• Dragonflight is CLOSE

    Twitch and gaming streams in general have become more and more common place in the marketing sector of games for awhile now. World of Warcraft for awhile has not really utilized this seemingly easy way to connect and reward fans who watch people play your game as a hobby...until recently. Mentioned in the last post they are upping the ante a bit in the Twitch Prime rewards with TCG mounts, cool pets, and more. This all begins on November 28th but in the mean time they put together a video to show off what you can get.

    Speaking of Twitch it seems that Blizzard have added but then removed a separate WoW section for Classic WoW. This came with a interesting opinions but most people seemed to agree that it was in connection with the new Twitch Prime rewards mentioned above. Nonetheless this sparked the debate if it would be healthier if WoW was broken down into two sections or not and it seems most people landed on it would not. When Dragonflight is out the Classic WoW one would die off a bit and visa versa when Ulduar or a new Classic expansion comes out the Dragonflight one would go down while the other goes up. So instead of one section balancing itself out it would make one version of the game always look bad depending on the current release cycle we are in. The backlash was heard loud and clear because only a few hours later did Blizzard re-combine the sections.

    Lastly if you havent been keeping up Blizzard has released another mini series on Youtube focused on fleshing out the lore to the player and in turn explaining how or why we are in the Dragon Isles doing what we are doing. These were very popular in former expansions such as Legion and WoD and have gotten a great response thus far for Dragonflight. Let Nozdormu take you through time and show you.

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Dragonflight is CLOSE started by Kenneth View original post