Control Chat
So most people joining classic are from private servers.
By default they are joining a chat channel called /World
this is public you can as someone to pass ownership to you or moderator as someone new becomes owner if owner relogs.
You can force new owner if a mod kicks the owner
You can permaban players from chat
You can password the channel
gl with this info
Originally Posted by
But you cannot open the Chat channel like you used to be able to.
So i dont see how you could actually ban/kick someone
/chatinfo, /chatlist, /chatwho [channel]
Lists available channels, or players in [channel] if specified.
/ckick <channel> <player>
Kicks <player> from <channel>. (You need to be a moderator to do this?)
/mod, /moderator <channel> <player>
Grants <player> moderator status on <channel>. See /unmoderator for the reverse. (You need to be channel owner to do this?)
/mute, /squelch, /unvoice <channel> <player>
Prevent <player> from speaking in <channel>. See /unmute for the reverse.
/owner <channel> [player]
Displays the owner of <channel> if [player] isn't given. If [player] is given, then grants [player] ownership of <channel>? (You need to be channel owner to do this?)
/pass, /password <channel> <password>
Sets the password for <channel> to <password>
/unban <channel> <player>
Allows <player> to join <channel>. See /ban for the reverse. (You need to be a moderator to do this?)
/unmod, /unmoderator <channel> <player>
Revokes <player>'s moderator status on <channel>. See /moderator for the reverse. (You need to be channel owner to do this?)
/unmute, /unsquelch, /voice <channel> <player>
Allow <player> to speak in <channel>. See /mute for the reverse.
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Josh Kyle,
Losos (2 members gave Thanks to Traxex84 for this useful post)
also moderators can give moderator status to other players and also kick other mods
Active Member
I wanna see someone password the channel on faerlina
Exploration: To go where the Game designer thinks you don't know about!
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Josh Kyle (1 members gave Thanks to Blizzhaxer for this useful post)
Some way to dethorne shity owner?