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  1. #1
    oliax's Avatar Active Member
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    What can we do without a fix?

    I would really appreciate if someone could explain in details which edits are still working without a fix. (skin/body, creature, character, sound, zone, items, spell, glow, helm fix, animation, etc)

    I think this would resolve most of the questions regarding this ME's nerf.
    Last edited by oliax; 11-14-2007 at 04:24 PM.

    What can we do without a fix?
  2. #2
    dim_voly's Avatar Member
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    Re: What can we do without a fix?

    As far as I know (I don't know we need someone to tell us) my Race edits don't work as they were in sparate files (patch-a.MPQ etc) and thats whats been nerfed, the loading of extra MPQs; but I've changed one of my spell graphics to and older version (this was done in the original file no new ones have been added) and that has always worked without a fix or crashing for the last 2 patches.

    I'll be trying to do my race edits in the same way I did with the spell graphic and see what happens. Will do this later when I feel like it but will get back to you with result.

    As the OP stated, would be really appreciated if we can be told in some sticky or report or w/e whats possible what isn't i.e. give us some info.

    EDIT: this might help too:

    You don't need to go chinease to find a working fix, many sites have posted it before. The "force null" method still works.
    The only problem is that it only null's out the filelist on load and doesnt make wow accept new mpq files.
    This overall means that you have to edit the main mpq files each time, and with that always make backups etc. Fustrating process.

    We could hope that someone can find the process bin load and force wow to load external mpq files. I don't have the brain to figure that kind of stuff.

    Last edited by dim_voly; 11-14-2007 at 10:01 PM.

  3. #3
    Criticism's Avatar Member
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    Re: What can we do without a fix?

    As of the moment, while racial edits don't work because they require a .exe fix (which is available to those who either a. contribute or b. l2google) leaving the public with dbc edits and such (items in game that don't require a patch to change)...

    That being said I am currently doing some research to see if it is possible to change racial animations, let alone w/o a patch. We'll see what I can find.

  4. #4
    gogobananas's Avatar Contributor

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    Re: What can we do without a fix?

    Anything that doesn't require an mpq works as far as I know.

  5. #5
    envisionistz's Avatar Banned
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    Re: What can we do without a fix?

    Originally Posted by Criticism View Post
    As of the moment, while racial edits don't work because they require a .exe fix (which is available to those who either a. contribute or b. l2google) leaving the public with dbc edits and such (items in game that don't require a patch to change)...

    That being said I am currently doing some research to see if it is possible to change racial animations, let alone w/o a patch. We'll see what I can find.
    ummm no, the fix doesnt work in the contributor section dont lie to people to get them to donate/contribute.

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