Feel like I should be asking alk this. Who was the first to model edit, and who were the groups that knew how to do it (mmowned, wowdev, Gm, Nogg...but others?). How far back does anyone on this site remember?
Feel like I should be asking alk this. Who was the first to model edit, and who were the groups that knew how to do it (mmowned, wowdev, Gm, Nogg...but others?). How far back does anyone on this site remember?
Last edited by aqua200546; 10-21-2007 at 07:42 AM.
"Noah! Your on fire! I DONT CARE!! JUST GIVE ME THE CHEESE!!!!!!" :wave:
Noggs -> MMowned -> (various other sites) -> GM / WoW.Dev though wow dev came later.
Thing is wowdev (.org) and sourcepeek all had some model editors there, but no one really did anything.
Uhm .. wowdev & sourcepeek have been the ones who got all the information for us. Without them noone would be able to do such things ... (actually the basics have been made back in the wc:x times .. )
There is not really some specific community that started it. Its the work of a lot of people.
Sclumpf, your avatar is mesmerizing, i cant take my eyes off it. and when I look at your signature, I want to take my eyes of it!
THis is why i did it. First I wanted to have that guy in the avatar but i was too stupid to resize the gif and still hacing the animation .. But oh well ... <3 google for catologizising porn form everywhere.
Luwl Muat, damn right! I need more bewbs!