
  • Appear offline on - feature long awaited by botters?

    Have you ever thought "darn, my friends keeps bugging me while I'm bottling, but If I change my status to DND other players can notice what I'm doing"? Well... You probably won't have to worry about that anymore!
    Blizzard has just announced new feature named "Appear Offline", which haven't been fully described yet (Blizzard will share more details in upcoming months), but the name of this feature pretty much speaks for itself.

    What we know for sure at this moment is that "Appear Offline" function will allow you to... well - appear offline (to your friends) and will work across World of Warcraft, Diablo 3 and Starcraft II.

    The difference between this feature and regular "do not disturb" is crucial, because if you set your status to DND you automatically look suspicious to other players cause of the tag next to your name (DND), while Appear Offline function will likely only affect how your real I.D. / battle.tag friends can see you on their friends list.

    The only question is: what does this sentence means: "We’ll share more information on the availability of this new feature in the months ahead" - perhaps Blizzard is aware of the advantage that botters can take of this feature and want to implement some security system? Or perhaps they don't care that much about the botters and just want to test this feature before releasing?

    What is your opinion, do you think this feature will be useful for botters, or maybe blizzard will do something to prevent abusing this function?
    Make sure to let us know what You think in a comment!

    Original new here:
    “Appear Offline” Option Coming Soon to - Diablo III
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Appear offline on - feature long awaited by botters? started by HI5 View original post
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. Lysolfs's Avatar
      Lysolfs -
      Well, this was possible already by blocking the port over which the communicates, at least this was the case for WoW.
      But it's nice to get a legitimate way to do this.
    1. mwatson2's Avatar
      mwatson2 -
      This was a huge issue for me when I would snipe the neutral AH. Cross-realm players could add me to their friend's list and either come kill me, or choose not to trade so long as I was online. Would have killed for this feature a year ago!!!
    1. Clovian's Avatar
      Clovian -
      Doesn't provide a huge advantage to botters. Most people that report botters see them out in the actual landscape botting, friends usually don't. And if you are worried about your friends reporting you, you can always remove them.
    1. bloodraw08's Avatar
      bloodraw08 -
      You need to reformat the header image btw