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    rens's Avatar Sergeant
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    [WoW] [5.4.0 17538] Release x86 Info Dump Thread

    Let get this started


    AnimKitBoneSetAlias = 0xC6B1F4,
    	AnimKitBoneSet = 0xC6B1C8,
    	AnimKit = 0xC6B19C,
    	AnimKitConfig = 0xC6B220,
    	AnimKitConfigBoneSet = 0xC6B24C,
    	BannedAddOns = 0xC6B4E0,
    	Cfg_Categories = 0xC6B5E8,
    	Cfg_Configs = 0xC6B614,
    	Cfg_Regions = 0xC6B640,
    	CharBaseInfo = 0xC6B6C4,
    	CharHairGeosets = 0xC6B748,
    	CharSections = 0xC6B774,
    	CharacterFacialHairStyles = 0xC6B7F8,
    	ChatProfanity = 0xC6B850,
    	ChrClasses = 0xC6B87C,
    	ChrRaces = 0xC6B8D4,
    	FactionGroup = 0xC6BF88,
    	FactionTemplate = 0xC6BFE0,
    	ItemClass = 0xC6C928,
    	ItemSubClass = 0xC6CDA0,
    	Movie = 0xC6D2C8,
    	MovieFileData = 0xC6D2F4,
    	MovieOverlays = 0xC6D320,
    	MovieVariation = 0xC6D34C,
    	NamesProfanity = 0xC6D3D0,
    	NamesReserved = 0xC6D3FC,
    	NamesReservedLocale = 0xC6D428,
    	Resistances = 0xC6D7C4,
    	SoundFilter = 0xC6EBB4,
    	SoundFilterElem = 0xC6EBE0,
    	SpamMessages = 0xC6DBB8,
    	SoundProviderPreferences = 0xC6DB8C,
    	AnimKitPriority = 0xC6B278,
    	AnimKitSegment = 0xC6B2A4,
    	AnimReplacement = 0xC6B2D0,
    	AnimReplacementSet = 0xC6B2FC,
    	CharComponentTextureLayouts = 0xC6B6F0,
    	CharComponentTextureSections = 0xC6B71C,
    	CharStartOutfit = 0xC6B7A0,
    	CharacterLoadout = 0xC6B66C,
    	CharacterLoadoutItem = 0xC6B698,
    	CreatureDisplayInfo = 0xC6BA60,
    	CreatureDisplayInfoExtra = 0xC6B9B0,
    	CreatureFamily = 0xC6BA34,
    	CreatureModelData = 0xC6BB10,
    	GameTips = 0xC6C198,
    	GlueScreenEmote = 0xC6C1F0,
    	GuildColorBackground = 0xC6C63C,
    	GuildColorBorder = 0xC6C668,
    	GuildColorEmblem = 0xC6C694,
    	HelmetAnimScaling = 0xC6C6EC,
    	HelmetGeosetVisData = 0xC6C718,
    	ItemDisplayInfo = 0xC6CAE0,
    	ItemVisuals = 0xC6CE24,
    	ItemVisualEffects = 0xC6CDF8,
    	LoadingScreens = 0xC6D110,
    	NameGen = 0xC6D378,
    	ObjectEffect = 0xC6EAD8,
    	ObjectEffectGroup = 0xC6EB04,
    	ObjectEffectModifier = 0xC6EB30,
    	ObjectEffectPackage = 0xC6EB5C,
    	ObjectEffectPackageElem = 0xC6EB88,
    	ParticleColor = 0xC6D504,
    	SpellEffect = 0xC6DE78,
    	FileData = 0xC6EDB0,
    	SoundEntriesAdvanced = 0xC6F070,
    	SoundEntries = 0xC6F09C,
    	Achievement = 0xC6B118,
    	Achievement_Criteria = 0xC6B144,
    	Achievement_Category = 0xC6B170,
    	AreaGroup = 0xC6B328,
    	AreaPOI = 0xC6B354,
    	AreaAssignment = 0xC6B380,
    	AreaTrigger = 0xC6B3AC,
    	AreaTriggerActionSet = 0xC6B3D8,
    	AreaTriggerBox = 0xC6B404,
    	AreaTriggerSphere = 0xC6B430,
    	ArmorLocation = 0xC6B45C,
    	AuctionHouse = 0xC6B488,
    	BankBagSlotPrices = 0xC6B4B4,
    	BarberShopStyle = 0xC6B50C,
    	BattlemasterList = 0xC6B538,
    	CameraMode = 0xC6B564,
    	CameraShakes = 0xC6B590,
    	CastableRaidBuffs = 0xC6B5BC,
    	CharTitles = 0xC6B7CC,
    	ChatChannels = 0xC6B824,
    	ChrClassesXPowerTypes = 0xC6B8A8,
    	ChrSpecialization = 0xC6B900,
    	CinematicCamera = 0xC6B92C,
    	CinematicSequences = 0xC6B958,
    	CombatCondition = 0xC6B984,
    	CreatureImmunities = 0xC6BAE4,
    	CreatureMovementInfo = 0xC6BB3C,
    	CreatureSoundData = 0xC6BB68,
    	CreatureSpellData = 0xC6BB94,
    	CreatureType = 0xC6BBC0,
    	Criteria = 0xC6BBEC,
    	CriteriaTreeXEffect = 0xC6BF30,
    	CurrencyTypes = 0xC6BC18,
    	CurrencyCategory = 0xC6BC44,
    	DeathThudLookups = 0xC6BC70,
    	DestructibleModelData = 0xC6BCF4,
    	Difficulty = 0xC6BD20,
    	DungeonEncounter = 0xC6BD4C,
    	DungeonMap = 0xC6BD78,
    	DungeonMapChunk = 0xC6BDA4,
    	DurabilityCosts = 0xC6BDD0,
    	DurabilityQuality = 0xC6BDFC,
    	Emotes = 0xC6BE28,
    	EmotesTextData = 0xC6BE54,
    	EmotesTextSound = 0xC6BE80,
    	EmotesText = 0xC6BEAC,
    	EnvironmentalDamage = 0xC6BED8,
    	Exhaustion = 0xC6BF5C,
    	CriteriaTree = 0xC6BF04,
    	Faction = 0xC6BFB4,
    	FootstepTerrainLookup = 0xC6C064,
    	FriendshipRepReaction = 0xC6C00C,
    	FriendshipReputation = 0xC6C038,
    	GameObjectArtKit = 0xC6C090,
    	GameObjectDiffAnimMap = 0xC6C0BC,
    	GameObjectDisplayInfo = 0xC6C0E8,
    	GameTables = 0xC6C16C,
    	GemProperties = 0xC6C1C4,
    	GlyphProperties = 0xC6C21C,
    	GlyphSlot = 0xC6C248,
    	GMSurveyAnswers = 0xC6C274,
    	GMSurveyCurrentSurvey = 0xC6C2A0,
    	GMSurveyQuestions = 0xC6C2CC,
    	GMSurveySurveys = 0xC6C2F8,
    	GMTicketCategory = 0xC6C324,
    	gtBarberShopCostBase = 0xC6C350,
    	gtBattlePetTypeDamageMod = 0xC6C37C,
    	gtBattlePetXP = 0xC6C3A8,
    	gtCombatRatings = 0xC6C3D4,
    	gtChanceToMeleeCrit = 0xC6C400,
    	gtChanceToMeleeCritBase = 0xC6C42C,
    	gtChanceToSpellCrit = 0xC6C458,
    	gtChanceToSpellCritBase = 0xC6C484,
    	gtItemSocketCostPerLevel = 0xC6C4B0,
    	gtNPCManaCostScaler = 0xC6C4DC,
    	gtOCTBaseHPByClass = 0xC6C508,
    	gtOCTBaseMPByClass = 0xC6C534,
    	gtOCTClassCombatRatingScalar = 0xC6C560,
    	gtOCTHpPerStamina = 0xC6C58C,
    	gtRegenMPPerSpt = 0xC6C5B8,
    	gtResilienceDR = 0xC6C5E4,
    	gtSpellScaling = 0xC6C610,
    	GuildPerkSpells = 0xC6C6C0,
    	HolidayDescriptions = 0xC6C744,
    	HolidayNames = 0xC6C770,
    	Holidays = 0xC6C79C,
    	ImportPriceArmor = 0xC6C7C8,
    	ImportPriceQuality = 0xC6C7F4,
    	ImportPriceShield = 0xC6C820,
    	ImportPriceWeapon = 0xC6C84C,
    	ItemArmorQuality = 0xC6C8A4,
    	ItemArmorTotal = 0xC6C878,
    	ItemArmorShield = 0xC6C8D0,
    	ItemBagFamily = 0xC6C8FC,
    	ItemDamageAmmo = 0xC6C954,
    	ItemDamageOneHand = 0xC6C980,
    	ItemDamageOneHandCaster = 0xC6C9AC,
    	ItemDamageRanged = 0xC6C9D8,
    	ItemDamageThrown = 0xC6CA04,
    	ItemDamageTwoHand = 0xC6CA30,
    	ItemDamageTwoHandCaster = 0xC6CA5C,
    	ItemDamageWand = 0xC6CA88,
    	ItemDisenchantLoot = 0xC6CAB4,
    	ItemGroupSounds = 0xC6CB64,
    	ItemLimitCategory = 0xC6CB90,
    	ItemNameDescription = 0xC6CBBC,
    	ItemPetFood = 0xC6CBE8,
    	ItemPriceBase = 0xC6CC14,
    	ItemPurchaseGroup = 0xC6CC40,
    	ItemRandomProperties = 0xC6CC6C,
    	ItemRandomSuffix = 0xC6CC98,
    	ItemReforge = 0xC6CCC4,
    	ItemSet = 0xC6CCF0,
    	ItemSpecOverride = 0xC6CD48,
    	ItemSpec = 0xC6CD1C,
    	ItemSubClassMask = 0xC6CD74,
    	ItemUpgradePath = 0xC6CDCC,
    	JournalEncounterCreature = 0xC6CE50,
    	JournalEncounterItem = 0xC6CE7C,
    	JournalEncounter = 0xC6CEA8,
    	JournalEncounterSection = 0xC6CED4,
    	JournalEncounterXDifficulty = 0xC6CF00,
    	JournalInstance = 0xC6CF2C,
    	JournalItemXDifficulty = 0xC6CF58,
    	JournalSectionXDifficulty = 0xC6CF84,
    	JournalTier = 0xC6CFB0,
    	JournalTierXInstance = 0xC6CFDC,
    	LanguageWords = 0xC6D008,
    	Languages = 0xC6D034,
    	LfgDungeonExpansion = 0xC6D060,
    	LfgDungeonGroup = 0xC6D08C,
    	LfgDungeonsGroupingMap = 0xC6D0B8,
    	LfgDungeons = 0xC6D0E4,
    	LoadingScreenTaxiSplines = 0xC6D13C,
    	Lock = 0xC6D168,
    	LockType = 0xC6D194,
    	MailTemplate = 0xC6D1C0,
    	MapDifficulty = 0xC6D1EC,
    	Material = 0xC6D218,
    	ModifierTree = 0xC6D244,
    	MountCapability = 0xC6D270,
    	MountType = 0xC6D29C,
    	NPCSounds = 0xC6D3A4,
    	OverrideSpellData = 0xC6D454,
    	Package = 0xC6D480,
    	PageTextMaterial = 0xC6D4AC,
    	PaperDollItemFrame = 0xC6D4D8,
    	Phase = 0xC6D530,
    	PhaseXPhaseGroup = 0xC6D588,
    	PlayerCondition = 0xC6D5B4,
    	PowerDisplay = 0xC6D5E0,
    	PvpDifficulty = 0xC6D60C,
    	QuestFactionReward = 0xC6D638,
    	QuestInfo = 0xC6D664,
    	QuestMoneyReward = 0xC6D690,
    	QuestPOIBlob = 0xC6D6BC,
    	QuestPOIPoint = 0xC6D6E8,
    	QuestSort = 0xC6D714,
    	QuestXP = 0xC6D740,
    	QuestV2 = 0xC6D76C,
    	QuestFeedbackEffect = 0xC6D798,
    	ResearchBranch = 0xC6D848,
    	ResearchField = 0xC6D81C,
    	ResearchProject = 0xC6D874,
    	ResearchSite = 0xC6D8A0,
    	RandPropPoints = 0xC6D7F0,
    	RulesetRaidOverride = 0xC6D8CC,
    	ScalingStatDistribution = 0xC6D8F8,
    	ScalingStatValues = 0xC6D924,
    	Scenario = 0xC6D950,
    	ScenarioStep = 0xC6D97C,
    	ScenarioEventEntry = 0xC6D9A8,
    	ScreenEffect = 0xC6D9D4,
    	ScreenLocation = 0xC6DA00,
    	ServerMessages = 0xC6DA2C,
    	SkillLineAbility = 0xC6DA58,
    	SkillLineAbilitySortedSpell = 0xC6DA84,
    	SkillLine = 0xC6DAB0,
    	SkillRaceClassInfo = 0xC6DADC,
    	SkillTiers = 0xC6DB08,
    	SoundAmbience = 0xC6DB34,
    	SoundAmbienceFlavor = 0xC6DB60,
    	SpecializationSpells = 0xC6DBE4,
    	SpellActivationOverlay = 0xC6DC10,
    	SpellAuraOptions = 0xC6DC3C,
    	SpellAuraRestrictions = 0xC6DC68,
    	SpellAuraVisibility = 0xC6DC94,
    	SpellAuraVisXChrSpec = 0xC6DCC0,
    	SpellCastingRequirements = 0xC6DCEC,
    	SpellCastTimes = 0xC6DD18,
    	SpellCategories = 0xC6DD44,
    	SpellCategory = 0xC6DD70,
    	SpellClassOptions = 0xC6DD9C,
    	SpellCooldowns = 0xC6DDC8,
    	Spell = 0xC6E2F0,
    	SpellDescriptionVariables = 0xC6DDF4,
    	SpellDispelType = 0xC6DE20,
    	SpellDuration = 0xC6DE4C,
    	SpellEffectScaling = 0xC6DEFC,
    	SpellEquippedItems = 0xC6DF28,
    	SpellFlyout = 0xC6DF54,
    	SpellFlyoutItem = 0xC6DF80,
    	SpellFocusObject = 0xC6DFAC,
    	SpellIcon = 0xC6DFD8,
    	SpellInterrupts = 0xC6E004,
    	SpellItemEnchantment = 0xC6E030,
    	SpellItemEnchantmentCondition = 0xC6E05C,
    	SpellKeyboundOverride = 0xC6E088,
    	SpellLearnSpell = 0xC6E0B4,
    	SpellLevels = 0xC6E0E0,
    	SpellMechanic = 0xC6E10C,
    	SpellMisc = 0xC6E138,
    	SpellRadius = 0xC6E240,
    	SpellRange = 0xC6E26C,
    	SpellPower = 0xC6E1BC,
    	SpellProcsPerMinute = 0xC6E1E8,
    	SpellProcsPerMinuteMod = 0xC6E214,
    	SpellRuneCost = 0xC6E298,
    	SpellScaling = 0xC6E2C4,
    	SpellShapeshift = 0xC6E374,
    	SpellShapeshiftForm = 0xC6E3A0,
    	SpellSpecialUnitEffect = 0xC6E3CC,
    	SpellTargetRestrictions = 0xC6E3F8,
    	SpellTotems = 0xC6E424,
    	Stationery = 0xC6E450,
    	StringLookups = 0xC6E47C,
    	SummonProperties = 0xC6E4A8,
    	Talent = 0xC6E4D4,
    	TaxiNodes = 0xC6E500,
    	TaxiPathNode = 0xC6E52C,
    	TaxiPath = 0xC6E558,
    	TerrainTypeSounds = 0xC6E584,
    	TotemCategory = 0xC6E5B0,
    	TradeSkillCategory = 0xC6E5DC,
    	TransportAnimation = 0xC6E608,
    	TransportPhysics = 0xC6E634,
    	TransportRotation = 0xC6E660,
    	UnitBloodLevels = 0xC6E68C,
    	UnitBlood = 0xC6E6B8,
    	UnitCondition = 0xC6E6E4,
    	UnitPowerBar = 0xC6E710,
    	Vehicle = 0xC6E73C,
    	VehicleSeat = 0xC6E768,
    	VehicleUIIndicator = 0xC6E794,
    	VehicleUIIndSeat = 0xC6E7C0,
    	VocalUISounds = 0xC6E7EC,
    	World_PVP_Area = 0xC6E818,
    	WeaponImpactSounds = 0xC6E844,
    	WeaponSwingSounds2 = 0xC6E870,
    	WorldEffect = 0xC6E89C,
    	WorldElapsedTimer = 0xC6E8C8,
    	WorldMapArea = 0xC6E8F4,
    	WorldMapContinent = 0xC6E920,
    	WorldMapOverlay = 0xC6E94C,
    	WorldMapTransforms = 0xC6E978,
    	WorldState = 0xC6E9A4,
    	WorldStateUI = 0xC6E9D0,
    	ZoneIntroMusicTable = 0xC6EA28,
    	ZoneMusic = 0xC6EA54,
    	WorldStateZoneSounds = 0xC6EA80,
    	WorldStateExpression = 0xC6E9FC,
    	WorldChunkSounds = 0xC6EAAC,
    	PhaseShiftZoneSounds = 0xC6D55C,
    	FootprintTextures = 0xC6EE34,
    	GroundEffectDoodad = 0xC6EE60,
    	GroundEffectTexture = 0xC6EE8C,
    	Light = 0xC6EEB8,
    	LightSkybox = 0xC6EF3C,
    	LiquidMaterial = 0xC6EF68,
    	LiquidObject = 0xC6EF94,
    	LiquidType = 0xC6EFC0,
    	SoundEmitterPillPoints = 0xC6F018,
    	SoundEmitters = 0xC6F044,
    	SoundEntriesFallbacks = 0xC6F0C8,
    	SpellChainEffects = 0xC6F0F4,
    	TerrainMaterial = 0xC6F120,
    	TerrainType = 0xC6F14C,
    	Weather = 0xC6F1A4,
    	WMOAreaTable = 0xC6F1D0,
    	ZoneLight = 0xC6F1FC,
    	ZoneLightPoint = 0xC6F228,
    	AnimationData = 0xC6ED58,
    	AreaTable = 0xC6ED84,
    	LightData = 0xC6EEE4,
    	LightParams = 0xC6EF10,
    	Map = 0xC6EFEC,

                public static uint ClntObjMgrGetActivePlayer = 0x39162E; //
                public static uint FrameScript_ExecuteBuffer = 0x4F9EC; //
                public static uint CGPlayer_C__ClickToMove = 0x416B4E; //
                public static uint ClntObjMgrGetActivePlayerObj = 0x4E5A; //
                public static uint FrameScript__GetLocalizedText = 0x40B6E2; //
                public static uint CGWorldFrame__Intersect = 0x5DF545; //
                public static uint Spell_C__HandleTerrainClick = 0x385F94; //
                public static uint Interact = 0x8B9953;  //
    Last edited by rens; 10-29-2013 at 10:13 AM.

    [WoW] [5.4.0 17538] Release x86 Info Dump Thread
  2. #2
    jh16's Avatar Contributor
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    Correction for the title of the thread.


    You folks keep up the great work. :D

  3. #3
    highvoltz's Avatar Active Member
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    DB2s (rebased):

    BattlePetAbility = 0xC68898,
    BattlePetAbilityEffect = 0xC68958,
    BattlePetAbilityState = 0xC68A18,
    BattlePetAbilityTurn = 0xC68AD8,
    BattlePetBreedQuality = 0xC68B98,
    BattlePetBreedState = 0xC68C58,
    BattlePetEffectProperties = 0xC68D18,
    BattlePetNPCTeamMember = 0xC68DD8,
    BattlePetSpecies = 0xC68E98,
    BattlePetSpeciesState = 0xC68F58,
    BattlePetSpeciesXAbility = 0xC69018,
    BattlePetState = 0xC690D8,
    BattlePetVisual = 0xC69198,
    BroadcastText = 0xC69258,
    Creature = 0xC69318,
    CreatureDifficulty = 0xC693D8,
    Curve = 0xC69498,
    CurvePoint = 0xC69558,
    GameObjects = 0xC69618,
    Item = 0xC696D8,
    ItemCurrencyCost = 0xC69858,
    ItemExtendedCost = 0xC69918,
    ItemUpgrade = 0xC699D8,
    Item_sparse = 0xC69798,
    KeyChain = 0xC69A98,
    Locale = 0xC69B58,
    Location = 0xC69C18,
    MapChallengeMode = 0xC69CD8,
    MarketingPromotionsXLocale = 0xC69D98,
    Path = 0xC69E58,
    PathNode = 0xC69FD8,
    PathNodeProperty = 0xC69F18,
    PathProperty = 0xC6A098,
    QuestPackageItem = 0xC6A158,
    RulesetItemUpgrade = 0xC6A218,
    RulesetRaidLootUpgrade = 0xC6A2D8,
    SceneScript = 0xC6A518,
    SceneScriptPackage = 0xC6A398,
    SceneScriptPackageMember = 0xC6A458,
    SpellEffectCameraShakes = 0xC6A5D8,
    SpellMissile = 0xC6A698,
    SpellMissileMotion = 0xC6A758,
    SpellReagents = 0xC6A818,
    SpellVisual = 0xC6AC98,
    SpellVisualEffectName = 0xC6A8D8,
    SpellVisualKit = 0xC6A998,
    SpellVisualKitAreaModel = 0xC6AA58,
    SpellVisualKitModelAttach = 0xC6AB18,
    SpellVisualMissile = 0xC6ABD8,
    Vignette = 0xC6AD58,
    WbAccessControlList = 0xC6AE18,
    WbCertBlacklist = 0xC6AED8,
    WbCertWhitelist = 0xC6AF98,
    WbPermissions = 0xC6B058,

  4. #4
    2briards's Avatar Member Authenticator enabled
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    Did not test them yet...

    SpellCooldown = 0xC83580
    Player_RuneType = 0xDB5160
    Player_RuneState = 0xDB51C4

  5. #5
    hamburger12's Avatar Contributor CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Offset dumper 0.1 by Hamburger
    THIS TOOL WAS MADE FOR: MMoCrawlerbots and Fullbot!!!
    FrameScript_ExecuteBuffer - 0x4F9EC
    CGPlayer_C__ClickToMove - 0x4153AA
    FrameScript_SignalEvent - 0x5264E
    CGInputControl__SetPitch - 0x48FC04
    ClntObjMgrGetActivePlayerObj - 0x4E5A
    FrameScript__GetLocalizedText - 0x409F01
    World__Intersect - 0x5DE2F9
    ClntObjMgrGetActivePlayer - 0x38FE23
    Spell_C__HandleTerrainClick - 0x38476E
    WowObject__IsOutdoors - 0x4043D3
    CGUnit_C__UnitReaction - 0x40AD67
    OsGetAsyncTimeMs - 0x10D776
    CGUnit_C__CanAttack - 0x40FD1B
    CGUnit_C__Interact - 0x8B7A83
    Spell_C__GetSpellCooldown - 0x376DB6
    Spell_C_CastSpell - 0x384430
    CGUnit_C__GetUnitObject - 0x390CDD
    CGUnit_C__CalculateThreat - 0x40E08D
    FrameScript_SignalEvent - 0x5264E
    CGInputControl__GetActive - 0x48E8A2
    CGUnit_C__UpdateDisplayInfo - 0x423AE2
    CGUnit_C__IsAutoTracking - 0x38FE86
    CGUnit_C__TrackingStop - 0x40DED7
    Direct3D9__Device - 0xB94948
    Direct3D9__Device__OffsetA - 0x281C
    GlueScreen - 0xC76860
    SelectedBattleground - 0xDA0F74
    BattlegroundExitWindow - 0xDA0FE0
    RunTime - 0xB441F0
    ClntObjMgrEnumVisibleObjects - 0x3909C3
    ClntObjMgrObjectPtr - 0x390CDD
    ClntObjMgrGetActivePlayer - 0x38FE23
    LastHardwareAction - 0xB94604
    ContinentID - 0xAC15E8
    AreaId - 0xD43B6C
    QuestSelectCache - 0xDBCCC0
    PlayerComboPoint - 0xFFC81000
    petGUID - 0xDB27D8
    MountListCount - 0xDA05CC
    CorpseX - 0xD43E90
    FirstBagGUID - 0xDB5100
    CurMgrPointer - 0xEA2388
    CurMgrOffset - 0x462C
    IsAutoRepeatingSpell - 0xC7A080
    chatBufferPos - 0xD9F050

  6. #6
    ioctl's Avatar Active Member
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    NAME_CACHE = 0xc67bd0
    WorldFramePointer = 0xd42e14

  7. #7
    eracer's Avatar Contributor
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    public enum CGObjectData
        Guid = 0, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        Data = 2, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        Type = 4, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        EntryID = 5, // size 1, flags MIRROR_VIEWER_DEPENDENT
        DynamicFlags = 6, // size 1, flags MIRROR_VIEWER_DEPENDENT, MIRROR_URGENT
        Scale = 7, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        End = 8
    public enum CGItemData
        Owner = CGObjectData.End + 0, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        ContainedIn = CGObjectData.End + 2, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        Creator = CGObjectData.End + 4, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        GiftCreator = CGObjectData.End + 6, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        StackCount = CGObjectData.End + 8, // size 1, flags MIRROR_OWNER
        Expiration = CGObjectData.End + 9, // size 1, flags MIRROR_OWNER
        SpellCharges = CGObjectData.End + 10, // size 5, flags MIRROR_OWNER
        DynamicFlags = CGObjectData.End + 15, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        Enchantment = CGObjectData.End + 16, // size 39, flags MIRROR_ALL
        PropertySeed = CGObjectData.End + 55, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        RandomPropertiesID = CGObjectData.End + 56, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        Durability = CGObjectData.End + 57, // size 1, flags MIRROR_OWNER
        MaxDurability = CGObjectData.End + 58, // size 1, flags MIRROR_OWNER
        CreatePlayedTime = CGObjectData.End + 59, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        ModifiersMask = CGObjectData.End + 60, // size 1, flags MIRROR_OWNER
        End = CGObjectData.End + 61
    public enum CGContainerData
        Slots = CGItemData.End + 0, // size 72, flags MIRROR_ALL
        NumSlots = CGItemData.End + 72, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        End = CGItemData.End + 73
    public enum CGUnitData
        Charm = CGObjectData.End + 0, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        Summon = CGObjectData.End + 2, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        Critter = CGObjectData.End + 4, // size 2, flags MIRROR_SELF
        CharmedBy = CGObjectData.End + 6, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        SummonedBy = CGObjectData.End + 8, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        CreatedBy = CGObjectData.End + 10, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        DemonCreator = CGObjectData.End + 12, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        Target = CGObjectData.End + 14, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        BattlePetCompanionGUID = CGObjectData.End + 16, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        ChannelObject = CGObjectData.End + 18, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL, MIRROR_URGENT
        ChannelSpell = CGObjectData.End + 20, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL, MIRROR_URGENT
        SummonedByHomeRealm = CGObjectData.End + 21, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        Sex = CGObjectData.End + 22, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        DisplayPower = CGObjectData.End + 23, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        OverrideDisplayPowerID = CGObjectData.End + 24, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        Health = CGObjectData.End + 25, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        Power = CGObjectData.End + 26, // size 5, flags MIRROR_ALL
        MaxHealth = CGObjectData.End + 31, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        MaxPower = CGObjectData.End + 32, // size 5, flags MIRROR_ALL
        PowerRegenFlatModifier = CGObjectData.End + 37, // size 5, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER, MIRROR_UNIT_ALL
        PowerRegenInterruptedFlatModifier = CGObjectData.End + 42, // size 5, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER, MIRROR_UNIT_ALL
        Level = CGObjectData.End + 47, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        EffectiveLevel = CGObjectData.End + 48, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        FactionTemplate = CGObjectData.End + 49, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        VirtualItemID = CGObjectData.End + 50, // size 3, flags MIRROR_ALL
        Flags = CGObjectData.End + 53, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        Flags2 = CGObjectData.End + 54, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        AuraState = CGObjectData.End + 55, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        AttackRoundBaseTime = CGObjectData.End + 56, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        RangedAttackRoundBaseTime = CGObjectData.End + 58, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        BoundingRadius = CGObjectData.End + 59, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        CombatReach = CGObjectData.End + 60, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        DisplayID = CGObjectData.End + 61, // size 1, flags MIRROR_VIEWER_DEPENDENT, MIRROR_URGENT
        NativeDisplayID = CGObjectData.End + 62, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL, MIRROR_URGENT
        MountDisplayID = CGObjectData.End + 63, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL, MIRROR_URGENT
        MinDamage = CGObjectData.End + 64, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER, MIRROR_EMPATH
        MaxDamage = CGObjectData.End + 65, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER, MIRROR_EMPATH
        MinOffHandDamage = CGObjectData.End + 66, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER, MIRROR_EMPATH
        MaxOffHandDamage = CGObjectData.End + 67, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER, MIRROR_EMPATH
        AnimTier = CGObjectData.End + 68, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        PetNumber = CGObjectData.End + 69, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        PetNameTimestamp = CGObjectData.End + 70, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        PetExperience = CGObjectData.End + 71, // size 1, flags MIRROR_OWNER
        PetNextLevelExperience = CGObjectData.End + 72, // size 1, flags MIRROR_OWNER
        ModCastingSpeed = CGObjectData.End + 73, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        ModSpellHaste = CGObjectData.End + 74, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        ModHaste = CGObjectData.End + 75, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        ModRangedHaste = CGObjectData.End + 76, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        ModHasteRegen = CGObjectData.End + 77, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        CreatedBySpell = CGObjectData.End + 78, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        NpcFlags = CGObjectData.End + 80, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        EmoteState = CGObjectData.End + 81, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        Stats = CGObjectData.End + 82, // size 5, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER
        StatPosBuff = CGObjectData.End + 87, // size 5, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER
        StatNegBuff = CGObjectData.End + 92, // size 5, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER
        Resistances = CGObjectData.End + 97, // size 7, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER, MIRROR_EMPATH
        ResistanceBuffModsPositive = CGObjectData.End + 104, // size 7, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER
        ResistanceBuffModsNegative = CGObjectData.End + 111, // size 7, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER
        BaseMana = CGObjectData.End + 118, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        BaseHealth = CGObjectData.End + 119, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER
        ShapeshiftForm = CGObjectData.End + 120, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        AttackPower = CGObjectData.End + 121, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER
        AttackPowerModPos = CGObjectData.End + 122, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER
        AttackPowerModNeg = CGObjectData.End + 123, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER
        AttackPowerMultiplier = CGObjectData.End + 124, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER
        RangedAttackPower = CGObjectData.End + 125, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER
        RangedAttackPowerModPos = CGObjectData.End + 126, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER
        RangedAttackPowerModNeg = CGObjectData.End + 127, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER
        RangedAttackPowerMultiplier = CGObjectData.End + 128, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER
        MinRangedDamage = CGObjectData.End + 129, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER
        MaxRangedDamage = CGObjectData.End + 130, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER
        PowerCostModifier = CGObjectData.End + 131, // size 7, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER
        PowerCostMultiplier = CGObjectData.End + 138, // size 7, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER
        MaxHealthModifier = CGObjectData.End + 145, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_OWNER
        HoverHeight = CGObjectData.End + 146, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        MinItemLevel = CGObjectData.End + 147, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        MaxItemLevel = CGObjectData.End + 148, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        WildBattlePetLevel = CGObjectData.End + 149, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        BattlePetCompanionNameTimestamp = CGObjectData.End + 150, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        InteractSpellID = CGObjectData.End + 151, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        End = CGObjectData.End + 152
    public enum CGPlayerData
        DuelArbiter = CGUnitData.End + 0, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        PlayerFlags = CGUnitData.End + 2, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        GuildRankID = CGUnitData.End + 3, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        GuildDeleteDate = CGUnitData.End + 4, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        GuildLevel = CGUnitData.End + 5, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        HairColorID = CGUnitData.End + 6, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        RestState = CGUnitData.End + 7, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        ArenaFaction = CGUnitData.End + 8, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        DuelTeam = CGUnitData.End + 9, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        GuildTimeStamp = CGUnitData.End + 10, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        QuestLog = CGUnitData.End + 11, // size 750, flags MIRROR_PARTY
        VisibleItems = CGUnitData.End + 761, // size 38, flags MIRROR_ALL
        PlayerTitle = CGUnitData.End + 799, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        FakeInebriation = CGUnitData.End + 800, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        VirtualPlayerRealm = CGUnitData.End + 801, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        CurrentSpecID = CGUnitData.End + 802, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        TaxiMountAnimKitID = CGUnitData.End + 803, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        CurrentBattlePetBreedQuality = CGUnitData.End + 804, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        InvSlots = CGUnitData.End + 805, // size 172, flags MIRROR_SELF
        FarsightObject = CGUnitData.End + 977, // size 2, flags MIRROR_SELF
        KnownTitles = CGUnitData.End + 979, // size 10, flags MIRROR_SELF
        Coinage = CGUnitData.End + 989, // size 2, flags MIRROR_SELF
        XP = CGUnitData.End + 991, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        NextLevelXP = CGUnitData.End + 992, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        Skill = CGUnitData.End + 993, // size 448, flags MIRROR_SELF
        CharacterPoints = CGUnitData.End + 1441, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        MaxTalentTiers = CGUnitData.End + 1442, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        TrackCreatureMask = CGUnitData.End + 1443, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        TrackResourceMask = CGUnitData.End + 1444, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        MainhandExpertise = CGUnitData.End + 1445, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        OffhandExpertise = CGUnitData.End + 1446, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        RangedExpertise = CGUnitData.End + 1447, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        CombatRatingExpertise = CGUnitData.End + 1448, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        BlockPercentage = CGUnitData.End + 1449, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        DodgePercentage = CGUnitData.End + 1450, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        ParryPercentage = CGUnitData.End + 1451, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        CritPercentage = CGUnitData.End + 1452, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        RangedCritPercentage = CGUnitData.End + 1453, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        OffhandCritPercentage = CGUnitData.End + 1454, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        SpellCritPercentage = CGUnitData.End + 1455, // size 7, flags MIRROR_SELF
        ShieldBlock = CGUnitData.End + 1462, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        ShieldBlockCritPercentage = CGUnitData.End + 1463, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        Mastery = CGUnitData.End + 1464, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        PvpPowerDamage = CGUnitData.End + 1465, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        PvpPowerHealing = CGUnitData.End + 1466, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        ExploredZones = CGUnitData.End + 1467, // size 200, flags MIRROR_SELF
        RestStateBonusPool = CGUnitData.End + 1667, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        ModDamageDonePos = CGUnitData.End + 1668, // size 7, flags MIRROR_SELF
        ModDamageDoneNeg = CGUnitData.End + 1675, // size 7, flags MIRROR_SELF
        ModDamageDonePercent = CGUnitData.End + 1682, // size 7, flags MIRROR_SELF
        ModHealingDonePos = CGUnitData.End + 1689, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        ModHealingPercent = CGUnitData.End + 1690, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        ModHealingDonePercent = CGUnitData.End + 1691, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        ModPeriodicHealingDonePercent = CGUnitData.End + 1692, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        WeaponDmgMultipliers = CGUnitData.End + 1693, // size 3, flags MIRROR_SELF
        ModSpellPowerPercent = CGUnitData.End + 1696, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        ModResiliencePercent = CGUnitData.End + 1697, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        OverrideSpellPowerByAPPercent = CGUnitData.End + 1698, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        OverrideAPBySpellPowerPercent = CGUnitData.End + 1699, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        ModTargetResistance = CGUnitData.End + 1700, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        ModTargetPhysicalResistance = CGUnitData.End + 1701, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        LifetimeMaxRank = CGUnitData.End + 1702, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        SelfResSpell = CGUnitData.End + 1703, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        PvpMedals = CGUnitData.End + 1704, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        BuybackPrice = CGUnitData.End + 1705, // size 12, flags MIRROR_SELF
        BuybackTimestamp = CGUnitData.End + 1717, // size 12, flags MIRROR_SELF
        YesterdayHonorableKills = CGUnitData.End + 1729, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        LifetimeHonorableKills = CGUnitData.End + 1730, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        WatchedFactionIndex = CGUnitData.End + 1731, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        CombatRatings = CGUnitData.End + 1732, // size 27, flags MIRROR_SELF
        PvpInfo = CGUnitData.End + 1759, // size 24, flags MIRROR_SELF
        MaxLevel = CGUnitData.End + 1783, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        RuneRegen = CGUnitData.End + 1784, // size 4, flags MIRROR_SELF
        NoReagentCostMask = CGUnitData.End + 1788, // size 4, flags MIRROR_SELF
        GlyphSlots = CGUnitData.End + 1792, // size 6, flags MIRROR_SELF
        Glyphs = CGUnitData.End + 1798, // size 6, flags MIRROR_SELF
        GlyphSlotsEnabled = CGUnitData.End + 1804, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        PetSpellPower = CGUnitData.End + 1805, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        Researching = CGUnitData.End + 1806, // size 8, flags MIRROR_SELF
        ProfessionSkillLine = CGUnitData.End + 1814, // size 2, flags MIRROR_SELF
        UiHitModifier = CGUnitData.End + 1816, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        UiSpellHitModifier = CGUnitData.End + 1817, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        HomeRealmTimeOffset = CGUnitData.End + 1818, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        ModPetHaste = CGUnitData.End + 1819, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        SummonedBattlePetGUID = CGUnitData.End + 1820, // size 2, flags MIRROR_SELF
        OverrideSpellsID = CGUnitData.End + 1822, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_URGENT_SELF_ONLY
        LfgBonusFactionID = CGUnitData.End + 1823, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        LootSpecID = CGUnitData.End + 1824, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        OverrideZonePVPType = CGUnitData.End + 1825, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF, MIRROR_URGENT_SELF_ONLY
        ItemLevelDelta = CGUnitData.End + 1826, // size 1, flags MIRROR_SELF
        End = CGUnitData.End + 1827
    public enum CGGameObjectData
        CreatedBy = CGObjectData.End + 0, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        DisplayID = CGObjectData.End + 2, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        Flags = CGObjectData.End + 3, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL, MIRROR_URGENT
        ParentRotation = CGObjectData.End + 4, // size 4, flags MIRROR_ALL
        FactionTemplate = CGObjectData.End + 8, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        Level = CGObjectData.End + 9, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        PercentHealth = CGObjectData.End + 10, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL, MIRROR_URGENT
        StateSpellVisualID = CGObjectData.End + 11, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL, MIRROR_URGENT
        End = CGObjectData.End + 12
    public enum CGDynamicObjectData
        Caster = CGObjectData.End + 0, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        TypeAndVisualID = CGObjectData.End + 2, // size 1, flags MIRROR_VIEWER_DEPENDENT
        SpellID = CGObjectData.End + 3, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        Radius = CGObjectData.End + 4, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        CastTime = CGObjectData.End + 5, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        End = CGObjectData.End + 6
    public enum CGCorpseData
        Owner = CGObjectData.End + 0, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        PartyGUID = CGObjectData.End + 2, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        DisplayID = CGObjectData.End + 4, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        Items = CGObjectData.End + 5, // size 19, flags MIRROR_ALL
        SkinID = CGObjectData.End + 24, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        FacialHairStyleID = CGObjectData.End + 25, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        Flags = CGObjectData.End + 26, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        DynamicFlags = CGObjectData.End + 27, // size 1, flags MIRROR_VIEWER_DEPENDENT
        End = CGObjectData.End + 28
    public enum CGAreaTriggerData
        Caster = CGObjectData.End + 0, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        Duration = CGObjectData.End + 2, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        SpellID = CGObjectData.End + 3, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        SpellVisualID = CGObjectData.End + 4, // size 1, flags MIRROR_VIEWER_DEPENDENT
        ExplicitScale = CGObjectData.End + 5, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL, MIRROR_URGENT
        End = CGObjectData.End + 6
    public enum CGSceneObjectData
        ScriptPackageID = CGObjectData.End + 0, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        RndSeedVal = CGObjectData.End + 1, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        CreatedBy = CGObjectData.End + 2, // size 2, flags MIRROR_ALL
        SceneType = CGObjectData.End + 4, // size 1, flags MIRROR_ALL
        End = CGObjectData.End + 5
    public enum CGItemDynamicData
    public enum CGUnitDynamicData
    public enum CGPlayerDynamicData

  8. #8
    Snikers's Avatar Private
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    Hey all,

    I am just getting back into wow and am dusting off my "out of process bot". The offsets that people post are quite different than the old staple ones we used to get, and I have to admin my skills with IDA are not great and it always takes me a long time to find anything, if at all.

    I was wondering if anybody still uses RivaL's Offset finder and if there are some updated patterns that you use. I can't find on the forums updated patterns anywhere and the old ones I have no longer work.

    Otherwise, I would appreciate tips on how to find in IDA offsets like : CusorType and FACTION_START_INDEX, CastingSpellID and ChannelSpellID. Maybe we all just call these offsets by different names now...

    Anyway, I am a big fan of "teach a man to fish" so any tips on how to find these offsets myself are greatly appreciated.

    I know there are not too many "out of process" bot programmers around so if any of you need help with code to make that successful please PM me.
    Thanks all! I am so glad to see the community is healthy!

  9. #9
    yellow82's Avatar Member
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    ObjManagerPtr: 0xEA2388 (0x86)
    Last edited by yellow82; 11-16-2013 at 07:27 AM.

  10. #10
    amaru's Avatar Member
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    it seems that opcodes have changed in 5.4.1 since 5.4.0...

  11. #11
    doityourself's Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    Originally Posted by amaru View Post
    it seems that opcodes have changed in 5.4.1 since 5.4.0...
    Oo really? I didn't know OooO

  12. #12
    JuJuBoSc's Avatar Banned for scamming CoreCoins Purchaser
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    New warden scans :

    0x0089173E	11 Bytes
    0x008917FF	11 Bytes
    0x003D4161	13 Bytes
    0x008916E9	11 Bytes
    0x0048F695	15 Bytes

  13. #13
    Alisamix's Avatar Contributor
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    Does someone have a pdb with the function names for this version? I need some more adresses

  14. #14
    rens's Avatar Sergeant
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    Originally Posted by amaru View Post
    it seems that opcodes have changed in 5.4.1 since 5.4.0...
    They change all the time

  15. #15
    charles420's Avatar Contributor
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    anyone got auto loot pointer and offset and auto attack flag and mask plz and ty cant seem to find them

    ok after alot of beating head vers wall Autoloot is who would of though autoloot search in ida / dumb face
    Pointer = 0xD43D10,
    Offset = 0x30,
    Last edited by charles420; 11-21-2013 at 07:55 AM.

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