
  • Happy New Year 2013

    So, the end of 2013 is getting closer and 2014 will soon begin.

    2013 has been an exciting year for OwnedCore and our community. At least that is how I personally feel.

    We have seen dupes, we have seen exploits, we have seen joy and we have seen despair – for various reasons, but nonetheless, it is a part of being a community.
    Our trade section has seen two new staff members in Eryxon and Watcher ^0^. Both are fighting hard to keep scammers away from OwnedCore and to help all of those who wants to trade safely, though, it requires people to follow the guidelines laid out from Watcher and Eryxon.

    We have also introduced CoreCoins which can give you an advantage here at OwnedCore, especially as a trader, where you can create premium threads so you can receive Trade feedback and have your thread highlighted in the trade forums. CoreCoins can also be used to change your username or add a username glow, plus much more.

    We also have great plans for 2014 and I will give you a little teaser for it here even though some of you have seen it, as you have been beta testers.



    Latest highlighted

    Categories (so far)

    We are still working on it so it may take some time, but we hope that you will assist us in tweaking our achievement system so it can be a nice addition to OwnedCore.

    Have a wonderful New Year’s Eve and take care.

    See you on the flipside

    On behalf of the OwnedCore staff
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. cloudstrife007's Avatar
      cloudstrife007 -
      "Happy New Year 2013" .. I think you mean 2014?