Alright so I have read all the thread about how to get WoW for free, sure you can scam people of their accounts, fake credit card numbersm etc. etc. but why not do this my way, the easy way. Alright check this out. =
Alright so to start this off your going to need a razor blade, preferrably small. find a big electronics store around you like best buy or circuit city, etc. Find out where they are selling the WoW game cards. Usually I will just find a box that has it in there that is not locked up in that hard platic shit. Okay so we all know that theres gonna be cameras there so to avoid cameras stick your hand with the WoW game box into a shelf (Pretending to browse for games), then take your razor and cut the top of the box open and just pull out the WoW gamecard. Take the card put it in your pocket and then just put the box behind some other game. Congrats you just got a free 2months of WoW. I have been doing this for a while, just do it smoothly and youll never get caught. Sorry if my english sucks.