[Guide] Adding doodads and WMOs to maps using Cryects tools and NoggIt menu

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    schlumpf's Avatar Retired Noggit Developer

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    [Guide] Adding doodads and WMOs to maps using Cryects tools and NoggIt


    Well, you're here today to learn, how to add models and wmos to your own land.
    In order to do this, you should be able to modify land and moving doodads using NoggIt and have both, knowledge in NoggIt and at least the knowledge that Cryects cmd-tools exist.

    If you're not, just stop reading this!

    Well, since you read on, I think you at least know what this is about in general. You've built some great land and now want to add some trees and stuff. You have mastered NoggIt since at this point the abilities of NoggIt end in general.

    You now need those mighty tools. There are two apps. "fileinfo" and "loadinfo". Those apps extract the model-dat out of a adt-tile.
    • fileinfo <adtfile> - writes the information into a textfile
    • loadinfo <adtfile> - writes the information about that tile in the textfile back into the adt.

    You now know the basic usage of the two tools. But if you try to do it, you may be hit by a big wall of text and numbers. This is what this guide tries to explain.

    Lets see what we got, if you get the fileinfo of a blizzard-adt. Some stupid example: BlackwingLair_33_46.

    Because of the massive amounth of doodads there i cut some pieces out. The " , " are tabs, this forum wont display them.

    Basic overview

    MMDX , 28
    0 , world\generic\ogre\passive doodads\ogremoundrocks\ogremoundrock04.mdx
    1 , world\generic\ogre\passive doodads\ogremoundrocks\ogremoundrock03.mdx
    2 , world\generic\ogre\passive doodads\ogremoundrocks\ogremoundrock01.mdx
    3 , world\generic\passivedoodads\lights\generaltorch01.mdx
    4 , world\azeroth\burningsteppes\passivedoodads\volcanicvents\volcanicventsmall01.md x
    5 , world\azeroth\burningsteppes\passivedoodads\smoke\ashtreesmoke01.mdx
    6 , world\azeroth\burningsteppes\passivedoodads\volcanicvents\volcanicventlarge01.md x
    7 , world\azeroth\burningsteppes\passivedoodads\volcanicvents\volcanicventlargeoff01 .mdx
    8 , world\khazmodan\blackrock\passivedoodads\blackrocklavabubbles\blackrockstatuelav abubbles.mdx
    9 , world\azeroth\burningsteppes\passivedoodads\trees\ashtree03.mdx
    10 , world\azeroth\burningsteppes\passivedoodads\trees\burningmidtree01.mdx
    11 , world\azeroth\burningsteppes\passivedoodads\trees\burningmidtree03.mdx
    12 , world\khazmodan\blackrock\passivedoodads\blackrocklavabubbles\blackrockstatuelav abubble.mdx
    13 , world\azeroth\burningsteppes\passivedoodads\lavabridge\lavabridge.mdx
    14 , world\azeroth\burningsteppes\passivedoodads\lavaplugs\lavaplug01.mdx
    15 , world\azeroth\burningsteppes\passivedoodads\lavaplugs\lavaplug02.mdx
    16 , world\generic\dwarf\passive doodads\dwarfcorpse\corpseskeletondwarf.mdx
    17 , world\azeroth\burningsteppes\passivedoodads\rocks\burningsteppesboulders03.mdx
    18 , world\kalimdor\desolace\passivedoodads\spearwalls\centaurspearscone.mdx
    19 , world\khazmodan\wetlands\passivedoodads\dragonbones\dragonbonesskull.mdx
    20 , world\generic\dwarf\passive doodads\excavationbannerstands\excavationbannerstand.mdx
    21 , world\khazmodan\wetlands\passivedoodads\totem\dragontotem01.mdx
    22 , world\generic\human\passive doodads\meat\bloodymeat01.mdx
    23 , world\azeroth\westfall\passivedoodads\westfallskeleton\westfallskeleton.mdx
    24 , world\azeroth\westfall\passivedoodads\deadmule\deadmule.mdx
    25 , world\azeroth\elwynn\passivedoodads\battlegladeskullhuman1\battlegladeskullhuman 1.mdx
    26 , world\azeroth\elwynn\passivedoodads\battlegladeskullhuman2\battlegladeskullhuman 2.mdx
    27 , world\generic\passivedoodads\flyinginsects\flyingsmallinsects.mdx

    MWMO , 2
    0 , world\wmo\azeroth\buildings\altarofstorms\altarofstorms.wmo
    1 , world\wmo\dungeon\az_blackrock\blackrock_upper_guild.wmo

    MDDF , 30
    0 , 569921 , 17702.980469 , 259.725525 , 24549.898438 , 0.000000 , 98.000000 , 0.000000 , 1024
    1 , 569922 , 17880.085938 , 269.850677 , 24558.773438 , 36.500000 , 20.000000 , -21.500000 , 665
    2 , 569920 , 17716.037109 , 258.058868 , 24545.775391 , 0.000000 , -40.500000 , 0.000000 , 1024
    3 , 569953 , 17947.330078 , 128.760712 , 25022.666016 , 1.000000 , 0.000000 , 5.500000 , 1024
    4 , 569960 , 17986.671875 , 131.697800 , 25003.968750 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 1024
    5 , 569923 , 17886.742188 , 266.424561 , 24560.740234 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 1024
    6 , 569961 , 17988.152344 , 131.091492 , 25006.794922 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 1024
    7 , 569959 , 17990.595703 , 130.874908 , 25003.787109 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 1966
    8 , 569927 , 17920.445312 , 595.126221 , 24640.335938 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 368
    8 , 569945 , 18084.054688 , 129.256210 , 24907.351562 , 0.000000 , 14.500000 , 0.000000 , 327
    8 , 570056 , 18135.326172 , 128.850876 , 24898.150391 , 0.000000 , -53.500000 , 0.000000 , 327
    9 , 569947 , 17955.601562 , 131.585724 , 24988.974609 , 0.000000 , 135.718246 , 0.000000 , 1043
    10 , 569949 , 17950.736328 , 131.011093 , 24995.861328 , 0.000000 , 231.535889 , 0.000000 , 1655
    11 , 569948 , 17963.355469 , 132.419922 , 24989.703125 , 0.000000 , 146.694946 , 0.000000 , 1312
    12 , 569931 , 17901.535156 , 181.571655 , 24689.031250 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 1228
    13 , 569934 , 17779.123047 , 181.158859 , 24718.705078 , 2.000000 , 88.000000 , -1.000000 , 1024
    14 , 569936 , 17926.072266 , 589.903870 , 24702.291016 , 0.000000 , -119.000000 , 0.000000 , 1024
    15 , 569926 , 17927.619141 , 588.403992 , 24637.429688 , 0.000000 , -74.500000 , 0.000000 , 1024
    16 , 569967 , 17971.099609 , 131.586487 , 25020.185547 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 1024
    17 , 569937 , 18083.193359 , 587.571045 , 24731.113281 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 1024
    18 , 569950 , 17963.777344 , 130.321564 , 25029.906250 , 0.000000 , 0.500000 , 0.000000 , 1024
    19 , 569951 , 17941.664062 , 152.397308 , 25012.550781 , 81.500000 , 55.500000 , 27.000000 , 1024
    20 , 569952 , 17941.578125 , 128.743118 , 25012.386719 , 0.000000 , 45.000000 , 0.000000 , 6543
    21 , 569958 , 17970.056641 , 130.800034 , 25007.867188 , 0.000000 , -137.000000 , 0.000000 , 1024
    22 , 569962 , 17973.800781 , 131.726105 , 25019.173828 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 1771
    23 , 569963 , 17973.246094 , 131.774490 , 25021.515625 , -0.500000 , 0.000000 , 1.500000 , 1024
    24 , 569964 , 17970.898438 , 131.500885 , 25017.908203 , 0.000000 , -45.000000 , 0.000000 , 1024
    25 , 569965 , 17970.906250 , 131.537170 , 25019.041016 , -0.500000 , 0.000000 , 4.000000 , 1382
    26 , 569966 , 17972.539062 , 131.647232 , 25018.988281 , 1.000000 , -61.500000 , 2.000000 , 1873
    27 , 569968 , 17972.972656 , 131.678940 , 25018.994141 , 0.000000 , -40.000000 , 0.000000 , 1024

    MODF , 2
    0 , 569928 , 17822.890625 , 181.911072 , 24680.835938 , 0.000000 , -75.000000 , 0.000000 , 17773.910156 , 173.622940 , 24616.408203 , 17907.185547 , 232.914902 , 24734.855469 , 0
    1 , 570872 , 17888.740234 , 279.808685 , 25159.396484 , 0.000000 , 35.000000 , 0.000000 , 17842.607422 , 354.110413 , 24300.787109 , 18479.392578 , 528.917969 , 24973.732422 , 0
    So what we see first are those massive blocks. But we notice that:
    MMDX , 28

    MWMO , 2

    MDDF , 30

    MODF , 2
    The 4 characters are the "chunk"-identifier. They all start with a M for Map. The other characters are
    • MDX for model-filenames
    • WMO for wmo-filenames
    • DDF for DooDad-reFerence. Just say: where the models are. I actually dont know, what the **** that should mean xD DDF ...
    • ODF for ObjecDreFerence? Just the WMO-placement.

    The number after them is the number of entries in that chunk. So we can see:
    • 28 different doodads in there.
    • 2 WMOs

    • 30 doodad references and
    • 2 WMO instances.

    Thats the basic overview of that file. Lets analyse the blocks itself.

    The chunks

    MMDX and MWMO

    So, here we got:

    0 , world\generic\ogre\passive doodads\ogremoundrocks\ogremoundrock04.mdx
    1 , world\generic\ogre\passive doodads\ogremoundrocks\ogremoundrock03.mdx
    2 , world\generic\ogre\passive doodads\ogremoundrocks\ogremoundrock01.mdx
    3 , world\generic\passivedoodads\lights\generaltorch01.mdx
    4 , world\azeroth\burningsteppes\passivedoodads\volcanicvents\volcanicventsmall01.md x
    5 , world\azeroth\burningsteppes\passivedoodads\smoke\ashtreesmoke01.mdx
    6 , world\azeroth\burningsteppes\passivedoodads\volcanicvents\volcanicventlarge01.md x
    0 , world\wmo\azeroth\buildings\altarofstorms\altarofstorms.wmo
    1 , world\wmo\dungeon\az_blackrock\blackrock_upper_guild.wmo
    You see, both times a running number in front and then a filename. Thats it.
    The first number HAS to be a number that has NOT been used before. I'm not sure if it has to be x = x+1 but you always should do that.

    So to add a new model in there (or in your own file), we add a new filename:
    MMDX , n+1
    x , world\azeroth\westfall\passivedoodads\deadcow\deadcow.mdx
    The important thing is that we increase the count of the block-entries too!
    For WMOs it'd be the same. Also be sure, that you always reference the files as .MDX!

    Lets go on to
    0 , 569921 , 17702.980469 , 259.725525 , 24549.898438 , 0.000000 , 98.000000 , 0.000000 , 1024
    1 , 569922 , 17880.085938 , 269.850677 , 24558.773438 , 36.500000 , 20.000000 , -21.500000 , 665
    2 , 569920 , 17716.037109 , 258.058868 , 24545.775391 , 0.000000 , -40.500000 , 0.000000 , 1024
    3 , 569953 , 17947.330078 , 128.760712 , 25022.666016 , 1.000000 , 0.000000 , 5.500000 , 1024
    4 , 569960 , 17986.671875 , 131.697800 , 25003.968750 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 1024
    5 , 569923 , 17886.742188 , 266.424561 , 24560.740234 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 1024
    6 , 569961 , 17988.152344 , 131.091492 , 25006.794922 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 1024
    7 , 569959 , 17990.595703 , 130.874908 , 25003.787109 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 1966
    8 , 569927 , 17920.445312 , 595.126221 , 24640.335938 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 0.000000 , 368
    Pretty self-explaining, eh? :P
    Lets start. The first number is the count from above again. This time, there may be several entries for the same model! So you can use one model more than one time! Just add another entry.

    Well, the other numbers ...
    The second one: A unique number for every entry in the maps! Just try high numbers there. >800000 shouldn't be used anywhere. It really has to be unique in at least that tile and the ones on the edges.

    So we get 3 floats. That is the position! In the order X, Y, Z where Y is up to the sky. (Or X, Z, Y for z-up systems!).
    This position is global. Which means not limited to that tile. This is the reason you can drag the doodads on the shore on your tile. They are defined absolute!
    You will have to get a position that is somewhere on your tile. Just do that by getting there with NoggIt and reading the coords on the bottom left side.

    Then the rotation. A, B, C. If you dont know, what this means, just do that in NoggIt afterwards.

    Size. 1024 is standart. You can do that again in NoggIt too.

    Lets add our new model added above.
    You remember?
    x , world\azeroth\westfall\passivedoodads\deadcow\deadcow.mdx
    Well ... Get a new one:

    x , 800000+t , x , y , z , 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0 , 1024
    Yay, variable time!
    • x = x. Same as the used above.
    • t = random number. Just get that field to some high value.
    • x, y, z - your position.

    Be sure you always use that unique ID and floats! That means those ".0"s.

    To make a specific example:

    15 879478 17107.515625 146.708588 16173.349609 0.000000 -73.000000 0.000000 1679
    Nice, eh?


    This one is nice too. Nearly the same as above that MDDF one.

    0 , 569928 , 17822.890625 , 181.911072 , 24680.835938 , 0.000000 , -75.000000 , 0.000000 , 17773.910156 , 173.622940 , 24616.408203 , 17907.185547 , 232.914902 , 24734.855469 , 0
    1 , 570872 , 17888.740234 , 279.808685 , 25159.396484 , 0.000000 , 35.000000 , 0.000000 , 17842.607422 , 354.110413 , 24300.787109 , 18479.392578 , 528.917969 , 24973.732422 , 0
    WMOid, uniqueID, x, y, z, a, b, c, lowerext_x, lowerext_y, lowerext_z, upperext_x, upperext_y, upperext_z, size.

    Wait... lowerext_*? upperext_*? size = 0?!

    Uhmk ...
    well, first: the size is not the size. Its the used doodad-set.
    doodad-set? ... You ever wondered, where all those things in the houses come from in the inns etc? They aren't placed indiviually each time. That are those doodad-sets. They define a set of doodads that is shown in that WMO. A WMO can have more than 1 doodad-set. That just depends on the used WMO.
    To have a look on them, just open the WMO in the modelviewer. You can choose the set there. The standart one is 0. k?

    so the *ext_* ... that thing is a bit strange ...
    Its used for WoW to have some reference, where that WMO is since its not just a single point. The problem there is: You don't know those values. So you just fill in some number that nearly matches the x, y and z but wont be the same. Just do it +-1.0 .. That works most of the time.

    So the good old example...
    3 681933 17597.925781 135.435043 16067.248047 0.000000 286.292725 0.000000 17548.787109 130.644745 16018.109375 17647.064453 182.614853 16116.388672 0

    Well, that should have been it. Pretty easy, eh?

    I hope you've understood all that info. If not, just get your questions in here. I'll answer them as long as they aren't dumb and by dumb I mean answerable from common knowledge.

    I hope, I'll see you soon.

    -- schlumpf

    [Guide] Adding doodads and WMOs to maps using Cryects tools and NoggIt
  2. #2
    Gorge's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: [Guide] Adding doodads and WMOs to maps using Cryects tools and NoggIt.

    Awesome as usual. +rep when possible.

  3. #3
    Muatmessmoko's Avatar Banned
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    Re: [Guide] Adding doodads and WMOs to maps using Cryects tools and NoggIt.

    Nice post schlumpf +rep

  4. #4
    sola's Avatar Member
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    Re: [Guide] Adding doodads and WMOs to maps using Cryects tools and NoggIt.

    I thought this wasnt suposed to be released? (I hope this doesnt fall under that category of dumb question)

  5. #5
    Fenryr's Avatar Member
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    Re: [Guide] Adding doodads and WMOs to maps using Cryects tools and NoggIt.

    Awesome guide, lol now i can finish that island with the right amount of things in it rather than cutting corners.

  6. #6
    Fault's Avatar Retired Super Moderator

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    Re: [Guide] Adding doodads and WMOs to maps using Cryects tools and NoggIt.

    i was gonna post my guide on this this weeked. /sigh

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
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    Muatmessmoko's Avatar Banned
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    Re: [Guide] Adding doodads and WMOs to maps using Cryects tools and NoggIt.

    You still have more stuff though fault :P So post yours anyways

  8. #8
    Fault's Avatar Retired Super Moderator

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    Re: [Guide] Adding doodads and WMOs to maps using Cryects tools and NoggIt.

    i will. Im gonna try to finish it this weekend

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
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    schlumpf's Avatar Retired Noggit Developer

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    Re: [Guide] Adding doodads and WMOs to maps using Cryects tools and NoggIt.

    Uhm, Fault - I posted this on a question in the requests forum and thought typeing such a huge post in >30 minutes would be worth getting released as guide. I did not intend to destroy your work or something like that.

  10. #10
    ^Xayo's Avatar Contributor
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    Re: [Guide] Adding doodads and WMOs to maps using Cryects tools and NoggIt.

    pure hate

  11. #11
    Dragon[Sky]'s Avatar Anti-social Engineer
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    Re: [Guide] Adding doodads and WMOs to maps using Cryects tools and NoggIt.

    Originally Posted by PlurTV View Post
    pure hate
    What for?
    <3 Schlumpf please.
    Anyway, nice guide.
    No one reads the stickies.
    Originally Posted by schlumpf
    Lets see what we got, if you get the fileinfo of a blizzard-adt. Some stupid example: BlackwingLair_33_46.
    Owned. ; )
    Last edited by Dragon[Sky]; 10-11-2007 at 07:57 AM.

  12. #12
    schlumpf's Avatar Retired Noggit Developer

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    Re: [Guide] Adding doodads and WMOs to maps using Cryects tools and NoggIt.

    "PlurTV" ... I just wrote that to answer a single question someone got here. After the 40 minutes I wrote it was just that much, that it wouldnt be good to just let it die somewhere...

  13. #13
    p0ke's Avatar Contributor

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    Re: [Guide] Adding doodads and WMOs to maps using Cryects tools and NoggIt.

    Great guide mate : >

  14. #14
    Fault's Avatar Retired Super Moderator

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    Re: [Guide] Adding doodads and WMOs to maps using Cryects tools and NoggIt

    i knwo u didnt. Its ok, My guide will be epic so its ok

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
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  15. #15
    Muatmessmoko's Avatar Banned
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    Re: [Guide] Adding doodads and WMOs to maps using Cryects tools and NoggIt

    Schlumpf I got a question seeing as I still cant get this consistantly working, I'm working on a private island with "AZO" and i was working on adding the tree's heres what I got so far, just adding a few to start, but it wont work.

    MMDX 5
    0, worlddreamingpassivedoodadstreesemeralddreamfountaintree01.mdx
    1 ,worlddreamingpassivedoodadstreesemeralddreamfountaintree02.mdx
    2 ,worlddreamingpassivedoodadstreesemeralddreamfountaintree03.mdx
    3 ,worlddreamingpassivedoodadstreesemeralddreamfountaintree04.mdx
    4 ,worlddreamingpassivedoodadstreesemeralddreamfountaintree05.mdx

    MWMO 1
    0 ,worldwmokalimdorcollidabledoodadstanarisgadgetzanwallgadgetzanwall.wmo

    MDDF 0
    0 ,879478 ,15256.515625 ,36.708588 ,30654.349609 ,0.000000 ,-73.000000 ,0.000000 ,1024
    1 ,879479 ,15256.515625 ,36.708588 ,30654.349609 ,0.000000 ,-73.000000 ,0.000000 ,1024
    2 ,879477 ,15256.515625 ,36.708588 ,30654.349609 ,0.000000 ,-73.000000 ,0.000000 ,1024
    3 ,879476 ,15256.515625 ,36.708588 ,30654.349609 ,0.000000 ,-73.000000 ,0.000000 ,1024
    4 ,879475 ,15256.515625 ,36.708588 ,30654.349609 ,0.000000 ,-73.000000 ,0.000000 ,1024

    MODF 0
    Yes i know there all in the same spot but I was just going to move them with noggit

    ,=tab btw like in your post
    Last edited by Muatmessmoko; 10-11-2007 at 06:03 PM.

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