How can i convert m2 files into 3ds files? menu

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  1. #1
    Masterkenshin's Avatar Member
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    How can i convert m2 files into 3ds files?

    me and my friend are planning on remoddling some weapons but 3ds cant open m2 files i found a converter to convert 3ds into m2 but none for the other way around so does anyone know how to convert m2s into 3ds ?:confused:

    +rep for help

    How can i convert m2 files into 3ds files?
  2. #2
    kero21's Avatar Member
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    Re: How can i convert m2 files into 3ds files?

    i am not sure if you could go the other way around.

    sorry if that does not help

  3. #3
    merfed's Avatar キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!!

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    Re: How can i convert m2 files into 3ds files?

    Yes there is, you need the m2 Import script:

    global filename = "PATHTOM2hey.m2"

  4. #4
    Masterkenshin's Avatar Member
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    Re: How can i convert m2 files into 3ds files?

    thnx ill try that +rep when i can

  5. #5
    kero21's Avatar Member
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    Re: How can i convert m2 files into 3ds files?

    sorry that i was no help

  6. #6
    merfed's Avatar キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!!

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    Re: How can i convert m2 files into 3ds files?

    Whoops, the script is:

    -- m2 -> 3ds max importer
    -- Original script found at
    -- updated with textures, bones and animation by ufoz
    -- requires python 2.4 and world of warcraft to extract textures
    -- Script to import m2 files as included in the mpq files of world of warcraft into GMax
    -- this is where this script, and the extract directory should be located  (overwritten by UI)
    global basePath = "c:\3dsmax6\scripts"
    -- model filename (overwritten by UI)
    global filename = "World\Generic\NightElf\Passive doodads\Statues\StatueNEPriestess.m2"
    --global filename = "World\Generic\NightElf\Passive doodads\Statues\StatueNEPriestess.m2"
    --global filename = "Creature\Cat\Cat.m2"
    --global filename = "Character\Human\Female\HumanFemale.m2"
    --global filename = "World\Generic\Human\Passive Doodads\LogMachines\LogMachine02.m2"
    --global filename = "World\KhazModan\Ironforge\PassiveDoodads\LavaSteam\IronforgeWheel.m2"
    --global filename = "World\KhazModan\Ironforge\PassiveDoodads\LavaSteam\IronforgeBellow.m2"
    --global filename = "World\KhazModan\Ironforge\PassiveDoodads\Statues\IronforgeStatue_01.m2"
    -- some options (overwritten by UI)
    global doCreateMesh = true		-- create model geometry
    global doCreateBones = true		-- create bones
    global doTransformBones = true	-- convert animations (requires doCreateBones)
    global doCreateSkin = true		-- apply bone weights to vertices (requires doCreateMesh and doCreateBones)
    global doCreateTextures = true	-- extract textures from wow
    global useFPS = 25		-- fps to rescale animations to
    global viewNum = 1    -- 1 to 4
    global setMatNum = 1   -- material slot number in the material editor
    global flipuv_y = true  -- change this if textures appear upside down
    -- globals
    global head
    global bstream
    global step
    global verts_read = #()
    global views_read = #()
    global view_inds_read = #()
    global view_tris_read = #()
    global name_read
    global bones_read = #()
    global cbones = #()
    global cmesh
    global cmat
    global sm_read = #()
    global tex_read = #()
    global tex_lut = #()
    global flags_read = #()
    global replace_tex = #("","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","")
    -- code
    fn WOW2_Convert_Time t =
    	t / (1000 / useFPS)
    struct WOW2_Header
    struct WOW2_Vertex
    struct WOW2_Animation
    struct WOW2_AnimBlock
    	ranges, times, keys
    struct WOW2_Bone
    	findex, flags, par, unk, btrans, brot, bscale, pos
    struct WOW2_View
    	nindex,ofsnindex, ntris,ofsntris,nverts,ofsnverts,
    	ind,tri, -- loaded vert and tri index
    	texunits -- loaded tex units
    struct WOW2_Submesh
    struct WOW2_Textureunit
    struct WOW2_Texture
    	-- type:
    	--0  Texture given in filename
    	--1  Body + clothes
    	--2  Cape
    	--6  Hair, beard
    	--8  Tauren fur
    	--11  Skin for creatures
    	--12  Skin for creatures #2
    	--13  Skin for creatures #3
    	filename, convfilename
    struct WOW2_RenderFlags
    	blending, flags
    fn echo msg =
    	format "%n" (msg) to:listener
    fn ReadFixedString bstream fixedLen=
    	local str = ""
    	for i = 1 to fixedLen do
    		str += bit.intAsChar (ReadByte bstream #unsigned)
    -- HELPERS
    fn SkipBytes bstream count=
    	local unknown
    	case count of
    		2: unknown = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
    		4: unknown = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    			for i = 1 to count do
    				unknown = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
    fn LongToString num=
    	local str = ""
    	for i = 1 to 4 do
    		str += bit.intAsChar (bit.and num 0xff)
    		-- num = bit.shift num -8
    		num /= 256
    fn WOW2_Open fname =
    	-- check to see if this is a real path
    	ss = substring fname 2 2
    	if (ss != ":\") then (
    		local dest = (basePath + "\data\" + fname)
    		ff = fopen dest "rb"
    		if ff==undefined then
    			echo ("Extracting " + fname)
    			echo ("To " + dest)
    			DOSCommand (basePath+"\extract\ "" + fname + """)
    		) else (
    			echo ("Found " + dest)
    		fname = dest
    	bstream = fopen fname "rb"
    	if bstream==undefined then (
    		echo "File not found!"
    		throw "File not found"
    	head = WOW2_Header ()
    fn WOW2_Close =
    	step = "Close"
    	fclose bstream
    fn WOW2_Read_Header =
    	if head == undefined or bstream == undefined then
    		echo "Nothing to read"
    	format "readingn" to:listener
    	step = "Read header"
    	head.magic = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	echo ("4cc: "+(LongToString head.magic))
    	head.version = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	echo ("Version: "+(LongToString head.version))
    	head.namelen = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	echo ("Name len:"+ (head.namelen as string))
    	head.ofsname = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	echo ("Name offs:"+ head.ofsname as string)
    	head.un1 = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nGlobalSequences = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsGlobalSequences = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nAnimations = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsAnimations = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nC = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsC = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nD = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsD = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nBones = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsBones = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nF = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsF = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nVertices = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	echo ("Vertices:"+head.nVertices as string)
    	head.ofsVertices = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	echo ("Vertices of:"+head.ofsVertices as string)
    	head.nViews = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	echo ("Views:"+head.nViews as string)
    	head.ofsViews = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nColors = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsColors = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nTextures = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	--echo ("Textures:"+head.nTextures as string)
    	head.ofsTextures = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nTransparency = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsTransparency = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nI = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsI = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nTexAnims = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsTexAnims = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nK = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsK = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nRenderFlags = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsRenderFlags = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nY = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsY = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nTexLookup = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	--echo ("TexLookup:"+head.nTexLookup as string)
    	head.ofsTexLookup = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nTexUnits = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsTexUnits = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nTransLookup = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsTransLookup = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nTexAnimLookup = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsTexAnimLookup = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.n14floats = undefined
    	for i = 1 to 14 do
    		undef = ReadFloat bstream
    	head.nBoundingTriangles = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsBoundingTriangles = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nBoundingVertices = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsBoundingVertices = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nBoundingNormals = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsBoundingNormals = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nAttachments = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsAttachments = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nAttLookup = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsAttLookup = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nQ = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsQ = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nLights = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsLights = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nCameras = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsCameras = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nCameraLookup = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsCameraLookup = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nRibbonEmitters = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsRibbonEmitters = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.nParticleEmitters = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	head.ofsParticleEmitters   = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	echo "---- Header finished ----"
    fn WOW2_Read_Name =
    	step = "Read Name"
    	if (fseek bstream head.ofsname #seek_set ) then
    		name_read = (ReadFixedString bstream head.namelen)
    		echo name_read	
    		echo "unable to read name"
    fn WOW2_Read_Anims =
    	step = "Read Anims"
    	if (fseek bstream head.ofsAnimations #seek_set ) then
    		maxend = 0
    		for i=1 to head.nAnimations  do
    			local a = WOW2_Animation()
    			a.aid = ReadLong bstream
    			a.start = ReadLong bstream
    			a.end = ReadLong bstream
    			myend = WOW2_Convert_Time a.end
    			if myend > maxend then maxend = myend
    			SkipBytes bstream (68-12)
    		animationRange = interval 0 maxend
    		frameRate = useFPS
    fn WOW2_Read_Verts =
    	step = "Read Verts"
    	if (fseek bstream head.ofsVertices #seek_set ) then
    		step = "Read verts prep"
    		for i=1 to head.nVertices  do
    			local vert = WOW2_Vertex ()
    			local v4 = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
    			local v3 = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
    			local v2 = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
    			local v1 = [0.0,0.0]
    			v4.x = ReadFloat bstream
    			v4.y = ReadFloat bstream
    			v4.z = ReadFloat bstream
    			vert.pos = v4
    			vert.bw1 = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
    			vert.bw2 = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
    			vert.bw3 = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
    			vert.bw4 = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
    			vert.bi1 = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
    			vert.bi2 = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
    			vert.bi3 = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
    			vert.bi4 = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
    			v3.x = ReadFloat bstream
    			v3.y = ReadFloat bstream
    			v3.z = ReadFloat bstream
    			vert.normal = v3
    			v2.x = ReadFloat bstream
    			v2.y = ReadFloat bstream
    			v2.z = 0.0 --is empty (0.0)
    			if flipuv_y then vert.uv = [v2.x,1.0-v2.y,0.0]
    			else vert.uv = v2
    			v1.x = ReadFloat bstream
    			v1.y = ReadFloat bstream
    			vert.n2floats = v1
    			append verts_read vert
    		echo ("Verts read: " + verts_read.count as string )
    		echo "unable to read vertices"
    fn WOW2_Read_AnimBlock bl =
    	bl.type = ReadShort bstream
    	bl.seq = ReadShort bstream
    	bl.nRanges = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	bl.ofsRanges = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	bl.nTimes = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	bl.ofsTimes = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	bl.nKeys = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    	bl.ofsKeys = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    fn WOW2_Fill_AnimBlock bl dim =
    	bl.ranges = #()
    	if bl.nRanges>0 then
    		fseek bstream bl.ofsRanges #seek_set
    		for i=1 to bl.nRanges do
    			a = ReadLong bstream
    			b = ReadLong bstream
    			r = [a,b]
    			append bl.ranges r
    	bl.times = #()
    	if bl.nTimes>0 then
    		fseek bstream bl.ofsTimes #seek_set
    		for i=1 to bl.nTimes do
    			t = ReadLong bstream
    			append bl.times t
    	bl.keys = #()
    	if bl.nKeys>0 then
    		fseek bstream bl.ofsKeys #seek_set
    		for i=1 to bl.nKeys do
    			if dim==1 then
    				local kv = ReadFloat bstream
    				append bl.keys kv
    			else if dim==3 then
    				local kv = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
    				kv.x = ReadFloat bstream
    				kv.y = ReadFloat bstream
    				kv.z = ReadFloat bstream
    				append bl.keys kv
    			else if dim==4 then
    				local kv = [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]
    				kv.x = ReadFloat bstream
    				kv.y = ReadFloat bstream
    				kv.z = ReadFloat bstream
    				kv.w = ReadFloat bstream
    				append bl.keys kv
    fn WOW2_Read_Views =
    	step = "Read Views"
    	if (fseek bstream head.ofsViews #seek_set ) then
    		for i=1 to head.nViews  do
    			local view = WOW2_View ()
    			view.nindex = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    			view.ofsnindex = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    			view.ntris = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    			view.ofsntris = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    			view.nverts = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    			view.ofsnverts = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    			view.nsubmesh = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    			view.ofsnsubmesh = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    			view.ntextures = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    			view.ofsntextures = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    			view.lodlevel = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    			append views_read view
    			step = "Read Views Mod 3"
    			if((mod (view.ntris) 3) != 0.0 )then
    				echo ("View["+i as string +"].ntris is not a multiple of 3!n")
    			if i == 1 then
    			(	echo ("nView nind  : "+view.nindex as string)
    				echo ("View ofsind : "+view.ofsnindex as string)
    				echo ("View ntris : "+view.ntris as string)
    				echo ("View ofsntris : "+view.ofsntris as string)
    				echo ("View nverts: "+view.nverts as string)
    				echo ("View ofsnverts : "+view.ofsnverts as string)
    				echo ("View nsubm : "+view.nsubmesh as string)
    				echo ("View ntex  : "+view.ntextures as string)
    		echo "unable to read views"
    	step = "Read View index lists"
    	--load tri and vert index lists
    	for i=1 to views_read.count do
    		local ind = #()
    		local tri = #()
    		step = "Read View index"
    		if (fseek bstream (views_read[i].ofsnindex) #seek_set ) then
    			for j = 1 to views_read[i].nindex do
    				local x = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
    				append ind x
    			views_read[i].ind = ind
    			echo "unable to read view indices"
    		step = "Read View faces"
    		if (fseek bstream views_read[i].ofsntris #seek_set ) then
    			for j= 1 to views_read[i].ntris do
    				local x = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
    				append tri x
    			views_read[i].tri = tri
    			echo "unable to read view faces"
    	step = "Read View tex units"
    	for i=1 to views_read.count do
    		views_read[i].texunits = #()
    		if (fseek bstream views_read[i].ofsntextures #seek_set ) then
    			for j=1 to views_read[i].ntextures do
    				tu = WOW2_Textureunit()
    				tu.flags = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
    				tu.order = ReadShort bstream
    				tu.submesh1 = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
    				tu.submesh2 = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
    				tu.col = ReadShort bstream
    				tu.rflags = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
    				tu.texunit = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
    				tu.unknown1 = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
    				tu.texlookupindex = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
    				tu.texunit2 = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
    				tu.trans = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
    				tu.texanim = ReadShort bstream
    				append views_read[i].texunits tu
    fn WOW2_Read_Bones =
    	step = "Read Bones"
    	if (fseek bstream head.ofsBones #seek_set ) then
    		--echo ("nbones " + head.nBones as string)
    		for i=1 to head.nBones do
    			--echo ("reading bone " + i as string)
    			local b = WOW2_Bone()
    			b.findex = ReadLong bstream
    			b.flags = ReadLong bstream
    			b.par = ReadShort bstream
    			b.unk = ReadShort bstream
    			b.btrans = WOW2_AnimBlock(); WOW2_Read_AnimBlock(b.btrans)
    			b.brot = WOW2_AnimBlock(); WOW2_Read_AnimBlock(b.brot)
    			b.bscale = WOW2_AnimBlock(); WOW2_Read_AnimBlock(b.bscale)
    			local vp = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
    			vp.x = ReadFloat bstream; vp.y = ReadFloat bstream; vp.z = ReadFloat bstream
    			b.pos = vp
    			append bones_read b
    -- from the maxscript reference
    fn setNodeWorldRotation theNode theRot = 
      in coordsys (transmatrix theNode.transform.pos) 
        theNode.rotation = theRot 
    fn WOW2_Bone_Depth b =
    	if b.par == -1 then return 0
    	else return ( 1 + WOW2_Bone_Depth bones_read[b.par + 1] )
    fn WOW2_Create_Bones =
    	---------------------- bones
    	step = "Create Bones"
    	echo "Creating bones..."
    	for i=1 to head.nBones do
    		local startpos = bones_read[i].pos
    		--local endpos = bones_read[i].pos -- worked
    		local endpos = bones_read[i].pos + [10,0,0]
    		local bname = ("Bone_" + name_read + "_" + (i as string))
    		echo ("Creating bone " + i as string)
    		--cb = BoneSys.createBone startpos endpos [0,0,1] -- worked
    		cb = BoneSys.createBone startpos endpos [0,0,0.1] = bname
    		cb.pivot = bones_read[i].pos
    		--cb.boneScaleType = #scale
    		cb.boneScaleType = #none
    		-- for some reason the bones come out as big and ugly
    		hide cb
    		append cbones cb
    	max views redraw
    	echo "Setting up bone hierarchy"
    	for i=1 to head.nBones do
    		if bones_read[i].par!=-1 then
    			--echo ("Setting parent of " + i as string + " to " + (bones_read[i].par+1) as string)
    			cbones[i].parent = cbones[bones_read[i].par+1]
    	max views redraw
    	---------------------- animation
    	if doTransformBones then (
    		-- sort bones by depth
    		local bd = #()
    		for i=1 to head.nBones do
    			bonerec = [(WOW2_Bone_Depth bones_read[i]), i]
    			append bd bonerec
    		fn compfn a b = ( if a.x<b.x then return 1; else if a.x>b.x then return -1; else return 0; )
    		qsort bd compfn
    		echo "Transforming bones..."
    		with animate on (
    			step = "Bone transforms"
    			for k=1 to head.nBones do
    				local i = bd[k].y
    				--echo ("Doing bone " + i as string + " (depth: " + bd[k].x as string + ")" )
    				--local i = k
    				echo ("Transforming bone " + k as string)
    				b = bones_read[i]
    				cb = cbones[i]
    				WOW2_Fill_AnimBlock b.btrans 3
    				WOW2_Fill_AnimBlock b.brot 4
    				WOW2_Fill_AnimBlock b.bscale 3
    				-- translation
    				if b.btrans.type==1	then
    					in coordsys parent op = copy cb.pos
    					for j=1 to b.btrans.nKeys do
    						t = WOW2_Convert_Time b.btrans.times[j]
    						at time t (
    							in coordsys parent cb.pos = op + b.btrans.keys[j]
    				-- rotation
    				if b.brot.type==1 then
    					for j=1 to b.brot.nKeys do
    						t = WOW2_Convert_Time b.brot.times[j]
    						local kv = b.brot.keys[j]
    						q = quat kv.x kv.y kv.z kv.w
    						at time t (
    							setNodeWorldRotation cb q
    				-- scaling
    				if b.bscale.type==1 then
    					for j=1 to b.bscale.nKeys do
    						t = WOW2_Convert_Time b.bscale.times[j]
    						at time t cb.scale = b.bscale.keys[j]
    				-- cleanup
    				b.btrans = undefined
    				b.brot = undefined
    				b.bscale = undefined
    	---------------------- skinning
    	if doCreateMesh and doCreateSkin then (
    		step = "Create Skin"
    		echo "Applying skin to mesh..."
    		max modify mode
    		m = cmesh
    		select m
    		addModifier m (Skin name:"Skin")
    		sk = m.modifiers[#Skin]
    		modPanel.setCurrentObject sk
    		-- 1. add all bones to the skin
    		for j=1 to head.nBones do
    			skinOps.addBone sk cbones[j] -1
    		update m
    		max views redraw
    		-- 2. for each vertex, setup the bone weights
    		for j=1 to head.nVertices do
    			v = verts_read[j]
    			--echo (j as string + ": " + v.bi1 as string + ", " + v.bi2 as string + ", " + v.bi3 as string + ", " + v.bi4 as string 
    			--	+ " --- (" + v.bw1 as string + "," + v.bw2 as string + "," + v.bw3 as string + "," + v.bw4 as string + ")")
    			local lbi = #()
    			local lbw = #()
    			if v.bw1>0 then ( append lbi (v.bi1+1); append lbw (v.bw1/255.0); )
    			if v.bw2>0 then ( append lbi (v.bi2+1); append lbw (v.bw2/255.0); )
    			if v.bw3>0 then ( append lbi (v.bi3+1); append lbw (v.bw3/255.0); )
    			if v.bw4>0 then ( append lbi (v.bi4+1); append lbw (v.bw4/255.0); )
    			--echo (" -----> " + lbi as string + " / " + lbw as string)
    			skinOps.ReplaceVertexWeights sk j lbi lbw
    		update m
    		step = "Skinning complete"
    fn WOW2_Create_Mesh =
    	step = "Create Mesh"
    	echo "Creating mesh..."
    	v = #()
    	f = #()
    	t = #()
    	mtl = #()
    	-- using view:
    	local view = views_read[viewNum]
    	fseek bstream view.ofsnsubmesh #seek_set
    	echo "Creating vertices..."
    	-- build vertices and texcoords
    	for i = 1 to head.nVertices do
    		append v verts_read[i].pos
    		append t verts_read[i].uv
    	cmat = multimaterial numsubs:view.nsubmesh
    	-- build faces by submesh
    	-- (each submesh will be a material id)
    	for s = 1 to view.nsubmesh do
    		echo ("Creating Submesh " + s as string)
    		sm = WOW2_SubMesh() = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    		sm.ofsvert = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
    		sm.nverts = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
    		sm.oftri = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
    		sm.tris = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
    		sm.unkown1 = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
    		sm.unknown2 = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
    		sm.unknown3 = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
    		sm.unknown4 = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
    		local p = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
    		p.x = ReadFloat bstream
    		p.y = ReadFloat bstream
    		p.z = ReadFloat bstream
    		sm.n3floats = p
    		append sm_read sm
    		local up = sm.tris as integer -1
    		if ((mod (up+1) 3) != 0.0 ) then echo "#ERROR sm.tris not a multiple of 3!"
    		--else echo "#INFO sm.tris check passed!"
    		local ofs = sm.oftri as integer
    		for i = 1 to (up) by 3 do
    			local a = view.tri[ofs + i] + 1
    			local b = view.tri[ofs + i + 1] + 1
    			local c = view.tri[ofs + i + 2] + 1
    			local face = ( [(view.ind[a] + 1), (view.ind[b] + 1), (view.ind[c] + 1)] as point3 )
    			append f face
    			append mtl s
    		local skinMaterial = standardMaterial name:("Mat_" + name_read + "_" + s as string)
    		cmat[s] = skinMaterial
    	echo "Creating mesh object"
    	cmesh = mesh vertices:v faces:f materialIDs:mtl tverts:t name:("Mesh_"+name_read)
    	cmesh.material = cmat
    	update cmesh
    	-- set normals
    	for i = 1 to head.nVertices do
    		setNormal cmesh i verts_read[i].normal
    	-- tvert faces
    	step = "Build tv's"
    		--Set texcoord faces 
    		buildTVFaces cmesh false
    		for i = 1 to f.count do
    			setTVFace cmesh i f[i]
    		echo (getCurrentException())
    		throw ()
    	update cmesh
    	step = "Create Mesh Done"
    fn WOW2_Read_Textures =
    	step = "Read textures"
    	if (fseek bstream head.ofsTextures #seek_set ) then
    		for i=1 to head.nTextures do
    			tex = WOW2_Texture()
    			tex.type = ReadLong bstream
    			tex.flags = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    			tex.namelen = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    			tex.ofsname = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
    			append tex_read tex
    		for i=1 to head.nTextures do
    			if tex_read[i].type == 0 then
    				fseek bstream tex_read[i].ofsname #seek_set
    				tex_read[i].filename = ReadFixedString bstream tex_read[i].namelen
    	step = "Read texture lookup table"
    	if (fseek bstream head.ofsTexLookup #seek_set ) then
    		for i=1 to head.nTexLookup do
    			lv = ReadShort bstream
    			append tex_lut lv
    	if (fseek bstream head.ofsRenderFlags #seek_set ) then
    		for i=1 to head.nRenderFlags do
    			rf = WOW2_RenderFlags()
    			rf.flags = ReadShort bstream
    			rf.blending = ReadShort bstream
    			append flags_read rf
    fn WOW2_Convert_Texture filename =
    	local destfile = (basePath + "\data\" + (replace filename (filename.count-2) 3 "tga"))
    	ff = fopen destfile "rb"
    	if ff==undefined then
    		echo ("Extracting " + filename)
    		-- step 1 extract from mpq
    		-- needs wow and python 2.4 installed
    		DOSCommand (basePath+"\extract\ "" + filename + """)
    		-- step 2 convert blp
    		cmdline = (basePath+"\extract\blpconv.exe "" + basePath + "\data\" + filename + """)
    		--echo cmdline
    		DOSCommand cmdline
    	) else (
    		echo ("Found " + filename)
    		fclose ff
    	return destfile
    fn WOW2_Convert_Textures =
    	for i=1 to tex_read.count do
    		if tex_read[i].type != 0 and doCreateTextures and replace_tex[tex_read[i].type] != "" then
    			tex_read[i].filename = replace_tex[tex_read[i].type]
    			tex_read[i].type = 0
    		if tex_read[i].type == 0 and doCreateTextures then
    			try (
    				tex_read[i].convfilename = WOW2_Convert_Texture(tex_read[i].filename)
    			) catch (
    				echo ("Error converting " + tex_read[i].filename)
    				tex_tead[i].type = -1
    fn WOW2_Create_Materials =
    	local view = views_read[viewNum]
    	step = "Convert Textures"
    	echo "Converting textures..."
    	echo "-----"
    	-- each submesh
    	for i=1 to sm_read.count do
    		local tu = undefined
    		-- find a texture for this submesh
    		for j=1 to view.ntextures do
    			tu = view.texunits[j]
    			if ((tu.submesh1+1) == i) and (tu.texunit==0) then exit 
    		if tu != undefined then
    			tex = tex_read[tex_lut[tu.texlookupindex + 1] + 1]
    			if tex.type == 0 and doCreateTextures then
    				local bt = BitmapTexture()
    				bt.filename = tex.convfilename
    				echo ("Setting submaterial " + i as string + " to " + tex.filename)
    				cmat[i].diffuseMap = bt
    				showTextureMap cmat[i] bt on 
    				-- random color
    				if doCreateTextures and tex.type >= 0 then echo ("Submesh " + i as string + " needs a replacable texture of type " + tex.type as string)
    				cmat[i].diffuse = random(color 0 0 0) (color 255 255 255)
    			-- 2 sided
    			local rf = flags_read[tu.rflags+1]
    			if (bit.and rf.flags 4) != 0 then (
    				--echo ("Setting two-sided for submaterial " + i as string)
    				cmat[i].twoSided = true
    	setMeditMaterial setMatNum cmat
    --- MAIN
    fn WOW2_Main =
    	if doCreateMesh then WOW2_Create_Mesh()
    	if doCreateBones then WOW2_Create_Bones()
    	format "======== Done ========n" to:listener
    	max views redraw
    -- UI
    rollout WOW2_Dialog "M2 Model Import" width:400 height:400
    	-- file selection
    	label lFileName "Model filename or path in MPQ:" align:#left
    	button bOpenFile "Open..." pos: [180,5]
    	edittext tFileName
    	label lSpacer1 "" height:5
    	-- import options
    	checkbox cImportMesh "Import mesh" checked:true across:2
    	spinner nFps "FPS" range:[1,100,25] type:#integer fieldwidth:50
    	checkbox cImportBones "Import bones" checked:true across:2
    	spinner nLod "LOD" range:[1,4,1] type:#integer fieldwidth:50
    	checkbox cTransformBones "Transform bones" checked:true across:2
    	spinner nMat "Material slot" range:[1,24,1] type:#integer fieldwidth:50
    	checkbox cImportSkin "Apply skin to mesh" checked:true across:2
    	checkbox cFlipUV "Fix Y texcoords" checked:true
    	checkbox cImportTextures "Import textures" checked:true across:2
    	edittext tPath "Script path" text:(GetDir #scripts)
    	label lSpacer2 "" height:5
    	-- replacable textures
    	label lTextures "Replacable textures (path in MPQ or blank)" align:#left
    	label lSpacer3 "" height:5
    	edittext tTex1 "Character body"
    	edittext tTex2 "Cape               "
    	edittext tTex6 "Hair/beard      "
    	edittext tTex8 "Tauren fur       "
    	edittext tTex11 "Creature skin 1"
    	edittext tTex12 "Creature skin 2"
    	edittext tTex13 "Creature skin 3"
    	label lSpacer4 "" height:5
    	button bOK "Import" across:2
    	button bCancel "Cancel"
    	on bOpenFile pressed do
    		local ret = getOpenFileName types:"M2 model (*.m2)|*.m2|All|*.*|"
    		if ret != undefined then tFileName.text = ret
    	on bOK pressed do
    		-- setup options and start import
    		filename = tFileName.text
    		basePath = tPath.text
    		doCreateMesh = cImportMesh.checked
    		doCreateBones = cImportBones.checked
    		doTransformBones = cTransformBones.checked
    		doCreateSkin = cImportSkin.checked
    		doCreateTextures = cImportTextures.checked
    		flipuv_y = cFlipUV.checked
    		viewNum = nLod.value as integer
    		useFPS = nFps.value as integer
    		setMatNum = nMat.value as integer
    		replace_tex[1] = tTex1.text
    		replace_tex[2] = tTex2.text
    		replace_tex[6] = tTex6.text
    		replace_tex[8] = tTex8.text
    		replace_tex[11] = tTex11.text
    		replace_tex[12] = tTex12.text
    		replace_tex[13] = tTex13.text
    		DestroyDialog WOW2_Dialog
    		-- toggle comment for exception catching
    			format "-- Failed in <%>n" step to:listener
    			if bstream != undefined then WOW2_Close()
    		-- */
    	on bCancel pressed do
    		DestroyDialog WOW2_Dialog
    fn WOW2_UI_Main =
    	if WOW2_DialogFloater != undefined do
    		closerolloutfloater WOW2_DialogFloater
    	CreateDialog WOW2_Dialog width:400 height:400 style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_border, #style_sysmenu, #style_resizing)

  7. #7
    kero21's Avatar Member
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    Re: How can i convert m2 files into 3ds files?


    i would +Rep if i was able to

  8. #8
    Yamachi's Avatar Contributor
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    Re: How can i convert m2 files into 3ds files?

    Alternatively, you can use WoWModelViewer to export the models to *.ms3d (Milkshape's model format). You can then edit it in Milkshape, or export it from milkshape to *.3ds if you're more comfortable modelling in 3ds

  9. #9
    merfed's Avatar キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!!

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    Re: How can i convert m2 files into 3ds files?

    I also have a maya importer for m2 if anyone uses that.

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