
  • Xbox 180 bringing MMOs to console?

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    A while ago we* wrote about the DRM policies Microsoft had put on their new console. We weren't overly positive about their new approach and apparently neither was the general gaming community because yesterday Microsoft announced that they'll be making a 180 when it comes to their DRM “as a result of feedback from the Xbox community."

    “After a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One,” Xbox executive Don Mattrick wrote in a blog post, “you can play any disc based game without ever connecting online again. There is no 24 hour connection requirement and you can take your Xbox One anywhere you want and play your games, just like on Xbox 360.” Mattrick added that Xbox One would be region-free; any Xbox One disc would function in any Xbox One console.

    In addition to that, Mattrick wrote, players will be able to “trade-in, lend, resell, gift, and rent disc based games just like you do today. There will be no limitations to using and sharing games, it will work just as it does today on Xbox 360.”

    Although this might all sound like good news there is a slight problem with their not-so-new approach to DRM. Game discs have to stay in the xbox in order to be able to play them and downloadable games cannot be shared. This basically means that they're continueing the Xbox 360's approach to DRM.

    So what does this mean for MMOs? We hope that game developers will look at the new generation of consoles and see a possibility of bringing MMO games to the living rooms of millions of households. Now the Xbox One can be seen as a respected console again we might see more developers take the dive into the MMO world. We saw Diablo 3 move to consoles so who knows! Maybe we'll see project Titan become a console-based MMORPG. All we know is that the next few months/years are going to be very exciting for gamers and game developers. What do you want to see on the new consoles? And do you like the changes Microsoft made?

    *The OwnedCore newsteam does not hold the same opinions as the site itself. Any opinions given in this article are the opinions of the writer, not of OwnedCore.
    Comments 6 Comments
    1. nazgul111's Avatar
      nazgul111 -
      I dont like they are bringing mmos to consoles alltogether, at least pc gamers had mmos exclusively so far, bringing mmos to consoles means pc gaming wont be an option in near future:/
    1. Fisher's Avatar
      Fisher -
      Quote Originally Posted by nazgul111 View Post
      I dont like they are bringing mmos to consoles alltogether, at least pc gamers had mmos exclusively so far, bringing mmos to consoles means pc gaming wont be an option in near future:/
      It's a good thing. I'm not going to talk about my love for controllers here, because lets face it only rts games should be plaid with mouse and keyboard, but the user base. Ever tried playing an mmo at 4 am? Its hard to find a party. Company that has pc/xbox/ps mmo will get rich very soon but will have to justify it's existence to players, as it may very well go broke just as fast if it doesn't offer good quality and addictive game-play. Now imagine this:

      - they make cross-platform mmo
      - they include mobile devices (maybe not for full game-play, but a few features)
      - they remove all US/EU stuff and make it worldwide.

    1. JD's Avatar
      JD -
      Quote Originally Posted by Fisher View Post
      It's a good thing. I'm not going to talk about my love for controllers here, because lets face it only rts games should be plaid with mouse and keyboard, but the user base. Ever tried playing an mmo at 4 am? Its hard to find a party. Company that has pc/xbox/ps mmo will get rich very soon but will have to justify it's existence to players, as it may very well go broke just as fast if it doesn't offer good quality and addictive game-play. Now imagine this:

      - they make cross-platform mmo
      - they include mobile devices (maybe not for full game-play, but a few features)
      - they remove all US/EU stuff and make it worldwide.

      RTS, MOBA, anything that requires mouse accuracy tbh
    1. Jaerin's Avatar
      Jaerin -
      Or how about FPS? I know there are a lot of people who play with controllers, but the reality is they just use the auto-aim crutch.

      Mouse and keyboard is not a bad input even though the console companies think that it is. The problem is it doesn't work on a couch, but the reality is that people aren't going to play split screen for games like that anyways. So either people will sit and watch someone else play or play a game that does work with multiple people on the same screen.

      Consoles are not all bad, but they aren't the revolution of gaming anymore. They aren't even the drivers of innovation anymore.
    1. Fisher's Avatar
      Fisher -
      Quote Originally Posted by Jaerin View Post
      Or how about FPS? I know there are a lot of people who play with controllers, but the reality is they just use the auto-aim crutch.

      Mouse and keyboard is not a bad input even though the console companies think that it is. The problem is it doesn't work on a couch, but the reality is that people aren't going to play split screen for games like that anyways. So either people will sit and watch someone else play or play a game that does work with multiple people on the same screen.

      Consoles are not all bad, but they aren't the revolution of gaming anymore. They aren't even the drivers of innovation anymore.
      Modern FPS not as much. This is a bit hard to explain, for instance, Counter Strike 1.6 is literally all about your accuracy, however BF3 is not that much. I played PC edition with an xbox controller just fine, since it's about vehicles, tactics etc and not as much about accuracy. It does help, but it's not crucial. A player who can fly a plane doesn't need to know how to shoot a gun =)

      I don't think mouse and keyboard are bad, but they getting old. It's much much more intuitive to play with a motion controller (such as hydra) or with a gamepad, when you move the analog faster, you move faster, when you move it slower you move slower. Much more natural =)
    1. dragonslayer667's Avatar
      dragonslayer667 -
      when you move the analog faster, you move faster, when you move it slower you move slower. Much more natural =)

      lol really if thats a must have feature then turn on mouse acceleration then it will move based on the speed you move it at.

      RTS, MOBA, anything that requires mouse accuracy tbh

      totaly agrre so many things are improved with mouse accuracy instead of freaking auto aim