Hi all. Hears my problem. I am using the read me file to do this and so far so good. but when I put in the file name into the script and such. nothing shows up. I hit the zoom to all selected but it seems the model never shows up.
this is the part of the script that the readme tells me to input something. but it doesn't look like in the read me and I'm getting confused
-- this is where this script, and the extract directory should be located (overwritten by UI)
global basePath = "c:\\3dsmax6\\scripts"
-- model filename (overwritten by UI)
global filename = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\Chris\\Desktop\\XXX\\Creature\\raptor\\Raptor.m2"
--global filename = "World\\Generic\\NightElf\\Passive doodads\\Statues\\StatueNEPriestess.m2"
--global filename = "Creature\\Cat\\Cat.m2"
--global filename = "Character\\Human\\Female\\HumanFemale.m2"
--global filename = "World\\Generic\\Human\\Passive Doodads\\LogMachines\\LogMachine02.m2"
--global filename = "World\\KhazModan\\Ironforge\\PassiveDoodads\\LavaSteam\\IronforgeWheel.m2"
--global filename = "World\\KhazModan\\Ironforge\\PassiveDoodads\\LavaSteam\\IronforgeBellow.m2"
--global filename = "World\\KhazModan\\Ironforge\\PassiveDoodads\\Statues\\IronforgeStatue_01.m2 "
I says to put it in the place of the Nelf priestess thing but when I do.. nothing. [;ease help a noob out