
  • "Idk if epic troll or..."

    Have you ever thought "god I hate Exploiters", "it's disgusting!", or maybe even "we need to nerf this game more!" - well, we think that too! so as the author of this 100% true post from the Blizzard forums. Read this, and help him with his crusade to make games even better then they are now!

    First, thank you for addressing so many of the important issues in this patch. After playing a couple of quests tonight, however, I've realized that the fight against exploiters will never truly be won.

    • DPS is still way out of control - in some cases I've even seen players kill certain monsters before they were killed themselves
    • People are still taking advantage of skills with unintended effects such as increased survival, damage output, and situation control
    • There are several chests that continue to drop gold when opened; there are also still other, more nefarious means of gold farming, such as killing enough monsters that you actually MAKE more gold than your repairs cost
    • I personally witnessed an incident where a player found a yellow item, and when they identified it, it had stats that could be exploited to increase their combat effectiveness - for the class they were playing at the time.
    • Some gear seen on vendors still had stats other than Vitality that could, in the hands of an insidious agent, theoretically be employed toward the end of making combat easier (less dying, and in extreme cases, more killing)
    • Bosses are still able to be killed by players - I don't have screenshots to prove this, but it is happening. Hopefully your data analysis can pick it up.
    • Some bosses and rares are failing to properly spam stun, wall, poison, set afire, teleport into pools of acid, knockback, slow, and freeze players simultaneously while they teleport-kite the player at supersonic speed, carpeting every square inch of the zone with toxic ooze and letting their invulnerable minions with boss powers one- and two-shot us.
    • I personally was able to set up a bizarre configuration in the auction house search panel where I could find items with specific stats and also be able to sort them in a way that was not effectively random.
    • A friend of mine told me they were playing with some person earlier who - and I'm just the messenger here - seemed like they might be having fun while playing the game. I don't know how true this is, but if it's even a possibility, god help us all.

    I'm just trying to do my part to ensure this kind of disgusting and cowardly behavior gets stamped out as soon as possible. If there's anything I hate in a game, it's feeling like I'm getting more powerful and that my time and efforts are culminating in some kind of... /shudder... progression. I'm in this for the frustration and disappointment, 100%, and I stand behind you with every patch that brings us closer to those ideals.

    Keep up the great work.
    This post is of course just a troll (or maybe not) and we hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did

    link to the original post: Many exploits remain after 1.03 - Forums - Diablo III
    This article was originally published in forum thread: "Idk if epic troll or..." started by HI5 View original post
    Comments 10 Comments
    1. xcrossover25x's Avatar
      xcrossover25x -
      I didn't even smirk, really not that funny at all
    1. skatermark420's Avatar
      skatermark420 -
      I got mad reading this lol
    1. blackbloc's Avatar
      blackbloc -
      This guy is obviously being sarcastic. and i actually agree with him 100%. blizz is messing everything up.
    1. Cenny's Avatar
      Cenny -
      Stupid. $
    1. seafunk's Avatar
      seafunk -
      brilliant, i laffed and agree to most of what he says.
    1. mit's Avatar
      mit -
      I lol'd :-)
    1. blackbloc's Avatar
      blackbloc -
      Quote Originally Posted by xcrossover25x View Post
      I didn't even smirk, really not that funny at all
      read this again your not understanding
    1. Thetruecrow's Avatar
      Thetruecrow -
      I'd hit it.
    1. aznegg's Avatar
      aznegg -
      how can ppl not find it hilarious?
    1. Veritable's Avatar
      Veritable -
      My favorite was:

      • Some bosses and rares are failing to properly spam stun, wall, poison, set afire, teleport into pools of acid, knockback, slow, and freeze players simultaneously while they teleport-kite the player at supersonic speed, carpeting every square inch of the zone with toxic ooze and letting their invulnerable minions with boss powers one- and two-shot us.

      lol it's so true in a sarcastic sense. Difficult Boss Mechanics shouldn't require a Mythic level. I think they should change the numbers of boss hits to percentages for April Fools.

      Bosses now hit for 15% of the targets HP with melee strikes.
      Boss mechanic abilities now deal 80% damage for direct damage, and 30% damage for damage over time spells, and any Area of Effect damage that is avoidable is insta-gib.