Hey there
For awhile now, me and my boyfriend have been using this strategy to get up the money for our epic mounts, over the past 3 days we've made roughly 4k gold, and have a lot more coming.
I'm a druid, he's a rogue.
First off, we farm the Mechanar chests, a popular choice for money earning for rogues.
([ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=Roei0sl2FqQ]YouTube - Rogue soloing mechanar[/ame]) (Not my video)
How we do it, since as he says, the money is all in the family, and there's no 50/50 split, I pull the mobs from the chests, ungeared, and die, while he opens them. This way there's no downtime, AND upon checking the test realms, this renders Blizzard's nerf USELESS! Just get a friend to do it
The pulling is done from where the rogue stands, only I stay and let the mobs come to me and kill me, and he stays down by the chest from the very first place.
We vendor any items that sell for more than 8g, and DE the rest (he's an Enchanter)
After our five rounds, we go to Zangarmarsh, and farm Bog Lords and their similar at Quagg Ridge. (http://thottbot.com/c18127/z3521/b) These mobs have a high drop rate for Motes of Life.
I am a 375 Herbalist, so I herb these dead mobs to get even more Motes of Life.
Within two farms (40 minute periods between the "You have entered too many instances recently") we have made about 14-16 Primal Life, plus the 36g from the chests, then the Arcane Dust and Greater Planar Essences. Primal Life, on my server, go for around 10-12g average, and sell quickly.
We usually do this all day, hardcore farming, and are making major, fast money doing it.
Only downside is you may not have or be an herbalist. But you can easily pay someone 5g to disenchant your items for you.
I hope some of you find use for this![]()