Well, I'ts quite a lot I'm asking for, but if anyone would be arsed to do it I would be eternally grateful
So, list goes like this
Vindicator's Brand --> Spiteblade
Gladiator's Left Ripper --> Spiteblade
Stealther's Helmet of Second Sight --> Bloodfang Hood
Shoulderpads of Assassination --> Bloodfang Spaulders
Chestguard of Dark Stalker --> Bloodfang Chestpiece
Handgrips of Assassination --> Bloodfang Gloves
Burning Blade Devotee's Cinch --> Bloodfang Belt
Sash of Silent Blades --> Bloodfang Belt
X-52 Pilot's Leggings --> Bloodfang Pants
The Master's Treads --> Bloodfang Boots
Cloak of Malice --> Blood Knight War Cloak
After all this, it would look like this
Thanks in advance
E: Oh ye, rep will also be given