I am trying to switch race models so that I do the following:
Night Elf --> Blood Elf
Gnome ---> Human
Troll ---> Felorc (if not possible then Normal Orc or undead)
Tauren ---> Nightelf
all both male and female
I have the BC alpha as well as all the programs (except for MPQ master) for editing the models. I am just not sure exactly what to do... and need some help getting me started. Whether it be a link to a guide or if someone wants to go on Vent with me or send me a PM or post here. I would be eternally grateful for ANY sort of help.
Thank you for making WoW a more interesting game and helping others enjoy it!
PS: I did a great deal of model editing/swaping for other MMOs such as COH so I am not totally new to this, I am just not familiar with the way WoW file types work.
Thanks again!