2012 21:10:20: Sold Items: 16, Sold value: 7463
    01/07/2012 21:10:21: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 21:10:22: Last Runtime: 59.67 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:10:36: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:10:36: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:10:45: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:11:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:11:03: Cellar - Found position 1065, 261
    01/07/2012 21:11:27: Gold: 12803156, Gold Delt: 5132, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 2, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 21:11:31: Last Runtime: 36.8 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:11:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:11:49: Cellar - Found position 1078, 277
    01/07/2012 21:12:14: Gold: 12809342, Gold Delt: 6186, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:12:16: Last Runtime: 36.64 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:12:31: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:12:31: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:12:41: Last Runtime: 15.9 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:12:56: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:12:56: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:13:06: Last Runtime: 16.49 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:13:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:13:25: Cellar - Found position 1085, 249
    01/07/2012 21:13:50: Gold: 12814315, Gold Delt: 4973, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:13:55: Last Runtime: 39.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:14:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:14:12: Cellar - Found position 1088, 277
    01/07/2012 21:14:37: Gold: 12819960, Gold Delt: 5645, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:14:42: Last Runtime: 38.19 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:14:56: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:14:57: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:15:08: Last Runtime: 17.86 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:15:23: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:15:23: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:15:33: Last Runtime: 15.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:15:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:15:51: Cellar - Found position 1096, 251
    01/07/2012 21:16:13: Gold: 12827642, Gold Delt: 7682, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:16:17: Last Runtime: 35.3 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:16:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:16:34: Cellar - Found position 1078, 272
    01/07/2012 21:17:02: Gold: 12836007, Gold Delt: 8365, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 21:17:05: Last Runtime: 38.61 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:17:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:17:22: Cellar - Found position 1097, 286
    01/07/2012 21:17:46: Gold: 12844094, Gold Delt: 8087, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:17:49: Last Runtime: 35.55 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:18:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:18:06: Cellar - Found position 1117, 250
    01/07/2012 21:18:29: Gold: 12855479, Gold Delt: 11385, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:18:33: Last Runtime: 34.74 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:18:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:18:51: Cellar - Found position 1087, 288
    01/07/2012 21:19:14: Gold: 12859989, Gold Delt: 4510, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 21:19:22: Last Runtime: 40.26 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:19:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:19:39: Cellar - Found position 1089, 240
    01/07/2012 21:20:05: Gold: 12869958, Gold Delt: 9969, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 21:20:09: Last Runtime: 37.73 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:20:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:20:26: Cellar - Found position 1085, 275
    01/07/2012 21:20:54: Gold: 12876316, Gold Delt: 6358, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:20:57: Last Runtime: 40.11 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:21:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:21:15: Cellar - Found position 1097, 233
    01/07/2012 21:21:46: Gold: 12883168, Gold Delt: 6852, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:21:51: Last Runtime: 44.19 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:22:07: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:22:07: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:22:17: Last Runtime: 18.04 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:22:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:22:35: Cellar - Found position 1074, 246
    01/07/2012 21:23:01: Gold: 12891084, Gold Delt: 7916, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 21:23:16: Stashed Items: 0
    01/07/2012 21:23:28: Sold Items: 16, Sold value: 4852
    01/07/2012 21:23:30: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 21:23:30: Last Runtime: 63.96 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:23:45: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:23:47: Cellar - Found position 1087, 251
    01/07/2012 21:24:13: Gold: 12902342, Gold Delt: 6406, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 2, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:24:17: Last Runtime: 37.56 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:24:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:24:34: Cellar - Found position 1097, 254
    01/07/2012 21:24:59: Gold: 12915986, Gold Delt: 13644, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:25:02: Last Runtime: 36.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:25:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:25:45: Cellar - Found position 1050, 289
    01/07/2012 21:26:10: Gold: 12920205, Gold Delt: 4219, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:26:14: Last Runtime: 37.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:26:29: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:26:29: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:26:39: Last Runtime: 16.24 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:26:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:26:57: Cellar - Found position 1083, 249
    01/07/2012 21:27:21: Gold: 12924968, Gold Delt: 4763, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:27:25: Last Runtime: 36.27 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:27:39: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:27:40: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:27:50: Last Runtime: 16.24 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:28:04: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:28:04: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:28:08: Last Runtime: 9.47 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:28:11: Logged out
    01/07/2012 21:28:17: Logged out
    01/07/2012 21:28:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:28:34: Cellar - Found position 1101, 273
    01/07/2012 21:29:01: Gold: 12930174, Gold Delt: 5206, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:29:04: Last Runtime: 38.08 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:29:19: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:29:19: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:29:29: Last Runtime: 15.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:29:44: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:29:44: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:29:55: Last Runtime: 16.78 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:30:11: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:30:11: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:30:20: Last Runtime: 16.34 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:30:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:30:37: Cellar - Found position 1041, 224
    01/07/2012 21:31:02: Gold: 12939485, Gold Delt: 9311, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:31:06: Last Runtime: 36.81 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:31:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:31:23: Cellar - Found position 1073, 249
    01/07/2012 21:31:46: Gold: 12943954, Gold Delt: 4469, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:31:49: Last Runtime: 34.36 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:32:04: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:32:04: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:32:15: Last Runtime: 17.3 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:32:30: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:32:30: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:32:40: Last Runtime: 16.5 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:32:55: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:32:55: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:33:05: Last Runtime: 15.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:33:22: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:33:22: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:33:32: Last Runtime: 18.31 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:33:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:33:49: Cellar - Found position 1066, 266
    01/07/2012 21:34:12: Gold: 12952855, Gold Delt: 8901, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:34:16: Last Runtime: 34.6 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:34:30: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:34:31: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:34:40: Last Runtime: 15.43 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:34:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:34:59: Cellar - Found position 1091, 276
    01/07/2012 21:35:30: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    01/07/2012 21:35:31: Gold: 12957140, Gold Delt: 4285, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 21:35:32: Last Runtime: 43.32 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:35:47: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:35:47: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:35:57: Last Runtime: 15.98 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:36:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:36:14: Cellar - Found position 1109, 252
    01/07/2012 21:36:40: Gold: 12962722, Gold Delt: 5582, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 21:36:43: Last Runtime: 37.62 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:36:58: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:36:58: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:37:09: Last Runtime: 16.48 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:37:24: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:37:24: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:37:35: Last Runtime: 17.65 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:37:50: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:37:51: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:38:01: Last Runtime: 17.27 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:38:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:38:18: Cellar - Found position 1084, 243
    01/07/2012 21:38:47: Gold: 12974421, Gold Delt: 11699, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:39:01: Stashed Items: 0
    01/07/2012 21:39:12: Sold Items: 12, Sold value: 6313
    01/07/2012 21:39:14: Repair Cost: -298
    01/07/2012 21:39:14: Last Runtime: 64.15 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:39:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:39:31: Cellar - Found position 1027, 239
    01/07/2012 21:39:54: Gold: 12986971, Gold Delt: 5939, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 21:39:57: Last Runtime: 34.3 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:40:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:40:15: Cellar - Found position 1079, 260
    01/07/2012 21:40:40: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    01/07/2012 21:40:48: Gold: 12991274, Gold Delt: 4303, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:40:50: Last Runtime: 43.36 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:41:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:41:07: Cellar - Found position 1092, 249
    01/07/2012 21:41:31: Gold: 13004895, Gold Delt: 13621, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:41:34: Last Runtime: 35.82 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:41:49: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:41:49: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:41:59: Last Runtime: 15.45 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:42:13: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:42:13: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:42:24: Last Runtime: 16.5 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:42:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:42:41: Cellar - Found position 1082, 266
    01/07/2012 21:43:05: Gold: 13011832, Gold Delt: 6937, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:43:09: Last Runtime: 35.71 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:43:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:43:26: Cellar - Found position 1052, 251
    01/07/2012 21:43:52: Gold: 13021365, Gold Delt: 9533, Items: 1, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 21:43:57: Last Runtime: 39.22 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:44:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:44:15: Cellar - Found position 1093, 262
    01/07/2012 21:44:39: Gold: 13029813, Gold Delt: 8448, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:44:47: Last Runtime: 41.31 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:45:02: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:45:02: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:45:13: Last Runtime: 17.52 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:45:28: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:45:28: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:45:37: Last Runtime: 15.22 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:45:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:45:54: Cellar - Found position 1129, 231
    01/07/2012 21:46:18: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 21:46:27: Gold: 13037799, Gold Delt: 7986, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:46:28: Last Runtime: 42.09 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:46:43: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:46:43: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:46:52: Last Runtime: 15.48 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:47:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:47:10: Cellar - Found position 1080, 255
    01/07/2012 21:47:33: Gold: 13048018, Gold Delt: 10219, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:47:40: Last Runtime: 39.21 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:47:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:47:58: Cellar - Found position 1055, 289
    01/07/2012 21:48:24: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    01/07/2012 21:48:25: Gold: 13054489, Gold Delt: 6471, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:48:27: Last Runtime: 37.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:48:41: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:48:41: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:48:50: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:49:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:49:10: Cellar - Found position 1118, 222
    01/07/2012 21:49:32: Gold: 13062201, Gold Delt: 7712, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:49:35: Last Runtime: 35.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:49:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:49:53: Cellar - Found position 1099, 237
    01/07/2012 21:50:15: Gold: 13067179, Gold Delt: 4978, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:50:29: Stashed Items: 0
    01/07/2012 21:50:41: Sold Items: 15, Sold value: 5546
    01/07/2012 21:50:43: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 21:50:43: Last Runtime: 58.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:50:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:51:01: Cellar - Found position 1076, 241
    01/07/2012 21:51:25: Gold: 13081494, Gold Delt: 8769, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:51:29: Last Runtime: 36.96 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:51:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:51:48: Cellar - Found position 1066, 262
    01/07/2012 21:52:14: Gold: 13090119, Gold Delt: 8625, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 21:52:18: Last Runtime: 39.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:52:37: Last Runtime: 10.59 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:52:53: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:52:53: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:52:57: Last Runtime: 11.13 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:53:01: Logged out
    01/07/2012 21:53:06: Logged out
    01/07/2012 21:53:21: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:53:21: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:53:31: Last Runtime: 15.71 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:53:46: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:53:46: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:53:55: Last Runtime: 15.42 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:54:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:54:13: Cellar - Found position 1082, 273
    01/07/2012 21:54:37: Gold: 13097589, Gold Delt: 7470, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:54:41: Last Runtime: 36.6 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:54:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:54:58: Cellar - Found position 1071, 242
    01/07/2012 21:55:22: Gold: 13104470, Gold Delt: 6881, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 21:55:25: Last Runtime: 35.53 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:55:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:55:43: Cellar - Found position 1092, 269
    01/07/2012 21:56:05: Gold: 13111542, Gold Delt: 7072, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 21:56:08: Last Runtime: 34.36 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:56:23: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:56:23: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:56:33: Last Runtime: 15.21 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:56:47: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:56:47: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:56:57: Last Runtime: 15.74 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:57:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:57:15: Cellar - Found position 1111, 266
    01/07/2012 21:57:39: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    01/07/2012 21:57:47: Gold: 13126541, Gold Delt: 14999, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:57:49: Last Runtime: 42.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:58:04: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:58:04: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:58:13: Last Runtime: 15.7 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:58:28: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:58:28: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:58:31: Last Runtime: 9.1 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:58:35: Logged out
    01/07/2012 21:58:40: Logged out
    01/07/2012 21:58:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:58:58: Cellar - Found position 1067, 259
    01/07/2012 21:59:23: Gold: 13130501, Gold Delt: 3960, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 21:59:27: Last Runtime: 37.64 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:59:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:59:45: Cellar - Found position 1108, 269
    01/07/2012 22:00:09: Gold: 13138191, Gold Delt: 7690, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:00:17: Last Runtime: 40.77 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:00:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:00:34: Cellar - Found position 1097, 279
    01/07/2012 22:01:01: Gold: 13146613, Gold Delt: 8422, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 22:01:05: Last Runtime: 39.34 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:01:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:01:24: Cellar - Found position 1065, 241
    01/07/2012 22:01:49: Gold: 13154004, Gold Delt: 7391, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:01:54: Last Runtime: 39.86 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:02:09: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:02:09: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:02:18: Last Runtime: 15.51 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:02:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:02:35: Cellar - Found position 1090, 242
    01/07/2012 22:03:04: Gold: 13161954, Gold Delt: 7950, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:03:08: Last Runtime: 41.13 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:03:23: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:03:23: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:03:34: Last Runtime: 16.48 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:03:48: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:03:48: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:03:59: Last Runtime: 16.22 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:04:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:04:17: Cellar - Found position 1055, 271
    01/07/2012 22:04:49: Gold: 13171870, Gold Delt: 9916, Items: 0, Gems: 4, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:04:53: Last Runtime: 45.74 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:05:08: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:05:08: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:05:18: Last Runtime: 15.73 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:05:32: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:05:32: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:05:43: Last Runtime: 15.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:05:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:06:00: Cellar - Found position 1075, 281
    01/07/2012 22:06:27: Gold: 13177913, Gold Delt: 6043, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:06:49: Stashed Items: 2
    01/07/2012 22:07:01: Sold Items: 15, Sold value: 5773
    01/07/2012 22:07:03: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 22:07:03: Last Runtime: 71.99 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:07:18: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:07:18: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:07:28: Last Runtime: 15.47 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:07:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:07:46: Cellar - Found position 1098, 271
    01/07/2012 22:08:11: Gold: 13188281, Gold Delt: 4595, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:08:15: Last Runtime: 38.26 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:08:30: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:08:30: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:08:39: Last Runtime: 15.69 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:08:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:08:57: Cellar - Found position 1096, 264
    01/07/2012 22:09:21: Gold: 13195809, Gold Delt: 7528, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 22:09:25: Last Runtime: 36.29 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:09:39: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:09:39: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:09:43: Last Runtime: 9.51 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:09:46: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:09:52: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:10:07: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:10:07: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:10:16: Last Runtime: 15.19 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:10:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:10:33: Cellar - Found position 1008, 232
    01/07/2012 22:10:59: Gold: 13204104, Gold Delt: 8295, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:11:03: Last Runtime: 37.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:11:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:11:20: Cellar - Found position 1090, 243
    01/07/2012 22:11:41: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 22:11:48: Gold: 13207447, Gold Delt: 3343, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:11:50: Last Runtime: 38.43 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:12:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:12:07: Cellar - Found position 1077, 284
    01/07/2012 22:12:30: Gold: 13214782, Gold Delt: 7335, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:12:33: Last Runtime: 34.47 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:12:48: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:12:48: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:12:58: Last Runtime: 16.24 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:13:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:13:16: Cellar - Found position 1118, 238
    01/07/2012 22:13:36: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 22:13:44: Gold: 13221131, Gold Delt: 6349, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 22:13:45: Last Runtime: 37.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:14:00: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:14:00: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:14:10: Last Runtime: 15.66 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:14:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:14:27: Cellar - Found position 1065, 265
    01/07/2012 22:14:50: Gold: 13227609, Gold Delt: 6478, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:14:54: Last Runtime: 35.23 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:15:09: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:15:12: Cellar - Found position 1092, 261
    01/07/2012 22:15:40: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    01/07/2012 22:15:41: Gold: 13235839, Gold Delt: 8230, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 22:15:42: Last Runtime: 39.81 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:15:57: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:15:57: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:16:07: Last Runtime: 15.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:16:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:16:24: Cellar - Found position 1077, 265
    01/07/2012 22:16:50: Gold: 13242592, Gold Delt: 6753, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:16:54: Last Runtime: 38.31 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:17:09: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:17:09: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:17:19: Last Runtime: 16.02 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:17:35: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:17:35: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:17:47: Last Runtime: 18.66 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:18:01: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:18:01: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:18:11: Last Runtime: 15.99 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:18:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:18:29: Cellar - Found position 1108, 259
    01/07/2012 22:18:52: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    01/07/2012 22:19:00: Gold: 13247464, Gold Delt: 4872, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 22:19:15: Stashed Items: 1
    01/07/2012 22:19:26: Sold Items: 12, Sold value: 3850
    01/07/2012 22:19:27: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 22:19:28: Last Runtime: 67.76 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:19:43: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:19:43: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:19:52: Last Runtime: 15.51 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:20:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:20:10: Cellar - Found position 1090, 249
    01/07/2012 22:20:34: Gold: 13260075, Gold Delt: 8761, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 22:20:37: Last Runtime: 36.27 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:20:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:20:55: Cellar - Found position 1069, 254
    01/07/2012 22:21:19: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    01/07/2012 22:21:27: Gold: 13266074, Gold Delt: 5999, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 22:21:28: Last Runtime: 41.79 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:21:43: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:21:43: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:21:53: Last Runtime: 16.2 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:22:08: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:22:08: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:22:19: Last Runtime: 17.08 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:22:34: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:22:34: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:22:44: Last Runtime: 16.28 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:22:59: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:22:59: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:23:08: Last Runtime: 15.22 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:23:24: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:23:24: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:23:28: Last Runtime: 10.83 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:23:31: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:23:37: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:23:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:23:56: Cellar - Found position 1042, 260
    01/07/2012 22:24:18: Gold: 13274882, Gold Delt: 8808, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:24:21: Last Runtime: 34.09 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:24:36: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:24:36: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:24:47: Last Runtime: 16.8 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:25:02: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:25:02: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:25:06: Last Runtime: 10.24 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:25:09: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:25:15: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:25:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:25:33: Cellar - Found position 1040, 251
    01/07/2012 22:25:57: Gold: 13279928, Gold Delt: 5046, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 22:26:01: Last Runtime: 36.38 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:26:16: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:26:16: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:26:26: Last Runtime: 16.51 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:26:41: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:26:41: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:26:53: Last Runtime: 17.89 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:26:56: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:27:02: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:27:18: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:27:18: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:27:27: Last Runtime: 15.9 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:27:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:27:44: Cellar - Found position 1063, 233
    01/07/2012 22:28:08: Gold: 13284723, Gold Delt: 4795, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:28:11: Last Runtime: 35.24 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:28:26: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:28:26: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:28:37: Last Runtime: 16.53 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:28:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:28:54: Cellar - Found position 1070, 257
    01/07/2012 22:29:22: Gold: 13292657, Gold Delt: 7934, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 22:29:30: Last Runtime: 44.6 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:29:45: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:29:47: Cellar - Found position 1073, 264
    01/07/2012 22:30:11: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 22:30:19: Gold: 13297270, Gold Delt: 4613, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 5
    01/07/2012 22:30:20: Last Runtime: 41.36 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:30:35: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:30:35: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:30:47: Last Runtime: 17.32 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:31:04: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:31:04: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:31:14: Last Runtime: 19.03 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:31:30: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:31:31: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:31:41: Last Runtime: 17.63 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:31:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:31:59: Cellar - Found position 1060, 264
    01/07/2012 22:32:22: Gold: 13309338, Gold Delt: 12068, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 22:32:26: Last Runtime: 35.86 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:32:43: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:32:43: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:32:54: Last Runtime: 19.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:33:10: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:33:11: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:33:23: Last Runtime: 19.71 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:33:40: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:33:40: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:33:52: Last Runtime: 20.12 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:34:07: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:34:07: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:34:18: Last Runtime: 16.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:34:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:34:35: Cellar - Found position 1084, 268
    01/07/2012 22:35:01: Gold: 13318660, Gold Delt: 9322, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:35:05: Last Runtime: 38.16 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:35:19: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:35:22: Cellar - Found position 1095, 272
    01/07/2012 22:35:48: Gold: 13331542, Gold Delt: 12882, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:35:51: Last Runtime: 37.19 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:36:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:36:10: Cellar - Found position 1100, 237
    01/07/2012 22:36:37: Gold: 13337370, Gold Delt: 5828, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:36:41: Last Runtime: 41.42 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:36:56: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:36:56: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:37:06: Last Runtime: 15.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:37:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:37:23: Cellar - Found position 1092, 258
    01/07/2012 22:37:52: Gold: 13345023, Gold Delt: 7653, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:38:06: Stashed Items: 1
    01/07/2012 22:38:17: Sold Items: 12, Sold value: 4215
    01/07/2012 22:38:18: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 22:38:19: Last Runtime: 64.43 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:38:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:38:36: Cellar - Found position 1079, 274
    01/07/2012 22:39:01: Gold: 13359010, Gold Delt: 9772, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:39:05: Last Runtime: 36.76 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:39:19: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:39:19: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:39:23: Last Runtime: 9.55 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:39:26: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:39:32: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:39:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:39:50: Cellar - Found position 1056, 254
    01/07/2012 22:40:15: Gold: 13367773, Gold Delt: 8763, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 22:40:19: Last Runtime: 37.39 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:40:34: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:40:34: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:40:44: Last Runtime: 16.49 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:41:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:41:03: Cellar - Found position 1089, 278
    01/07/2012 22:41:24: Gold: 13371321, Gold Delt: 3548, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 22:41:27: Last Runtime: 34.69 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:41:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:41:45: Cellar - Found position 1055, 270
    01/07/2012 22:42:11: Gold: 13378452, Gold Delt: 7131, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 22:42:15: Last Runtime: 38.47 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:42:29: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:42:30: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:42:39: Last Runtime: 15.5 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:42:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:42:57: Cellar - Found position 1077, 261
    01/07/2012 22:43:23: Gold: 13385358, Gold Delt: 6906, Items: 0, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 22:43:28: Last Runtime: 40.14 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:43:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:43:46: Cellar - Found position 1048, 273
    01/07/2012 22:44:09: Gold: 13390464, Gold Delt: 5106, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:44:13: Last Runtime: 36.15 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:44:28: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:44:28: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:44:37: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:44:52: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:44:52: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:45:02: Last Runtime: 15.99 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:45:17: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:45:17: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:45:27: Last Runtime: 16.24 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:45:42: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:45:42: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:45:52: Last Runtime: 15.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:46:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:46:09: Cellar - Found position 1058, 268
    01/07/2012 22:46:32: Gold: 13395122, Gold Delt: 4658, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 22:46:40: Last Runtime: 39.47 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:46:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:47:00: Cellar - Found position 1089, 261
    01/07/2012 22:47:23: Gold: 13400889, Gold Delt: 5767, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 22:47:26: Last Runtime: 37.23 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:47:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:47:44: Cellar - Found position 1123, 233
    01/07/2012 22:48:16: Gold: 13407215, Gold Delt: 6326, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 22:48:19: Last Runtime: 44.21 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:48:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:48:36: Cellar - Found position 1077, 255
    01/07/2012 22:48:57: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 22:49:04: Gold: 13412469, Gold Delt: 5254, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 22:49:06: Last Runtime: 37.68 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:49:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:49:23: Cellar - Found position 1094, 270
    01/07/2012 22:49:47: Gold: 13420619, Gold Delt: 8150, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:49:50: Last Runtime: 35.72 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:50:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:50:07: Cellar - Found position 1074, 258
    01/07/2012 22:50:40: Gold: 13425306, Gold Delt: 4687, Items: 0, Gems: 3, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 22:50:55: Stashed Items: 0
    01/07/2012 22:51:06: Sold Items: 11, Sold value: 3667
    01/07/2012 22:51:07: Repair Cost: -762
    01/07/2012 22:51:08: Last Runtime: 68.72 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:51:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:51:26: Cellar - Found position 1092, 262
    01/07/2012 22:51:51: Gold: 13435853, Gold Delt: 6118, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 22:51:55: Last Runtime: 38.93 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:52:12: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:52:12: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:52:22: Last Runtime: 17.59 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:52:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:52:39: Cellar - Found position 1082, 264
    01/07/2012 22:53:06: Gold: 13441866, Gold Delt: 6013, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 22:53:10: Last Runtime: 38.8 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:53:24: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:53:24: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:53:34: Last Runtime: 16.02 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:53:49: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:53:49: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:53:59: Last Runtime: 16.28 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:54:14: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:54:14: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:54:23: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:54:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:54:41: Cellar - Found position 1048, 248
    01/07/2012 22:55:05: Gold: 13447529, Gold Delt: 5663, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 22:55:09: Last Runtime: 36.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:55:24: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:55:24: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:55:34: Last Runtime: 16.52 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:55:50: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:55:50: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:55:59: Last Runtime: 15.93 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:56:14: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:56:14: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:56:18: Last Runtime: 10.06 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:56:22: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:56:27: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:56:41: Last Runtime: 4.56 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:56:44: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:56:50: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:57:05: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:57:05: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:57:10: Last Runtime: 11.2 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:57:14: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:57:20: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:57:35: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:57:35: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:57:44: Last Runtime: 15.48 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:57:59: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:57:59: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:58:09: Last Runtime: 15.48 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:58:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:58:26: Cellar - Found position 1104, 236
    01/07/2012 22:58:48: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 22:58:56: Gold: 13449916, Gold Delt: 2387, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 22:58:57: Last Runtime: 39.58 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:59:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:59:14: Cellar - Found position 1069, 268
    01/07/2012 22:59:38: Gold: 13459962, Gold Delt: 10046, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:59:41: Last Runtime: 35.04 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:59:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:59:58: Cellar - Found position 1100, 257
    01/07/2012 23:00:23: Gold: 13468718, Gold Delt: 8756, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 23:00:27: Last Runtime: 36.9 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:00:41: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:00:42: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:00:51: Last Runtime: 15.47 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:01:06: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:01:06: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:01:15: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:01:30: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:01:30: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:01:39: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:01:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:01:56: Cellar - Found position 1091, 282
    01/07/2012 23:02:22: Gold: 13477665, Gold Delt: 8947, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 23:02:25: Last Runtime: 37.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:02:40: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:02:40: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:02:49: Last Runtime: 15.21 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:03:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:03:06: Cellar - Found position 1094, 249
    01/07/2012 23:03:28: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 23:03:35: Gold: 13479859, Gold Delt: 2194, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 23:03:37: Last Runtime: 38.96 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:03:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:03:54: Cellar - Found position 1090, 270
    01/07/2012 23:04:16: Gold: 13489658, Gold Delt: 9799, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 23:04:19: Last Runtime: 33.25 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:04:33: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:04:34: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:04:37: Last Runtime: 9.31 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:04:40: Logged out
    01/07/2012 23:04:46: Logged out
    01/07/2012 23:05:03: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:05:05: Cellar - Found position 1074, 278
    01/07/2012 23:05:27: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 23:05:35: Gold: 13492559, Gold Delt: 2901, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 23:05:50: Stashed Items: 1
    01/07/2012 23:06:00: Sold Items: 11, Sold value: 7906
    01/07/2012 23:06:01: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 23:06:02: Last Runtime: 65.19 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:06:17: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:06:20: Cellar - Found position 1096, 270
    01/07/2012 23:06:43: Gold: 13508772, Gold Delt: 8307, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 23:06:45: Last Runtime: 34.57 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:07:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:07:03: Cellar - Found position 1058, 247
    01/07/2012 23:07:29: Gold: 13519276, Gold Delt: 10504, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 23:07:32: Last Runtime: 37.51 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:07:47: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:07:47: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:07:57: Last Runtime: 15.89 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:08:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:08:14: Cellar - Found position 1078, 284
    01/07/2012 23:08:40: Gold: 13525769, Gold Delt: 6493, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 23:08:43: Last Runtime: 37.68 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:08:58: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:08:58: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:09:07: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:09:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:09:24: Cellar - Found position 1064, 263
    01/07/2012 23:09:48: Gold: 13538273, Gold Delt: 12504, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 23:09:50: Last Runtime: 34.56 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:10:05: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:10:05: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:10:16: Last Runtime: 16.8 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:10:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:10:33: Cellar - Found position 1082, 259
    01/07/2012 23:10:54: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 23:11:02: Gold: 13543992, Gold Delt: 5719, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 23:11:03: Last Runtime: 38.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:11:18: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:11:18: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:11:27: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:11:42: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:11:42: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:11:47: Last Runtime: 11.46 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:11:51: Logged out
    01/07/2012 23:11:56: Logged out
    01/07/2012 23:12:11: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:12:12: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:12:21: Last Runtime: 15.22 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:12:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:12:38: Cellar - Found position 1094, 249
    01/07/2012 23:13:03: Gold: 13549906, Gold Delt: 5914, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 23:13:06: Last Runtime: 36.12 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:13:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:13:23: Cellar - Found position 1073, 271
    01/07/2012 23:13:48: Gold: 13558435, Gold Delt: 8529, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 23:13:51: Last Runtime: 36.59 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:14:07: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:14:07: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:14:10: Last Runtime: 10.43 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:14:14: Logged out
    01/07/2012 23:14:19: Logged out
    01/07/2012 23:14:35: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:14:35: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:14:44: Last Runtime: 15.7 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:14:59: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:14:59: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:15:09: Last Runtime: 15.48 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:15:24: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:15:25: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:15:35: Last Runtime: 17.27 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:15:50: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:15:50: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:15:59: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:16:13: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:16:13: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:16:22: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:16:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:16:40: Cellar - Found position 1093, 266
    01/07/2012 23:17:02: Gold: 13566923, Gold Delt: 8488, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 23:17:05: Last Runtime: 33.8 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:17:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:17:22: Cellar - Found position 1070, 272
    01/07/2012 23:17:50: Gold: 13574622, Gold Delt: 7699, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 23:17:53: Last Runtime: 38.98 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:18:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:18:10: Cellar - Found position 1068, 274
    01/07/2012 23:18:34: Gold: 13581271, Gold Delt: 6649, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 23:18:52: Stashed Items: 2
    01/07/2012 23:19:02: Sold Items: 10, Sold value: 4297
    01/07/2012 23:19:04: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 23:19:04: Last Runtime: 62.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 00:56:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 00:56:17: Cellar - Found position 1057, 249
    02/07/2012 00:56:39: Gold: 6558798, Gold Delt: 5000, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 00:56:41: Last Runtime: 31.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 00:56:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 00:56:56: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 00:57:05: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 00:57:20: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 00:57:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 00:57:29: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 00:57:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 00:57:44: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 00:57:53: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 00:58:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 00:58:10: Cellar - Found position 1065, 257
    02/07/2012 00:58:33: Gold: 6567889, Gold Delt: 9091, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 00:58:52: Last Runtime: 50.4 seconds.
    02/07/2012 00:59:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 00:59:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 00:59:16: Last Runtime: 15.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 00:59:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 00:59:35: Cellar - Found position 1082, 261
    02/07/2012 00:59:59: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 01:00:06: Gold: 6575250, Gold Delt: 7361, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    02/07/2012 01:00:08: Last Runtime: 42.58 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:00:23: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:00:23: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:01:08: Last Runtime: 51.47 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:01:23: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:01:23: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:01:32: Last Runtime: 14.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:01:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:01:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:01:56: Last Runtime: 14.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:02:11: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:02:11: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:10:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:10:50: Cellar - Found position 1108, 264
    02/07/2012 01:11:10: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 01:11:11: Gold: 6080908, Gold Delt: 5000, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:11:19: Last Runtime: 36.11 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:23:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:23:13: Cellar - Found position 1105, 264
    02/07/2012 01:23:33: Gold: 4099698, Gold Delt: -1981210, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:23:36: Last Runtime: 31.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:23:51: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:23:51: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:24:00: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:24:14: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:24:15: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:24:24: Last Runtime: 14.83 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:24:38: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:24:38: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:24:42: Last Runtime: 9.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:24:45: Logged out
    02/07/2012 01:24:51: Logged out
    02/07/2012 01:25:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:25:08: Cellar - Found position 1083, 265
    02/07/2012 01:25:29: Gold: 4104592, Gold Delt: 4894, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:25:32: Last Runtime: 31.73 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:25:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:25:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:25:50: Last Runtime: 9.38 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:25:54: Logged out
    02/07/2012 01:25:59: Logged out
    02/07/2012 01:26:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:26:17: Cellar - Found position 1057, 294
    02/07/2012 01:26:36: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 01:26:42: Gold: 4110917, Gold Delt: 6325, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:26:44: Last Runtime: 34.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:27:59: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:27:59: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:28:08: Last Runtime: 14.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:28:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:28:25: Cellar - Found position 1093, 264
    02/07/2012 01:28:48: Gold: 4115333, Gold Delt: 5000, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:28:50: Last Runtime: 32.79 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:29:05: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:29:05: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:29:14: Last Runtime: 14.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:29:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:29:30: Cellar - Found position 1078, 261
    02/07/2012 01:29:47: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 01:29:54: Gold: 4119429, Gold Delt: 4096, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:29:56: Last Runtime: 32.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:30:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:30:12: Cellar - Found position 1034, 245
    02/07/2012 01:31:11: Gold: 4134503, Gold Delt: 5000, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:31:19: Last Runtime: 74.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:31:34: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:31:34: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:31:43: Last Runtime: 14.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:31:58: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:31:58: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:32:07: Last Runtime: 15.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:32:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:32:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:32:31: Last Runtime: 14.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:32:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:32:48: Cellar - Found position 1050, 266
    02/07/2012 01:33:09: Gold: 4141098, Gold Delt: 6595, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:33:12: Last Runtime: 31.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:33:27: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:33:27: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:33:36: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:33:51: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:33:51: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:34:00: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:34:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:34:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:34:25: Last Runtime: 16.28 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:34:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:34:42: Cellar - Found position 1057, 258
    02/07/2012 01:35:02: Gold: 4144980, Gold Delt: 3882, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:35:04: Last Runtime: 30.46 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:35:19: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:35:21: Cellar - Found position 1123, 241
    02/07/2012 01:46:22: Gold: 4152864, Gold Delt: 7884, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:46:23: Last Runtime: 669.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:46:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:46:40: Cellar - Found position 1054, 246
    02/07/2012 01:47:01: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 01:47:08: Gold: 4158030, Gold Delt: 5166, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:47:09: Last Runtime: 37.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:47:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:47:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:47:33: Last Runtime: 14.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:47:47: Last Runtime: 4.66 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:48:36: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:48:36: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:48:45: Last Runtime: 14.83 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:49:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:49:01: Cellar - Found position 1081, 276
    02/07/2012 01:49:23: Gold: 4165542, Gold Delt: 5000, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:49:31: Last Runtime: 37.19 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:50:35: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:50:35: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:50:44: Last Runtime: 14.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:50:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:51:01: Cellar - Found position 1058, 287
    02/07/2012 01:51:20: Gold: 4169645, Gold Delt: 4103, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:51:22: Last Runtime: 29.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:51:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:51:40: Cellar - Found position 1095, 270
    02/07/2012 01:52:00: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 01:52:06: Gold: 4177504, Gold Delt: 7859, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:52:08: Last Runtime: 36.31 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:52:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:52:24: Cellar - Found position 1102, 249
    02/07/2012 01:52:45: Gold: 4181520, Gold Delt: 4016, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:52:48: Last Runtime: 31.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:53:03: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:53:05: Cellar - Found position 1106, 263
    02/07/2012 01:53:29: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 01:53:30: Gold: 4190700, Gold Delt: 9180, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:53:31: Last Runtime: 34.28 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:53:46: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:53:46: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:53:55: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:54:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:54:12: Cellar - Found position 1090, 264
    02/07/2012 01:54:33: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 01:54:39: Gold: 4197484, Gold Delt: 6784, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:54:41: Last Runtime: 36.81 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:54:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:54:58: Cellar - Found position 1080, 270
    02/07/2012 01:55:18: Gold: 4208969, Gold Delt: 11485, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:55:20: Last Runtime: 30.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:55:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:55:37: Cellar - Found position 1085, 257
    02/07/2012 01:56:05: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 01:56:12: Gold: 4214726, Gold Delt: 5757, Items: 6, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:56:13: Last Runtime: 44.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:56:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:56:30: Cellar - Found position 1099, 289
    02/07/2012 01:56:57: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 01:57:04: Gold: 4222316, Gold Delt: 7590, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:57:05: Last Runtime: 43.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:57:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:57:22: Cellar - Found position 1081, 269
    02/07/2012 01:57:43: Gold: 4230055, Gold Delt: 7739, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:57:46: Last Runtime: 31.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:58:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:58:01: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:58:10: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:58:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:58:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:58:33: Last Runtime: 14.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:58:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:58:50: Cellar - Found position 1089, 271
    02/07/2012 01:59:14: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 01:59:21: Gold: 4239502, Gold Delt: 9447, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:59:22: Last Runtime: 39.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:59:38: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:59:38: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:59:41: Last Runtime: 9.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:59:55: Open Window
    02/07/2012 02:00:13: Last Runtime: 22.23 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:00:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:00:30: Cellar - Found position 1100, 263
    02/07/2012 02:00:56: Gold: 4244145, Gold Delt: 4643, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:01:08: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 02:01:26: Sold Items: 30, Sold value: 9729
    02/07/2012 02:01:28: Repair Cost: -286
    02/07/2012 02:01:28: Last Runtime: 66.71 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:01:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:01:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:01:52: Last Runtime: 14.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:02:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:02:09: Cellar - Found position 1050, 276
    02/07/2012 02:02:30: Gold: 4261125, Gold Delt: 6965, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:02:33: Last Runtime: 31.35 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:02:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:02:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:02:56: Last Runtime: 14.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:03:11: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:03:11: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:03:20: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:03:35: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:03:35: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:03:44: Last Runtime: 14.78 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:03:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:04:00: Cellar - Found position 1046, 271
    02/07/2012 02:04:21: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 02:04:29: Gold: 4269516, Gold Delt: 8391, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:04:31: Last Runtime: 37.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:04:45: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:04:47: Cellar - Found position 1045, 286
    02/07/2012 02:05:08: Gold: 4278274, Gold Delt: 8758, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:05:10: Last Runtime: 30.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:05:25: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:05:25: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:05:34: Last Runtime: 14.81 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:05:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:05:51: Cellar - Found position 1108, 257
    02/07/2012 02:06:14: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 02:06:20: Gold: 4282748, Gold Delt: 4474, Items: 2, Gems: 4, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:06:22: Last Runtime: 38.66 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:06:37: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:06:37: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:06:46: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:07:01: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:07:01: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:07:10: Last Runtime: 14.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:07:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:07:27: Cellar - Found position 1099, 268
    02/07/2012 02:07:47: Gold: 4290024, Gold Delt: 7276, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:07:50: Last Runtime: 31.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:08:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:08:06: Cellar - Found position 1109, 246
    02/07/2012 02:08:29: Gold: 4295613, Gold Delt: 5589, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:08:32: Last Runtime: 33.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:08:46: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:08:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:08:56: Last Runtime: 14.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:09:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:09:12: Cellar - Found position 1062, 268
    02/07/2012 02:09:33: Gold: 4300388, Gold Delt: 4775, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:09:35: Last Runtime: 30.75 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:09:50: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:09:52: Cellar - Found position 1049, 285
    02/07/2012 02:10:12: Gold: 4310543, Gold Delt: 10155, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:10:15: Last Runtime: 30.31 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:10:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:10:31: Cellar - Found position 1071, 235
    02/07/2012 02:10:49: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 02:10:56: Gold: 4317579, Gold Delt: 7036, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:10:57: Last Runtime: 33.69 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:11:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:11:14: Cellar - Found position 1071, 212
    02/07/2012 02:11:37: Gold: 4325975, Gold Delt: 8396, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:11:40: Last Runtime: 33.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:11:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:11:57: Cellar - Found position 1069, 287
    02/07/2012 02:12:17: Gold: 4336306, Gold Delt: 10331, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:12:20: Last Runtime: 31.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:12:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:12:37: Cellar - Found position 1079, 258
    02/07/2012 02:12:55: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:13:02: Gold: 4341900, Gold Delt: 5594, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:13:13: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 02:13:31: Sold Items: 30, Sold value: 9565
    02/07/2012 02:13:33: Repair Cost: -273
    02/07/2012 02:13:33: Last Runtime: 63.8 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:13:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:13:50: Cellar - Found position 1090, 262
    02/07/2012 02:14:11: Gold: 4357913, Gold Delt: 6175, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:14:14: Last Runtime: 31.29 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:14:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:14:30: Cellar - Found position 1077, 242
    02/07/2012 02:14:51: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 02:14:58: Gold: 4364263, Gold Delt: 6350, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:14:59: Last Runtime: 36.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:15:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:15:16: Cellar - Found position 1054, 291
    02/07/2012 02:15:34: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:15:41: Gold: 4372856, Gold Delt: 8593, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:15:42: Last Runtime: 34.18 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:15:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:15:59: Cellar - Found position 1074, 287
    02/07/2012 02:16:20: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 02:16:26: Gold: 4380410, Gold Delt: 7554, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:16:28: Last Runtime: 36.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:16:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:16:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:16:46: Last Runtime: 9.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:16:49: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:16:55: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:17:10: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:17:10: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:17:19: Last Runtime: 14.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:17:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:17:37: Cellar - Found position 1070, 255
    02/07/2012 02:17:58: Gold: 4386136, Gold Delt: 5726, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:18:01: Last Runtime: 32.79 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:18:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:18:18: Cellar - Found position 1104, 260
    02/07/2012 02:18:37: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:18:43: Gold: 4392217, Gold Delt: 6081, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:18:45: Last Runtime: 34.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:19:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:19:02: Cellar - Found position 1048, 256
    02/07/2012 02:19:24: Gold: 4400475, Gold Delt: 8258, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:19:26: Last Runtime: 32.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:19:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:19:43: Cellar - Found position 1071, 263
    02/07/2012 02:20:03: Gold: 4407787, Gold Delt: 7312, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:20:06: Last Runtime: 30.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:20:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:20:23: Cellar - Found position 1074, 277
    02/07/2012 02:20:44: Gold: 4414928, Gold Delt: 7141, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:20:55: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 02:21:12: Sold Items: 26, Sold value: 8467
    02/07/2012 02:21:14: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 02:21:14: Last Runtime: 59.38 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:21:30: Last Runtime: 4.7 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:21:33: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:21:39: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:21:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:21:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:22:03: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:22:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:22:20: Cellar - Found position 1099, 257
    02/07/2012 02:22:43: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 02:22:44: Gold: 4431487, Gold Delt: 8092, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:22:45: Last Runtime: 33.32 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:23:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:23:00: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:23:09: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:23:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:23:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:23:27: Last Runtime: 9.43 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:23:31: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:23:36: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:23:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:23:53: Cellar - Found position 1091, 274
    02/07/2012 02:24:14: Gold: 4437818, Gold Delt: 6331, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:24:17: Last Runtime: 31.34 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:24:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:24:34: Cellar - Found position 1083, 267
    02/07/2012 02:24:52: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 02:24:59: Gold: 4446857, Gold Delt: 9039, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:25:01: Last Runtime: 35.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:25:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:25:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:25:19: Last Runtime: 9.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:25:22: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:25:28: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:25:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:25:45: Cellar - Found position 1059, 224
    02/07/2012 02:26:05: Gold: 4452158, Gold Delt: 5301, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:26:07: Last Runtime: 29.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:26:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:26:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:26:31: Last Runtime: 15.15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:26:46: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:26:46: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:26:55: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:27:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:27:12: Cellar - Found position 1069, 200
    02/07/2012 02:27:33: Gold: 4459796, Gold Delt: 7638, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:27:35: Last Runtime: 30.77 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:27:50: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:27:50: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:27:59: Last Runtime: 14.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:28:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:28:16: Cellar - Found position 1061, 255
    02/07/2012 02:28:36: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:28:42: Gold: 4466639, Gold Delt: 6843, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:28:44: Last Runtime: 35.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:28:59: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:28:59: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:29:08: Last Runtime: 14.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:29:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:29:24: Cellar - Found position 1079, 273
    02/07/2012 02:29:45: Gold: 4475932, Gold Delt: 9293, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:29:47: Last Runtime: 30.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:30:02: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:30:04: Cellar - Found position 1119, 295
    02/07/2012 02:30:26: Gold: 4484824, Gold Delt: 8892, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:30:28: Last Runtime: 32.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:30:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:30:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:30:47: Last Runtime: 9.39 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:30:50: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:30:56: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:31:11: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:31:11: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:31:22: Last Runtime: 16.46 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:31:36: Last Runtime: 4.7 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:31:39: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:31:45: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:32:02: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:32:04: Cellar - Found position 1090, 228
    02/07/2012 02:32:23: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:32:30: Gold: 4492520, Gold Delt: 7696, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:32:31: Last Runtime: 35.35 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:32:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:32:48: Cellar - Found position 1080, 259
    02/07/2012 02:33:11: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 02:33:18: Gold: 4500292, Gold Delt: 7772, Items: 6, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:33:28: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 02:33:41: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 4871
    02/07/2012 02:33:42: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 02:33:43: Last Runtime: 62.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:33:58: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:33:58: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:34:07: Last Runtime: 15.16 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:34:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:34:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:34:31: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:34:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:34:48: Cellar - Found position 1107, 240
    02/07/2012 02:35:06: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:35:12: Gold: 4511964, Gold Delt: 6801, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:35:14: Last Runtime: 34.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:35:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:35:31: Cellar - Found position 1092, 244
    02/07/2012 02:35:54: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:36:00: Gold: 4519778, Gold Delt: 7814, Items: 6, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:36:02: Last Runtime: 38.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:36:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:36:17: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:36:26: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:36:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:36:43: Cellar - Found position 1089, 278
    02/07/2012 02:37:02: Gold: 4524093, Gold Delt: 4315, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:37:05: Last Runtime: 29.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:37:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:37:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:37:29: Last Runtime: 15.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:37:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:37:44: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:37:53: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:38:08: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:38:08: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:38:18: Last Runtime: 15.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:38:33: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:38:33: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:38:42: Last Runtime: 15.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:38:56: Last Runtime: 4.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:38:59: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:39:05: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:39:20: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:39:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:39:29: Last Runtime: 14.81 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:39:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:39:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:39:48: Last Runtime: 10.36 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:39:51: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:39:57: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:40:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:40:14: Cellar - Found position 1046, 269
    02/07/2012 02:40:35: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 02:40:42: Gold: 4531409, Gold Delt: 7316, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 02:40:44: Last Runtime: 37.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:40:58: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:40:58: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:41:07: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:41:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:41:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:41:32: Last Runtime: 15.13 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:41:46: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:41:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:41:56: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:42:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:42:12: Cellar - Found position 1082, 252
    02/07/2012 02:42:31: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:42:40: Gold: 4536969, Gold Delt: 5560, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:42:42: Last Runtime: 37.27 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:42:59: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:42:59: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:43:02: Last Runtime: 11.75 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:43:06: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:43:12: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:43:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:43:29: Cellar - Found position 1082, 252
    02/07/2012 02:43:50: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 02:43:51: Gold: 4547111, Gold Delt: 10142, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:43:53: Last Runtime: 32.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:44:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:44:10: Cellar - Found position 1066, 272
    02/07/2012 02:44:34: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:44:40: Gold: 4550979, Gold Delt: 3868, Items: 6, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:44:42: Last Runtime: 39.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:44:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:44:57: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:45:00: Last Runtime: 9.46 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:45:04: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:45:09: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:45:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:45:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:45:33: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:45:48: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:45:48: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:45:57: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:46:12: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:46:12: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:46:21: Last Runtime: 14.81 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:46:36: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:46:36: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:46:45: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:47:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:47:01: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:47:10: Last Runtime: 15.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:47:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:47:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:47:33: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:47:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:47:50: Cellar - Found position 1094, 248
    02/07/2012 02:48:10: Gold: 4558664, Gold Delt: 7685, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:48:13: Last Runtime: 30.21 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:48:27: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:48:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:48:37: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:48:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:48:54: Cellar - Found position 1081, 266
    02/07/2012 02:49:15: Gold: 4567470, Gold Delt: 8806, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:49:17: Last Runtime: 31.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:49:32: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:49:32: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:49:41: Last Runtime: 14.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:49:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:49:56: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:50:05: Last Runtime: 15.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:50:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:50:23: Cellar - Found position 1082, 241
    02/07/2012 02:50:45: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:50:52: Gold: 4572083, Gold Delt: 4613, Items: 5, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:51:01: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 02:51:12: Sold Items: 12, Sold value: 4152
    02/07/2012 02:51:14: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 02:51:14: Last Runtime: 59.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:51:29: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:51:29: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:51:38: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:51:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:51:55: Cellar - Found position 1086, 261
    02/07/2012 02:52:15: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 02:52:22: Gold: 4584323, Gold Delt: 8088, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:52:23: Last Runtime: 36.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:52:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:52:40: Cellar - Found position 1094, 263
    02/07/2012 02:53:01: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:53:09: Gold: 4588691, Gold Delt: 4368, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:53:11: Last Runtime: 38.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:53:27: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:53:27: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:53:36: Last Runtime: 16.33 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:53:51: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:53:51: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:54:00: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:54:15: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:54:15: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:54:24: Last Runtime: 15.13 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:54:39: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:54:39: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:54:48: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:55:03: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:55:03: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:55:12: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:55:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:55:27: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:55:35: Last Runtime: 14.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:55:50: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:55:52: Cellar - Found position 1064, 264
    02/07/2012 02:56:11: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:56:17: Gold: 4596151, Gold Delt: 7460, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:56:19: Last Runtime: 34.59 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:56:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:56:36: Cellar - Found position 1096, 263
    02/07/2012 02:56:58: Gold: 4601316, Gold Delt: 5165, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:57:06: Last Runtime: 37.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:57:20: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:57:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:57:29: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:57:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:57:46: Cellar - Found position 1055, 253
    02/07/2012 02:58:08: Gold: 4611982, Gold Delt: 10666, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:58:10: Last Runtime: 31.75 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:58:25: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:58:25: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:58:34: Last Runtime: 14.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:58:48: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:58:49: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:58:58: Last Runtime: 15.16 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:59:13: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:59:13: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:59:22: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:59:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:59:38: Cellar - Found position 1083, 205
    02/07/2012 02:59:59: Gold: 4621011, Gold Delt: 9029, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:00:02: Last Runtime: 31.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:00:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:00:17: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:00:26: Last Runtime: 14.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:00:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:00:43: Cellar - Found position 1078, 245
    02/07/2012 03:01:04: Gold: 4628399, Gold Delt: 7388, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:01:06: Last Runtime: 31.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:01:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:01:23: Cellar - Found position 1101, 251
    02/07/2012 03:01:43: Gold: 4639734, Gold Delt: 11335, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:01:46: Last Runtime: 30.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:02:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:02:03: Cellar - Found position 1080, 274
    02/07/2012 03:02:25: Gold: 4645037, Gold Delt: 5303, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:02:28: Last Runtime: 32.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:02:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:02:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:02:52: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:03:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:03:09: Cellar - Found position 1069, 268
    02/07/2012 03:03:29: Gold: 4654614, Gold Delt: 9577, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:03:32: Last Runtime: 30.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:03:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:03:49: Cellar - Found position 1063, 240
    02/07/2012 03:04:06: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:04:13: Gold: 4661758, Gold Delt: 7144, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:04:14: Last Runtime: 33.79 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:04:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:04:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:04:39: Last Runtime: 15.36 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:04:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:04:56: Cellar - Found position 1111, 249
    02/07/2012 03:05:16: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 03:05:23: Gold: 4669631, Gold Delt: 7873, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:05:24: Last Runtime: 36.61 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:05:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:05:41: Cellar - Found position 1030, 262
    02/07/2012 03:06:04: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 03:06:11: Gold: 4673977, Gold Delt: 4346, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:06:12: Last Runtime: 39.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:06:27: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:06:27: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:06:36: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:06:51: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:06:51: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:06:54: Last Runtime: 9.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:06:58: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:07:04: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:07:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:07:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:07:28: Last Runtime: 15.15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:07:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:07:45: Cellar - Found position 1074, 279
    02/07/2012 03:08:02: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:08:09: Gold: 4679178, Gold Delt: 5201, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:08:19: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 03:08:38: Sold Items: 30, Sold value: 9684
    02/07/2012 03:08:40: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 03:08:40: Last Runtime: 63.16 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:08:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:08:57: Cellar - Found position 1080, 265
    02/07/2012 03:09:21: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 03:09:27: Gold: 4696740, Gold Delt: 7878, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:09:29: Last Runtime: 39.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:09:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:09:46: Cellar - Found position 1096, 248
    02/07/2012 03:10:05: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:10:11: Gold: 4706549, Gold Delt: 9809, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:10:13: Last Runtime: 35.19 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:10:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:10:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:10:37: Last Runtime: 14.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:10:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:10:53: Cellar - Found position 1084, 235
    02/07/2012 03:11:13: Gold: 4714805, Gold Delt: 8256, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:11:16: Last Runtime: 30.34 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:11:31: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:11:31: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:11:40: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:11:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:11:58: Cellar - Found position 1059, 253
    02/07/2012 03:12:17: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:12:24: Gold: 4719170, Gold Delt: 4365, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:12:26: Last Runtime: 36.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:12:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:12:43: Cellar - Found position 1066, 259
    02/07/2012 03:13:01: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 03:13:08: Gold: 4724154, Gold Delt: 4984, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:13:09: Last Runtime: 34.52 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:13:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:13:26: Cellar - Found position 1101, 259
    02/07/2012 03:13:46: Gold: 4730880, Gold Delt: 6726, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:13:49: Last Runtime: 30.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:14:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:14:06: Cellar - Found position 1059, 261
    02/07/2012 03:14:26: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 03:14:33: Gold: 4744493, Gold Delt: 13613, Items: 4, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:14:35: Last Runtime: 37.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:14:50: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:14:52: Cellar - Found position 1129, 242
    02/07/2012 03:15:13: Gold: 4753314, Gold Delt: 8821, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:15:20: Last Runtime: 36.73 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:15:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:15:37: Cellar - Found position 1107, 261
    02/07/2012 03:15:58: Gold: 4757544, Gold Delt: 4230, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:16:00: Last Runtime: 30.36 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:16:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:16:17: Cellar - Found position 1123, 264
    02/07/2012 03:16:36: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:16:42: Gold: 4763491, Gold Delt: 5947, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:16:44: Last Runtime: 34.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:16:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:17:01: Cellar - Found position 1051, 286
    02/07/2012 03:17:20: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 03:17:27: Gold: 4767228, Gold Delt: 3737, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:17:28: Last Runtime: 35.59 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:17:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:17:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:17:52: Last Runtime: 14.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:18:08: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:18:08: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:18:17: Last Runtime: 15.34 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:18:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:18:34: Cellar - Found position 1079, 239
    02/07/2012 03:18:57: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 03:18:58: Gold: 4774623, Gold Delt: 7395, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    02/07/2012 03:19:06: Last Runtime: 40.16 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:19:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:19:24: Cellar - Found position 1070, 240
    02/07/2012 03:19:45: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:19:51: Gold: 4785407, Gold Delt: 10784, Items: 2, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:19:53: Last Runtime: 38.21 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:20:08: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:20:08: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:20:17: Last Runtime: 15.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:20:32: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:20:32: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:20:41: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:20:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:20:58: Cellar - Found position 1131, 238
    02/07/2012 03:21:19: Gold: 4794060, Gold Delt: 8653, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:21:30: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 03:21:44: Sold Items: 19, Sold value: 9347
    02/07/2012 03:21:45: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 03:21:46: Last Runtime: 55.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:22:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:22:00: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:22:09: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:22:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:22:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:22:33: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:22:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:22:50: Cellar - Found position 1066, 239
    02/07/2012 03:23:10: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:23:17: Gold: 4812719, Gold Delt: 9312, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:23:19: Last Runtime: 36.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:23:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:23:36: Cellar - Found position 1104, 249
    02/07/2012 03:23:57: Gold: 4821675, Gold Delt: 8956, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:23:59: Last Runtime: 31.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:24:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:24:16: Cellar - Found position 1082, 242
    02/07/2012 03:24:35: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:24:41: Gold: 4828110, Gold Delt: 6435, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:24:43: Last Runtime: 34.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:24:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:25:00: Cellar - Found position 1072, 257
    02/07/2012 03:25:20: Gold: 4834172, Gold Delt: 6062, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:25:23: Last Runtime: 31 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:25:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:25:40: Cellar - Found position 1126, 226
    02/07/2012 03:26:02: Gold: 4839684, Gold Delt: 5512, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:26:04: Last Runtime: 32.32 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:26:19: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:26:21: Cellar - Found position 1076, 241
    02/07/2012 03:26:44: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:26:51: Gold: 4846682, Gold Delt: 6998, Items: 5, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:26:53: Last Runtime: 39.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:27:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:27:10: Cellar - Found position 1083, 267
    02/07/2012 03:27:33: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:27:39: Gold: 4852425, Gold Delt: 5743, Items: 6, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:27:41: Last Runtime: 39.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:27:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:27:58: Cellar - Found position 1078, 274
    02/07/2012 03:28:20: Gold: 4857487, Gold Delt: 5062, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:28:22: Last Runtime: 32.18 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:28:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:28:39: Cellar - Found position 1111, 260
    02/07/2012 03:29:00: Gold: 4864072, Gold Delt: 6585, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:29:02: Last Runtime: 31.58 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:29:17: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:29:19: Cellar - Found position 1078, 247
    02/07/2012 03:29:42: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 03:29:43: Gold: 4871646, Gold Delt: 7574, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 03:29:55: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 03:30:08: Sold Items: 17, Sold value: 6703
    02/07/2012 03:30:09: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 03:30:10: Last Runtime: 58.31 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:30:25: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:30:25: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:30:34: Last Runtime: 15.18 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:30:49: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:30:49: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:30:59: Last Runtime: 15.65 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:31:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:31:16: Cellar - Found position 1076, 245
    02/07/2012 03:31:37: Gold: 48831316, Gold Delt: 5000, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:31:39: Last Runtime: 31.74 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:31:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:31:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:32:03: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:32:07: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:32:12: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:32:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:32:30: Cellar - Found position 1079, 278
    02/07/2012 03:32:47: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:32:54: Gold: 4893443, Gold Delt: -43937873, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:32:55: Last Runtime: 33.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:33:10: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:33:10: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:33:19: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:33:34: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:33:34: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:33:43: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:33:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:34:00: Cellar - Found position 1085, 249
    02/07/2012 03:34:22: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 03:34:29: Gold: 4903297, Gold Delt: 9854, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:34:30: Last Runtime: 38 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:34:45: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:34:47: Cellar - Found position 1095, 252
    02/07/2012 03:35:09: Gold: 4907053, Gold Delt: 3756, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:35:12: Last Runtime: 32.73 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:35:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:35:27: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:35:36: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:35:50: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:35:53: Cellar - Found position 1129, 257
    02/07/2012 03:36:16: Gold: 4912464, Gold Delt: 5411, Items: 1, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:36:24: Last Runtime: 39 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:36:38: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:36:38: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:36:47: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:37:02: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:37:02: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:37:06: Last Runtime: 9.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:37:09: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:37:15: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:37:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:37:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:37:39: Last Runtime: 14.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:37:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:37:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:38:03: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:38:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:38:20: Cellar - Found position 1053, 269
    02/07/2012 03:38:41: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 03:38:42: Gold: 4918072, Gold Delt: 5608, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:38:44: Last Runtime: 31.71 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:38:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:39:00: Cellar - Found position 1089, 268
    02/07/2012 03:39:24: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:39:31: Gold: 4923563, Gold Delt: 5491, Items: 9, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:39:32: Last Runtime: 39.55 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:39:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:39:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:39:50: Last Runtime: 8.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:39:53: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:39:59: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:40:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:40:16: Cellar - Found position 1078, 263
    02/07/2012 03:40:37: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:40:44: Gold: 4935992, Gold Delt: 12429, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:40:45: Last Runtime: 37.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:41:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:41:02: Cellar - Found position 1098, 242
    02/07/2012 03:41:23: Gold: 4947683, Gold Delt: 11691, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:41:26: Last Runtime: 31.19 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:41:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:41:43: Cellar - Found position 1083, 255
    02/07/2012 03:42:07: Gold: 4959529, Gold Delt: 11846, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:42:17: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 03:42:33: Sold Items: 22, Sold value: 7857
    02/07/2012 03:42:34: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 03:42:35: Last Runtime: 60.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:42:49: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:42:50: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:42:59: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:43:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:43:16: Cellar - Found position 1111, 239
    02/07/2012 03:43:34: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:43:41: Gold: 4969463, Gold Delt: 2077, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 03:43:42: Last Runtime: 34.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:43:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:43:59: Cellar - Found position 1089, 229
    02/07/2012 03:44:22: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 03:44:28: Gold: 4975898, Gold Delt: 6435, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:44:30: Last Runtime: 38.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:44:45: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:44:47: Cellar - Found position 1052, 243
    02/07/2012 03:45:07: Gold: 4984002, Gold Delt: 8104, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:45:10: Last Runtime: 30.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:45:25: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:45:25: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:45:28: Last Runtime: 9.48 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:45:32: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:45:37: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:45:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:45:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:46:02: Last Runtime: 15.15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:46:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:46:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:46:25: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:46:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:46:42: Cellar - Found position 1081, 271
    02/07/2012 03:47:02: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 03:47:09: Gold: 4990158, Gold Delt: 6156, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:47:10: Last Runtime: 35.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:47:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:47:27: Cellar - Found position 1102, 242
    02/07/2012 03:47:48: Gold: 4998724, Gold Delt: 8566, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:47:51: Last Runtime: 31.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:48:06: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:48:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:48:15: Last Runtime: 14.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:48:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:48:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:48:39: Last Runtime: 15.16 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:48:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:48:56: Cellar - Found position 1089, 269
    02/07/2012 03:49:17: Gold: 5005179, Gold Delt: 6455, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:49:19: Last Runtime: 31.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:49:34: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:49:34: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:49:43: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:49:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:50:00: Cellar - Found position 1080, 259
    02/07/2012 03:50:22: Gold: 5009483, Gold Delt: 4304, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:50:25: Last Runtime: 32.25 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:50:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:50:42: Cellar - Found position 1091, 247
    02/07/2012 03:51:00: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:51:07: Gold: 5015103, Gold Delt: 5620, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:51:08: Last Runtime: 34.72 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:51:23: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:51:23: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:51:32: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:51:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:51:49: Cellar - Found position 1071, 256
    02/07/2012 03:52:08: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:52:15: Gold: 5022027, Gold Delt: 6924, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:52:25: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 03:52:35: Sold Items: 10, Sold value: 4900
    02/07/2012 03:52:36: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 03:52:37: Last Runtime: 55.61 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:52:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:52:54: Cellar - Found position 1111, 264
    02/07/2012 03:53:14: Gold: 5030496, Gold Delt: 3569, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:53:17: Last Runtime: 31.58 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:53:32: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:53:32: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:53:42: Last Runtime: 15.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:53:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:53:59: Cellar - Found position 1108, 258
    02/07/2012 03:54:18: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:54:25: Gold: 5036181, Gold Delt: 5685, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:54:26: Last Runtime: 35.29 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:54:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:54:43: Cellar - Found position 1096, 250
    02/07/2012 03:55:03: Gold: 5044430, Gold Delt: 8249, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:55:05: Last Runtime: 30.43 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:55:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:55:22: Cellar - Found position 1079, 280
    02/07/2012 03:55:43: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:55:51: Gold: 5053482, Gold Delt: 9052, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:55:53: Last Runtime: 38.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:56:06: Open Window
    02/07/2012 03:56:07: Open Window
    02/07/2012 03:56:07: Open Window
    02/07/2012 03:56:19: Last Runtime: 17.11 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:56:23: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:56:28: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:56:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:56:46: Cellar - Found position 1077, 260
    02/07/2012 03:57:07: Gold: 5061301, Gold Delt: 7819, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:57:09: Last Runtime: 31.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:57:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:57:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:57:33: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:57:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:57:50: Cellar - Found position 1083, 261
    02/07/2012 03:58:12: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 03:58:18: Gold: 5068855, Gold Delt: 7554, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:58:20: Last Runtime: 37.83 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:58:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:58:37: Cellar - Found position 1072, 279
    02/07/2012 03:58:58: Gold: 5075607, Gold Delt: 6752, Items: 0, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:59:01: Last Runtime: 31.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:59:15: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:59:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:59:25: Last Runtime: 15.15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:59:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:59:42: Cellar - Found position 1055, 253
    02/07/2012 04:00:02: Gold: 5081511, Gold Delt: 5904, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:00:05: Last Runtime: 30.81 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:00:19: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:00:22: Cellar - Found position 1069, 275
    02/07/2012 04:00:42: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 04:00:49: Gold: 5087361, Gold Delt: 5850, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:00:50: Last Runtime: 36.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:01:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:01:08: Cellar - Found position 1068, 237
    02/07/2012 04:01:28: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 04:01:35: Gold: 5095407, Gold Delt: 8046, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:01:37: Last Runtime: 37.33 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:01:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:01:54: Cellar - Found position 1080, 271
    02/07/2012 04:02:14: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:02:21: Gold: 5101910, Gold Delt: 6503, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:02:30: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 04:02:43: Sold Items: 16, Sold value: 5952
    02/07/2012 04:02:44: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 04:02:45: Last Runtime: 59.13 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:03:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:03:00: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:03:09: Last Runtime: 15.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:03:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:03:26: Cellar - Found position 1094, 274
    02/07/2012 04:03:48: Gold: 5112539, Gold Delt: 4677, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:03:50: Last Runtime: 32.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:04:05: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:04:05: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:04:09: Last Runtime: 9.25 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:04:12: Logged out
    02/07/2012 04:04:18: Logged out
    02/07/2012 04:04:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:04:35: Cellar - Found position 1093, 245
    02/07/2012 04:04:57: Gold: 5118525, Gold Delt: 5986, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:04:59: Last Runtime: 32.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:05:14: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:05:14: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:05:17: Last Runtime: 9.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:05:21: Logged out
    02/07/2012 04:05:26: Logged out
    02/07/2012 04:05:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:05:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:05:51: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:06:05: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:06:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:06:15: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:06:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:06:32: Cellar - Found position 1083, 261
    02/07/2012 04:06:55: Gold: 5124404, Gold Delt: 5879, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:07:03: Last Runtime: 39.38 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:07:18: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:07:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:07:28: Last Runtime: 15.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:07:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:07:45: Cellar - Found position 1078, 258
    02/07/2012 04:08:05: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:08:12: Gold: 5134135, Gold Delt: 9731, Items: 4, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:08:13: Last Runtime: 36.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:08:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:08:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:08:37: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:08:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:08:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:09:01: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:09:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:09:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:09:25: Last Runtime: 15.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:09:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:09:42: Cellar - Found position 1040, 271
    02/07/2012 04:10:03: Gold: 5139665, Gold Delt: 5530, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:10:05: Last Runtime: 31.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:10:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:10:22: Cellar - Found position 1059, 266
    02/07/2012 04:10:42: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 04:10:49: Gold: 5147044, Gold Delt: 7379, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:10:50: Last Runtime: 36.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:11:05: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:11:05: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:11:14: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:11:29: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:11:29: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:11:38: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:11:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:11:55: Cellar - Found position 1047, 257
    02/07/2012 04:12:16: Gold: 5155455, Gold Delt: 8411, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:12:19: Last Runtime: 31.52 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:12:34: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:12:34: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:12:43: Last Runtime: 15.71 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:12:58: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:12:58: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:13:08: Last Runtime: 15.74 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:13:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:13:25: Cellar - Found position 1081, 243
    02/07/2012 04:13:46: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 04:13:53: Gold: 5162532, Gold Delt: 7077, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:13:54: Last Runtime: 37.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:14:09: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:14:11: Cellar - Found position 1103, 246
    02/07/2012 04:14:34: Gold: 5170260, Gold Delt: 7728, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:14:36: Last Runtime: 32.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:14:51: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:14:51: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:15:00: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:15:15: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:15:15: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:15:24: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:15:39: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:15:39: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:15:48: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:16:03: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:16:05: Cellar - Found position 1068, 281
    02/07/2012 04:16:24: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:16:32: Gold: 5175899, Gold Delt: 5639, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:16:34: Last Runtime: 37.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:16:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:16:51: Cellar - Found position 1063, 255
    02/07/2012 04:17:12: Gold: 5180816, Gold Delt: 4917, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:17:15: Last Runtime: 31.55 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:17:29: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:17:29: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:17:38: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:17:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:17:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:18:03: Last Runtime: 15.59 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:18:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:18:20: Cellar - Found position 1087, 243
    02/07/2012 04:18:39: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 04:18:46: Gold: 5188658, Gold Delt: 7842, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:18:48: Last Runtime: 35.77 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:19:02: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:19:05: Cellar - Found position 1079, 249
    02/07/2012 04:19:23: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:19:30: Gold: 5193607, Gold Delt: 4949, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:19:40: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 04:19:58: Sold Items: 27, Sold value: 8816
    02/07/2012 04:19:59: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 04:20:00: Last Runtime: 63.28 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:20:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:20:17: Cellar - Found position 1080, 226
    02/07/2012 04:20:38: Gold: 5208109, Gold Delt: 5686, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:20:41: Last Runtime: 31.8 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:20:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:20:58: Cellar - Found position 1076, 268
    02/07/2012 04:21:18: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:21:25: Gold: 5219426, Gold Delt: 11317, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:21:26: Last Runtime: 36.8 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:21:41: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:21:41: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:21:50: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:22:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:22:07: Cellar - Found position 1091, 281
    02/07/2012 04:22:28: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 04:22:34: Gold: 5228040, Gold Delt: 8614, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:22:36: Last Runtime: 36.72 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:22:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:22:53: Cellar - Found position 1088, 256
    02/07/2012 04:23:15: Gold: 5236176, Gold Delt: 8136, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:23:17: Last Runtime: 32.32 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:23:32: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:23:32: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:23:41: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:23:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:23:58: Cellar - Found position 1053, 288
    02/07/2012 04:24:17: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:24:24: Gold: 5245730, Gold Delt: 9554, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:24:25: Last Runtime: 34.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:24:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:24:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:24:49: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:25:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:25:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:25:13: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:25:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:25:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:25:37: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:25:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:25:54: Cellar - Found position 1092, 263
    02/07/2012 04:26:14: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:26:20: Gold: 5255047, Gold Delt: 9317, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:26:22: Last Runtime: 36.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:26:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:26:39: Cellar - Found position 1108, 241
    02/07/2012 04:27:02: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 04:27:09: Gold: 5263612, Gold Delt: 8565, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:27:10: Last Runtime: 39.25 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:27:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:27:27: Cellar - Found position 1067, 258
    02/07/2012 04:27:50: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 04:27:56: Gold: 5269845, Gold Delt: 6233, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:27:58: Last Runtime: 38.78 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:28:13: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:28:13: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:28:22: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:28:36: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:28:37: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:28:46: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:29:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:29:03: Cellar - Found position 1058, 265
    02/07/2012 04:29:25: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 04:29:31: Gold: 5277880, Gold Delt: 8035, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:29:33: Last Runtime: 38.27 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:29:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:29:50: Cellar - Found position 1077, 277
    02/07/2012 04:30:12: Gold: 5281617, Gold Delt: 3737, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:30:25: Stashed Items: 3
    02/07/2012 04:30:39: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 7608
    02/07/2012 04:30:40: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 04:30:41: Last Runtime: 59.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:30:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:30:56: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:31:05: Last Runtime: 14.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:31:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:31:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:31:28: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:31:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:31:45: Cellar - Found position 1097, 248
    02/07/2012 04:32:09: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:32:16: Gold: 5298004, Gold Delt: 8779, Items: 4, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:32:17: Last Runtime: 40.11 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:32:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:32:35: Cellar - Found position 1106, 257
    02/07/2012 04:32:55: Gold: 5304274, Gold Delt: 6270, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:32:58: Last Runtime: 31.39 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:33:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:33:15: Cellar - Found position 1016, 235
    02/07/2012 04:33:37: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:33:44: Gold: 5313137, Gold Delt: 8863, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:33:45: Last Runtime: 38.52 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:34:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:34:00: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:34:09: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:34:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:34:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:34:33: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:34:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:34:50: Cellar - Found position 1044, 221
    02/07/2012 04:35:11: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:35:18: Gold: 5320627, Gold Delt: 7490, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:35:19: Last Runtime: 36.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:35:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:35:36: Cellar - Found position 1049, 277
    02/07/2012 04:36:00: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:36:09: Gold: 5331770, Gold Delt: 11143, Items: 3, Gems: 3, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:36:11: Last Runtime: 42.79 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:36:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:36:26: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:36:36: Last Runtime: 15.74 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:36:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:36:53: Cellar - Found position 1061, 257
    02/07/2012 04:37:13: Gold: 5338129, Gold Delt: 6359, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:37:15: Last Runtime: 30.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:37:30: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:37:33: Cellar - Found position 1093, 264
    02/07/2012 04:37:53: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 04:38:00: Gold: 5343797, Gold Delt: 5668, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:38:02: Last Runtime: 37.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:38:17: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:38:19: Cellar - Found position 1042, 232
    02/07/2012 04:38:40: Gold: 5352322, Gold Delt: 8525, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:38:43: Last Runtime: 32.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:38:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:39:00: Cellar - Found position 1074, 266
    02/07/2012 04:39:20: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 04:39:26: Gold: 5359837, Gold Delt: 7515, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:39:28: Last Runtime: 35.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:39:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:39:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:39:51: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:40:06: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:40:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:40:15: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:40:30: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:40:32: Cellar - Found position 1085, 227
    02/07/2012 04:40:52: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 04:40:59: Gold: 5370646, Gold Delt: 10809, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:41:00: Last Runtime: 36.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:41:15: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:41:15: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:41:19: Last Runtime: 9.45 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:41:22: Logged out
    02/07/2012 04:41:28: Logged out
    02/07/2012 04:41:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:41:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:41:52: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:42:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:42:09: Cellar - Found position 1092, 275
    02/07/2012 04:42:30: Gold: 5381213, Gold Delt: 10567, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:42:32: Last Runtime: 30.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:42:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:42:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:42:51: Last Runtime: 9.49 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:42:54: Logged out
    02/07/2012 04:43:00: Logged out
    02/07/2012 04:43:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:43:17: Cellar - Found position 1106, 256
    02/07/2012 04:43:38: Gold: 5386950, Gold Delt: 5737, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:43:40: Last Runtime: 31.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:43:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:43:57: Cellar - Found position 1103, 243
    02/07/2012 04:44:20: Gold: 5397847, Gold Delt: 10897, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:44:33: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 04:44:50: Sold Items: 27, Sold value: 8770
    02/07/2012 04:44:52: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 04:44:52: Last Runtime: 62.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:45:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:45:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:45:16: Last Runtime: 15.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:45:31: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:45:31: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:45:40: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:45:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:45:58: Cellar - Found position 1061, 261
    02/07/2012 04:46:22: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:46:29: Gold: 5415102, Gold Delt: 8485, Items: 4, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:46:30: Last Runtime: 41.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:46:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:46:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:46:54: Last Runtime: 15.15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:47:09: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:47:09: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:47:18: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:47:33: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:47:33: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:47:42: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:47:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:47:59: Cellar - Found position 1087, 261
    02/07/2012 04:48:20: Gold: 5421933, Gold Delt: 6831, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:48:22: Last Runtime: 30.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:48:37: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:48:37: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:48:46: Last Runtime: 15.2 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:49:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:49:03: Cellar - Found position 1099, 270
    02/07/2012 04:49:25: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 04:49:26: Gold: 5429406, Gold Delt: 7473, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:49:27: Last Runtime: 32.11 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:49:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:49:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:49:51: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:50:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:50:08: Cellar - Found position 1078, 277
    02/07/2012 04:50:29: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 04:50:36: Gold: 5441315, Gold Delt: 11909, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:50:37: Last Runtime: 36.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:50:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:50:54: Cellar - Found position 1094, 274
    02/07/2012 04:51:13: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:51:20: Gold: 5445633, Gold Delt: 4318, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:51:21: Last Runtime: 35.39 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:51:36: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:51:36: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:51:45: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:52:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:52:00: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:52:09: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:52:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:52:27: Cellar - Found position 1066, 288
    02/07/2012 04:52:48: Gold: 5452390, Gold Delt: 6757, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:52:51: Last Runtime: 32.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:53:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:53:08: Cellar - Found position 1083, 264
    02/07/2012 04:53:29: Gold: 5461695, Gold Delt: 9305, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:53:32: Last Runtime: 31.74 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:53:46: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:53:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:53:55: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:54:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:54:13: Cellar - Found position 1070, 248
    02/07/2012 04:54:37: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:54:43: Gold: 5468697, Gold Delt: 7002, Items: 5, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:54:45: Last Runtime: 40.11 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:54:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:55:02: Cellar - Found position 1027, 279
    02/07/2012 04:55:22: Gold: 5473030, Gold Delt: 4333, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:55:24: Last Runtime: 30.31 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:55:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:55:41: Cellar - Found position 1089, 267
    02/07/2012 04:56:01: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:56:08: Gold: 5482458, Gold Delt: 9428, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:56:09: Last Runtime: 36.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:56:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:56:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:56:33: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:56:48: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:56:48: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:56:51: Last Runtime: 9.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:56:55: Logged out
    02/07/2012 04:57:00: Logged out
    02/07/2012 04:57:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:57:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:57:25: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:57:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:57:42: Cellar - Found position 1046, 245
    02/07/2012 04:58:02: Gold: 5492411, Gold Delt: 9953, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:58:05: Last Runtime: 31.43 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:58:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:58:22: Cellar - Found position 1075, 264
    02/07/2012 04:58:43: Gold: 550169, Gold Delt: -4942242, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:58:54: Stashed Items: 2
    02/07/2012 04:59:11: Sold Items: 26, Sold value: 4961322
    02/07/2012 04:59:13: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 04:59:13: Last Runtime: 59.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:59:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:59:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:59:37: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:59:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:59:54: Cellar - Found position 1090, 268
    02/07/2012 05:00:16: Gold: 5516739, Gold Delt: 5248, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:00:19: Last Runtime: 32.39 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:00:33: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:00:34: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:00:42: Last Runtime: 14.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:00:57: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:00:57: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:01:06: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:01:21: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:01:21: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:01:30: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:01:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:01:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:01:54: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:02:10: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:02:10: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:02:19: Last Runtime: 15.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:02:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:02:36: Cellar - Found position 1082, 262
    02/07/2012 05:03:02: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 05:03:03: Gold: 5526668, Gold Delt: 9929, Items: 5, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:03:04: Last Runtime: 36.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:03:19: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:03:22: Cellar - Found position 1091, 256
    02/07/2012 05:03:42: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 05:03:49: Gold: 5531869, Gold Delt: 5201, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:03:50: Last Runtime: 36.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:04:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:04:07: Cellar - Found position 1100, 234
    02/07/2012 05:04:29: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 05:04:36: Gold: 5535929, Gold Delt: 4060, Items: 4, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:04:37: Last Runtime: 38.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:04:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:04:54: Cellar - Found position 1078, 260
    02/07/2012 05:05:16: Gold: 5541168, Gold Delt: 5239, Items: 0, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:05:18: Last Runtime: 32.29 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:05:33: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:05:33: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:05:43: Last Runtime: 15.18 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:05:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:06:00: Cellar - Found position 1069, 242
    02/07/2012 05:06:19: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 05:06:26: Gold: 5549648, Gold Delt: 8480, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:06:27: Last Runtime: 35.71 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:06:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:06:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:06:51: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:07:06: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:07:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:07:15: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:07:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:07:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:07:39: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:07:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:07:56: Cellar - Found position 1080, 260
    02/07/2012 05:08:17: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 05:08:23: Gold: 5556046, Gold Delt: 6398, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:08:24: Last Runtime: 36.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:08:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:08:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:08:49: Last Runtime: 15.72 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:09:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:09:06: Cellar - Found position 1111, 227
    02/07/2012 05:09:27: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 05:09:34: Gold: 5561588, Gold Delt: 5542, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:09:36: Last Runtime: 37.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:09:50: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:09:51: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:09:59: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:10:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:10:17: Cellar - Found position 1092, 242
    02/07/2012 05:10:37: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 05:10:43: Gold: 5568194, Gold Delt: 6606, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:10:45: Last Runtime: 36.49 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:11:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:11:02: Cellar - Found position 1090, 231
    02/07/2012 05:11:23: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 05:11:30: Gold: 5575514, Gold Delt: 7320, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    02/07/2012 05:11:31: Last Runtime: 37.2 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:11:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:11:49: Cellar - Found position 1075, 257
    02/07/2012 05:12:09: Gold: 5584282, Gold Delt: 8768, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:12:21: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 05:12:35: Sold Items: 20, Sold value: 8252
    02/07/2012 05:12:37: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 05:12:37: Last Runtime: 57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:12:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:12:54: Cellar - Found position 1073, 272
    02/07/2012 05:13:16: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 05:13:25: Gold: 5600262, Gold Delt: 7728, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:13:27: Last Runtime: 41.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:13:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:13:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:13:55: Last Runtime: 17.72 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:14:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:14:12: Cellar - Found position 1066, 291
    02/07/2012 05:14:32: Gold: 5604204, Gold Delt: 3942, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:14:35: Last Runtime: 31.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:14:50: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:14:50: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:14:59: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:15:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:15:16: Cellar - Found position 1107, 260
    02/07/2012 05:15:37: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 05:15:38: Gold: 5610534, Gold Delt: 6330, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:15:39: Last Runtime: 31.53 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:15:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:15:57: Cellar - Found position 1087, 257
    02/07/2012 05:16:17: Gold: 5615379, Gold Delt: 4845, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:16:20: Last Runtime: 31.39 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:16:36: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:16:36: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:16:45: Last Runtime: 16.33 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:17:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:17:00: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:17:09: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:17:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:17:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:17:33: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:17:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:17:50: Cellar - Found position 1104, 266
    02/07/2012 05:18:10: Gold: 5620187, Gold Delt: 4808, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:18:13: Last Runtime: 31.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:18:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:18:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:18:37: Last Runtime: 15.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:18:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:18:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:19:01: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:19:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:19:19: Cellar - Found position 1065, 289
    02/07/2012 05:19:40: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 05:19:46: Gold: 5631328, Gold Delt: 11141, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 2, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:19:48: Last Runtime: 37.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:20:03: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:20:05: Cellar - Found position 1086, 252
    02/07/2012 05:20:25: Gold: 5644919, Gold Delt: 13591, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:20:27: Last Runtime: 30.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:20:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:20:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:20:51: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:21:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:21:09: Cellar - Found position 1086, 295
    02/07/2012 05:21:28: Gold: 5650792, Gold Delt: 5873, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:21:30: Last Runtime: 29.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:21:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:21:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:21:54: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:22:09: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:22:09: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:22:13: Last Runtime: 10.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:22:16: Logged out
    02/07/2012 05:22:22: Logged out
    02/07/2012 05:22:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:22:40: Cellar - Found position 1108, 268
    02/07/2012 05:23:00: Gold: 5655375, Gold Delt: 4583, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:23:02: Last Runtime: 30.59 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:23:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:23:18: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:23:27: Last Runtime: 15.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:23:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:23:44: Cellar - Found position 1059, 254
    02/07/2012 05:24:06: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 05:24:13: Gold: 5662413, Gold Delt: 7038, Items: 3, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:24:14: Last Runtime: 38.13 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:24:29: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:24:29: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:24:38: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:24:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:24:55: Cellar - Found position 1100, 266
    02/07/2012 05:25:14: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 05:25:21: Gold: 5672007, Gold Delt: 9594, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:25:22: Last Runtime: 35.28 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:25:37: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:25:37: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:25:43: Last Runtime: 11.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:25:46: Logged out
    02/07/2012 05:25:52: Logged out
    02/07/2012 05:26:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:26:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:26:16: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:26:31: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:26:31: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:26:40: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:26:55: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:26:55: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:27:04: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:27:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:27:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:27:28: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:27:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:27:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:27:52: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:28:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:28:09: Cellar - Found position 1063, 239
    02/07/2012 05:28:30: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 05:28:37: Gold: 5680594, Gold Delt: 8587, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:28:48: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 05:29:00: Sold Items: 14, Sold value: 7755
    02/07/2012 05:29:01: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 05:29:02: Last Runtime: 61 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:29:18: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:29:18: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:29:28: Last Runtime: 17.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:29:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:29:45: Cellar - Found position 1050, 287
    02/07/2012 05:30:07: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 05:30:13: Gold: 5694846, Gold Delt: 6497, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:30:15: Last Runtime: 38.13 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:30:30: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:30:32: Cellar - Found position 1077, 251
    02/07/2012 05:30:52: Gold: 5703362, Gold Delt: 8516, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:30:54: Last Runtime: 30.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:31:09: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:31:09: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:31:18: Last Runtime: 15.2 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:31:33: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:31:33: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:31:42: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:31:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:32:00: Cellar - Found position 1084, 250
    02/07/2012 05:32:19: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 05:32:26: Gold: 5712231, Gold Delt: 8869, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:32:27: Last Runtime: 35.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:32:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:32:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:32:51: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:33:06: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:33:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:33:15: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:33:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:33:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:33:39: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:33:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:33:57: Cellar - Found position 1069, 292
    02/07/2012 05:34:16: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 05:34:23: Gold: 5718934, Gold Delt: 6703, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:34:24: Last Runtime: 36.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:34:39: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:34:39: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:34:48: Last Runtime: 15.19 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:35:03: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:35:03: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:35:12: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:35:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:35:30: Cellar - Found position 1086, 257
    02/07/2012 05:35:49: Gold: 5726744, Gold Delt: 7810, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:35:51: Last Runtime: 30.27 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:36:06: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:36:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:36:15: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:36:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:36:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:36:39: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:36:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:36:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:37:04: Last Runtime: 15.45 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:37:19: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:37:21: Cellar - Found position 1088, 275
    02/07/2012 05:37:41: Gold: 5734434, Gold Delt: 7690, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:37:43: Last Runtime: 30.61 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:37:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:38:01: Cellar - Found position 1094, 266
    02/07/2012 05:38:21: Gold: 5739427, Gold Delt: 4993, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:38:24: Last Runtime: 31.5 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:38:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:38:41: Cellar - Found position 1075, 248
    02/07/2012 05:39:02: Gold: 5745405, Gold Delt: 5978, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:39:05: Last Runtime: 31.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:39:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:39:22: Cellar - Found position 1101, 250
    02/07/2012 05:39:42: Gold: 5751497, Gold Delt: 6092, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:39:44: Last Runtime: 30.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:39:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:40:02: Cellar - Found position 1089, 278
    02/07/2012 05:40:22: Gold: 5755990, Gold Delt: 4493, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:40:25: Last Runtime: 31.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:40:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:40:42: Cellar - Found position 1077, 251
    02/07/2012 05:41:00: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 05:41:07: Gold: 5765282, Gold Delt: 9292, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:41:08: Last Runtime: 34.7 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:41:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:41:26: Cellar - Found position 1073, 239
    02/07/2012 05:41:48: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 05:41:49: Gold: 5770803, Gold Delt: 5521, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:41:59: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 05:42:13: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 7056
    02/07/2012 05:42:14: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 05:42:15: Last Runtime: 57.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:42:30: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:42:32: Cellar - Found position 1095, 246
    02/07/2012 05:42:53: Gold: 5783733, Gold Delt: 5874, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:42:55: Last Runtime: 31.83 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:43:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:43:13: Cellar - Found position 1117, 270
    02/07/2012 05:43:33: Gold: 5794300, Gold Delt: 10567, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:43:36: Last Runtime: 31.48 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:43:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:43:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:44:02: Last Runtime: 16.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:44:17: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:44:19: Cellar - Found position 1066, 275
    02/07/2012 05:44:41: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 05:44:48: Gold: 5802283, Gold Delt: 7983, Items: 4, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:44:49: Last Runtime: 38.37 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:45:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:45:07: Cellar - Found position 1104, 262
    02/07/2012 05:45:27: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 05:45:34: Gold: 5807474, Gold Delt: 5191, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:45:35: Last Runtime: 37.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:45:50: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:45:50: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:45:59: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:46:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:46:16: Cellar - Found position 1092, 251
    02/07/2012 05:46:36: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 05:46:42: Gold: 5813961, Gold Delt: 6487, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:46:44: Last Runtime: 35.46 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:46:58: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:46:59: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:47:08: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:47:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:47:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:47:31: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:47:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:47:49: Cellar - Found position 1094, 276
    02/07/2012 05:48:08: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 05:48:15: Gold: 5821243, Gold Delt: 7282, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:48:16: Last Runtime: 36.16 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:48:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:48:34: Cellar - Found position 1086, 262
    02/07/2012 05:48:54: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 05:49:00: Gold: 5827869, Gold Delt: 6626, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:49:02: Last Runtime: 36.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:49:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:49:17: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:49:26: Last Runtime: 15.22 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:49:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:49:44: Cellar - Found position 1095, 231
    02/07/2012 05:50:04: Gold: 5832824, Gold Delt: 4955, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:50:08: Last Runtime: 32.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:50:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:50:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:50:31: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:50:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:50:49: Cellar - Found position 1098, 276
    02/07/2012 05:51:09: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 05:51:16: Gold: 5839892, Gold Delt: 7068, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:51:17: Last Runtime: 37.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:51:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:51:35: Cellar - Found position 1050, 256
    02/07/2012 05:51:57: Gold: 5845262, Gold Delt: 5370, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:52:00: Last Runtime: 33.19 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:52:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:52:17: Cellar - Found position 1078, 286
    02/07/2012 05:52:39: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 05:52:46: Gold: 5855164, Gold Delt: 9902, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:52:47: Last Runtime: 38.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:53:02: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:53:05: Cellar - Found position 1072, 268
    02/07/2012 05:53:26: Gold: 5859349, Gold Delt: 4185, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:53:37: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 05:53:54: Sold Items: 27, Sold value: 8538
    02/07/2012 05:53:56: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 05:53:56: Last Runtime: 59.76 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:54:11: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:54:11: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:54:20: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:54:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:54:37: Cellar - Found position 1082, 270
    02/07/2012 05:55:00: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 05:55:01: Gold: 5875143, Gold Delt: 7256, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:55:09: Last Runtime: 39.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:55:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:55:26: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:55:35: Last Runtime: 17.69 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:55:50: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:55:50: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:56:01: Last Runtime: 16.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:56:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:56:18: Cellar - Found position 1097, 276
    02/07/2012 05:56:38: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 05:56:44: Gold: 5881041, Gold Delt: 5898, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:56:46: Last Runtime: 36.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:57:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:57:03: Cellar - Found position 1064, 277
    02/07/2012 05:57:22: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 05:57:29: Gold: 5888390, Gold Delt: 7349, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:57:30: Last Runtime: 35.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:57:45: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:57:47: Cellar - Found position 1087, 267
    02/07/2012 05:58:09: Gold: 5900632, Gold Delt: 12242, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:58:12: Last Runtime: 32.77 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:58:27: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:58:27: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:58:36: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:58:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:58:54: Cellar - Found position 1092, 273
    02/07/2012 05:59:14: Gold: 5906279, Gold Delt: 5647, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:59:16: Last Runtime: 31.68 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:59:31: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:59:31: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:59:40: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:59:55: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:59:55: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:00:04: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:00:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:00:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:00:28: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:00:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:00:46: Cellar - Found position 1060, 250
    02/07/2012 06:01:05: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:01:11: Gold: 5915854, Gold Delt: 9575, Items: 4, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:01:13: Last Runtime: 35.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:01:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:01:30: Cellar - Found position 1058, 259
    02/07/2012 06:01:51: Gold: 5923919, Gold Delt: 8065, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:01:53: Last Runtime: 31.55 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:02:08: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:02:08: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:02:17: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:02:32: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:02:32: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:02:41: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:02:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:02:58: Cellar - Found position 1101, 275
    02/07/2012 06:03:18: Gold: 5930665, Gold Delt: 6746, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:03:21: Last Runtime: 30.66 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:03:36: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:03:36: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:03:45: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:04:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:04:02: Cellar - Found position 1083, 269
    02/07/2012 06:04:21: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:04:28: Gold: 5935714, Gold Delt: 5049, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:04:29: Last Runtime: 35.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:04:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:04:47: Cellar - Found position 1087, 273
    02/07/2012 06:05:07: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 06:05:13: Gold: 5942528, Gold Delt: 6814, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:05:22: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 06:05:35: Sold Items: 16, Sold value: 6855
    02/07/2012 06:05:36: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 06:05:37: Last Runtime: 58.49 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:05:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:05:54: Cellar - Found position 1061, 259
    02/07/2012 06:06:15: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 06:06:22: Gold: 5955694, Gold Delt: 6311, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:06:23: Last Runtime: 37.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:06:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:06:41: Cellar - Found position 1088, 230
    02/07/2012 06:07:00: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 06:07:06: Gold: 5961686, Gold Delt: 5992, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:07:08: Last Runtime: 35.43 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:07:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:07:25: Cellar - Found position 1086, 261
    02/07/2012 06:07:48: Gold: 5966988, Gold Delt: 5302, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:07:51: Last Runtime: 33.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:08:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:08:08: Cellar - Found position 1086, 250
    02/07/2012 06:08:29: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 06:08:35: Gold: 5974688, Gold Delt: 7700, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:08:37: Last Runtime: 36.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:08:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:08:54: Cellar - Found position 1088, 258
    02/07/2012 06:09:14: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:09:20: Gold: 5979518, Gold Delt: 4830, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:09:22: Last Runtime: 36.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:09:37: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:09:37: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:09:46: Last Runtime: 15.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:10:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:10:03: Cellar - Found position 1090, 260
    02/07/2012 06:10:25: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 06:10:32: Gold: 5983832, Gold Delt: 4314, Items: 4, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:10:33: Last Runtime: 38.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:10:48: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:10:48: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:10:57: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:11:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:11:15: Cellar - Found position 967, 257
    02/07/2012 06:11:30: Cellar was found but didnt end up there
    02/07/2012 06:11:32: Last Runtime: 26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:11:36: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:11:41: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:11:57: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:11:57: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:12:06: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:12:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:12:23: Cellar - Found position 1116, 240
    02/07/2012 06:12:43: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:12:50: Gold: 5988436, Gold Delt: 4604, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:12:51: Last Runtime: 36.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:13:06: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:13:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:13:15: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:13:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:13:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:13:39: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:13:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:13:56: Cellar - Found position 1055, 263
    02/07/2012 06:14:15: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:14:24: Gold: 5998510, Gold Delt: 10074, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 06:14:26: Last Runtime: 37.78 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:14:39: Last Runtime: 4.7 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:15:04: Last Runtime: 29.38 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:15:08: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:15:13: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:15:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:15:31: Cellar - Found position 1076, 261
    02/07/2012 06:15:51: Gold: 6004614, Gold Delt: 6104, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:16:03: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 06:16:14: Sold Items: 14, Sold value: 4293
    02/07/2012 06:16:16: Repair Cost: 7389
    02/07/2012 06:16:16: Last Runtime: 54.18 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:16:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:16:34: Cellar - Found position 1063, 256
    02/07/2012 06:16:54: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 06:17:01: Gold: 6010280, Gold Delt: 8762, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:17:02: Last Runtime: 36.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:17:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:17:17: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:17:26: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:17:41: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:17:41: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:17:50: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:18:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:18:08: Cellar - Found position 1084, 252
    02/07/2012 06:18:28: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:18:34: Gold: 6015563, Gold Delt: 5283, Items: 1, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:18:36: Last Runtime: 36.59 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:18:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:18:53: Cellar - Found position 1086, 266
    02/07/2012 06:19:15: Gold: 6022580, Gold Delt: 7017, Items: 0, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:19:17: Last Runtime: 32.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:19:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:19:35: Cellar - Found position 1088, 249
    02/07/2012 06:19:56: Gold: 6028866, Gold Delt: 6286, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:19:58: Last Runtime: 31.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:20:13: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:20:13: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:20:22: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:20:37: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:20:37: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:20:41: Last Runtime: 9.53 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:20:44: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:20:50: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:21:05: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:21:05: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:21:14: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:21:29: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:21:29: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:21:38: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:21:53: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:21:53: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:22:02: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:22:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:22:17: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:22:26: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:22:41: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:22:41: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:22:50: Last Runtime: 15.45 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:23:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:23:08: Cellar - Found position 1074, 263
    02/07/2012 06:23:29: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 06:23:36: Gold: 6036326, Gold Delt: 7460, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:23:37: Last Runtime: 37.77 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:23:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:23:54: Cellar - Found position 1085, 274
    02/07/2012 06:24:14: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:24:15: Gold: 6041878, Gold Delt: 5552, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:24:23: Last Runtime: 36.58 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:24:37: Last Runtime: 4.65 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:24:40: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:24:46: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:25:01: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:25:01: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:25:10: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:25:25: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:25:25: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:25:34: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:25:49: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:25:49: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:25:58: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:26:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:26:15: Cellar - Found position 1047, 266
    02/07/2012 06:26:35: Gold: 6047261, Gold Delt: 5383, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:26:38: Last Runtime: 30.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:26:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:26:56: Cellar - Found position 1081, 232
    02/07/2012 06:27:20: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 06:27:27: Gold: 6057944, Gold Delt: 10683, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:27:28: Last Runtime: 41.35 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:27:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:27:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:27:52: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:28:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:28:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:28:16: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:28:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:28:33: Cellar - Found position 1067, 261
    02/07/2012 06:28:52: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 06:28:59: Gold: 6061714, Gold Delt: 3770, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:29:00: Last Runtime: 35.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:29:15: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:29:15: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:29:25: Last Runtime: 15.27 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:29:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:29:42: Cellar - Found position 1101, 278
    02/07/2012 06:29:59: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:30:06: Gold: 6069755, Gold Delt: 8041, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:30:17: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 06:30:29: Sold Items: 14, Sold value: 5724
    02/07/2012 06:30:30: Repair Cost: -1039
    02/07/2012 06:30:31: Last Runtime: 57.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:30:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:30:48: Cellar - Found position 1111, 254
    02/07/2012 06:31:09: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:31:16: Gold: 6082975, Gold Delt: 6457, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:31:18: Last Runtime: 37.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:31:32: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:31:32: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:31:42: Last Runtime: 15.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:31:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:31:59: Cellar - Found position 1046, 252
    02/07/2012 06:32:21: Gold: 6088933, Gold Delt: 5958, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:32:23: Last Runtime: 32.49 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:32:38: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:32:38: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:32:47: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:33:02: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:33:02: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:33:11: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:33:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:33:26: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:33:35: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:33:50: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:33:50: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:33:53: Last Runtime: 9.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:33:57: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:34:02: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:34:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:34:20: Cellar - Found position 1084, 272
    02/07/2012 06:34:39: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:34:46: Gold: 6093327, Gold Delt: 4394, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:34:48: Last Runtime: 35.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:35:01: Last Runtime: 4.68 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:35:05: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:35:10: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:35:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:35:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:35:32: Last Runtime: 11.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:35:35: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:35:41: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:35:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:35:58: Cellar - Found position 1077, 253
    02/07/2012 06:36:19: Gold: 6099668, Gold Delt: 6341, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:36:21: Last Runtime: 31.36 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:36:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:36:39: Cellar - Found position 1058, 226
    02/07/2012 06:37:03: Gold: 6109148, Gold Delt: 9480, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:37:06: Last Runtime: 35.18 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:37:20: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:37:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:37:29: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:37:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:37:44: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:37:48: Last Runtime: 9.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:37:51: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:37:57: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:38:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:38:15: Cellar - Found position 1071, 275
    02/07/2012 06:38:35: Gold: 6113766, Gold Delt: 4618, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:38:38: Last Runtime: 31.6 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:38:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:38:55: Cellar - Found position 1074, 285
    02/07/2012 06:39:15: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 06:39:22: Gold: 6125152, Gold Delt: 11386, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:39:24: Last Runtime: 36.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:39:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:39:41: Cellar - Found position 1081, 266
    02/07/2012 06:40:02: Gold: 6132619, Gold Delt: 7467, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:40:04: Last Runtime: 31.58 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:40:19: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:40:22: Cellar - Found position 1088, 287
    02/07/2012 06:40:44: Gold: 6140938, Gold Delt: 8319, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:40:46: Last Runtime: 33.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:41:01: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:41:02: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:41:05: Last Runtime: 9.77 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:41:08: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:41:14: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:41:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:41:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:41:39: Last Runtime: 15.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:41:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:41:56: Cellar - Found position 1071, 257
    02/07/2012 06:42:18: Gold: 6148278, Gold Delt: 7340, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:42:21: Last Runtime: 32.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:42:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:42:38: Cellar - Found position 1103, 261
    02/07/2012 06:42:58: Gold: 6153561, Gold Delt: 5283, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:43:00: Last Runtime: 30.81 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:43:15: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:43:15: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:43:24: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:43:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:43:42: Cellar - Found position 1098, 257
    02/07/2012 06:44:02: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:44:08: Gold: 6163272, Gold Delt: 9711, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:44:10: Last Runtime: 36.53 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:44:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:44:27: Cellar - Found position 1128, 243
    02/07/2012 06:44:47: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 06:44:54: Gold: 6170615, Gold Delt: 7343, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:45:06: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 06:45:19: Sold Items: 17, Sold value: 9189
    02/07/2012 06:45:20: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 06:45:21: Last Runtime: 62.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:45:36: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:45:36: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:45:47: Last Runtime: 16.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:46:02: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:46:02: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:46:12: Last Runtime: 15.81 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:46:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:46:27: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:46:30: Last Runtime: 9.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:46:33: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:46:39: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:46:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:46:57: Cellar - Found position 1116, 246
    02/07/2012 06:47:16: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:47:22: Gold: 6186428, Gold Delt: 6624, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:47:24: Last Runtime: 35.71 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:47:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:47:41: Cellar - Found position 1074, 270
    02/07/2012 06:48:04: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 06:48:10: Gold: 6192126, Gold Delt: 5698, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:48:12: Last Runtime: 39.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:48:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:48:29: Cellar - Found position 1092, 249
    02/07/2012 06:48:53: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:49:00: Gold: 6201216, Gold Delt: 9090, Items: 5, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    02/07/2012 06:49:01: Last Runtime: 40.19 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:49:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:49:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:49:25: Last Runtime: 15.22 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:49:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:49:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:49:49: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:50:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:50:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:50:13: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:50:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:50:31: Cellar - Found position 1104, 269
    02/07/2012 06:50:51: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:50:58: Gold: 6210943, Gold Delt: 9727, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:50:59: Last Runtime: 37.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:51:14: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:51:14: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:51:23: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:51:38: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:51:38: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:51:42: Last Runtime: 9.37 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:51:45: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:51:51: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:52:06: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:52:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:52:15: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:52:30: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:52:33: Cellar - Found position 1062, 212
    02/07/2012 06:52:54: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 06:53:00: Gold: 6217022, Gold Delt: 6079, Items: 4, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:53:02: Last Runtime: 37.52 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:53:17: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:53:19: Cellar - Found position 1071, 285
    02/07/2012 06:53:40: Gold: 6224178, Gold Delt: 7156, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:53:42: Last Runtime: 31.66 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:53:57: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:53:57: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:54:06: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:54:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:54:24: Cellar - Found position 1102, 259
    02/07/2012 06:54:46: Gold: 6230117, Gold Delt: 5939, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:54:49: Last Runtime: 33.33 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:55:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:55:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:55:13: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:55:27: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:55:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:55:36: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:55:51: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:55:51: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:55:55: Last Runtime: 9.35 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:55:58: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:56:04: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:56:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:56:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:56:28: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:56:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:56:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:56:52: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:57:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:57:09: Cellar - Found position 1096, 267
    02/07/2012 06:57:28: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:57:34: Gold: 6235994, Gold Delt: 5877, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:57:35: Last Runtime: 34.45 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:57:50: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:57:50: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:57:59: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:58:14: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:58:14: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:58:18: Last Runtime: 9.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:58:21: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:58:27: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:58:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:58:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:58:51: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:59:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:59:08: Cellar - Found position 1049, 252
    02/07/2012 06:59:30: Gold: 6242635, Gold Delt: 6641, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:59:32: Last Runtime: 32.15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:59:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:59:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:59:56: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:00:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:00:14: Cellar - Found position 1092, 250
    02/07/2012 07:00:35: Gold: 6250022, Gold Delt: 7387, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:00:47: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 07:01:00: Sold Items: 17, Sold value: 6635
    02/07/2012 07:01:01: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 07:01:02: Last Runtime: 57.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:01:17: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:01:20: Cellar - Found position 1091, 233
    02/07/2012 07:01:40: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 07:01:47: Gold: 6261524, Gold Delt: 4867, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:01:48: Last Runtime: 37.28 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:02:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:02:06: Cellar - Found position 1070, 230
    02/07/2012 07:02:27: Gold: 6271124, Gold Delt: 9600, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:02:30: Last Runtime: 32.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:02:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:02:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:02:54: Last Runtime: 15.25 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:03:09: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:03:09: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:03:18: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:03:33: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:03:33: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:03:42: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:03:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:04:00: Cellar - Found position 1048, 269
    02/07/2012 07:04:20: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:04:27: Gold: 6275021, Gold Delt: 3897, Items: 5, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:04:28: Last Runtime: 37.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:04:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:04:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:04:52: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:05:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:05:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:05:16: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:05:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:05:33: Cellar - Found position 1111, 280
    02/07/2012 07:05:53: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 07:06:00: Gold: 6282201, Gold Delt: 7180, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:06:01: Last Runtime: 36.35 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:06:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:06:19: Cellar - Found position 1078, 267
    02/07/2012 07:06:39: Gold: 6293304, Gold Delt: 11103, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:06:41: Last Runtime: 31.22 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:06:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:06:56: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:07:05: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:07:20: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:07:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:07:29: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:07:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:07:44: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:07:53: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:08:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:08:11: Cellar - Found position 1079, 270
    02/07/2012 07:08:31: Gold: 6300254, Gold Delt: 6950, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:08:33: Last Runtime: 31.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:08:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:08:51: Cellar - Found position 1093, 263
    02/07/2012 07:09:12: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 07:09:19: Gold: 6303296, Gold Delt: 3042, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:09:20: Last Runtime: 38.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:09:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:09:38: Cellar - Found position 1080, 274
    02/07/2012 07:09:58: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:10:04: Gold: 6315926, Gold Delt: 12630, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:10:06: Last Runtime: 36.35 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:10:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:10:23: Cellar - Found position 1130, 243
    02/07/2012 07:10:44: Gold: 6325331, Gold Delt: 9405, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:10:46: Last Runtime: 31.27 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:11:01: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:11:01: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:11:10: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:11:26: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:11:29: Cellar - Found position 1094, 259
    02/07/2012 07:11:50: Gold: 6331913, Gold Delt: 6582, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:11:53: Last Runtime: 34.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:12:08: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:12:08: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:12:17: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:12:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:12:34: Cellar - Found position 1094, 282
    02/07/2012 07:12:57: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 07:12:58: Gold: 6341716, Gold Delt: 9803, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:13:00: Last Runtime: 33.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:13:15: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:13:15: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:13:24: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:13:39: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:13:39: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:13:48: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:14:03: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:14:03: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:14:12: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:14:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:14:29: Cellar - Found position 1075, 238
    02/07/2012 07:14:50: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 07:14:57: Gold: 6348840, Gold Delt: 7124, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:15:15: Stash full Using next tab
    02/07/2012 07:15:16: Stashed Items: 20
    02/07/2012 07:15:30: Sold Items: 19, Sold value: 6589
    02/07/2012 07:15:31: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 07:15:32: Last Runtime: 70.79 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:15:46: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:15:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:15:56: Last Runtime: 15.23 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:16:11: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:16:11: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:16:20: Last Runtime: 15.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:16:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:16:38: Cellar - Found position 1080, 262
    02/07/2012 07:16:59: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 07:17:05: Gold: 6365767, Gold Delt: 10338, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:17:07: Last Runtime: 37.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:17:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:17:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:17:31: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:17:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:17:48: Cellar - Found position 1040, 249
    02/07/2012 07:18:05: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:18:11: Gold: 6369732, Gold Delt: 3965, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:18:13: Last Runtime: 32.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:18:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:18:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:18:37: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:18:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:18:54: Cellar - Found position 1112, 251
    02/07/2012 07:19:18: Gold: 6381533, Gold Delt: 11801, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:19:21: Last Runtime: 35.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:19:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:19:39: Cellar - Found position 1087, 253
    02/07/2012 07:19:59: Gold: 6389858, Gold Delt: 8325, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:20:01: Last Runtime: 30.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:20:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:20:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:20:25: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:20:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:20:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:20:49: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:21:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:21:06: Cellar - Found position 1085, 267
    02/07/2012 07:21:29: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 07:21:30: Gold: 6396385, Gold Delt: 6527, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:21:32: Last Runtime: 34.13 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:21:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:21:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:21:56: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:22:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:22:14: Cellar - Found position 1092, 265
    02/07/2012 07:22:36: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 07:22:37: Gold: 6400582, Gold Delt: 4197, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:22:39: Last Runtime: 34.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:22:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:22:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:23:03: Last Runtime: 15.21 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:23:18: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:23:18: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:23:27: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:23:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:23:45: Cellar - Found position 1070, 285
    02/07/2012 07:24:06: Gold: 6411047, Gold Delt: 10465, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:24:08: Last Runtime: 32.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:24:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:24:26: Cellar - Found position 1120, 233
    02/07/2012 07:24:48: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 07:24:54: Gold: 6416244, Gold Delt: 5197, Items: 5, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:24:56: Last Runtime: 38.79 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:25:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:25:14: Cellar - Found position 1077, 273
    02/07/2012 07:25:37: Gold: 6423200, Gold Delt: 6956, Items: 4, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:25:39: Last Runtime: 34.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:25:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:25:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:26:03: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:26:18: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:26:18: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:26:27: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:26:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:26:45: Cellar - Found position 1062, 247
    02/07/2012 07:27:04: Gold: 6435871, Gold Delt: 12671, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:27:07: Last Runtime: 30.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:27:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:27:24: Cellar - Found position 1086, 255
    02/07/2012 07:27:44: Gold: 6441224, Gold Delt: 5353, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:27:46: Last Runtime: 30.37 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:28:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:28:04: Cellar - Found position 1080, 252
    02/07/2012 07:28:24: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 07:28:31: Gold: 6447998, Gold Delt: 6774, Items: 4, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:28:42: Stashed Items: 2
    02/07/2012 07:28:55: Sold Items: 15, Sold value: 7271
    02/07/2012 07:28:56: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 07:28:57: Last Runtime: 61.36 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:29:11: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:29:12: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:29:21: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:29:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:29:38: Cellar - Found position 1139, 281
    02/07/2012 07:29:56: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:30:02: Gold: 6462537, Gold Delt: 7268, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:30:04: Last Runtime: 34.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:30:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:30:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:30:28: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:30:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:30:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:30:52: Last Runtime: 15.27 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:31:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:31:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:31:16: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:31:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:31:34: Cellar - Found position 1077, 282
    02/07/2012 07:31:54: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:32:00: Gold: 6477637, Gold Delt: 5000, Items: 4, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:32:02: Last Runtime: 36.65 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:32:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:32:17: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:32:26: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:32:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:32:43: Cellar - Found position 1081, 264
    02/07/2012 07:33:02: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 07:33:09: Gold: 6481623, Gold Delt: 3986, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:33:10: Last Runtime: 35.71 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:33:25: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:33:25: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:33:34: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:33:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:33:52: Cellar - Found position 1092, 246
    02/07/2012 07:34:13: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 07:34:20: Gold: 6487144, Gold Delt: 5521, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:34:21: Last Runtime: 38.21 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:34:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:34:39: Cellar - Found position 1082, 237
    02/07/2012 07:34:58: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:35:04: Gold: 6491231, Gold Delt: 4087, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:35:06: Last Runtime: 35.47 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:35:21: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:35:21: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:35:30: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:35:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:35:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:35:54: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:36:09: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:36:09: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:36:18: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:36:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:36:35: Cellar - Found position 1060, 280
    02/07/2012 07:36:55: Gold: 6501389, Gold Delt: 10158, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:36:57: Last Runtime: 30.59 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:37:19: Last Runtime: 12.62 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:37:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:37:38: Cellar - Found position 1052, 268
    02/07/2012 07:37:58: Gold: 6511260, Gold Delt: 9871, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:38:01: Last Runtime: 33.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:38:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:38:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:38:25: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:38:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:38:43: Cellar - Found position 1070, 263
    02/07/2012 07:39:03: Gold: 6515340, Gold Delt: 4080, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:39:05: Last Runtime: 31.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:39:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:39:23: Cellar - Found position 1090, 248
    02/07/2012 07:39:44: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 07:39:50: Gold: 6519755, Gold Delt: 4415, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:39:52: Last Runtime: 37.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:40:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:40:10: Cellar - Found position 1066, 238
    02/07/2012 07:40:30: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:40:37: Gold: 6528794, Gold Delt: 9039, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:40:48: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 07:41:01: Sold Items: 16, Sold value: 6666
    02/07/2012 07:41:02: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 07:41:03: Last Runtime: 61.59 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:41:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:41:20: Cellar - Found position 1047, 251
    02/07/2012 07:41:39: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:41:46: Gold: 6543237, Gold Delt: 7777, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:41:47: Last Runtime: 35.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:42:02: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:42:02: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:42:11: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:42:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:42:26: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:42:35: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:42:50: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:42:50: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:42:59: Last Runtime: 15.25 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:43:14: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:43:14: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:43:23: Last Runtime: 15.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:43:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:43:42: Cellar - Found position 1117, 238
    02/07/2012 07:44:01: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 07:44:07: Gold: 6551030, Gold Delt: 7793, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:44:09: Last Runtime: 36.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:44:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:44:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:44:36: Last Runtime: 17.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:44:39: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:44:45: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:45:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:45:00: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:45:09: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:45:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:45:27: Cellar - Found position 1099, 263
    02/07/2012 07:45:47: Gold: 6557708, Gold Delt: 6678, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 07:45:50: Last Runtime: 31.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:46:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:46:07: Cellar - Found position 1095, 272
    02/07/2012 07:46:28: Gold: 6562901, Gold Delt: 5193, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:46:30: Last Runtime: 31.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:46:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:46:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:46:54: Last Runtime: 15.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:47:09: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:47:12: Cellar - Found position 1107, 279
    02/07/2012 07:47:33: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 07:47:40: Gold: 6571650, Gold Delt: 8749, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:47:41: Last Runtime: 37.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:47:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:47:59: Cellar - Found position 1073, 274
    02/07/2012 07:48:20: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 07:48:26: Gold: 6575708, Gold Delt: 4058, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:48:28: Last Runtime: 37.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:48:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:48:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:48:46: Last Runtime: 9.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:48:50: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:48:55: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:49:11: Last Runtime: 4.68 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:49:30: Last Runtime: 23.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:49:33: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:49:39: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:49:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:49:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:49:57: Last Runtime: 9.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:50:00: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:50:06: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:50:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:50:24: Cellar - Found position 1079, 247
    02/07/2012 07:50:44: Gold: 6584198, Gold Delt: 8490, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:50:47: Last Runtime: 31.62 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:51:02: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:51:04: Cellar - Found position 1103, 238
    02/07/2012 07:51:26: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:51:32: Gold: 6589091, Gold Delt: 4893, Items: 5, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:51:34: Last Runtime: 38.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:51:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:51:51: Cellar - Found position 1085, 255
    02/07/2012 07:52:11: Gold: 6594626, Gold Delt: 5535, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:52:14: Last Runtime: 31.77 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:52:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:52:32: Cellar - Found position 1086, 269
    02/07/2012 07:52:53: Gold: 6599484, Gold Delt: 4858, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:52:56: Last Runtime: 32.59 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:53:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:53:14: Cellar - Found position 1105, 243
    02/07/2012 07:53:39: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 07:53:41: Gold: 6605522, Gold Delt: 6038, Items: 2, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:53:42: Last Runtime: 37.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:53:57: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:53:57: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:54:06: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:54:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:54:24: Cellar - Found position 1120, 229
    02/07/2012 07:54:47: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 07:54:48: Gold: 6613913, Gold Delt: 8391, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:54:49: Last Runtime: 34.5 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:55:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:55:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:55:13: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:55:29: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:55:29: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:55:34: Last Runtime: 11.23 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:55:37: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:55:43: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:55:58: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:55:58: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:56:02: Last Runtime: 9.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:56:05: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:56:11: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:56:26: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:56:29: Cellar - Found position 1104, 236
    02/07/2012 07:56:49: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:56:59: Gold: 6621796, Gold Delt: 7883, Items: 3, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:57:10: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 07:57:25: Sold Items: 21, Sold value: 8465
    02/07/2012 07:57:27: Repair Cost: 3707
    02/07/2012 07:57:27: Last Runtime: 66.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:57:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:57:45: Cellar - Found position 1082, 256
    02/07/2012 07:58:05: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:58:11: Gold: 6631373, Gold Delt: 4819, Items: 4, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:58:13: Last Runtime: 36.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:58:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:58:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:58:37: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:58:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:58:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:59:01: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:59:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:59:18: Cellar - Found position 1077, 297
    02/07/2012 07:59:34: Cellar was found but didnt end up there
    02/07/2012 07:59:36: You have died
    02/07/2012 07:59:37: Last Runtime: 26.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:00:35: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:00:35: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:00:44: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:00:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:01:01: Cellar - Found position 1060, 263
    02/07/2012 08:01:23: Gold: 6636514, Gold Delt: 5141, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:01:25: Last Runtime: 32.61 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:01:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:01:43: Cellar - Found position 1102, 263
    02/07/2012 08:02:09: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 08:02:10: Gold: 6651271, Gold Delt: 14757, Items: 5, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:02:11: Last Runtime: 36.76 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:02:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:02:29: Cellar - Found position 1083, 246
    02/07/2012 08:02:50: Gold: 6661775, Gold Delt: 10504, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:02:52: Last Runtime: 32.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:03:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:03:10: Cellar - Found position 1100, 281
    02/07/2012 08:03:31: Gold: 6667713, Gold Delt: 5938, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:03:33: Last Runtime: 32.16 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:03:48: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:03:48: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:03:57: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:04:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:04:15: Cellar - Found position 1066, 255
    02/07/2012 08:04:34: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:04:41: Gold: 6674636, Gold Delt: 6923, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:04:42: Last Runtime: 35.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:04:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:05:00: Cellar - Found position 1084, 268
    02/07/2012 08:05:19: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:05:26: Gold: 6680851, Gold Delt: 6215, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:05:28: Last Runtime: 36.63 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:05:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:05:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:05:53: Last Runtime: 15.77 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:06:08: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:06:08: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:06:18: Last Runtime: 16.23 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:06:33: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:06:33: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:06:42: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:06:57: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:06:57: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:07:06: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:07:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:07:23: Cellar - Found position 1090, 259
    02/07/2012 08:07:46: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 08:07:53: Gold: 6686914, Gold Delt: 6063, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:07:55: Last Runtime: 39.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:08:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:08:12: Cellar - Found position 1060, 245
    02/07/2012 08:08:33: Gold: 6691315, Gold Delt: 4401, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:08:36: Last Runtime: 32.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:08:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:08:53: Cellar - Found position 1081, 251
    02/07/2012 08:09:12: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:09:19: Gold: 6697441, Gold Delt: 6126, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:09:20: Last Runtime: 35.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:09:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:09:39: Cellar - Found position 1078, 272
    02/07/2012 08:09:44: OnCellar Recovery Success from ontop
    02/07/2012 08:10:03: Gold: 6702603, Gold Delt: 5162, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:10:15: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 08:10:28: Sold Items: 17, Sold value: 6395
    02/07/2012 08:10:29: Repair Cost: 3707
    02/07/2012 08:10:30: Last Runtime: 60.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:10:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:10:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:10:54: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:11:09: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:11:12: Cellar - Found position 1116, 245
    02/07/2012 08:11:31: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:11:38: Gold: 6715852, Gold Delt: 10561, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:11:40: Last Runtime: 36.63 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:11:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:11:57: Cellar - Found position 1080, 241
    02/07/2012 08:12:17: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:12:23: Gold: 6722728, Gold Delt: 6876, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:12:25: Last Runtime: 36.21 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:12:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:12:43: Cellar - Found position 1067, 263
    02/07/2012 08:13:04: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 08:13:10: Gold: 6732123, Gold Delt: 9395, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:13:12: Last Runtime: 37.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:13:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:13:29: Cellar - Found position 1094, 263
    02/07/2012 08:13:49: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:13:56: Gold: 6740009, Gold Delt: 7886, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:13:58: Last Runtime: 36.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:14:12: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:14:12: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:14:21: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:14:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:14:39: Cellar - Found position 1084, 280
    02/07/2012 08:15:02: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 08:15:08: Gold: 6747309, Gold Delt: 7300, Items: 4, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:15:10: Last Runtime: 39.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:15:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:15:27: Cellar - Found position 1066, 276
    02/07/2012 08:15:49: Gold: 6757986, Gold Delt: 10677, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:15:51: Last Runtime: 32.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:16:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:16:08: Cellar - Found position 1075, 262
    02/07/2012 08:16:30: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 08:16:37: Gold: 6766495, Gold Delt: 8509, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:16:38: Last Runtime: 38.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:16:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:16:56: Cellar - Found position 1083, 260
    02/07/2012 08:17:15: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:17:22: Gold: 6772982, Gold Delt: 6487, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:17:23: Last Runtime: 36.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:17:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:17:41: Cellar - Found position 1105, 275
    02/07/2012 08:18:01: Gold: 6777711, Gold Delt: 4729, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:18:04: Last Runtime: 31.48 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:18:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:18:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:18:28: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:18:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:18:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:18:52: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:19:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:19:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:19:16: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:19:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:19:34: Cellar - Found position 1090, 270
    02/07/2012 08:19:56: Gold: 6785976, Gold Delt: 8265, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:19:58: Last Runtime: 33.55 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:20:13: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:20:13: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:20:22: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:20:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:20:40: Cellar - Found position 1090, 265
    02/07/2012 08:21:02: Gold: 6795028, Gold Delt: 9052, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:21:15: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 08:21:28: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 7189
    02/07/2012 08:21:30: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 08:21:30: Last Runtime: 58.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:21:45: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:21:48: Cellar - Found position 1095, 277
    02/07/2012 08:22:10: Gold: 6807001, Gold Delt: 4784, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:22:12: Last Runtime: 32.74 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:22:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:22:30: Cellar - Found position 1082, 272
    02/07/2012 08:22:52: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 08:22:59: Gold: 6811119, Gold Delt: 4118, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:23:00: Last Runtime: 39.37 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:23:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:23:18: Cellar - Found position 1091, 245
    02/07/2012 08:23:37: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:23:44: Gold: 6816439, Gold Delt: 5320, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:23:45: Last Runtime: 36.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:24:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:24:03: Cellar - Found position 1093, 249
    02/07/2012 08:24:23: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 08:24:29: Gold: 6826749, Gold Delt: 10310, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:24:31: Last Runtime: 36.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:24:46: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:24:46: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:24:55: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:25:10: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:25:10: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:25:15: Last Runtime: 11.29 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:25:19: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:25:24: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:25:38: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:25:38: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:25:47: Last Runtime: 15.18 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:26:02: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:26:02: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:26:11: Last Runtime: 14.75 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:26:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:26:26: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:26:35: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:26:49: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:26:50: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:26:59: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:27:13: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:27:14: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:27:22: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:27:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:27:40: Cellar - Found position 1090, 256
    02/07/2012 08:28:00: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 08:28:07: Gold: 6832193, Gold Delt: 5444, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:28:08: Last Runtime: 36.49 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:28:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:28:26: Cellar - Found position 1096, 260
    02/07/2012 08:28:47: Gold: 6839169, Gold Delt: 6976, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:28:49: Last Runtime: 32.5 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:29:05: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:29:05: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:29:14: Last Runtime: 15.45 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:29:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:29:32: Cellar - Found position 1096, 275
    02/07/2012 08:29:54: Gold: 6847549, Gold Delt: 8380, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:29:56: Last Runtime: 33.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:30:11: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:30:11: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:30:20: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:30:35: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:30:35: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:30:45: Last Runtime: 15.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:31:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:31:02: Cellar - Found position 1061, 277
    02/07/2012 08:31:23: Gold: 6855183, Gold Delt: 7634, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:31:31: Last Runtime: 37.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:31:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:31:48: Cellar - Found position 1085, 260
    02/07/2012 08:32:12: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:32:19: Gold: 6861845, Gold Delt: 6662, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:32:20: Last Runtime: 40.74 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:32:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:32:38: Cellar - Found position 1072, 267
    02/07/2012 08:33:04: Gold: 6865984, Gold Delt: 4139, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:33:07: Last Runtime: 37.2 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:33:21: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:33:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:33:25: Last Runtime: 9.59 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:33:29: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:33:34: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:33:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:33:52: Cellar - Found position 1093, 257
    02/07/2012 08:34:13: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 08:34:19: Gold: 6874569, Gold Delt: 8585, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:34:30: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 08:34:44: Sold Items: 20, Sold value: 5462
    02/07/2012 08:34:46: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 08:34:46: Last Runtime: 62.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:35:01: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:35:01: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:35:05: Last Runtime: 9.53 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:35:08: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:35:14: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:35:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:35:32: Cellar - Found position 1081, 263
    02/07/2012 08:35:48: Cellar was found but didnt end up there
    02/07/2012 08:35:51: Last Runtime: 28.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:35:55: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:36:00: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:36:15: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:36:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:36:25: Last Runtime: 15.22 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:36:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:36:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:36:49: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:37:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:37:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:37:13: Last Runtime: 15.28 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:37:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:37:31: Cellar - Found position 1101, 262
    02/07/2012 08:37:50: Gold: 6887827, Gold Delt: 7796, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:37:53: Last Runtime: 30.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:38:08: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:38:08: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:38:17: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:38:32: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:38:32: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:38:41: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:38:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:38:59: Cellar - Found position 1077, 280
    02/07/2012 08:39:18: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:39:24: Gold: 6893852, Gold Delt: 6025, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:39:26: Last Runtime: 36.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:39:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:39:44: Cellar - Found position 1085, 259
    02/07/2012 08:40:04: Gold: 6902165, Gold Delt: 8313, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:40:06: Last Runtime: 30.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:40:21: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:40:21: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:40:30: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:40:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:40:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:40:57: Last Runtime: 17.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:41:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:41:41: Cellar - Found position 1072, 247
    02/07/2012 08:42:03: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 08:42:10: Gold: 6912163, Gold Delt: 9998, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:42:11: Last Runtime: 38.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:42:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:42:26: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:42:30: Last Runtime: 9.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:42:33: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:42:39: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:42:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:42:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:43:03: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:43:18: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:43:18: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:43:27: Last Runtime: 15.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:43:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:43:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:43:51: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:44:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:44:09: Cellar - Found position 1095, 252
    02/07/2012 08:44:30: Gold: 6917379, Gold Delt: 5216, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:44:33: Last Runtime: 32.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:44:48: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:44:48: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:44:57: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:45:12: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:45:12: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:45:21: Last Runtime: 15.31 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:45:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:45:39: Cellar - Found position 1074, 265
    02/07/2012 08:46:02: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:46:08: Gold: 6923561, Gold Delt: 6182, Items: 2, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:46:10: Last Runtime: 39.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:46:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:46:28: Cellar - Found position 1115, 244
    02/07/2012 08:46:47: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 08:46:54: Gold: 6935618, Gold Delt: 12057, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:46:55: Last Runtime: 36.47 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:47:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:47:13: Cellar - Found position 1083, 247
    02/07/2012 08:47:34: Gold: 6941766, Gold Delt: 6148, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:47:36: Last Runtime: 31.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:47:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:47:54: Cellar - Found position 1098, 251
    02/07/2012 08:48:19: Gold: 6950899, Gold Delt: 9133, Items: 4, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 08:48:30: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 08:48:42: Sold Items: 15, Sold value: 6476
    02/07/2012 08:48:43: Repair Cost: 3707
    02/07/2012 08:48:44: Last Runtime: 59.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:48:59: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:48:59: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:49:08: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:49:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:49:26: Cellar - Found position 1080, 261
    02/07/2012 08:49:47: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 08:49:48: Gold: 6960314, Gold Delt: 6646, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:49:49: Last Runtime: 32.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:50:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:50:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:50:13: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:50:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:50:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:50:32: Last Runtime: 9.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:50:35: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:50:41: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:50:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:50:56: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:51:05: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:51:20: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:51:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:51:29: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:51:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:51:44: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:51:53: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:52:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:52:11: Cellar - Found position 1077, 247
    02/07/2012 08:52:34: Gold: 6966908, Gold Delt: 6594, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:52:36: Last Runtime: 33.77 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:52:51: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:52:51: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:53:00: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:53:15: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:53:15: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:53:19: Last Runtime: 9.5 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:53:22: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:53:28: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:53:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:53:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:53:48: Last Runtime: 11 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:53:51: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:53:57: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:54:12: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:54:12: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:54:21: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:54:36: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:54:36: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:54:46: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:55:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:55:01: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:55:09: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:55:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:55:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:55:33: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:55:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:55:51: Cellar - Found position 1077, 245
    02/07/2012 08:56:14: Gold: 6971299, Gold Delt: 4391, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:56:16: Last Runtime: 33.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:56:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:56:34: Cellar - Found position 1081, 231
    02/07/2012 08:56:57: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 08:57:05: Gold: 6977637, Gold Delt: 6338, Items: 4, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:57:06: Last Runtime: 40.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:57:21: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:57:21: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:57:24: Last Runtime: 9.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:57:28: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:57:33: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:57:49: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:57:49: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:57:58: Last Runtime: 15.83 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:58:13: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:58:13: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:58:22: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:58:37: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:58:37: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:58:46: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:59:01: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:59:01: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:59:10: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:59:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:59:28: Cellar - Found position 1070, 233
    02/07/2012 08:59:48: Gold: 6984869, Gold Delt: 7232, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:59:50: Last Runtime: 31.22 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:00:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:00:08: Cellar - Found position 1094, 259
    02/07/2012 09:00:32: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 09:00:38: Gold: 6994766, Gold Delt: 9897, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:00:40: Last Runtime: 40.36 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:00:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:00:58: Cellar - Found position 1083, 235
    02/07/2012 09:01:20: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 09:01:21: Gold: 7004392, Gold Delt: 9626, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:01:22: Last Runtime: 33.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:01:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:01:40: Cellar - Found position 1056, 252
    02/07/2012 09:02:02: Gold: 7009315, Gold Delt: 4923, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:02:05: Last Runtime: 33.83 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:02:20: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:02:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:02:29: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:02:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:02:47: Cellar - Found position 1078, 279
    02/07/2012 09:03:07: Gold: 7017670, Gold Delt: 8355, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:03:10: Last Runtime: 31.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:03:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:03:28: Cellar - Found position 1063, 290
    02/07/2012 09:03:55: Gold: 7025638, Gold Delt: 7968, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:03:58: Last Runtime: 38.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:04:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:04:16: Cellar - Found position 1098, 261
    02/07/2012 09:04:41: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 09:04:47: Gold: 7037864, Gold Delt: 12226, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:04:49: Last Runtime: 41.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:05:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:05:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:05:13: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:05:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:05:31: Cellar - Found position 1098, 236
    02/07/2012 09:05:50: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:05:56: Gold: 7041447, Gold Delt: 3583, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:06:07: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 09:06:23: Sold Items: 22, Sold value: 7812
    02/07/2012 09:06:24: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 09:06:25: Last Runtime: 62.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:06:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:06:43: Cellar - Found position 1063, 241
    02/07/2012 09:07:01: Gold: 7054201, Gold Delt: 4942, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:07:04: Last Runtime: 30.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:07:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:07:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:07:28: Last Runtime: 15.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:07:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:07:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:07:52: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:08:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:08:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:08:10: Last Runtime: 9.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:08:14: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:08:19: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:08:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:08:37: Cellar - Found position 1075, 283
    02/07/2012 09:08:58: Gold: 7064252, Gold Delt: 10051, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:09:01: Last Runtime: 32.25 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:09:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:09:19: Cellar - Found position 1090, 268
    02/07/2012 09:09:41: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:09:48: Gold: 7074279, Gold Delt: 10027, Items: 5, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:09:49: Last Runtime: 39.62 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:10:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:10:07: Cellar - Found position 1084, 287
    02/07/2012 09:10:25: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:10:31: Gold: 7079617, Gold Delt: 5338, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:10:33: Last Runtime: 34.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:10:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:10:50: Cellar - Found position 1110, 264
    02/07/2012 09:11:11: Gold: 7092758, Gold Delt: 13141, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:11:13: Last Runtime: 31.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:11:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:11:29: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:11:37: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:11:51: Last Runtime: 4.71 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:12:07: Last Runtime: 21.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:12:11: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:12:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:12:30: Cellar - Found position 1085, 265
    02/07/2012 09:12:34: OnCellar Recovery Success from ontop
    02/07/2012 09:12:50: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:12:57: Gold: 7098588, Gold Delt: 5830, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:12:58: Last Runtime: 36.46 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:13:13: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:13:13: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:13:22: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:13:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:13:40: Cellar - Found position 1093, 252
    02/07/2012 09:14:00: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:14:06: Gold: 7104176, Gold Delt: 5588, Items: 5, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:14:08: Last Runtime: 36.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:14:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:14:26: Cellar - Found position 1052, 284
    02/07/2012 09:14:48: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 09:14:54: Gold: 7114337, Gold Delt: 10161, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:14:56: Last Runtime: 38.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:15:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:15:14: Cellar - Found position 1084, 235
    02/07/2012 09:15:33: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:15:40: Gold: 7121225, Gold Delt: 6888, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:15:41: Last Runtime: 36.53 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:15:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:15:56: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:16:05: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:16:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:16:23: Cellar - Found position 1071, 260
    02/07/2012 09:16:44: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 09:16:50: Gold: 7130687, Gold Delt: 9462, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 09:16:51: Last Runtime: 37.2 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:17:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:17:09: Cellar - Found position 1110, 250
    02/07/2012 09:17:34: Gold: 7140234, Gold Delt: 9547, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:17:46: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 09:18:00: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 5976
    02/07/2012 09:18:01: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 09:18:02: Last Runtime: 61.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:18:17: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:18:20: Cellar - Found position 1084, 259
    02/07/2012 09:18:41: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 09:18:48: Gold: 7153392, Gold Delt: 7182, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:18:49: Last Runtime: 38.61 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:19:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:19:07: Cellar - Found position 1061, 221
    02/07/2012 09:19:30: Gold: 7163759, Gold Delt: 10367, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 09:19:32: Last Runtime: 33.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:19:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:19:50: Cellar - Found position 1057, 247
    02/07/2012 09:20:12: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:20:19: Gold: 7168552, Gold Delt: 4793, Items: 6, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:20:20: Last Runtime: 39.16 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:20:35: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:20:35: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:20:40: Last Runtime: 11.28 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:20:44: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:20:50: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:21:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:21:08: Cellar - Found position 1090, 269
    02/07/2012 09:21:28: Gold: 7181196, Gold Delt: 12644, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:21:31: Last Runtime: 31.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:21:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:21:48: Cellar - Found position 1082, 273
    02/07/2012 09:22:09: Gold: 7189302, Gold Delt: 8106, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:22:11: Last Runtime: 31.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:22:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:22:27: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:22:36: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:22:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:22:53: Cellar - Found position 1097, 210
    02/07/2012 09:23:12: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:23:15: Gold: 7196384, Gold Delt: 7082, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    02/07/2012 09:23:22: Last Runtime: 37.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:23:38: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:23:38: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:23:47: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:24:02: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:24:05: Cellar - Found position 1082, 260
    02/07/2012 09:24:25: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 09:24:32: Gold: 7209628, Gold Delt: 13244, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:24:33: Last Runtime: 37.34 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:24:48: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:24:48: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:24:52: Last Runtime: 9.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:24:55: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:25:01: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:25:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:25:17: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:25:27: Last Runtime: 16.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:25:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:25:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:25:51: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:26:06: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:26:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:26:15: Last Runtime: 15.25 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:26:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:26:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:26:39: Last Runtime: 15.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:26:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:26:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:27:03: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:27:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:27:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:27:28: Last Runtime: 15.7 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:27:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:27:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:27:52: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:28:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:28:10: Cellar - Found position 1065, 239
    02/07/2012 09:28:29: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 09:28:35: Gold: 7217505, Gold Delt: 7877, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:28:37: Last Runtime: 35.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:28:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:28:55: Cellar - Found position 1090, 269
    02/07/2012 09:29:14: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:29:21: Gold: 7223889, Gold Delt: 6384, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:29:22: Last Runtime: 36.55 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:29:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:29:40: Cellar - Found position 1075, 270
    02/07/2012 09:30:00: Gold: 7231071, Gold Delt: 7182, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:30:02: Last Runtime: 30.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:30:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:30:17: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:30:26: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:30:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:30:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:30:51: Last Runtime: 15.25 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:31:06: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:31:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:31:15: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:31:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:31:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:31:39: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:31:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:31:56: Cellar - Found position 1073, 248
    02/07/2012 09:32:16: Gold: 7235958, Gold Delt: 4887, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:32:28: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 09:32:40: Sold Items: 16, Sold value: 7757
    02/07/2012 09:32:42: Repair Cost: 3707
    02/07/2012 09:32:42: Last Runtime: 55.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:32:57: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:32:58: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:33:06: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:33:10: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:33:16: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:33:32: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:33:32: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:33:41: Last Runtime: 15.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:33:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:33:59: Cellar - Found position 1081, 279
    02/07/2012 09:34:20: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 09:34:26: Gold: 7246937, Gold Delt: 6929, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:34:27: Last Runtime: 37.48 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:34:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:34:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:34:55: Last Runtime: 18.66 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:35:09: Last Runtime: 4.73 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:35:25: Last Runtime: 20.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:35:28: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:35:34: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:35:49: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:35:49: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:35:58: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:36:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:36:16: Cellar - Found position 1065, 273
    02/07/2012 09:36:36: Gold: 7256720, Gold Delt: 9783, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:36:39: Last Runtime: 31.71 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:36:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:36:57: Cellar - Found position 1103, 271
    02/07/2012 09:37:14: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:37:20: Gold: 7259492, Gold Delt: 2772, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 09:37:22: Last Runtime: 34.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:37:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:37:40: Cellar - Found position 1123, 239
    02/07/2012 09:38:00: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 09:38:06: Gold: 7271770, Gold Delt: 12278, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:38:08: Last Runtime: 36.68 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:38:23: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:38:23: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:38:32: Last Runtime: 15.29 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:38:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:38:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:38:56: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:39:11: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:39:11: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:39:20: Last Runtime: 15.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:39:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:39:38: Cellar - Found position 1112, 265
    02/07/2012 09:39:59: Gold: 7278587, Gold Delt: 6817, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:40:02: Last Runtime: 32.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:40:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:40:17: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:40:26: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:40:41: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:40:41: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:40:50: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:41:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:41:08: Cellar - Found position 1100, 281
    02/07/2012 09:41:29: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:41:35: Gold: 7289411, Gold Delt: 10824, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:41:37: Last Runtime: 38.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:41:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:41:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:42:01: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:42:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:42:19: Cellar - Found position 1078, 259
    02/07/2012 09:42:38: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:42:45: Gold: 7296786, Gold Delt: 7375, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:42:46: Last Runtime: 36.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:43:01: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:43:01: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:43:10: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:43:25: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:43:25: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:43:28: Last Runtime: 9.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:43:32: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:43:37: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:43:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:43:53: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:44:01: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:44:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:44:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:44:25: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:44:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:44:43: Cellar - Found position 1113, 248
    02/07/2012 09:45:03: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:45:09: Gold: 7303188, Gold Delt: 6402, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:45:11: Last Runtime: 36.52 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:45:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:45:26: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:45:31: Last Runtime: 11.45 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:45:35: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:45:41: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:45:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:45:59: Cellar - Found position 1075, 246
    02/07/2012 09:46:21: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 09:46:27: Gold: 7307671, Gold Delt: 4483, Items: 4, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:46:29: Last Runtime: 39.2 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:46:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:46:44: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:46:53: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:47:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:47:11: Cellar - Found position 1090, 257
    02/07/2012 09:47:30: Gold: 7315592, Gold Delt: 7921, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:47:32: Last Runtime: 30.71 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:47:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:47:50: Cellar - Found position 1086, 269
    02/07/2012 09:48:11: Gold: 7324520, Gold Delt: 8928, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:48:13: Last Runtime: 31.72 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:48:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:48:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:48:37: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:48:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:48:55: Cellar - Found position 1072, 258
    02/07/2012 09:49:15: Gold: 7335623, Gold Delt: 11103, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:49:26: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 09:49:38: Sold Items: 15, Sold value: 5152
    02/07/2012 09:49:40: Repair Cost: 3707
    02/07/2012 09:49:40: Last Runtime: 53.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:49:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:49:58: Cellar - Found position 1091, 233
    02/07/2012 09:50:17: Gold: 7342967, Gold Delt: 5899, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:50:20: Last Runtime: 30.48 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:50:35: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:50:35: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:50:44: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:50:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:51:01: Cellar - Found position 1065, 291
    02/07/2012 09:51:22: Gold: 7349642, Gold Delt: 6675, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:51:25: Last Runtime: 32.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:51:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:51:43: Cellar - Found position 1073, 220
    02/07/2012 09:52:03: Gold: 7356507, Gold Delt: 6865, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:52:05: Last Runtime: 31.6 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:52:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:52:23: Cellar - Found position 1108, 253
    02/07/2012 09:52:43: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:52:50: Gold: 7361852, Gold Delt: 5345, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:52:52: Last Runtime: 37.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:53:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:53:09: Cellar - Found position 1088, 243
    02/07/2012 09:53:31: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:53:37: Gold: 7370672, Gold Delt: 8820, Items: 4, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 09:53:39: Last Runtime: 38.19 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:53:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:53:57: Cellar - Found position 1078, 261
    02/07/2012 09:54:16: Gold: 7379852, Gold Delt: 9180, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:54:19: Last Runtime: 31.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:54:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:54:37: Cellar - Found position 1093, 252
    02/07/2012 09:54:58: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 09:55:00: Gold: 7386016, Gold Delt: 6164, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:55:01: Last Runtime: 33.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:55:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:55:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:55:25: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:55:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:55:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:55:49: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:56:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:56:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:56:13: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:56:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:56:31: Cellar - Found position 1102, 273
    02/07/2012 09:56:50: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:56:57: Gold: 7394908, Gold Delt: 8892, Items: 1, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:56:58: Last Runtime: 36.37 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:57:13: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:57:13: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:57:17: Last Runtime: 9.43 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:57:20: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:57:26: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:57:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:57:44: Cellar - Found position 1092, 266
    02/07/2012 09:58:04: Gold: 7404230, Gold Delt: 9322, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:58:06: Last Runtime: 31.35 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:58:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:58:24: Cellar - Found position 1103, 276
    02/07/2012 09:58:44: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:58:50: Gold: 7410555, Gold Delt: 6325, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:58:52: Last Runtime: 36.22 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:59:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:59:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:59:16: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:59:31: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:59:31: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:59:40: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:59:55: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:59:55: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:00:04: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:00:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:00:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:00:28: Last Runtime: 15.52 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:00:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:00:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:00:52: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:01:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:01:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:01:16: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:01:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:01:34: Cellar - Found position 1076, 240
    02/07/2012 10:01:52: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:01:59: Gold: 7415751, Gold Delt: 5196, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:02:00: Last Runtime: 35 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:02:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:02:18: Cellar - Found position 1055, 252
    02/07/2012 10:02:40: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:02:46: Gold: 7425013, Gold Delt: 9262, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:02:48: Last Runtime: 38.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:03:03: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:03:06: Cellar - Found position 1075, 262
    02/07/2012 10:03:26: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 10:03:32: Gold: 7430546, Gold Delt: 5533, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:03:43: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 10:03:55: Sold Items: 15, Sold value: 8194
    02/07/2012 10:03:56: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 10:03:57: Last Runtime: 60.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:04:12: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:04:12: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:04:21: Last Runtime: 15.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:04:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:04:39: Cellar - Found position 1079, 246
    02/07/2012 10:04:57: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:05:03: Gold: 7443012, Gold Delt: 4272, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 10:05:05: Last Runtime: 34.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:05:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:05:23: Cellar - Found position 1073, 256
    02/07/2012 10:05:44: Gold: 7451584, Gold Delt: 8572, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:05:47: Last Runtime: 32.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:06:02: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:06:02: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:06:14: Last Runtime: 17.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:06:28: Last Runtime: 4.65 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:06:43: Last Runtime: 20.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:06:47: Logged out
    02/07/2012 10:06:53: Logged out
    02/07/2012 10:07:08: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:07:08: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:07:17: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:07:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:07:35: Cellar - Found position 1093, 248
    02/07/2012 10:07:55: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 10:08:01: Gold: 7460937, Gold Delt: 9353, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:08:03: Last Runtime: 37.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:08:18: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:08:18: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:08:27: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:08:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:08:45: Cellar - Found position 1091, 259
    02/07/2012 10:09:03: Gold: 7460937, Gold Delt: 0, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:09:05: Last Runtime: 29.65 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:09:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:09:23: Cellar - Found position 1104, 251
    02/07/2012 10:09:42: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:09:49: Gold: 7466709, Gold Delt: 5772, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 10:09:50: Last Runtime: 35.68 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:10:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:10:08: Cellar - Found position 1087, 251
    02/07/2012 10:10:30: Gold: 7477739, Gold Delt: 11030, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:10:33: Last Runtime: 33.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:10:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:10:51: Cellar - Found position 1081, 268
    02/07/2012 10:11:09: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:11:16: Gold: 7484208, Gold Delt: 6469, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:11:17: Last Runtime: 35.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:11:32: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:11:32: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:11:41: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:11:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:11:56: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:12:05: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:12:25: Last Runtime: 10.63 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:12:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:12:43: Cellar - Found position 1080, 265
    02/07/2012 10:13:01: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 10:13:08: Gold: 7489288, Gold Delt: 5080, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:13:09: Last Runtime: 35.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:13:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:13:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:13:33: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:13:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:13:51: Cellar - Found position 1050, 283
    02/07/2012 10:14:09: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:14:15: Gold: 7497426, Gold Delt: 8138, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:14:16: Last Runtime: 34.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:14:31: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:14:31: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:14:40: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:14:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:14:56: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:15:05: Last Runtime: 15.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:15:20: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:15:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:15:29: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:15:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:15:44: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:15:53: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:16:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:16:11: Cellar - Found position 1124, 253
    02/07/2012 10:16:34: Gold: 7504764, Gold Delt: 7338, Items: 0, Gems: 4, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:16:41: Last Runtime: 39.62 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:17:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:17:26: Cellar - Found position 1075, 261
    02/07/2012 10:17:45: Gold: 7512257, Gold Delt: 7493, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:17:48: Last Runtime: 31.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:18:03: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:18:03: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:18:12: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:18:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:18:30: Cellar - Found position 1094, 284
    02/07/2012 10:18:50: Gold: 7517804, Gold Delt: 5547, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:18:53: Last Runtime: 31.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:19:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:19:11: Cellar - Found position 1077, 266
    02/07/2012 10:19:30: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:19:36: Gold: 7528425, Gold Delt: 10621, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:19:38: Last Runtime: 36.27 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:19:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:19:56: Cellar - Found position 1086, 263
    02/07/2012 10:20:23: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 10:20:25: Gold: 7538635, Gold Delt: 10210, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:20:35: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 10:20:46: Sold Items: 13, Sold value: 4890
    02/07/2012 10:20:48: Repair Cost: 3707
    02/07/2012 10:20:48: Last Runtime: 61.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:21:03: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:21:03: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:21:12: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:21:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:21:30: Cellar - Found position 1103, 237
    02/07/2012 10:21:50: Gold: 7544777, Gold Delt: 4959, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:21:52: Last Runtime: 31.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:22:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:22:10: Cellar - Found position 1088, 262
    02/07/2012 10:22:33: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 10:22:34: Gold: 7557007, Gold Delt: 12230, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:22:36: Last Runtime: 34.48 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:22:51: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:22:51: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:23:00: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:23:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:23:18: Cellar - Found position 1126, 254
    02/07/2012 10:23:35: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:23:42: Gold: 7564563, Gold Delt: 7556, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:23:43: Last Runtime: 34.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:23:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:24:01: Cellar - Found position 1073, 280
    02/07/2012 10:24:20: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:24:27: Gold: 7571164, Gold Delt: 6601, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:24:28: Last Runtime: 35.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:24:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:24:46: Cellar - Found position 1068, 230
    02/07/2012 10:25:05: Gold: 7571164, Gold Delt: 0, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:25:08: Last Runtime: 30.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:25:23: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:25:23: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:25:32: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:25:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:25:50: Cellar - Found position 1059, 270
    02/07/2012 10:26:08: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:26:14: Gold: 7577966, Gold Delt: 6802, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:26:15: Last Runtime: 34.61 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:26:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:26:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:26:39: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:26:53: Last Runtime: 4.71 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:27:06: Open Window
    02/07/2012 10:27:25: Last Runtime: 23.13 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:27:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:27:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:27:49: Last Runtime: 15.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:28:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:28:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:28:13: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:28:17: Logged out
    02/07/2012 10:28:23: Logged out
    02/07/2012 10:28:38: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:28:38: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:28:47: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:29:02: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:29:05: Cellar - Found position 1109, 249
    02/07/2012 10:29:25: Gold: 7586113, Gold Delt: 8147, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:29:29: Last Runtime: 33.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:29:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:29:44: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:29:53: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:30:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:30:11: Cellar - Found position 1110, 251
    02/07/2012 10:30:31: Gold: 7593569, Gold Delt: 7456, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:30:34: Last Runtime: 31.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:30:49: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:30:49: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:30:58: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:31:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:31:16: Cellar - Found position 1073, 262
    02/07/2012 10:31:37: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:31:45: Gold: 7603300, Gold Delt: 9731, Items: 4, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:31:46: Last Runtime: 39.46 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:32:01: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:32:01: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:32:10: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:32:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:32:28: Cellar - Found position 1077, 259
    02/07/2012 10:32:53: Gold: 7608043, Gold Delt: 4743, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:32:56: Last Runtime: 36.53 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:33:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:33:15: Cellar - Found position 1117, 263
    02/07/2012 10:33:38: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:33:45: Gold: 7616559, Gold Delt: 8516, Items: 4, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:33:46: Last Runtime: 41.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:34:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:34:04: Cellar - Found position 1102, 250
    02/07/2012 10:34:23: Gold: 7616559, Gold Delt: 0, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:34:35: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 10:34:46: Sold Items: 13, Sold value: 4554
    02/07/2012 10:34:47: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 10:34:48: Last Runtime: 52.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:35:03: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:35:06: Cellar - Found position 1086, 272
    02/07/2012 10:35:27: Gold: 7628346, Gold Delt: 7233, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:35:30: Last Runtime: 33.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:35:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:35:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:35:54: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:36:09: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:36:09: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:36:18: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:36:33: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:36:33: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:36:36: Last Runtime: 9.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:36:40: Logged out
    02/07/2012 10:36:45: Logged out
    02/07/2012 10:37:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:37:04: Cellar - Found position 980, 243
    02/07/2012 10:37:15: OnCellar Recovery Success using enhanced find
    02/07/2012 10:37:34: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 10:37:35: Gold: 7633835, Gold Delt: 5489, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    02/07/2012 10:37:37: Last Runtime: 42.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:37:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:37:55: Cellar - Found position 1086, 262
    02/07/2012 10:38:16: Gold: 7640657, Gold Delt: 6822, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:38:18: Last Runtime: 32.46 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:38:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:38:36: Cellar - Found position 1072, 284
    02/07/2012 10:38:58: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:39:04: Gold: 7647998, Gold Delt: 7341, Items: 9, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:39:06: Last Runtime: 38.79 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:39:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:39:24: Cellar - Found position 1107, 242
    02/07/2012 10:39:45: Gold: 7654506, Gold Delt: 6508, Items: 0, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:39:47: Last Runtime: 32.46 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:40:02: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:40:02: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:40:11: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:40:26: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:40:29: Cellar - Found position 1076, 294
    02/07/2012 10:40:51: Gold: 7662181, Gold Delt: 7675, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:40:54: Last Runtime: 33.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:41:09: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:41:09: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:41:18: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:41:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:41:36: Cellar - Found position 1079, 277
    02/07/2012 10:41:58: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 10:42:04: Gold: 7669165, Gold Delt: 6984, Items: 4, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:42:06: Last Runtime: 39.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:42:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:42:24: Cellar - Found position 1093, 269
    02/07/2012 10:42:44: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 10:42:50: Gold: 7674571, Gold Delt: 5406, Items: 5, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:42:52: Last Runtime: 37.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:43:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:43:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:43:16: Last Runtime: 15.28 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:43:31: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:43:31: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:43:40: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:43:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:43:58: Cellar - Found position 1081, 234
    02/07/2012 10:44:17: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 10:44:24: Gold: 7682198, Gold Delt: 7627, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:44:26: Last Runtime: 36.4 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:44:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:44:41: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:44:50: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:45:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:45:08: Cellar - Found position 1040, 257
    02/07/2012 10:45:29: Gold: 7688085, Gold Delt: 5887, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:45:31: Last Runtime: 32.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:45:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:45:49: Cellar - Found position 1094, 248
    02/07/2012 10:46:10: Gold: 7697229, Gold Delt: 9144, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:46:12: Last Runtime: 31.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:46:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:46:30: Cellar - Found position 1078, 237
    02/07/2012 10:46:53: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:47:00: Gold: 7703334, Gold Delt: 6105, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    02/07/2012 10:47:10: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 10:47:16: Somthing went wrong in town, retrying next time
    02/07/2012 10:47:16: Last Runtime: 54.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:47:35: Last Runtime: 73.25 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:47:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:47:56: Cellar - Found position 1070, 260
    02/07/2012 10:48:16: Gold: 7708474, Gold Delt: 5140, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:48:25: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 10:48:39: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 5929
    02/07/2012 10:48:40: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 10:48:41: Last Runtime: 56.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:48:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:48:59: Cellar - Found position 1106, 247
    02/07/2012 10:49:20: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:49:26: Gold: 7719710, Gold Delt: 5307, Items: 3, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:49:28: Last Runtime: 38.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:49:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:49:46: Cellar - Found position 1084, 270
    02/07/2012 10:50:06: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 10:50:13: Gold: 7728388, Gold Delt: 8678, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:50:14: Last Runtime: 37.72 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:50:30: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:50:33: Cellar - Found position 1074, 227
    02/07/2012 10:50:51: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:50:58: Gold: 7736804, Gold Delt: 8416, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:50:59: Last Runtime: 35.7 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:51:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:51:17: Cellar - Found position 1095, 255
    02/07/2012 10:51:37: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 10:51:45: Gold: 7745209, Gold Delt: 8405, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:51:46: Last Runtime: 37.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:52:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:52:04: Cellar - Found position 1073, 256
    02/07/2012 10:52:26: Gold: 7752319, Gold Delt: 7110, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 2, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:52:28: Last Runtime: 33.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:52:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:52:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:52:52: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:53:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:53:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:53:16: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:53:31: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:53:31: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:53:40: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:53:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:53:58: Cellar - Found position 1068, 265
    02/07/2012 10:54:18: Gold: 7761263, Gold Delt: 8944, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:54:21: Last Runtime: 31.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:54:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:54:39: Cellar - Found position 1081, 285
    02/07/2012 10:54:59: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 10:55:06: Gold: 7775105, Gold Delt: 13842, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:55:07: Last Runtime: 37.7 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:55:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:55:25: Cellar - Found position 1105, 255
    02/07/2012 10:55:46: Gold: 7783590, Gold Delt: 8485, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:55:48: Last Runtime: 31.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:56:03: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:56:03: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:56:12: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:56:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:56:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:56:37: Last Runtime: 16.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:56:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:56:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:57:01: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:57:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:57:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:57:25: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:57:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:57:43: Cellar - Found position 1088, 276
    02/07/2012 10:58:06: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 10:58:07: Gold: 7792661, Gold Delt: 9071, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:58:08: Last Runtime: 34.39 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:58:23: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:58:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:58:33: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:58:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:58:48: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:58:57: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:59:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:59:15: Cellar - Found position 1089, 261
    02/07/2012 10:59:37: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:59:44: Gold: 7801258, Gold Delt: 8597, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:59:45: Last Runtime: 39.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:00:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:00:00: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:00:09: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:00:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:00:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:00:33: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:00:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:00:52: Cellar - Found position 1062, 262
    02/07/2012 11:01:17: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 11:01:24: Gold: 7804674, Gold Delt: 3416, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:01:35: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 11:01:48: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 7076
    02/07/2012 11:01:50: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 11:01:50: Last Runtime: 67.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:02:05: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:02:05: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:02:14: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:02:29: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:02:29: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:02:38: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:02:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:02:57: Cellar - Found position 1070, 266
    02/07/2012 11:03:16: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 11:03:22: Gold: 7820000, Gold Delt: 8250, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:03:24: Last Runtime: 36.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:03:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:03:42: Cellar - Found position 1074, 249
    02/07/2012 11:04:02: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 11:04:09: Gold: 7826864, Gold Delt: 6864, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:04:10: Last Runtime: 37.32 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:04:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:04:28: Cellar - Found position 1131, 204
    02/07/2012 11:04:51: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 11:04:58: Gold: 7837303, Gold Delt: 10439, Items: 6, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:04:59: Last Runtime: 39.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:05:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:05:17: Cellar - Found position 1078, 256
    02/07/2012 11:05:41: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 11:05:42: Gold: 7842856, Gold Delt: 5553, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:05:44: Last Runtime: 35.62 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:05:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:06:02: Cellar - Found position 1080, 276
    02/07/2012 11:06:22: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:06:28: Gold: 7852477, Gold Delt: 9621, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:06:30: Last Runtime: 37.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:06:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:06:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:06:54: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:07:09: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:07:09: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:07:18: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:07:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:07:36: Cellar - Found position 1071, 254
    02/07/2012 11:07:59: Gold: 7859197, Gold Delt: 6720, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:08:03: Last Runtime: 36.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:08:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:08:44: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:08:53: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:09:08: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:09:08: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:09:17: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:09:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:09:35: Cellar - Found position 1077, 257
    02/07/2012 11:09:54: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:10:01: Gold: 7863246, Gold Delt: 4049, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:10:03: Last Runtime: 36.66 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:10:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:10:21: Cellar - Found position 1053, 261
    02/07/2012 11:10:40: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 11:10:46: Gold: 7871178, Gold Delt: 7932, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:10:48: Last Runtime: 35.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:11:03: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:11:06: Cellar - Found position 1090, 263
    02/07/2012 11:11:27: Gold: 7878963, Gold Delt: 7785, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:11:29: Last Runtime: 32.79 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:11:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:11:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:11:53: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:12:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:12:12: Cellar - Found position 1140, 273
    02/07/2012 11:12:31: Gold: 7878963, Gold Delt: 0, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:12:33: Last Runtime: 30.43 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:12:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:12:51: Cellar - Found position 1070, 249
    02/07/2012 11:13:08: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:13:15: Gold: 7884252, Gold Delt: 5289, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 11:13:16: Last Runtime: 34.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:13:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:13:34: Cellar - Found position 1061, 265
    02/07/2012 11:14:00: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:14:07: Gold: 7892973, Gold Delt: 8721, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:14:09: Last Runtime: 43.62 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:14:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:14:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:14:33: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:14:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:14:51: Cellar - Found position 1097, 269
    02/07/2012 11:15:11: Gold: 7899922, Gold Delt: 6949, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:15:22: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 11:15:35: Sold Items: 17, Sold value: 6196
    02/07/2012 11:15:37: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 11:15:37: Last Runtime: 55.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:15:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:15:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:16:01: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:16:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:16:19: Cellar - Found position 1097, 259
    02/07/2012 11:16:40: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 11:16:46: Gold: 7915307, Gold Delt: 9189, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:16:48: Last Runtime: 37.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:17:03: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:17:03: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:17:12: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:17:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:17:30: Cellar - Found position 1061, 249
    02/07/2012 11:17:48: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:17:55: Gold: 7920860, Gold Delt: 5553, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:17:56: Last Runtime: 35.49 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:18:11: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:18:11: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:18:20: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:18:35: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:18:36: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:18:45: Last Runtime: 15.29 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:19:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:19:00: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:19:12: Last Runtime: 18.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:19:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:19:56: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:20:05: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:20:20: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:20:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:20:30: Last Runtime: 15.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:20:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:20:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:20:54: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:21:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:21:14: Cellar - Found position 1084, 261
    02/07/2012 11:21:35: Gold: 7927334, Gold Delt: 6474, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:21:37: Last Runtime: 34.39 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:21:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:21:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:22:01: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:22:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:22:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:22:28: Last Runtime: 17.2 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:22:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:22:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:22:52: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:23:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:23:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:23:10: Last Runtime: 9.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:23:14: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:23:19: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:23:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:23:38: Cellar - Found position 1070, 270
    02/07/2012 11:23:58: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:24:05: Gold: 7933838, Gold Delt: 6504, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:24:06: Last Runtime: 37.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:24:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:24:25: Cellar - Found position 1070, 280
    02/07/2012 11:24:43: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 11:24:50: Gold: 7933838, Gold Delt: 0, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:24:52: Last Runtime: 36.36 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:25:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:25:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:25:10: Last Runtime: 9.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:25:14: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:25:20: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:25:35: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:25:35: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:25:44: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:25:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:26:02: Cellar - Found position 1082, 215
    02/07/2012 11:26:23: Gold: 7941037, Gold Delt: 7199, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:26:26: Last Runtime: 33.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:26:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:26:45: Cellar - Found position 1093, 261
    02/07/2012 11:27:02: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:27:09: Gold: 7947348, Gold Delt: 6311, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:27:11: Last Runtime: 35.59 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:27:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:27:26: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:27:35: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:27:50: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:27:50: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:27:59: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:28:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:28:17: Cellar - Found position 1048, 249
    02/07/2012 11:28:36: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 11:28:42: Gold: 7951944, Gold Delt: 4596, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:28:44: Last Runtime: 36.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:28:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:29:02: Cellar - Found position 1100, 275
    02/07/2012 11:29:32: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 11:29:33: Gold: 7965302, Gold Delt: 13358, Items: 4, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:29:41: Last Runtime: 48.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:29:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:29:56: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:30:05: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:30:20: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:30:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:30:29: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:30:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:30:44: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:30:53: Last Runtime: 15.32 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:31:08: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:31:08: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:31:17: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:31:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:31:36: Cellar - Found position 1076, 252
    02/07/2012 11:31:58: Gold: 7974694, Gold Delt: 9392, Items: 1, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:32:01: Last Runtime: 34.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:32:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:32:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:32:25: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:32:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:32:43: Cellar - Found position 1120, 245
    02/07/2012 11:33:06: Gold: 7982510, Gold Delt: 7816, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:33:09: Last Runtime: 34.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:33:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:33:27: Cellar - Found position 1070, 269
    02/07/2012 11:33:50: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:33:56: Gold: 7987831, Gold Delt: 5321, Items: 3, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:33:57: Last Runtime: 39.72 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:34:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:34:16: Cellar - Found position 1067, 237
    02/07/2012 11:34:41: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:34:47: Gold: 7992889, Gold Delt: 5058, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:34:58: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 11:35:08: Sold Items: 10, Sold value: 4012
    02/07/2012 11:35:09: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 11:35:10: Last Runtime: 63.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:35:25: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:35:25: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:35:34: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:35:37: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:35:43: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:35:58: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:35:58: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:36:04: Last Runtime: 11.29 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:36:07: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:36:13: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:36:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:36:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:36:37: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:36:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:36:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:37:01: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:37:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:37:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:37:25: Last Runtime: 15.36 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:37:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:37:44: Cellar - Found position 1082, 266
    02/07/2012 11:38:04: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:38:11: Gold: 8004737, Gold Delt: 7836, Items: 5, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:38:12: Last Runtime: 37.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:38:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:38:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:38:37: Last Runtime: 16.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:38:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:38:53: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:39:02: Last Runtime: 15.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:39:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:39:17: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:39:26: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:39:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:39:44: Cellar - Found position 1098, 273
    02/07/2012 11:40:07: Gold: 8010114, Gold Delt: 5377, Items: 0, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:40:09: Last Runtime: 33.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:40:23: Last Runtime: 4.69 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:40:39: Last Runtime: 20.53 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:40:54: Last Runtime: 36.35 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:41:09: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:41:10: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:41:19: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:41:34: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:41:34: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:41:43: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:41:58: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:41:58: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:42:07: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:42:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:42:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:42:31: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:42:46: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:42:46: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:42:55: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:43:10: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:43:10: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:43:19: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:43:34: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:43:34: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:43:43: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:43:58: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:43:58: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:44:07: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:44:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:44:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:44:31: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:44:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:44:50: Cellar - Found position 1131, 252
    02/07/2012 11:45:09: Gold: 8015361, Gold Delt: 5247, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:45:12: Last Runtime: 31.73 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:45:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:45:30: Cellar - Found position 1088, 262
    02/07/2012 11:45:51: Gold: 8022522, Gold Delt: 7161, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:45:53: Last Runtime: 32.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:46:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:46:11: Cellar - Found position 1091, 253
    02/07/2012 11:46:31: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:46:37: Gold: 8029592, Gold Delt: 7070, Items: 4, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:46:39: Last Runtime: 36.53 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:46:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:46:57: Cellar - Found position 1103, 257
    02/07/2012 11:47:19: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 11:47:20: Gold: 8034105, Gold Delt: 4513, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 11:47:21: Last Runtime: 33.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:47:37: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:47:37: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:47:40: Last Runtime: 9.65 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:47:43: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:47:49: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:48:05: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:48:05: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:48:14: Last Runtime: 15.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:48:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:48:32: Cellar - Found position 1099, 252
    02/07/2012 11:48:51: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:48:52: Gold: 8034105, Gold Delt: 0, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:49:00: Last Runtime: 36.6 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:49:03: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:49:09: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:49:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:49:27: Cellar - Found position 1074, 273
    02/07/2012 11:49:47: Gold: 8040388, Gold Delt: 6283, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:49:49: Last Runtime: 31.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:50:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:50:05: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:50:10: Last Runtime: 11.78 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:50:14: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:50:19: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:50:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:50:38: Cellar - Found position 1046, 258
    02/07/2012 11:50:58: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:51:04: Gold: 8047412, Gold Delt: 7024, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:51:06: Last Runtime: 36.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:51:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:51:24: Cellar - Found position 1071, 228
    02/07/2012 11:51:53: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 11:51:59: Gold: 8052855, Gold Delt: 5443, Items: 5, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:52:01: Last Runtime: 46.25 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:52:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:52:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:52:25: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:52:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:52:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:52:49: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:53:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:53:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:53:13: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:53:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:53:31: Cellar - Found position 1125, 246
    02/07/2012 11:53:53: Gold: 8059359, Gold Delt: 6504, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:54:05: Stashed Items: 2
    02/07/2012 11:54:13: Sold Items: 8, Sold value: 4341
    02/07/2012 11:54:15: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 11:54:15: Last Runtime: 53.48 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:54:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:54:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:54:34: Last Runtime: 9.7 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:54:37: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:54:43: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:54:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:55:02: Cellar - Found position 1097, 274
    02/07/2012 11:55:21: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 11:55:29: Gold: 8067951, Gold Delt: 4251, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:55:30: Last Runtime: 37.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:55:45: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:55:48: Cellar - Found position 1074, 250
    02/07/2012 11:56:10: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 11:56:17: Gold: 8073043, Gold Delt: 5092, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:56:18: Last Runtime: 38.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:56:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:56:36: Cellar - Found position 1102, 271
    02/07/2012 11:56:59: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 11:56:59: Gold: 8073043, Gold Delt: 0, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:57:07: Last Runtime: 40.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:57:11: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:57:16: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:57:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:57:35: Cellar - Found position 1082, 254
    02/07/2012 11:57:56: Gold: 8080675, Gold Delt: 7632, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:57:58: Last Runtime: 32.72 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:58:13: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:58:13: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:58:22: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:58:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:58:41: Cellar - Found position 1086, 261
    02/07/2012 11:59:05: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 11:59:06: Gold: 8086206, Gold Delt: 5531, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:59:07: Last Runtime: 35.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:59:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:59:26: Cellar - Found position 1101, 268
    02/07/2012 11:59:47: Gold: 8092730, Gold Delt: 6524, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:59:50: Last Runtime: 33.28 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:00:05: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:00:05: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:00:14: Last Runtime: 15.61 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:00:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:00:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:00:39: Last Runtime: 15.55 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:00:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:00:58: Cellar - Found position 1088, 242
    02/07/2012 12:01:21: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:01:27: Gold: 8100242, Gold Delt: 7512, Items: 2, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:01:29: Last Runtime: 41.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:01:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:01:47: Cellar - Found position 1100, 264
    02/07/2012 12:02:15: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 12:02:16: Gold: 8106891, Gold Delt: 6649, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:02:18: Last Runtime: 40.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:02:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:02:36: Cellar - Found position 1124, 244
    02/07/2012 12:03:06: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 12:03:13: Gold: 8114872, Gold Delt: 7981, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:03:14: Last Runtime: 47.63 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:03:29: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:03:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:03:39: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:03:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:03:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:04:03: Last Runtime: 15.11 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:04:18: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:04:18: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:04:27: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:04:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:04:45: Cellar - Found position 1086, 255
    02/07/2012 12:05:05: Gold: 8114872, Gold Delt: 0, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:05:08: Last Runtime: 31.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:05:23: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:05:23: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:05:32: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:05:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:05:50: Cellar - Found position 1099, 263
    02/07/2012 12:06:16: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 12:06:22: Gold: 8125402, Gold Delt: 10530, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:06:24: Last Runtime: 43.32 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:06:39: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:06:39: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:06:48: Last Runtime: 15.11 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:07:03: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:07:06: Cellar - Found position 1148, 224
    02/07/2012 12:07:27: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:07:33: Gold: 8135622, Gold Delt: 10220, Items: 6, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:07:43: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 12:07:56: Sold Items: 17, Sold value: 4906
    02/07/2012 12:07:57: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 12:07:58: Last Runtime: 61.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:08:12: Last Runtime: 4.66 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:08:34: Last Runtime: 26.62 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:08:49: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:08:49: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:08:58: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:09:14: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:09:14: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:09:23: Last Runtime: 16.69 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:09:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:09:42: Cellar - Found position 1116, 275
    02/07/2012 12:09:59: Cellar was found but didnt end up there
    02/07/2012 12:10:01: You have died
    02/07/2012 12:10:01: Last Runtime: 29.16 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:11:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:11:00: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:11:09: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:11:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:11:27: Cellar - Found position 1037, 268
    02/07/2012 12:11:47: Gold: 8151671, Gold Delt: 11143, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:11:50: Last Runtime: 31.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:12:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:12:08: Cellar - Found position 1090, 289
    02/07/2012 12:12:31: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:12:38: Gold: 8154441, Gold Delt: 2770, Items: 2, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:12:39: Last Runtime: 40.39 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:12:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:12:57: Cellar - Found position 1078, 262
    02/07/2012 12:13:16: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 12:13:23: Gold: 8161911, Gold Delt: 7470, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:13:24: Last Runtime: 36.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:13:39: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:13:39: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:13:48: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:14:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:14:07: Cellar - Found position 1111, 273
    02/07/2012 12:14:25: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:14:32: Gold: 8174713, Gold Delt: 12802, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:14:33: Last Runtime: 35.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:14:48: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:14:48: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:14:57: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:15:12: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:15:12: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:15:21: Last Runtime: 15.11 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:15:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:15:40: Cellar - Found position 1083, 252
    02/07/2012 12:16:01: Gold: 8179388, Gold Delt: 4675, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:16:03: Last Runtime: 32.49 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:16:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:16:21: Cellar - Found position 1095, 277
    02/07/2012 12:16:43: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:16:49: Gold: 8184906, Gold Delt: 5518, Items: 4, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:16:51: Last Runtime: 38.83 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:17:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:17:09: Cellar - Found position 1091, 234
    02/07/2012 12:17:30: Gold: 8191581, Gold Delt: 6675, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:17:33: Last Runtime: 33.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:17:48: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:17:48: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:17:57: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:18:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:18:16: Cellar - Found position 1081, 271
    02/07/2012 12:18:42: Gold: 8198421, Gold Delt: 6840, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:18:44: Last Runtime: 38.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:18:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:19:02: Cellar - Found position 1089, 246
    02/07/2012 12:19:23: Gold: 8204351, Gold Delt: 5930, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:19:25: Last Runtime: 31.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:19:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:19:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:19:43: Last Runtime: 9.21 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:19:47: Logged out
    02/07/2012 12:19:52: Logged out
    02/07/2012 12:20:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:20:11: Cellar - Found position 1072, 263
    02/07/2012 12:20:31: Gold: 8204351, Gold Delt: 0, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:20:33: Last Runtime: 31.69 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:20:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:20:51: Cellar - Found position 1075, 259
    02/07/2012 12:21:12: Gold: 8212786, Gold Delt: 8435, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:21:14: Last Runtime: 32.36 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:21:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:21:33: Cellar - Found position 1049, 241
    02/07/2012 12:21:52: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 12:21:59: Gold: 8221023, Gold Delt: 8237, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:22:09: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 12:22:19: Sold Items: 10, Sold value: 3239
    02/07/2012 12:22:20: Repair Cost: 3707
    02/07/2012 12:22:21: Last Runtime: 57.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:22:36: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:22:36: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:22:45: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:23:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:23:03: Cellar - Found position 1086, 270
    02/07/2012 12:23:25: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:23:31: Gold: 8227664, Gold Delt: 7109, Items: 1, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:23:32: Last Runtime: 38.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:23:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:23:51: Cellar - Found position 1092, 283
    02/07/2012 12:24:11: Gold: 8239535, Gold Delt: 11871, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:24:14: Last Runtime: 32.7 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:24:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:24:32: Cellar - Found position 1089, 272
    02/07/2012 12:24:55: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 12:24:56: Gold: 8246551, Gold Delt: 7016, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:24:57: Last Runtime: 34.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:25:12: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:25:12: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:25:21: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:25:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:25:39: Cellar - Found position 1077, 266
    02/07/2012 12:25:59: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 12:26:06: Gold: 8250001, Gold Delt: 3450, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:26:07: Last Runtime: 37.19 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:26:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:26:23: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:26:32: Last Runtime: 15.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:26:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:26:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:26:56: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:27:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:27:14: Cellar - Found position 1096, 248
    02/07/2012 12:27:33: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 12:27:40: Gold: 8256997, Gold Delt: 6996, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:27:42: Last Runtime: 37.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:27:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:28:00: Cellar - Found position 1038, 263
    02/07/2012 12:28:22: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:28:28: Gold: 8263259, Gold Delt: 6262, Items: 7, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:28:30: Last Runtime: 38.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:28:45: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:28:48: Cellar - Found position 1074, 255
    02/07/2012 12:29:09: Gold: 8268307, Gold Delt: 5048, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:29:11: Last Runtime: 32.31 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:29:26: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:29:29: Cellar - Found position 1068, 272
    02/07/2012 12:29:53: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 12:29:55: Gold: 8275289, Gold Delt: 6982, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:29:56: Last Runtime: 36.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:30:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:30:14: Cellar - Found position 1079, 261
    02/07/2012 12:30:42: Gold: 8282935, Gold Delt: 7646, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:30:45: Last Runtime: 40.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:31:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:31:03: Cellar - Found position 1089, 271
    02/07/2012 12:31:07: OnCellar Recovery Success from ontop
    02/07/2012 12:31:22: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:31:23: Gold: 8282935, Gold Delt: 0, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:31:31: Last Runtime: 36.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:31:48: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:31:48: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:31:57: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:32:12: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:32:12: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:32:15: Last Runtime: 9.45 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:32:19: Logged out
    02/07/2012 12:32:25: Logged out
    02/07/2012 12:32:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:32:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:32:49: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:33:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:33:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:33:13: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:33:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:33:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:33:37: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:33:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:33:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:34:01: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:34:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:34:19: Cellar - Found position 1061, 256
    02/07/2012 12:34:40: Gold: 8293844, Gold Delt: 10909, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:34:43: Last Runtime: 32.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:34:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:35:01: Cellar - Found position 1077, 250
    02/07/2012 12:35:22: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:35:29: Gold: 8298111, Gold Delt: 4267, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:35:31: Last Runtime: 39.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:35:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:35:46: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:35:55: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:36:10: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:36:10: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:36:19: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:36:34: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:36:34: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:36:43: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:36:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:37:01: Cellar - Found position 1104, 238
    02/07/2012 12:37:31: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 12:37:38: Gold: 8303613, Gold Delt: 5502, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 3, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:37:48: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 12:38:00: Sold Items: 15, Sold value: 5551
    02/07/2012 12:38:01: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 12:38:02: Last Runtime: 69.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:38:17: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:38:20: Cellar - Found position 1052, 223
    02/07/2012 12:38:43: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 12:38:44: Gold: 8316410, Gold Delt: 7246, Items: 4, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:38:46: Last Runtime: 35.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:39:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:39:04: Cellar - Found position 1080, 247
    02/07/2012 12:39:24: Gold: 8324650, Gold Delt: 8240, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:39:26: Last Runtime: 31.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:39:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:39:44: Cellar - Found position 1075, 275
    02/07/2012 12:40:05: Gold: 8332269, Gold Delt: 7619, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:40:08: Last Runtime: 33.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:40:23: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:40:23: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:40:32: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:40:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:40:50: Cellar - Found position 1079, 260
    02/07/2012 12:41:11: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:41:17: Gold: 8344178, Gold Delt: 11909, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:41:19: Last Runtime: 37.61 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:41:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:41:37: Cellar - Found position 1085, 272
    02/07/2012 12:41:59: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 12:42:05: Gold: 8349538, Gold Delt: 5360, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:42:07: Last Runtime: 38.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:42:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:42:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:42:31: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:42:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:42:49: Cellar - Found position 1081, 266
    02/07/2012 12:43:08: Gold: 8352792, Gold Delt: 3254, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:43:11: Last Runtime: 31.27 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:43:26: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:43:29: Cellar - Found position 1056, 264
    02/07/2012 12:43:49: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:43:55: Gold: 8356962, Gold Delt: 4170, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:43:57: Last Runtime: 36.77 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:44:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:44:15: Cellar - Found position 1104, 279
    02/07/2012 12:44:45: Gold: 8365204, Gold Delt: 8242, Items: 4, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:44:49: Last Runtime: 42.77 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:45:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:45:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:45:13: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:45:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:45:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:45:37: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:45:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:45:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:46:01: Last Runtime: 15.13 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:46:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:46:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:46:25: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:46:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:46:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:46:49: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:47:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:47:07: Cellar - Found position 1075, 259
    02/07/2012 12:47:35: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:47:41: Gold: 8375625, Gold Delt: 10421, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:47:43: Last Runtime: 44.76 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:47:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:48:01: Cellar - Found position 1084, 255
    02/07/2012 12:48:24: Gold: 8381522, Gold Delt: 5897, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:48:26: Last Runtime: 34.63 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:48:41: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:48:41: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:48:50: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:49:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:49:08: Cellar - Found position 1071, 260
    02/07/2012 12:49:34: Gold: 8387567, Gold Delt: 6045, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:49:37: Last Runtime: 37.62 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:49:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:49:55: Cellar - Found position 1126, 240
    02/07/2012 12:50:15: Gold: 8394371, Gold Delt: 6804, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:50:27: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 12:50:38: Sold Items: 11, Sold value: 4458
    02/07/2012 12:50:39: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 12:50:40: Last Runtime: 53.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:50:55: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:50:55: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:51:04: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:51:19: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:51:22: Cellar - Found position 1076, 246
    02/07/2012 12:51:43: Gold: 8404582, Gold Delt: 5753, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:51:45: Last Runtime: 32.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:52:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:52:04: Cellar - Found position 1099, 264
    02/07/2012 12:52:24: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 12:52:30: Gold: 8412730, Gold Delt: 8148, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:52:32: Last Runtime: 37.69 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:52:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:52:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:52:57: Last Runtime: 16.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:53:12: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:53:12: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:53:21: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:53:36: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:53:36: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:53:45: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:54:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:54:03: Cellar - Found position 1093, 263
    02/07/2012 12:54:24: Gold: 8423712, Gold Delt: 10982, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:54:27: Last Runtime: 33.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:54:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:54:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:54:51: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:55:06: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:55:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:55:15: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:55:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:55:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:55:39: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:55:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:55:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:56:03: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:56:18: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:56:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:56:27: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:56:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:56:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:56:46: Last Runtime: 9.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:56:50: Logged out
    02/07/2012 12:56:56: Logged out
    02/07/2012 12:57:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:57:14: Cellar - Found position 1087, 230
    02/07/2012 12:57:34: Gold: 8433374, Gold Delt: 9662, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:57:37: Last Runtime: 32.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:57:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:57:55: Cellar - Found position 1084, 235
    02/07/2012 12:58:15: Gold: 8442302, Gold Delt: 8928, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:58:18: Last Runtime: 32.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:58:33: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:58:33: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:58:42: Last Runtime: 15.29 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:58:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:59:00: Cellar - Found position 1078, 288
    02/07/2012 12:59:21: Gold: 8448569, Gold Delt: 6267, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:59:24: Last Runtime: 32.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:59:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:59:42: Cellar - Found position 1060, 247
    02/07/2012 13:00:02: Gold: 8452755, Gold Delt: 4186, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 13:00:04: Last Runtime: 31.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:00:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 13:00:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 13:00:28: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:00:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 13:00:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 13:00:52: Last Runtime: 15.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:01:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 13:01:11: Cellar - Found position 1113, 255
    02/07/2012 13:01:32: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 13:01:38: Gold: 8456073, Gold Delt: 3318, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 13:01:40: Last Runtime: 38.36 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:01:55: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 13:01:55: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 13:02:04: Last Runtime: 15.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:02:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 13:02:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 13:02:28: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:02:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 13:02:47: Cellar - Found position 1065, 245
    02/07/2012 13:03:15: Gold: 8461167, Gold Delt: 5094, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 13:03:27: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 13:03:38: Sold Items: 12, Sold value: 4591
    02/07/2012 13:03:40: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 13:03:40: Last Runtime: 62.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:03:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 13:03:59: Cellar - Found position 1094, 246
    02/07/2012 13:04:20: Gold: 8474684, Gold Delt: 8926, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 13:04:23: Last Runtime: 33.65 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:04:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 13:04:41: Cellar - Found position 1080, 274
    02/07/2012 13:05:04: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 13:05:10: Gold: 8483019, Gold Delt: 8335, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 13:05:12: Last Runtime: 39.66 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:05:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 13:05:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 13:05:37: Last Runtime: 16.76 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:05:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 13:05:56: Cellar - Found position 1082, 243
    02/07/2012 13:06:17: Gold: 8490615, Gold Delt: 7596, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 13:06:20: Last Runtime: 33.37 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:06:35: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 13:06:35: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 13:06:44: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:06:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 13:07:02: Cellar - Found position 1093, 254
    02/07/2012 13:07:22: Gold: 8500187, Gold Delt: 9572, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 13:07:25: Last Runtime: 32.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:07:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 13:07:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 13:07:49: Last Runtime: 15.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:08:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 13:08:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 13:08:13: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:08:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 13:08:32: Cellar - Found position 1055, 231
    02/07/2012 13:08:50: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 13:08:57: Gold: 8504106, Gold Delt: 3919, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 13:08:58: Last Runtime: 36.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:09:13: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 13:09:14: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 13:09:23: Last Runtime: 15.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:09:38: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 13:09:38: No Cellar
    Last edited by heatl0rd; 07-01-2012 at 10:28 PM.

  12. #357
    SamSmitty's Avatar Corporal
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    Originally Posted by heatl0rd View Post
    I must be super lucky. Netted myself 729 legendary items XD

    On a serious note i just cant seem to reduce the amount of whites it keeps picking up. However since using this script, my run times have gone down to 30seconds for successful runs and around 15seconds on failed runs. Which is great!

    Ive also noticed the script is now starting to stash a few magic items as well instead of only rares... heres my script if anyone can figure out a fix to my issues.

    ; Blaksack's mod 1.93t
    ; added TP fail detection
    ; made ilvl optional
    ; timing improvements
    ;- optional cellar grid search
    ;- optional hour wait after X runs
    ;-Added latest changes from NotAres 1.93 including all the iLVL60-63 stuff dont forget new images: http://www45.zippyshare.com/v/15622375/file.html
    ;-Fixed the OCR bug where 0 is seen as O
    ;-Added option to use another war shout and call ancients before warping out on failed runs called $ExtraSafeExit
    ;-Added LATMs legendary item count fix
    ;-cleaned up cellar detection code - i hate repeated lines! you can define your own cellar co-ords at line 234ish
    ; enhanced cellar find
    ; item salvaging
    ; stash tab choosing
    ; full logging
    ; gold income OCR
    ; custom keys for skills
    ; for latest version see http://pastebin.com/PtE6XJ4W
    ; you will need tesseract from https://tesseract-ocr.googlecode.com/files/tesseract-ocr-setup-3.01-1.exe
    ; and you will need tesserect library to in your auto it include folder from https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22203901/Tesseract.au3
    ; you will also need image files and search dlls from https://dl.dropbox.com/u/9955791/BotFiles.zip
    ; and http://www45.zippyshare.com/v/15622375/file.html
    ; see for instructions http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/diablo-3/diablo-3-bots-programs/d3-gold-profiles/354464-goldfarming-notares-sarkoth-dh-gold-script-autoit-script-1920x1080.html
    ; use this build http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/barbarian#TUXgkj!ghV!bYcbZa
    ;notAres' Gold Script for BARBARIAN 1.9 - 6/16/2012
    ;Thread: http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/diablo-3/diablo-3-bots-programs/d3-gold-profiles/355316-goldfarming-barbarian-sarkoth-goldfarming-script-autoit-script-1920x1080.html
    ;Required build: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/barbarian#TUXgkj!ghV!bYcbZa
    ;Required display mode for cellar detection: "FULLSCREEN WINDOWED"
    ;Official supported resolution: 1920x1080
    ;Original by mackus101 @ ownedcore
    ;ImageSearch contributions by rvbfreak, goofinator, and asuRob
    ;Refactoring and additional functions by Shimizoki
    ;=========== DO NOT TOUCH ===========;
    #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
    #include <StaticConstants.au3>
    #include <WindowsConstants.au3>
    $UseEnhancedCellarFind = True
    #include <FastFind.au3>
    ;=========== mypart ===========;
    #include <Tesseract.au3>
    If $UseEnhancedCellarFind Then
    	AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 4)
    	Global $FFhWnd = WinGetHandle("Diablo III")
    Global $numitem, $numgem, $numtomb, $numgold, $numpot, $lblGold, $numsold, $numstashed, $monold = 0, $mon = 0, $monstart = 0, $SprintStart, $lootany
    Opt('MouseCoordMode', 2)
    Opt('PixelCoordMode', 2)
    Global $size = WinGetClientSize("[CLASS:D3 Main Window Class]"), $ver = "BlackSack 1.9.3t ", $hFont = 0, $title, $Paused, $Go = False, $i = 0, $gX = 0, $gY = 0, $LegendaryCount = 0, $SetCount = 0, $RareCount = 0, $MagicCount = 0, $GemCount = 0, $TomeCount = 0, $deathCount = 0, $cellarCount = 0, $t = TimerInit(), $rt = 0, $run = 0, $yellow = 0xFFF000, $red = 0xD90000, $lblRun, $lblLocation, $lblStatus, $lblLast, $lblRuntime, $lblGear, $lblItems
    Global $str_Stash, $str_StashGems, $str_StashMisc, $str_Vendor, $str_Salvage, $int_TownPosition
    For $i = 0 To Random(0, 3, 1)
    	$title &= Chr(Random(97, 122, 1))
    For $i = 0 To Random(2, 5, 1)
    	$title &= Chr(Random(65, 90, 1))
    $title &= " "
    Global $gems[8] = ["Ru1.png", "Ru2.png", "Em1.png", "Em2.png", "To1.png", "To2.png", "Am1.png", "Am2.png"]
    If @OSArch = "X64" Then DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection", "int", 1)
    If @OSArch = "X64" And Not @AutoItX64 Then MsgBox(16, "ERROR", "Why aren't you running the 64-bit AutoIt??? Expect bugs!")
    If $size = 0 Then
    	MsgBox(16, "Error", "Diablo III is not running, cannot grab resolution!" & @CRLF & "Exiting...")
    ;============= SETTINGS =============;
    HotKeySet("=", "Begin") ;script toggled on/off by pressing =
    HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause") ;script toggle pause by pressing Pause/Break key
    HotKeySet("x", "Stop") ;script stopped by pressing x
    HotKeySet("0", "GoTown") ;script stopped by pressing x
    $movementSpeed = 0;This is the % increase movement speed you have. 25 = 25%, 0 = 0%, 50 = 50%
    ;Custom Loot
    $pngLoc = "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\pics\" ;Location of the .PNGs (NO SUBFOLDERS - ALL PNGS GO HERE)
    ;Array of items to loot (GEMS AND TOMES ALREADY INCLUDED)
    Global $pick[1] = ["gold.png|40"]
    ;$pick[0] = "gold.png|50"
    ;$pick[1] = "mythic.png|50" ;png|Tolerance
    ;$pick[2] = "item3.png"
    $ExtraSafeExit = True ;use ancients when you port back to prevent death if you have low HP
    $RunsUntilMenuWait = 0 ;wait for 1 hour at menu after x successful runs, set to 0 to disable
    $TakeMissShots = False ;take screenshots into \shots folder on every cellar miss for finding positions
    $SarkothKillTime = 1000 ;additional time delay to wait for sarkoth to die use 2800 for 10K dps 800 for 15kdps etc
    $DetectTPFail = True ;set true to immediatly exit game if TP is inturrupted (requires TP.png)
    $TPProtectTime = 2.5 ;number of seconds to check for TP inturrupt if TPfail detection is enabled if your pc is slow reduce this number
    $BlankLamps = False ;enable/disable putting boxes over the lamps before looting legendaries to reduce false positives
    $ReduceLegendSearch = True ; limit legendary searching to lower part of screen to reduce false finds
    ;define your own cellar co-ords here, list the most likely ones first for efficiency
    ;change the [4] to how many co-ords you listed
    Dim $celx[5] = [300, 210, 190, 250, 230]
    Dim $cely[5] = [179, 179, 224, 160, 210]
    $Skill1 = "1"
    $Skill2 = "2"
    $Skill3 = "3"
    $Skill4 = "4"
    $TownPortalButton = "t"
    $Inventory = "i"
    $LootSets = True ;True if you want to pick up Sets
    $LootLegendaries = True;True if you want to pick up Legendaries
    $LootRares = True ;True if you want to pick up Rares
    $LootMagic = True ;True if you want to pick up Magic
    $LootGems = True ;True if you want to pick up Gems
    $LootTomes = True ;True if you want to pick up Tome of Secrets
    $LootCustom = True ;True if you want to pick up Custom Items (The items in the $pick array above)
    ;Manage Loot
    $Identify = False ;True to enable identifying items before stashing/vendoring
    $mLoot = 11 ;Nuber of successful runs until Stash and Vendor
    $mLootOff = 2 ;Stash and Vendor after mLoot +- X number of runs (Variability)
    ;Variability ==NEW SETTINGS==
    $Timer = False ;True and the bot will add random sleep intervals
    $walktime = 2400 ;Time (in ms) the script waits for you to enter and load the cellar. Slow this down for slower move speeds and loading times
    $loadtime = 3400 ;Time (in ms) the script waits for the game to load before it starts pathfinding. Slow this down for slower hard drives
    $tptime = 6000 ;Time (in ms) the script waits for teleport before exiting the game
    ;Stashing/vendoring COMMON
    $StashRare = True ;True if you want to store Rare items in the stash
    $StashMagic = False ;True if you want to store Magic items in the stash
    $VendorRare = False ;True if you want to vendor Rares
    $VendorMagic = True ;True if you want to vendor Magic
    $GemTab = 3 ;Tab to put gems and tombs in
    $ItemTab = 1 ;Tab to put any items in
    $NextItemTab = 2 ;Next Tab to put any items in when first one is full
    ;Stashing/vendoring TRADITIONAL METHOD to enable set line 155 to FALSE
    $StashLoot = True ;True if you want to store Items in the stash
    $StashLegendary = True;True if you want to store Legendary items in the stash
    $StashTomes = True ;True if you want to store Tomes items in the stash
    $StashGems = True ;True if you want to store Gems items in the stash
    ;SALVAGE - setting this will OVERRIDE traditional vendoring options - it will be skipped
    ; make sure you have a stack of each material in your bottom row( which is not scanned )for it to add To
    ; otherwise it will start tying to salvage your craft items and do nothing!
    $SalvageLoot = False
    ;Vendoring ==NEW SETTINGS==
    $VendorLoot = True ;True if you want to vendor anything
    $vendorAll = False ;True if you want to right click all items when talking to vendor
    $vendorRows = 6 ;# of rows to vendor, starting from the top (default = 5: bottom row is safe)
    $vendorCols = 10 ;# of columns to vendor, starting from left
    $UseiLVL = False ;set true or false to enable the iLVL system THIS OVERRIDES ALL "TRADITIONAL" SETTINGS
    ;New Analyze Loot Settings Options are "salvage", "stash", and "vend"
    $i59Rare = "stash"
    $i60Rare = "stash"
    $i61Rare = "stash"
    $i62Rare = "stash"
    $i63Rare = "stash"
    $i59Magic = "vend"
    $i60Magic = "vend"
    $i61Magic = "vend"
    $i62Magic = "vend"
    $i63Magic = "stash"
    $x_ratio = $size[0] / 1920
    $y_ratio = $size[1] / 1080
    $mLootIn = $mLoot ;DO NOT CHANGE, how many more runs till next manage
    $RunsUntilMenuWaitCnt = $RunsUntilMenuWait
    $totalItems = UBound($pick) ;Number of items in the pick array
    If $totalItems < 1 Then $LootCustom = False
    $movementSpeed = 1 + ($movementSpeed / 100)
    If $TakeMissShots Then
    If Not FileExists($pngLoc & "MainMenu.png") Then
    	$pngLoc = @ScriptDir & "\pics\"
    	If Not FileExists($pngLoc & "MainMenu.png") Then
    		MsgBox(16, "Fatal Error", "FATAL ERROR: Cannot find: " & $pngLoc & "MainMenu.png" & @CRLF & "Make sure your directory is set properly in the script")
    While 1
    Func RestartRun()
    	If ($Go) Then
    		$i = 0
    		WinSetTitle($title, "", $title & $ver & " - Running")
    		MouseMove(Round(Random(0, 400) * $x_ratio), Round(Random(700, 1080) * $y_ratio), 1) ;Moves mouse out of the way
    		;Checks if the player is Dead/Logout/Window, then if in Main Menu, etc.
    		If CheckDead() Then
    		ElseIf CheckFor("ExitGame", "", Round(860 * $x_ratio), Round(400 * $y_ratio), Round(1040 * $x_ratio), Round(450 * $y_ratio), 0.5, 140) Then
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Exit window up")
    			MouseClick("left", Round(1064 * $x_ratio), Round(632 * $y_ratio))
    		ElseIf CheckFor("MainMenu", "", Round(40 * $x_ratio), Round(300 * $y_ratio), Round(400 * $x_ratio), Round(450 * $y_ratio)) Then
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblRun, "Runs till vendor: " & $mLootIn & ", Run Number: " & $run)
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblLocation, "Location: Main Menu")
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Starting Game")
    			RandClick("left", Round(230 * $x_ratio), Round(416 * $y_ratio), 120, 20, 1, 6) ;Random Click on the resume button
    			CheckFor("OldRuins", "Area", 0, 0, 0, 0, $loadtime / 1000)
    			$rt = TimerInit()
    			$run += 1
    		ElseIf CheckFor("OldRuins", "Area") Or CheckFor("NewTristram", "Area") Or CheckFor("DankCellar", "Area") Then
    		ElseIf CheckFor("LimitError", "", Round(700 * $x_ratio), Round(340 * $y_ratio), Round(1200 * $x_ratio), Round(600 * $y_ratio), 1, 140) Then
    			MouseClick("left", Round(960 * $y_ratio), Round(635 * $x_ratio))
    			$rand = Random(40000, 80000)
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Input Limit - Waiting " & Round($rand / 1000) & " seconds.")
    		ElseIf CheckFor("Disconnect", "", Round(700 * $x_ratio), Round(340 * $y_ratio), Round(1200 * $x_ratio), Round(600 * $y_ratio), 1, 140) Then
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Network Disconnect window up")
    			MouseClick("left", Round(960 * $x_ratio), Round(632 * $y_ratio))
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "ERROR: Cannot find Resume button")
    		$CellarWasFound = 0
    		;Make sure we are in the right area before beginning run
    		If CheckFor("OldRuins", "Area") Then
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblLocation, "Location: Old Ruins")
    			$cellfoundat = -1
    			If $UseEnhancedCellarFind Then
    				RandClick("middle", Round(587 * $x_ratio), Round(350 * $y_ratio), 2, 2) ;starts the main run
    				Sleep(Random(700, 710))
    				RandMove(Round(16 * $x_ratio), Round(350 * $y_ratio), 2, 2)
    				Sleep(Random(5, 10))
    				Send($Skill1) ;leap
    				RandClick("middle", Round(2 * $x_ratio), Round(350 * $y_ratio), 1, 1, 1, 1)
    				RandClick("middle", Round(2 * $x_ratio), Round(400 * $y_ratio), 1, 1)
    				walktime(Round(2 * $x_ratio), Round(400 * $y_ratio))
    				; cellar check on minimap
    				FFSnapShot(1593 * $x_ratio, 62 * $y_ratio, 1880 * $x_ratio, 350 * $y_ratio, 0, $FFhWnd)
    				Local $bColorArray[3] = [0x692A09, 0x5A2408, 0x6A2A0A]
    				FFAddExcludedArea(1824 * $x_ratio, 80 * $y_ratio, 1912 * $x_ratio, 353 * $y_ratio)
    				;FFSaveBMP("CellarMinimap_" & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC, false) ;->uncomment if you wanna see  the cellar minimap detection bmp ( gets saved where the script runs )
    				Local $aCoords = FFBestSpot(2, 1, 4, 367 * $x_ratio, 135 * $y_ratio, -1, 25, False, $FFhWnd)
    				If Not @error Then
    					$cellfoundat = 1 ;found the cellar
    					AddLog("enhanced fail")
    				;Start Run
    				RandClick("middle", Round(587 * $x_ratio), Round(333 * $y_ratio), 2, 2) ;starts the main run
    				Sleep(Random(990, 1140) / $movementSpeed)
    				RandMove(Round(96 * $x_ratio), Round(383 * $y_ratio), 2, 2)
    				Sleep(Random(5, 10))
    				Send($Skill1) ;leap
    				RandClick("middle", Round(56 * $x_ratio), Round(360 * $y_ratio), 1, 1)
    				walktime(Round(56 * $x_ratio), Round(360 * $y_ratio))
    				For $i = 0 To UBound($celx) - 1
    					MouseMove(Round($celx[$i] * $x_ratio), Round($cely[$i] * $y_ratio), 1) ;moves cursor over to the cellar
    					;$Pixel2 = PixelSearch(600, 0, Round(1000 * $x_ratio), Round(300 * $y_ratio), 0xffffff, 5)
    					$Pixel2 = PixelSearch(0, 0, Round(600 * $x_ratio), Round(600 * $y_ratio), 0x334FB7, 3) ;checks for open cellar (in a 600x400 box from the top left - where it should always be)
    					If Not @error Then
    						$cellfoundat = $i
    			If CheckDead() Then
    			;Checks if Dank Cellar is Open
    			If $cellfoundat > -1 Then
    				GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Cellar - Found at " & $cellfoundat + 1)
    				Call("AddLog", "Cellar Found at: " & $cellfoundat + 1)
    				$cellarCount += 1
    				$cellaratx = 1000 * $x_ratio
    				$cellaraty = 500 * $y_ratio
    				If $UseEnhancedCellarFind Then
    					RandClick("middle", Round(400 * $x_ratio), Round(400 * $y_ratio), 1, 1)
    					walktime(Round(400 * $x_ratio), Round(400 * $y_ratio))
    					Local $cellpos = EnhancedFind(0, 0, 1300, 300, 1090, 280)
    					$cellaratx = $cellpos[0]
    					$cellaraty = $cellpos[1]
    					;standard method co-ords
    					$cellaratx = $celx[$cellfoundat] * $x_ratio
    					$cellaraty = $cely[$cellfoundat] * $y_ratio
    				RandClick("left", Round($cellaratx), Round($cellaraty), 1, 1, 2, 2) ;Entrance to cellar
    				walktime(Round($cellaratx), Round($cellaraty))
    				;Call("AddLog",walktime(Round($cellaratx), Round($cellaraty),0,True))
    				RandClick("left", Round(993 * $x_ratio), Round(469 * $y_ratio), 1, 1, 2, 2) ;Entrance to cellar				
    				CheckFor("DankCellar", "Area", 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    				$CellarWasFound = 1
    			Else ;ABORT RUN
    				GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Cellar - Not Found" & @CRLF)
    				Call("AddLog", 'No Cellar')
    				If $TakeMissShots Then
    					CaptureToTIFF("", "", "", "shots\NoCell_" & String($run) & ".tif", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    				If $ExtraSafeExit Then
    					Send($Skill2) ;grim harvest
    					Send($Skill4) ;ancients
    				RandClick("left", Round(900 * $x_ratio), Round(600 * $y_ratio), 100, 100) ;earthquake
    				If Not CheckDead() Then
    			If Not CheckDead() Then
    		$TryRecover = 0
    		If Not CheckFor("DankCellar", "Area", 0, 0, 0, 0, .5) Then
    			;600 450 3s
    			RandClick("left", Round(993 * $x_ratio), Round(469 * $y_ratio), 1) ;Entrance to cellar
    			$TryRecover = 1
    			If Not CheckFor("DankCellar", "Area", 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.5) Then
    				If $UseEnhancedCellarFind Then
    					$TryRecover = 3
    					$cellpos = EnhancedFind(0, 0, 1300, 450, 1000, 350, True)
    					RandClick("left", Round($cellpos[0]), Round($cellpos[1]), 1) ;Entrance to cellar
    					$TryRecover = 2
    					RandClick("left", Round(600 * $x_ratio), Round(450 * $y_ratio), 1)
    				CheckFor("DankCellar", "Area", 0, 0, 0, 0, 4)
    		;Checks that the player is in the Dank Cellar
    		If CheckFor("DankCellar", "Area") Then
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblLocation, "Location: Dank Cellar")
    			If $TryRecover = 1 Then Call("AddLog", 'OnCellar Recovery Success from ontop')
    			If $TryRecover = 2 Then Call("AddLog", 'OnCellar Recovery Success From wall')
    			If $TryRecover = 3 Then Call("AddLog", 'OnCellar Recovery Success using enhanced find')
    			RandClick("middle", Round(80 * $x_ratio), Round(830 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;moves to doorway leading to rare inside cellar
    			walktime(Round(80 * $x_ratio), Round(830 * $y_ratio), -100)
    			;Sleep(Random(2250, 2300))
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Attacking Sarkoth")
    			RandMove(Round(350 * $x_ratio), Round(60 * $y_ratio), 1) ;hovers over the rare Sarkoth
    			RandClick("left", Round(11 * $x_ratio), Round(1037 * $y_ratio), 10, 10) ;earthquake
    			RandClick("left", Round(11 * $x_ratio), Round(1037 * $y_ratio), 10, 10) ;earthquake
    			MouseClick("right", Round(694 * $x_ratio), Round(929 * $y_ratio)) ;cancel aura thanks to LATM
    			If CheckDead() Then
    			Sleep(Random($SarkothKillTime, $SarkothKillTime + 400))
    			RandClick("middle", Round(730 * $x_ratio), Round(585 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;move to left top corner for gold
    			Sleep(Random(850, 1350))
    			RandClick("middle", Round(1205 * $x_ratio), Round(380 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;move to right top corner for gold
    			Sleep(Random(900, 1400))
    			RandClick("middle", Round(1121 * $x_ratio), Round(805 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;move to middle before looting
    			Sleep(Random(900, 1150))
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Looting")
    			$numgem = 0
    			$numtomb = 0
    			$numgold = 0
    			$numpot = 0
    			$numitem = 0
    			RandSleep(0, 6, 30)
    			$mon = _TesseractScreenCapture(0, "", 1, 2, 1454 * $x_ratio, 508 * $y_ratio, (1920 - 1571) * $x_ratio, (1080 - 525) * $y_ratio, 0)
    			$mon = CleanOCR($mon)
    			$mondelt = Number($mon) - Number($monold)
    			If $mondelt > 15000 Then $mondelt = 5000
    			If $monstart = 0 Then $monstart = Number($mon) - $mondelt
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblGold, "Gold: " & $mon & ", Run: " & $mondelt & ", Gain: " & Number($mon) - $monstart)
    			$monold = $mon
    			$lootany = 0
    			For $retryloot = 1 To 4
    				If $lootany > 0 Then
    					Call("AddLog", 'Got extra loot on attempt ' & $retryloot)
    			Call("AddLog", 'Gold: ' & $mon & ', Gold Delt: ' & $mondelt & ', Items: ' & $numitem & ', Gems: ' & $numgem & ', Books: ' & $numtomb & ', Potions: ' & $numpot & ', GoldPick: ' & $numgold)
    			If $TryRecover = 1 Then
    				Call("AddLog", 'OnCellar Recovery Failure')
    			If $CellarWasFound = 1 Then
    				Call("AddLog", 'Cellar was found but didnt end up there')
    			If $TakeMissShots Then
    				CaptureToTIFF("", "", "", "shots\MissCell_" & String($run) & ".tif", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    			RandClick("left", Round(900 * $x_ratio), Round(600 * $y_ratio), 100, 100) ;earthquake
    			If Not CheckDead() Then
    		;After successful run
    		If Not CheckDead() Then
    			If $mLootIn = 1 And CheckFor("NewTristram", "Area") Then ;If its time to manage loot and we are in town
    				$mLootIn = Round(Random($mLoot - $mLootOff, $mLoot + $mLootOff)) ;Reset Counter
    				If $UseiLVL Then
    					If $Identify Then Call("Identify")
    					If $StashLoot Then Call("StashLoot")
    					If $SalvageLoot Then
    						If $VendorLoot Then Call("VendorLoot")
    			ElseIf Not CheckFor("NewTristram", "Area") Then
    				GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Skipping vendor, not in New Tristram")
    			ElseIf $mLootIn <= 0 Then
    				$mLootIn = 1
    				$mLootIn -= 1
    			If Not CheckDead() Then
    			If ($RunsUntilMenuWaitCnt = 1) And ($RunsUntilMenuWait > 0) Then
    				$RunsUntilMenuWaitCnt = $RunsUntilMenuWait
    				Sleep(Random(3550000, 3650000)) ;wait 1 hour
    				$RunsUntilMenuWaitCnt -= 1
    EndFunc   ;==>RestartRun
    ;Helper Functions
    Func EnhancedFind($x1 = 0, $y1 = 0, $x2 = 577, $y2 = 220, $xpos = 367, $ypos = 135, $recov = False)
    	For $retry = 1 To 3
    		; take 2 snapshots and black out everything that did not change
    		FFSnapShot($x1 * $x_ratio, $y1 * $y_ratio, $x2 * $x_ratio, $y2 * $y_ratio, 2, $FFhWnd)
    		FFSnapShot($x1 * $x_ratio, $y1 * $y_ratio, $x2 * $x_ratio, $y2 * $y_ratio, 3, $FFhWnd)
    		FFKeepChanges(3, 2, 25)
    		;FFSaveBMP("CellarOpen_" & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC, false) ->uncomment if you wanna see  the cellar minimap motion map
    		; do special search for the color in our motionmap
    		Local $aColorArray[3] = [0x7897EB, 0x404E9E, 0x536CB6]
    		FFAddColor($aColorArray) ; add color to find array
    		;Func FFBestSpot($SizeSearch, $MinNbPixel, $OptNbPixel, $PosX, $PosY, $Color, $ShadeVariation = 0, $ForceNewSnap = True, $Left = 0, $Top = 0, $Right = 0, $Bottom = 0, $NoSnapShot = $FFLastSnap, $WindowHandle = -1)
    		Local $cellarCoords = FFBestSpot(10, 1, 4, $xpos * $x_ratio, $ypos * $y_ratio, -1, 25, False, $FFhWnd) ; search for the opening
    		If @error Then
    			Call("AddLog", "The motionmap failed on try " & $retry & " with code " & @error)
    	If Not @error Then
    		If Not $recov Then GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Cellar - Found position " & $cellarCoords[0] * $x_ratio & ", " & $cellarCoords[1] * $y_ratio)
    		If Not $recov Then Call("AddLog", "Cellar - Found position " & $cellarCoords[0] * $x_ratio & ", " & $cellarCoords[1] * $y_ratio)
    		If $TakeMissShots Then
    			CaptureToTIFF("", "", "", "shots\NoCell_" & String($run) & ".tif", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    		$cellarCoords[0] = 1000 * $x_ratio
    		$cellarCoords[1] = 500 * $y_ratio
    	Return $cellarCoords
    EndFunc   ;==>EnhancedFind
    Func SetupGUI()
    	$frmBot = GUICreate($title & $ver & " - Updating", 290, 140, Round(1580 * $x_ratio), Round(900 * $y_ratio), -1, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW), 0)
    	$lblRun = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Run Number: 0 - Runs till vendor: 0", 4, 0, 280, 24)
    	GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 600, 0, "Segoe UI")
    	GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFF0000)
    	$lblLocation = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Location: Main Menu", 12, 20, 240, 17)
    	$lblStatus = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Status: ", 12, 35, 240, 17)
    	$lblLast = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Last Runtime: 0 seconds", 12, 50, 240, 17)
    	$lblRuntime = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Total Runtime: 0 hours, 0 minutes", 12, 65, 240, 17)
    	$lblGear = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Legendary: 0 - Set: 0 - Rare: 0", 12, 80, 240, 17)
    	$lblItems = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Magic: 0 - Gems: 0 - Tomes: 0", 12, 95, 240, 17)
    	$lblGold = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Gold: 0", 12, 110, 240, 17)
    EndFunc   ;==>SetupGUI
    Func CheckDead()
    	$LogoutTimerCancel = PixelSearch(Round(900 * $x_ratio), Round(240 * $y_ratio), Round(1010 * $x_ratio), Round(290 * $y_ratio), 0x993827) ; checks for cancel button on logout timer
    	If Not @error Then
    		Call("AddLog", "Logged out")
    		GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Logging out")
    		CheckFor("MainMenu", "", Round(40 * $x_ratio), Round(300 * $y_ratio), Round(400 * $x_ratio), Round(450 * $y_ratio), $loadtime / 1000)
    		Return 1
    	$CloseButton = PixelSearch(Round(1570 * $x_ratio), Round(110 * $y_ratio), Round(1590 * $x_ratio), Round(120 * $y_ratio), 0x8C2300) ; checks for the red color of the "X" on an open window
    	If Not @error Then
    		GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Open Window")
    		Call("AddLog", "Open Window")
    		Send("{SPACE}") ;close any open windows
    		Return 1
    	$YouHaveDied = PixelSearch(Round(620 * $x_ratio), Round(325 * $y_ratio), Round(625 * $x_ratio), Round(330 * $y_ratio), 0xFFFFFF) ; checks for white text "YOU HAVE DIED"
    	If Not @error Then
    		GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Dead")
    		Call("AddLog", "You have died")
    		$deathCount += 1
    		For $c = 1 To 110 + $loadtime / 100
    			If CheckFor("MainMenu", "", Round(40 * $x_ratio), Round(300 * $y_ratio), Round(400 * $x_ratio), Round(450 * $y_ratio), 0.1) Then ExitLoop
    		Return 1
    		Return 0
    EndFunc   ;==>CheckDead
    Func CheckRepair()
    	$RepairArea = PixelSearch(Round(1480 * $x_ratio), 0, Round(1570 * $x_ratio), Round(100 * $y_ratio), $yellow)
    	If Not @error Then
    	$RepairAreaRed = PixelSearch(Round(1480 * $x_ratio), 0, Round(1570 * $x_ratio), Round(100 * $y_ratio), $red)
    	If Not @error Then
    EndFunc   ;==>CheckRepair
    Func DoRepair()
    	Sleep(Random(75, 150))
    	If CheckDead() Then
    	If CheckFor("NewTristram", "Area") Then
    		RandClick("left", Round(1480 * $x_ratio), Round(281 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;begin movement towards merchant
    		RandClick("left", Round(1316 * $x_ratio), Round(206 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;moves to get merchant in screen
    		RandClick("left", Round(845 * $x_ratio), Round(225 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;NPC Merchant to the right of cain's home
    		RandClick("left", Round(521 * $x_ratio), Round(506 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;button to open up repair menu
    		RandClick("left", Round(260 * $x_ratio), Round(595 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;button to pay for repairs
    		Call("AddLog", "Repair")
    		If Not CheckDead() Then
    EndFunc   ;==>DoRepair
    Func CalcTime()
    	$srt = TimerDiff($rt)
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblLast, "Last Runtime: " & Round($srt / 1000, 2) & " seconds.")
    	$trt = TimerDiff($t)
    	$total = Round((($trt / 1000) / 60) / 60, 4)
    	Call("AddLog", "Last Runtime: " & Round($srt / 1000, 2) & " seconds.")
    	;Total runtime calculation.
    	$hours = Floor((($trt / 1000) / 60) / 60)
    	$minutes = (($trt / 1000) / 60)
    	;trim minutes if runtime is more then 1 hour.
    	If $minutes > 60 Then
    		While $minutes > 60
    			$minutes -= 60
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblRuntime, "Runtime: " & $hours & ":" & Ceiling($minutes) & ", GPH: " & Ceiling((Number($mon) - $monstart) / ($trt / 3600000)))
    EndFunc   ;==>CalcTime
    Func CheckFor($img, $type = "", $startX = 0, $startY = 0, $endX = @DesktopWidth, $endY = @DesktopHeight, $seconds = 6, $tolerance = 140)
    	If $type = "Area" Then
    		$startX = 1500 * $x_ratio
    		$startY = 0 * $y_ratio
    		$endX = 1920 * $x_ratio
    		$endY = 90 * $y_ratio
    		If $seconds = 6 Then $seconds = 2.5
    	$c = 0
    	$string = $pngLoc & $img & ".png"
    		$c += 1
    		If $c > ($seconds * 5) Then ;Make sure we never get stuck here for infinity.
    			If $type = "Area" Then
    				GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Area not found - " & $img)
    			Return False
    	Until _ImageSearchArea($string, 1, $startX, $startY, $endX, $endY, $gX, $gY, $tolerance)
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Area found! " & $img)
    	Return True
    EndFunc   ;==>CheckFor
    Func DoSprint()
    	RandClick("right", Round(15 * $x_ratio), Round(1055 * $y_ratio)) ;sprint
    	$SprintStart = TimerInit()
    EndFunc   ;==>DoSprint
    Func WalkTime($lootx, $looty, $extra = 0, $returnv = False)
    	$PPmSsprint = (960 / 2100) * $movementSpeed
    	$PPmSwalk = (960 / 3000) * $movementSpeed
    	Dim $BarbFeet[2] = [960 * $x_ratio, 505 * $y_ratio]
    	$dist = Sqrt(($BarbFeet[0] - $lootx) ^ 2 + ($BarbFeet[1] - $looty) ^ 2)
    	$sprintremain = 3000 - TimerDiff($SprintStart)
    	;determine if sprint is still active to choose run speed
    	If $sprintremain > 0 Then ;duration of sprint - 100 for safty
    		;calculate milliseconds per pixel for this run, return delay
    		;calculate composite sleep time
    		If $dist < $PPmSsprint * $sprintremain Then
    			$stime = ($dist / $PPmSsprint + $extra)
    			$stime = (($sprintremain + ($dist - $sprintremain * $PPmSsprint) / $PPmSwalk) + $extra)
    		$stime = ($dist / $PPmSwalk + $extra)
    	If Not $returnv Then
    	Return $stime
    EndFunc   ;==>WalkTime
    Func Loot($extra = False)
    	MouseMove(Round(Random(0, 400) * $x_ratio), Round(Random(700, 1080) * $y_ratio), 3) ;Moves mouse out of the way
    	If Not $extra Then
    		If $LootGems Then
    			LootImage("square.png", 90, 10)
    		If $LootTomes Then
    			LootImage("tome.png", 90, 10)
    		 	If $LootMagic Then
    		$mac = LootGear(0x6969FF, 0)
    		$MagicCount += $mac
    		$numitem -= $mac
    	If $LootRares Then
    		$RareCount += LootGear(0xBBBB00, 1)
    	If $LootLegendaries Then
    		If $BlankLamps Then
    			$frmBlock = GUICreate("block", 250 * $x_ratio, (160 - 20) * $y_ratio, Round(150 * $x_ratio), Round(225 * $y_ratio), -1, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW), 0)
    			$frmBlock2 = GUICreate("block", 200 * $x_ratio, (100 - 20) * $y_ratio, Round(700 * $x_ratio), Round(0 * $y_ratio), -1, BitOR($WS_EX_TOPMOST, $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW), 0)
    			WinActivate("Diablo III")
    			WinWaitActive("Diablo III", "", 1)
    		If $ReduceLegendSearch Then
    			$LegendaryCount += LootGear(0xBF642F, 1, 365, 442, 380)
    			$LegendaryCount += LootGear(0xBF642F, 1, 442, 1690, 115)
    			$LegendaryCount += LootGear(0xBF642F, 1)
    		If $BlankLamps Then
    	If $LootSets Then
    		$SetCount += LootGear(0x02CE01, 2)
    	If $LootCustom Then
    EndFunc   ;==>Loot
    Func LootGear($color, $tolerance = 2, $x1 = 400, $x2 = 1690, $y1 = 20, $y2 = 900)
    	$count = 0
    	$Loot = PixelSearch(Round($x1 * $x_ratio), Round($y1 * $y_ratio), Round($x2 * $x_ratio), Round($y2 * $y_ratio), $color, $tolerance)
    	If Not @error Then
    		While Not @error
    			$count += 1
    			MouseClick('left', $Loot[0], $Loot[1], 1, 1)
    			MouseMove(Round(Random(0, 400) * $x_ratio), Round(Random(700, 1080) * $y_ratio), 3) ;Moves mouse out of the way
    			WalkTime($Loot[0], $Loot[1])
    			;Sleep(Random(700, 800))
    			;Run at max 10 times per quality
    			$lootany += 1
    			If $count >= 10 Then
    			$Loot = PixelSearch(Round(400 * $x_ratio), 0, Round(1690 * $x_ratio), Round(900 * $y_ratio), $color, $tolerance)
    	$numitem += $count;
    	Return $count
    EndFunc   ;==>LootGear
    Func LootImage($img, $tol, $max = 10)
    	$count = 0
    	$gX = 0
    	$gY = 0
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Looting - " & $img)
    	While _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & $img, 1, 0, 0, @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight, $gX, $gY, $tol)
    		$count += 1
    		MouseClick("left", $gX, $gY - 3, 1, 1)
    		MouseMove(Round(Random(0, 400) * $x_ratio), Round(Random(700, 1080) * $y_ratio), 3) ;Moves mouse out of the way
    		$lootany += 1
    		If $img == "square.png" Then
    			$GemCount += 1
    			$numgem += 1
    		ElseIf $img == "tome.png" Then
    			$TomeCount += 1
    			$numtomb += 1
    		ElseIf $img == "gold.png" Then
    			$numgold += 1
    		ElseIf $img == "mythic.png" Then
    			$numpot += 1
    		WalkTime($gX, $gY)
    		If $count >= $max Then
    EndFunc   ;==>LootImage
    Func LootCustom()
    	For $i = 0 To ($totalItems - 1)
    		$array = StringSplit($pick[$i], "|")
    		LootImage($array[1], $array[2], 5)
    EndFunc   ;==>LootCustom
    Func Identify()
    	$count = 0
    	While _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "unidentified.png", 1, 1400 * $x_ratio, 580 * $y_ratio, 1914 * $x_ratio, 888 * $y_ratio, $gX, $gY, 120)
    		$count += 1
    		GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Identifying")
    		MouseClick("right", $gX, $gY, 1, 4)
    		MouseMove(Round(Random(0, 400) * $x_ratio), Round(Random(700, 1080) * $y_ratio), 3) ;Moves mouse out of the way
    		Sleep(Random(3000, 3500))
    		If $count >= 30 Then
    EndFunc   ;==>Identify
    Func CleanOCR($text)
    	$out = ""
    	For $i = 1 To StringLen($text)
    		$chr = Asc(StringMid($text, $i, 1))
    		If $chr >= 48 And $chr <= 57 Then $out = $out & Chr($chr)
    		If $chr = 79 Then $out = $out & '0'
    	Return $out
    EndFunc   ;==>CleanOCR
    Func ClickTab($Tabno)
    	If $Tabno = 1 Then RandClick("left", Round(517 * $x_ratio), Round(229 * $y_ratio), 3, 4)
    	If $Tabno = 2 Then RandClick("left", Round(517 * $x_ratio), Round(361 * $y_ratio), 3, 4)
    	If $Tabno = 3 Then RandClick("left", Round(517 * $x_ratio), Round(486 * $y_ratio), 3, 4)
    	Sleep(Random(100, 200))
    EndFunc   ;==>ClickTab
    Func UseNextTab()
    	If $ItemTab = $NextItemTab Then
    		Call("AddLog", "Stash full Both tabs full, disabling stashing")
    		$StashLegendary = False
    		$StashRare = False
    		$StashMagic = False
    		Call("AddLog", "Stash full Using next tab")
    		$ItemTab = $NextItemTab
    EndFunc   ;==>UseNextTab
    Func AddLog($logtxt)
    	Local $file = FileOpen("log.txt", 1)
    	$msg = @MDAY & '/' & @MON & '/' & @YEAR & ' ' & @HOUR & ':' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ': ' & $logtxt & @CRLF
    	FileWrite($file, $msg)
    EndFunc   ;==>AddLog
    Func StashLoot()
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Putting Items in Stash")
    	MouseClick("left", 1064 * $x_ratio, 256 * $y_ratio)
    	Sleep(Random(800, 1000))
    	If $StashTomes Then
    		GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Stashing Tomes")
    		ClickImage("TomeIcon.png", 140, 1)
    	If $StashGems Then
    		GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Stashing Gems")
    		For $i = 0 To 7
    			ClickImage($gems[$i], 150, 1)
    	$numstashed = 0;
    	If $StashLegendary Then
    		ClickItems(0xFF7F00, 2, True, 5)
    		ClickItems(0x8F5C25, 2, True, 5)
    	If $StashRare Then
    		ClickItems(0x4A3C0B, 1, True, 20)
    	If $StashMagic Then
    		ClickItems(0x182037, 1, True, 30)
    	Call("AddLog", "Stashed Items: " & $numstashed)
    	Sleep(Random(200, 300))
    EndFunc   ;==>StashLoot
    Func VendorLoot()
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Vendoring Items")
    	Sleep(Random(200, 300))
    	If Not $StashLoot Then ;Move from TP towards vendor
    		Sleep(Random(100, 300))
    		MouseClick("middle", 1565 * $x_ratio, 50 * $y_ratio)
    		walktime(1565 * $x_ratio, 50 * $y_ratio, 100)
    	Else ;Move from Stash towards vendor
    		Sleep(Random(100, 300))
    		MouseClick("middle", 1560 * $x_ratio, 120 * $y_ratio)
    		walktime(1560 * $x_ratio, 120 * $y_ratio, 100)
    	MouseClick("left", 1030 * $x_ratio, 210 * $y_ratio) ;Talk to vendor
    	walktime(1030 * $x_ratio, 210 * $y_ratio, 250)
    	$numsold = 0;
    	If $vendorAll Then
    		For $c = 1 To $vendorCols
    			For $r = 1 To $vendorRows
    				RandClick("right", (((($c - 1) * 50) + 32 + 1400) * $x_ratio), (((($r - 1) * 51) + 32 + 580) * $y_ratio), 2, 2, 1, 2.5)
    	If $VendorRare Then
    		ClickItems(0x4A3C0B, 2)
    	If $VendorMagic Then
    		ClickItems(0x182037, 2)
    	$montmp = $mon
    	$mon = _TesseractScreenCapture(0, "", 1, 2, 1454 * $x_ratio, 508 * $y_ratio, (1920 - 1571) * $x_ratio, (1080 - 525) * $y_ratio, 0)
    	$mon = CleanOCR($mon)
    	If $mon > 0 Then
    		$mondelt = Number($mon) - Number($monold)
    		GUICtrlSetData($lblGold, "Gold: " & $mon & ", Sold value: " & $mondelt)
    		$monold = $mon
    		Call("AddLog", "Sold Items: " & $numsold & ", Sold value: " & $mondelt)
    		$mLootIn = 1
    		$mon = $montmp
    		Call("AddLog", "Somthing went wrong in town, retrying next time")
    		GUICtrlSetData($lblGold, "Vend fail, retry next run")
    	RandClick("left", Round(521 * $x_ratio), Round(506 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;button to open up repair menu
    	RandClick("left", Round(260 * $x_ratio), Round(595 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;button to pay for repairs
    	$mon = _TesseractScreenCapture(0, "", 1, 2, 1454 * $x_ratio, 508 * $y_ratio, (1920 - 1571) * $x_ratio, (1080 - 525) * $y_ratio, 0)
    	$mon = CleanOCR($mon)
    	$mondelt = Number($mon) - Number($monold)
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblGold, "Gold: " & $mon & ", Repair cost: " & $mondelt)
    	$monold = $mon
    	Call("AddLog", "Repair Cost: " & - $mondelt)
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Done With Vendor")
    EndFunc   ;==>VendorLoot
    Func ClickItems($color, $tolerance, $checkfull = False, $max = 30)
    	$c = 0
    	While $c < $max
    		RandMove(1200 * $x_ratio, 600 * $y_ratio, 5, 5, 2)
    		Sleep(Random(60, 120))
    		$StashPixel = PixelSearch(1400 * $x_ratio, 580 * $y_ratio, 1914 * $x_ratio, 888 * $y_ratio, $color, $tolerance)
    		If Not @error Then
    			MouseClick("right", $StashPixel[0], $StashPixel[1], 1, 4)
    			$c += 1
    			If $checkfull Then
    				$numstashed += 1
    				$numsold += 1
    	Sleep(Random(60, 120))
    	If $checkfull Then
    		If $c = $max Then Call("UseNextTab")
    EndFunc   ;==>ClickItems
    Func ClickImage($image, $tolerance, $max = 20)
    	For $c = 1 To $max
    		RandMove(1200 * $x_ratio, 600 * $y_ratio, 5, 5, 2)
    		Sleep(Random(100, 300))
    		If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & $image, 1, 1400 * $x_ratio, 580 * $y_ratio, 1914 * $x_ratio, 888 * $y_ratio, $gX, $gY, $tolerance) Then
    			MouseClick("right", $gX, $gY, 1, 4)
    EndFunc   ;==>ClickImage
    Func SalvageLoot()
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Salvaging Items")
    	Sleep(Random(300, 500))
    	MouseClick("middle", 1786 * $x_ratio, 535 * $y_ratio)
    	walktime(1786 * $x_ratio, 535 * $y_ratio, 100)
    	MouseClick("left", 1430 * $x_ratio, 390 * $y_ratio) ;Talk to anvil
    	walktime(1430 * $x_ratio, 390 * $y_ratio, 100)
    	$c = 0
    	While $c <= 20
    		Sleep(Random(200, 300))
    		$MagicPixel = PixelSearch(1400 * $x_ratio, 580 * $y_ratio, 1914 * $x_ratio, 830 * $y_ratio, 0x182037, 1)
    		If Not @error Then
    			MouseClick("left", 265 * $x_ratio, 291 * $y_ratio, 1, 4)
    			Sleep(Random(200, 300))
    			MouseClick("left", $MagicPixel[0], $MagicPixel[1], 1, 4)
    			Sleep(Random(200, 300))
    			MouseClick("left", 1072 * $x_ratio, 375 * $y_ratio, 1, 4)
    			RandMove(1200 * $x_ratio, 600 * $y_ratio, 5, 5, 2)
    			$c += 1
    	Call("AddLog", "Salvaged Items: " & $c)
    	Sleep(Random(300, 500))
    EndFunc   ;==>SalvageLoot
    Func _ImageSearchArea($findImage, $resultPosition, $x1, $y1, $right, $bottom, ByRef $x, ByRef $y, $tolerance)
    	If $tolerance > 0 Then $findImage = "*" & $tolerance & " " & $findImage
    	$findImage = "*TRANSBLACK " & $findImage
    	If @AutoItX64 Then
    		$result = DllCall("ImageSearchDLL_x64.dll", "str", "ImageSearch", "int", $x1, "int", $y1, "int", $right, "int", $bottom, "str", $findImage)
    		$result = DllCall("ImageSearchDLL.dll", "str", "ImageSearch", "int", $x1, "int", $y1, "int", $right, "int", $bottom, "str", $findImage)
    	If $result = "0" Then
    		Return 0
    	; Otherwise get the x,y location of the match and the size of the image to
    	; compute the centre of search
    	$array = StringSplit($result[0], "|")
    	If (UBound($array) >= 4) Then
    		$x = Int(Number($array[2]))
    		$y = Int(Number($array[3]))
    		If $resultPosition = 1 Then
    			$x = $x + Int(Number($array[4]) / 2)
    			$y = $y + Int(Number($array[5]) / 2)
    		Return 1
    EndFunc   ;==>_ImageSearchArea
    Func LeaveGame()
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Leaving Game")
    	RandClick("left", Round(956 * $x_ratio), Round(579 * $y_ratio), 120, 20) ;Random Click on the leave button
    EndFunc   ;==>LeaveGame
    Func TownPortalShort()
    	$gX = 0
    	$gY = 0
    	$c = 0
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Waiting for TP bar")
    		$c += 1
    		If $c > 4 Then Return
    	Until _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "TP.png", 1, 600, 200, 1000, 500, $gX, $gY, 50)
    	$seconds = $TPProtectTime
    	$c = 0
    		$c += 1
    		GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Prepared for inturrupt, " & $seconds * 5 - $c)
    		If $c > ($seconds * 5) Then ;Make sure we never get stuck here for infinity.
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: safe, doing long wait for town")
    			Sleep($tptime - $seconds * 1000 - 1200)
    			GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: detecting town")
    			CheckFor("NewTristram", "Area")
    	Until Not _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "TP.png", 1, 600, 200, 1000, 500, $gX, $gY, 50)
    EndFunc   ;==>TownPortalShort
    Func TownPortal()
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Returning to Town")
    	If $DetectTPFail Then
    		Sleep(Random($tptime, $tptime + 500))
    EndFunc   ;==>TownPortal
    #region OtherStuff
    Func Moving($time)
    	Sleep($time / $movementSpeed)
    EndFunc   ;==>Moving
    Func RandClick($clickType, $xpos, $ypos, $xOff = 10, $yOff = 10, $clicks = 1, $speed = 4)
    	If $xOff < 1 Then $xOff = 1
    	If $yOff < 1 Then $yOff = 1
    	$randX = Round(Random($xpos - ($xOff * $x_ratio), $xpos + ($xOff * $x_ratio)))
    	$randY = Round(Random($ypos - ($yOff * $y_ratio), $ypos + ($yOff * $y_ratio)))
    	MouseClick($clickType, $randX, $randY, $clicks, $speed)
    EndFunc   ;==>RandClick
    Func RandMove($xpos, $ypos, $xOff = 10, $yOff = 10, $speed = 1)
    	$randX = Round(Random($xpos - ($xOff * $x_ratio), $xpos + ($xOff * $x_ratio)))
    	$randY = Round(Random($ypos - ($yOff * $y_ratio), $ypos + ($yOff * $y_ratio)))
    	MouseMove($randX, $randY, $speed)
    EndFunc   ;==>RandMove
    Func RandSleep($min = 5, $max = 45, $chance = 3)
    	$randNum = Round(Random(1, 100))
    	If $Timer And $randNum <= $chance Then
    		$sleepTime = Random($min * 1000, $max * 1000)
    		GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Random Sleep - " & Round($sleepTime / 1000) & " secs")
    		For $c = 0 To 10
    			Sleep($sleepTime / 10)
    EndFunc   ;==>RandSleep
    ;Hotkey Functions
    Func Begin()
    	$Go = Not $Go
    	If Not $Go Then WinSetTitle($title, "", $title & $ver & " - Halted")
    EndFunc   ;==>Begin
    Func TogglePause()
    	$Paused = Not $Paused
    	While $Paused
    		WinSetTitle($title, "", $title & $ver & " - Paused")
    		ToolTip('[PAUSED] - Deaths: ' & $deathCount & ' | Cellars: ' & $cellarCount, 0, 0)
    	WinSetTitle($title, "", $title & $ver & " - Running")
    EndFunc   ;==>TogglePause
    Func ShowLoot()
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblGear, "Legendary: " & $LegendaryCount & " - Set: " & $SetCount & " - Rare: " & $RareCount)
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblItems, "Magic: " & $MagicCount & " - Gems: " & $GemCount & " - Tomes: " & $TomeCount)
    EndFunc   ;==>ShowLoot
    Func Stop() ;to allow the script to stop
    EndFunc   ;==>Stop
    Func GoTown()
    	$mLootIn = 1
    EndFunc   ;==>GoTown
    Func AnalyseLoots() ; Grid search + ilvl detection, a little bit slower than old method but computes db for fast stashing/vendoring/new salvaging
    	;ConsoleWrite("---- NEW ANALYSIS ----" & @crlf)
    	$str_Stash = ""
    	$str_StashGems = ""
    	$str_StashMisc = ""
    	$str_Vendor = ""
    	$str_Salvage = ""
    	$int_TownPosition = 0
    	$int_emptygrid = 0
    	$str_Ignore = ""
    	$nX = 0
    	$nY = 0
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Analysing loots")
    	For $y = 0 To 5
    		$int_emptygrid = 0
    		MouseMove(1435, Round(609 + (45 * $y)), 1)
    		For $x = 0 To 9
    			If StringInStr($str_Ignore, 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)) Then ContinueLoop
    			MouseMove(1435 + (48 * $x), 609 + (45 * $y), 1)
    			If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_check.png", 0, Round((1435 + (48 * $x) - 455) * $x_ratio), Round((609 + (45 * $y) - 500) * $y_ratio), Round((1435 + (48 * $x) - 35) * $x_ratio), Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 10) Then ; If tooltip exists
    				$int_emptygrid = 0
    				If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_unidentified.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, $gX, $gY, 40) And $Identify Then ; Identify items.
    					Sleep(Random(3000, 3500, 1))
    				If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_square.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, $gX, $gY, 40) Then ; Gem, automatic stashing.
    					$str_StashGems = $str_StashGems & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_tome.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, $gX, $gY, 40) Then ; Tome, automatic stashing.
    					$str_StashMisc = $str_StashMisc & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_exquisite.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, $gX, $gY, 40) Then ; Crafting, automatic stashing.
    					$str_StashMisc = $str_StashMisc & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_iridescent.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, $gX, $gY, 40) Then ; Crafting, automatic stashing.
    					$str_StashMisc = $str_StashMisc & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_fiery.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, $gX, $gY, 40) Then ; Crafting, automatic stashing (faster than the pixel detection below).
    					$str_StashMisc = $str_StashMisc & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_plan.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, $gX, $gY, 60) Then ; Plans, automatic stashing.
    					$str_StashMisc = $str_StashMisc & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_neck.png", 0, $gX + 320, $gY + 60, $gX + 425, $gY + 150, $nX, $nY, 60) == 0 And _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_waist.png", 0, $gX + 320, $gY + 60, $gX + 425, $gY + 150, $nX, $nY, 60) == 0 And _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_finger.png", 0, $gX + 320, $gY + 60, $gX + 425, $gY + 150, $nX, $nY, 60) == 0 And _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "tt_follower.png", 0, $gX + 320, $gY + 60, $gX + 425, $gY + 150, $nX, $nY, 60) == 0 Then
    					$str_Ignore = $str_Ignore & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * ($y + 1))
    				$tt_title = PixelSearch($gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, 0x00FF00, 1) ; Set, no ilvl check since they drop rarely. Goes to stash.
    				If Not @error Then
    					$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				$tt_title = PixelSearch($gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, 0xBF642F, 1) ; Legendary, no ilvl check since they drop rarely. Goes to stash.
    				If Not @error Then
    					$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				$tt_title = PixelSearch($gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, 0xFFFF00, 1) ; Rare
    				If Not @error Then
    					If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "ilvl59.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 125, Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 20) Then ; Rare ilvl 59
    						If (getOption("i59r") == 1) Then
    							$str_Salvage = $str_Salvage & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    						ElseIf (getOption("i59r") == 2) Then
    							$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    							$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    					If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "ilvl60.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 125, Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 20) Then ; Rare ilvl 60,  goes to salvage
    						If (getOption("i60r") == 1) Then
    							$str_Salvage = $str_Salvage & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    						ElseIf (getOption("i60r") == 2) Then
    							$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    							$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    					If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "ilvl61.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 125, Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 20) Then ; Rare ilvl 61,  goes to salvage
    						If (getOption("i61r") == 1) Then
    							$str_Salvage = $str_Salvage & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    						ElseIf (getOption("i61r") == 2) Then
    							$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    							$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    					If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "ilvl62.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 125, Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 20) Then ; Rare ilvl 62,  goes to salvage
    						If (getOption("i62r") == 1) Then
    							$str_Salvage = $str_Salvage & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    						ElseIf (getOption("i62r") == 2) Then
    							$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    							$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y) & ",r"
    					If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "ilvl63.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 125, Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 20) Then ; Rare ilvl 63,  goes to stash
    						If (getOption("i63r") == 1) Then
    							$str_Salvage = $str_Salvage & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    						ElseIf (getOption("i63r") == 2) Then
    							$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    							$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    					; Below ilvl 59
    					If $StashRare Then
    						$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    					ElseIf $VendorRare Then
    						$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    						$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				$tt_title = PixelSearch($gX, $gY, $gX + 425, $gY + 70, 0x6969FF, 1) ; Magic
    				If Not @error Then
    					If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "ilvl59.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 125, Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 20) Then ; Magic ilvl 59
    						If (getOption("i59m") == 1) Then
    							$str_Salvage = $str_Salvage & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    						ElseIf (getOption("i59m") == 2) Then
    							$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    							$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    					If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "ilvl60.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 125, Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 20) Then ; Magic ilvl 60, goes to salvage
    						If (getOption("i60m") == 1) Then
    							$str_Salvage = $str_Salvage & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    						ElseIf (getOption("i60m") == 2) Then
    							$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    							$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    					If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "ilvl61.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 125, Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 20) Then ; Magic ilvl 61, goes to salvage
    						If (getOption("i61m") == 1) Then
    							$str_Salvage = $str_Salvage & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    						ElseIf (getOption("i61m") == 2) Then
    							$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    							$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    					If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "ilvl62.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 125, Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 20) Then ; Magic ilvl 62, goes to salvage
    						If (getOption("i62m") == 1) Then
    							$str_Salvage = $str_Salvage & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    						ElseIf (getOption("i62m") == 2) Then
    							$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    							$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    					If _ImageSearchArea($pngLoc & "ilvl63.png", 0, $gX, $gY, $gX + 125, Round(1080 * $y_ratio), $gX, $gY, 20) Then ; Magic ilvl 63, goes to stash
    						If (getOption("i63m") == 1) Then
    							$str_Salvage = $str_Salvage & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    						ElseIf (getOption("i63m") == 2) Then
    							$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    							$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    					; Below ilvl 59
    					If $StashMagic Then
    						$str_Stash = $str_Stash & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    					ElseIf $VendorMagic Then
    						$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    						$str_Ignore = $str_Ignore & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				; Probably white/gray trash bugged pick, add to vendor string
    				$str_Vendor = $str_Vendor & "|" & 1435 + (48 * $x) & "," & 609 + (45 * $y)
    				$int_emptygrid += 1
    				If $int_emptygrid == 2 Then ; If there's nothing 2 times in a row in a row (see wut i did thar?), it probably ends here, skip to the next row.
    					$int_emptygrid = 0
    	;Call("AddLog", "Stash gear : "  & $str_Stash )
    	;Call("AddLog", "Stash misc : "  & $str_StashMisc )
    	;Call("AddLog", "Stash gems : "  & $str_StashGems )
    	;Call("AddLog", "Salvage : "  & $str_Salvage )
    	;Call("AddLog", "Vendor : "  & $str_Vendor )
    	;Call("AddLog", "Ignored Square : "  & $str_Ignore )
    	Call("AddLog", "Stashed Items: " & UBound(StringSplit($str_Stash, "|")))
    	If $str_Stash <> "" Or $str_StashGems <> "" Or $str_StashMisc <> "" Then Call("StashLoot_new")
    	If $str_Salvage <> "" Then Call("SalvageLoot_new")
    	If $str_Vendor <> "" Then Call("VendorLoot_new")
    EndFunc   ;==>AnalyseLoots
    Func StashLoot_new()
    	$arr_split = ""
    	$pos_split = ""
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Putting Items in Stash")
    	MouseClick("left", 1064 * $x_ratio, 256 * $y_ratio)
    	$int_TownPosition = 1
    	;Gems Page 1
    	If $str_StashGems <> "" Then
    		$str_StashGems = StringMid($str_StashGems, 2)
    		$arr_split = StringSplit($str_StashGems, "|")
    		For $i = 1 To $arr_split[0]
    			Sleep(Random(300, 350))
    			$pos_split = StringSplit($arr_split[$i], ",", 2)
    			MouseClick("right", $pos_split[0], $pos_split[1], 1, 3)
    	;Tomes/Crafting Materials/Plans/Etc Page 2
    	If $str_StashMisc <> "" Then
    		$str_StashMisc = StringMid($str_StashMisc, 2)
    		$arr_split = StringSplit($str_StashMisc, "|")
    		For $i = 1 To $arr_split[0]
    			Sleep(Random(300, 350))
    			$pos_split = StringSplit($arr_split[$i], ",", 2)
    			MouseClick("right", $pos_split[0], $pos_split[1], 1, 3)
    	;Gears Page 2
    	If $str_Stash <> "" Then
    		$str_Stash = StringMid($str_Stash, 2)
    		$arr_split = StringSplit($str_Stash, "|")
    		For $i = 1 To $arr_split[0]
    			Sleep(Random(80, 100))
    			If Random() < 0.5 Then
    			Sleep(Random(300, 350))
    			$pos_split = StringSplit($arr_split[$i], ",", 2)
    			MouseClick("right", $pos_split[0], $pos_split[1], 1, 3)
    	Sleep(Random(100, 150))
    EndFunc   ;==>StashLoot_new
    Func SalvageLoot_new()
    	$arr_split = ""
    	$pos_split = ""
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Salvaging loots")
    	If $int_TownPosition = 0 Then ; Starting from TP
    		MouseClick("middle", 1582 * $x_ratio, 527 * $y_ratio)
    		MouseClick("left", 1661 * $x_ratio, 409 * $y_ratio)
    	Else ; Starting from Stash
    		MouseClick("middle", 1484 * $x_ratio, 583 * $y_ratio)
    		MouseClick("left", 1773 * $x_ratio, 484 * $y_ratio)
    	$int_TownPosition = 2
    	MouseClick("left", 263 * $x_ratio, 287 * $y_ratio)
    	$str_Salvage = StringMid($str_Salvage, 2)
    	$arr_split = StringSplit($str_Salvage, "|")
    	For $i = 1 To $arr_split[0]
    		Sleep(Random(300, 400))
    		$pos_split = StringSplit($arr_split[$i], ",")
    		MouseClick("left", $pos_split[1], $pos_split[2], 1, 3)
    		If $pos_split[0] == 3 Then
    	Sleep(Random(300, 400))
    EndFunc   ;==>SalvageLoot_new
    Func VendorLoot_new()
    	$arr_split = ""
    	$pos_split = ""
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Vendoring Items")
    	If $int_TownPosition = 0 Then ; Starting from TP
    		MouseClick("middle", 1565 * $x_ratio, 50 * $y_ratio)
    	ElseIf $int_TownPosition = 1 Then ; Starting from Stash
    		MouseClick("middle", 1560 * $x_ratio, 120 * $y_ratio)
    	Else ; Starting from Blacksmith
    		MouseClick("middle", 738 * $x_ratio, 64 * $y_ratio)
    	MouseClick("left", 1030 * $x_ratio, 210 * $y_ratio) ;Talk to vendor
    	$str_Vendor = StringMid($str_Vendor, 2)
    	$arr_split = StringSplit($str_Vendor, "|")
    	For $i = 1 To $arr_split[0]
    		Sleep(Random(100, 300))
    		$pos_split = StringSplit($arr_split[$i], ",", 2)
    		MouseClick("right", $pos_split[0], $pos_split[1], 1, 3)
    		If PixelGetColor(819 * $x_ratio, 375 * $y_ratio) == 0x370C00 Then Send("{ENTER}")
    	Sleep(Random(100, 200))
    	$mon = _TesseractScreenCapture(0, "", 1, 2, 1454 * $x_ratio, 508 * $y_ratio, (1920 - 1571) * $x_ratio, (1080 - 525) * $y_ratio, 0)
    	$mon = CleanOCR($mon)
    	$mondelt = Number($mon) - Number($monold)
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblGold, "Gold: " & $mon & ", Sold value: " & $mondelt)
    	$monold = $mon
    	Call("AddLog", "Sold Items: " & $arr_split[0] & ", Sold value: " & $mondelt)
    	Sleep(Random(200, 300))
    	RandClick("left", Round(521 * $x_ratio), Round(506 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;button to open up repair menu
    	RandClick("left", Round(260 * $x_ratio), Round(595 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;button to pay for repairs
    	$mon = _TesseractScreenCapture(0, "", 1, 2, 1454 * $x_ratio, 508 * $y_ratio, (1920 - 1571) * $x_ratio, (1080 - 525) * $y_ratio, 0)
    	$mon = CleanOCR($mon)
    	$mondelt = Number($mon) - Number($monold)
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblGold, "Gold: " & $mon & ", Repair cost: " & $mondelt)
    	$monold = $mon
    	Call("AddLog", "Repair Cost: " & - $mondelt)
    	GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Done With Vendor")
    EndFunc   ;==>VendorLoot_new
    Func getOption($option) ;Gets the correct INI settings corrisponding to the vend/stash/salvage of items.
    	If ($option == "i59r") Then
    		If ($i59Rare = "salvage") Then
    			Return 1
    		ElseIf ($i59Rare = "vend") Then
    			Return 2
    			Return 0
    	ElseIf ($option == "i60r") Then
    		If ($i60Rare = "salvage") Then
    			Return 1
    		ElseIf ($i60Rare = "vend") Then
    			Return 2
    			Return 0
    	ElseIf ($option == "i61r") Then
    		If ($i61Rare = "salvage") Then
    			Return 1
    		ElseIf ($i61Rare = "vend") Then
    			Return 2
    			Return 0
    	ElseIf ($option == "i62r") Then
    		If ($i62Rare = "salvage") Then
    			Return 1
    		ElseIf ($i62Rare = "vend") Then
    			Return 2
    			Return 0
    	ElseIf ($option == "i63r") Then
    		If ($i63Rare = "salvage") Then
    			Return 1
    		ElseIf ($i63Rare = "vend") Then
    			Return 2
    			Return 0
    	ElseIf ($option == "i59m") Then
    		If ($i59Magic = "salvage") Then
    			Return 1
    		ElseIf ($i59Magic = "vend") Then
    			Return 2
    			Return 0
    	ElseIf ($option == "i60m") Then
    		If ($i60Magic = "salvage") Then
    			Return 1
    		ElseIf ($i60Magic = "vend") Then
    			Return 2
    			Return 0
    	ElseIf ($option == "i61m") Then
    		If ($i61Magic = "salvage") Then
    			Return 1
    		ElseIf ($i61Magic = "vend") Then
    			Return 2
    			Return 0
    	ElseIf ($option == "i62m") Then
    		If ($i62Magic = "salvage") Then
    			Return 1
    		ElseIf ($i62Magic = "vend") Then
    			Return 2
    			Return 0
    	ElseIf ($option == "i63m") Then
    		If ($i63Magic = "salvage") Then
    			Return 1
    		ElseIf ($i63Magic = "vend") Then
    			Return 2
    			Return 0
    		Return 0
    EndFunc   ;==>getOption
    #endregion OtherStuff
    Heres a log if anyone needs it.

    01/07/2012 17:13:34: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:13:34: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:13:44: Last Runtime: 16.01 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:14:57: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:14:57: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:15:07: Last Runtime: 15.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:15:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:15:24: Cellar - Found position 1095, 255
    01/07/2012 17:15:47: Gold: 11285048, Gold Delt: 5000, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 17:15:49: Last Runtime: 33.07 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:16:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:16:06: Cellar - Found position 1059, 216
    01/07/2012 17:16:33: Gold: 11292538, Gold Delt: 7490, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:16:36: Last Runtime: 38.18 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:16:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:16:53: Cellar - Found position 1091, 251
    01/07/2012 17:17:16: Gold: 11297811, Gold Delt: 5273, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 17:17:19: Last Runtime: 33.68 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:17:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:17:35: Cellar - Found position 999, 268
    01/07/2012 17:17:59: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 17:18:06: Gold: 11302179, Gold Delt: 4368, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 5
    01/07/2012 17:18:07: Last Runtime: 39.61 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:18:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:18:26: Cellar - Found position 1062, 268
    01/07/2012 17:18:47: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 17:18:54: Gold: 11307829, Gold Delt: 5650, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:18:56: Last Runtime: 39.35 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:19:10: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:19:10: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:19:20: Last Runtime: 15.11 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:19:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:19:36: Cellar - Found position 1022, 264
    01/07/2012 17:20:03: Gold: 11315104, Gold Delt: 7275, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:20:07: Last Runtime: 38.48 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:20:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:20:24: Cellar - Found position 1095, 272
    01/07/2012 17:20:46: Gold: 11321223, Gold Delt: 6119, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:20:50: Last Runtime: 34.31 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:21:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:21:07: Cellar - Found position 1074, 265
    01/07/2012 17:21:14: OnCellar Recovery Success using enhanced find
    01/07/2012 17:21:32: Gold: 11328192, Gold Delt: 6969, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 17:21:35: Last Runtime: 36.12 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:21:50: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:21:50: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:22:00: Last Runtime: 16.46 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:22:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:22:17: Cellar - Found position 1065, 284
    01/07/2012 17:22:40: Gold: 11332828, Gold Delt: 4636, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 17:22:43: Last Runtime: 33.86 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:23:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:23:43: Cellar - Found position 1043, 249
    01/07/2012 17:24:08: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    01/07/2012 17:24:15: Gold: 11339154, Gold Delt: 5000, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 17:24:16: Last Runtime: 41.26 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:24:31: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:24:31: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:24:43: Last Runtime: 18.18 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:24:47: Logged out
    01/07/2012 17:24:52: Logged out
    01/07/2012 17:25:07: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:25:07: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:25:17: Last Runtime: 15.57 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:25:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:25:33: Cellar - Found position 1034, 249
    01/07/2012 17:25:56: Gold: 11345750, Gold Delt: 6596, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:26:00: Last Runtime: 34.19 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:26:16: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:26:16: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:26:27: Last Runtime: 18.34 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:26:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:26:44: Cellar - Found position 1065, 265
    01/07/2012 17:27:07: Gold: 11350274, Gold Delt: 4524, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:27:10: Last Runtime: 34.51 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:27:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:27:27: Cellar - Found position 1037, 273
    01/07/2012 17:27:52: Gold: 11354974, Gold Delt: 4700, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:27:55: Last Runtime: 35.62 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:28:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:28:12: Cellar - Found position 1071, 258
    01/07/2012 17:28:34: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 17:28:41: Gold: 11360673, Gold Delt: 5699, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 17:28:42: Last Runtime: 38.53 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:28:57: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:28:57: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:29:02: Last Runtime: 10.83 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:29:21: Last Runtime: 29.37 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:30:19: Last Runtime: 87.76 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:30:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:30:36: Cellar - Found position 1088, 276
    01/07/2012 17:31:00: Gold: 11368930, Gold Delt: 8257, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:31:03: Last Runtime: 34.76 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:31:17: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:31:17: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:31:26: Last Runtime: 14.86 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:31:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:31:43: Cellar - Found position 1077, 229
    01/07/2012 17:32:08: Gold: 11375401, Gold Delt: 6471, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:32:10: Last Runtime: 35.21 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:32:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:32:27: Cellar - Found position 1041, 251
    01/07/2012 17:32:46: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 17:32:55: Gold: 11379947, Gold Delt: 4546, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:33:31: Last Runtime: 71.21 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:33:51: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:33:51: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:34:00: Last Runtime: 15.36 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:34:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:34:17: Cellar - Found position 1094, 284
    01/07/2012 17:34:38: Gold: 11392843, Gold Delt: 12896, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 17:34:42: Last Runtime: 32.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:34:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:34:58: Cellar - Found position 1057, 277
    01/07/2012 17:35:20: Gold: 11403110, Gold Delt: 10267, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 17:35:23: Last Runtime: 32.15 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:35:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:35:39: Cellar - Found position 1049, 203
    01/07/2012 17:36:05: Gold: 11408800, Gold Delt: 5690, Items: 0, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:36:10: Last Runtime: 38.18 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:36:24: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:36:24: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:36:33: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:36:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:36:50: Cellar - Found position 1064, 244
    01/07/2012 17:37:14: Gold: 11417064, Gold Delt: 8264, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 17:37:35: Last Runtime: 52.34 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:37:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:37:51: Cellar - Found position 1068, 256
    01/07/2012 17:38:18: Gold: 11426685, Gold Delt: 9621, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 17:38:21: Last Runtime: 37.71 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:38:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:38:38: Cellar - Found position 1059, 285
    01/07/2012 17:39:28: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 17:39:36: Gold: 11432242, Gold Delt: 5557, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 6
    01/07/2012 17:39:58: Stashed Items: 3
    01/07/2012 17:40:17: Sold Items: 30, Sold value: 11963
    01/07/2012 17:40:18: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 17:40:19: Last Runtime: 108.62 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:40:33: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:40:33: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:40:43: Last Runtime: 15.61 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:40:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:41:00: Cellar - Found position 1048, 256
    01/07/2012 17:41:25: Gold: 11453960, Gold Delt: 9755, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:41:30: Last Runtime: 38.02 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:41:45: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:41:47: Cellar - Found position 1065, 257
    01/07/2012 17:42:11: Gold: 11460251, Gold Delt: 6291, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 17:42:15: Last Runtime: 36.7 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:42:30: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:42:30: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:42:40: Last Runtime: 15.63 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:42:55: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:42:55: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:43:05: Last Runtime: 15.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:43:19: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:43:19: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:43:23: Last Runtime: 9.42 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:43:26: Logged out
    01/07/2012 17:43:32: Logged out
    01/07/2012 17:43:47: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:43:47: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:43:57: Last Runtime: 16.25 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:44:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:44:14: Cellar - Found position 1059, 278
    01/07/2012 17:44:39: Gold: 11466227, Gold Delt: 5976, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 17:44:42: Last Runtime: 35.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:44:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:44:59: Cellar - Found position 1079, 271
    01/07/2012 17:45:25: Gold: 11473012, Gold Delt: 6785, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 17:45:28: Last Runtime: 37.29 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:45:44: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:45:45: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:45:54: Last Runtime: 16.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:46:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:46:10: Cellar - Found position 1048, 257
    01/07/2012 17:46:35: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    01/07/2012 17:46:37: Gold: 11480883, Gold Delt: 7871, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:46:38: Last Runtime: 35.66 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:46:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:46:55: Cellar - Found position 1103, 242
    01/07/2012 17:47:18: Gold: 11486480, Gold Delt: 5597, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:47:22: Last Runtime: 34.58 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:47:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:47:39: Cellar - Found position 1082, 259
    01/07/2012 17:48:01: Gold: 11493778, Gold Delt: 7298, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 17:48:04: Last Runtime: 34.03 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:48:19: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:48:19: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:48:29: Last Runtime: 15.38 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:48:43: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:48:43: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:48:52: Last Runtime: 14.86 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:49:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:49:09: Cellar - Found position 1078, 249
    01/07/2012 17:49:33: Gold: 11500423, Gold Delt: 6645, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 17:49:37: Last Runtime: 35.58 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:49:51: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:49:51: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:50:01: Last Runtime: 15.33 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:50:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:50:18: Cellar - Found position 1048, 274
    01/07/2012 17:50:41: Gold: 11505819, Gold Delt: 5396, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 17:50:45: Last Runtime: 35.07 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:51:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:51:03: Cellar - Found position 1079, 238
    01/07/2012 17:51:28: Gold: 11513101, Gold Delt: 7282, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:51:32: Last Runtime: 38.15 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:51:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:51:49: Cellar - Found position 1068, 274
    01/07/2012 17:52:14: Gold: 11520874, Gold Delt: 7773, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 17:52:26: Stashed Items: 0
    01/07/2012 17:52:42: Sold Items: 24, Sold value: 7665
    01/07/2012 17:52:44: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 17:52:44: Last Runtime: 63.74 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:52:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:53:01: Cellar - Found position 1115, 268
    01/07/2012 17:53:26: Gold: 11542091, Gold Delt: 13552, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:53:28: Last Runtime: 34.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:53:43: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:53:43: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:53:52: Last Runtime: 14.83 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:54:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:54:09: Cellar - Found position 1060, 253
    01/07/2012 17:54:32: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 17:54:39: Gold: 11549293, Gold Delt: 7202, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 17:54:41: Last Runtime: 39.8 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:54:55: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:54:55: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:55:05: Last Runtime: 15.9 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:55:20: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:55:20: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:55:24: Last Runtime: 9.48 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:55:27: Logged out
    01/07/2012 17:55:33: Logged out
    01/07/2012 17:55:48: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:55:48: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:55:57: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:56:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:56:13: Cellar - Found position 1073, 261
    01/07/2012 17:56:36: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 17:56:43: Gold: 11554633, Gold Delt: 5340, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 17:56:44: Last Runtime: 39 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:56:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:57:01: Cellar - Found position 1100, 235
    01/07/2012 17:57:27: Gold: 11563002, Gold Delt: 8369, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:57:30: Last Runtime: 36.42 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:57:44: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 17:57:44: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 17:57:54: Last Runtime: 15.39 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:58:09: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:58:11: Cellar - Found position 1091, 249
    01/07/2012 17:58:36: Gold: 11568060, Gold Delt: 5058, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:58:40: Last Runtime: 36.8 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:58:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:58:56: Cellar - Found position 1090, 284
    01/07/2012 17:59:20: Gold: 11572521, Gold Delt: 4461, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 17:59:23: Last Runtime: 33.99 seconds.
    01/07/2012 17:59:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 17:59:39: Cellar - Found position 1091, 272
    01/07/2012 18:00:04: Gold: 11584467, Gold Delt: 11946, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:00:07: Last Runtime: 35.77 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:00:22: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:00:22: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:00:31: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:00:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:00:49: Cellar - Found position 1086, 276
    01/07/2012 18:01:14: Gold: 11593763, Gold Delt: 9296, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:01:18: Last Runtime: 37.75 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:01:32: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:01:32: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:01:41: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:01:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:01:58: Cellar - Found position 1097, 258
    01/07/2012 18:02:22: Gold: 11597567, Gold Delt: 3804, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:02:35: Stashed Items: 0
    01/07/2012 18:02:47: Sold Items: 15, Sold value: 7356
    01/07/2012 18:02:49: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 18:02:49: Last Runtime: 59.13 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:03:04: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:03:04: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:03:13: Last Runtime: 15.12 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:03:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:03:30: Cellar - Found position 1011, 247
    01/07/2012 18:03:51: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 18:03:58: Gold: 11608859, Gold Delt: 3936, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 18:04:00: Last Runtime: 37.82 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:04:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:04:17: Cellar - Found position 1080, 261
    01/07/2012 18:04:38: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 18:04:44: Gold: 11618182, Gold Delt: 9323, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:04:46: Last Runtime: 37.11 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:05:01: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:05:01: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:05:11: Last Runtime: 15.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:05:25: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:05:26: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:05:35: Last Runtime: 15.6 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:05:50: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:05:52: Cellar - Found position 1068, 262
    01/07/2012 18:06:15: Gold: 11622013, Gold Delt: 3831, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:06:18: Last Runtime: 34.59 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:06:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:06:35: Cellar - Found position 1072, 272
    01/07/2012 18:06:58: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 18:07:05: Gold: 11624032, Gold Delt: 2019, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 18:07:07: Last Runtime: 39.4 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:07:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:07:23: Cellar - Found position 1061, 289
    01/07/2012 18:07:49: Gold: 11637377, Gold Delt: 13345, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:07:52: Last Runtime: 36.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:08:06: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:08:06: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:08:16: Last Runtime: 15.63 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:08:32: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:08:32: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:08:42: Last Runtime: 16.53 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:08:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:08:58: Cellar - Found position 1069, 261
    01/07/2012 18:09:21: Gold: 11646119, Gold Delt: 8742, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:09:24: Last Runtime: 33.79 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:09:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:09:41: Cellar - Found position 1026, 250
    01/07/2012 18:10:04: Gold: 11650256, Gold Delt: 4137, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:10:12: Last Runtime: 38.8 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:10:15: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:10:21: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:10:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:10:38: Cellar - Found position 1087, 268
    01/07/2012 18:11:00: Gold: 11655813, Gold Delt: 5557, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 18:11:08: Last Runtime: 38.3 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:11:23: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:11:23: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:11:33: Last Runtime: 15.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:11:47: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:11:47: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:11:51: Last Runtime: 9.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:11:54: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:12:00: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:12:15: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:12:15: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:12:25: Last Runtime: 15.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:12:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:12:41: Cellar - Found position 1108, 264
    01/07/2012 18:13:05: Gold: 11659903, Gold Delt: 4090, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:13:08: Last Runtime: 34.86 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:13:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:13:25: Cellar - Found position 1091, 243
    01/07/2012 18:13:50: Gold: 11666681, Gold Delt: 6778, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 18:13:53: Last Runtime: 36.19 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:14:08: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:14:08: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:14:17: Last Runtime: 15.35 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:14:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:14:34: Cellar - Found position 1069, 264
    01/07/2012 18:14:57: Gold: 11674280, Gold Delt: 7599, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 18:15:00: Last Runtime: 33.68 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:15:14: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:15:15: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:15:18: Last Runtime: 9.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:15:22: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:15:27: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:15:43: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:15:43: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:15:52: Last Runtime: 15.34 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:16:07: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:16:07: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:16:17: Last Runtime: 15.67 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:16:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:16:34: Cellar - Found position 1094, 254
    01/07/2012 18:16:59: Gold: 11684552, Gold Delt: 10272, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:17:01: Last Runtime: 35.53 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:17:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:17:18: Cellar - Found position 1101, 276
    01/07/2012 18:17:42: Gold: 11691276, Gold Delt: 6724, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:17:44: Last Runtime: 34.3 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:17:59: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:17:59: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:18:08: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:18:23: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:18:23: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:18:32: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:18:47: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:18:47: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:18:57: Last Runtime: 16.72 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:19:12: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:19:12: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:19:16: Last Runtime: 9.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:19:20: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:19:25: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:19:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:19:42: Cellar - Found position 1084, 253
    01/07/2012 18:20:10: Gold: 11697398, Gold Delt: 6122, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 18:20:13: Last Runtime: 38.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:20:30: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:20:30: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:20:40: Last Runtime: 17.69 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:20:55: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:20:55: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:21:05: Last Runtime: 16.21 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:21:20: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:21:20: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:21:30: Last Runtime: 15.67 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:21:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:21:46: Cellar - Found position 1076, 257
    01/07/2012 18:22:14: Gold: 11706488, Gold Delt: 9090, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 5
    01/07/2012 18:22:32: Stashed Items: 1
    01/07/2012 18:22:49: Sold Items: 26, Sold value: 9873
    01/07/2012 18:22:50: Repair Cost: 3328
    01/07/2012 18:22:51: Last Runtime: 72.31 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:23:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:23:08: Cellar - Found position 1101, 258
    01/07/2012 18:23:32: Gold: 11718640, Gold Delt: 5607, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:23:37: Last Runtime: 37.27 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:23:52: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:23:52: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:24:01: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:24:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:24:17: Cellar - Found position 1074, 258
    01/07/2012 18:24:39: Gold: 11723544, Gold Delt: 4904, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 18:24:42: Last Runtime: 32.73 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:24:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:24:59: Cellar - Found position 1088, 278
    01/07/2012 18:25:06: OnCellar Recovery Success using enhanced find
    01/07/2012 18:25:26: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 18:25:33: Gold: 11724574, Gold Delt: 1030, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:25:35: Last Runtime: 43.67 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:25:49: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:25:49: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:25:54: Last Runtime: 10.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:25:58: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:26:04: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:26:19: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:26:19: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:26:30: Last Runtime: 17.05 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:26:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:26:46: Cellar - Found position 1095, 259
    01/07/2012 18:27:07: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 18:27:14: Gold: 11736322, Gold Delt: 11748, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:27:16: Last Runtime: 37.2 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:27:31: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:27:31: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:27:40: Last Runtime: 15.64 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:27:55: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:27:55: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:28:05: Last Runtime: 15.59 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:28:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:28:23: Cellar - Found position 1028, 275
    01/07/2012 18:28:47: Gold: 11743764, Gold Delt: 7442, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:28:49: Last Runtime: 35.83 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:29:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:29:07: Cellar - Found position 1075, 249
    01/07/2012 18:29:29: Gold: 11747284, Gold Delt: 3520, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:29:33: Last Runtime: 34.23 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:29:47: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:29:47: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:29:57: Last Runtime: 15.65 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:30:12: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:30:12: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:30:21: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:30:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:30:38: Cellar - Found position 1052, 293
    01/07/2012 18:31:02: Gold: 11756303, Gold Delt: 9019, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:31:05: Last Runtime: 35.09 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:31:19: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:31:20: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:31:29: Last Runtime: 15.42 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:31:44: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:31:44: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:31:53: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:32:09: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:32:11: Cellar - Found position 1073, 267
    01/07/2012 18:32:35: Gold: 11761113, Gold Delt: 4810, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:32:38: Last Runtime: 36.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:32:53: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:32:53: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:33:03: Last Runtime: 16.04 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:33:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:33:20: Cellar - Found position 1077, 258
    01/07/2012 18:33:44: Gold: 11766226, Gold Delt: 5113, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 18:33:47: Last Runtime: 35.76 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:34:02: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:34:04: Cellar - Found position 1062, 261
    01/07/2012 18:34:26: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    01/07/2012 18:34:34: Gold: 11776899, Gold Delt: 10673, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:34:35: Last Runtime: 38.79 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:34:50: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:34:52: Cellar - Found position 1098, 252
    01/07/2012 18:35:18: Gold: 11787201, Gold Delt: 10302, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:35:34: Stashed Items: 1
    01/07/2012 18:35:50: Sold Items: 22, Sold value: 7443
    01/07/2012 18:35:51: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 18:35:52: Last Runtime: 67.64 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:36:06: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:36:06: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:36:16: Last Runtime: 15.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:36:31: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:36:31: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:36:40: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:36:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:36:56: Cellar - Found position 1081, 251
    01/07/2012 18:37:23: Gold: 11798899, Gold Delt: 4255, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:37:27: Last Runtime: 38.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:37:42: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:37:42: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:37:51: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:38:06: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:38:06: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:38:15: Last Runtime: 15.13 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:38:30: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:38:30: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:38:33: Last Runtime: 9.46 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:38:37: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:38:42: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:38:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:39:00: Cellar - Found position 1063, 273
    01/07/2012 18:39:21: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 18:39:28: Gold: 11801976, Gold Delt: 3077, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 6
    01/07/2012 18:39:30: Last Runtime: 37.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:39:44: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:39:44: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:39:53: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:40:08: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:40:09: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:40:18: Last Runtime: 15.89 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:40:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:40:35: Cellar - Found position 1096, 261
    01/07/2012 18:40:58: Gold: 11809197, Gold Delt: 7221, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:41:01: Last Runtime: 33.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:41:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:41:18: Cellar - Found position 1044, 256
    01/07/2012 18:41:40: Gold: 11813730, Gold Delt: 4533, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 18:41:44: Last Runtime: 34.22 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:41:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:42:01: Cellar - Found position 1052, 289
    01/07/2012 18:42:26: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    01/07/2012 18:42:32: Gold: 11820005, Gold Delt: 6275, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:42:34: Last Runtime: 41.16 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:42:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:42:51: Cellar - Found position 1071, 280
    01/07/2012 18:43:17: Gold: 11825637, Gold Delt: 5632, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:43:19: Last Runtime: 36.64 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:43:34: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:43:34: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:43:43: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:43:58: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:43:58: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:44:07: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:44:21: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:44:22: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:44:31: Last Runtime: 15.16 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:44:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:44:48: Cellar - Found position 1057, 259
    01/07/2012 18:45:13: Gold: 11832113, Gold Delt: 6476, Items: 1, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 18:45:16: Last Runtime: 35.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:45:31: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:45:31: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:45:40: Last Runtime: 15.85 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:45:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:45:57: Cellar - Found position 1088, 256
    01/07/2012 18:46:20: Gold: 11837128, Gold Delt: 5015, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 18:46:23: Last Runtime: 33.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:46:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:46:42: Cellar - Found position 1071, 239
    01/07/2012 18:47:05: Gold: 11845983, Gold Delt: 8855, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 18:47:09: Last Runtime: 37.3 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:47:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:47:26: Cellar - Found position 1109, 250
    01/07/2012 18:47:47: Gold: 11856158, Gold Delt: 10175, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 18:47:51: Last Runtime: 33.36 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:48:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:48:09: Cellar - Found position 1091, 266
    01/07/2012 18:48:35: Gold: 11865647, Gold Delt: 9489, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 5
    01/07/2012 18:48:53: Stashed Items: 1
    01/07/2012 18:49:06: Sold Items: 16, Sold value: 6638
    01/07/2012 18:49:07: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 18:49:08: Last Runtime: 67.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:49:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:49:25: Cellar - Found position 1070, 255
    01/07/2012 18:49:49: Gold: 11882146, Gold Delt: 9861, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:49:53: Last Runtime: 36.13 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:50:08: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:50:08: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:50:17: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:50:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:50:33: Cellar - Found position 1101, 259
    01/07/2012 18:50:58: Gold: 11885830, Gold Delt: 3684, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:51:00: Last Runtime: 34.71 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:51:15: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:51:15: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:51:18: Last Runtime: 9.01 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:51:22: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:51:27: Logged out
    01/07/2012 18:51:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:51:46: Cellar - Found position 1061, 281
    01/07/2012 18:52:10: Gold: 11893773, Gold Delt: 7943, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:52:17: Last Runtime: 39.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:52:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:52:34: Cellar - Found position 1086, 254
    01/07/2012 18:52:57: Gold: 11899741, Gold Delt: 5968, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 18:53:00: Last Runtime: 33.84 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:53:15: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:53:15: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:53:24: Last Runtime: 15.14 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:53:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:53:41: Cellar - Found position 1093, 276
    01/07/2012 18:54:04: Gold: 11909006, Gold Delt: 9265, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 18:54:08: Last Runtime: 35.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:54:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:54:25: Cellar - Found position 1038, 243
    01/07/2012 18:54:47: Gold: 11917131, Gold Delt: 8125, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 18:54:51: Last Runtime: 33.93 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:55:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:55:08: Cellar - Found position 1055, 278
    01/07/2012 18:55:33: Gold: 11920904, Gold Delt: 3773, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:55:36: Last Runtime: 36.46 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:55:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:55:53: Cellar - Found position 1073, 255
    01/07/2012 18:56:17: Gold: 11924343, Gold Delt: 3439, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 18:56:20: Last Runtime: 34.63 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:56:35: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:56:35: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:56:45: Last Runtime: 15.96 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:56:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:57:01: Cellar - Found position 1076, 265
    01/07/2012 18:57:26: Gold: 11931698, Gold Delt: 7355, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 18:57:30: Last Runtime: 35.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:57:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:57:47: Cellar - Found position 1082, 258
    01/07/2012 18:58:09: Gold: 11939942, Gold Delt: 8244, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 18:58:11: Last Runtime: 33.07 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:58:26: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:58:26: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:58:35: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:58:50: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:58:52: Cellar - Found position 1067, 274
    01/07/2012 18:59:15: Gold: 11949726, Gold Delt: 9784, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 18:59:18: Last Runtime: 34.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:59:33: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 18:59:33: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 18:59:42: Last Runtime: 15.38 seconds.
    01/07/2012 18:59:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 18:59:59: Cellar - Found position 1098, 249
    01/07/2012 19:00:26: Gold: 11960483, Gold Delt: 10757, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:00:29: Last Runtime: 37.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:00:44: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:00:44: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:00:54: Last Runtime: 15.59 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:01:08: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:01:09: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:01:18: Last Runtime: 15.12 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:01:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:01:35: Cellar - Found position 1088, 256
    01/07/2012 19:01:57: Gold: 11967497, Gold Delt: 7014, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 19:02:10: Stashed Items: 0
    01/07/2012 19:02:25: Sold Items: 22, Sold value: 9255
    01/07/2012 19:02:26: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 19:02:27: Last Runtime: 60.64 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:02:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:02:45: Cellar - Found position 1078, 261
    01/07/2012 19:03:07: Gold: 11981981, Gold Delt: 5229, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 19:03:11: Last Runtime: 34.76 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:03:26: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:03:26: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:03:35: Last Runtime: 15.8 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:03:50: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:03:50: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:04:00: Last Runtime: 15.99 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:04:15: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:04:15: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:04:24: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:04:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:04:41: Cellar - Found position 1063, 260
    01/07/2012 19:05:04: Gold: 11986068, Gold Delt: 4087, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:05:06: Last Runtime: 33.5 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:05:21: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:05:21: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:05:25: Last Runtime: 9.7 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:05:28: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:05:34: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:05:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:05:51: Cellar - Found position 1071, 257
    01/07/2012 19:06:14: Gold: 11990162, Gold Delt: 4094, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:06:18: Last Runtime: 34.73 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:06:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:06:34: Cellar - Found position 1086, 276
    01/07/2012 19:06:57: Gold: 11996612, Gold Delt: 6450, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:07:00: Last Runtime: 33.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:07:15: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:07:15: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:07:24: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:07:39: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:07:40: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:07:49: Last Runtime: 16.56 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:08:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:08:06: Cellar - Found position 1067, 267
    01/07/2012 19:08:31: Gold: 12004197, Gold Delt: 7585, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 19:08:34: Last Runtime: 35.46 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:08:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:08:51: Cellar - Found position 1054, 259
    01/07/2012 19:09:15: Gold: 12011611, Gold Delt: 7414, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:09:19: Last Runtime: 36.04 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:09:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:09:35: Cellar - Found position 1083, 256
    01/07/2012 19:09:58: Gold: 12020910, Gold Delt: 9299, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 19:10:00: Last Runtime: 32.84 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:10:15: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:10:15: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:10:24: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:10:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:10:41: Cellar - Found position 1108, 240
    01/07/2012 19:11:05: Gold: 12027505, Gold Delt: 6595, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:11:08: Last Runtime: 35.29 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:11:23: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:11:23: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:11:32: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:11:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:11:49: Cellar - Found position 1040, 265
    01/07/2012 19:12:14: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 19:12:21: Gold: 12031947, Gold Delt: 4442, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:12:33: Stashed Items: 1
    01/07/2012 19:12:47: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 7894
    01/07/2012 19:12:48: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 19:12:49: Last Runtime: 67.58 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:13:03: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:13:05: Cellar - Found position 1099, 258
    01/07/2012 19:13:28: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 19:13:35: Gold: 12044686, Gold Delt: 4845, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 19:13:36: Last Runtime: 39.08 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:13:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:13:53: Cellar - Found position 1070, 268
    01/07/2012 19:14:19: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    01/07/2012 19:14:27: Gold: 12049128, Gold Delt: 4442, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:14:29: Last Runtime: 43.36 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:14:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:14:45: Cellar - Found position 1068, 253
    01/07/2012 19:15:08: Gold: 12055408, Gold Delt: 6280, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 19:15:11: Last Runtime: 33.03 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:15:25: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:15:25: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:15:34: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:15:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:15:51: Cellar - Found position 1083, 273
    01/07/2012 19:16:16: Gold: 12065565, Gold Delt: 10157, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:16:18: Last Runtime: 35.08 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:16:33: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:16:33: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:16:42: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:16:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:16:59: Cellar - Found position 1062, 283
    01/07/2012 19:17:21: Gold: 12071910, Gold Delt: 6345, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:17:25: Last Runtime: 34.11 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:17:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:17:42: Cellar - Found position 1095, 256
    01/07/2012 19:18:02: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 19:18:11: Gold: 12081595, Gold Delt: 9685, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:18:13: Last Runtime: 38.86 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:18:27: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:18:27: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:18:36: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:18:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:18:53: Cellar - Found position 1097, 253
    01/07/2012 19:19:18: Gold: 12088230, Gold Delt: 6635, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:19:20: Last Runtime: 35.09 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:19:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:19:37: Cellar - Found position 1022, 255
    01/07/2012 19:20:02: Gold: 12092981, Gold Delt: 4751, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:20:04: Last Runtime: 35.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:20:19: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:20:19: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:20:28: Last Runtime: 15.15 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:20:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:20:45: Cellar - Found position 1057, 280
    01/07/2012 19:21:09: Gold: 12100714, Gold Delt: 7733, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 19:21:12: Last Runtime: 34.59 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:21:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:21:29: Cellar - Found position 1107, 281
    01/07/2012 19:21:53: Gold: 12104765, Gold Delt: 4051, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:21:55: Last Runtime: 34.61 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:22:10: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:22:10: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:22:19: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:22:34: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:22:34: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:22:43: Last Runtime: 15.39 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:22:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:23:00: Cellar - Found position 1073, 283
    01/07/2012 19:23:27: Gold: 12110757, Gold Delt: 5992, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:23:45: Stashed Items: 1
    01/07/2012 19:23:58: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 6526
    01/07/2012 19:24:00: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 19:24:00: Last Runtime: 67.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:24:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:24:17: Cellar - Found position 1080, 270
    01/07/2012 19:24:40: Gold: 12127589, Gold Delt: 10306, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:24:42: Last Runtime: 33.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:24:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:24:59: Cellar - Found position 1087, 276
    01/07/2012 19:25:26: Gold: 12135698, Gold Delt: 8109, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:25:29: Last Runtime: 37.47 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:25:43: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:25:43: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:25:47: Last Runtime: 9.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:25:50: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:25:56: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:26:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:26:13: Cellar - Found position 1095, 259
    01/07/2012 19:26:36: Gold: 12140838, Gold Delt: 5140, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:26:40: Last Runtime: 34.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:26:55: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:26:55: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:27:07: Last Runtime: 17.57 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:27:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:27:24: Cellar - Found position 1099, 255
    01/07/2012 19:27:50: Gold: 12145703, Gold Delt: 4865, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:27:53: Last Runtime: 37.57 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:28:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:28:10: Cellar - Found position 1089, 271
    01/07/2012 19:28:34: Gold: 12150300, Gold Delt: 4597, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:28:37: Last Runtime: 35.16 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:28:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:28:54: Cellar - Found position 985, 260
    01/07/2012 19:29:16: Gold: 12155183, Gold Delt: 4883, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 19:29:20: Last Runtime: 33.72 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:29:34: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:29:34: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:29:43: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:29:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:30:00: Cellar - Found position 1066, 255
    01/07/2012 19:30:25: Gold: 12160873, Gold Delt: 5690, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:30:28: Last Runtime: 35.4 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:30:42: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:30:42: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:30:52: Last Runtime: 15.12 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:31:06: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:31:06: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:31:16: Last Runtime: 15.39 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:31:30: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:31:31: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:31:40: Last Runtime: 15.4 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:31:55: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:31:55: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:32:05: Last Runtime: 16.21 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:32:20: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:32:20: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:32:29: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:32:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:32:46: Cellar - Found position 1071, 261
    01/07/2012 19:33:13: Gold: 12167638, Gold Delt: 6765, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:33:17: Last Runtime: 39.07 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:33:31: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:33:32: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:33:41: Last Runtime: 15.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:33:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:33:58: Cellar - Found position 1044, 278
    01/07/2012 19:34:22: Gold: 12175498, Gold Delt: 7860, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:34:27: Last Runtime: 36.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:34:41: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:34:41: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:34:50: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:35:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:35:07: Cellar - Found position 1067, 265
    01/07/2012 19:35:34: Gold: 12183124, Gold Delt: 7626, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 19:35:52: Stashed Items: 2
    01/07/2012 19:36:05: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 9478
    01/07/2012 19:36:07: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 19:36:07: Last Runtime: 68.07 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:36:22: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:36:22: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:36:32: Last Runtime: 15.66 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:36:47: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:36:47: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:36:56: Last Runtime: 15.7 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:37:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:37:14: Cellar - Found position 1070, 255
    01/07/2012 19:37:36: Gold: 12203311, Gold Delt: 10709, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 19:37:39: Last Runtime: 33.51 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:37:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:37:56: Cellar - Found position 1084, 257
    01/07/2012 19:38:23: Gold: 12210951, Gold Delt: 7640, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 19:38:26: Last Runtime: 37.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:38:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:38:42: Cellar - Found position 1089, 265
    01/07/2012 19:39:10: Gold: 12216260, Gold Delt: 5309, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 5
    01/07/2012 19:39:13: Last Runtime: 38.66 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:39:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:39:30: Cellar - Found position 1103, 258
    01/07/2012 19:39:53: Gold: 12226396, Gold Delt: 10136, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:39:56: Last Runtime: 33.99 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:40:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:40:13: Cellar - Found position 1103, 245
    01/07/2012 19:40:38: Gold: 12232189, Gold Delt: 5793, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:40:41: Last Runtime: 36.63 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:40:56: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:40:56: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:41:06: Last Runtime: 15.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:41:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:41:23: Cellar - Found position 1080, 243
    01/07/2012 19:41:45: Gold: 12235978, Gold Delt: 3789, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:41:48: Last Runtime: 33.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:42:03: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:42:03: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:42:12: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:42:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:42:29: Cellar - Found position 1110, 222
    01/07/2012 19:42:55: Gold: 12239991, Gold Delt: 4013, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:42:58: Last Runtime: 37.08 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:43:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:43:15: Cellar - Found position 999, 208
    01/07/2012 19:43:39: Gold: 12251605, Gold Delt: 11614, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:43:42: Last Runtime: 35.02 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:43:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:43:59: Cellar - Found position 1110, 273
    01/07/2012 19:44:21: Gold: 12259832, Gold Delt: 8227, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:44:24: Last Runtime: 32.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:44:38: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:44:39: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:44:42: Last Runtime: 9.52 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:44:46: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:44:51: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:45:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:45:08: Cellar - Found position 1072, 288
    01/07/2012 19:45:34: Gold: 12266073, Gold Delt: 6241, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 19:45:36: Last Runtime: 35.96 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:45:51: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:45:51: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:46:02: Last Runtime: 16.52 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:46:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:46:19: Cellar - Found position 1080, 270
    01/07/2012 19:46:45: Gold: 12272425, Gold Delt: 6352, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:46:59: Stashed Items: 1
    01/07/2012 19:47:12: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 7445
    01/07/2012 19:47:14: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 19:47:14: Last Runtime: 63.86 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:47:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:47:31: Cellar - Found position 1066, 252
    01/07/2012 19:47:56: Gold: 12289644, Gold Delt: 9774, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 19:47:59: Last Runtime: 35.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:48:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:48:16: Cellar - Found position 1096, 256
    01/07/2012 19:48:39: Gold: 12298906, Gold Delt: 9262, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 19:48:42: Last Runtime: 34.54 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:48:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:48:59: Cellar - Found position 1072, 238
    01/07/2012 19:49:23: Gold: 12306958, Gold Delt: 8052, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:49:26: Last Runtime: 35.02 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:49:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:49:43: Cellar - Found position 1086, 259
    01/07/2012 19:50:10: Gold: 12314012, Gold Delt: 7054, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:50:13: Last Runtime: 38.52 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:50:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:50:31: Cellar - Found position 1091, 275
    01/07/2012 19:50:54: Gold: 12321163, Gold Delt: 7151, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:50:57: Last Runtime: 34.59 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:51:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:51:14: Cellar - Found position 1098, 265
    01/07/2012 19:51:38: Gold: 12326691, Gold Delt: 5528, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:51:40: Last Runtime: 34.76 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:51:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:51:57: Cellar - Found position 1081, 251
    01/07/2012 19:52:23: Gold: 12333095, Gold Delt: 6404, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:52:26: Last Runtime: 36.73 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:52:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:52:43: Cellar - Found position 1090, 257
    01/07/2012 19:53:04: Gold: 12336855, Gold Delt: 3760, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:53:12: Last Runtime: 37.49 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:53:16: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:53:21: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:53:36: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:53:36: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:53:45: Last Runtime: 15.16 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:54:00: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:54:00: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:54:10: Last Runtime: 16.02 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:54:25: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:54:26: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:54:30: Last Runtime: 11.11 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:54:34: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:54:39: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:54:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:54:57: Cellar - Found position 1088, 269
    01/07/2012 19:55:20: Gold: 12343136, Gold Delt: 6281, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:55:23: Last Runtime: 34.58 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:55:38: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:55:38: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:55:48: Last Runtime: 15.67 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:56:03: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:56:05: Cellar - Found position 1068, 286
    01/07/2012 19:56:29: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 19:56:37: Gold: 12351305, Gold Delt: 8169, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 19:56:38: Last Runtime: 41.55 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:56:53: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:56:53: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:57:02: Last Runtime: 15.16 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:57:17: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:57:17: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:57:27: Last Runtime: 15.96 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:57:42: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:57:42: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:57:52: Last Runtime: 15.69 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:58:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 19:58:08: Cellar - Found position 1072, 283
    01/07/2012 19:58:33: Gold: 12361452, Gold Delt: 10147, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 19:58:36: Last Runtime: 35.53 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:58:51: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:58:51: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:59:00: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:59:14: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:59:15: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:59:24: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:59:38: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 19:59:38: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 19:59:42: Last Runtime: 9.46 seconds.
    01/07/2012 19:59:45: Logged out
    01/07/2012 19:59:51: Logged out
    01/07/2012 20:00:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:00:08: Cellar - Found position 1074, 277
    01/07/2012 20:00:32: Gold: 12368409, Gold Delt: 6957, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:00:59: Stash full Using next tab
    01/07/2012 20:01:00: Stashed Items: 20
    01/07/2012 20:01:16: Sold Items: 23, Sold value: 7814
    01/07/2012 20:01:17: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 20:01:18: Last Runtime: 77.3 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:01:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:01:35: Cellar - Found position 1014, 255
    01/07/2012 20:02:00: Gold: 12382574, Gold Delt: 6351, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:02:03: Last Runtime: 36.8 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:02:18: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:02:18: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:02:27: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:02:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:02:44: Cellar - Found position 1054, 269
    01/07/2012 20:03:14: Gold: 12389848, Gold Delt: 7274, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 20:03:16: Last Runtime: 40.56 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:03:31: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:03:31: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:03:42: Last Runtime: 16.77 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:03:57: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:03:57: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:04:07: Last Runtime: 16.45 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:04:22: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:04:22: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:04:32: Last Runtime: 16.18 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:04:47: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:04:47: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:04:57: Last Runtime: 15.64 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:05:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:05:14: Cellar - Found position 1079, 258
    01/07/2012 20:05:36: Gold: 12395357, Gold Delt: 5509, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:05:38: Last Runtime: 32.62 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:05:54: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:05:54: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:06:03: Last Runtime: 16.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:06:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:06:21: Cellar - Found position 1036, 250
    01/07/2012 20:06:43: Gold: 12405603, Gold Delt: 10246, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:06:46: Last Runtime: 33.84 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:07:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:07:03: Cellar - Found position 1093, 258
    01/07/2012 20:07:35: Gold: 12409750, Gold Delt: 4147, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 20:07:38: Last Runtime: 43.39 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:07:54: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:07:54: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:08:04: Last Runtime: 16.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:08:18: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:08:18: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:08:28: Last Runtime: 15.16 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:08:43: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:08:43: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:08:52: Last Runtime: 15.67 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:09:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:09:09: Cellar - Found position 1098, 277
    01/07/2012 20:09:30: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    01/07/2012 20:09:37: Gold: 12412654, Gold Delt: 2904, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:09:39: Last Runtime: 37.65 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:09:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:09:56: Cellar - Found position 1091, 244
    01/07/2012 20:10:21: Gold: 12423829, Gold Delt: 11175, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:10:24: Last Runtime: 36.1 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:10:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:10:41: Cellar - Found position 1099, 263
    01/07/2012 20:11:03: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    01/07/2012 20:11:11: Gold: 12430166, Gold Delt: 6337, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 20:11:12: Last Runtime: 39.76 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:11:27: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:11:27: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:11:37: Last Runtime: 15.69 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:11:52: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:11:52: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:11:55: Last Runtime: 9.68 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:11:59: Logged out
    01/07/2012 20:12:04: Logged out
    01/07/2012 20:12:19: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:12:22: Cellar - Found position 1115, 263
    01/07/2012 20:12:47: Gold: 12437773, Gold Delt: 7607, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:12:49: Last Runtime: 35.78 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:13:04: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:13:04: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:13:13: Last Runtime: 15.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:13:28: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:13:28: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:13:37: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:13:52: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:13:53: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:14:03: Last Runtime: 17.46 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:14:18: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:14:18: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:14:22: Last Runtime: 9.73 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:14:25: Logged out
    01/07/2012 20:14:31: Logged out
    01/07/2012 20:14:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:14:48: Cellar - Found position 1083, 266
    01/07/2012 20:15:14: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 20:15:21: Gold: 12441857, Gold Delt: 4084, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 7
    01/07/2012 20:15:23: Last Runtime: 42.48 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:15:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:15:40: Cellar - Found position 1062, 295
    01/07/2012 20:16:04: Gold: 12453956, Gold Delt: 12099, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 20:16:07: Last Runtime: 35.72 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:16:22: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:16:22: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:16:31: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:16:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:16:48: Cellar - Found position 1078, 271
    01/07/2012 20:17:11: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 20:17:19: Gold: 12461875, Gold Delt: 7919, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 5
    01/07/2012 20:17:21: Last Runtime: 40.62 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:17:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:17:38: Cellar - Found position 1057, 264
    01/07/2012 20:17:58: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 20:18:05: Gold: 12471013, Gold Delt: 9138, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 20:18:21: Stashed Items: 2
    01/07/2012 20:18:32: Sold Items: 13, Sold value: 5946
    01/07/2012 20:18:33: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 20:18:34: Last Runtime: 64.35 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:18:49: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:18:49: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:18:58: Last Runtime: 15.67 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:19:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:19:15: Cellar - Found position 1091, 228
    01/07/2012 20:19:39: Gold: 12489624, Gold Delt: 12665, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 20:19:43: Last Runtime: 35.65 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:19:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:20:00: Cellar - Found position 1069, 253
    01/07/2012 20:20:22: Gold: 12495523, Gold Delt: 5899, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:20:26: Last Runtime: 34.53 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:20:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:20:43: Cellar - Found position 1069, 261
    01/07/2012 20:21:06: Gold: 12501619, Gold Delt: 6096, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 20:21:09: Last Runtime: 33.92 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:21:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:21:27: Cellar - Found position 1072, 256
    01/07/2012 20:21:51: Gold: 12516171, Gold Delt: 14552, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:21:54: Last Runtime: 35.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:22:09: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:22:11: Cellar - Found position 1082, 263
    01/07/2012 20:22:35: Gold: 12522691, Gold Delt: 6520, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 20:22:38: Last Runtime: 34.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:22:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:22:55: Cellar - Found position 1077, 233
    01/07/2012 20:23:19: Gold: 12532416, Gold Delt: 9725, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:23:22: Last Runtime: 35.62 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:23:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:23:39: Cellar - Found position 1059, 273
    01/07/2012 20:24:03: Gold: 12539981, Gold Delt: 7565, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:24:06: Last Runtime: 34.67 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:24:20: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:24:21: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:24:30: Last Runtime: 15.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:24:45: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:24:45: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:24:56: Last Runtime: 16.77 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:25:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:25:13: Cellar - Found position 1101, 245
    01/07/2012 20:25:39: Gold: 12547442, Gold Delt: 7461, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:25:43: Last Runtime: 38.08 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:25:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:26:00: Cellar - Found position 1043, 258
    01/07/2012 20:26:21: Gold: 12553119, Gold Delt: 5677, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:26:24: Last Runtime: 32.43 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:26:39: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:26:39: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:26:48: Last Runtime: 15.16 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:27:03: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:27:03: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:27:12: Last Runtime: 15.47 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:27:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:27:29: Cellar - Found position 1094, 251
    01/07/2012 20:27:51: Gold: 12562967, Gold Delt: 9848, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:27:55: Last Runtime: 33.5 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:28:09: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:28:12: Cellar - Found position 1061, 264
    01/07/2012 20:28:37: Gold: 12570309, Gold Delt: 7342, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 20:28:50: Stashed Items: 0
    01/07/2012 20:29:04: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 8323
    01/07/2012 20:29:05: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 20:29:06: Last Runtime: 62.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:29:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:29:25: Cellar - Found position 1081, 270
    01/07/2012 20:29:49: Gold: 12583489, Gold Delt: 4857, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:29:56: Last Runtime: 41.92 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:30:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:30:13: Cellar - Found position 1072, 257
    01/07/2012 20:30:36: Gold: 12592016, Gold Delt: 8527, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 20:30:39: Last Runtime: 33.83 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:30:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:30:56: Cellar - Found position 1064, 251
    01/07/2012 20:31:18: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    01/07/2012 20:31:25: Gold: 12594264, Gold Delt: 2248, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:31:26: Last Runtime: 38.47 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:31:41: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:31:41: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:31:50: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:32:05: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:32:05: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:32:14: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:32:29: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:32:29: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:32:39: Last Runtime: 16.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:32:55: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:32:55: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:33:05: Last Runtime: 16.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:33:19: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:33:19: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:33:28: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:33:44: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:33:44: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:33:54: Last Runtime: 16.37 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:34:09: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:34:11: Cellar - Found position 1046, 282
    01/07/2012 20:34:34: Gold: 12602791, Gold Delt: 8527, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:34:37: Last Runtime: 34.77 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:34:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:34:54: Cellar - Found position 1058, 274
    01/07/2012 20:35:16: Gold: 12607293, Gold Delt: 4502, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 20:35:18: Last Runtime: 32.43 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:35:34: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:35:34: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:35:43: Last Runtime: 15.36 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:35:58: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:35:58: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:36:08: Last Runtime: 16.39 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:36:23: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:36:23: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:36:33: Last Runtime: 16.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:36:48: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:36:48: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:37:00: Last Runtime: 17.81 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:37:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:37:17: Cellar - Found position 1070, 263
    01/07/2012 20:37:38: Gold: 12612154, Gold Delt: 4861, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 20:37:41: Last Runtime: 32.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:37:56: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:37:56: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:38:07: Last Runtime: 17.24 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:38:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:38:24: Cellar - Found position 1084, 266
    01/07/2012 20:38:46: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 20:38:54: Gold: 12621233, Gold Delt: 9079, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 20:38:55: Last Runtime: 39.12 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:39:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:39:12: Cellar - Found position 1080, 251
    01/07/2012 20:39:36: Gold: 12626165, Gold Delt: 4932, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:39:39: Last Runtime: 35.26 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:39:55: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:39:55: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:40:04: Last Runtime: 16.33 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:40:19: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:40:21: Cellar - Found position 1042, 259
    01/07/2012 20:40:45: Gold: 12636469, Gold Delt: 10304, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 20:40:48: Last Runtime: 34.79 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:41:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:41:06: Cellar - Found position 1094, 275
    01/07/2012 20:41:28: Gold: 12639908, Gold Delt: 3439, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 20:41:50: Stashed Items: 2
    01/07/2012 20:42:01: Sold Items: 12, Sold value: 6456
    01/07/2012 20:42:03: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 20:42:03: Last Runtime: 66.52 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:42:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:42:20: Cellar - Found position 1093, 273
    01/07/2012 20:42:43: Gold: 12653282, Gold Delt: 6918, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:42:47: Last Runtime: 34.4 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:43:01: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:43:01: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:43:11: Last Runtime: 15.73 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:43:26: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:43:28: Cellar - Found position 1072, 257
    01/07/2012 20:43:53: Gold: 12655935, Gold Delt: 2653, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:43:57: Last Runtime: 37.11 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:44:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:44:14: Cellar - Found position 1095, 258
    01/07/2012 20:44:37: Gold: 12662291, Gold Delt: 6356, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:44:40: Last Runtime: 33.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:44:55: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:44:55: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:45:04: Last Runtime: 15.46 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:45:19: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:45:19: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:45:30: Last Runtime: 16.52 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:45:44: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:45:44: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:45:54: Last Runtime: 15.39 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:46:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:46:12: Cellar - Found position 1076, 271
    01/07/2012 20:46:38: Gold: 12669179, Gold Delt: 6888, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:46:41: Last Runtime: 38.66 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:46:56: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:46:56: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:47:06: Last Runtime: 16 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:47:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:47:23: Cellar - Found position 1083, 254
    01/07/2012 20:47:49: Gold: 12673939, Gold Delt: 4760, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:47:52: Last Runtime: 36.81 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:48:07: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:48:07: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:48:16: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:48:30: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:48:33: Cellar - Found position 1093, 272
    01/07/2012 20:48:55: Gold: 12679130, Gold Delt: 5191, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:48:58: Last Runtime: 33.1 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:49:12: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:49:12: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:49:23: Last Runtime: 16.83 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:49:38: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:49:38: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:49:41: Last Runtime: 9.05 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:49:45: Logged out
    01/07/2012 20:49:50: Logged out
    01/07/2012 20:50:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:50:08: Cellar - Found position 1071, 268
    01/07/2012 20:50:33: Gold: 12683551, Gold Delt: 4421, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:50:35: Last Runtime: 35.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:50:50: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:50:52: Cellar - Found position 1102, 251
    01/07/2012 20:51:08: Cellar was found but didnt end up there
    01/07/2012 20:51:10: You have died
    01/07/2012 20:51:10: Last Runtime: 25.92 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:52:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:52:11: Cellar - Found position 1074, 240
    01/07/2012 20:52:33: Gold: 12695660, Gold Delt: 12109, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 20:52:36: Last Runtime: 33.61 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:52:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:52:53: Cellar - Found position 1110, 239
    01/07/2012 20:53:17: Gold: 12704627, Gold Delt: 8967, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:53:20: Last Runtime: 35.21 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:53:35: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:53:35: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:53:44: Last Runtime: 15.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:53:59: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:53:59: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:54:08: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:54:23: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:54:23: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:54:32: Last Runtime: 15.45 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:54:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:54:49: Cellar - Found position 1125, 265
    01/07/2012 20:55:13: Gold: 12709633, Gold Delt: 5006, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:55:17: Last Runtime: 35.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:55:31: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:55:31: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:55:41: Last Runtime: 15.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:55:56: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:55:56: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:56:05: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:56:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:56:22: Cellar - Found position 1076, 254
    01/07/2012 20:56:37: Cellar was found but didnt end up there
    01/07/2012 20:56:46: Last Runtime: 31.63 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:57:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:57:03: Cellar - Found position 1083, 253
    01/07/2012 20:57:30: Gold: 12716767, Gold Delt: 7134, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 20:57:47: Stashed Items: 1
    01/07/2012 20:58:01: Sold Items: 17, Sold value: 5806
    01/07/2012 20:58:02: Repair Cost: 3328
    01/07/2012 20:58:03: Last Runtime: 68.28 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:58:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:58:20: Cellar - Found position 1051, 242
    01/07/2012 20:58:43: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 20:58:51: Gold: 12729001, Gold Delt: 9756, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 6
    01/07/2012 20:58:52: Last Runtime: 40.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:59:07: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 20:59:07: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 20:59:12: Last Runtime: 10.72 seconds.
    01/07/2012 20:59:15: Logged out
    01/07/2012 20:59:21: Logged out
    01/07/2012 20:59:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 20:59:38: Cellar - Found position 1087, 280
    01/07/2012 21:00:08: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    01/07/2012 21:00:09: Gold: 12739081, Gold Delt: 10080, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 21:00:11: Last Runtime: 40.61 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:00:25: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:00:25: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:00:34: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:00:50: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:00:53: Cellar - Found position 1075, 265
    01/07/2012 21:01:17: Gold: 12744789, Gold Delt: 5708, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:01:20: Last Runtime: 36.37 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:01:34: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:01:34: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:01:45: Last Runtime: 16.83 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:02:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:02:02: Cellar - Found position 1065, 249
    01/07/2012 21:02:29: Gold: 12750274, Gold Delt: 5485, Items: 0, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:02:32: Last Runtime: 37.57 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:02:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:02:49: Cellar - Found position 1053, 270
    01/07/2012 21:03:11: Gold: 12758307, Gold Delt: 8033, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 21:03:14: Last Runtime: 33.33 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:03:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:03:31: Cellar - Found position 1087, 257
    01/07/2012 21:03:58: Gold: 12766861, Gold Delt: 8554, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 21:04:03: Last Runtime: 39.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:04:17: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:04:17: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:04:27: Last Runtime: 15.45 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:04:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:04:44: Cellar - Found position 1081, 239
    01/07/2012 21:05:09: Gold: 12771329, Gold Delt: 4468, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:05:12: Last Runtime: 35.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:05:26: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:05:26: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:05:37: Last Runtime: 16 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:05:50: Last Runtime: 4.57 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:05:53: Logged out
    01/07/2012 21:05:59: Logged out
    01/07/2012 21:06:14: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:06:14: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:06:24: Last Runtime: 15.99 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:06:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:06:42: Cellar - Found position 1068, 264
    01/07/2012 21:07:07: Gold: 12778049, Gold Delt: 6720, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:07:10: Last Runtime: 36.76 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:07:25: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:07:25: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:07:35: Last Runtime: 16.22 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:07:50: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:07:50: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:08:01: Last Runtime: 17.09 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:08:16: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:08:16: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:08:25: Last Runtime: 15.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:08:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:08:42: Cellar - Found position 1102, 270
    01/07/2012 21:09:10: Gold: 12782224, Gold Delt: 4175, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 21:09:13: Last Runtime: 39.07 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:09:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:09:30: Cellar - Found position 1103, 260
    01/07/2012 21:09:54: Gold: 12790561, Gold Delt: 8337, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 21:10:07: Stashed Items: 0
    01/07/2012 21:10:20: Sold Items: 16, Sold value: 7463
    01/07/2012 21:10:21: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 21:10:22: Last Runtime: 59.67 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:10:36: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:10:36: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:10:45: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:11:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:11:03: Cellar - Found position 1065, 261
    01/07/2012 21:11:27: Gold: 12803156, Gold Delt: 5132, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 2, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 21:11:31: Last Runtime: 36.8 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:11:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:11:49: Cellar - Found position 1078, 277
    01/07/2012 21:12:14: Gold: 12809342, Gold Delt: 6186, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:12:16: Last Runtime: 36.64 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:12:31: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:12:31: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:12:41: Last Runtime: 15.9 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:12:56: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:12:56: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:13:06: Last Runtime: 16.49 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:13:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:13:25: Cellar - Found position 1085, 249
    01/07/2012 21:13:50: Gold: 12814315, Gold Delt: 4973, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:13:55: Last Runtime: 39.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:14:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:14:12: Cellar - Found position 1088, 277
    01/07/2012 21:14:37: Gold: 12819960, Gold Delt: 5645, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:14:42: Last Runtime: 38.19 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:14:56: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:14:57: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:15:08: Last Runtime: 17.86 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:15:23: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:15:23: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:15:33: Last Runtime: 15.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:15:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:15:51: Cellar - Found position 1096, 251
    01/07/2012 21:16:13: Gold: 12827642, Gold Delt: 7682, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:16:17: Last Runtime: 35.3 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:16:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:16:34: Cellar - Found position 1078, 272
    01/07/2012 21:17:02: Gold: 12836007, Gold Delt: 8365, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 21:17:05: Last Runtime: 38.61 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:17:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:17:22: Cellar - Found position 1097, 286
    01/07/2012 21:17:46: Gold: 12844094, Gold Delt: 8087, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:17:49: Last Runtime: 35.55 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:18:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:18:06: Cellar - Found position 1117, 250
    01/07/2012 21:18:29: Gold: 12855479, Gold Delt: 11385, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:18:33: Last Runtime: 34.74 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:18:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:18:51: Cellar - Found position 1087, 288
    01/07/2012 21:19:14: Gold: 12859989, Gold Delt: 4510, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 21:19:22: Last Runtime: 40.26 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:19:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:19:39: Cellar - Found position 1089, 240
    01/07/2012 21:20:05: Gold: 12869958, Gold Delt: 9969, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 21:20:09: Last Runtime: 37.73 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:20:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:20:26: Cellar - Found position 1085, 275
    01/07/2012 21:20:54: Gold: 12876316, Gold Delt: 6358, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:20:57: Last Runtime: 40.11 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:21:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:21:15: Cellar - Found position 1097, 233
    01/07/2012 21:21:46: Gold: 12883168, Gold Delt: 6852, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:21:51: Last Runtime: 44.19 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:22:07: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:22:07: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:22:17: Last Runtime: 18.04 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:22:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:22:35: Cellar - Found position 1074, 246
    01/07/2012 21:23:01: Gold: 12891084, Gold Delt: 7916, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 21:23:16: Stashed Items: 0
    01/07/2012 21:23:28: Sold Items: 16, Sold value: 4852
    01/07/2012 21:23:30: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 21:23:30: Last Runtime: 63.96 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:23:45: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:23:47: Cellar - Found position 1087, 251
    01/07/2012 21:24:13: Gold: 12902342, Gold Delt: 6406, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 2, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:24:17: Last Runtime: 37.56 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:24:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:24:34: Cellar - Found position 1097, 254
    01/07/2012 21:24:59: Gold: 12915986, Gold Delt: 13644, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:25:02: Last Runtime: 36.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:25:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:25:45: Cellar - Found position 1050, 289
    01/07/2012 21:26:10: Gold: 12920205, Gold Delt: 4219, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:26:14: Last Runtime: 37.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:26:29: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:26:29: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:26:39: Last Runtime: 16.24 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:26:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:26:57: Cellar - Found position 1083, 249
    01/07/2012 21:27:21: Gold: 12924968, Gold Delt: 4763, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:27:25: Last Runtime: 36.27 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:27:39: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:27:40: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:27:50: Last Runtime: 16.24 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:28:04: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:28:04: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:28:08: Last Runtime: 9.47 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:28:11: Logged out
    01/07/2012 21:28:17: Logged out
    01/07/2012 21:28:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:28:34: Cellar - Found position 1101, 273
    01/07/2012 21:29:01: Gold: 12930174, Gold Delt: 5206, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:29:04: Last Runtime: 38.08 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:29:19: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:29:19: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:29:29: Last Runtime: 15.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:29:44: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:29:44: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:29:55: Last Runtime: 16.78 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:30:11: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:30:11: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:30:20: Last Runtime: 16.34 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:30:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:30:37: Cellar - Found position 1041, 224
    01/07/2012 21:31:02: Gold: 12939485, Gold Delt: 9311, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:31:06: Last Runtime: 36.81 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:31:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:31:23: Cellar - Found position 1073, 249
    01/07/2012 21:31:46: Gold: 12943954, Gold Delt: 4469, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:31:49: Last Runtime: 34.36 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:32:04: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:32:04: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:32:15: Last Runtime: 17.3 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:32:30: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:32:30: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:32:40: Last Runtime: 16.5 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:32:55: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:32:55: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:33:05: Last Runtime: 15.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:33:22: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:33:22: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:33:32: Last Runtime: 18.31 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:33:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:33:49: Cellar - Found position 1066, 266
    01/07/2012 21:34:12: Gold: 12952855, Gold Delt: 8901, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:34:16: Last Runtime: 34.6 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:34:30: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:34:31: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:34:40: Last Runtime: 15.43 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:34:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:34:59: Cellar - Found position 1091, 276
    01/07/2012 21:35:30: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    01/07/2012 21:35:31: Gold: 12957140, Gold Delt: 4285, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 21:35:32: Last Runtime: 43.32 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:35:47: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:35:47: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:35:57: Last Runtime: 15.98 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:36:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:36:14: Cellar - Found position 1109, 252
    01/07/2012 21:36:40: Gold: 12962722, Gold Delt: 5582, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 21:36:43: Last Runtime: 37.62 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:36:58: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:36:58: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:37:09: Last Runtime: 16.48 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:37:24: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:37:24: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:37:35: Last Runtime: 17.65 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:37:50: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:37:51: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:38:01: Last Runtime: 17.27 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:38:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:38:18: Cellar - Found position 1084, 243
    01/07/2012 21:38:47: Gold: 12974421, Gold Delt: 11699, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:39:01: Stashed Items: 0
    01/07/2012 21:39:12: Sold Items: 12, Sold value: 6313
    01/07/2012 21:39:14: Repair Cost: -298
    01/07/2012 21:39:14: Last Runtime: 64.15 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:39:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:39:31: Cellar - Found position 1027, 239
    01/07/2012 21:39:54: Gold: 12986971, Gold Delt: 5939, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 21:39:57: Last Runtime: 34.3 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:40:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:40:15: Cellar - Found position 1079, 260
    01/07/2012 21:40:40: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    01/07/2012 21:40:48: Gold: 12991274, Gold Delt: 4303, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:40:50: Last Runtime: 43.36 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:41:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:41:07: Cellar - Found position 1092, 249
    01/07/2012 21:41:31: Gold: 13004895, Gold Delt: 13621, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:41:34: Last Runtime: 35.82 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:41:49: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:41:49: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:41:59: Last Runtime: 15.45 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:42:13: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:42:13: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:42:24: Last Runtime: 16.5 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:42:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:42:41: Cellar - Found position 1082, 266
    01/07/2012 21:43:05: Gold: 13011832, Gold Delt: 6937, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:43:09: Last Runtime: 35.71 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:43:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:43:26: Cellar - Found position 1052, 251
    01/07/2012 21:43:52: Gold: 13021365, Gold Delt: 9533, Items: 1, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 21:43:57: Last Runtime: 39.22 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:44:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:44:15: Cellar - Found position 1093, 262
    01/07/2012 21:44:39: Gold: 13029813, Gold Delt: 8448, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:44:47: Last Runtime: 41.31 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:45:02: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:45:02: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:45:13: Last Runtime: 17.52 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:45:28: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:45:28: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:45:37: Last Runtime: 15.22 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:45:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:45:54: Cellar - Found position 1129, 231
    01/07/2012 21:46:18: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 21:46:27: Gold: 13037799, Gold Delt: 7986, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:46:28: Last Runtime: 42.09 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:46:43: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:46:43: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:46:52: Last Runtime: 15.48 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:47:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:47:10: Cellar - Found position 1080, 255
    01/07/2012 21:47:33: Gold: 13048018, Gold Delt: 10219, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:47:40: Last Runtime: 39.21 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:47:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:47:58: Cellar - Found position 1055, 289
    01/07/2012 21:48:24: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    01/07/2012 21:48:25: Gold: 13054489, Gold Delt: 6471, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:48:27: Last Runtime: 37.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:48:41: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:48:41: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:48:50: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:49:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:49:10: Cellar - Found position 1118, 222
    01/07/2012 21:49:32: Gold: 13062201, Gold Delt: 7712, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:49:35: Last Runtime: 35.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:49:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:49:53: Cellar - Found position 1099, 237
    01/07/2012 21:50:15: Gold: 13067179, Gold Delt: 4978, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:50:29: Stashed Items: 0
    01/07/2012 21:50:41: Sold Items: 15, Sold value: 5546
    01/07/2012 21:50:43: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 21:50:43: Last Runtime: 58.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:50:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:51:01: Cellar - Found position 1076, 241
    01/07/2012 21:51:25: Gold: 13081494, Gold Delt: 8769, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:51:29: Last Runtime: 36.96 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:51:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:51:48: Cellar - Found position 1066, 262
    01/07/2012 21:52:14: Gold: 13090119, Gold Delt: 8625, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 21:52:18: Last Runtime: 39.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:52:37: Last Runtime: 10.59 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:52:53: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:52:53: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:52:57: Last Runtime: 11.13 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:53:01: Logged out
    01/07/2012 21:53:06: Logged out
    01/07/2012 21:53:21: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:53:21: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:53:31: Last Runtime: 15.71 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:53:46: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:53:46: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:53:55: Last Runtime: 15.42 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:54:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:54:13: Cellar - Found position 1082, 273
    01/07/2012 21:54:37: Gold: 13097589, Gold Delt: 7470, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:54:41: Last Runtime: 36.6 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:54:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:54:58: Cellar - Found position 1071, 242
    01/07/2012 21:55:22: Gold: 13104470, Gold Delt: 6881, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 21:55:25: Last Runtime: 35.53 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:55:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:55:43: Cellar - Found position 1092, 269
    01/07/2012 21:56:05: Gold: 13111542, Gold Delt: 7072, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 21:56:08: Last Runtime: 34.36 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:56:23: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:56:23: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:56:33: Last Runtime: 15.21 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:56:47: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:56:47: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:56:57: Last Runtime: 15.74 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:57:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:57:15: Cellar - Found position 1111, 266
    01/07/2012 21:57:39: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    01/07/2012 21:57:47: Gold: 13126541, Gold Delt: 14999, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 21:57:49: Last Runtime: 42.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:58:04: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:58:04: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:58:13: Last Runtime: 15.7 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:58:28: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 21:58:28: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 21:58:31: Last Runtime: 9.1 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:58:35: Logged out
    01/07/2012 21:58:40: Logged out
    01/07/2012 21:58:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:58:58: Cellar - Found position 1067, 259
    01/07/2012 21:59:23: Gold: 13130501, Gold Delt: 3960, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 21:59:27: Last Runtime: 37.64 seconds.
    01/07/2012 21:59:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 21:59:45: Cellar - Found position 1108, 269
    01/07/2012 22:00:09: Gold: 13138191, Gold Delt: 7690, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:00:17: Last Runtime: 40.77 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:00:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:00:34: Cellar - Found position 1097, 279
    01/07/2012 22:01:01: Gold: 13146613, Gold Delt: 8422, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 22:01:05: Last Runtime: 39.34 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:01:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:01:24: Cellar - Found position 1065, 241
    01/07/2012 22:01:49: Gold: 13154004, Gold Delt: 7391, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:01:54: Last Runtime: 39.86 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:02:09: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:02:09: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:02:18: Last Runtime: 15.51 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:02:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:02:35: Cellar - Found position 1090, 242
    01/07/2012 22:03:04: Gold: 13161954, Gold Delt: 7950, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:03:08: Last Runtime: 41.13 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:03:23: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:03:23: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:03:34: Last Runtime: 16.48 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:03:48: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:03:48: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:03:59: Last Runtime: 16.22 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:04:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:04:17: Cellar - Found position 1055, 271
    01/07/2012 22:04:49: Gold: 13171870, Gold Delt: 9916, Items: 0, Gems: 4, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:04:53: Last Runtime: 45.74 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:05:08: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:05:08: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:05:18: Last Runtime: 15.73 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:05:32: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:05:32: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:05:43: Last Runtime: 15.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:05:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:06:00: Cellar - Found position 1075, 281
    01/07/2012 22:06:27: Gold: 13177913, Gold Delt: 6043, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:06:49: Stashed Items: 2
    01/07/2012 22:07:01: Sold Items: 15, Sold value: 5773
    01/07/2012 22:07:03: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 22:07:03: Last Runtime: 71.99 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:07:18: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:07:18: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:07:28: Last Runtime: 15.47 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:07:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:07:46: Cellar - Found position 1098, 271
    01/07/2012 22:08:11: Gold: 13188281, Gold Delt: 4595, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:08:15: Last Runtime: 38.26 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:08:30: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:08:30: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:08:39: Last Runtime: 15.69 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:08:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:08:57: Cellar - Found position 1096, 264
    01/07/2012 22:09:21: Gold: 13195809, Gold Delt: 7528, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 22:09:25: Last Runtime: 36.29 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:09:39: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:09:39: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:09:43: Last Runtime: 9.51 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:09:46: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:09:52: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:10:07: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:10:07: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:10:16: Last Runtime: 15.19 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:10:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:10:33: Cellar - Found position 1008, 232
    01/07/2012 22:10:59: Gold: 13204104, Gold Delt: 8295, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:11:03: Last Runtime: 37.44 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:11:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:11:20: Cellar - Found position 1090, 243
    01/07/2012 22:11:41: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 22:11:48: Gold: 13207447, Gold Delt: 3343, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:11:50: Last Runtime: 38.43 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:12:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:12:07: Cellar - Found position 1077, 284
    01/07/2012 22:12:30: Gold: 13214782, Gold Delt: 7335, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:12:33: Last Runtime: 34.47 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:12:48: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:12:48: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:12:58: Last Runtime: 16.24 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:13:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:13:16: Cellar - Found position 1118, 238
    01/07/2012 22:13:36: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 22:13:44: Gold: 13221131, Gold Delt: 6349, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 22:13:45: Last Runtime: 37.88 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:14:00: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:14:00: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:14:10: Last Runtime: 15.66 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:14:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:14:27: Cellar - Found position 1065, 265
    01/07/2012 22:14:50: Gold: 13227609, Gold Delt: 6478, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:14:54: Last Runtime: 35.23 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:15:09: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:15:12: Cellar - Found position 1092, 261
    01/07/2012 22:15:40: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    01/07/2012 22:15:41: Gold: 13235839, Gold Delt: 8230, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 22:15:42: Last Runtime: 39.81 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:15:57: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:15:57: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:16:07: Last Runtime: 15.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:16:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:16:24: Cellar - Found position 1077, 265
    01/07/2012 22:16:50: Gold: 13242592, Gold Delt: 6753, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:16:54: Last Runtime: 38.31 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:17:09: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:17:09: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:17:19: Last Runtime: 16.02 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:17:35: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:17:35: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:17:47: Last Runtime: 18.66 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:18:01: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:18:01: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:18:11: Last Runtime: 15.99 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:18:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:18:29: Cellar - Found position 1108, 259
    01/07/2012 22:18:52: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    01/07/2012 22:19:00: Gold: 13247464, Gold Delt: 4872, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 22:19:15: Stashed Items: 1
    01/07/2012 22:19:26: Sold Items: 12, Sold value: 3850
    01/07/2012 22:19:27: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 22:19:28: Last Runtime: 67.76 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:19:43: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:19:43: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:19:52: Last Runtime: 15.51 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:20:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:20:10: Cellar - Found position 1090, 249
    01/07/2012 22:20:34: Gold: 13260075, Gold Delt: 8761, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 22:20:37: Last Runtime: 36.27 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:20:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:20:55: Cellar - Found position 1069, 254
    01/07/2012 22:21:19: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    01/07/2012 22:21:27: Gold: 13266074, Gold Delt: 5999, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 22:21:28: Last Runtime: 41.79 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:21:43: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:21:43: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:21:53: Last Runtime: 16.2 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:22:08: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:22:08: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:22:19: Last Runtime: 17.08 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:22:34: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:22:34: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:22:44: Last Runtime: 16.28 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:22:59: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:22:59: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:23:08: Last Runtime: 15.22 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:23:24: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:23:24: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:23:28: Last Runtime: 10.83 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:23:31: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:23:37: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:23:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:23:56: Cellar - Found position 1042, 260
    01/07/2012 22:24:18: Gold: 13274882, Gold Delt: 8808, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:24:21: Last Runtime: 34.09 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:24:36: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:24:36: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:24:47: Last Runtime: 16.8 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:25:02: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:25:02: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:25:06: Last Runtime: 10.24 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:25:09: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:25:15: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:25:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:25:33: Cellar - Found position 1040, 251
    01/07/2012 22:25:57: Gold: 13279928, Gold Delt: 5046, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 22:26:01: Last Runtime: 36.38 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:26:16: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:26:16: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:26:26: Last Runtime: 16.51 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:26:41: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:26:41: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:26:53: Last Runtime: 17.89 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:26:56: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:27:02: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:27:18: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:27:18: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:27:27: Last Runtime: 15.9 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:27:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:27:44: Cellar - Found position 1063, 233
    01/07/2012 22:28:08: Gold: 13284723, Gold Delt: 4795, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:28:11: Last Runtime: 35.24 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:28:26: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:28:26: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:28:37: Last Runtime: 16.53 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:28:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:28:54: Cellar - Found position 1070, 257
    01/07/2012 22:29:22: Gold: 13292657, Gold Delt: 7934, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 22:29:30: Last Runtime: 44.6 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:29:45: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:29:47: Cellar - Found position 1073, 264
    01/07/2012 22:30:11: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 22:30:19: Gold: 13297270, Gold Delt: 4613, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 5
    01/07/2012 22:30:20: Last Runtime: 41.36 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:30:35: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:30:35: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:30:47: Last Runtime: 17.32 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:31:04: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:31:04: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:31:14: Last Runtime: 19.03 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:31:30: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:31:31: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:31:41: Last Runtime: 17.63 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:31:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:31:59: Cellar - Found position 1060, 264
    01/07/2012 22:32:22: Gold: 13309338, Gold Delt: 12068, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 22:32:26: Last Runtime: 35.86 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:32:43: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:32:43: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:32:54: Last Runtime: 19.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:33:10: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:33:11: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:33:23: Last Runtime: 19.71 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:33:40: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:33:40: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:33:52: Last Runtime: 20.12 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:34:07: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:34:07: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:34:18: Last Runtime: 16.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:34:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:34:35: Cellar - Found position 1084, 268
    01/07/2012 22:35:01: Gold: 13318660, Gold Delt: 9322, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:35:05: Last Runtime: 38.16 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:35:19: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:35:22: Cellar - Found position 1095, 272
    01/07/2012 22:35:48: Gold: 13331542, Gold Delt: 12882, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:35:51: Last Runtime: 37.19 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:36:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:36:10: Cellar - Found position 1100, 237
    01/07/2012 22:36:37: Gold: 13337370, Gold Delt: 5828, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:36:41: Last Runtime: 41.42 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:36:56: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:36:56: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:37:06: Last Runtime: 15.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:37:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:37:23: Cellar - Found position 1092, 258
    01/07/2012 22:37:52: Gold: 13345023, Gold Delt: 7653, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:38:06: Stashed Items: 1
    01/07/2012 22:38:17: Sold Items: 12, Sold value: 4215
    01/07/2012 22:38:18: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 22:38:19: Last Runtime: 64.43 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:38:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:38:36: Cellar - Found position 1079, 274
    01/07/2012 22:39:01: Gold: 13359010, Gold Delt: 9772, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:39:05: Last Runtime: 36.76 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:39:19: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:39:19: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:39:23: Last Runtime: 9.55 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:39:26: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:39:32: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:39:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:39:50: Cellar - Found position 1056, 254
    01/07/2012 22:40:15: Gold: 13367773, Gold Delt: 8763, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 22:40:19: Last Runtime: 37.39 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:40:34: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:40:34: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:40:44: Last Runtime: 16.49 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:41:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:41:03: Cellar - Found position 1089, 278
    01/07/2012 22:41:24: Gold: 13371321, Gold Delt: 3548, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 22:41:27: Last Runtime: 34.69 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:41:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:41:45: Cellar - Found position 1055, 270
    01/07/2012 22:42:11: Gold: 13378452, Gold Delt: 7131, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 22:42:15: Last Runtime: 38.47 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:42:29: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:42:30: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:42:39: Last Runtime: 15.5 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:42:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:42:57: Cellar - Found position 1077, 261
    01/07/2012 22:43:23: Gold: 13385358, Gold Delt: 6906, Items: 0, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 22:43:28: Last Runtime: 40.14 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:43:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:43:46: Cellar - Found position 1048, 273
    01/07/2012 22:44:09: Gold: 13390464, Gold Delt: 5106, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:44:13: Last Runtime: 36.15 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:44:28: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:44:28: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:44:37: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:44:52: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:44:52: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:45:02: Last Runtime: 15.99 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:45:17: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:45:17: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:45:27: Last Runtime: 16.24 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:45:42: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:45:42: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:45:52: Last Runtime: 15.94 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:46:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:46:09: Cellar - Found position 1058, 268
    01/07/2012 22:46:32: Gold: 13395122, Gold Delt: 4658, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 22:46:40: Last Runtime: 39.47 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:46:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:47:00: Cellar - Found position 1089, 261
    01/07/2012 22:47:23: Gold: 13400889, Gold Delt: 5767, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 22:47:26: Last Runtime: 37.23 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:47:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:47:44: Cellar - Found position 1123, 233
    01/07/2012 22:48:16: Gold: 13407215, Gold Delt: 6326, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 22:48:19: Last Runtime: 44.21 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:48:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:48:36: Cellar - Found position 1077, 255
    01/07/2012 22:48:57: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 22:49:04: Gold: 13412469, Gold Delt: 5254, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 22:49:06: Last Runtime: 37.68 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:49:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:49:23: Cellar - Found position 1094, 270
    01/07/2012 22:49:47: Gold: 13420619, Gold Delt: 8150, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:49:50: Last Runtime: 35.72 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:50:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:50:07: Cellar - Found position 1074, 258
    01/07/2012 22:50:40: Gold: 13425306, Gold Delt: 4687, Items: 0, Gems: 3, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 22:50:55: Stashed Items: 0
    01/07/2012 22:51:06: Sold Items: 11, Sold value: 3667
    01/07/2012 22:51:07: Repair Cost: -762
    01/07/2012 22:51:08: Last Runtime: 68.72 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:51:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:51:26: Cellar - Found position 1092, 262
    01/07/2012 22:51:51: Gold: 13435853, Gold Delt: 6118, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 22:51:55: Last Runtime: 38.93 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:52:12: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:52:12: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:52:22: Last Runtime: 17.59 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:52:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:52:39: Cellar - Found position 1082, 264
    01/07/2012 22:53:06: Gold: 13441866, Gold Delt: 6013, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 22:53:10: Last Runtime: 38.8 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:53:24: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:53:24: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:53:34: Last Runtime: 16.02 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:53:49: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:53:49: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:53:59: Last Runtime: 16.28 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:54:14: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:54:14: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:54:23: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:54:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:54:41: Cellar - Found position 1048, 248
    01/07/2012 22:55:05: Gold: 13447529, Gold Delt: 5663, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    01/07/2012 22:55:09: Last Runtime: 36.87 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:55:24: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:55:24: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:55:34: Last Runtime: 16.52 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:55:50: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:55:50: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:55:59: Last Runtime: 15.93 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:56:14: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:56:14: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:56:18: Last Runtime: 10.06 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:56:22: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:56:27: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:56:41: Last Runtime: 4.56 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:56:44: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:56:50: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:57:05: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:57:05: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:57:10: Last Runtime: 11.2 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:57:14: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:57:20: Logged out
    01/07/2012 22:57:35: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:57:35: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:57:44: Last Runtime: 15.48 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:57:59: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 22:57:59: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 22:58:09: Last Runtime: 15.48 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:58:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:58:26: Cellar - Found position 1104, 236
    01/07/2012 22:58:48: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 22:58:56: Gold: 13449916, Gold Delt: 2387, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 22:58:57: Last Runtime: 39.58 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:59:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:59:14: Cellar - Found position 1069, 268
    01/07/2012 22:59:38: Gold: 13459962, Gold Delt: 10046, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 22:59:41: Last Runtime: 35.04 seconds.
    01/07/2012 22:59:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 22:59:58: Cellar - Found position 1100, 257
    01/07/2012 23:00:23: Gold: 13468718, Gold Delt: 8756, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 23:00:27: Last Runtime: 36.9 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:00:41: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:00:42: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:00:51: Last Runtime: 15.47 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:01:06: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:01:06: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:01:15: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:01:30: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:01:30: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:01:39: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:01:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:01:56: Cellar - Found position 1091, 282
    01/07/2012 23:02:22: Gold: 13477665, Gold Delt: 8947, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 23:02:25: Last Runtime: 37.17 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:02:40: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:02:40: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:02:49: Last Runtime: 15.21 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:03:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:03:06: Cellar - Found position 1094, 249
    01/07/2012 23:03:28: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 23:03:35: Gold: 13479859, Gold Delt: 2194, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 23:03:37: Last Runtime: 38.96 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:03:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:03:54: Cellar - Found position 1090, 270
    01/07/2012 23:04:16: Gold: 13489658, Gold Delt: 9799, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 23:04:19: Last Runtime: 33.25 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:04:33: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:04:34: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:04:37: Last Runtime: 9.31 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:04:40: Logged out
    01/07/2012 23:04:46: Logged out
    01/07/2012 23:05:03: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:05:05: Cellar - Found position 1074, 278
    01/07/2012 23:05:27: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 23:05:35: Gold: 13492559, Gold Delt: 2901, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 4
    01/07/2012 23:05:50: Stashed Items: 1
    01/07/2012 23:06:00: Sold Items: 11, Sold value: 7906
    01/07/2012 23:06:01: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 23:06:02: Last Runtime: 65.19 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:06:17: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:06:20: Cellar - Found position 1096, 270
    01/07/2012 23:06:43: Gold: 13508772, Gold Delt: 8307, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 23:06:45: Last Runtime: 34.57 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:07:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:07:03: Cellar - Found position 1058, 247
    01/07/2012 23:07:29: Gold: 13519276, Gold Delt: 10504, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 23:07:32: Last Runtime: 37.51 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:07:47: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:07:47: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:07:57: Last Runtime: 15.89 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:08:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:08:14: Cellar - Found position 1078, 284
    01/07/2012 23:08:40: Gold: 13525769, Gold Delt: 6493, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 23:08:43: Last Runtime: 37.68 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:08:58: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:08:58: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:09:07: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:09:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:09:24: Cellar - Found position 1064, 263
    01/07/2012 23:09:48: Gold: 13538273, Gold Delt: 12504, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 23:09:50: Last Runtime: 34.56 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:10:05: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:10:05: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:10:16: Last Runtime: 16.8 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:10:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:10:33: Cellar - Found position 1082, 259
    01/07/2012 23:10:54: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    01/07/2012 23:11:02: Gold: 13543992, Gold Delt: 5719, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 23:11:03: Last Runtime: 38.41 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:11:18: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:11:18: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:11:27: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:11:42: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:11:42: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:11:47: Last Runtime: 11.46 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:11:51: Logged out
    01/07/2012 23:11:56: Logged out
    01/07/2012 23:12:11: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:12:12: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:12:21: Last Runtime: 15.22 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:12:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:12:38: Cellar - Found position 1094, 249
    01/07/2012 23:13:03: Gold: 13549906, Gold Delt: 5914, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 23:13:06: Last Runtime: 36.12 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:13:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:13:23: Cellar - Found position 1073, 271
    01/07/2012 23:13:48: Gold: 13558435, Gold Delt: 8529, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 23:13:51: Last Runtime: 36.59 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:14:07: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:14:07: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:14:10: Last Runtime: 10.43 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:14:14: Logged out
    01/07/2012 23:14:19: Logged out
    01/07/2012 23:14:35: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:14:35: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:14:44: Last Runtime: 15.7 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:14:59: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:14:59: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:15:09: Last Runtime: 15.48 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:15:24: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:15:25: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:15:35: Last Runtime: 17.27 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:15:50: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:15:50: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:15:59: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:16:13: enhanced fail
    01/07/2012 23:16:13: No Cellar
    01/07/2012 23:16:22: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:16:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:16:40: Cellar - Found position 1093, 266
    01/07/2012 23:17:02: Gold: 13566923, Gold Delt: 8488, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    01/07/2012 23:17:05: Last Runtime: 33.8 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:17:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:17:22: Cellar - Found position 1070, 272
    01/07/2012 23:17:50: Gold: 13574622, Gold Delt: 7699, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    01/07/2012 23:17:53: Last Runtime: 38.98 seconds.
    01/07/2012 23:18:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    01/07/2012 23:18:10: Cellar - Found position 1068, 274
    01/07/2012 23:18:34: Gold: 13581271, Gold Delt: 6649, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    01/07/2012 23:18:52: Stashed Items: 2
    01/07/2012 23:19:02: Sold Items: 10, Sold value: 4297
    01/07/2012 23:19:04: Repair Cost: 0
    01/07/2012 23:19:04: Last Runtime: 62.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 00:56:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 00:56:17: Cellar - Found position 1057, 249
    02/07/2012 00:56:39: Gold: 6558798, Gold Delt: 5000, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 00:56:41: Last Runtime: 31.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 00:56:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 00:56:56: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 00:57:05: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 00:57:20: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 00:57:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 00:57:29: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 00:57:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 00:57:44: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 00:57:53: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 00:58:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 00:58:10: Cellar - Found position 1065, 257
    02/07/2012 00:58:33: Gold: 6567889, Gold Delt: 9091, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 00:58:52: Last Runtime: 50.4 seconds.
    02/07/2012 00:59:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 00:59:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 00:59:16: Last Runtime: 15.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 00:59:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 00:59:35: Cellar - Found position 1082, 261
    02/07/2012 00:59:59: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 01:00:06: Gold: 6575250, Gold Delt: 7361, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    02/07/2012 01:00:08: Last Runtime: 42.58 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:00:23: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:00:23: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:01:08: Last Runtime: 51.47 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:01:23: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:01:23: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:01:32: Last Runtime: 14.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:01:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:01:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:01:56: Last Runtime: 14.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:02:11: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:02:11: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:10:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:10:50: Cellar - Found position 1108, 264
    02/07/2012 01:11:10: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 01:11:11: Gold: 6080908, Gold Delt: 5000, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:11:19: Last Runtime: 36.11 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:23:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:23:13: Cellar - Found position 1105, 264
    02/07/2012 01:23:33: Gold: 4099698, Gold Delt: -1981210, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:23:36: Last Runtime: 31.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:23:51: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:23:51: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:24:00: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:24:14: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:24:15: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:24:24: Last Runtime: 14.83 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:24:38: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:24:38: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:24:42: Last Runtime: 9.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:24:45: Logged out
    02/07/2012 01:24:51: Logged out
    02/07/2012 01:25:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:25:08: Cellar - Found position 1083, 265
    02/07/2012 01:25:29: Gold: 4104592, Gold Delt: 4894, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:25:32: Last Runtime: 31.73 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:25:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:25:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:25:50: Last Runtime: 9.38 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:25:54: Logged out
    02/07/2012 01:25:59: Logged out
    02/07/2012 01:26:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:26:17: Cellar - Found position 1057, 294
    02/07/2012 01:26:36: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 01:26:42: Gold: 4110917, Gold Delt: 6325, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:26:44: Last Runtime: 34.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:27:59: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:27:59: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:28:08: Last Runtime: 14.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:28:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:28:25: Cellar - Found position 1093, 264
    02/07/2012 01:28:48: Gold: 4115333, Gold Delt: 5000, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:28:50: Last Runtime: 32.79 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:29:05: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:29:05: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:29:14: Last Runtime: 14.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:29:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:29:30: Cellar - Found position 1078, 261
    02/07/2012 01:29:47: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 01:29:54: Gold: 4119429, Gold Delt: 4096, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:29:56: Last Runtime: 32.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:30:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:30:12: Cellar - Found position 1034, 245
    02/07/2012 01:31:11: Gold: 4134503, Gold Delt: 5000, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:31:19: Last Runtime: 74.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:31:34: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:31:34: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:31:43: Last Runtime: 14.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:31:58: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:31:58: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:32:07: Last Runtime: 15.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:32:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:32:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:32:31: Last Runtime: 14.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:32:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:32:48: Cellar - Found position 1050, 266
    02/07/2012 01:33:09: Gold: 4141098, Gold Delt: 6595, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:33:12: Last Runtime: 31.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:33:27: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:33:27: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:33:36: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:33:51: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:33:51: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:34:00: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:34:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:34:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:34:25: Last Runtime: 16.28 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:34:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:34:42: Cellar - Found position 1057, 258
    02/07/2012 01:35:02: Gold: 4144980, Gold Delt: 3882, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:35:04: Last Runtime: 30.46 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:35:19: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:35:21: Cellar - Found position 1123, 241
    02/07/2012 01:46:22: Gold: 4152864, Gold Delt: 7884, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:46:23: Last Runtime: 669.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:46:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:46:40: Cellar - Found position 1054, 246
    02/07/2012 01:47:01: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 01:47:08: Gold: 4158030, Gold Delt: 5166, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:47:09: Last Runtime: 37.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:47:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:47:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:47:33: Last Runtime: 14.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:47:47: Last Runtime: 4.66 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:48:36: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:48:36: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:48:45: Last Runtime: 14.83 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:49:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:49:01: Cellar - Found position 1081, 276
    02/07/2012 01:49:23: Gold: 4165542, Gold Delt: 5000, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:49:31: Last Runtime: 37.19 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:50:35: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:50:35: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:50:44: Last Runtime: 14.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:50:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:51:01: Cellar - Found position 1058, 287
    02/07/2012 01:51:20: Gold: 4169645, Gold Delt: 4103, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:51:22: Last Runtime: 29.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:51:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:51:40: Cellar - Found position 1095, 270
    02/07/2012 01:52:00: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 01:52:06: Gold: 4177504, Gold Delt: 7859, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:52:08: Last Runtime: 36.31 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:52:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:52:24: Cellar - Found position 1102, 249
    02/07/2012 01:52:45: Gold: 4181520, Gold Delt: 4016, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:52:48: Last Runtime: 31.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:53:03: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:53:05: Cellar - Found position 1106, 263
    02/07/2012 01:53:29: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 01:53:30: Gold: 4190700, Gold Delt: 9180, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:53:31: Last Runtime: 34.28 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:53:46: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:53:46: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:53:55: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:54:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:54:12: Cellar - Found position 1090, 264
    02/07/2012 01:54:33: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 01:54:39: Gold: 4197484, Gold Delt: 6784, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:54:41: Last Runtime: 36.81 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:54:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:54:58: Cellar - Found position 1080, 270
    02/07/2012 01:55:18: Gold: 4208969, Gold Delt: 11485, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:55:20: Last Runtime: 30.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:55:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:55:37: Cellar - Found position 1085, 257
    02/07/2012 01:56:05: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 01:56:12: Gold: 4214726, Gold Delt: 5757, Items: 6, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:56:13: Last Runtime: 44.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:56:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:56:30: Cellar - Found position 1099, 289
    02/07/2012 01:56:57: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 01:57:04: Gold: 4222316, Gold Delt: 7590, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:57:05: Last Runtime: 43.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:57:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:57:22: Cellar - Found position 1081, 269
    02/07/2012 01:57:43: Gold: 4230055, Gold Delt: 7739, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:57:46: Last Runtime: 31.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:58:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:58:01: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:58:10: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:58:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:58:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:58:33: Last Runtime: 14.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:58:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 01:58:50: Cellar - Found position 1089, 271
    02/07/2012 01:59:14: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 01:59:21: Gold: 4239502, Gold Delt: 9447, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 01:59:22: Last Runtime: 39.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:59:38: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 01:59:38: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 01:59:41: Last Runtime: 9.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 01:59:55: Open Window
    02/07/2012 02:00:13: Last Runtime: 22.23 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:00:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:00:30: Cellar - Found position 1100, 263
    02/07/2012 02:00:56: Gold: 4244145, Gold Delt: 4643, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:01:08: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 02:01:26: Sold Items: 30, Sold value: 9729
    02/07/2012 02:01:28: Repair Cost: -286
    02/07/2012 02:01:28: Last Runtime: 66.71 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:01:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:01:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:01:52: Last Runtime: 14.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:02:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:02:09: Cellar - Found position 1050, 276
    02/07/2012 02:02:30: Gold: 4261125, Gold Delt: 6965, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:02:33: Last Runtime: 31.35 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:02:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:02:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:02:56: Last Runtime: 14.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:03:11: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:03:11: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:03:20: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:03:35: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:03:35: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:03:44: Last Runtime: 14.78 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:03:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:04:00: Cellar - Found position 1046, 271
    02/07/2012 02:04:21: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 02:04:29: Gold: 4269516, Gold Delt: 8391, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:04:31: Last Runtime: 37.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:04:45: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:04:47: Cellar - Found position 1045, 286
    02/07/2012 02:05:08: Gold: 4278274, Gold Delt: 8758, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:05:10: Last Runtime: 30.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:05:25: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:05:25: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:05:34: Last Runtime: 14.81 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:05:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:05:51: Cellar - Found position 1108, 257
    02/07/2012 02:06:14: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 02:06:20: Gold: 4282748, Gold Delt: 4474, Items: 2, Gems: 4, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:06:22: Last Runtime: 38.66 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:06:37: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:06:37: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:06:46: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:07:01: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:07:01: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:07:10: Last Runtime: 14.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:07:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:07:27: Cellar - Found position 1099, 268
    02/07/2012 02:07:47: Gold: 4290024, Gold Delt: 7276, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:07:50: Last Runtime: 31.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:08:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:08:06: Cellar - Found position 1109, 246
    02/07/2012 02:08:29: Gold: 4295613, Gold Delt: 5589, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:08:32: Last Runtime: 33.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:08:46: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:08:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:08:56: Last Runtime: 14.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:09:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:09:12: Cellar - Found position 1062, 268
    02/07/2012 02:09:33: Gold: 4300388, Gold Delt: 4775, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:09:35: Last Runtime: 30.75 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:09:50: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:09:52: Cellar - Found position 1049, 285
    02/07/2012 02:10:12: Gold: 4310543, Gold Delt: 10155, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:10:15: Last Runtime: 30.31 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:10:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:10:31: Cellar - Found position 1071, 235
    02/07/2012 02:10:49: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 02:10:56: Gold: 4317579, Gold Delt: 7036, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:10:57: Last Runtime: 33.69 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:11:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:11:14: Cellar - Found position 1071, 212
    02/07/2012 02:11:37: Gold: 4325975, Gold Delt: 8396, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:11:40: Last Runtime: 33.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:11:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:11:57: Cellar - Found position 1069, 287
    02/07/2012 02:12:17: Gold: 4336306, Gold Delt: 10331, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:12:20: Last Runtime: 31.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:12:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:12:37: Cellar - Found position 1079, 258
    02/07/2012 02:12:55: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:13:02: Gold: 4341900, Gold Delt: 5594, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:13:13: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 02:13:31: Sold Items: 30, Sold value: 9565
    02/07/2012 02:13:33: Repair Cost: -273
    02/07/2012 02:13:33: Last Runtime: 63.8 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:13:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:13:50: Cellar - Found position 1090, 262
    02/07/2012 02:14:11: Gold: 4357913, Gold Delt: 6175, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:14:14: Last Runtime: 31.29 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:14:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:14:30: Cellar - Found position 1077, 242
    02/07/2012 02:14:51: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 02:14:58: Gold: 4364263, Gold Delt: 6350, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:14:59: Last Runtime: 36.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:15:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:15:16: Cellar - Found position 1054, 291
    02/07/2012 02:15:34: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:15:41: Gold: 4372856, Gold Delt: 8593, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:15:42: Last Runtime: 34.18 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:15:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:15:59: Cellar - Found position 1074, 287
    02/07/2012 02:16:20: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 02:16:26: Gold: 4380410, Gold Delt: 7554, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:16:28: Last Runtime: 36.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:16:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:16:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:16:46: Last Runtime: 9.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:16:49: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:16:55: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:17:10: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:17:10: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:17:19: Last Runtime: 14.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:17:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:17:37: Cellar - Found position 1070, 255
    02/07/2012 02:17:58: Gold: 4386136, Gold Delt: 5726, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:18:01: Last Runtime: 32.79 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:18:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:18:18: Cellar - Found position 1104, 260
    02/07/2012 02:18:37: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:18:43: Gold: 4392217, Gold Delt: 6081, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:18:45: Last Runtime: 34.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:19:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:19:02: Cellar - Found position 1048, 256
    02/07/2012 02:19:24: Gold: 4400475, Gold Delt: 8258, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:19:26: Last Runtime: 32.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:19:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:19:43: Cellar - Found position 1071, 263
    02/07/2012 02:20:03: Gold: 4407787, Gold Delt: 7312, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:20:06: Last Runtime: 30.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:20:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:20:23: Cellar - Found position 1074, 277
    02/07/2012 02:20:44: Gold: 4414928, Gold Delt: 7141, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:20:55: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 02:21:12: Sold Items: 26, Sold value: 8467
    02/07/2012 02:21:14: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 02:21:14: Last Runtime: 59.38 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:21:30: Last Runtime: 4.7 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:21:33: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:21:39: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:21:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:21:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:22:03: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:22:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:22:20: Cellar - Found position 1099, 257
    02/07/2012 02:22:43: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 02:22:44: Gold: 4431487, Gold Delt: 8092, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:22:45: Last Runtime: 33.32 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:23:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:23:00: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:23:09: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:23:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:23:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:23:27: Last Runtime: 9.43 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:23:31: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:23:36: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:23:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:23:53: Cellar - Found position 1091, 274
    02/07/2012 02:24:14: Gold: 4437818, Gold Delt: 6331, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:24:17: Last Runtime: 31.34 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:24:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:24:34: Cellar - Found position 1083, 267
    02/07/2012 02:24:52: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 02:24:59: Gold: 4446857, Gold Delt: 9039, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:25:01: Last Runtime: 35.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:25:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:25:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:25:19: Last Runtime: 9.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:25:22: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:25:28: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:25:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:25:45: Cellar - Found position 1059, 224
    02/07/2012 02:26:05: Gold: 4452158, Gold Delt: 5301, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:26:07: Last Runtime: 29.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:26:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:26:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:26:31: Last Runtime: 15.15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:26:46: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:26:46: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:26:55: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:27:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:27:12: Cellar - Found position 1069, 200
    02/07/2012 02:27:33: Gold: 4459796, Gold Delt: 7638, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:27:35: Last Runtime: 30.77 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:27:50: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:27:50: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:27:59: Last Runtime: 14.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:28:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:28:16: Cellar - Found position 1061, 255
    02/07/2012 02:28:36: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:28:42: Gold: 4466639, Gold Delt: 6843, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:28:44: Last Runtime: 35.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:28:59: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:28:59: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:29:08: Last Runtime: 14.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:29:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:29:24: Cellar - Found position 1079, 273
    02/07/2012 02:29:45: Gold: 4475932, Gold Delt: 9293, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:29:47: Last Runtime: 30.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:30:02: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:30:04: Cellar - Found position 1119, 295
    02/07/2012 02:30:26: Gold: 4484824, Gold Delt: 8892, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:30:28: Last Runtime: 32.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:30:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:30:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:30:47: Last Runtime: 9.39 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:30:50: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:30:56: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:31:11: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:31:11: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:31:22: Last Runtime: 16.46 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:31:36: Last Runtime: 4.7 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:31:39: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:31:45: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:32:02: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:32:04: Cellar - Found position 1090, 228
    02/07/2012 02:32:23: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:32:30: Gold: 4492520, Gold Delt: 7696, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:32:31: Last Runtime: 35.35 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:32:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:32:48: Cellar - Found position 1080, 259
    02/07/2012 02:33:11: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 02:33:18: Gold: 4500292, Gold Delt: 7772, Items: 6, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:33:28: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 02:33:41: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 4871
    02/07/2012 02:33:42: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 02:33:43: Last Runtime: 62.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:33:58: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:33:58: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:34:07: Last Runtime: 15.16 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:34:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:34:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:34:31: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:34:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:34:48: Cellar - Found position 1107, 240
    02/07/2012 02:35:06: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:35:12: Gold: 4511964, Gold Delt: 6801, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:35:14: Last Runtime: 34.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:35:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:35:31: Cellar - Found position 1092, 244
    02/07/2012 02:35:54: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:36:00: Gold: 4519778, Gold Delt: 7814, Items: 6, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:36:02: Last Runtime: 38.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:36:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:36:17: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:36:26: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:36:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:36:43: Cellar - Found position 1089, 278
    02/07/2012 02:37:02: Gold: 4524093, Gold Delt: 4315, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:37:05: Last Runtime: 29.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:37:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:37:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:37:29: Last Runtime: 15.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:37:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:37:44: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:37:53: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:38:08: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:38:08: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:38:18: Last Runtime: 15.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:38:33: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:38:33: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:38:42: Last Runtime: 15.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:38:56: Last Runtime: 4.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:38:59: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:39:05: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:39:20: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:39:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:39:29: Last Runtime: 14.81 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:39:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:39:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:39:48: Last Runtime: 10.36 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:39:51: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:39:57: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:40:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:40:14: Cellar - Found position 1046, 269
    02/07/2012 02:40:35: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 02:40:42: Gold: 4531409, Gold Delt: 7316, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 02:40:44: Last Runtime: 37.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:40:58: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:40:58: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:41:07: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:41:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:41:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:41:32: Last Runtime: 15.13 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:41:46: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:41:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:41:56: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:42:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:42:12: Cellar - Found position 1082, 252
    02/07/2012 02:42:31: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:42:40: Gold: 4536969, Gold Delt: 5560, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:42:42: Last Runtime: 37.27 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:42:59: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:42:59: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:43:02: Last Runtime: 11.75 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:43:06: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:43:12: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:43:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:43:29: Cellar - Found position 1082, 252
    02/07/2012 02:43:50: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 02:43:51: Gold: 4547111, Gold Delt: 10142, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:43:53: Last Runtime: 32.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:44:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:44:10: Cellar - Found position 1066, 272
    02/07/2012 02:44:34: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:44:40: Gold: 4550979, Gold Delt: 3868, Items: 6, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:44:42: Last Runtime: 39.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:44:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:44:57: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:45:00: Last Runtime: 9.46 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:45:04: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:45:09: Logged out
    02/07/2012 02:45:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:45:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:45:33: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:45:48: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:45:48: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:45:57: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:46:12: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:46:12: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:46:21: Last Runtime: 14.81 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:46:36: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:46:36: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:46:45: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:47:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:47:01: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:47:10: Last Runtime: 15.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:47:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:47:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:47:33: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:47:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:47:50: Cellar - Found position 1094, 248
    02/07/2012 02:48:10: Gold: 4558664, Gold Delt: 7685, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:48:13: Last Runtime: 30.21 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:48:27: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:48:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:48:37: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:48:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:48:54: Cellar - Found position 1081, 266
    02/07/2012 02:49:15: Gold: 4567470, Gold Delt: 8806, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:49:17: Last Runtime: 31.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:49:32: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:49:32: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:49:41: Last Runtime: 14.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:49:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:49:56: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:50:05: Last Runtime: 15.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:50:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:50:23: Cellar - Found position 1082, 241
    02/07/2012 02:50:45: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:50:52: Gold: 4572083, Gold Delt: 4613, Items: 5, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:51:01: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 02:51:12: Sold Items: 12, Sold value: 4152
    02/07/2012 02:51:14: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 02:51:14: Last Runtime: 59.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:51:29: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:51:29: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:51:38: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:51:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:51:55: Cellar - Found position 1086, 261
    02/07/2012 02:52:15: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 02:52:22: Gold: 4584323, Gold Delt: 8088, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:52:23: Last Runtime: 36.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:52:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:52:40: Cellar - Found position 1094, 263
    02/07/2012 02:53:01: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:53:09: Gold: 4588691, Gold Delt: 4368, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:53:11: Last Runtime: 38.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:53:27: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:53:27: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:53:36: Last Runtime: 16.33 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:53:51: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:53:51: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:54:00: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:54:15: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:54:15: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:54:24: Last Runtime: 15.13 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:54:39: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:54:39: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:54:48: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:55:03: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:55:03: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:55:12: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:55:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:55:27: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:55:35: Last Runtime: 14.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:55:50: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:55:52: Cellar - Found position 1064, 264
    02/07/2012 02:56:11: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 02:56:17: Gold: 4596151, Gold Delt: 7460, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:56:19: Last Runtime: 34.59 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:56:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:56:36: Cellar - Found position 1096, 263
    02/07/2012 02:56:58: Gold: 4601316, Gold Delt: 5165, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:57:06: Last Runtime: 37.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:57:20: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:57:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:57:29: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:57:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:57:46: Cellar - Found position 1055, 253
    02/07/2012 02:58:08: Gold: 4611982, Gold Delt: 10666, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 02:58:10: Last Runtime: 31.75 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:58:25: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:58:25: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:58:34: Last Runtime: 14.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:58:48: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:58:49: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:58:58: Last Runtime: 15.16 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:59:13: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 02:59:13: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 02:59:22: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 02:59:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 02:59:38: Cellar - Found position 1083, 205
    02/07/2012 02:59:59: Gold: 4621011, Gold Delt: 9029, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:00:02: Last Runtime: 31.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:00:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:00:17: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:00:26: Last Runtime: 14.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:00:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:00:43: Cellar - Found position 1078, 245
    02/07/2012 03:01:04: Gold: 4628399, Gold Delt: 7388, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:01:06: Last Runtime: 31.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:01:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:01:23: Cellar - Found position 1101, 251
    02/07/2012 03:01:43: Gold: 4639734, Gold Delt: 11335, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:01:46: Last Runtime: 30.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:02:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:02:03: Cellar - Found position 1080, 274
    02/07/2012 03:02:25: Gold: 4645037, Gold Delt: 5303, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:02:28: Last Runtime: 32.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:02:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:02:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:02:52: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:03:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:03:09: Cellar - Found position 1069, 268
    02/07/2012 03:03:29: Gold: 4654614, Gold Delt: 9577, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:03:32: Last Runtime: 30.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:03:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:03:49: Cellar - Found position 1063, 240
    02/07/2012 03:04:06: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:04:13: Gold: 4661758, Gold Delt: 7144, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:04:14: Last Runtime: 33.79 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:04:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:04:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:04:39: Last Runtime: 15.36 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:04:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:04:56: Cellar - Found position 1111, 249
    02/07/2012 03:05:16: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 03:05:23: Gold: 4669631, Gold Delt: 7873, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:05:24: Last Runtime: 36.61 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:05:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:05:41: Cellar - Found position 1030, 262
    02/07/2012 03:06:04: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 03:06:11: Gold: 4673977, Gold Delt: 4346, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:06:12: Last Runtime: 39.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:06:27: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:06:27: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:06:36: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:06:51: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:06:51: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:06:54: Last Runtime: 9.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:06:58: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:07:04: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:07:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:07:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:07:28: Last Runtime: 15.15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:07:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:07:45: Cellar - Found position 1074, 279
    02/07/2012 03:08:02: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:08:09: Gold: 4679178, Gold Delt: 5201, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:08:19: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 03:08:38: Sold Items: 30, Sold value: 9684
    02/07/2012 03:08:40: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 03:08:40: Last Runtime: 63.16 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:08:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:08:57: Cellar - Found position 1080, 265
    02/07/2012 03:09:21: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 03:09:27: Gold: 4696740, Gold Delt: 7878, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:09:29: Last Runtime: 39.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:09:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:09:46: Cellar - Found position 1096, 248
    02/07/2012 03:10:05: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:10:11: Gold: 4706549, Gold Delt: 9809, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:10:13: Last Runtime: 35.19 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:10:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:10:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:10:37: Last Runtime: 14.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:10:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:10:53: Cellar - Found position 1084, 235
    02/07/2012 03:11:13: Gold: 4714805, Gold Delt: 8256, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:11:16: Last Runtime: 30.34 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:11:31: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:11:31: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:11:40: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:11:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:11:58: Cellar - Found position 1059, 253
    02/07/2012 03:12:17: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:12:24: Gold: 4719170, Gold Delt: 4365, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:12:26: Last Runtime: 36.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:12:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:12:43: Cellar - Found position 1066, 259
    02/07/2012 03:13:01: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 03:13:08: Gold: 4724154, Gold Delt: 4984, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:13:09: Last Runtime: 34.52 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:13:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:13:26: Cellar - Found position 1101, 259
    02/07/2012 03:13:46: Gold: 4730880, Gold Delt: 6726, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:13:49: Last Runtime: 30.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:14:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:14:06: Cellar - Found position 1059, 261
    02/07/2012 03:14:26: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 03:14:33: Gold: 4744493, Gold Delt: 13613, Items: 4, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:14:35: Last Runtime: 37.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:14:50: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:14:52: Cellar - Found position 1129, 242
    02/07/2012 03:15:13: Gold: 4753314, Gold Delt: 8821, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:15:20: Last Runtime: 36.73 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:15:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:15:37: Cellar - Found position 1107, 261
    02/07/2012 03:15:58: Gold: 4757544, Gold Delt: 4230, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:16:00: Last Runtime: 30.36 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:16:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:16:17: Cellar - Found position 1123, 264
    02/07/2012 03:16:36: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:16:42: Gold: 4763491, Gold Delt: 5947, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:16:44: Last Runtime: 34.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:16:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:17:01: Cellar - Found position 1051, 286
    02/07/2012 03:17:20: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 03:17:27: Gold: 4767228, Gold Delt: 3737, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:17:28: Last Runtime: 35.59 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:17:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:17:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:17:52: Last Runtime: 14.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:18:08: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:18:08: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:18:17: Last Runtime: 15.34 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:18:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:18:34: Cellar - Found position 1079, 239
    02/07/2012 03:18:57: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 03:18:58: Gold: 4774623, Gold Delt: 7395, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    02/07/2012 03:19:06: Last Runtime: 40.16 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:19:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:19:24: Cellar - Found position 1070, 240
    02/07/2012 03:19:45: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:19:51: Gold: 4785407, Gold Delt: 10784, Items: 2, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:19:53: Last Runtime: 38.21 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:20:08: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:20:08: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:20:17: Last Runtime: 15.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:20:32: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:20:32: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:20:41: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:20:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:20:58: Cellar - Found position 1131, 238
    02/07/2012 03:21:19: Gold: 4794060, Gold Delt: 8653, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:21:30: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 03:21:44: Sold Items: 19, Sold value: 9347
    02/07/2012 03:21:45: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 03:21:46: Last Runtime: 55.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:22:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:22:00: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:22:09: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:22:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:22:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:22:33: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:22:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:22:50: Cellar - Found position 1066, 239
    02/07/2012 03:23:10: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:23:17: Gold: 4812719, Gold Delt: 9312, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:23:19: Last Runtime: 36.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:23:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:23:36: Cellar - Found position 1104, 249
    02/07/2012 03:23:57: Gold: 4821675, Gold Delt: 8956, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:23:59: Last Runtime: 31.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:24:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:24:16: Cellar - Found position 1082, 242
    02/07/2012 03:24:35: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:24:41: Gold: 4828110, Gold Delt: 6435, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:24:43: Last Runtime: 34.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:24:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:25:00: Cellar - Found position 1072, 257
    02/07/2012 03:25:20: Gold: 4834172, Gold Delt: 6062, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:25:23: Last Runtime: 31 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:25:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:25:40: Cellar - Found position 1126, 226
    02/07/2012 03:26:02: Gold: 4839684, Gold Delt: 5512, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:26:04: Last Runtime: 32.32 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:26:19: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:26:21: Cellar - Found position 1076, 241
    02/07/2012 03:26:44: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:26:51: Gold: 4846682, Gold Delt: 6998, Items: 5, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:26:53: Last Runtime: 39.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:27:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:27:10: Cellar - Found position 1083, 267
    02/07/2012 03:27:33: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:27:39: Gold: 4852425, Gold Delt: 5743, Items: 6, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:27:41: Last Runtime: 39.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:27:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:27:58: Cellar - Found position 1078, 274
    02/07/2012 03:28:20: Gold: 4857487, Gold Delt: 5062, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:28:22: Last Runtime: 32.18 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:28:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:28:39: Cellar - Found position 1111, 260
    02/07/2012 03:29:00: Gold: 4864072, Gold Delt: 6585, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:29:02: Last Runtime: 31.58 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:29:17: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:29:19: Cellar - Found position 1078, 247
    02/07/2012 03:29:42: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 03:29:43: Gold: 4871646, Gold Delt: 7574, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 03:29:55: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 03:30:08: Sold Items: 17, Sold value: 6703
    02/07/2012 03:30:09: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 03:30:10: Last Runtime: 58.31 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:30:25: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:30:25: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:30:34: Last Runtime: 15.18 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:30:49: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:30:49: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:30:59: Last Runtime: 15.65 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:31:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:31:16: Cellar - Found position 1076, 245
    02/07/2012 03:31:37: Gold: 48831316, Gold Delt: 5000, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:31:39: Last Runtime: 31.74 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:31:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:31:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:32:03: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:32:07: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:32:12: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:32:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:32:30: Cellar - Found position 1079, 278
    02/07/2012 03:32:47: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:32:54: Gold: 4893443, Gold Delt: -43937873, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:32:55: Last Runtime: 33.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:33:10: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:33:10: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:33:19: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:33:34: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:33:34: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:33:43: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:33:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:34:00: Cellar - Found position 1085, 249
    02/07/2012 03:34:22: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 03:34:29: Gold: 4903297, Gold Delt: 9854, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:34:30: Last Runtime: 38 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:34:45: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:34:47: Cellar - Found position 1095, 252
    02/07/2012 03:35:09: Gold: 4907053, Gold Delt: 3756, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:35:12: Last Runtime: 32.73 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:35:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:35:27: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:35:36: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:35:50: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:35:53: Cellar - Found position 1129, 257
    02/07/2012 03:36:16: Gold: 4912464, Gold Delt: 5411, Items: 1, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:36:24: Last Runtime: 39 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:36:38: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:36:38: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:36:47: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:37:02: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:37:02: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:37:06: Last Runtime: 9.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:37:09: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:37:15: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:37:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:37:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:37:39: Last Runtime: 14.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:37:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:37:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:38:03: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:38:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:38:20: Cellar - Found position 1053, 269
    02/07/2012 03:38:41: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 03:38:42: Gold: 4918072, Gold Delt: 5608, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:38:44: Last Runtime: 31.71 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:38:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:39:00: Cellar - Found position 1089, 268
    02/07/2012 03:39:24: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:39:31: Gold: 4923563, Gold Delt: 5491, Items: 9, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:39:32: Last Runtime: 39.55 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:39:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:39:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:39:50: Last Runtime: 8.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:39:53: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:39:59: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:40:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:40:16: Cellar - Found position 1078, 263
    02/07/2012 03:40:37: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:40:44: Gold: 4935992, Gold Delt: 12429, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:40:45: Last Runtime: 37.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:41:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:41:02: Cellar - Found position 1098, 242
    02/07/2012 03:41:23: Gold: 4947683, Gold Delt: 11691, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:41:26: Last Runtime: 31.19 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:41:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:41:43: Cellar - Found position 1083, 255
    02/07/2012 03:42:07: Gold: 4959529, Gold Delt: 11846, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:42:17: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 03:42:33: Sold Items: 22, Sold value: 7857
    02/07/2012 03:42:34: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 03:42:35: Last Runtime: 60.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:42:49: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:42:50: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:42:59: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:43:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:43:16: Cellar - Found position 1111, 239
    02/07/2012 03:43:34: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:43:41: Gold: 4969463, Gold Delt: 2077, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 03:43:42: Last Runtime: 34.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:43:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:43:59: Cellar - Found position 1089, 229
    02/07/2012 03:44:22: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 03:44:28: Gold: 4975898, Gold Delt: 6435, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:44:30: Last Runtime: 38.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:44:45: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:44:47: Cellar - Found position 1052, 243
    02/07/2012 03:45:07: Gold: 4984002, Gold Delt: 8104, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:45:10: Last Runtime: 30.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:45:25: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:45:25: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:45:28: Last Runtime: 9.48 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:45:32: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:45:37: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:45:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:45:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:46:02: Last Runtime: 15.15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:46:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:46:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:46:25: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:46:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:46:42: Cellar - Found position 1081, 271
    02/07/2012 03:47:02: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 03:47:09: Gold: 4990158, Gold Delt: 6156, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:47:10: Last Runtime: 35.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:47:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:47:27: Cellar - Found position 1102, 242
    02/07/2012 03:47:48: Gold: 4998724, Gold Delt: 8566, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:47:51: Last Runtime: 31.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:48:06: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:48:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:48:15: Last Runtime: 14.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:48:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:48:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:48:39: Last Runtime: 15.16 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:48:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:48:56: Cellar - Found position 1089, 269
    02/07/2012 03:49:17: Gold: 5005179, Gold Delt: 6455, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:49:19: Last Runtime: 31.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:49:34: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:49:34: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:49:43: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:49:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:50:00: Cellar - Found position 1080, 259
    02/07/2012 03:50:22: Gold: 5009483, Gold Delt: 4304, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:50:25: Last Runtime: 32.25 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:50:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:50:42: Cellar - Found position 1091, 247
    02/07/2012 03:51:00: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:51:07: Gold: 5015103, Gold Delt: 5620, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:51:08: Last Runtime: 34.72 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:51:23: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:51:23: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:51:32: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:51:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:51:49: Cellar - Found position 1071, 256
    02/07/2012 03:52:08: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:52:15: Gold: 5022027, Gold Delt: 6924, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:52:25: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 03:52:35: Sold Items: 10, Sold value: 4900
    02/07/2012 03:52:36: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 03:52:37: Last Runtime: 55.61 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:52:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:52:54: Cellar - Found position 1111, 264
    02/07/2012 03:53:14: Gold: 5030496, Gold Delt: 3569, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:53:17: Last Runtime: 31.58 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:53:32: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:53:32: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:53:42: Last Runtime: 15.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:53:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:53:59: Cellar - Found position 1108, 258
    02/07/2012 03:54:18: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:54:25: Gold: 5036181, Gold Delt: 5685, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:54:26: Last Runtime: 35.29 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:54:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:54:43: Cellar - Found position 1096, 250
    02/07/2012 03:55:03: Gold: 5044430, Gold Delt: 8249, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:55:05: Last Runtime: 30.43 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:55:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:55:22: Cellar - Found position 1079, 280
    02/07/2012 03:55:43: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 03:55:51: Gold: 5053482, Gold Delt: 9052, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:55:53: Last Runtime: 38.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:56:06: Open Window
    02/07/2012 03:56:07: Open Window
    02/07/2012 03:56:07: Open Window
    02/07/2012 03:56:19: Last Runtime: 17.11 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:56:23: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:56:28: Logged out
    02/07/2012 03:56:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:56:46: Cellar - Found position 1077, 260
    02/07/2012 03:57:07: Gold: 5061301, Gold Delt: 7819, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:57:09: Last Runtime: 31.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:57:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:57:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:57:33: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:57:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:57:50: Cellar - Found position 1083, 261
    02/07/2012 03:58:12: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 03:58:18: Gold: 5068855, Gold Delt: 7554, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:58:20: Last Runtime: 37.83 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:58:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:58:37: Cellar - Found position 1072, 279
    02/07/2012 03:58:58: Gold: 5075607, Gold Delt: 6752, Items: 0, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 03:59:01: Last Runtime: 31.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:59:15: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 03:59:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 03:59:25: Last Runtime: 15.15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 03:59:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 03:59:42: Cellar - Found position 1055, 253
    02/07/2012 04:00:02: Gold: 5081511, Gold Delt: 5904, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:00:05: Last Runtime: 30.81 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:00:19: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:00:22: Cellar - Found position 1069, 275
    02/07/2012 04:00:42: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 04:00:49: Gold: 5087361, Gold Delt: 5850, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:00:50: Last Runtime: 36.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:01:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:01:08: Cellar - Found position 1068, 237
    02/07/2012 04:01:28: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 04:01:35: Gold: 5095407, Gold Delt: 8046, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:01:37: Last Runtime: 37.33 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:01:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:01:54: Cellar - Found position 1080, 271
    02/07/2012 04:02:14: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:02:21: Gold: 5101910, Gold Delt: 6503, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:02:30: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 04:02:43: Sold Items: 16, Sold value: 5952
    02/07/2012 04:02:44: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 04:02:45: Last Runtime: 59.13 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:03:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:03:00: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:03:09: Last Runtime: 15.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:03:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:03:26: Cellar - Found position 1094, 274
    02/07/2012 04:03:48: Gold: 5112539, Gold Delt: 4677, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:03:50: Last Runtime: 32.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:04:05: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:04:05: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:04:09: Last Runtime: 9.25 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:04:12: Logged out
    02/07/2012 04:04:18: Logged out
    02/07/2012 04:04:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:04:35: Cellar - Found position 1093, 245
    02/07/2012 04:04:57: Gold: 5118525, Gold Delt: 5986, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:04:59: Last Runtime: 32.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:05:14: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:05:14: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:05:17: Last Runtime: 9.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:05:21: Logged out
    02/07/2012 04:05:26: Logged out
    02/07/2012 04:05:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:05:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:05:51: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:06:05: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:06:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:06:15: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:06:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:06:32: Cellar - Found position 1083, 261
    02/07/2012 04:06:55: Gold: 5124404, Gold Delt: 5879, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:07:03: Last Runtime: 39.38 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:07:18: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:07:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:07:28: Last Runtime: 15.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:07:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:07:45: Cellar - Found position 1078, 258
    02/07/2012 04:08:05: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:08:12: Gold: 5134135, Gold Delt: 9731, Items: 4, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:08:13: Last Runtime: 36.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:08:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:08:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:08:37: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:08:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:08:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:09:01: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:09:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:09:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:09:25: Last Runtime: 15.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:09:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:09:42: Cellar - Found position 1040, 271
    02/07/2012 04:10:03: Gold: 5139665, Gold Delt: 5530, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:10:05: Last Runtime: 31.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:10:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:10:22: Cellar - Found position 1059, 266
    02/07/2012 04:10:42: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 04:10:49: Gold: 5147044, Gold Delt: 7379, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:10:50: Last Runtime: 36.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:11:05: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:11:05: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:11:14: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:11:29: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:11:29: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:11:38: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:11:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:11:55: Cellar - Found position 1047, 257
    02/07/2012 04:12:16: Gold: 5155455, Gold Delt: 8411, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:12:19: Last Runtime: 31.52 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:12:34: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:12:34: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:12:43: Last Runtime: 15.71 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:12:58: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:12:58: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:13:08: Last Runtime: 15.74 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:13:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:13:25: Cellar - Found position 1081, 243
    02/07/2012 04:13:46: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 04:13:53: Gold: 5162532, Gold Delt: 7077, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:13:54: Last Runtime: 37.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:14:09: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:14:11: Cellar - Found position 1103, 246
    02/07/2012 04:14:34: Gold: 5170260, Gold Delt: 7728, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:14:36: Last Runtime: 32.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:14:51: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:14:51: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:15:00: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:15:15: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:15:15: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:15:24: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:15:39: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:15:39: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:15:48: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:16:03: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:16:05: Cellar - Found position 1068, 281
    02/07/2012 04:16:24: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:16:32: Gold: 5175899, Gold Delt: 5639, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:16:34: Last Runtime: 37.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:16:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:16:51: Cellar - Found position 1063, 255
    02/07/2012 04:17:12: Gold: 5180816, Gold Delt: 4917, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:17:15: Last Runtime: 31.55 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:17:29: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:17:29: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:17:38: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:17:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:17:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:18:03: Last Runtime: 15.59 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:18:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:18:20: Cellar - Found position 1087, 243
    02/07/2012 04:18:39: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 04:18:46: Gold: 5188658, Gold Delt: 7842, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:18:48: Last Runtime: 35.77 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:19:02: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:19:05: Cellar - Found position 1079, 249
    02/07/2012 04:19:23: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:19:30: Gold: 5193607, Gold Delt: 4949, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:19:40: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 04:19:58: Sold Items: 27, Sold value: 8816
    02/07/2012 04:19:59: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 04:20:00: Last Runtime: 63.28 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:20:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:20:17: Cellar - Found position 1080, 226
    02/07/2012 04:20:38: Gold: 5208109, Gold Delt: 5686, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:20:41: Last Runtime: 31.8 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:20:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:20:58: Cellar - Found position 1076, 268
    02/07/2012 04:21:18: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:21:25: Gold: 5219426, Gold Delt: 11317, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:21:26: Last Runtime: 36.8 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:21:41: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:21:41: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:21:50: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:22:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:22:07: Cellar - Found position 1091, 281
    02/07/2012 04:22:28: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 04:22:34: Gold: 5228040, Gold Delt: 8614, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:22:36: Last Runtime: 36.72 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:22:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:22:53: Cellar - Found position 1088, 256
    02/07/2012 04:23:15: Gold: 5236176, Gold Delt: 8136, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:23:17: Last Runtime: 32.32 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:23:32: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:23:32: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:23:41: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:23:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:23:58: Cellar - Found position 1053, 288
    02/07/2012 04:24:17: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:24:24: Gold: 5245730, Gold Delt: 9554, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:24:25: Last Runtime: 34.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:24:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:24:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:24:49: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:25:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:25:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:25:13: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:25:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:25:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:25:37: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:25:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:25:54: Cellar - Found position 1092, 263
    02/07/2012 04:26:14: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:26:20: Gold: 5255047, Gold Delt: 9317, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:26:22: Last Runtime: 36.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:26:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:26:39: Cellar - Found position 1108, 241
    02/07/2012 04:27:02: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 04:27:09: Gold: 5263612, Gold Delt: 8565, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:27:10: Last Runtime: 39.25 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:27:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:27:27: Cellar - Found position 1067, 258
    02/07/2012 04:27:50: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 04:27:56: Gold: 5269845, Gold Delt: 6233, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:27:58: Last Runtime: 38.78 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:28:13: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:28:13: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:28:22: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:28:36: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:28:37: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:28:46: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:29:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:29:03: Cellar - Found position 1058, 265
    02/07/2012 04:29:25: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 04:29:31: Gold: 5277880, Gold Delt: 8035, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:29:33: Last Runtime: 38.27 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:29:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:29:50: Cellar - Found position 1077, 277
    02/07/2012 04:30:12: Gold: 5281617, Gold Delt: 3737, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:30:25: Stashed Items: 3
    02/07/2012 04:30:39: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 7608
    02/07/2012 04:30:40: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 04:30:41: Last Runtime: 59.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:30:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:30:56: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:31:05: Last Runtime: 14.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:31:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:31:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:31:28: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:31:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:31:45: Cellar - Found position 1097, 248
    02/07/2012 04:32:09: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:32:16: Gold: 5298004, Gold Delt: 8779, Items: 4, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:32:17: Last Runtime: 40.11 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:32:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:32:35: Cellar - Found position 1106, 257
    02/07/2012 04:32:55: Gold: 5304274, Gold Delt: 6270, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:32:58: Last Runtime: 31.39 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:33:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:33:15: Cellar - Found position 1016, 235
    02/07/2012 04:33:37: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:33:44: Gold: 5313137, Gold Delt: 8863, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:33:45: Last Runtime: 38.52 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:34:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:34:00: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:34:09: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:34:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:34:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:34:33: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:34:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:34:50: Cellar - Found position 1044, 221
    02/07/2012 04:35:11: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:35:18: Gold: 5320627, Gold Delt: 7490, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:35:19: Last Runtime: 36.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:35:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:35:36: Cellar - Found position 1049, 277
    02/07/2012 04:36:00: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:36:09: Gold: 5331770, Gold Delt: 11143, Items: 3, Gems: 3, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:36:11: Last Runtime: 42.79 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:36:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:36:26: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:36:36: Last Runtime: 15.74 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:36:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:36:53: Cellar - Found position 1061, 257
    02/07/2012 04:37:13: Gold: 5338129, Gold Delt: 6359, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:37:15: Last Runtime: 30.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:37:30: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:37:33: Cellar - Found position 1093, 264
    02/07/2012 04:37:53: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 04:38:00: Gold: 5343797, Gold Delt: 5668, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:38:02: Last Runtime: 37.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:38:17: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:38:19: Cellar - Found position 1042, 232
    02/07/2012 04:38:40: Gold: 5352322, Gold Delt: 8525, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:38:43: Last Runtime: 32.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:38:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:39:00: Cellar - Found position 1074, 266
    02/07/2012 04:39:20: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 04:39:26: Gold: 5359837, Gold Delt: 7515, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:39:28: Last Runtime: 35.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:39:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:39:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:39:51: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:40:06: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:40:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:40:15: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:40:30: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:40:32: Cellar - Found position 1085, 227
    02/07/2012 04:40:52: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 04:40:59: Gold: 5370646, Gold Delt: 10809, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:41:00: Last Runtime: 36.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:41:15: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:41:15: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:41:19: Last Runtime: 9.45 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:41:22: Logged out
    02/07/2012 04:41:28: Logged out
    02/07/2012 04:41:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:41:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:41:52: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:42:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:42:09: Cellar - Found position 1092, 275
    02/07/2012 04:42:30: Gold: 5381213, Gold Delt: 10567, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:42:32: Last Runtime: 30.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:42:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:42:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:42:51: Last Runtime: 9.49 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:42:54: Logged out
    02/07/2012 04:43:00: Logged out
    02/07/2012 04:43:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:43:17: Cellar - Found position 1106, 256
    02/07/2012 04:43:38: Gold: 5386950, Gold Delt: 5737, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:43:40: Last Runtime: 31.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:43:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:43:57: Cellar - Found position 1103, 243
    02/07/2012 04:44:20: Gold: 5397847, Gold Delt: 10897, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:44:33: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 04:44:50: Sold Items: 27, Sold value: 8770
    02/07/2012 04:44:52: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 04:44:52: Last Runtime: 62.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:45:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:45:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:45:16: Last Runtime: 15.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:45:31: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:45:31: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:45:40: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:45:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:45:58: Cellar - Found position 1061, 261
    02/07/2012 04:46:22: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:46:29: Gold: 5415102, Gold Delt: 8485, Items: 4, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:46:30: Last Runtime: 41.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:46:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:46:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:46:54: Last Runtime: 15.15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:47:09: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:47:09: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:47:18: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:47:33: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:47:33: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:47:42: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:47:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:47:59: Cellar - Found position 1087, 261
    02/07/2012 04:48:20: Gold: 5421933, Gold Delt: 6831, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:48:22: Last Runtime: 30.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:48:37: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:48:37: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:48:46: Last Runtime: 15.2 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:49:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:49:03: Cellar - Found position 1099, 270
    02/07/2012 04:49:25: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 04:49:26: Gold: 5429406, Gold Delt: 7473, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:49:27: Last Runtime: 32.11 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:49:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:49:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:49:51: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:50:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:50:08: Cellar - Found position 1078, 277
    02/07/2012 04:50:29: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 04:50:36: Gold: 5441315, Gold Delt: 11909, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:50:37: Last Runtime: 36.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:50:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:50:54: Cellar - Found position 1094, 274
    02/07/2012 04:51:13: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:51:20: Gold: 5445633, Gold Delt: 4318, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:51:21: Last Runtime: 35.39 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:51:36: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:51:36: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:51:45: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:52:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:52:00: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:52:09: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:52:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:52:27: Cellar - Found position 1066, 288
    02/07/2012 04:52:48: Gold: 5452390, Gold Delt: 6757, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:52:51: Last Runtime: 32.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:53:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:53:08: Cellar - Found position 1083, 264
    02/07/2012 04:53:29: Gold: 5461695, Gold Delt: 9305, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:53:32: Last Runtime: 31.74 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:53:46: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:53:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:53:55: Last Runtime: 14.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:54:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:54:13: Cellar - Found position 1070, 248
    02/07/2012 04:54:37: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:54:43: Gold: 5468697, Gold Delt: 7002, Items: 5, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:54:45: Last Runtime: 40.11 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:54:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:55:02: Cellar - Found position 1027, 279
    02/07/2012 04:55:22: Gold: 5473030, Gold Delt: 4333, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:55:24: Last Runtime: 30.31 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:55:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:55:41: Cellar - Found position 1089, 267
    02/07/2012 04:56:01: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 04:56:08: Gold: 5482458, Gold Delt: 9428, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:56:09: Last Runtime: 36.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:56:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:56:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:56:33: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:56:48: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:56:48: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:56:51: Last Runtime: 9.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:56:55: Logged out
    02/07/2012 04:57:00: Logged out
    02/07/2012 04:57:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:57:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:57:25: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:57:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:57:42: Cellar - Found position 1046, 245
    02/07/2012 04:58:02: Gold: 5492411, Gold Delt: 9953, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:58:05: Last Runtime: 31.43 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:58:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:58:22: Cellar - Found position 1075, 264
    02/07/2012 04:58:43: Gold: 550169, Gold Delt: -4942242, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 04:58:54: Stashed Items: 2
    02/07/2012 04:59:11: Sold Items: 26, Sold value: 4961322
    02/07/2012 04:59:13: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 04:59:13: Last Runtime: 59.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:59:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 04:59:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 04:59:37: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 04:59:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 04:59:54: Cellar - Found position 1090, 268
    02/07/2012 05:00:16: Gold: 5516739, Gold Delt: 5248, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:00:19: Last Runtime: 32.39 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:00:33: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:00:34: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:00:42: Last Runtime: 14.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:00:57: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:00:57: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:01:06: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:01:21: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:01:21: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:01:30: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:01:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:01:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:01:54: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:02:10: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:02:10: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:02:19: Last Runtime: 15.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:02:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:02:36: Cellar - Found position 1082, 262
    02/07/2012 05:03:02: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 05:03:03: Gold: 5526668, Gold Delt: 9929, Items: 5, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:03:04: Last Runtime: 36.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:03:19: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:03:22: Cellar - Found position 1091, 256
    02/07/2012 05:03:42: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 05:03:49: Gold: 5531869, Gold Delt: 5201, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:03:50: Last Runtime: 36.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:04:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:04:07: Cellar - Found position 1100, 234
    02/07/2012 05:04:29: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 05:04:36: Gold: 5535929, Gold Delt: 4060, Items: 4, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:04:37: Last Runtime: 38.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:04:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:04:54: Cellar - Found position 1078, 260
    02/07/2012 05:05:16: Gold: 5541168, Gold Delt: 5239, Items: 0, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:05:18: Last Runtime: 32.29 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:05:33: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:05:33: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:05:43: Last Runtime: 15.18 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:05:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:06:00: Cellar - Found position 1069, 242
    02/07/2012 05:06:19: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 05:06:26: Gold: 5549648, Gold Delt: 8480, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:06:27: Last Runtime: 35.71 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:06:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:06:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:06:51: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:07:06: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:07:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:07:15: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:07:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:07:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:07:39: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:07:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:07:56: Cellar - Found position 1080, 260
    02/07/2012 05:08:17: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 05:08:23: Gold: 5556046, Gold Delt: 6398, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:08:24: Last Runtime: 36.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:08:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:08:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:08:49: Last Runtime: 15.72 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:09:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:09:06: Cellar - Found position 1111, 227
    02/07/2012 05:09:27: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 05:09:34: Gold: 5561588, Gold Delt: 5542, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:09:36: Last Runtime: 37.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:09:50: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:09:51: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:09:59: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:10:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:10:17: Cellar - Found position 1092, 242
    02/07/2012 05:10:37: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 05:10:43: Gold: 5568194, Gold Delt: 6606, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:10:45: Last Runtime: 36.49 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:11:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:11:02: Cellar - Found position 1090, 231
    02/07/2012 05:11:23: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 05:11:30: Gold: 5575514, Gold Delt: 7320, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    02/07/2012 05:11:31: Last Runtime: 37.2 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:11:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:11:49: Cellar - Found position 1075, 257
    02/07/2012 05:12:09: Gold: 5584282, Gold Delt: 8768, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:12:21: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 05:12:35: Sold Items: 20, Sold value: 8252
    02/07/2012 05:12:37: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 05:12:37: Last Runtime: 57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:12:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:12:54: Cellar - Found position 1073, 272
    02/07/2012 05:13:16: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 05:13:25: Gold: 5600262, Gold Delt: 7728, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:13:27: Last Runtime: 41.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:13:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:13:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:13:55: Last Runtime: 17.72 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:14:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:14:12: Cellar - Found position 1066, 291
    02/07/2012 05:14:32: Gold: 5604204, Gold Delt: 3942, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:14:35: Last Runtime: 31.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:14:50: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:14:50: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:14:59: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:15:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:15:16: Cellar - Found position 1107, 260
    02/07/2012 05:15:37: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 05:15:38: Gold: 5610534, Gold Delt: 6330, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:15:39: Last Runtime: 31.53 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:15:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:15:57: Cellar - Found position 1087, 257
    02/07/2012 05:16:17: Gold: 5615379, Gold Delt: 4845, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:16:20: Last Runtime: 31.39 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:16:36: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:16:36: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:16:45: Last Runtime: 16.33 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:17:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:17:00: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:17:09: Last Runtime: 14.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:17:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:17:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:17:33: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:17:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:17:50: Cellar - Found position 1104, 266
    02/07/2012 05:18:10: Gold: 5620187, Gold Delt: 4808, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:18:13: Last Runtime: 31.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:18:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:18:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:18:37: Last Runtime: 15.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:18:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:18:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:19:01: Last Runtime: 14.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:19:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:19:19: Cellar - Found position 1065, 289
    02/07/2012 05:19:40: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 05:19:46: Gold: 5631328, Gold Delt: 11141, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 2, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:19:48: Last Runtime: 37.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:20:03: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:20:05: Cellar - Found position 1086, 252
    02/07/2012 05:20:25: Gold: 5644919, Gold Delt: 13591, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:20:27: Last Runtime: 30.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:20:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:20:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:20:51: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:21:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:21:09: Cellar - Found position 1086, 295
    02/07/2012 05:21:28: Gold: 5650792, Gold Delt: 5873, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:21:30: Last Runtime: 29.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:21:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:21:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:21:54: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:22:09: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:22:09: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:22:13: Last Runtime: 10.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:22:16: Logged out
    02/07/2012 05:22:22: Logged out
    02/07/2012 05:22:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:22:40: Cellar - Found position 1108, 268
    02/07/2012 05:23:00: Gold: 5655375, Gold Delt: 4583, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:23:02: Last Runtime: 30.59 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:23:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:23:18: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:23:27: Last Runtime: 15.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:23:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:23:44: Cellar - Found position 1059, 254
    02/07/2012 05:24:06: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 05:24:13: Gold: 5662413, Gold Delt: 7038, Items: 3, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:24:14: Last Runtime: 38.13 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:24:29: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:24:29: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:24:38: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:24:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:24:55: Cellar - Found position 1100, 266
    02/07/2012 05:25:14: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 05:25:21: Gold: 5672007, Gold Delt: 9594, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:25:22: Last Runtime: 35.28 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:25:37: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:25:37: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:25:43: Last Runtime: 11.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:25:46: Logged out
    02/07/2012 05:25:52: Logged out
    02/07/2012 05:26:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:26:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:26:16: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:26:31: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:26:31: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:26:40: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:26:55: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:26:55: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:27:04: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:27:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:27:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:27:28: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:27:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:27:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:27:52: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:28:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:28:09: Cellar - Found position 1063, 239
    02/07/2012 05:28:30: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 05:28:37: Gold: 5680594, Gold Delt: 8587, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:28:48: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 05:29:00: Sold Items: 14, Sold value: 7755
    02/07/2012 05:29:01: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 05:29:02: Last Runtime: 61 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:29:18: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:29:18: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:29:28: Last Runtime: 17.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:29:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:29:45: Cellar - Found position 1050, 287
    02/07/2012 05:30:07: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 05:30:13: Gold: 5694846, Gold Delt: 6497, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:30:15: Last Runtime: 38.13 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:30:30: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:30:32: Cellar - Found position 1077, 251
    02/07/2012 05:30:52: Gold: 5703362, Gold Delt: 8516, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:30:54: Last Runtime: 30.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:31:09: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:31:09: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:31:18: Last Runtime: 15.2 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:31:33: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:31:33: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:31:42: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:31:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:32:00: Cellar - Found position 1084, 250
    02/07/2012 05:32:19: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 05:32:26: Gold: 5712231, Gold Delt: 8869, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:32:27: Last Runtime: 35.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:32:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:32:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:32:51: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:33:06: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:33:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:33:15: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:33:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:33:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:33:39: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:33:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:33:57: Cellar - Found position 1069, 292
    02/07/2012 05:34:16: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 05:34:23: Gold: 5718934, Gold Delt: 6703, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:34:24: Last Runtime: 36.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:34:39: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:34:39: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:34:48: Last Runtime: 15.19 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:35:03: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:35:03: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:35:12: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:35:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:35:30: Cellar - Found position 1086, 257
    02/07/2012 05:35:49: Gold: 5726744, Gold Delt: 7810, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:35:51: Last Runtime: 30.27 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:36:06: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:36:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:36:15: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:36:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:36:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:36:39: Last Runtime: 14.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:36:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:36:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:37:04: Last Runtime: 15.45 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:37:19: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:37:21: Cellar - Found position 1088, 275
    02/07/2012 05:37:41: Gold: 5734434, Gold Delt: 7690, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:37:43: Last Runtime: 30.61 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:37:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:38:01: Cellar - Found position 1094, 266
    02/07/2012 05:38:21: Gold: 5739427, Gold Delt: 4993, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:38:24: Last Runtime: 31.5 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:38:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:38:41: Cellar - Found position 1075, 248
    02/07/2012 05:39:02: Gold: 5745405, Gold Delt: 5978, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:39:05: Last Runtime: 31.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:39:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:39:22: Cellar - Found position 1101, 250
    02/07/2012 05:39:42: Gold: 5751497, Gold Delt: 6092, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:39:44: Last Runtime: 30.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:39:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:40:02: Cellar - Found position 1089, 278
    02/07/2012 05:40:22: Gold: 5755990, Gold Delt: 4493, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:40:25: Last Runtime: 31.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:40:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:40:42: Cellar - Found position 1077, 251
    02/07/2012 05:41:00: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 05:41:07: Gold: 5765282, Gold Delt: 9292, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:41:08: Last Runtime: 34.7 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:41:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:41:26: Cellar - Found position 1073, 239
    02/07/2012 05:41:48: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 05:41:49: Gold: 5770803, Gold Delt: 5521, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:41:59: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 05:42:13: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 7056
    02/07/2012 05:42:14: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 05:42:15: Last Runtime: 57.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:42:30: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:42:32: Cellar - Found position 1095, 246
    02/07/2012 05:42:53: Gold: 5783733, Gold Delt: 5874, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:42:55: Last Runtime: 31.83 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:43:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:43:13: Cellar - Found position 1117, 270
    02/07/2012 05:43:33: Gold: 5794300, Gold Delt: 10567, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:43:36: Last Runtime: 31.48 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:43:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:43:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:44:02: Last Runtime: 16.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:44:17: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:44:19: Cellar - Found position 1066, 275
    02/07/2012 05:44:41: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 05:44:48: Gold: 5802283, Gold Delt: 7983, Items: 4, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:44:49: Last Runtime: 38.37 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:45:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:45:07: Cellar - Found position 1104, 262
    02/07/2012 05:45:27: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 05:45:34: Gold: 5807474, Gold Delt: 5191, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:45:35: Last Runtime: 37.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:45:50: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:45:50: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:45:59: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:46:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:46:16: Cellar - Found position 1092, 251
    02/07/2012 05:46:36: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 05:46:42: Gold: 5813961, Gold Delt: 6487, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:46:44: Last Runtime: 35.46 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:46:58: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:46:59: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:47:08: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:47:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:47:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:47:31: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:47:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:47:49: Cellar - Found position 1094, 276
    02/07/2012 05:48:08: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 05:48:15: Gold: 5821243, Gold Delt: 7282, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:48:16: Last Runtime: 36.16 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:48:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:48:34: Cellar - Found position 1086, 262
    02/07/2012 05:48:54: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 05:49:00: Gold: 5827869, Gold Delt: 6626, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:49:02: Last Runtime: 36.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:49:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:49:17: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:49:26: Last Runtime: 15.22 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:49:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:49:44: Cellar - Found position 1095, 231
    02/07/2012 05:50:04: Gold: 5832824, Gold Delt: 4955, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:50:08: Last Runtime: 32.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:50:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:50:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:50:31: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:50:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:50:49: Cellar - Found position 1098, 276
    02/07/2012 05:51:09: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 05:51:16: Gold: 5839892, Gold Delt: 7068, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:51:17: Last Runtime: 37.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:51:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:51:35: Cellar - Found position 1050, 256
    02/07/2012 05:51:57: Gold: 5845262, Gold Delt: 5370, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:52:00: Last Runtime: 33.19 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:52:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:52:17: Cellar - Found position 1078, 286
    02/07/2012 05:52:39: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 05:52:46: Gold: 5855164, Gold Delt: 9902, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:52:47: Last Runtime: 38.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:53:02: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:53:05: Cellar - Found position 1072, 268
    02/07/2012 05:53:26: Gold: 5859349, Gold Delt: 4185, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:53:37: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 05:53:54: Sold Items: 27, Sold value: 8538
    02/07/2012 05:53:56: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 05:53:56: Last Runtime: 59.76 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:54:11: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:54:11: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:54:20: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:54:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:54:37: Cellar - Found position 1082, 270
    02/07/2012 05:55:00: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 05:55:01: Gold: 5875143, Gold Delt: 7256, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:55:09: Last Runtime: 39.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:55:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:55:26: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:55:35: Last Runtime: 17.69 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:55:50: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:55:50: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:56:01: Last Runtime: 16.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:56:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:56:18: Cellar - Found position 1097, 276
    02/07/2012 05:56:38: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 05:56:44: Gold: 5881041, Gold Delt: 5898, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:56:46: Last Runtime: 36.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:57:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:57:03: Cellar - Found position 1064, 277
    02/07/2012 05:57:22: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 05:57:29: Gold: 5888390, Gold Delt: 7349, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:57:30: Last Runtime: 35.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:57:45: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:57:47: Cellar - Found position 1087, 267
    02/07/2012 05:58:09: Gold: 5900632, Gold Delt: 12242, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:58:12: Last Runtime: 32.77 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:58:27: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:58:27: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:58:36: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:58:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 05:58:54: Cellar - Found position 1092, 273
    02/07/2012 05:59:14: Gold: 5906279, Gold Delt: 5647, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 05:59:16: Last Runtime: 31.68 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:59:31: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:59:31: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 05:59:40: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 05:59:55: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 05:59:55: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:00:04: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:00:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:00:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:00:28: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:00:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:00:46: Cellar - Found position 1060, 250
    02/07/2012 06:01:05: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:01:11: Gold: 5915854, Gold Delt: 9575, Items: 4, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:01:13: Last Runtime: 35.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:01:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:01:30: Cellar - Found position 1058, 259
    02/07/2012 06:01:51: Gold: 5923919, Gold Delt: 8065, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:01:53: Last Runtime: 31.55 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:02:08: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:02:08: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:02:17: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:02:32: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:02:32: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:02:41: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:02:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:02:58: Cellar - Found position 1101, 275
    02/07/2012 06:03:18: Gold: 5930665, Gold Delt: 6746, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:03:21: Last Runtime: 30.66 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:03:36: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:03:36: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:03:45: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:04:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:04:02: Cellar - Found position 1083, 269
    02/07/2012 06:04:21: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:04:28: Gold: 5935714, Gold Delt: 5049, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:04:29: Last Runtime: 35.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:04:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:04:47: Cellar - Found position 1087, 273
    02/07/2012 06:05:07: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 06:05:13: Gold: 5942528, Gold Delt: 6814, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:05:22: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 06:05:35: Sold Items: 16, Sold value: 6855
    02/07/2012 06:05:36: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 06:05:37: Last Runtime: 58.49 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:05:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:05:54: Cellar - Found position 1061, 259
    02/07/2012 06:06:15: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 06:06:22: Gold: 5955694, Gold Delt: 6311, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:06:23: Last Runtime: 37.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:06:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:06:41: Cellar - Found position 1088, 230
    02/07/2012 06:07:00: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 06:07:06: Gold: 5961686, Gold Delt: 5992, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:07:08: Last Runtime: 35.43 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:07:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:07:25: Cellar - Found position 1086, 261
    02/07/2012 06:07:48: Gold: 5966988, Gold Delt: 5302, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:07:51: Last Runtime: 33.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:08:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:08:08: Cellar - Found position 1086, 250
    02/07/2012 06:08:29: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 06:08:35: Gold: 5974688, Gold Delt: 7700, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:08:37: Last Runtime: 36.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:08:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:08:54: Cellar - Found position 1088, 258
    02/07/2012 06:09:14: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:09:20: Gold: 5979518, Gold Delt: 4830, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:09:22: Last Runtime: 36.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:09:37: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:09:37: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:09:46: Last Runtime: 15.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:10:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:10:03: Cellar - Found position 1090, 260
    02/07/2012 06:10:25: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 06:10:32: Gold: 5983832, Gold Delt: 4314, Items: 4, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:10:33: Last Runtime: 38.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:10:48: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:10:48: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:10:57: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:11:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:11:15: Cellar - Found position 967, 257
    02/07/2012 06:11:30: Cellar was found but didnt end up there
    02/07/2012 06:11:32: Last Runtime: 26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:11:36: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:11:41: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:11:57: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:11:57: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:12:06: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:12:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:12:23: Cellar - Found position 1116, 240
    02/07/2012 06:12:43: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:12:50: Gold: 5988436, Gold Delt: 4604, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:12:51: Last Runtime: 36.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:13:06: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:13:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:13:15: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:13:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:13:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:13:39: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:13:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:13:56: Cellar - Found position 1055, 263
    02/07/2012 06:14:15: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:14:24: Gold: 5998510, Gold Delt: 10074, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 06:14:26: Last Runtime: 37.78 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:14:39: Last Runtime: 4.7 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:15:04: Last Runtime: 29.38 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:15:08: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:15:13: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:15:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:15:31: Cellar - Found position 1076, 261
    02/07/2012 06:15:51: Gold: 6004614, Gold Delt: 6104, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:16:03: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 06:16:14: Sold Items: 14, Sold value: 4293
    02/07/2012 06:16:16: Repair Cost: 7389
    02/07/2012 06:16:16: Last Runtime: 54.18 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:16:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:16:34: Cellar - Found position 1063, 256
    02/07/2012 06:16:54: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 06:17:01: Gold: 6010280, Gold Delt: 8762, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:17:02: Last Runtime: 36.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:17:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:17:17: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:17:26: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:17:41: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:17:41: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:17:50: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:18:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:18:08: Cellar - Found position 1084, 252
    02/07/2012 06:18:28: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:18:34: Gold: 6015563, Gold Delt: 5283, Items: 1, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:18:36: Last Runtime: 36.59 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:18:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:18:53: Cellar - Found position 1086, 266
    02/07/2012 06:19:15: Gold: 6022580, Gold Delt: 7017, Items: 0, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:19:17: Last Runtime: 32.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:19:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:19:35: Cellar - Found position 1088, 249
    02/07/2012 06:19:56: Gold: 6028866, Gold Delt: 6286, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:19:58: Last Runtime: 31.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:20:13: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:20:13: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:20:22: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:20:37: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:20:37: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:20:41: Last Runtime: 9.53 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:20:44: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:20:50: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:21:05: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:21:05: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:21:14: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:21:29: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:21:29: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:21:38: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:21:53: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:21:53: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:22:02: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:22:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:22:17: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:22:26: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:22:41: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:22:41: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:22:50: Last Runtime: 15.45 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:23:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:23:08: Cellar - Found position 1074, 263
    02/07/2012 06:23:29: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 06:23:36: Gold: 6036326, Gold Delt: 7460, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:23:37: Last Runtime: 37.77 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:23:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:23:54: Cellar - Found position 1085, 274
    02/07/2012 06:24:14: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:24:15: Gold: 6041878, Gold Delt: 5552, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:24:23: Last Runtime: 36.58 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:24:37: Last Runtime: 4.65 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:24:40: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:24:46: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:25:01: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:25:01: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:25:10: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:25:25: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:25:25: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:25:34: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:25:49: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:25:49: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:25:58: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:26:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:26:15: Cellar - Found position 1047, 266
    02/07/2012 06:26:35: Gold: 6047261, Gold Delt: 5383, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:26:38: Last Runtime: 30.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:26:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:26:56: Cellar - Found position 1081, 232
    02/07/2012 06:27:20: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 06:27:27: Gold: 6057944, Gold Delt: 10683, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:27:28: Last Runtime: 41.35 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:27:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:27:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:27:52: Last Runtime: 14.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:28:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:28:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:28:16: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:28:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:28:33: Cellar - Found position 1067, 261
    02/07/2012 06:28:52: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 06:28:59: Gold: 6061714, Gold Delt: 3770, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:29:00: Last Runtime: 35.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:29:15: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:29:15: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:29:25: Last Runtime: 15.27 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:29:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:29:42: Cellar - Found position 1101, 278
    02/07/2012 06:29:59: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:30:06: Gold: 6069755, Gold Delt: 8041, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:30:17: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 06:30:29: Sold Items: 14, Sold value: 5724
    02/07/2012 06:30:30: Repair Cost: -1039
    02/07/2012 06:30:31: Last Runtime: 57.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:30:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:30:48: Cellar - Found position 1111, 254
    02/07/2012 06:31:09: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:31:16: Gold: 6082975, Gold Delt: 6457, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:31:18: Last Runtime: 37.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:31:32: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:31:32: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:31:42: Last Runtime: 15.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:31:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:31:59: Cellar - Found position 1046, 252
    02/07/2012 06:32:21: Gold: 6088933, Gold Delt: 5958, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:32:23: Last Runtime: 32.49 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:32:38: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:32:38: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:32:47: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:33:02: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:33:02: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:33:11: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:33:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:33:26: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:33:35: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:33:50: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:33:50: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:33:53: Last Runtime: 9.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:33:57: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:34:02: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:34:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:34:20: Cellar - Found position 1084, 272
    02/07/2012 06:34:39: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:34:46: Gold: 6093327, Gold Delt: 4394, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:34:48: Last Runtime: 35.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:35:01: Last Runtime: 4.68 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:35:05: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:35:10: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:35:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:35:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:35:32: Last Runtime: 11.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:35:35: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:35:41: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:35:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:35:58: Cellar - Found position 1077, 253
    02/07/2012 06:36:19: Gold: 6099668, Gold Delt: 6341, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:36:21: Last Runtime: 31.36 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:36:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:36:39: Cellar - Found position 1058, 226
    02/07/2012 06:37:03: Gold: 6109148, Gold Delt: 9480, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:37:06: Last Runtime: 35.18 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:37:20: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:37:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:37:29: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:37:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:37:44: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:37:48: Last Runtime: 9.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:37:51: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:37:57: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:38:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:38:15: Cellar - Found position 1071, 275
    02/07/2012 06:38:35: Gold: 6113766, Gold Delt: 4618, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:38:38: Last Runtime: 31.6 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:38:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:38:55: Cellar - Found position 1074, 285
    02/07/2012 06:39:15: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 06:39:22: Gold: 6125152, Gold Delt: 11386, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:39:24: Last Runtime: 36.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:39:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:39:41: Cellar - Found position 1081, 266
    02/07/2012 06:40:02: Gold: 6132619, Gold Delt: 7467, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:40:04: Last Runtime: 31.58 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:40:19: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:40:22: Cellar - Found position 1088, 287
    02/07/2012 06:40:44: Gold: 6140938, Gold Delt: 8319, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:40:46: Last Runtime: 33.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:41:01: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:41:02: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:41:05: Last Runtime: 9.77 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:41:08: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:41:14: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:41:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:41:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:41:39: Last Runtime: 15.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:41:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:41:56: Cellar - Found position 1071, 257
    02/07/2012 06:42:18: Gold: 6148278, Gold Delt: 7340, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:42:21: Last Runtime: 32.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:42:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:42:38: Cellar - Found position 1103, 261
    02/07/2012 06:42:58: Gold: 6153561, Gold Delt: 5283, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:43:00: Last Runtime: 30.81 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:43:15: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:43:15: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:43:24: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:43:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:43:42: Cellar - Found position 1098, 257
    02/07/2012 06:44:02: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:44:08: Gold: 6163272, Gold Delt: 9711, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:44:10: Last Runtime: 36.53 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:44:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:44:27: Cellar - Found position 1128, 243
    02/07/2012 06:44:47: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 06:44:54: Gold: 6170615, Gold Delt: 7343, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:45:06: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 06:45:19: Sold Items: 17, Sold value: 9189
    02/07/2012 06:45:20: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 06:45:21: Last Runtime: 62.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:45:36: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:45:36: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:45:47: Last Runtime: 16.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:46:02: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:46:02: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:46:12: Last Runtime: 15.81 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:46:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:46:27: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:46:30: Last Runtime: 9.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:46:33: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:46:39: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:46:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:46:57: Cellar - Found position 1116, 246
    02/07/2012 06:47:16: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:47:22: Gold: 6186428, Gold Delt: 6624, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:47:24: Last Runtime: 35.71 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:47:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:47:41: Cellar - Found position 1074, 270
    02/07/2012 06:48:04: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 06:48:10: Gold: 6192126, Gold Delt: 5698, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:48:12: Last Runtime: 39.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:48:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:48:29: Cellar - Found position 1092, 249
    02/07/2012 06:48:53: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:49:00: Gold: 6201216, Gold Delt: 9090, Items: 5, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    02/07/2012 06:49:01: Last Runtime: 40.19 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:49:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:49:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:49:25: Last Runtime: 15.22 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:49:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:49:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:49:49: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:50:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:50:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:50:13: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:50:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:50:31: Cellar - Found position 1104, 269
    02/07/2012 06:50:51: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:50:58: Gold: 6210943, Gold Delt: 9727, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:50:59: Last Runtime: 37.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:51:14: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:51:14: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:51:23: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:51:38: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:51:38: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:51:42: Last Runtime: 9.37 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:51:45: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:51:51: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:52:06: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:52:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:52:15: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:52:30: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:52:33: Cellar - Found position 1062, 212
    02/07/2012 06:52:54: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 06:53:00: Gold: 6217022, Gold Delt: 6079, Items: 4, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:53:02: Last Runtime: 37.52 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:53:17: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:53:19: Cellar - Found position 1071, 285
    02/07/2012 06:53:40: Gold: 6224178, Gold Delt: 7156, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:53:42: Last Runtime: 31.66 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:53:57: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:53:57: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:54:06: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:54:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:54:24: Cellar - Found position 1102, 259
    02/07/2012 06:54:46: Gold: 6230117, Gold Delt: 5939, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:54:49: Last Runtime: 33.33 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:55:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:55:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:55:13: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:55:27: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:55:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:55:36: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:55:51: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:55:51: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:55:55: Last Runtime: 9.35 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:55:58: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:56:04: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:56:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:56:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:56:28: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:56:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:56:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:56:52: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:57:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:57:09: Cellar - Found position 1096, 267
    02/07/2012 06:57:28: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 06:57:34: Gold: 6235994, Gold Delt: 5877, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:57:35: Last Runtime: 34.45 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:57:50: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:57:50: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:57:59: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:58:14: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:58:14: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:58:18: Last Runtime: 9.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:58:21: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:58:27: Logged out
    02/07/2012 06:58:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:58:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:58:51: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:59:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 06:59:08: Cellar - Found position 1049, 252
    02/07/2012 06:59:30: Gold: 6242635, Gold Delt: 6641, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 06:59:32: Last Runtime: 32.15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 06:59:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 06:59:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 06:59:56: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:00:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:00:14: Cellar - Found position 1092, 250
    02/07/2012 07:00:35: Gold: 6250022, Gold Delt: 7387, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:00:47: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 07:01:00: Sold Items: 17, Sold value: 6635
    02/07/2012 07:01:01: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 07:01:02: Last Runtime: 57.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:01:17: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:01:20: Cellar - Found position 1091, 233
    02/07/2012 07:01:40: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 07:01:47: Gold: 6261524, Gold Delt: 4867, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:01:48: Last Runtime: 37.28 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:02:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:02:06: Cellar - Found position 1070, 230
    02/07/2012 07:02:27: Gold: 6271124, Gold Delt: 9600, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:02:30: Last Runtime: 32.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:02:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:02:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:02:54: Last Runtime: 15.25 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:03:09: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:03:09: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:03:18: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:03:33: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:03:33: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:03:42: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:03:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:04:00: Cellar - Found position 1048, 269
    02/07/2012 07:04:20: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:04:27: Gold: 6275021, Gold Delt: 3897, Items: 5, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:04:28: Last Runtime: 37.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:04:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:04:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:04:52: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:05:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:05:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:05:16: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:05:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:05:33: Cellar - Found position 1111, 280
    02/07/2012 07:05:53: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 07:06:00: Gold: 6282201, Gold Delt: 7180, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:06:01: Last Runtime: 36.35 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:06:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:06:19: Cellar - Found position 1078, 267
    02/07/2012 07:06:39: Gold: 6293304, Gold Delt: 11103, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:06:41: Last Runtime: 31.22 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:06:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:06:56: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:07:05: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:07:20: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:07:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:07:29: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:07:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:07:44: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:07:53: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:08:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:08:11: Cellar - Found position 1079, 270
    02/07/2012 07:08:31: Gold: 6300254, Gold Delt: 6950, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:08:33: Last Runtime: 31.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:08:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:08:51: Cellar - Found position 1093, 263
    02/07/2012 07:09:12: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 07:09:19: Gold: 6303296, Gold Delt: 3042, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:09:20: Last Runtime: 38.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:09:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:09:38: Cellar - Found position 1080, 274
    02/07/2012 07:09:58: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:10:04: Gold: 6315926, Gold Delt: 12630, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:10:06: Last Runtime: 36.35 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:10:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:10:23: Cellar - Found position 1130, 243
    02/07/2012 07:10:44: Gold: 6325331, Gold Delt: 9405, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:10:46: Last Runtime: 31.27 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:11:01: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:11:01: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:11:10: Last Runtime: 14.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:11:26: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:11:29: Cellar - Found position 1094, 259
    02/07/2012 07:11:50: Gold: 6331913, Gold Delt: 6582, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:11:53: Last Runtime: 34.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:12:08: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:12:08: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:12:17: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:12:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:12:34: Cellar - Found position 1094, 282
    02/07/2012 07:12:57: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 07:12:58: Gold: 6341716, Gold Delt: 9803, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:13:00: Last Runtime: 33.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:13:15: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:13:15: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:13:24: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:13:39: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:13:39: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:13:48: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:14:03: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:14:03: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:14:12: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:14:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:14:29: Cellar - Found position 1075, 238
    02/07/2012 07:14:50: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 07:14:57: Gold: 6348840, Gold Delt: 7124, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:15:15: Stash full Using next tab
    02/07/2012 07:15:16: Stashed Items: 20
    02/07/2012 07:15:30: Sold Items: 19, Sold value: 6589
    02/07/2012 07:15:31: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 07:15:32: Last Runtime: 70.79 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:15:46: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:15:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:15:56: Last Runtime: 15.23 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:16:11: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:16:11: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:16:20: Last Runtime: 15.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:16:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:16:38: Cellar - Found position 1080, 262
    02/07/2012 07:16:59: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 07:17:05: Gold: 6365767, Gold Delt: 10338, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:17:07: Last Runtime: 37.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:17:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:17:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:17:31: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:17:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:17:48: Cellar - Found position 1040, 249
    02/07/2012 07:18:05: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:18:11: Gold: 6369732, Gold Delt: 3965, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:18:13: Last Runtime: 32.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:18:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:18:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:18:37: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:18:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:18:54: Cellar - Found position 1112, 251
    02/07/2012 07:19:18: Gold: 6381533, Gold Delt: 11801, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:19:21: Last Runtime: 35.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:19:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:19:39: Cellar - Found position 1087, 253
    02/07/2012 07:19:59: Gold: 6389858, Gold Delt: 8325, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:20:01: Last Runtime: 30.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:20:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:20:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:20:25: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:20:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:20:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:20:49: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:21:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:21:06: Cellar - Found position 1085, 267
    02/07/2012 07:21:29: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 07:21:30: Gold: 6396385, Gold Delt: 6527, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:21:32: Last Runtime: 34.13 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:21:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:21:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:21:56: Last Runtime: 14.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:22:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:22:14: Cellar - Found position 1092, 265
    02/07/2012 07:22:36: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 07:22:37: Gold: 6400582, Gold Delt: 4197, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:22:39: Last Runtime: 34.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:22:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:22:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:23:03: Last Runtime: 15.21 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:23:18: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:23:18: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:23:27: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:23:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:23:45: Cellar - Found position 1070, 285
    02/07/2012 07:24:06: Gold: 6411047, Gold Delt: 10465, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:24:08: Last Runtime: 32.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:24:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:24:26: Cellar - Found position 1120, 233
    02/07/2012 07:24:48: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 07:24:54: Gold: 6416244, Gold Delt: 5197, Items: 5, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:24:56: Last Runtime: 38.79 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:25:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:25:14: Cellar - Found position 1077, 273
    02/07/2012 07:25:37: Gold: 6423200, Gold Delt: 6956, Items: 4, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:25:39: Last Runtime: 34.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:25:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:25:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:26:03: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:26:18: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:26:18: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:26:27: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:26:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:26:45: Cellar - Found position 1062, 247
    02/07/2012 07:27:04: Gold: 6435871, Gold Delt: 12671, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:27:07: Last Runtime: 30.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:27:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:27:24: Cellar - Found position 1086, 255
    02/07/2012 07:27:44: Gold: 6441224, Gold Delt: 5353, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:27:46: Last Runtime: 30.37 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:28:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:28:04: Cellar - Found position 1080, 252
    02/07/2012 07:28:24: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 07:28:31: Gold: 6447998, Gold Delt: 6774, Items: 4, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:28:42: Stashed Items: 2
    02/07/2012 07:28:55: Sold Items: 15, Sold value: 7271
    02/07/2012 07:28:56: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 07:28:57: Last Runtime: 61.36 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:29:11: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:29:12: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:29:21: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:29:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:29:38: Cellar - Found position 1139, 281
    02/07/2012 07:29:56: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:30:02: Gold: 6462537, Gold Delt: 7268, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:30:04: Last Runtime: 34.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:30:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:30:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:30:28: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:30:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:30:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:30:52: Last Runtime: 15.27 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:31:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:31:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:31:16: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:31:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:31:34: Cellar - Found position 1077, 282
    02/07/2012 07:31:54: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:32:00: Gold: 6477637, Gold Delt: 5000, Items: 4, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:32:02: Last Runtime: 36.65 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:32:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:32:17: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:32:26: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:32:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:32:43: Cellar - Found position 1081, 264
    02/07/2012 07:33:02: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 07:33:09: Gold: 6481623, Gold Delt: 3986, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:33:10: Last Runtime: 35.71 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:33:25: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:33:25: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:33:34: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:33:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:33:52: Cellar - Found position 1092, 246
    02/07/2012 07:34:13: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 07:34:20: Gold: 6487144, Gold Delt: 5521, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:34:21: Last Runtime: 38.21 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:34:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:34:39: Cellar - Found position 1082, 237
    02/07/2012 07:34:58: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:35:04: Gold: 6491231, Gold Delt: 4087, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:35:06: Last Runtime: 35.47 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:35:21: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:35:21: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:35:30: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:35:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:35:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:35:54: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:36:09: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:36:09: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:36:18: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:36:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:36:35: Cellar - Found position 1060, 280
    02/07/2012 07:36:55: Gold: 6501389, Gold Delt: 10158, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:36:57: Last Runtime: 30.59 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:37:19: Last Runtime: 12.62 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:37:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:37:38: Cellar - Found position 1052, 268
    02/07/2012 07:37:58: Gold: 6511260, Gold Delt: 9871, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:38:01: Last Runtime: 33.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:38:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:38:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:38:25: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:38:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:38:43: Cellar - Found position 1070, 263
    02/07/2012 07:39:03: Gold: 6515340, Gold Delt: 4080, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:39:05: Last Runtime: 31.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:39:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:39:23: Cellar - Found position 1090, 248
    02/07/2012 07:39:44: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 07:39:50: Gold: 6519755, Gold Delt: 4415, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:39:52: Last Runtime: 37.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:40:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:40:10: Cellar - Found position 1066, 238
    02/07/2012 07:40:30: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:40:37: Gold: 6528794, Gold Delt: 9039, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:40:48: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 07:41:01: Sold Items: 16, Sold value: 6666
    02/07/2012 07:41:02: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 07:41:03: Last Runtime: 61.59 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:41:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:41:20: Cellar - Found position 1047, 251
    02/07/2012 07:41:39: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:41:46: Gold: 6543237, Gold Delt: 7777, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:41:47: Last Runtime: 35.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:42:02: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:42:02: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:42:11: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:42:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:42:26: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:42:35: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:42:50: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:42:50: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:42:59: Last Runtime: 15.25 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:43:14: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:43:14: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:43:23: Last Runtime: 15.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:43:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:43:42: Cellar - Found position 1117, 238
    02/07/2012 07:44:01: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 07:44:07: Gold: 6551030, Gold Delt: 7793, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:44:09: Last Runtime: 36.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:44:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:44:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:44:36: Last Runtime: 17.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:44:39: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:44:45: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:45:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:45:00: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:45:09: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:45:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:45:27: Cellar - Found position 1099, 263
    02/07/2012 07:45:47: Gold: 6557708, Gold Delt: 6678, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 07:45:50: Last Runtime: 31.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:46:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:46:07: Cellar - Found position 1095, 272
    02/07/2012 07:46:28: Gold: 6562901, Gold Delt: 5193, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:46:30: Last Runtime: 31.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:46:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:46:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:46:54: Last Runtime: 15.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:47:09: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:47:12: Cellar - Found position 1107, 279
    02/07/2012 07:47:33: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 07:47:40: Gold: 6571650, Gold Delt: 8749, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:47:41: Last Runtime: 37.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:47:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:47:59: Cellar - Found position 1073, 274
    02/07/2012 07:48:20: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 07:48:26: Gold: 6575708, Gold Delt: 4058, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:48:28: Last Runtime: 37.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:48:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:48:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:48:46: Last Runtime: 9.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:48:50: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:48:55: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:49:11: Last Runtime: 4.68 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:49:30: Last Runtime: 23.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:49:33: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:49:39: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:49:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:49:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:49:57: Last Runtime: 9.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:50:00: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:50:06: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:50:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:50:24: Cellar - Found position 1079, 247
    02/07/2012 07:50:44: Gold: 6584198, Gold Delt: 8490, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:50:47: Last Runtime: 31.62 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:51:02: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:51:04: Cellar - Found position 1103, 238
    02/07/2012 07:51:26: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:51:32: Gold: 6589091, Gold Delt: 4893, Items: 5, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:51:34: Last Runtime: 38.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:51:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:51:51: Cellar - Found position 1085, 255
    02/07/2012 07:52:11: Gold: 6594626, Gold Delt: 5535, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:52:14: Last Runtime: 31.77 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:52:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:52:32: Cellar - Found position 1086, 269
    02/07/2012 07:52:53: Gold: 6599484, Gold Delt: 4858, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:52:56: Last Runtime: 32.59 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:53:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:53:14: Cellar - Found position 1105, 243
    02/07/2012 07:53:39: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 07:53:41: Gold: 6605522, Gold Delt: 6038, Items: 2, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:53:42: Last Runtime: 37.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:53:57: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:53:57: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:54:06: Last Runtime: 14.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:54:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:54:24: Cellar - Found position 1120, 229
    02/07/2012 07:54:47: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 07:54:48: Gold: 6613913, Gold Delt: 8391, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:54:49: Last Runtime: 34.5 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:55:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:55:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:55:13: Last Runtime: 14.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:55:29: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:55:29: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:55:34: Last Runtime: 11.23 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:55:37: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:55:43: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:55:58: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:55:58: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:56:02: Last Runtime: 9.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:56:05: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:56:11: Logged out
    02/07/2012 07:56:26: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:56:29: Cellar - Found position 1104, 236
    02/07/2012 07:56:49: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:56:59: Gold: 6621796, Gold Delt: 7883, Items: 3, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:57:10: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 07:57:25: Sold Items: 21, Sold value: 8465
    02/07/2012 07:57:27: Repair Cost: 3707
    02/07/2012 07:57:27: Last Runtime: 66.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:57:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:57:45: Cellar - Found position 1082, 256
    02/07/2012 07:58:05: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 07:58:11: Gold: 6631373, Gold Delt: 4819, Items: 4, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 07:58:13: Last Runtime: 36.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:58:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:58:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:58:37: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:58:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 07:58:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 07:59:01: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 07:59:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 07:59:18: Cellar - Found position 1077, 297
    02/07/2012 07:59:34: Cellar was found but didnt end up there
    02/07/2012 07:59:36: You have died
    02/07/2012 07:59:37: Last Runtime: 26.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:00:35: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:00:35: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:00:44: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:00:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:01:01: Cellar - Found position 1060, 263
    02/07/2012 08:01:23: Gold: 6636514, Gold Delt: 5141, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:01:25: Last Runtime: 32.61 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:01:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:01:43: Cellar - Found position 1102, 263
    02/07/2012 08:02:09: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 08:02:10: Gold: 6651271, Gold Delt: 14757, Items: 5, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:02:11: Last Runtime: 36.76 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:02:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:02:29: Cellar - Found position 1083, 246
    02/07/2012 08:02:50: Gold: 6661775, Gold Delt: 10504, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:02:52: Last Runtime: 32.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:03:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:03:10: Cellar - Found position 1100, 281
    02/07/2012 08:03:31: Gold: 6667713, Gold Delt: 5938, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:03:33: Last Runtime: 32.16 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:03:48: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:03:48: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:03:57: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:04:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:04:15: Cellar - Found position 1066, 255
    02/07/2012 08:04:34: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:04:41: Gold: 6674636, Gold Delt: 6923, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:04:42: Last Runtime: 35.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:04:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:05:00: Cellar - Found position 1084, 268
    02/07/2012 08:05:19: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:05:26: Gold: 6680851, Gold Delt: 6215, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:05:28: Last Runtime: 36.63 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:05:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:05:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:05:53: Last Runtime: 15.77 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:06:08: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:06:08: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:06:18: Last Runtime: 16.23 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:06:33: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:06:33: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:06:42: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:06:57: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:06:57: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:07:06: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:07:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:07:23: Cellar - Found position 1090, 259
    02/07/2012 08:07:46: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 08:07:53: Gold: 6686914, Gold Delt: 6063, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:07:55: Last Runtime: 39.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:08:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:08:12: Cellar - Found position 1060, 245
    02/07/2012 08:08:33: Gold: 6691315, Gold Delt: 4401, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:08:36: Last Runtime: 32.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:08:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:08:53: Cellar - Found position 1081, 251
    02/07/2012 08:09:12: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:09:19: Gold: 6697441, Gold Delt: 6126, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:09:20: Last Runtime: 35.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:09:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:09:39: Cellar - Found position 1078, 272
    02/07/2012 08:09:44: OnCellar Recovery Success from ontop
    02/07/2012 08:10:03: Gold: 6702603, Gold Delt: 5162, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:10:15: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 08:10:28: Sold Items: 17, Sold value: 6395
    02/07/2012 08:10:29: Repair Cost: 3707
    02/07/2012 08:10:30: Last Runtime: 60.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:10:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:10:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:10:54: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:11:09: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:11:12: Cellar - Found position 1116, 245
    02/07/2012 08:11:31: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:11:38: Gold: 6715852, Gold Delt: 10561, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:11:40: Last Runtime: 36.63 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:11:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:11:57: Cellar - Found position 1080, 241
    02/07/2012 08:12:17: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:12:23: Gold: 6722728, Gold Delt: 6876, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:12:25: Last Runtime: 36.21 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:12:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:12:43: Cellar - Found position 1067, 263
    02/07/2012 08:13:04: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 08:13:10: Gold: 6732123, Gold Delt: 9395, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:13:12: Last Runtime: 37.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:13:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:13:29: Cellar - Found position 1094, 263
    02/07/2012 08:13:49: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:13:56: Gold: 6740009, Gold Delt: 7886, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:13:58: Last Runtime: 36.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:14:12: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:14:12: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:14:21: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:14:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:14:39: Cellar - Found position 1084, 280
    02/07/2012 08:15:02: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 08:15:08: Gold: 6747309, Gold Delt: 7300, Items: 4, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:15:10: Last Runtime: 39.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:15:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:15:27: Cellar - Found position 1066, 276
    02/07/2012 08:15:49: Gold: 6757986, Gold Delt: 10677, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:15:51: Last Runtime: 32.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:16:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:16:08: Cellar - Found position 1075, 262
    02/07/2012 08:16:30: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 08:16:37: Gold: 6766495, Gold Delt: 8509, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:16:38: Last Runtime: 38.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:16:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:16:56: Cellar - Found position 1083, 260
    02/07/2012 08:17:15: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:17:22: Gold: 6772982, Gold Delt: 6487, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:17:23: Last Runtime: 36.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:17:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:17:41: Cellar - Found position 1105, 275
    02/07/2012 08:18:01: Gold: 6777711, Gold Delt: 4729, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:18:04: Last Runtime: 31.48 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:18:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:18:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:18:28: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:18:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:18:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:18:52: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:19:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:19:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:19:16: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:19:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:19:34: Cellar - Found position 1090, 270
    02/07/2012 08:19:56: Gold: 6785976, Gold Delt: 8265, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:19:58: Last Runtime: 33.55 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:20:13: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:20:13: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:20:22: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:20:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:20:40: Cellar - Found position 1090, 265
    02/07/2012 08:21:02: Gold: 6795028, Gold Delt: 9052, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:21:15: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 08:21:28: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 7189
    02/07/2012 08:21:30: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 08:21:30: Last Runtime: 58.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:21:45: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:21:48: Cellar - Found position 1095, 277
    02/07/2012 08:22:10: Gold: 6807001, Gold Delt: 4784, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:22:12: Last Runtime: 32.74 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:22:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:22:30: Cellar - Found position 1082, 272
    02/07/2012 08:22:52: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 08:22:59: Gold: 6811119, Gold Delt: 4118, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:23:00: Last Runtime: 39.37 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:23:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:23:18: Cellar - Found position 1091, 245
    02/07/2012 08:23:37: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:23:44: Gold: 6816439, Gold Delt: 5320, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:23:45: Last Runtime: 36.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:24:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:24:03: Cellar - Found position 1093, 249
    02/07/2012 08:24:23: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 08:24:29: Gold: 6826749, Gold Delt: 10310, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:24:31: Last Runtime: 36.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:24:46: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:24:46: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:24:55: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:25:10: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:25:10: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:25:15: Last Runtime: 11.29 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:25:19: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:25:24: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:25:38: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:25:38: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:25:47: Last Runtime: 15.18 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:26:02: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:26:02: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:26:11: Last Runtime: 14.75 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:26:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:26:26: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:26:35: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:26:49: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:26:50: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:26:59: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:27:13: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:27:14: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:27:22: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:27:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:27:40: Cellar - Found position 1090, 256
    02/07/2012 08:28:00: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 08:28:07: Gold: 6832193, Gold Delt: 5444, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:28:08: Last Runtime: 36.49 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:28:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:28:26: Cellar - Found position 1096, 260
    02/07/2012 08:28:47: Gold: 6839169, Gold Delt: 6976, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:28:49: Last Runtime: 32.5 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:29:05: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:29:05: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:29:14: Last Runtime: 15.45 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:29:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:29:32: Cellar - Found position 1096, 275
    02/07/2012 08:29:54: Gold: 6847549, Gold Delt: 8380, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:29:56: Last Runtime: 33.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:30:11: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:30:11: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:30:20: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:30:35: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:30:35: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:30:45: Last Runtime: 15.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:31:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:31:02: Cellar - Found position 1061, 277
    02/07/2012 08:31:23: Gold: 6855183, Gold Delt: 7634, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:31:31: Last Runtime: 37.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:31:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:31:48: Cellar - Found position 1085, 260
    02/07/2012 08:32:12: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:32:19: Gold: 6861845, Gold Delt: 6662, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:32:20: Last Runtime: 40.74 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:32:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:32:38: Cellar - Found position 1072, 267
    02/07/2012 08:33:04: Gold: 6865984, Gold Delt: 4139, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:33:07: Last Runtime: 37.2 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:33:21: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:33:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:33:25: Last Runtime: 9.59 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:33:29: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:33:34: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:33:49: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:33:52: Cellar - Found position 1093, 257
    02/07/2012 08:34:13: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 08:34:19: Gold: 6874569, Gold Delt: 8585, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:34:30: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 08:34:44: Sold Items: 20, Sold value: 5462
    02/07/2012 08:34:46: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 08:34:46: Last Runtime: 62.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:35:01: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:35:01: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:35:05: Last Runtime: 9.53 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:35:08: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:35:14: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:35:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:35:32: Cellar - Found position 1081, 263
    02/07/2012 08:35:48: Cellar was found but didnt end up there
    02/07/2012 08:35:51: Last Runtime: 28.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:35:55: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:36:00: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:36:15: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:36:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:36:25: Last Runtime: 15.22 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:36:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:36:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:36:49: Last Runtime: 14.93 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:37:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:37:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:37:13: Last Runtime: 15.28 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:37:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:37:31: Cellar - Found position 1101, 262
    02/07/2012 08:37:50: Gold: 6887827, Gold Delt: 7796, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:37:53: Last Runtime: 30.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:38:08: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:38:08: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:38:17: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:38:32: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:38:32: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:38:41: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:38:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:38:59: Cellar - Found position 1077, 280
    02/07/2012 08:39:18: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:39:24: Gold: 6893852, Gold Delt: 6025, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:39:26: Last Runtime: 36.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:39:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:39:44: Cellar - Found position 1085, 259
    02/07/2012 08:40:04: Gold: 6902165, Gold Delt: 8313, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:40:06: Last Runtime: 30.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:40:21: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:40:21: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:40:30: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:40:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:40:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:40:57: Last Runtime: 17.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:41:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:41:41: Cellar - Found position 1072, 247
    02/07/2012 08:42:03: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 08:42:10: Gold: 6912163, Gold Delt: 9998, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:42:11: Last Runtime: 38.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:42:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:42:26: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:42:30: Last Runtime: 9.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:42:33: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:42:39: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:42:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:42:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:43:03: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:43:18: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:43:18: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:43:27: Last Runtime: 15.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:43:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:43:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:43:51: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:44:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:44:09: Cellar - Found position 1095, 252
    02/07/2012 08:44:30: Gold: 6917379, Gold Delt: 5216, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:44:33: Last Runtime: 32.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:44:48: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:44:48: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:44:57: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:45:12: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:45:12: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:45:21: Last Runtime: 15.31 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:45:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:45:39: Cellar - Found position 1074, 265
    02/07/2012 08:46:02: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 08:46:08: Gold: 6923561, Gold Delt: 6182, Items: 2, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:46:10: Last Runtime: 39.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:46:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:46:28: Cellar - Found position 1115, 244
    02/07/2012 08:46:47: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 08:46:54: Gold: 6935618, Gold Delt: 12057, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:46:55: Last Runtime: 36.47 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:47:10: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:47:13: Cellar - Found position 1083, 247
    02/07/2012 08:47:34: Gold: 6941766, Gold Delt: 6148, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:47:36: Last Runtime: 31.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:47:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:47:54: Cellar - Found position 1098, 251
    02/07/2012 08:48:19: Gold: 6950899, Gold Delt: 9133, Items: 4, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 08:48:30: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 08:48:42: Sold Items: 15, Sold value: 6476
    02/07/2012 08:48:43: Repair Cost: 3707
    02/07/2012 08:48:44: Last Runtime: 59.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:48:59: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:48:59: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:49:08: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:49:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:49:26: Cellar - Found position 1080, 261
    02/07/2012 08:49:47: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 08:49:48: Gold: 6960314, Gold Delt: 6646, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:49:49: Last Runtime: 32.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:50:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:50:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:50:13: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:50:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:50:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:50:32: Last Runtime: 9.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:50:35: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:50:41: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:50:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:50:56: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:51:05: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:51:20: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:51:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:51:29: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:51:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:51:44: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:51:53: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:52:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:52:11: Cellar - Found position 1077, 247
    02/07/2012 08:52:34: Gold: 6966908, Gold Delt: 6594, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:52:36: Last Runtime: 33.77 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:52:51: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:52:51: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:53:00: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:53:15: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:53:15: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:53:19: Last Runtime: 9.5 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:53:22: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:53:28: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:53:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:53:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:53:48: Last Runtime: 11 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:53:51: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:53:57: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:54:12: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:54:12: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:54:21: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:54:36: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:54:36: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:54:46: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:55:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:55:01: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:55:09: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:55:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:55:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:55:33: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:55:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:55:51: Cellar - Found position 1077, 245
    02/07/2012 08:56:14: Gold: 6971299, Gold Delt: 4391, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:56:16: Last Runtime: 33.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:56:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:56:34: Cellar - Found position 1081, 231
    02/07/2012 08:56:57: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 08:57:05: Gold: 6977637, Gold Delt: 6338, Items: 4, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:57:06: Last Runtime: 40.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:57:21: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:57:21: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:57:24: Last Runtime: 9.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:57:28: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:57:33: Logged out
    02/07/2012 08:57:49: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:57:49: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:57:58: Last Runtime: 15.83 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:58:13: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:58:13: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:58:22: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:58:37: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:58:37: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:58:46: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:59:01: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 08:59:01: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 08:59:10: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 08:59:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 08:59:28: Cellar - Found position 1070, 233
    02/07/2012 08:59:48: Gold: 6984869, Gold Delt: 7232, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 08:59:50: Last Runtime: 31.22 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:00:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:00:08: Cellar - Found position 1094, 259
    02/07/2012 09:00:32: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 09:00:38: Gold: 6994766, Gold Delt: 9897, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:00:40: Last Runtime: 40.36 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:00:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:00:58: Cellar - Found position 1083, 235
    02/07/2012 09:01:20: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 09:01:21: Gold: 7004392, Gold Delt: 9626, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:01:22: Last Runtime: 33.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:01:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:01:40: Cellar - Found position 1056, 252
    02/07/2012 09:02:02: Gold: 7009315, Gold Delt: 4923, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:02:05: Last Runtime: 33.83 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:02:20: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:02:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:02:29: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:02:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:02:47: Cellar - Found position 1078, 279
    02/07/2012 09:03:07: Gold: 7017670, Gold Delt: 8355, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:03:10: Last Runtime: 31.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:03:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:03:28: Cellar - Found position 1063, 290
    02/07/2012 09:03:55: Gold: 7025638, Gold Delt: 7968, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:03:58: Last Runtime: 38.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:04:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:04:16: Cellar - Found position 1098, 261
    02/07/2012 09:04:41: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 09:04:47: Gold: 7037864, Gold Delt: 12226, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:04:49: Last Runtime: 41.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:05:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:05:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:05:13: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:05:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:05:31: Cellar - Found position 1098, 236
    02/07/2012 09:05:50: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:05:56: Gold: 7041447, Gold Delt: 3583, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:06:07: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 09:06:23: Sold Items: 22, Sold value: 7812
    02/07/2012 09:06:24: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 09:06:25: Last Runtime: 62.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:06:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:06:43: Cellar - Found position 1063, 241
    02/07/2012 09:07:01: Gold: 7054201, Gold Delt: 4942, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:07:04: Last Runtime: 30.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:07:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:07:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:07:28: Last Runtime: 15.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:07:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:07:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:07:52: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:08:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:08:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:08:10: Last Runtime: 9.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:08:14: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:08:19: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:08:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:08:37: Cellar - Found position 1075, 283
    02/07/2012 09:08:58: Gold: 7064252, Gold Delt: 10051, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:09:01: Last Runtime: 32.25 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:09:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:09:19: Cellar - Found position 1090, 268
    02/07/2012 09:09:41: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:09:48: Gold: 7074279, Gold Delt: 10027, Items: 5, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:09:49: Last Runtime: 39.62 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:10:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:10:07: Cellar - Found position 1084, 287
    02/07/2012 09:10:25: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:10:31: Gold: 7079617, Gold Delt: 5338, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:10:33: Last Runtime: 34.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:10:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:10:50: Cellar - Found position 1110, 264
    02/07/2012 09:11:11: Gold: 7092758, Gold Delt: 13141, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:11:13: Last Runtime: 31.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:11:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:11:29: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:11:37: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:11:51: Last Runtime: 4.71 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:12:07: Last Runtime: 21.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:12:11: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:12:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:12:30: Cellar - Found position 1085, 265
    02/07/2012 09:12:34: OnCellar Recovery Success from ontop
    02/07/2012 09:12:50: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:12:57: Gold: 7098588, Gold Delt: 5830, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:12:58: Last Runtime: 36.46 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:13:13: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:13:13: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:13:22: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:13:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:13:40: Cellar - Found position 1093, 252
    02/07/2012 09:14:00: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:14:06: Gold: 7104176, Gold Delt: 5588, Items: 5, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:14:08: Last Runtime: 36.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:14:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:14:26: Cellar - Found position 1052, 284
    02/07/2012 09:14:48: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 09:14:54: Gold: 7114337, Gold Delt: 10161, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:14:56: Last Runtime: 38.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:15:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:15:14: Cellar - Found position 1084, 235
    02/07/2012 09:15:33: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:15:40: Gold: 7121225, Gold Delt: 6888, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:15:41: Last Runtime: 36.53 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:15:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:15:56: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:16:05: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:16:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:16:23: Cellar - Found position 1071, 260
    02/07/2012 09:16:44: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 09:16:50: Gold: 7130687, Gold Delt: 9462, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 09:16:51: Last Runtime: 37.2 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:17:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:17:09: Cellar - Found position 1110, 250
    02/07/2012 09:17:34: Gold: 7140234, Gold Delt: 9547, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:17:46: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 09:18:00: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 5976
    02/07/2012 09:18:01: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 09:18:02: Last Runtime: 61.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:18:17: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:18:20: Cellar - Found position 1084, 259
    02/07/2012 09:18:41: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 09:18:48: Gold: 7153392, Gold Delt: 7182, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:18:49: Last Runtime: 38.61 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:19:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:19:07: Cellar - Found position 1061, 221
    02/07/2012 09:19:30: Gold: 7163759, Gold Delt: 10367, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 09:19:32: Last Runtime: 33.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:19:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:19:50: Cellar - Found position 1057, 247
    02/07/2012 09:20:12: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:20:19: Gold: 7168552, Gold Delt: 4793, Items: 6, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:20:20: Last Runtime: 39.16 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:20:35: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:20:35: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:20:40: Last Runtime: 11.28 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:20:44: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:20:50: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:21:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:21:08: Cellar - Found position 1090, 269
    02/07/2012 09:21:28: Gold: 7181196, Gold Delt: 12644, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:21:31: Last Runtime: 31.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:21:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:21:48: Cellar - Found position 1082, 273
    02/07/2012 09:22:09: Gold: 7189302, Gold Delt: 8106, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:22:11: Last Runtime: 31.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:22:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:22:27: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:22:36: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:22:51: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:22:53: Cellar - Found position 1097, 210
    02/07/2012 09:23:12: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:23:15: Gold: 7196384, Gold Delt: 7082, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 2
    02/07/2012 09:23:22: Last Runtime: 37.82 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:23:38: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:23:38: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:23:47: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:24:02: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:24:05: Cellar - Found position 1082, 260
    02/07/2012 09:24:25: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 09:24:32: Gold: 7209628, Gold Delt: 13244, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:24:33: Last Runtime: 37.34 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:24:48: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:24:48: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:24:52: Last Runtime: 9.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:24:55: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:25:01: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:25:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:25:17: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:25:27: Last Runtime: 16.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:25:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:25:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:25:51: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:26:06: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:26:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:26:15: Last Runtime: 15.25 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:26:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:26:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:26:39: Last Runtime: 15.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:26:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:26:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:27:03: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:27:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:27:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:27:28: Last Runtime: 15.7 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:27:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:27:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:27:52: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:28:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:28:10: Cellar - Found position 1065, 239
    02/07/2012 09:28:29: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 09:28:35: Gold: 7217505, Gold Delt: 7877, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:28:37: Last Runtime: 35.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:28:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:28:55: Cellar - Found position 1090, 269
    02/07/2012 09:29:14: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:29:21: Gold: 7223889, Gold Delt: 6384, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:29:22: Last Runtime: 36.55 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:29:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:29:40: Cellar - Found position 1075, 270
    02/07/2012 09:30:00: Gold: 7231071, Gold Delt: 7182, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:30:02: Last Runtime: 30.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:30:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:30:17: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:30:26: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:30:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:30:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:30:51: Last Runtime: 15.25 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:31:06: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:31:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:31:15: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:31:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:31:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:31:39: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:31:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:31:56: Cellar - Found position 1073, 248
    02/07/2012 09:32:16: Gold: 7235958, Gold Delt: 4887, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:32:28: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 09:32:40: Sold Items: 16, Sold value: 7757
    02/07/2012 09:32:42: Repair Cost: 3707
    02/07/2012 09:32:42: Last Runtime: 55.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:32:57: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:32:58: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:33:06: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:33:10: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:33:16: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:33:32: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:33:32: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:33:41: Last Runtime: 15.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:33:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:33:59: Cellar - Found position 1081, 279
    02/07/2012 09:34:20: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 09:34:26: Gold: 7246937, Gold Delt: 6929, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:34:27: Last Runtime: 37.48 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:34:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:34:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:34:55: Last Runtime: 18.66 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:35:09: Last Runtime: 4.73 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:35:25: Last Runtime: 20.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:35:28: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:35:34: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:35:49: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:35:49: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:35:58: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:36:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:36:16: Cellar - Found position 1065, 273
    02/07/2012 09:36:36: Gold: 7256720, Gold Delt: 9783, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:36:39: Last Runtime: 31.71 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:36:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:36:57: Cellar - Found position 1103, 271
    02/07/2012 09:37:14: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:37:20: Gold: 7259492, Gold Delt: 2772, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 09:37:22: Last Runtime: 34.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:37:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:37:40: Cellar - Found position 1123, 239
    02/07/2012 09:38:00: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 09:38:06: Gold: 7271770, Gold Delt: 12278, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:38:08: Last Runtime: 36.68 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:38:23: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:38:23: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:38:32: Last Runtime: 15.29 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:38:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:38:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:38:56: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:39:11: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:39:11: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:39:20: Last Runtime: 15.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:39:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:39:38: Cellar - Found position 1112, 265
    02/07/2012 09:39:59: Gold: 7278587, Gold Delt: 6817, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:40:02: Last Runtime: 32.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:40:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:40:17: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:40:26: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:40:41: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:40:41: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:40:50: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:41:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:41:08: Cellar - Found position 1100, 281
    02/07/2012 09:41:29: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:41:35: Gold: 7289411, Gold Delt: 10824, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:41:37: Last Runtime: 38.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:41:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:41:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:42:01: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:42:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:42:19: Cellar - Found position 1078, 259
    02/07/2012 09:42:38: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:42:45: Gold: 7296786, Gold Delt: 7375, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:42:46: Last Runtime: 36.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:43:01: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:43:01: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:43:10: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:43:25: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:43:25: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:43:28: Last Runtime: 9.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:43:32: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:43:37: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:43:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:43:53: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:44:01: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:44:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:44:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:44:25: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:44:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:44:43: Cellar - Found position 1113, 248
    02/07/2012 09:45:03: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:45:09: Gold: 7303188, Gold Delt: 6402, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:45:11: Last Runtime: 36.52 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:45:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:45:26: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:45:31: Last Runtime: 11.45 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:45:35: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:45:41: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:45:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:45:59: Cellar - Found position 1075, 246
    02/07/2012 09:46:21: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 09:46:27: Gold: 7307671, Gold Delt: 4483, Items: 4, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:46:29: Last Runtime: 39.2 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:46:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:46:44: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:46:53: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:47:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:47:11: Cellar - Found position 1090, 257
    02/07/2012 09:47:30: Gold: 7315592, Gold Delt: 7921, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:47:32: Last Runtime: 30.71 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:47:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:47:50: Cellar - Found position 1086, 269
    02/07/2012 09:48:11: Gold: 7324520, Gold Delt: 8928, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:48:13: Last Runtime: 31.72 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:48:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:48:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:48:37: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:48:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:48:55: Cellar - Found position 1072, 258
    02/07/2012 09:49:15: Gold: 7335623, Gold Delt: 11103, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:49:26: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 09:49:38: Sold Items: 15, Sold value: 5152
    02/07/2012 09:49:40: Repair Cost: 3707
    02/07/2012 09:49:40: Last Runtime: 53.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:49:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:49:58: Cellar - Found position 1091, 233
    02/07/2012 09:50:17: Gold: 7342967, Gold Delt: 5899, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:50:20: Last Runtime: 30.48 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:50:35: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:50:35: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:50:44: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:50:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:51:01: Cellar - Found position 1065, 291
    02/07/2012 09:51:22: Gold: 7349642, Gold Delt: 6675, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:51:25: Last Runtime: 32.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:51:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:51:43: Cellar - Found position 1073, 220
    02/07/2012 09:52:03: Gold: 7356507, Gold Delt: 6865, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:52:05: Last Runtime: 31.6 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:52:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:52:23: Cellar - Found position 1108, 253
    02/07/2012 09:52:43: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:52:50: Gold: 7361852, Gold Delt: 5345, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:52:52: Last Runtime: 37.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:53:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:53:09: Cellar - Found position 1088, 243
    02/07/2012 09:53:31: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:53:37: Gold: 7370672, Gold Delt: 8820, Items: 4, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 09:53:39: Last Runtime: 38.19 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:53:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:53:57: Cellar - Found position 1078, 261
    02/07/2012 09:54:16: Gold: 7379852, Gold Delt: 9180, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:54:19: Last Runtime: 31.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:54:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:54:37: Cellar - Found position 1093, 252
    02/07/2012 09:54:58: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 09:55:00: Gold: 7386016, Gold Delt: 6164, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:55:01: Last Runtime: 33.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:55:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:55:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:55:25: Last Runtime: 15 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:55:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:55:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:55:49: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:56:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:56:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:56:13: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:56:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:56:31: Cellar - Found position 1102, 273
    02/07/2012 09:56:50: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:56:57: Gold: 7394908, Gold Delt: 8892, Items: 1, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:56:58: Last Runtime: 36.37 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:57:13: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:57:13: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:57:17: Last Runtime: 9.43 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:57:20: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:57:26: Logged out
    02/07/2012 09:57:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:57:44: Cellar - Found position 1092, 266
    02/07/2012 09:58:04: Gold: 7404230, Gold Delt: 9322, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:58:06: Last Runtime: 31.35 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:58:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 09:58:24: Cellar - Found position 1103, 276
    02/07/2012 09:58:44: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 09:58:50: Gold: 7410555, Gold Delt: 6325, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 09:58:52: Last Runtime: 36.22 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:59:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:59:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:59:16: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:59:31: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:59:31: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 09:59:40: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 09:59:55: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 09:59:55: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:00:04: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:00:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:00:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:00:28: Last Runtime: 15.52 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:00:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:00:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:00:52: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:01:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:01:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:01:16: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:01:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:01:34: Cellar - Found position 1076, 240
    02/07/2012 10:01:52: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:01:59: Gold: 7415751, Gold Delt: 5196, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:02:00: Last Runtime: 35 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:02:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:02:18: Cellar - Found position 1055, 252
    02/07/2012 10:02:40: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:02:46: Gold: 7425013, Gold Delt: 9262, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:02:48: Last Runtime: 38.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:03:03: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:03:06: Cellar - Found position 1075, 262
    02/07/2012 10:03:26: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 10:03:32: Gold: 7430546, Gold Delt: 5533, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:03:43: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 10:03:55: Sold Items: 15, Sold value: 8194
    02/07/2012 10:03:56: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 10:03:57: Last Runtime: 60.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:04:12: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:04:12: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:04:21: Last Runtime: 15.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:04:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:04:39: Cellar - Found position 1079, 246
    02/07/2012 10:04:57: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:05:03: Gold: 7443012, Gold Delt: 4272, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 10:05:05: Last Runtime: 34.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:05:20: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:05:23: Cellar - Found position 1073, 256
    02/07/2012 10:05:44: Gold: 7451584, Gold Delt: 8572, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:05:47: Last Runtime: 32.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:06:02: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:06:02: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:06:14: Last Runtime: 17.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:06:28: Last Runtime: 4.65 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:06:43: Last Runtime: 20.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:06:47: Logged out
    02/07/2012 10:06:53: Logged out
    02/07/2012 10:07:08: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:07:08: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:07:17: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:07:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:07:35: Cellar - Found position 1093, 248
    02/07/2012 10:07:55: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 10:08:01: Gold: 7460937, Gold Delt: 9353, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:08:03: Last Runtime: 37.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:08:18: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:08:18: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:08:27: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:08:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:08:45: Cellar - Found position 1091, 259
    02/07/2012 10:09:03: Gold: 7460937, Gold Delt: 0, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:09:05: Last Runtime: 29.65 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:09:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:09:23: Cellar - Found position 1104, 251
    02/07/2012 10:09:42: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:09:49: Gold: 7466709, Gold Delt: 5772, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 10:09:50: Last Runtime: 35.68 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:10:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:10:08: Cellar - Found position 1087, 251
    02/07/2012 10:10:30: Gold: 7477739, Gold Delt: 11030, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:10:33: Last Runtime: 33.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:10:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:10:51: Cellar - Found position 1081, 268
    02/07/2012 10:11:09: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:11:16: Gold: 7484208, Gold Delt: 6469, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:11:17: Last Runtime: 35.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:11:32: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:11:32: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:11:41: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:11:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:11:56: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:12:05: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:12:25: Last Runtime: 10.63 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:12:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:12:43: Cellar - Found position 1080, 265
    02/07/2012 10:13:01: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 10:13:08: Gold: 7489288, Gold Delt: 5080, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:13:09: Last Runtime: 35.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:13:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:13:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:13:33: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:13:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:13:51: Cellar - Found position 1050, 283
    02/07/2012 10:14:09: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:14:15: Gold: 7497426, Gold Delt: 8138, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:14:16: Last Runtime: 34.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:14:31: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:14:31: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:14:40: Last Runtime: 14.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:14:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:14:56: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:15:05: Last Runtime: 15.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:15:20: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:15:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:15:29: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:15:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:15:44: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:15:53: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:16:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:16:11: Cellar - Found position 1124, 253
    02/07/2012 10:16:34: Gold: 7504764, Gold Delt: 7338, Items: 0, Gems: 4, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:16:41: Last Runtime: 39.62 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:17:23: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:17:26: Cellar - Found position 1075, 261
    02/07/2012 10:17:45: Gold: 7512257, Gold Delt: 7493, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:17:48: Last Runtime: 31.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:18:03: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:18:03: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:18:12: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:18:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:18:30: Cellar - Found position 1094, 284
    02/07/2012 10:18:50: Gold: 7517804, Gold Delt: 5547, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:18:53: Last Runtime: 31.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:19:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:19:11: Cellar - Found position 1077, 266
    02/07/2012 10:19:30: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:19:36: Gold: 7528425, Gold Delt: 10621, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:19:38: Last Runtime: 36.27 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:19:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:19:56: Cellar - Found position 1086, 263
    02/07/2012 10:20:23: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 10:20:25: Gold: 7538635, Gold Delt: 10210, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:20:35: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 10:20:46: Sold Items: 13, Sold value: 4890
    02/07/2012 10:20:48: Repair Cost: 3707
    02/07/2012 10:20:48: Last Runtime: 61.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:21:03: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:21:03: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:21:12: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:21:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:21:30: Cellar - Found position 1103, 237
    02/07/2012 10:21:50: Gold: 7544777, Gold Delt: 4959, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:21:52: Last Runtime: 31.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:22:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:22:10: Cellar - Found position 1088, 262
    02/07/2012 10:22:33: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 10:22:34: Gold: 7557007, Gold Delt: 12230, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:22:36: Last Runtime: 34.48 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:22:51: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:22:51: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:23:00: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:23:15: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:23:18: Cellar - Found position 1126, 254
    02/07/2012 10:23:35: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:23:42: Gold: 7564563, Gold Delt: 7556, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:23:43: Last Runtime: 34.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:23:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:24:01: Cellar - Found position 1073, 280
    02/07/2012 10:24:20: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:24:27: Gold: 7571164, Gold Delt: 6601, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:24:28: Last Runtime: 35.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:24:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:24:46: Cellar - Found position 1068, 230
    02/07/2012 10:25:05: Gold: 7571164, Gold Delt: 0, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:25:08: Last Runtime: 30.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:25:23: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:25:23: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:25:32: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:25:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:25:50: Cellar - Found position 1059, 270
    02/07/2012 10:26:08: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:26:14: Gold: 7577966, Gold Delt: 6802, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:26:15: Last Runtime: 34.61 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:26:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:26:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:26:39: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:26:53: Last Runtime: 4.71 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:27:06: Open Window
    02/07/2012 10:27:25: Last Runtime: 23.13 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:27:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:27:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:27:49: Last Runtime: 15.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:28:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:28:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:28:13: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:28:17: Logged out
    02/07/2012 10:28:23: Logged out
    02/07/2012 10:28:38: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:28:38: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:28:47: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:29:02: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:29:05: Cellar - Found position 1109, 249
    02/07/2012 10:29:25: Gold: 7586113, Gold Delt: 8147, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:29:29: Last Runtime: 33.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:29:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:29:44: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:29:53: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:30:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:30:11: Cellar - Found position 1110, 251
    02/07/2012 10:30:31: Gold: 7593569, Gold Delt: 7456, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:30:34: Last Runtime: 31.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:30:49: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:30:49: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:30:58: Last Runtime: 14.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:31:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:31:16: Cellar - Found position 1073, 262
    02/07/2012 10:31:37: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:31:45: Gold: 7603300, Gold Delt: 9731, Items: 4, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:31:46: Last Runtime: 39.46 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:32:01: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:32:01: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:32:10: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:32:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:32:28: Cellar - Found position 1077, 259
    02/07/2012 10:32:53: Gold: 7608043, Gold Delt: 4743, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:32:56: Last Runtime: 36.53 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:33:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:33:15: Cellar - Found position 1117, 263
    02/07/2012 10:33:38: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:33:45: Gold: 7616559, Gold Delt: 8516, Items: 4, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:33:46: Last Runtime: 41.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:34:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:34:04: Cellar - Found position 1102, 250
    02/07/2012 10:34:23: Gold: 7616559, Gold Delt: 0, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:34:35: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 10:34:46: Sold Items: 13, Sold value: 4554
    02/07/2012 10:34:47: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 10:34:48: Last Runtime: 52.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:35:03: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:35:06: Cellar - Found position 1086, 272
    02/07/2012 10:35:27: Gold: 7628346, Gold Delt: 7233, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:35:30: Last Runtime: 33.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:35:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:35:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:35:54: Last Runtime: 15.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:36:09: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:36:09: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:36:18: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:36:33: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:36:33: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:36:36: Last Runtime: 9.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:36:40: Logged out
    02/07/2012 10:36:45: Logged out
    02/07/2012 10:37:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:37:04: Cellar - Found position 980, 243
    02/07/2012 10:37:15: OnCellar Recovery Success using enhanced find
    02/07/2012 10:37:34: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 10:37:35: Gold: 7633835, Gold Delt: 5489, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    02/07/2012 10:37:37: Last Runtime: 42.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:37:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:37:55: Cellar - Found position 1086, 262
    02/07/2012 10:38:16: Gold: 7640657, Gold Delt: 6822, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:38:18: Last Runtime: 32.46 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:38:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:38:36: Cellar - Found position 1072, 284
    02/07/2012 10:38:58: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:39:04: Gold: 7647998, Gold Delt: 7341, Items: 9, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:39:06: Last Runtime: 38.79 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:39:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:39:24: Cellar - Found position 1107, 242
    02/07/2012 10:39:45: Gold: 7654506, Gold Delt: 6508, Items: 0, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:39:47: Last Runtime: 32.46 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:40:02: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:40:02: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:40:11: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:40:26: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:40:29: Cellar - Found position 1076, 294
    02/07/2012 10:40:51: Gold: 7662181, Gold Delt: 7675, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:40:54: Last Runtime: 33.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:41:09: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:41:09: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:41:18: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:41:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:41:36: Cellar - Found position 1079, 277
    02/07/2012 10:41:58: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 10:42:04: Gold: 7669165, Gold Delt: 6984, Items: 4, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:42:06: Last Runtime: 39.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:42:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:42:24: Cellar - Found position 1093, 269
    02/07/2012 10:42:44: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 10:42:50: Gold: 7674571, Gold Delt: 5406, Items: 5, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:42:52: Last Runtime: 37.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:43:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:43:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:43:16: Last Runtime: 15.28 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:43:31: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:43:31: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:43:40: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:43:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:43:58: Cellar - Found position 1081, 234
    02/07/2012 10:44:17: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 10:44:24: Gold: 7682198, Gold Delt: 7627, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:44:26: Last Runtime: 36.4 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:44:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:44:41: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:44:50: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:45:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:45:08: Cellar - Found position 1040, 257
    02/07/2012 10:45:29: Gold: 7688085, Gold Delt: 5887, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:45:31: Last Runtime: 32.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:45:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:45:49: Cellar - Found position 1094, 248
    02/07/2012 10:46:10: Gold: 7697229, Gold Delt: 9144, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:46:12: Last Runtime: 31.95 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:46:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:46:30: Cellar - Found position 1078, 237
    02/07/2012 10:46:53: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:47:00: Gold: 7703334, Gold Delt: 6105, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 3
    02/07/2012 10:47:10: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 10:47:16: Somthing went wrong in town, retrying next time
    02/07/2012 10:47:16: Last Runtime: 54.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:47:35: Last Runtime: 73.25 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:47:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:47:56: Cellar - Found position 1070, 260
    02/07/2012 10:48:16: Gold: 7708474, Gold Delt: 5140, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:48:25: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 10:48:39: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 5929
    02/07/2012 10:48:40: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 10:48:41: Last Runtime: 56.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:48:56: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:48:59: Cellar - Found position 1106, 247
    02/07/2012 10:49:20: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:49:26: Gold: 7719710, Gold Delt: 5307, Items: 3, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:49:28: Last Runtime: 38.24 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:49:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:49:46: Cellar - Found position 1084, 270
    02/07/2012 10:50:06: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 10:50:13: Gold: 7728388, Gold Delt: 8678, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:50:14: Last Runtime: 37.72 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:50:30: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:50:33: Cellar - Found position 1074, 227
    02/07/2012 10:50:51: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:50:58: Gold: 7736804, Gold Delt: 8416, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:50:59: Last Runtime: 35.7 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:51:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:51:17: Cellar - Found position 1095, 255
    02/07/2012 10:51:37: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 10:51:45: Gold: 7745209, Gold Delt: 8405, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:51:46: Last Runtime: 37.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:52:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:52:04: Cellar - Found position 1073, 256
    02/07/2012 10:52:26: Gold: 7752319, Gold Delt: 7110, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 2, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:52:28: Last Runtime: 33.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:52:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:52:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:52:52: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:53:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:53:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:53:16: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:53:31: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:53:31: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:53:40: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:53:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:53:58: Cellar - Found position 1068, 265
    02/07/2012 10:54:18: Gold: 7761263, Gold Delt: 8944, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:54:21: Last Runtime: 31.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:54:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:54:39: Cellar - Found position 1081, 285
    02/07/2012 10:54:59: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 10:55:06: Gold: 7775105, Gold Delt: 13842, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:55:07: Last Runtime: 37.7 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:55:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:55:25: Cellar - Found position 1105, 255
    02/07/2012 10:55:46: Gold: 7783590, Gold Delt: 8485, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:55:48: Last Runtime: 31.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:56:03: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:56:03: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:56:12: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:56:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:56:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:56:37: Last Runtime: 16.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:56:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:56:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:57:01: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:57:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:57:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:57:25: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:57:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:57:43: Cellar - Found position 1088, 276
    02/07/2012 10:58:06: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 10:58:07: Gold: 7792661, Gold Delt: 9071, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:58:08: Last Runtime: 34.39 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:58:23: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:58:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:58:33: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:58:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 10:58:48: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 10:58:57: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 10:59:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 10:59:15: Cellar - Found position 1089, 261
    02/07/2012 10:59:37: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 10:59:44: Gold: 7801258, Gold Delt: 8597, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 10:59:45: Last Runtime: 39.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:00:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:00:00: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:00:09: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:00:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:00:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:00:33: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:00:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:00:52: Cellar - Found position 1062, 262
    02/07/2012 11:01:17: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 11:01:24: Gold: 7804674, Gold Delt: 3416, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:01:35: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 11:01:48: Sold Items: 18, Sold value: 7076
    02/07/2012 11:01:50: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 11:01:50: Last Runtime: 67.86 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:02:05: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:02:05: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:02:14: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:02:29: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:02:29: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:02:38: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:02:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:02:57: Cellar - Found position 1070, 266
    02/07/2012 11:03:16: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 11:03:22: Gold: 7820000, Gold Delt: 8250, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:03:24: Last Runtime: 36.56 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:03:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:03:42: Cellar - Found position 1074, 249
    02/07/2012 11:04:02: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 11:04:09: Gold: 7826864, Gold Delt: 6864, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:04:10: Last Runtime: 37.32 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:04:25: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:04:28: Cellar - Found position 1131, 204
    02/07/2012 11:04:51: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 11:04:58: Gold: 7837303, Gold Delt: 10439, Items: 6, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:04:59: Last Runtime: 39.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:05:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:05:17: Cellar - Found position 1078, 256
    02/07/2012 11:05:41: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 11:05:42: Gold: 7842856, Gold Delt: 5553, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:05:44: Last Runtime: 35.62 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:05:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:06:02: Cellar - Found position 1080, 276
    02/07/2012 11:06:22: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:06:28: Gold: 7852477, Gold Delt: 9621, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:06:30: Last Runtime: 37.17 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:06:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:06:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:06:54: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:07:09: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:07:09: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:07:18: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:07:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:07:36: Cellar - Found position 1071, 254
    02/07/2012 11:07:59: Gold: 7859197, Gold Delt: 6720, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:08:03: Last Runtime: 36.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:08:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:08:44: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:08:53: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:09:08: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:09:08: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:09:17: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:09:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:09:35: Cellar - Found position 1077, 257
    02/07/2012 11:09:54: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:10:01: Gold: 7863246, Gold Delt: 4049, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:10:03: Last Runtime: 36.66 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:10:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:10:21: Cellar - Found position 1053, 261
    02/07/2012 11:10:40: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 11:10:46: Gold: 7871178, Gold Delt: 7932, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:10:48: Last Runtime: 35.97 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:11:03: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:11:06: Cellar - Found position 1090, 263
    02/07/2012 11:11:27: Gold: 7878963, Gold Delt: 7785, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:11:29: Last Runtime: 32.79 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:11:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:11:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:11:53: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:12:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:12:12: Cellar - Found position 1140, 273
    02/07/2012 11:12:31: Gold: 7878963, Gold Delt: 0, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:12:33: Last Runtime: 30.43 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:12:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:12:51: Cellar - Found position 1070, 249
    02/07/2012 11:13:08: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:13:15: Gold: 7884252, Gold Delt: 5289, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 11:13:16: Last Runtime: 34.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:13:31: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:13:34: Cellar - Found position 1061, 265
    02/07/2012 11:14:00: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:14:07: Gold: 7892973, Gold Delt: 8721, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:14:09: Last Runtime: 43.62 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:14:24: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:14:24: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:14:33: Last Runtime: 14.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:14:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:14:51: Cellar - Found position 1097, 269
    02/07/2012 11:15:11: Gold: 7899922, Gold Delt: 6949, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:15:22: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 11:15:35: Sold Items: 17, Sold value: 6196
    02/07/2012 11:15:37: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 11:15:37: Last Runtime: 55.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:15:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:15:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:16:01: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:16:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:16:19: Cellar - Found position 1097, 259
    02/07/2012 11:16:40: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 11:16:46: Gold: 7915307, Gold Delt: 9189, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:16:48: Last Runtime: 37.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:17:03: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:17:03: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:17:12: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:17:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:17:30: Cellar - Found position 1061, 249
    02/07/2012 11:17:48: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:17:55: Gold: 7920860, Gold Delt: 5553, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:17:56: Last Runtime: 35.49 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:18:11: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:18:11: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:18:20: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:18:35: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:18:36: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:18:45: Last Runtime: 15.29 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:19:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:19:00: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:19:12: Last Runtime: 18.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:19:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:19:56: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:20:05: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:20:20: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:20:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:20:30: Last Runtime: 15.85 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:20:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:20:45: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:20:54: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:21:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:21:14: Cellar - Found position 1084, 261
    02/07/2012 11:21:35: Gold: 7927334, Gold Delt: 6474, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:21:37: Last Runtime: 34.39 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:21:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:21:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:22:01: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:22:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:22:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:22:28: Last Runtime: 17.2 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:22:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:22:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:22:52: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:23:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:23:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:23:10: Last Runtime: 9.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:23:14: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:23:19: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:23:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:23:38: Cellar - Found position 1070, 270
    02/07/2012 11:23:58: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:24:05: Gold: 7933838, Gold Delt: 6504, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:24:06: Last Runtime: 37.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:24:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:24:25: Cellar - Found position 1070, 280
    02/07/2012 11:24:43: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 11:24:50: Gold: 7933838, Gold Delt: 0, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:24:52: Last Runtime: 36.36 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:25:07: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:25:07: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:25:10: Last Runtime: 9.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:25:14: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:25:20: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:25:35: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:25:35: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:25:44: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:25:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:26:02: Cellar - Found position 1082, 215
    02/07/2012 11:26:23: Gold: 7941037, Gold Delt: 7199, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:26:26: Last Runtime: 33.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:26:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:26:45: Cellar - Found position 1093, 261
    02/07/2012 11:27:02: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:27:09: Gold: 7947348, Gold Delt: 6311, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:27:11: Last Runtime: 35.59 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:27:26: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:27:26: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:27:35: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:27:50: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:27:50: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:27:59: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:28:14: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:28:17: Cellar - Found position 1048, 249
    02/07/2012 11:28:36: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 11:28:42: Gold: 7951944, Gold Delt: 4596, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:28:44: Last Runtime: 36.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:28:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:29:02: Cellar - Found position 1100, 275
    02/07/2012 11:29:32: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 11:29:33: Gold: 7965302, Gold Delt: 13358, Items: 4, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:29:41: Last Runtime: 48.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:29:56: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:29:56: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:30:05: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:30:20: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:30:20: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:30:29: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:30:44: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:30:44: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:30:53: Last Runtime: 15.32 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:31:08: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:31:08: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:31:17: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:31:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:31:36: Cellar - Found position 1076, 252
    02/07/2012 11:31:58: Gold: 7974694, Gold Delt: 9392, Items: 1, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:32:01: Last Runtime: 34.64 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:32:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:32:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:32:25: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:32:40: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:32:43: Cellar - Found position 1120, 245
    02/07/2012 11:33:06: Gold: 7982510, Gold Delt: 7816, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:33:09: Last Runtime: 34.67 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:33:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:33:27: Cellar - Found position 1070, 269
    02/07/2012 11:33:50: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:33:56: Gold: 7987831, Gold Delt: 5321, Items: 3, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:33:57: Last Runtime: 39.72 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:34:13: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:34:16: Cellar - Found position 1067, 237
    02/07/2012 11:34:41: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:34:47: Gold: 7992889, Gold Delt: 5058, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:34:58: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 11:35:08: Sold Items: 10, Sold value: 4012
    02/07/2012 11:35:09: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 11:35:10: Last Runtime: 63.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:35:25: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:35:25: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:35:34: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:35:37: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:35:43: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:35:58: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:35:58: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:36:04: Last Runtime: 11.29 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:36:07: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:36:13: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:36:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:36:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:36:37: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:36:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:36:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:37:01: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:37:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:37:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:37:25: Last Runtime: 15.36 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:37:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:37:44: Cellar - Found position 1082, 266
    02/07/2012 11:38:04: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:38:11: Gold: 8004737, Gold Delt: 7836, Items: 5, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:38:12: Last Runtime: 37.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:38:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:38:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:38:37: Last Runtime: 16.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:38:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:38:53: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:39:02: Last Runtime: 15.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:39:17: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:39:17: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:39:26: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:39:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:39:44: Cellar - Found position 1098, 273
    02/07/2012 11:40:07: Gold: 8010114, Gold Delt: 5377, Items: 0, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:40:09: Last Runtime: 33.89 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:40:23: Last Runtime: 4.69 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:40:39: Last Runtime: 20.53 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:40:54: Last Runtime: 36.35 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:41:09: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:41:10: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:41:19: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:41:34: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:41:34: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:41:43: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:41:58: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:41:58: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:42:07: Last Runtime: 15.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:42:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:42:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:42:31: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:42:46: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:42:46: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:42:55: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:43:10: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:43:10: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:43:19: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:43:34: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:43:34: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:43:43: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:43:58: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:43:58: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:44:07: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:44:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:44:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:44:31: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:44:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:44:50: Cellar - Found position 1131, 252
    02/07/2012 11:45:09: Gold: 8015361, Gold Delt: 5247, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:45:12: Last Runtime: 31.73 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:45:27: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:45:30: Cellar - Found position 1088, 262
    02/07/2012 11:45:51: Gold: 8022522, Gold Delt: 7161, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:45:53: Last Runtime: 32.26 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:46:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:46:11: Cellar - Found position 1091, 253
    02/07/2012 11:46:31: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:46:37: Gold: 8029592, Gold Delt: 7070, Items: 4, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:46:39: Last Runtime: 36.53 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:46:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:46:57: Cellar - Found position 1103, 257
    02/07/2012 11:47:19: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 11:47:20: Gold: 8034105, Gold Delt: 4513, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 11:47:21: Last Runtime: 33.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:47:37: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:47:37: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:47:40: Last Runtime: 9.65 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:47:43: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:47:49: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:48:05: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:48:05: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:48:14: Last Runtime: 15.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:48:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:48:32: Cellar - Found position 1099, 252
    02/07/2012 11:48:51: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:48:52: Gold: 8034105, Gold Delt: 0, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:49:00: Last Runtime: 36.6 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:49:03: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:49:09: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:49:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:49:27: Cellar - Found position 1074, 273
    02/07/2012 11:49:47: Gold: 8040388, Gold Delt: 6283, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:49:49: Last Runtime: 31.57 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:50:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:50:05: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:50:10: Last Runtime: 11.78 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:50:14: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:50:19: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:50:35: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:50:38: Cellar - Found position 1046, 258
    02/07/2012 11:50:58: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 11:51:04: Gold: 8047412, Gold Delt: 7024, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:51:06: Last Runtime: 36.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:51:21: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:51:24: Cellar - Found position 1071, 228
    02/07/2012 11:51:53: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 11:51:59: Gold: 8052855, Gold Delt: 5443, Items: 5, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:52:01: Last Runtime: 46.25 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:52:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:52:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:52:25: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:52:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:52:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:52:49: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:53:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:53:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:53:13: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:53:28: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:53:31: Cellar - Found position 1125, 246
    02/07/2012 11:53:53: Gold: 8059359, Gold Delt: 6504, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:54:05: Stashed Items: 2
    02/07/2012 11:54:13: Sold Items: 8, Sold value: 4341
    02/07/2012 11:54:15: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 11:54:15: Last Runtime: 53.48 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:54:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:54:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:54:34: Last Runtime: 9.7 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:54:37: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:54:43: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:54:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:55:02: Cellar - Found position 1097, 274
    02/07/2012 11:55:21: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 11:55:29: Gold: 8067951, Gold Delt: 4251, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:55:30: Last Runtime: 37.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:55:45: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:55:48: Cellar - Found position 1074, 250
    02/07/2012 11:56:10: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 11:56:17: Gold: 8073043, Gold Delt: 5092, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:56:18: Last Runtime: 38.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:56:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:56:36: Cellar - Found position 1102, 271
    02/07/2012 11:56:59: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 11:56:59: Gold: 8073043, Gold Delt: 0, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:57:07: Last Runtime: 40.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:57:11: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:57:16: Logged out
    02/07/2012 11:57:32: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:57:35: Cellar - Found position 1082, 254
    02/07/2012 11:57:56: Gold: 8080675, Gold Delt: 7632, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:57:58: Last Runtime: 32.72 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:58:13: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 11:58:13: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 11:58:22: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:58:37: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:58:41: Cellar - Found position 1086, 261
    02/07/2012 11:59:05: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 11:59:06: Gold: 8086206, Gold Delt: 5531, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:59:07: Last Runtime: 35.99 seconds.
    02/07/2012 11:59:22: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 11:59:26: Cellar - Found position 1101, 268
    02/07/2012 11:59:47: Gold: 8092730, Gold Delt: 6524, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 11:59:50: Last Runtime: 33.28 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:00:05: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:00:05: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:00:14: Last Runtime: 15.61 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:00:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:00:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:00:39: Last Runtime: 15.55 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:00:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:00:58: Cellar - Found position 1088, 242
    02/07/2012 12:01:21: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:01:27: Gold: 8100242, Gold Delt: 7512, Items: 2, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:01:29: Last Runtime: 41.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:01:44: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:01:47: Cellar - Found position 1100, 264
    02/07/2012 12:02:15: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 12:02:16: Gold: 8106891, Gold Delt: 6649, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:02:18: Last Runtime: 40.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:02:33: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:02:36: Cellar - Found position 1124, 244
    02/07/2012 12:03:06: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 12:03:13: Gold: 8114872, Gold Delt: 7981, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:03:14: Last Runtime: 47.63 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:03:29: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:03:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:03:39: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:03:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:03:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:04:03: Last Runtime: 15.11 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:04:18: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:04:18: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:04:27: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:04:42: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:04:45: Cellar - Found position 1086, 255
    02/07/2012 12:05:05: Gold: 8114872, Gold Delt: 0, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:05:08: Last Runtime: 31.91 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:05:23: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:05:23: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:05:32: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:05:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:05:50: Cellar - Found position 1099, 263
    02/07/2012 12:06:16: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 12:06:22: Gold: 8125402, Gold Delt: 10530, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:06:24: Last Runtime: 43.32 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:06:39: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:06:39: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:06:48: Last Runtime: 15.11 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:07:03: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:07:06: Cellar - Found position 1148, 224
    02/07/2012 12:07:27: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:07:33: Gold: 8135622, Gold Delt: 10220, Items: 6, Gems: 0, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:07:43: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 12:07:56: Sold Items: 17, Sold value: 4906
    02/07/2012 12:07:57: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 12:07:58: Last Runtime: 61.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:08:12: Last Runtime: 4.66 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:08:34: Last Runtime: 26.62 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:08:49: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:08:49: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:08:58: Last Runtime: 15.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:09:14: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:09:14: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:09:23: Last Runtime: 16.69 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:09:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:09:42: Cellar - Found position 1116, 275
    02/07/2012 12:09:59: Cellar was found but didnt end up there
    02/07/2012 12:10:01: You have died
    02/07/2012 12:10:01: Last Runtime: 29.16 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:11:00: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:11:00: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:11:09: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:11:24: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:11:27: Cellar - Found position 1037, 268
    02/07/2012 12:11:47: Gold: 8151671, Gold Delt: 11143, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:11:50: Last Runtime: 31.87 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:12:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:12:08: Cellar - Found position 1090, 289
    02/07/2012 12:12:31: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:12:38: Gold: 8154441, Gold Delt: 2770, Items: 2, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:12:39: Last Runtime: 40.39 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:12:54: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:12:57: Cellar - Found position 1078, 262
    02/07/2012 12:13:16: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 12:13:23: Gold: 8161911, Gold Delt: 7470, Items: 3, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:13:24: Last Runtime: 36.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:13:39: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:13:39: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:13:48: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:14:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:14:07: Cellar - Found position 1111, 273
    02/07/2012 12:14:25: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:14:32: Gold: 8174713, Gold Delt: 12802, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:14:33: Last Runtime: 35.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:14:48: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:14:48: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:14:57: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:15:12: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:15:12: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:15:21: Last Runtime: 15.11 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:15:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:15:40: Cellar - Found position 1083, 252
    02/07/2012 12:16:01: Gold: 8179388, Gold Delt: 4675, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:16:03: Last Runtime: 32.49 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:16:18: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:16:21: Cellar - Found position 1095, 277
    02/07/2012 12:16:43: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:16:49: Gold: 8184906, Gold Delt: 5518, Items: 4, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:16:51: Last Runtime: 38.83 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:17:06: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:17:09: Cellar - Found position 1091, 234
    02/07/2012 12:17:30: Gold: 8191581, Gold Delt: 6675, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:17:33: Last Runtime: 33.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:17:48: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:17:48: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:17:57: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:18:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:18:16: Cellar - Found position 1081, 271
    02/07/2012 12:18:42: Gold: 8198421, Gold Delt: 6840, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:18:44: Last Runtime: 38.42 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:18:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:19:02: Cellar - Found position 1089, 246
    02/07/2012 12:19:23: Gold: 8204351, Gold Delt: 5930, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:19:25: Last Runtime: 31.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:19:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:19:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:19:43: Last Runtime: 9.21 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:19:47: Logged out
    02/07/2012 12:19:52: Logged out
    02/07/2012 12:20:07: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:20:11: Cellar - Found position 1072, 263
    02/07/2012 12:20:31: Gold: 8204351, Gold Delt: 0, Items: 1, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:20:33: Last Runtime: 31.69 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:20:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:20:51: Cellar - Found position 1075, 259
    02/07/2012 12:21:12: Gold: 8212786, Gold Delt: 8435, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:21:14: Last Runtime: 32.36 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:21:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:21:33: Cellar - Found position 1049, 241
    02/07/2012 12:21:52: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 12:21:59: Gold: 8221023, Gold Delt: 8237, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:22:09: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 12:22:19: Sold Items: 10, Sold value: 3239
    02/07/2012 12:22:20: Repair Cost: 3707
    02/07/2012 12:22:21: Last Runtime: 57.51 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:22:36: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:22:36: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:22:45: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:23:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:23:03: Cellar - Found position 1086, 270
    02/07/2012 12:23:25: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:23:31: Gold: 8227664, Gold Delt: 7109, Items: 1, Gems: 3, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:23:32: Last Runtime: 38.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:23:48: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:23:51: Cellar - Found position 1092, 283
    02/07/2012 12:24:11: Gold: 8239535, Gold Delt: 11871, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:24:14: Last Runtime: 32.7 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:24:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:24:32: Cellar - Found position 1089, 272
    02/07/2012 12:24:55: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 12:24:56: Gold: 8246551, Gold Delt: 7016, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:24:57: Last Runtime: 34.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:25:12: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:25:12: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:25:21: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:25:36: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:25:39: Cellar - Found position 1077, 266
    02/07/2012 12:25:59: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 12:26:06: Gold: 8250001, Gold Delt: 3450, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:26:07: Last Runtime: 37.19 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:26:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:26:23: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:26:32: Last Runtime: 15.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:26:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:26:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:26:56: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:27:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:27:14: Cellar - Found position 1096, 248
    02/07/2012 12:27:33: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 12:27:40: Gold: 8256997, Gold Delt: 6996, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:27:42: Last Runtime: 37.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:27:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:28:00: Cellar - Found position 1038, 263
    02/07/2012 12:28:22: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:28:28: Gold: 8263259, Gold Delt: 6262, Items: 7, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:28:30: Last Runtime: 38.96 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:28:45: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:28:48: Cellar - Found position 1074, 255
    02/07/2012 12:29:09: Gold: 8268307, Gold Delt: 5048, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:29:11: Last Runtime: 32.31 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:29:26: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:29:29: Cellar - Found position 1068, 272
    02/07/2012 12:29:53: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 12:29:55: Gold: 8275289, Gold Delt: 6982, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:29:56: Last Runtime: 36.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:30:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:30:14: Cellar - Found position 1079, 261
    02/07/2012 12:30:42: Gold: 8282935, Gold Delt: 7646, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:30:45: Last Runtime: 40.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:31:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:31:03: Cellar - Found position 1089, 271
    02/07/2012 12:31:07: OnCellar Recovery Success from ontop
    02/07/2012 12:31:22: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:31:23: Gold: 8282935, Gold Delt: 0, Items: 2, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:31:31: Last Runtime: 36.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:31:48: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:31:48: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:31:57: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:32:12: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:32:12: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:32:15: Last Runtime: 9.45 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:32:19: Logged out
    02/07/2012 12:32:25: Logged out
    02/07/2012 12:32:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:32:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:32:49: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:33:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:33:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:33:13: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:33:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:33:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:33:37: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:33:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:33:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:34:01: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:34:16: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:34:19: Cellar - Found position 1061, 256
    02/07/2012 12:34:40: Gold: 8293844, Gold Delt: 10909, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:34:43: Last Runtime: 32.88 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:34:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:35:01: Cellar - Found position 1077, 250
    02/07/2012 12:35:22: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:35:29: Gold: 8298111, Gold Delt: 4267, Items: 1, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:35:31: Last Runtime: 39.01 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:35:45: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:35:46: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:35:55: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:36:10: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:36:10: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:36:19: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:36:34: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:36:34: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:36:43: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:36:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:37:01: Cellar - Found position 1104, 238
    02/07/2012 12:37:31: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 12:37:38: Gold: 8303613, Gold Delt: 5502, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 3, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:37:48: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 12:38:00: Sold Items: 15, Sold value: 5551
    02/07/2012 12:38:01: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 12:38:02: Last Runtime: 69.94 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:38:17: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:38:20: Cellar - Found position 1052, 223
    02/07/2012 12:38:43: Got extra loot on attempt 4
    02/07/2012 12:38:44: Gold: 8316410, Gold Delt: 7246, Items: 4, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:38:46: Last Runtime: 35.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:39:01: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:39:04: Cellar - Found position 1080, 247
    02/07/2012 12:39:24: Gold: 8324650, Gold Delt: 8240, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:39:26: Last Runtime: 31.14 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:39:41: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:39:44: Cellar - Found position 1075, 275
    02/07/2012 12:40:05: Gold: 8332269, Gold Delt: 7619, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:40:08: Last Runtime: 33.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:40:23: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:40:23: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:40:32: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:40:47: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:40:50: Cellar - Found position 1079, 260
    02/07/2012 12:41:11: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:41:17: Gold: 8344178, Gold Delt: 11909, Items: 1, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:41:19: Last Runtime: 37.61 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:41:34: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:41:37: Cellar - Found position 1085, 272
    02/07/2012 12:41:59: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 12:42:05: Gold: 8349538, Gold Delt: 5360, Items: 3, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:42:07: Last Runtime: 38.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:42:22: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:42:22: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:42:31: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:42:46: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:42:49: Cellar - Found position 1081, 266
    02/07/2012 12:43:08: Gold: 8352792, Gold Delt: 3254, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:43:11: Last Runtime: 31.27 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:43:26: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:43:29: Cellar - Found position 1056, 264
    02/07/2012 12:43:49: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:43:55: Gold: 8356962, Gold Delt: 4170, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:43:57: Last Runtime: 36.77 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:44:12: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:44:15: Cellar - Found position 1104, 279
    02/07/2012 12:44:45: Gold: 8365204, Gold Delt: 8242, Items: 4, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:44:49: Last Runtime: 42.77 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:45:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:45:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:45:13: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:45:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:45:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:45:37: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:45:52: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:45:52: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:46:01: Last Runtime: 15.13 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:46:16: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:46:16: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:46:25: Last Runtime: 15.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:46:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:46:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:46:49: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:47:04: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:47:07: Cellar - Found position 1075, 259
    02/07/2012 12:47:35: Got extra loot on attempt 1
    02/07/2012 12:47:41: Gold: 8375625, Gold Delt: 10421, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:47:43: Last Runtime: 44.76 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:47:58: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:48:01: Cellar - Found position 1084, 255
    02/07/2012 12:48:24: Gold: 8381522, Gold Delt: 5897, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 1, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:48:26: Last Runtime: 34.63 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:48:41: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:48:41: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:48:50: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:49:05: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:49:08: Cellar - Found position 1071, 260
    02/07/2012 12:49:34: Gold: 8387567, Gold Delt: 6045, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:49:37: Last Runtime: 37.62 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:49:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:49:55: Cellar - Found position 1126, 240
    02/07/2012 12:50:15: Gold: 8394371, Gold Delt: 6804, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:50:27: Stashed Items: 0
    02/07/2012 12:50:38: Sold Items: 11, Sold value: 4458
    02/07/2012 12:50:39: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 12:50:40: Last Runtime: 53.92 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:50:55: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:50:55: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:51:04: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:51:19: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:51:22: Cellar - Found position 1076, 246
    02/07/2012 12:51:43: Gold: 8404582, Gold Delt: 5753, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:51:45: Last Runtime: 32.41 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:52:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:52:04: Cellar - Found position 1099, 264
    02/07/2012 12:52:24: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 12:52:30: Gold: 8412730, Gold Delt: 8148, Items: 2, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:52:32: Last Runtime: 37.69 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:52:47: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:52:47: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:52:57: Last Runtime: 16.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:53:12: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:53:12: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:53:21: Last Runtime: 15.07 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:53:36: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:53:36: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:53:45: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:54:00: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:54:03: Cellar - Found position 1093, 263
    02/07/2012 12:54:24: Gold: 8423712, Gold Delt: 10982, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:54:27: Last Runtime: 33.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:54:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:54:42: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:54:51: Last Runtime: 15.09 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:55:06: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:55:06: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:55:15: Last Runtime: 15.06 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:55:30: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:55:30: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:55:39: Last Runtime: 15.08 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:55:54: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:55:54: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:56:03: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:56:18: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:56:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:56:27: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:56:42: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:56:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:56:46: Last Runtime: 9.9 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:56:50: Logged out
    02/07/2012 12:56:56: Logged out
    02/07/2012 12:57:11: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:57:14: Cellar - Found position 1087, 230
    02/07/2012 12:57:34: Gold: 8433374, Gold Delt: 9662, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:57:37: Last Runtime: 32.05 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:57:52: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:57:55: Cellar - Found position 1084, 235
    02/07/2012 12:58:15: Gold: 8442302, Gold Delt: 8928, Items: 0, Gems: 1, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:58:18: Last Runtime: 32.02 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:58:33: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 12:58:33: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 12:58:42: Last Runtime: 15.29 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:58:57: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:59:00: Cellar - Found position 1078, 288
    02/07/2012 12:59:21: Gold: 8448569, Gold Delt: 6267, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 12:59:24: Last Runtime: 32.84 seconds.
    02/07/2012 12:59:39: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 12:59:42: Cellar - Found position 1060, 247
    02/07/2012 13:00:02: Gold: 8452755, Gold Delt: 4186, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 13:00:04: Last Runtime: 31.44 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:00:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 13:00:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 13:00:28: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:00:43: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 13:00:43: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 13:00:52: Last Runtime: 15.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:01:08: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 13:01:11: Cellar - Found position 1113, 255
    02/07/2012 13:01:32: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 13:01:38: Gold: 8456073, Gold Delt: 3318, Items: 3, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 13:01:40: Last Runtime: 38.36 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:01:55: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 13:01:55: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 13:02:04: Last Runtime: 15.54 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:02:19: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 13:02:19: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 13:02:28: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:02:43: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 13:02:47: Cellar - Found position 1065, 245
    02/07/2012 13:03:15: Gold: 8461167, Gold Delt: 5094, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 13:03:27: Stashed Items: 1
    02/07/2012 13:03:38: Sold Items: 12, Sold value: 4591
    02/07/2012 13:03:40: Repair Cost: 0
    02/07/2012 13:03:40: Last Runtime: 62.98 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:03:55: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 13:03:59: Cellar - Found position 1094, 246
    02/07/2012 13:04:20: Gold: 8474684, Gold Delt: 8926, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 13:04:23: Last Runtime: 33.65 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:04:38: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 13:04:41: Cellar - Found position 1080, 274
    02/07/2012 13:05:04: Got extra loot on attempt 3
    02/07/2012 13:05:10: Gold: 8483019, Gold Delt: 8335, Items: 2, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 13:05:12: Last Runtime: 39.66 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:05:28: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 13:05:28: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 13:05:37: Last Runtime: 16.76 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:05:53: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 13:05:56: Cellar - Found position 1082, 243
    02/07/2012 13:06:17: Gold: 8490615, Gold Delt: 7596, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 13:06:20: Last Runtime: 33.37 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:06:35: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 13:06:35: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 13:06:44: Last Runtime: 15.1 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:06:59: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 13:07:02: Cellar - Found position 1093, 254
    02/07/2012 13:07:22: Gold: 8500187, Gold Delt: 9572, Items: 0, Gems: 2, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 0
    02/07/2012 13:07:25: Last Runtime: 32.03 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:07:40: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 13:07:40: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 13:07:49: Last Runtime: 15.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:08:04: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 13:08:04: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 13:08:13: Last Runtime: 15.04 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:08:29: Cellar Found at: 2
    02/07/2012 13:08:32: Cellar - Found position 1055, 231
    02/07/2012 13:08:50: Got extra loot on attempt 2
    02/07/2012 13:08:57: Gold: 8504106, Gold Delt: 3919, Items: 0, Gems: 0, Books: 0, Potions: 0, GoldPick: 1
    02/07/2012 13:08:58: Last Runtime: 36.3 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:09:13: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 13:09:14: No Cellar
    02/07/2012 13:09:23: Last Runtime: 15.12 seconds.
    02/07/2012 13:09:38: enhanced fail
    02/07/2012 13:09:38: No Cellar
    Off topic, but do you use any movespeed at all?

  13. #358
    Torian89's Avatar Member

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    Was watching your very sexy bot do its thing for a bit but then hit this wall: 02/07/2012 00:34:21: Somthing went wrong in town, retrying next time

    Occurs when it starts walking towards the vender to vend off the unstashed items. I notice he's clcking into the bushes beside the vendor and not on the vendor himself. How do I input the correct coords? 1920x1080 Win 32 here.

  14. #359
    heatl0rd's Avatar Corporal
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    Originally Posted by Torian89 View Post
    Was watching your very sexy bot do its thing for a bit but then hit this wall: 02/07/2012 00:34:21: Somthing went wrong in town, retrying next time

    Occurs when it starts walking towards the vender to vend off the unstashed items. I notice he's clcking into the bushes beside the vendor and not on the vendor himself. How do I input the correct coords? 1920x1080 Win 32 here.
    It seems like alot of people are having co-ordinate mouse clicking issues. Is your resolution windowed? and have you got all the files explained in the first post?

  15. #360
    landoflui's Avatar Private
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    I had to adjust some things because my player would run all the way to one corner in the cellar and not get any gold then teleport to town

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