
  • Cataclysm Closed Beta Test "very really soon"

    This is a blue post found on the taiwanese forums. The deadline to claim a beta key from the Official contest ends on June 23. But this is what I saw on the forums.

    Originally Posted by Blizzard

    Beta測試將在近期內展開。(多近期?板主不能透露確切日期,只能說......真的很快就要到了!)當 4.0 Beta 開通時,必須在美國客戶端程式外,另外下載beta 程式。玩家如果沒有美國客戶端程式,則必須先下載至魔獸世界:巫妖王之怒的美版程式。

    另外板主要提醒大家,還有許多玩家沒有將你的帳號資料寄到社群信箱來,請不要讓自己的權益睡著 囉!請在6/23(三)之前將你的魔獸帳號、論壇暱稱、以及Battle.net帳號等資訊寄來,否則你的名額我們就會 釋出給其他的玩家機會囉!
    Heres it translated:
    Originally Posted by Blizzard
    Thank you for your support and patience!

    Beta testing will commence in the near future. (How soon? I can not disclose the exact date, I can only say ...... really very soon!) When 4.0 Beta launch, you will need an US client to connect to the beta servers. Players without the US client, you must first download the US version of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.

    I would also like to remind you that there are many players who did not send their contact information to confirm their beta invitation. Please submit your information before June 23rd or your Beta invitation will be given to another player.
    Seems pretty cool, would like to know what you guys think about this!

    Comments 4 Comments
    1. soslol's Avatar
      soslol -
      This has been on ************* for a couple of days actually... but good job..
    1. lothaer's Avatar
      lothaer -
      i wounder if that GM fired yet?
    1. demerda's Avatar
      demerda -
    1. Hellami1's Avatar
      Hellami1 -
      I heard its going to start July 2