[V7.7] [INTERNATIONAL] [RNN] BountiesTracking menu

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  1. #31
    FoxPox's Avatar Member
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    The total execution time of the act will not change, such a plugin loses its meaning.

    [V7.7] [INTERNATIONAL] [RNN] BountiesTracking
  2. #32
    Skeeh's Avatar Member
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    Thanks for that plugin RNN

    I tried to use HoradricAlert too but I get an exception saying : "2020.08.28 16:26:46.133 namespace mismatch in plugin file: 'blablabla\Plugins\RNN\HoradricAlert.cs': namespace should be this: 'Turbo.Plugins.RNN"

    What did I do wrong, please ?

    The HoradricAlert.cs file is like the one in the first page :

    Hud.GetPlugin<RNN.HoradricAlert>().Enabled = true;			
    Hud.RunOnPlugin<RNN.HoradricAlert>(plugin =>
    	plugin.HoradricName = "Horadric Cache";				
    }  );
    Thank you

  3. #33
    RNN's Avatar Legendary
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    I can't find any reason why it doesn't work for you.
    If you are also using BountiesTracking, check that both are in the same folder and that you are using the original version without modifications (download the file again from the first post

  4. #34
    Skeeh's Avatar Member
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    They are in the same folder, i didn't do any modification and I already tried to download the file again :/
    I'm using the latest THUD version ( ).

    What should i understand with the error message saying "...namespace should be this: 'Turbo.Plugins.RNN" ?

  5. #35
    RNN's Avatar Legendary
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    Originally Posted by Skeeh View Post
    They are in the same folder, i didn't do any modification and I already tried to download the file again :/
    I'm using the latest THUD version ( ).

    What should i understand with the error message saying "...namespace should be this: 'Turbo.Plugins.RNN" ?
    Line 4 (HoradricAlert.cs)
    namespace Turbo.Plugins.RNN
    The plugin must be installed in the TurboHUD folder, inside Plugins\RNN\ , if not, it gives you an error
    Maybe there is a problem with the base directory or the permissions, but it should not happen if with BountiesTracking you do not have an error. To discard them install TurboHUD in D:\TH o C:\TH and this plugin in X:\TH\Plugins\RNN\HoradricAlert.cs , and run TH as administrator

  6. #36
    Skeeh's Avatar Member
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    Ok i'm dumb

    I didn't copy/paste correctly...

    Thanks again for your advices and for your work !

  7. #37
    RNN's Avatar Legendary
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    TTS for HoradricAlert.cs

  8. Thanks BeeAntOS (1 members gave Thanks to RNN for this useful post)
  9. #38
    Ggod9012's Avatar Member
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    This is a dead plugin now - you can no longer download it? When going to the pastebin, it says : Error, this is a private paste or is pending moderation. If this paste belongs to you, please login to Pastebin to view it.

  10. #39
    Skeeh's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Ggod9012 View Post
    This is a dead plugin now - you can no longer download it? When going to the pastebin, it says : Error, this is a private paste or is pending moderation. If this paste belongs to you, please login to Pastebin to view it.
    using System;
    using Turbo.Plugins.Default;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using SharpDX.DirectInput;
    namespace Turbo.Plugins.RNN
    	public class BountiesTracking : BasePlugin, IKeyEventHandler, INewAreaHandler, IInGameTopPainter, IAfterCollectHandler, ICustomizer
    		public float xpos { get; set; }
    		public float ypos { get; set; }
    		private float x  { get; set; }
    		private float y  { get; set; }
    		private IFont DefaultFont { get; set; }
    		private IFont DefaultFontm { get; set; }
    		private IFont DefaultFontmTown { get; set; }
    		private IFont DefaultFontmBoss { get; set; }
    		private IFont SpecialFontm { get; set; }		
    		private IFont GrisFont { get; set; }
    		private IFont VerdeFont { get; set; }
    		private IFont OrangeFont { get; set; }
    		private IFont RojoFont { get; set; }
    		private IFont SelecFont { get; set; }
    		private IFont BossFont { get; set; }
    		private IFont BossGoFont { get; set; }
    		private IFont BossWaitFont { get; set; }
    		private IFont ChestFont { get; set; }
    		private IBrush BrushTown { get; set; }
    		private IBrush BrushShadow { get; set; }
    		private Dictionary<uint, Tuple<string,string>> QuestBosses { get; set; }
    		private Dictionary<uint, int> ActFix { get; set; }
    		private List<uint> Chests100_Sno { get; set; }
    		private List<uint> EspecialMap { get; set; }
    		public bool BTr_On { get; set; }
    		public bool TurnOffWhenNewGameStarts { get; set; }
    		public int BossActive { get; set; }    		
    		public IKeyEvent ToggleKeyEvent { get; set; }
    		public Key Hot_Key 
                get { return ToggleKeyEvent.Key; }
                set { ToggleKeyEvent = Hud.Input.CreateKeyEvent(true, value, false, false, false); }
    		public int [] OrderActs { get; set; } 
    		public bool PlayerInTownGray { get; set; }
    		public bool MeInRiftOFF { get; set; }
    		private bool[] HCache { get; set; } = new bool[] { false, false, false, false, false, false };
    		private List<int> HCacheList { get; set; } = new List<int>();
    		private bool once { get; set; } 
    		private int nCache { get; set; } = 0;
    		private float OffsetA { get; set; } = 0f;
    		private float OffsetB { get; set; } = 0f;
    		private float OffsetH { get; set; } = 0f;
    		private float pH { get; set; } = 1.1f;
    		private int MyIndex { get; set; } = -1;			
    		private TopLabelDecorator BTtimersDecorator { get; set; }
    		public BountiesTracking()
    			Enabled = true;
    		public override void Load(IController hud) {
    			Order = 31002;
    			xpos = 0.90f;
    			ypos = 0.79f;
    			Hot_Key = Key.F7;
    			OrderActs = new int[] { 2, 4, 1, 3, 5 };  // Orden en el que hay que completar los bosses para que todos los jugadores lo sigan.
    			PlayerInTownGray = true;
    			MeInRiftOFF = true;
    			TurnOffWhenNewGameStarts = false;
    			BTr_On = false;
    			BossActive = 0;
    			DefaultFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 8f, 255, 190, 155, 115, false, false, 250, 0, 0, 0, true);
    			DefaultFontm = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 7f, 200, 190, 155, 115, false, false, 250, 0, 0, 0, true);
    			DefaultFontmTown = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 7f, 220, 135, 130, 125, false, false, 250, 0, 0, 0, true);
    			DefaultFontmBoss = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 7f, 220, 255, 128, 0, false, false, 250, 0, 0, 0, true);
    			SpecialFontm = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 7f, 50, 250, 250, 250, false, false, true);
    			VerdeFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 8f, 250, 0, 250, 0, false, false, 250, 0, 0, 0, true);
    			OrangeFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 8f, 250, 255, 128, 0, false, false, 250, 0, 0, 0, true);
    			RojoFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 8f, 250, 255, 0, 0, false, false, 250, 0, 0, 0, true);
    			GrisFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 8f, 255, 128, 128, 128, false, false, 250, 0, 0, 0, true);
    			BossGoFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 7f, 250, 0, 250, 0, true, true, 160, 0, 0, 0, true);
    			BossWaitFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 7f, 250, 255, 0, 0, true, true, 160, 0, 0, 0, true);
    			BossFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 7f, 250, 0, 150, 0, true, true, 160, 0, 0, 0, true);
    			ChestFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 7f, 250, 255, 128, 0, true, true, 160, 0, 0, 0, true);	
    			BrushTown = hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 255, 128, 0, 5);
    			BrushShadow = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(150, 0, 0, 0, (BrushTown.StrokeWidth < 0) ? BrushTown.StrokeWidth - 1: BrushTown.StrokeWidth + 1);
    			// SnoQuest.Sno de contratos en los que aparece un cofre y hay que matar 100 monstruos en 60 seg.
    			Chests100_Sno = new List<uint> 
    					365381, 369789, 369944, 375191, 375201,               //1
    					369800, 375257, 375261, 464596, 464598, 466835,       //2
    					369825, 436269, 447218,                               //3
    					369878, 409897, 467798, 470608, 470561,               //4
    					375268, 375275, 375278, 375348, 445139, 445158        //5
    			EspecialMap = new List<uint> 
    				//	288482, 288684, 288686, 288797, 288799, 288801, 288803, 288809, 288812, 288813, // Rift, GRift level 1-10 . Finalmente usaré la doble comprobación con 288482 
    					434650,          // Cow
    					257116, 256767, 256106, 256742, 374239, // Ubers
    					409094,   //  Chupivilla
    					380773,380774,  // Vault
    					483058,483085	// Vault Ancient
    			// (SnoArea.Sno,act) para conocer el acto al que pertenecen los mapas nuevos, al parecer no tienen asociado un acto en TH
    			ActFix = new Dictionary<uint, int>
    				{63666,  1}, {445426, 1}, //1
    				{456638, 2}, {460671, 2}, {464092, 2}, {464830, 2}, {465885, 2}, {467383, 2}, //2
    				{444307, 3}, {445762, 3}, //3
    				{444396, 4}, {445792, 4}, {446367, 4}, {446550, 4}, {448011, 4}, {448039, 4},  //4
    				{464063, 4}, {464065, 4}, {464066, 4},                                   
    				{464810, 4}, {464820, 4}, {464821, 4}, {464822, 4}, {464857, 4}, {464858, 4},                   
    				{464865, 4}, {464867, 4}, {464868, 4}, {464870, 4}, {464871, 4}, {464873, 4},
    				{464874, 4}, {464875, 4}, {464882, 4}, {464886, 4}, {464889, 4}, {464890, 4},                        
    				{464940, 4}, {464941, 4}, {464942, 4}, {464943, 4}, {464944, 4},
    				{475854, 4}, {475856, 4}, 
    				{448391, 5}, {448368, 5}, {448375, 5}, {448398, 5}, {448404,5},  {448411,5}, //5
    			// SnoQuest.Sno de los Contratos en los que nos piden Matar a un Boss 
    			QuestBosses = new Dictionary<uint, Tuple<string,string>>
    				{347032, new Tuple<string,string>("Butcher",               "|90881|")}, {345528, new Tuple<string,string>("Araneae",   "|62726|")}, //1
    				{361234, new Tuple<string,string>("Sk. King",              "|19789|")}, 
    				{347656, new Tuple<string,string>("Kulle",                 "|60194|")}, {358353, new Tuple<string,string>("Belial",    "|60757|")}, //2
    				{347558, new Tuple<string,string>("Maghda",               "|195268|")}, {474066, new Tuple<string,string>("Vidian",   "|467383|")}, 
    				{346166, new Tuple<string,string>("Ghom",                 "|111232|")}, {349242, new Tuple<string,string>("A. Beast", "|112580|")}, //3
    				{349244, new Tuple<string,string>("Azmodan",              "|111516|")}, {349224, new Tuple<string,string>("Cydaea",   "|119656|")},
    				{361421, new Tuple<string,string>("Izual",                "|215396|")}, {349262, new Tuple<string,string>("Rakanoth", "|143648|")}, //4
    				{349288, new Tuple<string,string>("Diablo", "|109563|215235|153669|")}, 
    				{359915, new Tuple<string,string>("Adria",                "|287220|")}, {359927, new Tuple<string,string>("Malthael", "|330576|")}, //5
    				{359919, new Tuple<string,string>("Urzael",               "|308487|")}, 
    			BTtimersDecorator = new TopLabelDecorator(Hud)   
    				TextFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 6, 180, 255, 255, 0, false, false, false),
    				BackgroundTexture1 = Hud.Texture.ButtonTextureGray,
    				BackgroundTexture2 = Hud.Texture.BackgroundTextureGreen,
    				BackgroundTextureOpacity1 = 0.20f,
    				BackgroundTextureOpacity2 = 0.20f,
    				TextFunc = () => "?", 
    				HintFunc = () => BTtimers(),	
    			int l = 0; uint found = 0;
    			foreach(var qb in QuestBosses) 	
    				if (qb.Value.Item1.Length > l)  { l = qb.Value.Item1.Length; found = qb.Key; }	
    			OffsetB = VerdeFont.GetTextLayout(QuestBosses[found].Item1).Metrics.Width;
    			OffsetA = DefaultFont.GetTextLayout("[A5] 5 (+5)").Metrics.Width;
    			OffsetH = DefaultFont.GetTextLayout("[]").Metrics.Height * pH;
    		public void Customize()
    			x = Hud.Window.Size.Width * xpos;
    			y = Hud.Window.Size.Height * ypos;				
    		public void OnKeyEvent(IKeyEvent keyEvent)
    			if (keyEvent.IsPressed && ToggleKeyEvent.Matches(keyEvent))   {  BTr_On = !BTr_On;  if (BTr_On == false)  BossActive = 0 ; }
    		public string BTtimers()
    			long[,] createdon = new long[,] { {0,long.MaxValue,0},{0,long.MaxValue,0},{0,long.MaxValue,0},{0,long.MaxValue,0},{0,long.MaxValue,0},{0,long.MaxValue,0} };
    			foreach (var quest in Hud.Game.Quests.Where(quest => quest.SnoQuest.Type == QuestType.Bounty)) 
    				var acto = quest.SnoQuest.SnoAct.Index ;
    				if (quest.StartedOn.ElapsedMilliseconds > createdon[acto,0]) 
    					createdon[acto,0] = (long) quest.StartedOn.ElapsedMilliseconds ;
    					if (createdon[acto,0] > createdon[0,0]) {	createdon[0,0] = createdon[acto,0]; }					
    				if (quest.State == QuestState.completed) 
    					createdon[acto,2] = createdon[acto,2] + 1;
    					if (createdon[acto,2] == 5) { createdon[0,2] = createdon[0,2] + 1; }
    					if (quest.CompletedOn.ElapsedMilliseconds < createdon[acto,1])	
    						createdon[acto,1] = (long) quest.CompletedOn.ElapsedMilliseconds; 
    						if (createdon[acto,1] < createdon[0,1])	{ createdon[0,1] = createdon[acto,1]; }
    			string texto = string.Empty; long t = 0; 
    			for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) 
    					if ((createdon[i,2] == 5) && (createdon[i,0] != 0)) { t = (createdon[i,0] - createdon[i,1]) / 1000; }
    					else { t = createdon[i,0] / 1000; }
    					if (i == 0) { texto = String.Format("# [{0:0}:{1:00}]", (int) (t / 60), t % 60);  }
    					else {	texto = String.Format("{0}\n{1})  {2:0}:{3:00}", texto, i, (int) (t / 60), t % 60); }
    			return texto;
    		public void OnNewArea(bool newGame, ISnoArea area)
    			if (newGame || (MyIndex != Hud.Game.Me.Index) )   // Fix partialment the newGame limitation
    				MyIndex = Hud.Game.Me.Index;
    				if (TurnOffWhenNewGameStarts) 
    					BTr_On = false;
    					BossActive = 0; 
    				once = true;
    		public void AfterCollect()  
    			if (!Hud.Game.IsInGame) return;
    			if (once)
    				for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
    					HCache[i] = false;
    				nCache = 0;
    				var HoradricCaches = Hud.Game.Items.Where(x => x.SnoItem.MainGroupCode == "horadriccache");
    				foreach (var cache in HoradricCaches)
    				once = false;
    			var InventoryHoradricCaches = Hud.Game.Items.Where(x => x.Location == ItemLocation.Inventory && x.SnoItem.MainGroupCode == "horadriccache");
    			foreach (var Cache in InventoryHoradricCaches)
    				if (Cache.Seed == 0) continue;  // para evitar los .Seed  == 0  en los alijos recién cobrados debido a inicialización tardía
    				if (!HCacheList.Contains(Cache.Seed))
    					if (Cache.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Act1")) { if (HCache[1] == false) { HCache[1] = true; nCache += 1; } }
    					else if (Cache.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Act2")) { if (HCache[2] == false) { HCache[2] = true; nCache += 1; } }
    					else if (Cache.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Act3")) { if (HCache[3] == false) { HCache[3] = true; nCache += 1; } }
    					else if (Cache.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Act4")) { if (HCache[4] == false) { HCache[4] = true; nCache += 1; } }
    					else if (Cache.SnoItem.Code.Contains("Act5")) { if (HCache[5] == false) { HCache[5] = true; nCache += 1; } }
    					else continue;
    				/* 	nCache = 0; for(var i = 1; i < 6; i++) { if (HCache[i] == true) nCache += 1; } // Hacerlo así sería infalible, pero no detectaría problemas de planteamiento	*/			
    		public void PaintTopInGame(ClipState clipState)   // public enum ClipState { BeforeClip, Inventory, AfterClip }
    			if (Hud.Render.UiHidden) return;
    			if (Hud.Game.IsInGame && BTr_On) 
    				if (clipState == ClipState.BeforeClip)
    					if ( MeInRiftOFF && ((Hud.Game.Me.SnoArea.HostAreaSno == 288482) || (Hud.Game.Me.SnoArea.Sno == 288482)) )	{ BossActive = 0; return; }  
    					int [,] Cont_B = new int [6,2] { {0,0},{0,0},{0,0},{0,0},{0,0},{0,0}  }; 
    					string [] Bosses = new string [6] { " ----" ," ----"," ----"," ----"," ----"," ----" }; 
    					int [] Bosses_State = new int [6] { 3,3,3,3,3,3 }; 
    					int [] Chests100_State = new int [6] { 0,0,0,0,0,0 };
    					string BossMap = string.Empty;					
    					foreach (var quest in Hud.Game.Quests.Where(quest => quest.SnoQuest.Type == QuestType.Bounty)) 
    						var acto = quest.SnoQuest.SnoAct.Index ;
    						if (quest.State == QuestState.completed)  { Cont_B[acto,0] =  Cont_B[acto,0] + 1 ; Cont_B[0,0] =  Cont_B[0,0] + 1 ;  }
    						else if (quest.State == QuestState.started)    { Cont_B[acto,1] =  Cont_B[acto,1] + 1 ; Cont_B[0,1] =  Cont_B[0,1] + 1 ; }
    						if (QuestBosses.ContainsKey(quest.SnoQuest.Sno)) 
    							Bosses[acto] = QuestBosses[quest.SnoQuest.Sno].Item1;
    							BossMap += QuestBosses[quest.SnoQuest.Sno].Item2;
    							Bosses_State[acto] = (quest.State == QuestState.completed)? 2 : ( (quest.State == QuestState.started)? 1 : 0 ) ;
    						else if (Chests100_Sno.Contains(quest.SnoQuest.Sno)) 
    							Chests100_State[acto] = (quest.State == QuestState.completed)? 1 : ( (quest.State == QuestState.started)? 3 : 2 ) ;
    					if ((Cont_B[0,0] == 25)) 
    						if (nCache == 5)	{ VerdeFont.DrawText(VerdeFont.GetTextLayout("! Bounties  Completed !"), x  , y );  }
    						else { OrangeFont.DrawText(OrangeFont.GetTextLayout("! Bounties  Completed !"), x  , y );  }
    					else { DefaultFont.DrawText(DefaultFont.GetTextLayout( (25 - Cont_B[0,0]) + " Remaining  (" + Cont_B[0,1] + " Started)"), x  , y ); }
    					BTtimersDecorator.Paint(x + OffsetA * 2.3f, y + 1, Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.012f, Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.01f, HorizontalAlign.Center);
    					int activo = 0 ;				
    					foreach (int i in OrderActs) 
    						if (Bosses_State[i] < 2) { activo = i;  break; } 
    					BossActive = activo;
    					var players = Hud.Game.Players; 
    					string [] Players_Act = new string [6] {string.Empty,string.Empty,string.Empty,string.Empty,string.Empty,string.Empty}; 
    					string [] Players_ActTown = new string [6] {string.Empty,string.Empty,string.Empty,string.Empty,string.Empty,string.Empty}; 
    					string [] Players_Boss = new string [6] {string.Empty,string.Empty,string.Empty,string.Empty,string.Empty,string.Empty}; 
    					foreach (var player in players) 
    						if ((player.SnoArea.HostAreaSno == 288482) || (player.SnoArea.Sno == 288482) ) continue;
    						if (EspecialMap.Contains(player.SnoArea.Sno)) 
    							Players_ActTown[0] +=  player.BattleTagAbovePortrait + " "; 
    							int acto = player.SnoArea.Act;
    							if ( (acto > 0) || (ActFix.TryGetValue(player.SnoArea.Sno, out acto)) )
    								if (player.IsInTown && PlayerInTownGray) 
    									Players_ActTown[acto] += player.BattleTagAbovePortrait + " "; 
    								else if (( Bosses_State[acto] == 1) && BossMap.Contains("|" + player.SnoArea.Sno + "|") )
    									Players_Boss[acto] += player.BattleTagAbovePortrait + " ";
    									Players_Act[acto] += player.BattleTagAbovePortrait + " ";
    								DefaultFont.DrawText(DefaultFont.GetTextLayout("Fix: " + player.BattleTagAbovePortrait + "-" + player.SnoArea.Sno ), Hud.Window.Size.Width * 0.93f, Hud.Window.Size.Height * 0.97f);
    					if (Players_ActTown[0] != string.Empty)	
    						var t = SpecialFontm.GetTextLayout(Players_ActTown[0]);
    						SpecialFontm.DrawText(t, x - t.Metrics.Width - t.Metrics.Height , y + 1); 
    					for (int j = 1; j < 6; j++) 
    						var texto = string.Format("{0}  {1} (+{2}) ",HCache[j]? "[A" + j + "]": " A" + j + (Cont_B[j,0] == 5 ? "!":" "),Cont_B[j,0],Cont_B[j,1] );
    						DefaultFont.DrawText(DefaultFont.GetTextLayout(texto), x  , (y) + j * OffsetH );
    						SelecFont = (Bosses_State[j] > 1)? GrisFont: (activo == j)? VerdeFont : RojoFont ;
    						SelecFont.DrawText(SelecFont.GetTextLayout(Bosses[j]), x + OffsetA + OffsetH , (y) + j * OffsetH );
    						if (Bosses_State[j] == 1) { SelecFont.DrawText(SelecFont.GetTextLayout("🡄"), x + OffsetA + OffsetB + 1.6f * OffsetH, (y) + j * OffsetH ); }
    						var pos = x - DefaultFontmTown.GetTextLayout("-").Metrics.Width;
    						if (Players_ActTown[j] != string.Empty) 
    							pos -= DefaultFontmTown.GetTextLayout("-" + Players_ActTown[j]).Metrics.Width;
    							DefaultFontmTown.DrawText(DefaultFontmTown.GetTextLayout(Players_ActTown[j]), pos , y + (float) j * OffsetH + 1);
    						if (Players_Boss[j] != string.Empty)
    							pos -= DefaultFontmBoss.GetTextLayout("-" + Players_Boss[j]).Metrics.Width;
    							DefaultFontmBoss.DrawText(DefaultFontm.GetTextLayout(Players_Boss[j]), pos , y + (float) j * OffsetH + 1);
    						if (Players_Act[j] != string.Empty) 
    							pos -= DefaultFontm.GetTextLayout("-" + Players_Act[j]).Metrics.Width;
    							DefaultFontm.DrawText(DefaultFontm.GetTextLayout(Players_Act[j]), pos , y + (float) j * OffsetH + 1);
    						if (Chests100_State[j] > 1) 
    							if (Chests100_State[j] == 3) DefaultFontm.DrawText(DefaultFontm.GetTextLayout("►"), x + OffsetA + OffsetB + 2.6f * OffsetH   , (y) + j * OffsetH );
    							else DefaultFont.DrawText(DefaultFont.GetTextLayout("+"), x + OffsetA + OffsetB + 2.6f * OffsetH  , (y) + (float) j * OffsetH );
    				else if (clipState == ClipState.AfterClip) 
    					if (!Hud.Render.WorldMapUiElement.Visible || Hud.Render.ActMapUiElement.Visible) return;			
    					if (Hud.Game.ActMapCurrentAct == BountyAct.None) return;
    					var w = 220 * Hud.Window.HeightUiRatio;  var h = 100 * Hud.Window.HeightUiRatio; 
    					foreach (var waypoint in Hud.Game.ActMapWaypoints.Where(x => x.BountyAct == Hud.Game.ActMapCurrentAct))    
    						var x = Hud.Render.WorldMapUiElement.Rectangle.X + waypoint.CoordinateOnMapUiElement.X * Hud.Window.HeightUiRatio;
    						var y = Hud.Render.WorldMapUiElement.Rectangle.Y + waypoint.CoordinateOnMapUiElement.Y * Hud.Window.HeightUiRatio;				
    						if (waypoint.TargetSnoArea.IsTown) 
    							BrushShadow.DrawEllipse(x + w * 0.5f, y + h * 0.3f, h * 0.20f ,h * 0.20f );
    							BrushTown.DrawEllipse(x + w * 0.5f, y + h * 0.3f, h * 0.20f ,h * 0.20f );
    						var quest = Hud.Game.Bounties.FirstOrDefault(q => q.SnoQuest.BountySnoArea == waypoint.TargetSnoArea);
    						if ((quest != null) && quest.State != QuestState.completed)  
    							if (QuestBosses.ContainsKey(quest.SnoQuest.Sno)) SelecFont = (BossActive == 0)? BossFont:(BossActive == quest.SnoQuest.SnoAct.Index)? BossGoFont:BossWaitFont ; 	      
    							else if (Chests100_Sno.Contains(quest.SnoQuest.Sno)) SelecFont = ChestFont; 
    							else continue;
    							var layout = SelecFont.GetTextLayout(quest.SnoQuest.NameLocalized) ;
    							SelecFont.DrawText(layout, x + (w - layout.Metrics.Width) / 2, y + (float)Math.Ceiling(h * 0.32f));
    Last edited by Skeeh; 06-20-2021 at 02:38 PM.

  11. #40
    RNN's Avatar Legendary
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    Fix for Horadric Cache : Quests are now used to check if Horadric Caches have been taken

  12. #41
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    Fixes for Compatibility. Added new areas.

  13. #42
    RawHulk's Avatar Member
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    I have Windows 7, what can I do to make an arrow appear instead of a square?
    Last edited by RawHulk; 05-24-2024 at 02:22 PM.

  14. #43
    RNN's Avatar Legendary
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    Download it again and if you still don't see an arrow edit line 349 (notepad++) to change the highlighted character green:

    if (Bosses_State[j] == 1) { SelecFont.DrawText(SelecFont.GetTextLayout("🠈"), x + OffsetA + OffsetB + 1.6f * OffsetH, (y) + j * OffsetH ); }

    You have more unicode characters in: List of Arrows Symbols - Unicode Explorer

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