I've been trying very hard to change Moonkin form to the dryad model (the default skin, called DryadSkin).. I've been working at this for a while.. I've never done any editing before, and I was hoping this was gonna be my first contribution to the website.. I tried doing this months ago but I wasnt able to, so Im trying again.. I think my info might be out of date.. but if you can help please do!
So, I followed this guide first:
http://www.mmowned.com/forums/model-...-creature.html ([Guide] Character to Creature)
I got all the necessary information, and followed it step for step... but in the end, when I try to run WowMe with this in the directory, the screen flashes black, then goes away...
So try # 2, Guide #2
http://www.mmowned.com/forums/model-...l-editing.html ([Guide] Basic Simple Guide to MyWarcraftStudio Model Editing.)
So I followed this one.. and now I can load into the game... However, if I shift to Moonkin form, my model goes invisible and I cannot move (Upon leaving the form, I "teleport" to where I actually am
So.. I know Ive read these before.. but I cant find them, and I cant find an answer when I do find them.
I have the latest wowme, from here
http://www.mmowned.com/forums/bots-p...-kynox-63.html (World of Warcraft Model Edit Fix by Kynox)
Also, the patches were all named patch-5.MPQ (with all caps)
So if anyone could help me with this, or post a way to edit it or the edit itself Id be super grateful..
To make life easier, heres the info that the first guide asked for:
ID: 15374
Field 1: 2199
Field 3: 0
Field 6: DruidOwlBearNESkin1
Field 7: DruidOwlBearNESkin2
Field 8:
Field 1: 77
Field 3: 0
Field 6: DryadSkin
Field 7: DryadEyeGlow
Field 8: ArmorReflect2
Thank you!