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  1. #46
    andreribeiro's Avatar Member
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    Anyone got banned using this?

    BK Ghom Bot (fully customize-able skills)
  2. #47
    burgaud's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by benschi View Post
    hey, i wanted to let the bot run endless and without brakes so i made ";" before runtime and resttime. is this correct or do i just have to delete the numbers after the "=" and leave it blank?

    because putting ";" before them didnt work it seems as he stopped and it got this message in log file: 30.05.2014 06:09:27 RunTime Reached. Closing Diablo III

    can you tell me what i have to do to get it running without stopping after a certain time and without doing breaks?

    The default config will run D3 for a specific duration, then rest, then repeat in an endless loop until either PC crashed, or bot paused.

    This means, BKBot will run D3 for 3h~4h <- exact duration is random.

    This means, BKBot will run D3 for 3h~3h or simply 3 hours

    If you comment it out
    Then BKBot will use the default value 2h,3h or 2 to 3 hours

    You can either specify the following time units:
    h,H,m,M are the allowed Time Units. No Time Unit means seconds

    If you want to run BKBOT for a a very long time, then supply it with a very big time: Max ~2million seconds (too big number will trash AutoIT). I suggest putting in 100h or approximately 5 days.
    Whatever you put into RestTime will be irrelevant because the RunTime is extremely long.
    Last edited by burgaud; 05-30-2014 at 07:12 AM.

  3. #48
    burgaud's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by andreribeiro View Post
    Anyone got banned using this?
    Getting Banned is a possibility. Nothing is guaranteed.

    If you cannot afford to risk your account, do not BOT

  4. #49
    burgaud's Avatar Active Member
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    Important reminder

    When you encounter BKBOT wondering away from the loots after a fight, it is NOT A BUG!

    You simply have an item, or character effect, a ground effect, that matches the Color codes for the target items.
    Equipped ThunderFury's lightning glow is mistaken as a WHITE; Bot will try to chase it and away from loot
    Equipped Hollowed Defender Shield's glow appears as a RARE/YELLOW; Bot will try to chase it and away from loot
    Maximus' demon chain will appear as a RARE/Yellow; Bot will try to chase it and away from loot
    and so on and so forth

    It is best you to transmog your items to dull normal items to prevent BKBOT from mistaking it as a loot.

    Furthermore, there are some skills that will do just that too. Be warned. Remedy is to not use those skills.

    There is nothing I can do about it. It is a limitation of a Pixel based Bot. The only solution would be to peek at D3 memory altogether (very risky).
    Last edited by burgaud; 05-30-2014 at 03:54 PM.

  5. #50
    eric632's Avatar Private
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    Can someone explain the sixth step to me? I don't know what to do with the PNG folder

    "6. You need to check the PNG folder. By now, you already know the drill what these PNG files are, where and when on Diablo3 these pictures appear. In case bot is having difficulty selecting quests, or clicking on "Leave Game" and the like, you should redo these."

  6. #51
    cyvil's Avatar Corporal
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    I've never used a bot before so I'm a complete scrub at this and know nothing. I need help with filling out the config file properly.

    I am trying to set this up on my crusader. He'll be using the poison ammy and furnace 2h. I won't need to use potions or anything else for t6 farming.

    4 key is my Akarat's Champion
    3 key is Provoke
    Right Mouse Click is Fist of The Heavens
    Left Mouse Click is Slash for the short time that I run out of wrath

    I need Akarat's Champion to activate first and to keep spamming Fist of the Heavens until wrath is below 50% and hit Provoke.

    I don't need to loot blues, whites or yellows. Just set items and legs.

    Fight usually lasts 35-40 seconds.
    Last edited by cyvil; 05-31-2014 at 12:12 AM.

  7. #52
    burgaud's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by eric632 View Post
    Can someone explain the sixth step to me? I don't know what to do with the PNG folder

    "6. You need to check the PNG folder. By now, you already know the drill what these PNG files are, where and when on Diablo3 these pictures appear. In case bot is having difficulty selecting quests, or clicking on "Leave Game" and the like, you should redo these."

    Can you recognize the PNG files and what/where these things appear?
    BKBOT is a late comer in the GHOM BOT world. I assume that you already have tried the others to know what are needed.

    I have made extreme measures to make the codes alot better at recognizing the default PNG files. In most cases, unless you set your video settings too differently from suggested values, you wont need to change them at all.

    There is a script included with the latest BK BOT called PNGTest.AU3. run it to scan for the appropriate PNG file to match.
    Last edited by burgaud; 06-01-2014 at 06:26 AM.

  8. #53
    burgaud's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by cyvil View Post
    I've never used a bot before so I'm a complete scrub at this and know nothing. I need help with filling out the config file properly.

    I am trying to set this up on my crusader. He'll be using the poison ammy and furnace 2h. I won't need to use potions or anything else for t6 farming.

    4 key is my Akarat's Champion
    3 key is Provoke
    Right Mouse Click is Fist of The Heavens
    Left Mouse Click is Slash for the short time that I run out of wrath

    I need Akarat's Champion to activate first and to keep spamming Fist of the Heavens until wrath is below 50% and hit Provoke.

    I don't need to loot blues, whites or yellows. Just set items and legs.

    Fight usually lasts 35-40 seconds.
    There is no means of measuring the amount of resource the toon have. The amount of coding, for Pixel based bots, needed is too tedious and STILL not even accurate to make it reliable.

    You will need instead to rely on TIMING - how often to attack with one skill and how often to attack on another. This is how I am currently doing it.
    Last edited by burgaud; 06-01-2014 at 07:31 PM.

  9. #54
    eric632's Avatar Private
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    Originally Posted by burgaud View Post
    Can you recognize the PNG files and what/where these things appear?
    BKBOT is a late comer in the GHOM BOT world. I assume that you already have tried the others to know what are needed.

    I have made extreme measures to make the codes alot better at recognizing the default PNG files. In most cases, unless you set your video settings too differently from suggested values, you wont need to change them at all.

    There is a script included with the latest BK BOT called PNGTest.AU3. run it to scan for the appropriate PNG file to match.
    Sorry this is my first time botting diablo 3 and using autoit so I'm completely clueless. Do you mind going into detail what I have to do?

  10. #55
    richardptt's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by burgaud View Post
    hi all

    this is my contribution to the ghom bot community.
    I'd like to take this opportunity to give credits to:
    1. Richardptt for his bot, for the bot idea in general
    2. Snowchild for his reconnect and moving mouse ideas

    what this bot will do:
    0. Will not ask password!
    1. Launch battle.net
    2. Launch diablo from battle.net launcher and login automatically
    3. Select kill ghom quest (does not require all quests available)
    4. Check backpack and stash all "account bound" items to stash and currently, sell/savage the excess; will never sell/salvage any boa items
    5. Repair armor, buy health potions
    6. Go and kill ghom (stops fight immediately when ghom is dead - no time wasted, no timing needed)
    7. Loot
    8. Resume step 3
    9. Occasionally checks if it needs to exit diablo3 and rest for a while then resume at step 1

    this bot does not read d3 game memory, nor modify memory nor inject data back to server; therefore in my opinion, safe.

    Things to get this bot running for you:
    1. Install autoit. This bot does not include exe file; only the raw autoit source file.
    2. Set up battle.net launcher such that it exits when launching d3
    3. Set launcher to remember your account, password, and authenticator - this will ensure d3 will run without asking for username/password
    4. Set up diablo3 client for lowest graphics settings
    4. Modify config.ini for your optimization
    5. Gear up your toons. Left most column of your backpack will not be touched. Bot will stash/sell/salvage the rest.
    6. You need to check the png folder. By now, you already know the drill what these png files are, where and when on diablo3 these pictures appear. In case bot is having difficulty selecting quests, or clicking on "leave game" and the like, you should redo these.
    7. This bot runs on 1920x1080 screen resolution. Sorry it will not work for any other resolution. I do not have any other pc to make it work there.

    *set diablo3 to use "v" as forcemove
    *set diablo3 to use "shift" as forcestand/attack
    *you can customize these keys from config.ini; see included samples in the config.ini file.

    about me:
    I am a major contributor to the modkore and openkore bot. These bots are used on an mmorpg game called ragnarok online very popular 10+ years ago. In the financial world, i also wrote some "high frequency trading" apps to some clients when it was still feasible (about 5~6 years ago). Basically, my interest is automated ai apps and bot is one of it.

    This is my first programming experience with autoit and first bot for d3. Hope you like it.

    May 30 version
    *more robust error handling and recovery
    *fix a bug wherein some skills (crusader's fist of heaven) can saturate the screen making ghom "invisible" prematurely aborting the fight.
    *option to teleport to town before quiting for faster leave game.
    *can pickup/salvage/sell whites

    may 28 version
    *fixed a bug that causes bot to wait indefinitely when encountering "streaming failure" error during loading of d3 client.
    *minor improvements
    *it now scans your quest list a little slower than before. However, this is only for the 1st scan. Subsequent scans are almost instantaneous as it remembers the location where the quest is located.
    *includes some d3 client setup instructions
    *i also included a pngtest file that will scan your png folder, load it, and continuously scan the current screen for match.
    Please run it, and browse through your d3 and battle.net app to check for the matches:
    Battle.net launcher's play button
    diablo3 login button
    diablo3 leave game button
    diablo3 game settings button
    diablo3 questlist the breached keep (dark) button
    diablo3 questlist the breached keep (light) button
    if this pngtester matches your png files, then you are good to go.

    May 20 version
    found an incompatibility with different paragon levels.
    Bkbot was written when i was p260s and reached p335 today. Some of the functions related to locations are focused around the paragon portrait. P400+ botters are having problem because it has a different paragon portrait that was incompatible. The updated version should work now.

    Btw: Bkbot works for english version of d3. Ie, map names are different
    tested after maintenance.
    Made compatibility issues with higher paragon levels messing with pixel locations

    may 19 version
    *allows you to bot even if you do not have all quests. Ie, as long as you have kill ghom quest, this bot will bring you there!
    *customizeable keybinds

    as of may 16, new version 2 is uploaded.
    * major bug fixes
    * will never sell account bound items (due to the increased drop rate, i managed to completely fill up my stash in a short time i was selling up my sets/legs so i updated this script to prevent selling all account bound items)
    * recognizes legendary potions and will never buy pots
    * better stashing/selling/salvaging code
    * bug fix preventing bkbot from recognizing if left/right click skills are in cooldown
    * included config.ini is for my cruz/melee. You can simply pick it up and use it (left click is a continuous attack skill - the rest cooldown skills)

    if you have questions, please post it here. I could not respond properly through inbox.

    ownedcore.com is currently having problem uploading files (500 internal server error)
    v20140530 download here

    note: I do not upload exe files, only autoit source codes. You need to compile it.
    good job man ;d

  11. #56
    burgaud's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by eric632 View Post
    Sorry this is my first time botting diablo 3 and using autoit so I'm completely clueless. Do you mind going into detail what I have to do?
    1st Step: Install AutoIT. Ensure that you have it installed before proceeding forward.

    2nd Step: Take a look at the PNG files. View them. Where do you think these icons/pattern appear?
    PLAY.png appears in Battle.net Launcher
    GAME SETTINGS appears in __________________
    THE BREACHED KEEP (dark) appears in __________________
    THE BREACHED KEEP (light) appears in __________________
    LEAVE GAME appears in __________________
    LOGIN appears in __________________

    3rd step, now that you know where these icons appear, you will need to determine if they are compatible with your displayed icons.
    Run the accompanying PNGTEST.AU3; it will continuously scan for any matching patterns on the screen with the PNG files in the PNG folder. You will need to bring out each and every D3/BNET screen with the corresponding displayed icons/patterns and match ALL of them. If any one of them do not match, you will need to create your own PNG files based on your screen display - THIS is something I cannot do for you unless you can bring over your computer to my office.

    To create the corresponding PNG files, do a screen shot (printscreen) of the corresponding screen; then paste it onto MSPaint (or similar app), crop to the necessary pattern, and finally save as PNG format. Keep doing this to ALL unmatched PNG file until you get all of them correct. There are 6 of them.

    4th step: come back here for results
    Last edited by burgaud; 06-02-2014 at 07:41 AM.

  12. #57
    eric632's Avatar Private
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    Originally Posted by burgaud View Post
    1st Step: Install AutoIT. Ensure that you have it installed before proceeding forward.

    2nd Step: Take a look at the PNG files. View them. Where do you think these icons/pattern appear?
    PLAY.png appears in Battle.net Launcher
    GAME SETTINGS appears in __________________
    THE BREACHED KEEP (dark) appears in __________________
    THE BREACHED KEEP (light) appears in __________________
    LEAVE GAME appears in __________________
    LOGIN appears in __________________

    3rd step, now that you know where these icons appear, you will need to determine if they are compatible with your displayed icons.
    Run the accompanying PNGTEST.AU3; it will continuously scan for any matching patterns on the screen with the PNG files in the PNG folder. You will need to bring out each and every D3/BNET screen with the corresponding displayed icons/patterns and match ALL of them. If any one of them do not match, you will need to create your own PNG files based on your screen display - THIS is something I cannot do for you unless you can bring over your computer to my office.

    To create the corresponding PNG files, do a screen shot (printscreen) of the corresponding screen; then paste it onto MSPaint (or similar app), crop to the necessary pattern, and finally save as PNG format. Keep doing this to ALL unmatched PNG file until you get all of them correct. There are 6 of them.

    4th step: come back here for results
    Thanks a ton, I got it to work. One problem though is that the bot clicks on leave game before the town teleport goes through so it ends up having to wait the 10 seconds in town to leave the game. Perhaps add a timer for that? Otherwise, bot works great! Again, thanks a lot for all the help.

  13. #58
    burgaud's Avatar Active Member
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    You can change the delay a little longer so that by the time it reaches the town (or almost there), it will commence Leaving Game.

    Change that to 5000 (5 seconds) depends on your system latency.

  14. #59
    tonyxrc's Avatar Private
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    hey are they any way to change the map coordinates? i wanna change the fighting position

  15. #60
    eric632's Avatar Private
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    Originally Posted by tonyxrc View Post
    hey are they any way to change the map coordinates? i wanna change the fighting position
    you can change the position in the config i think.


    I have no clue how to find the values though.

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