This is a guide how NOT to go broke in WoW
1.Make a list of goals you wish do to with that money
2.Get 80% of armor and weapons from Quests/instances
3.If you want to buy something make sure you know you have the money to fill in the gap
4.Dont buy things that have no purpose like Savory deviate delights
5.If your saving money do not do any crafting or enchanting
7.If you need food dont buy it ask a friendly mage
8.If you need to get somewhere ask a friendly mage
9.When you first buy your mount dont buy little things that make it *speecil* like Perserved holly or any spurs
10.If your friend asks for money. Ask him to leave a rain check and be nice about it
11.Collect all lewt to sell even if its like boar meat keep it and sell it EVERY BIT COUTNS
12.Overall just dont be stupid and buy unneeded things and remeber if you have enough when you buy something dont buy just yet! Search for a better offer if its a BoE if its just a mount right when you get that cash buy it so you dont end up spending it