
  • Newsteam Update

    Hello everyone!

    First off, I hope you are all enjoying MMOwned v2! As you have obviously noticed there has been a lot of change in almost every area of the forum and that includes the News Team.

    A couple of weeks ago a recruitment page went up where I tried to find a couple new members to join myself and 7itanium here on the team. I received over 20 messages about wanting to join and I am glad to say a good 3/4ths of those made it on to the second stage of writing an article or review on an area that the applicant is interested in/passionate about.

    We had a tough time deciding who had the most potential, but out off all the applications three stood out the most and have therefore been upgraded to News Team members (with a couple initial limitations).

    Those three members are:

    Confucius, Aphel and RyeRye!

    All of you have done great work so far and we look forward to what they will bring to the team.

    There were many other great applications and don't think that because you didn't get accepted right away that it won't happen as this is an ongoing process and no positions are permanent.

    These changes (along with some of the new vb4 upgrades) will help us bring you the news faster while keeping it fun to read and still incorporating that MMOwned flair!

    Thanks guys!

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Newsteam Update started by Glynbeard View original post
    Comments 10 Comments
    1. Trollin's Avatar
      Trollin -
      I thought I'd get accepted.
    1. Jeremiah's Avatar
      Jeremiah -
      Glad to be here!
    1. Clownhair's Avatar
      Clownhair -
      Welcome guys =D

      Even though I'm new.
    1. Glynbeard's Avatar
      Glynbeard -
      Testing post on frontpage.
    1. Zantas's Avatar
      Zantas -
      Seems it took sometime for this to end up on the frontpage ^^
    1. Pinkhair's Avatar
      Pinkhair -
      Is there any chance of getting a forum skin more similar to the old one? The new one is hard to read for me.
    1. Lazeka's Avatar
      Lazeka -
      Grats, you guys!
    1. AjnachakrA's Avatar
      AjnachakrA -
      Hawt new layout. Great job!
    1. JD's Avatar
      JD -
      Congrats guys, hope you have as much fun as I had with the Newsteam
    1. LilleN1337's Avatar
      LilleN1337 -
      dude i cant any thing, i really dont like v 2 is there any way that u can change back to v1? ,o