
  • ShadowBot 3 day free pass

    Good Friday everybody, I have some, hopefully, great news for you. I have, once again, managed to convince the creators of ShadowBot and PocketGnome to offer our members a free 3 day trial to their bot for windows ShadowBot.

    You will have FULL access to the current version of ShadowBot as well as the ALPHA release of the ShadowBot Quester.

    This Friday, the 11th of January we can offer you a 3day pass to the popular World of Warcraft bot “Shadowbot” and the ALPHA release of ShadowBot Quester, from the creators of PocketGnome.

    We hope that you like this offer and that you are able to use it to your full advantage.

    A review of ShadowBot can be seen here if you don’t know what ShadowBot is.

    Here are the details that works with and ShadowBot and ShadowBot Quester ALPHA release - enjoy
    Login: oc3daypass
    password = happynewyears
    Comments 7 Comments
    1. Jokur's Avatar
      Jokur -
      Hey there folks! If you have any questions or need some help, please post on the Shadowbot forums and we will get right back to you!

    1. kjarlot's Avatar
      kjarlot -
      Don't have permission to see the profiles. Don't really see how we're supposed to use it if we can't download profiles, as the bot DL doesn't include any.
    1. Jokur's Avatar
      Jokur -
      We are trying to figure out why the forums are not letting some people download, but others can. There are people using the 3day right now.

      BTW - When you mention profiles, are we talking about the routes etc ?

      Also, you do need to create a forum account to see all of the sections

      Hit me up on the forums if your still having a problem kjarlot

    1. Bastosa's Avatar
      Bastosa -
      for some reason it just sits on the logging in, please wait.. screen forever
    1. codys16's Avatar
      codys16 -
      yea I sit on logging in for ever.. please help. I dont wanna waste time
    1. saproth66's Avatar
      saproth66 -
      Where is the DL link???
    1. thepieisonfire's Avatar
      thepieisonfire -
      The value of “What do you think adding 3 to 7 (but adding 4 more and 7 don't do) gives you?” is too large, a maximum value of 10 is allowed.

      This makes soooo much sense....................... not