Ride Reindeer mount outside Ashenvale in SoD
This will allow you to ride a 60% mount even if you don't have a mount.
Basically you can use the Preserved Holly on a flightpath and you'll be mounted when you land (granted that the landing zone is outside).
This will allow you to move at 60% until you need to dismount.
Not super useful, but could be nice if you know you need to walk far without fighting.
EDIT: Might need to relog after landing to get it to work
Last edited by Jimbo; 12-31-2023 at 09:02 AM.
Reason: Feedback
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Elite User
For me to get it to work I needed to relog after landing.
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phantom325 (1 members gave Thanks to Strath for this useful post)
Turtle Nation
Yup, this did it for me as well, +rep to both of yall, time to stock up on these lol