[Goldfarming] [Barbarian] BlackSack's Sarkoth Script 360GPH [AutoIT] [1920x1080] menu


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  1. #61
    BlackSack's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    Originally Posted by LATM View Post
    @Blackysack, I've been pondering ways to fix legendary reporting, and I've got a super shitty ugly level 900 solution that just might work.

    This relies on sarkoth RELATIVELY dying in the middle every time, which he does 99.99% of runs.

    1. take one screenshot from the position where $loot is called.
    1. add screenshot calls after every time an item is picked up
    2. create a rectangle box where the lamp is position every time and item is picked up [ignore bizzare death locations, 99% happen in the middle]
    3. edit the function $loot to create a GUI rectangle the size of the box we created in step 2, that is generated when $loot is called and taken down at the end.
    4. the lamp should always be covered while looting, making clicking it impossible, and even when he dies in strange locations, the loot doesn't fall where the lamp is anyway.

    yes, no, maybe so?
    Well yes it sounds ok in principle but do you really wanna run the risk of that corner case where it happens to die in a weird place and that time it just happens to drop a legend and that it just so happens to be behind the GUI window :O

    how often do you actually see it finding fake legendaries I only see 1 or 2 an hour after your warcry fix

    [Goldfarming] [Barbarian] BlackSack's Sarkoth Script 360GPH [AutoIT] [1920x1080]
  2. #62
    BlackSack's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    Originally Posted by Chris1337 View Post
    I changed $ExtraCellarSearch to "True" and it's still not working.. No, i don't have lag problems, my ms is around 60-70 everytime in play on EU
    Sorry out of suggestions.. do you see it poking around with the mouse near the cellar after you run down the road?

  3. #63
    LATM's Avatar Contributor
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    the area I'm talking about blacking out is an extremely small one almost exclusively at the top of the screen.

    The only chance of missing an item would happen if Sarkorth dies in the top of the screen, and an item drops on the very bottom of the screen that he runs down and gets. walk around the cellar in game, you'll see what I'm talking about.

    most runs, even dying in low positions, the area covered up is still on the wall.

    hell, put a peice of paper on the screen covering from the top to the lamp, and watch for 10 runs how often an item drops there

    blah, brain fried. even less articulate than usual.
    Last edited by LATM; 06-28-2012 at 05:41 PM.

  4. #64
    BlackSack's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    So your talking about the 2 lanterns hanging on the back wall yea? Since the loot legendary part of loot() is handled before any other looting the barb would always be in the exact spot that he walks to after picking up gold (no need to note location of lamp after every item pickup) therefore the GUI can go in a nice known location each time - i will add this its fairly simple to implement.

  5. #65
    Chris1337's Avatar Private
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    Originally Posted by BlackSack View Post
    Sorry out of suggestions.. do you see it poking around with the mouse near the cellar after you run down the road?
    Not really... It's just.. trying to do some skills and at the top it says : Not enough fury to use this skill,

  6. #66
    trambuline's Avatar Member
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    what is the cause of not picking up gem stones ? and how can i increase a little bit of more movement for gold pick up since i dont have such a high pick up rate i know these lines hides the secret :

    Sleep(Random($SarkothKillTime, $SarkothKillTime + 400))

    RandClick("middle", Round(730 * $x_ratio), Round(585 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;move to left top corner for gold
    Sleep(Random(850, 1350))
    RandClick("middle", Round(1205 * $x_ratio), Round(380 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;move to right top corner for gold
    Sleep(Random(900, 1400))
    if $UseThreePointGoldCollect then
    RandClick("middle", Round(1121 * $x_ratio), Round(805 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;move to middle before looting
    Sleep(Random(900, 1150))


  7. #67
    BlackSack's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    Originally Posted by Chris1337 View Post
    Not really... It's just.. trying to do some skills and at the top it says : Not enough fury to use this skill,
    if your getting that message it really sounds like you did something wrong...

    @trambuline yes those are the lines but making him run in a larger triangle is harder than it seems cus the location of the second point is relative to the first click and so on so you would need to record your own pattern with Autoit record tool

    An easier way might be to enable the gold looting at the top set line $totalItems = 2 and enable custom looting and uncomment ;$pick[1] = "gold.png|40"

    @LATM i added the change you suggested seems to work good idea

    New version out L
    - added lantern blanking so no more fake legendaries
    - added GOTO TOWN! button, press 0 at any time to have him goto town after next cellar run
    Last edited by BlackSack; 06-28-2012 at 06:27 PM.

  8. #68
    BlackSack's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    LATM.. your good at thinking.. help me think of a way to vend 'white items' i tried making a mask.png of a 1x2 square brown slot in the inventory with the middle blacked out and use image search to click these masks it seems to work a little but if the threshold is too high it misses them all but too low and it clicks empty squares as opposed to whites and the balance is too fine to make it reliable this is the last problem i want to fix

  9. #69
    BlackSack's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    Ok so i think the picking up of 'whites' is a side effect of me reducing the time between clicking on loot lying on the floor, somtimes he will still be walking when an item is clicked and by the time the mouse click lands the item is not under the cursor but a white is there instead.

    I was thinking about your code Sherenity presumably if your pixel differencing code is as fast as you say then it could take shots at 100ms intervals and determine if you are walking or standing still. if you are walking 90% of pixels will have changed in 100ms else very few will change. If you think this is possible then i could change the looting code to say

    click some loot
    wait until you have stopped moving and picked it up
    click the next loot

    this will eliminate as much waiting as physically possible i.e. no more fixed wait periods and will make it perfectly accurate so many benefits!
    So do you think it would work?

    This can also be applied in the walking to the cellar code to eliminate extra wait time there too

  10. #70
    blackdodod83's Avatar Corporal
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    Problem, where the LeaveGame() is called to soon after TownPortal()

    Originally Posted by john15509 View Post
    Anyone else having a probelm with it selecting the customize flag on the main menu? When it gets into the flag customization then it never exits out and the bot keeps trying to resume games but ends up wasting however long you were trying to bot for.
    I had that, too, yesterday.

    Did you use the pictures for your resolution? Did you change your resolution? Did you pause the bot and then resume it? I once paused it, left the game by myself and then resumed. Of course, the script did not know, where it is.

    I keep having three problems. One is my own, I have a lack of gear and thus Sarkoth does not get killed fast enough end script uses the TP before he is down.

    But the other two are:
    1. I get killed from time to time while trying to enter the cellar after having stood right in front of it.
    I saw that $TryRecover and CheckFor() part in the script, which looks very nice. I will try to figure out what the problem is.

    But more important:
    2. When the cellar is not found and therefore

      If Not CheckDead() Then
    is executed (line 341-344), then the town portal is used to early. I figured out, why that happens.
    LeaveGame() (declared in line 1004) calls RandSleep(), without any arguments. So the optional arguments are used:

    Func RandSleep($min = 5, $max = 45, $chance = 3)
      $randNum = Round(Random(1, 100))
      If $Timer == True And $randNum <= $chance Then
        $sleepTime = Random($min * 1000, $max * 1000)
        GUICtrlSetData($lblStatus, "Status: Random Sleep - " & Round($sleepTime / 1000) & " secs")
        For $c = 0 To 10
          Sleep($sleepTime / 10)
    The bold line leads to the problem, that only in 3% of all RandSleep() calls (if not using the optional parameters), it really sleeps.
    In my opinion, $chance should be 100, when we know, we're standing right outside the closed cellar and $min should be set to at least the time a town portal need to be used.

    What I am wondering about is: Why does not EVERYONE has this problem, that in 97% of all "closed cellar" cases, the log out button is pressed to early?

    Later I found out, that $Timer is set to FALSE by default. So all the time, LeaveGame() should be called immediately after TownPortal(), no?

    What got it right, like I wanted it to be, was:
    I extended the signature of LeaveGame() and changed the RandSleep() into a conditional version:

    Func LeaveGame ($outside_cellar = 0)
      If $outside_cellar == 1 Then
        RandSleep($tptime/1000, ($tptime+1)/1000, 100)
    ( side note: min and max in Random() can not be the same, otherwise it will return 0 ... did cost me some minutes. )

    Now, when I call LeaveGame() in lines 336 and 343 (which are the locations, where the run is aborted), I instead call LeaveGame(1).

    What do you think about that?

    Plus: When I port back to town, the 6900ms you set to $tptime, seems to be a bit more, than the TP really takes. Does have an impact on other parts of the code, if I decrease it to, let's say, 6500ms or even 6000ms? Is that slightly bigger value needed somewhere else?

    Greetings and thanks for reading,
    Dodo :-)

  11. #71
    dbbb's Avatar Private
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    Originally Posted by trambuline View Post
    what is the cause of not picking up gem stones ? and how can i increase a little bit of more movement for gold pick up since i dont have such a high pick up rate i know these lines hides the secret :

    Sleep(Random($SarkothKillTime, $SarkothKillTime + 400))

    RandClick("middle", Round(730 * $x_ratio), Round(585 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;move to left top corner for gold
    Sleep(Random(850, 1350))
    RandClick("middle", Round(1205 * $x_ratio), Round(380 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;move to right top corner for gold
    Sleep(Random(900, 1400))
    if $UseThreePointGoldCollect then
    RandClick("middle", Round(1121 * $x_ratio), Round(805 * $y_ratio), 1, 1) ;move to middle before looting
    Sleep(Random(900, 1150))

    I'm having the same problem - it doesn't pick up gems.
    What can I do? :confused:

  12. #72
    vlsf1980's Avatar Member
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    I been following and using [Goldfarming] [Barbarian] Sarkoth Goldfarming Script [AutoIT Script] [1920x1080]) for a while. It works fine when latency is good (3 green bar). But there are times the latency is just 1 red bar, it will stop at its track at start run or miss a few clicks.

    I'm thinking of trying out this new scrip tonight. Wondering for bad latency, is there any value I can manipulate? I try changing $walktime and $loadtime in the old script but it doesn't really help. Thanks.

  13. #73
    DXENEME's Avatar Sergeant CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Can someone please help me this just wont run for me...

    I've installed everything in the correct places...

    but when I double click either the script or the EXE, nothing happens.

    No icon in taskbar, nothing...

    Tried pressing = ingame... nothing

  14. #74
    owned727's Avatar Member
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    Wow black. Its incredible how the coordinates on my Pc are not the same as yours. On previous versions, ive used my own coordinates and got it to run efficiently. I decided w ur new version to attempt to not make any changes. Not only does it miss the cellar approx 75% of the time, but it also ends up not detecting the portal on miss and tried to exit out Everytime. I wonder what it can be. Oh well. I'm gonna try to import the fixes I made to ur previous scripts and see if this is an upgrade.

    Good work nonetheless. Thank god I can troubleshoot on my own or it would be a nightmare. If u have any ideas on the portal casting bar problem let me know. I added the new pics, I'm gonna check your new code now. I also wonder if the anti legendary thing will have the same issue.

  15. #75
    steveb32's Avatar Member
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    If anyone is having pickup radius problems like missing gold piles. On line 96 of the script where it say's "$UseThreePointGoldCollect = False; enable to walk around some more if you have low pickupradius" just change it to True it will help. I saw a comment about pickup radius earlier.

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