• The Ultime Premade BG Leader Guide(Long but Good)


    Most of you are more than capable of leading very good premades. Yet, most of you are also hesitant to lead them. This is for many various reasons, but I would say mostly for the following: fear of failing, feeling unprepared, and an overall feeling of inexperience. This is OK! I too felt the exact way you guys once did when I first started leading them. That is why this guide is being written, so that you will hopefully gain enough confidence to take that leap of faith and lead one yourself. I guarantee that if you read and follow this guide thoroughly, you will have the confidence necessary to lead others into battle!

    Remember this, that the strategies I will give you DO work and have worked for years, but they are not the end all of strategies, and this is not a perfect guide. Why? Because, these strats have evolved and adapted over the years and they will continue to evolve and get better and adapt as new counter strategies are developed. Therefore, don't be afraid to take what you can out of this guide, agreeing/disagreeing about strats. The key is this--add your own flare to the strategies, and most importantly, quickly adapt new techniques to the ever changing counter tactics out there.

    There is a minimal amount of prep needed to lead

    1) Microphone (Headset)
    2) Vent/Teamspeak You can Use
    3)Preform AV enabler addon (latest version)
    ~~ I will explain later WHY this addon is necesarry(For AV and IOC).


    1) Deadly Boss Mods Battlegrounds addon
    ~Since most people already have DBM I suggest this. Any lightweight BG timer addon is fine.

    2) Group o Matic addon
    ~~This addon rearranges your raid groups into the exact same Raid group order they existed in BEFORE you entered the Battleground(as battleground assigns groups just in order of entry). This is useful so exact group assignments and strats can be setup BEFORE getting into a BG, and that way you, as a BG leader can call out So, setup the groups exactly the way you like them, SAVE the group, then enter the battleground, get lead passed to you, then click "LOAD" and it will auto rearrange them back. *WARNING* This only works in 10 or 15 man BGs... for whatever reason the server can't handle the instant rearrange in a 40 man group, so don't try it in AV or IOC or it will D/C you.


    Why am I talking about this first rather than some fundamental BG strats? Well, you may be a complete WOW PVP guru. You may know the coefficients used for every class and spec to determine max dps. You may have 10 lvl 80s and have played to Gladiator status on all of them... BUT, the reality is, if you cannot interact with people well, you cannot be a good leader. Let me just throw out some simple things you can do to improve your personal leadership capacity.

    I once heard this when I was younger and it changed my life...

    "Life is like a dogsled team, if you aren't the lead dog, the scenery never changes."

    One might think that leading in WOW has nothing to do with being a leader in the real world, but I can tell you they are largely mistaken. This is an opportunity for you to step up to the plate and refine some of your skills and discover talents that you have that you may not have realized. This is a time to take that leap of faith in yourself and step up as a leader. I am certain you can do it, now YOU just need to believe that you can do it. Some people may think this sounds dumb, but the reality is that learning to be organized, delegating responsibilities, quick decision making, and people interactions are all things that you get out of this that are parallel to leadership skills in the real world.

    I have come up with a few steps that will assist you in being a good leader for a premade BG.


    This is the most important part of leading a battleground, and in general, just being a leader. You must be confident that your team has what it takes to win. You must be confident that you have what it takes as a leader to get them to that win. Be confident in your decisions in the battleground. A premade leader is never 100% right all the time; no one is, but be confidant that generally what you are telling people to do is the right thing. If the teams sees you as confident, it spreads and they too will share your confidence. Keep this in mind, Confidence is NOT the same thing as Cockiness. Avoid being arrogant and cocky, as many people mistake these things as being confidant.

    If you are not confidant in your abilities to lead what will happen is if you organize the group, other people will sense this and others will start shouting out orders and taking control... And, if you don't have the confidence in your decisions that you should, you will prob just go along with them and no longer actually be the leader, you'll just be the guy that got some people together to PVP, nothing more. Read this guide and start some of your own premades. You will win some games and you will be amazed how much your timid confidence changes into full-blown knowledge in your own abilities.


    Speak Clearly and try to get to the point as quick as possible. Remember, a premade is all about the team, so remind them to communicate with each other as often as possible about what is going on. Remind them to not just say "INCOMING" but to say how many are incoming to their location. That way, you don't have 5 people go help defend something when only 1 person was incoming. Do not be afraid to call a "CLEAR VENT" if it is getting too noisy or if you notice a priority that people need to all hear asap. Be calm, have fun, and don't yell in vent.

    This may also be a personal preference, but I would strongly recommend against the use of excessive vulgar language, etc... A swear or two is not a big deal here or there, but when you are a person that cannot communicate without expletives in every sentence or every other sentence, you start to sound less intelligent, really. Some people want to be in "mature" environments or guild, but this can mean two different things. For some it means being in a guild they can be vulgar in without anyone caring, but for others, being mature means NOT using "immature expletives and childish language." I say, sound intelligent, avoid the swearing -- This is my opinion.

    ~~~~~Vent BG Leader Etiquitte

    One thing I have heard before is this, "How do you keep vent from getting out of control with so many people in it." Well, it's actually quite simple, but I will give you a few tips...

    First and foremost, vent is here so you can have simple communication with your teammates, but it is also a great place to have fun, tell jokes, funny stories, etc... As the BG leader, you are going to kind of be the moderator of vent. The key is to setup some guidelines in vent for general proper usage, and this is up to you.

    Usually what I say in vent is this, "Hey everyone, thanks for coming! We are going to have a lot of fun today! But, I do want to remind us all to keep vent under control. Please, only 1 person talk at a time. If I call for a 'Clear Vent,' please do so. Thanks guys!"

    Anyway, you should be able to say that in your own way. Don't be afraid to tell people that their mic is too loud or too quiest. Don't be afraid to tell people to clear vent, and if people are getting a little out of control, just gently remind them to focus on the BG and overall that you guys are just together to have fun.

    Remember, some people out there are ragers in vent, some are calm, and some feel like they are so smart that everyone should know that... you have to be able to handle all of these personalities. If someone is screaming in vent or raging against another person, call out a clear vent and just remind the raid to calm down, have fun, and please no more raging. If you ever get anyone in vent that spams some stupid loud scream sound byte... IP BAN them... You don't want immature people like that in your premade anyway.

    You have to remember, if it annoys you, it probably annoys the other people in your raid, yet they are not saying anything cause YOU are the BG leader. So, just handle it quickly and people will be more happy and confidant in you lol


    NEVER, and I really mean never rage on your teammates, and never single people out. Trust me, if you want to lead premades in the future and you want people to join yours, then be calm, enjoy the game, and NEVER RAGE! If you failed, you failed as a team, and it was not an individual who failed. Show your team that respect and they will respect and appreciate you more as a result. Bitterness or talking behind someone's back, or directly raging in vent are ways to get a scarlet letter on yourself and make people do their best to avoid your premades. I remember a guy back in the Burning Crusade days that ran premades on the same server as my guild and I, yet people flocked to my premades and not his. There is a reason why people flocked to our premades and away from his. It's because he screamed, yelled, and raged against people, even though they were mostly winning. The guy was a tool. If I said I was starting a premade the same time he did... he got no one to join his.

    There is nothing worse than a leader who whines and yells and singles people out by name and calls them bad. That is not how great leaders handle it, that is how bad leaders handle things. Not only is it rude and unproductive, it reflects upon their quality as a leader and kills the desire people might have to join their groups.

    It is OK to be disappointed and acknowledge that your premade group did bad. It is OK to say "WE" could've done better, or to say "WE" did this wrong, or "WE" need to improve <THIS> . Even my premades have lost before, though it is rare. It just usually means WE were being lazy. Are there times you might feel like you are carrying someone in your premade? Sure, but that 1 person isn't the reason you lost a game. Just step up, be a leader, and improve.

    Do your best to be DECENT, HUMBLE, GRATEFUL for your teammates hard work, and be EXCITED to keep improving and doing well. Don't be shy to throw out multiple compliments on the teams. Shout them out during the game, after the game, etc. It is OK to single people out in compliments in vent/chat and it is fantastic to constantly say things like, "Awesome job everyone, keep it up!" As a leader, don't just say compliments to say them, cause people can know if you are a BSr lol -- MEAN them!

    Remember this one saying in life (I use this also in the way I handle raising my kids in RL). Use it with the team too and individual members who might need some help.
    "Praise in Public, Reprimand in Private"


    The battleground is always changing and even though you may have started with a plan, the opposing faction may have caught on to that plan and therefore you need to adjust. Don't sit back and wait, make decisions fast! In a battleground like Arathi Basin, making quick decisions to get people to counter on another team if they zerg a node and take it before you got D there is a decision that needs to be made in seconds. You really have less than a minute to counter. Remember, facing against other premades(especially come rated BGs) you will need to be dynamic in your choices. Try to think ahead and anticipate what needs to be done or what the other team might do. You cannot just react to what they do. Put yourself in their shoes and try to guess what they might do next. Remember, YOU are the leader now and people are listening to you. You cannot sit back and WAIT for things to happen.

    My win % on my battlegroup is over 80%(It's about 50/50 Horde/Alliance), and that is not just from premades(My premade win% is like 99% lol), I have a large amount of random groups I join. Statistcally on my toon I have over 2300 BGs since WOTLK came out under my belt. Why is my win % so high compared to avg.? It is because I take initiative in the Battleground and I shouted out strats and orders and predictions as well as I could and hoped people would listen. You know what, often they did. This is much easier to do in a premade than in a pug obviously. BE QUICK TO ADJUST AND COUNTER!

    Being a Good Leader CONCLUSION

    This is the core of what is necessary to lead premades. Yes, there are other things that you will need to lead premades too, but with all of the practical strats and macros, if you don't have some basics in BG leadership they won't help. Do you still want to lead? Well, then keep reading. The following sections will be more of the logistical setups of leading a premade.


    Remember, just because you are in a premade doesn't mean that it is instant easy mode. Some battlegrounds, like WSG, are extremely competitive and often the best players on both sides will be found there. Just because you have a premade, if you roll into that battleground without a solid team composition you may have a tough time. Also, that alt of yours that just hit 80 would probably be more suited grinding honor in random BGs than joining a premade WSG.


    While gear is not the most important thing in PVP, skills are, it is impossible to deny the complete advantage that better gear has. I mean, no matter how skilled you are, if you run into a BG with zero resilience, that noob rogue will sneak up on you and still rape you in 2 seconds. So, the question is, where are you putting the bar for your PVP team? This is something that is 100% YOUR decision to make.

    If you want to be a very competitive PVP team than have requirements in gear, orf you are just doing this together with a bunch of friends in the guild, it is purely your call. Maybe you are a new team and you all want to get geared up together, then adjust your requirements, and so on. What you CANNOT do is this, require that all the members of the team are in full Wrathful, yet you are not. The BEST leaders are the ones who lead by example. If you are only making a premade to get yourself carried, then people will see your gear, see the requirements, and get pissed/leave/troll you.

    Also... if you want to have say, a minimum resil requirement, remember, resil is more essential to some classes than others. Also, you can say 1000 minimum resil requirement to get in, and end up inviting people in crap Tier 7 Deadly gear. Be specific, say you want people with at least Wrathful/Relentless.

    2. # OF HEALERS

    The most important characters in a BG are the HEALERS!!! Healers win Battlegrounds. I generally have the strategy of securing a bare minimum of at least 1 healer per group of 5. Though, if I can get more I will do it. Be careful though, I wouldn't say having 7 healers in WSG is the best strategy as you won't have the dps to kill anyone, even though you will never die lol. Be smart about it and get the right amount. Here is what I generally go by (Also remember, not all healers are equal, mix up the classes):

    WSG = 2-3 heals
    AB/EOTS = 3-4 heals
    SOTA = 2 heals (This BG seems to work well with more dps, I just have one healer for each side of the beach at docks)
    AV/IOC = 1 healer per group minimum. These BGs are fantastic for heals. If I had my way I would actually go 2 healers per group. BUT, 1 healer really is the minimum.

    I also find it to be very prudent to use Raid marks on your healers, so that way everyone in the BG can keep tabs on their healers at all times and keep them safe.


    This is going to depend on the competitiveness of your team. If you are just getting together for a few hours for some premade fun, it is not going to be as essential. So, just grab whichever DPS is available that you know is good and geared.

    But, if you are on a team that is trying to be extremely competitive and move up the ranks in a Rated BGs, you will need to be more specific. In other words, if you grab ALL melee as your dps in a team with zero casters, once you start getting to some higher ranks this may not fly. Mix things up... Get your frost mage for slowing, your DK for shackling... your rogue for ganking, etc... The composition will vary depending on the BG of course, and though this will not be as strict and comp dependent as say Arena might be, it will still be important to mix the classes up. Again, every season there are always exploitable classes that are OP, so don't be afraid to stack this. Currently Spriests, Locks, Mages, and H pallys are extremely powerful... This is just a fun bonus to get classes like this, not essential. Have some fun with the comps, but just remember, it is not that important as it is in Arena and you can prob get by with a hundred different variations of teams.


    When Cataclysm is Released I will Update to include the New BGs as Well

    I want to reiterate what I said at the beginning. The strategies that I present to you here are fairly Common and well-known, with maybe a few slight tweaks. Also, they are not the end-all of strategies. You must realize that the opposing factions are constantly coming up with counter tactics so your strats, over time, need to be adjusted to counter them. Take what you can from these and adjust them to your liking...


    This is my personal favorite BG. Why? Well, it is a pure PVP battleground. There are no vehicle gimmicks, or fighting NPCs like in AV, or bombing in IOC. It is fairly an often occurence to get into 1v2 or 1v1 fights. Being a long-time PVPr, I look forward to these moments. Also, it is MUCH easier to organize a team of 10 players and manage them than the 15+ larger BGs. Also, if you are seeking out other premades to fight against, there is almost always some premade WSG to go against whilst in other BGs they usually end up as face roll against puggers... FUN, but not nearly as rewarding.

    **Ensure that your chosen Flag Carrier is well geared(doesn't have to be a druid or a tank). An ICC 25 heroic geared tank is always helpful. But, remember, the most important factor in PVP is something we call "effective health." Before they hot-fixed resilience after patch 4.0.1 hit, I had stacked my character up to a little over 2000 resil (gems/enchats and ALL PVP gear). I even put on that weak Darkmoon Faire 100 resil Chaos trinket, just for the boost. Guess what!? I only lost about 15% damage, but my damage reduction was at 88% and my effective health was nearly 300,000HP. Resilience also boosts the effectiveness of heals on a character. So, I had cheap heals I could use on myself that would crit for 25kHP lol. I was soloing 10 vs 1. The biggest hits on me were maybe 500 damage, but most stuff was like 100 damage. Blizz has since hotfixed the damage reduction down by about 25%, and capped it at 60%, so it is not quite as OP, but no matter what anyone tells you, Resil > stacking HP gems. -- JUST MAKE SURE YOUR FC HAS VERY GOOD PVP GEAR or they will die fast. Don't just look at their HP and say they will be fine...**

    STRAT #1

    This is known as the "Brute Force" Method. This is done based purely on the power of your team. This also will give you a fighting chance if your team is still working on gearing up. Essentially, the key to this working is that all 10 of you stay together at all times. You leave zero people on defense. As soon as the game starts, you go and grab the flag together. DO not hit the opposing team, and do not stop to rape the rogue at the hut. JUST RIDE TO THE FLAG ROOM TOGETHER! You can go up the side ramp or the tunnel, but I recommend coming back down the tunnel cause it puts you right in the middle of the field.

    This part is critical: HIT THEIR TEAM HEAD ON ON THE RETURN. Since you had no one on Defense, they will have your flag. Basically, you make sure your team saves all their big CDs, Bloodlust, etc., then go straight for the other team. STAY STACKED UP! As soon as you hit them, drop a couple battlestandards, Bloodlust, and Burn their team down. Always remember, if they have a few healers, just slow the FC and burn the healers down asap first. If you really want to play at a pro level, then call out CCs on the healers not being burned and focus fire the 1 healer you are burning, while making sure their FC is stunned/slowed, and then quickly move to each healer repeating the above method.

    This is YOUR job as the BG leader to try and look for the healers early and call them out. (TIP: Check the in-game damage/healing BG meters and you can quickly find who other team's healers are).If you see a weak FC then just burn him down right away. You can also make the call to just burn the FC and CC healers... This is why PVP is so great, you have many options on how to get the job done!

    Anyway, SPAM CLICK for the flag if the FC is about to drop it, then roll over them and cap the flag. Do the exact same thing 2 more times. If you are looking for a speed run, follow this strategy, but go and meet them in the field with 9 people, leaving a stealthed class in the opposing faction's Flag room. As soon as flag spawns after your team caps, he can quickly grab the flag and run it to the team who is already making their way back up the field.

    THINGS CAN GET HECTIC!!! Always remind your team to stay together. This is very intimidating to other teams.

    Anyway, I use this macro for this strat...

    /bg Everyone Plz go and do the following:
    /bg GET FLAG TOGETHER! Stay stacked.
    /bg Kill them on the way back, run past for now.
    /bg Focus their healers first and protect ours.

    STRAT #2

    This one I don't enjoy as much, but you can have fairly good success with it, and some people swear by it being the best strategy. lol What you do is have 8-9 teammates zerg the opposing team in the very beginning. You hit them head on, BL, and stop them from making it to your flag room. While you do this, you send 1-2 players around the edge of the map to go get the flag. They grab and run it back while you are busy stopping the other team. The whole time your team pretty much sits in the mid-field except for the Flag Carrier and maybe a healer following the FC. Why? Well, there is the idea that he who controls the mid-field of WSG controls the game.

    An advantage of this strategy is that it can be very demoralizing for the other team to get raped so hard in the very beginning of battleground that enough of their players give up, making the rest of the BG a faceroll. The disadvantage of this strategy is that there is always a chance your 1-2 guys that go to get flag get wrecked by 1-2 the other team left on Defense. Most of the time you will do fine, but this is just something to think about. Also, it is common to be trolled and accused of being a noob if you are fighting in the mid-field of WSG the whole game lol. I think you only become noob status with this strat if you are not even attempting to grab the flag (unless of course you are HK farming).


    This is another pure PVP battleground. It's kind of funny how the two most popular battlegrounds in the game(WSG/AB) are also some of the original ones. This battleground has a few different strategies, but I am only going to go over the key things you need to know and deal with as a BG leader.


    5-caping in AB is the ultimate goal, and you will find that it is often quite easy in premades. But, when you face a competitive team, Arathi Basin is won by Defense, with a little clever ninjaing mixed in.

    If you go up against another premade that is very good, it will be extremely challenging to successfully 4, let alone 5 cap the opposing team whilst still being able to hold your own nodes. So, bear in mind that the ultimate goal of a premade is to win, but to do that, you must always have at least 3 flags capped. With that in mind, if you are coming from the Horde side, the LM,BS, and FARM are the 3 easiest to defend. Why? If they are going to be attacked, they are so close together it is easy to get reinforcements there. For Alliance it is ST,BS, and Mine(LM also not bad either). I gurantee you will not always have these 3 right off the bat, just be aware if the game is getting tough and you are trading off nodes, aim to acquire these 3 and turtle hard.

    Make sure this happens: When people call out incomings, make sure they don't just say there is "INCOMING AT FARM." If that is all the information you get, it is difficult to form a quick efficient counter. What if it was only 2 that were inc, but 10 defenders go and zerg it? Well, a good opposing team will have a great opportunity to steal one of your nodes. If someone is calling incomings, make sure they do it VERY early and make sure they say how many, like "3-4 coming LM." Clarify this.

    Another important thing you need to do is make sure there are always counters happening. If you can see that the opposing faction is all running down to another node and they left only one person on D, well make sure you get your Defense team there quick to counter their attack, but try to call out 2 close-by people to go ninja the node the team all just left asap. You HAVE TO BE QUICK in these decisions and calls because all it takes is 1-2 to rez back at that node and give backup to the 1 defender if you don't kill them and cap fast enough. This means that you really have just a 30 second to 1 min time window to get in there quick and take it. If you want to be a great BG leader, you will see these opportunities and not even waste 5 seconds to act on them.

    Another important issue to deal with as the BG leader is f you lose a node, and the opposing team has defended their new node hardcore... STOP ATTACKING IT. It is Futile to just keep rushing in and dying to their 12 man zerg team. Send like maybe 2-3 people in to keep em distracted, but quickly counter with the rest of the team on a different node. Again, this is all about SPEED SPEED SPEED. Don't make this call after the 5th time your team has wiped trying to retake your node. Do it BEFORE even the first wipe. You can tell that your teammates are dying, so quickly setup the counter and implement it before the other team has time to counter it.

    ARATHI BASIN SINS(Remind your team of these things if they are straying):
    1) Leaving a node undefended(Best to always have at least 2... this protects against double stealth ganking).
    2) Fighting on the road rather than the flag

    Arathi Basin is such a fast moving BG that you as a BG leader should have your map button at easy access. There is the feature to minimize the map, so when you look at it it only takes up part of your screen. You will need this a lot to keep an eye on where your teammates are.


    This is the macro I use...For Horde

    /bg Each group listed please take and hold the following:
    /bg Group 1: LM
    /bg Group 2: BS
    /bg Group 3: Mine
    /bg REMEMBER to always FIGHT ON THE FLAG. Give Backup if no conflict at your node.

    1)Make sure you have an ele shaman/boomkin or two in the LM team as blasting people off the edge has led us to many easy victories lol.

    2)Also, if you are trying for a fast 5 cap, like a 1600-0 win, then get 2 people, like 1 from BS team and 1 from Mine team, to hit ST right away. I find the best way is to get water walking on one, riding a two passenger mount, and then to ride low on the water between LM and BS. You often go unnoticed this way. Usually there is only 1 to zero defenders.



    People have mixed reactions about this battleground. I personally am a big fan of it. The problem that I have noticed the most with this battleground is the overall lack of any type of strategic thinking by players in it. Often the games just end up a mindless fight in the mid for the flag. This will help you change that mindset and help you understand what is necessary to have a very solid win, to which hopefully you can convey to your team.

    First thing that you MUST emphasize to your team is that the FLAG SUCKS! No, it doesn't completely suck, but you need to really beat this one in, as so many people that play EOTS do not understand this.

    Each claimed tower generates victory points for the controlling team. The more towers your team owns, the faster your team gains points

    * 1 tower controlled = 1 point/second
    * 2 towers controlled = 2 points/second
    * 3 towers controlled = 5 points/second
    * 4 towers controlled = 10 points/second

    Points from flag captures:

    * 1 towers controlled = 75 points
    * 2 towers controlled = 85 points
    * 3 towers controlled = 100 points
    * 4 towers controlled = 500 points

    STRAT #1 (Main Strat)

    The BEST strategy for winning, no matter what anyone else might tell you, is simply ignoring the flag and going for the towers. Your goal should be to get 3 towers. In other words:


    Why is this? If you cap 3 towers, you will be going up about 300 pts every 1 min, w/o touching the flag. If you only had 1 tower + 1 flag cap a minute it would only net about 135 pts (75+60). The other team could have 1 tower and be capping the flag from start to finish and not get enough points to come close to catching up.

    Your goal in the very beginning should be to get at least 3 towers... but push for 4.

    I use this macro when I play for Horde... just adjust it if you are ally:

    /bg Each group listed please take and hold the following:
    /bg Group 1: Push MT
    /bg Group 2: DR
    /bg Group 3: DR
    /bg REMEMBER to ONLY fight on the towers, ignore flag til 3 towers held!

    DO NOT STOP AT BET OR FR... 1 person can come back and cap after initial push for each side. Just push hard and get to the towers asap. Crusader aura is very helpful. One side you send heavy... leaving you a 50/50 chance of hitting their heavy force as well. If by chance the tower your small 5 man team is hitting is the one that has the most defenders, then just have people run to give them backup from the other tower. In other words, with this strat there were 10 sent to DR... if there ends up being only a few ally there, then don't dismount to kill them, leave 3-4 people there to finish them off, and the rest just keep riding to give backup to the other tower.

    This is an easy way to get an instant 4 cap, but sometimes you only get 3 if the other team is strong. The best part about this is that often the opposing team will get the flag, think they are awesome... but guess what, you have at least 3 towers, maybe even 4... and they have nowhere to cap it lol. It's an easy win from here. Just keep reminding people to call out incomings...

    STRAT #2 (Alternative)

    This is a strategy designed for playing against a stronger team... Often, when hitting them head on you have a good chance of not being able to push hard enough. Sometimes you are just with a group of people who are gearing up playing against a superior team. I often use this strat when I am in a random PUG group and facing a premade and I have had a lot of success.

    Essentially, 90% of the time premades do the same thing, they follow Strat #1 and whoever has the more powerful better PVPrs wins the fight. This often just ends up with 2 towers vs 2 towers and then a fight for the flag... this sucks.

    So, what you do instead is get the team to follow the EXACT same macro as strat 1, but instead... TELL THEM ALL TO RUN THROUGH MID. Yes, you sacrifice BET and FR... but you completely avoid all conflict and you easily cap the opposite side's towers. The only exception is that you have 1-2 people who are running through mid, grab the flag and bring it to a tower.
    DO NOT CAP IT. This only works obviously against another smart premade who you know is going to rush your towers and not some other team you are going to run into in the mid lol

    Now, you seem like you might be in a stale mate, each having 2 towers, but YOU have the flag, so the BG can go a couple different ways... It is possible that the opposing team might not be able to break your two tower posession. In this case, just hold on to the flag until you hit 1500 pts. Both of your teams will be tied, but your cap will gurantee and instant win and not give them time to cap a flag themselves.

    But, if they are just overpowering you, it is because they are leaving stuff undefended. Get a team of 2-3 to sneak around to the far opposite corner of where their team is hitting and start attacking their tower. This will have 2 possible results. One, you will not cap the tower because they other team fell back to D it, but this is a VERY GOOD THING. If they are on D, they are not on Offense. Or, they take your tower and you take theirs... it's a trade off. You just have to move fast and counter them. Remember, towers is how you win.

    Ideally, you will get to rely on strat #1, but again, this is backup strat for weaker teams.

    1) NEVER cap flag unless you know you have 100% control of the mid. Often, once you have 2 towers... the other team is so busy trying to cap your 2nd tower that you can literally have 1 flag runner going back and forth capping. This is OK.

    2) After initial push... DO NOT EVER IN THE GAME switch focus back to flag. Flag is a secondary goal 100% of the time, it will never be primary goal. Often, premades will get the 3 towers in the beginning, and then immediately shift focus to getting the flag and abandon all of their towers to have a noob fest in the mid for flag. Be on your toes and make sure your team avoids this at all costs.

    I like to use this macro once we get a little bit ahead:

    /bg Good Work so far everyone, keep it up!!!
    /bg REMEMBER: Call out Incomings Quickly!
    /bg Always fight ON the towers please!


    SOTA is one of the BGs that I like the least, but at the same time, this battleground can be a TON of fun in a premade. The strats are relatively simple and there really is only 1 good strat for Offense and Defense, so read up and perfect your skills.


    I pop this macro as soon as the game starts if we are on Defense:

    /bg EVERYONE: Hurry and get to the beach.
    /bg Need at least 1 gunner on each side.
    /bg Leave siege at 10% HP if not occupied.

    Make sure when people get to the beach they are spread out on each side and there is at least one healer on each side. I have heard people say this to me, "Cannons suck, I can do MORE DPS outside of cannons." That may be true, but in BGs, it never works that way. I ask them this, "How much DPS can you do when you are stunned? How much DPS can you do when silenced?" When you are in a cannon, you do 6-10k(damage scales with your gear) hits every 1.5 seconds without being interrupted. Just have 1 person on the cannon on each side as backup if the team against yours is CC heavy smart and you can't kill the tanks in time.

    The trick here is to burn down the initial push of tanks and kill off their team... Get a healer and a couple dps to the middle rez point on the beach to start camping the rezzors.

    As soon as new tanks spawn (or any the opposing team never hopped in) start DPSing them down. DO NOT KILL THE TANKS UNLESS THEY MOVE!!! This is the key to defending the beach without losing any walls. I have done this countless times for a full 10 minutes of defense with the walls taking zero damage. What you do is simply this, leave the tanks that are not occupied at roughly 10% HP. Careful with your dots so they don't finish em off. Why are we not killing? Because, if you kill a tank, it just re-spawns with FULL HP 30 seconds later. If you leave at 10% HP it stays there forever, and only as soon as someone hops in it, you can 1 shot it down. Then, just burn the new tank that respawns again down to 10% hp before another ally shows up.

    You only need maybe 1-2 people on each side watching the tanks, the rest can fall in to the center GY to camp the team rezzing(no gunners needed anymore at this point).

    If by chance they make a solid push in the beginning and get lucky on knocking a door down I pop this macro:

    /bg A Gate is down. FALL BACK TO 2nd GATE!
    /bg The rest stack up on the gys!
    /bg Protect GYs at ALL cost!

    Immediately Fall back to the second Walls. Again, get someone on the guns. Want to know a cool trick with the cannons? Well, the graveyard flags are within range of the cannons, so all you need to do is keep spamming your shot near the GY and the flag will be impossible to cap. It is kind of boring for the gunner, I know, but it allows the team to camp the doorway that fell. Whatever you do, DO NOT LET THEM GET GYs.


    As soon as I see that we are starting in the boats on Offense I pop this macro:

    /bg 1) Take ALL 4 siege to same announced gate.
    /bg 2) RANGE get in and PROTECT TANKS
    /bg 3) All Grab Bombs!!! No excuses
    /bg 4) SLOW, CC, Stun... keep em off tanks.

    You may feel like you want to announce which gate you want to hit right away, but don't! The thing is, what if you say "ATTACK THE BLUE GATE," but the opposing faction decided to all rush just one side. It happens. What you do is make the call AS YOU arrive at the docks, you have about a 5 second window to do this without wasting any. If you only see like 2-3 defenders on your side, call all the tanks to the gate on your side. If you see like 10 people attacking your side of the beach, it is obvious the best gate all 4 siege should attack is the other side. Be quick, be dynamic, and CALL FAST.

    Don't forget to have people grab seaforium bombs right way on the docks. It only takes 1 extra second to do it and you can grab them while mounted.

    If you have it, get 8 ranged classes to hop into the passenger positions on the demolishers. If you have less than 8, then make sure every person who is range is inside. Also, I recommend throwing on your highest DPS set of gear in the demo (could be your zero resil PVE set). While you are in a tank you can free cast and the other team cannot catch you.

    BUT!!!!!!!!! Your priority is NOT to kill them first. You really must communicate this well with your team. Your priority is to slow them and CC them off the tank first. Once they are off the tank, then burn them down and kill them. If you have a rogue running towards you and a hunter coming towards you, who do you kill first? The hunter, because he can range your tank. You can slow and CC melee classes, so take care of those range on you first.

    Engineers are kind of a fun bonus here as they can build a device that repairs vehicles for like 7.5k HP. Ya, it doesn't seem like much, but the funny thing though is in my PVP guild I'd say 75% of them are engineers, so we have had some close calls with tanks getting down to like 5kHP and then 8 guys zapping a tank at the same time and seeing it climb back up to 60k HP lol -- ENG FTW right? lol (Will prob be nerf'd in rated BGs I am sure.)

    If they are really putting up a tough fight, that is what seaforium is for. Always use it. I have, for fun, in several premades had the team not even touch the tanks and we all just bombed the doors with seaforium. Having 15 people running seaforium is impossible to disarm lol. We still got to the last relic within 4-5 minutes.

    When the First walls drop I usually post this macro:
    /bg GJ EVERYONE! NOW GY GY GY fast!!!
    /bg AVOID southern GY or we fail, SO STAY AWAY!
    /bg Keep grabbing bombs and bringing tanks. GG!

    From here you need to be careful that your team doesn't start going in one tank at a time. Regroup as many siege as you can again ASAP, then push up again. Make sure that range once again hop in the tanks. Shout out in vent, "Tanks are up, range hurry and get in them," etc..


    1) Do NOT cap the southern GY! Why? because, you will then rez far from your tanks, forcing you to run backwards to go get them, costing you precious time. Only exception is someone can cap if you know you are about to win and you want extra honor bonus.

    2) Remind them to keep running seaforium. In close matches, BOMBS are what wins. If you make it all the way to the final gate and they are turtling hard, just grab a bomb and bring it to this point... it STILL damages the wall even though you aren't near it. The opposing team will just think you are stupid and LOL at what you are doing... or at least scratch their heads a little lol. Enjoy your little SOTA exploit here


    This may seem odd to some, but this is one of my favorite battlegrounds. Some of the best times I have had playing World of Warcraft have been in Premade AVs. This one is also very dependent on your Battlegroup's que times if you will be able to Premade this or not as I will explain. Short ques means that it will be possible, and long ques mean no.

    Let me first say this, the KEY to winning in AV is having a strong D. Yes, you can always go and zerg it, but guess what... all the opposing factions needs is 1-2 smart players to wipe your zerg. How? As the tank rushes in just Cyclone the tank as a druid and BAM the boss with his guards runs around wiping everyone. Or, simple, just target a pet of any class (hunter/mage/lock/DK) and get that pet to chase you into boss' room prematurely pulling the boss and wiping the zerg team before they were ready. A good team will never lose to a zerg because of how easy it is to defend.

    Therefore, having a solid Defense is what wins...


    Ever wanted perfection? Well, there are a couple of ways to get it. This way in particular is my favorite because it is efficient, calculated, and can get you a perfection very quickly. Our fastest Premade BG record is an 11 minute perfection (This includes prep time, so really 9 min). That means that we capped all 4 towers, killed their mini boss and didn't lose anything on our side. We obviously killed their King General as well considering the game ended. I would say on average though, games last about 15-18 min. Perfection is pretty sick honor too.

    Alterac Valley is so large and there are so many people in it, that it will take quick thinking and dynamic decision making more than ever, or else you will see games last 45 minutes instead of 15 minutes.


    I have a macro setup for all 8 groups and I will go over each one's responsibilities:

    These groups I setup BEFORE ENTERING THE BG and this is clearly catered for Horde.

    /RW Look at what group you're in now!
    /raid 1 Choke, at all times [Traps,Flares,D&D,etc.]
    /raid 2 Main Galve Defenders [Fear Bombs/AOE]
    /raid 3 Choke/IBT/Galv backup, be Dynamic
    /raid 4 Defend first wave against Galv/Choke - Then hit IWB


    /raid 5 Kill Balinda then fall back to SHB [2 will go SHB asap]
    /raid <<Bloodlust Balinda>>
    /raid 6 Kill Balinda - Rush Aid Station
    /raid 7/8 Rush Rush Aid/Towers - turtle til caps

    This is where I will go over each group assignments one by one the first time. I will tell them all in vent, "Be patient, I am going to go over all of your responsibilities thoroughly one time, so next game we won't have to go into as much detail." I will say to them, "Remember, this strategy is only as good as you guys following it. STICK TO YOUR GROUP."

    I also spam this macro right before I explain the groups, and also maybe 1 more time as a reminder right before we officially que up... and this is VERY IMPORTANT because unlike the other BGs where you can use the "group-o-matic" addon to rearrange the teams how you had them outside the BG, your raid groups are going to be completely different in the BG. When you say "group 3 I need you here." You are NOT referring to the group that is in the BG, you are referring to the original raid group outside the BG.

    /rw This is CRITICAL!!! Please Read!
    /raid Remember the group # you are in now.
    /raid When we enter the BG your group will change.
    /raid PLZ follow instructions for THIS GROUP # ONLY
    /raid You can /p and ask if you forget.

    GROUP 1
    This is the choke team. For Horde, the choke point is just to the right of Iceblood Tower, to the left of IBGY. The reason it is called the choke is because the ONLY way for Alliance to get down south is through this narrow passageway. Stay stacked on this point. It is good to have people like Hunters(especially now with their permanent detect stealth up), DKs and mages for slowing, etc...

    GROUP 2
    This is the main Galve defense team. It is THEIR JOB to call out incomings on Galve before the team even gets in. I like to stack locks/spriests in this room, though other classes are viable. The reason why is because all they have to do is Fear Bomb and aoe... put them in the same group and have em /p and discuss the order of their fear bombs and they will rape.

    GROUP 3
    This should be a power comp... These people should all be very well geared and very good PVPrs... also, they should have their AV recall trinkets to base. Their main job is to Help defend galve if the 5 there are not enough (Which is always the case in first push), get back IBT, defend the choke if they are getting hit hard, and recap and clear out anyone that gets down south past the choke. This is a really fun team to be in.

    GROUP 4
    This team is mainly here for backup against the first push against Galve/choke in the beginning. They are also a 'dynamic' in-nature team. As a BG leader I usually put myself on this team because it brings me to Defense and Offense. The idea here is that you will help against the initial push against choke or Galve, clear them all out, then rush to IWB and turtle it asap. BUT, the trick here is this team is dynamic. What if SHB's 5 people are getting hit pretty hard, then rather than hit up IWB, go rush to give backup to SHB. Then, the 10 of you can go hit IWB together... This is a very fun team to be in.

    THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: Group 3&4 should not just rush inside of Galve's room in the very beginning... this is a bad idea. 9/10 times that opposing team will try to rush in and kill him asap, so you need to make sure you are all near him (hiding behind the trees or the wall just outside of Galve), but stay mounted. There is a chance they may try to zerg. In this case, the 5 people you have at Choke are going to get rolled. So, of you see no one heading to Galve, leave the 5 guys in group 2 to guard him, and RUSH FAST to defend the ally zerg to choke. If you ran inside of Galve's and the ally are going choke, you will have to run out and remount and take too long. Don't make this mistake. So, get there fast, and even if some get past, you will destroy their rush and kill a good number of them and group 3 will go back and clean the few up that got past. You need to be able to see these things happening and make these changes FAST. You cannot be slow and call for groups 3 and 4 to defend choke instead when 20 Alliance have already run past lol

    GROUP 5

    Your goal is to help Kill Balinda, then take SHB. I find that it is best to select 2 people from group 5 and send them straight to SHB in the beginning, just to get the timers going. The other 3 can go hit Balinda (With group 6). But, it is VERY important that the 3 that hit Balinda FALL BACK to SHB as soon as she is dead. 5 good players on Bunker Defense can last a long time pillar humping til backup arrives.

    GROUP 6
    Kill Balinda ASAP... then head up to SPGY/Aid... This team needs to be dynamic though... if the groups in the ally base already say there is no resistence, then they should hop in and help out IWB til group 4 arrives as backup.

    GROUP 7&8

    This team is a lot of fun to be in... I basically find it great to load up stealthers into these teams. Just think... 10 stealth team of death running together. Throw them 2 resto druids and they will be unstoppable. Make sure they keep D in the towers til they cap though... I find a lot of rogues like to cap and run away lol

    THIS IS JUST THE FUNDAMENTAL STRATEGY SETUP. Let me first say this, it only occasionally goes as perfectly as this. Perfection? Sure that is easy to do, but to do it quickly is the key. Sometimes the Alliance will turtle hardcore. YOU as a BG leader must have communication with your defense so you are aware that they aren't having any resistance anymore. Don't wait 10 minutes to make this decision, make it asap. Group 3 was the dynamic defense team? Well, tell them to head up on offense and group up and help out.

    What happens if you had everyone but the choke team push on Offense and then you managed to take every gy but left the ally with SFGY? Yup, all of a sudden their entire team is now going to rez at SFGY... Galve will be dead soon. When you see that your team is capping that last gy, send back 2 groups to Defense right away, they might have just enough time to make it back and defend. Tell them to STOP FIGHTING and run back now... It is imperitive that YOU are dynamic in your decision making.

    If they get into a tower... start pushing to get your tower capped back right way, don't wait til only 2 min are left until you start reminding people to get it back asap. For all you know they have 2 holy pallies and 5 spriests at the top lol -- SPEED SPEED SPEED... You will prob still win, but having 30min+ games makes people not want to be in your premades cause they get bored. Gotta bring em to 15-20 min games and you will become an idol to these people on your server.


    1) DO NOT CAP SFGY EVER! Why? Do you want a full turtle? Capping SFGY just forces the Alliance to turtle, prolonging games. Let them cap it and keep it.

    2) DO NOT TAKE SHGY in the beginning. Wait, WHAT!!?? Let me explain this... if we had zero defense I would say yes, take it... but guess what, we are going to have 20 people on D(groups 1-4) to crush the Alliance offense. Because of this, if you take SHGY, all of those Alliance your team just killed are now going to rez at SPGY and our entire offense will now be facing off against a turtled ally team. BUT, if you do not take SHGY in the beginning, let the ally have it, they will just keep rezzing there and rushing choke/galve and getting raped by the remaining 15 players on Defense. It is ONLY ok to take SHGY after the Alliance have fully 4 min capped SFGY and rez there. I hope you can logically make sense of why this is critical to a fast win.

    I use this macro in the beginning of ALL premade AVs as a reminder...

    /bg This is a <Enter your realm or guild here> Premade AV!
    /bg If you are not in it, please Do the Following:
    /bg Kill Balinda ASAP, then push SPGY/Aid
    /bg Enjoy your honor and no whining!

    Just watch your map and make sure no one is moving to the GYs to cap lol

    3) Sometimes a games ends up like the map below... This is due to the alliance reading your premade and then just full turtling lol. As you can see your team has SFGY as well... This happens because sometimes you have people that end up in AV with you that are not in your premade who don't care and take SFGY, regardless of what you say... and these people think it is funny too! lol Well, basically, you now have a 45 minute game on your hands which actually can be a lot of HK killing fun (we have purposely done this is some premades just to farm HK lol), but at the end of the day, long games means people will leave at the end. So, make this decision ASAP!

    So, what you do is call out in vent, "I need the first 15-20 people to meet me outside IWB(or anywhere not in combat really). Then, you all mount up and have them follow you on the following route as shown on map. Do not ride on the road, ride down low, go up the hill and under the bridge, cut hard to the right... skip SPGY, and go straight for the North bunker, all 15 of you. DO NOT CAP AND LEAVE FOR OTHER BUNKER OR GY! Please stay in the same bunker til it caps. This will have 2 possible effects: One, you have all 15 people turtle the North bunker til it caps and then move to the south(don't worry too much about GY), or two, the Alliance will fall back to defend their tower, and as a result your offense will have enough strength to push up and take SPGY. Usually you end up capping SPGY AND the tower lol. To be honest, these matches remind me of Vanilla AV at lvl 60 days and are a good nostalgic HK fest.

    4) You will probably not get all 40 people into an Alterac Valley game (Though I HAVE done it myself lol). So, depending on your battlegroup's que times, if they are fast and almost instant, than sure, go ahead and try to get 35+ people in your raid (I kind of have a rule of getting no more than 37 myself). If you are wondering why I will explain it in my next segment of how it is possible to do a premade AV in the first place! But, if you have really long ques, then you might want to drop the team size down to just a 15-20 man team, adjust the strat a little bit, and rely on the non-premaders to handle offense while you do the wet-work on Defense and sustain the team. This will not be an issue when Cataclysm is around and the battlegroup is region wide.


    It's actually quite simple. As most people are aware, the in-game system only allows parties to que in with a max of 5 people in the same group to que for AV. Well, let me give you a little bit of back story of how this works and then you will hopefully understand...

    A long time ago, when level 60 was the cap, we ran premade AVs. Back in those days the battlegrounds actually had numbers on them, so you know how many were running. Well, you would get like 30-40 people, have everyone in vent, and the BG leader would count down together in vent like "3...2...1...QUE NOW!" Basically, everyone would que at the exact same moment for Alterac Valley. Then, if our numbers were all the same we would all take that BG together. In other word, we'd all agree in vent and say, "Ya, AV 2 popped, anyone not get it?" Thus, premades were possible...

    Well, an addon came out that made this process MUCH simpler. In fact, all that this addon does is streamline what we were doing in vent before. While it has features within the addon to use it with every BG, the only one that really makes since is to use it with AV or IOC, as you can raid que in-game in for all other BGs. Also, the premade vs premade matching system seems to not be so strict anymore as of patch 4.0.1 and groups are getting priority in BG ques over solo quers it seems.

    This addon is called PREFORM AV ENABLER


    Remember, since you are not actually queing as a raid, as there is no real way to do that, you are pretty much just clicking "join battle" all at the same time with this addon. As a result, different BGs might pop for other people. The trick is to take the BG that pops at the exact same time for everyone. This is a dead giveaway that you got into the same BG.


    1. BG Names

    2. Slider/Threshold Bar

    This is another feature that I personally choose not to use, as it is something that just tries to automate the process a little bit. Basically, whatever your threshold is set to if that many people get qued into the same battleground the addon will automatically tell people to take the que. For example, if you have the threshold set to 10 and you have 15 people in your raid, if the same BG pops for 10 people or more, the addon will automatically say to the people in raid, "Your raid leader wants you to accept the que." Since I am someone that likes to go with 100% of the people that I qued up with, I just set threshold to 40 and ignore it, and I just communicate in vent if they should take que or not. This is a common misconception with this addon, but be aware that the threshold bar in now way affects your chances of getting into the same BG.

    3. Status check

    Sometimes when a person just joins the group it might say under "version" that it is not installed, even though it is... I just spam the status check and all it does is basically refresh everyone's status, whether they have the addon installed, have deserter status, are offline, etc... The addon will tell you. A PERSON MUST HAVE LATEST VERSION FOR THEM TO QUE WITH BG LEADER

    4. Que/Leav Que/Join

    a.) QUE: As long as everyone is ready, hit the que button and for whichever BG you choose, it will automatically que everyone at the same exact time for it. AGAIN REMEMBER, this is generally only useful for AV/IOC, imo.

    b.) LEAVE QUE: Since you cannot leave que for people other than yourself, they will have to do it. BUT, with that being said, let's say you have 20 people qued for Alterac Valley and the que pops for only 5 of them, then you will want to click "LEAVE QUE" which will pop up a window to your teammates telling them to leave their que. All they need to do is click "OK" and it will leave it. Sometimes they close the window and may need to right click the BG que and leave it manually. Then as soon as everyone leaves que, then que it again(You may need to get on people's cases to leave que quicker). I would say that when I have 15 people, maybe 1 our of 3 times I will need to tell the raid to leave que quickly so I can reque it. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT YOU REMIND THEM OFTEN TO NOT TAKE QUE UNLESS YOU SAY TO! If those 5 had taken the que they would be in that AV alone.

    c.) JOIN: You will know that the BG that has popped is for everyone because it will pop all at the exact same time. Click JOIN, and in the player's chat box it will say "Your raid leader wants you to join this battle."

    Anyway, I know this seems like a lot of information, but I am trying to be as thorough as possible so that you will have less questions and worries in your mind when the time comes for you to lead a premade BG yourself.


    This is sooo important. I have been running Premade AVs with this addon for about 3 years now and I have perfected the way to get into a BG. Let me explain why this addon ONLY works with fast ques. The reason is because if you have 35+ people in a raid, this means there are only a few spots for others, this means you need to time the que so that you get a fresh BG for yourself, and not split it where 20 end up in one BG and 15 in another.

    How do you do this? Well, time it... Que up your team, if the que is quick and it pops, you can say "OH WAIT, everyone LEAVE QUE ASAP. Only 25 people got into that BG. So, you leave que, then other people start filling up your spots cause you left que. You que again 10 seconds later and BAM, only 15 of you got in... then you repeat and tell your raid to LEAVE QUE again, you que again and BAM, 5 people got into that BG, while the others sat in que... You have to move fast, and it may take a few tries, but the trick is to get it timed just perfectly so you hit que and no one ends up in that same BG that people were 10 seconds ago. You have to move fast and your teams has to move fast. Don't be afraid to kick people that are too slow, as this is critical to your timing.

    If it takes you 5 min or more to get a que for AV to pop, you obviously can't do this... BUT, your que time is less than a minute, it's doable. It may take some practice, but it's a lot of fun and so worth it!


    This last BG will be updated soon, I just ran out of time tonight lol


    This is the core of what is necessary to lead good premades. Yes, this is not absolutely every strategy out there. That is the beauty of PVP isn't it? There is so many options, so much spontaneous gameplay, and a diverse group of strategies to tackle each BG, unlike in PVE where it is the same exact mechanics and fight each week.

    So, do you still want to lead? Well, go grab those macros and get it going! The reality is this, once you take that first step to leading a premade, the rest will come easy, but you are the one that has to take that first leap of faith in yourself.

    Outside of my time in WOW I work a lot of different kinds of people, and if there is one thing I have learned in my life is that most people are not living up to their full potential, and most of the time it is because they just never thought of themselves as one to do it!

    Good Luck!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: The Ultime Premade BG Leader Guide(Long but Good) started by Sklug View original post
    Comments 5 Comments
    1. wow4Supplier's Avatar
      wow4Supplier -
      Don't have time to read this ATM, but one of the best guides I've seen in a long time.
      Lot's of effort put into it.
    1. Omgfg0rz's Avatar
      Omgfg0rz -
      very nice guide. had fun of reading it =)
    1. ethermoon's Avatar
      ethermoon -
      i play wow since day one and am very impressed with this guide. I am recruiting for rated bgs for my guild and would like permission to quote and link this guide on guild web site!

      Thanks so much!
    1. Naoto10281's Avatar
      Naoto10281 -
      WOW!! (no pun intended) This guide is amazing i went through this like 4 times to make sure i took everything in. This is simply outstanding. You should be the leader of a country or something good job.
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