Hey all there, Whomever is very experiwenced and succesful with Gylnbeards 70 Race conversion.
Please help me out with my situation.
The steps In which I did to what he said in the guide are exact yet i get failure.
1. I download the .exe from his links supported
2. Download the Race Conversion From troll - UDmale
3. I put both files in a miscelaneous folder in documents for time being.
4. I put the exe in my WoW Folder.
5. I Then put my Race converted file Which contains two patches, (5,4) into my Data Folder.
6. I then Try to start up the .exe ( modeledit or w/e its called)
And in return i get a Black box in the top left corner for a second.
Nothing else happens, so i try to open up wow.
logged in and i get a crash.
What am i doing wrong or am i missing a step or?
Please respond many Hugs and thanks will be supported!