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    Kharnak's Avatar Sergeant
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    How to win at WoW, and be a proper gamer, gentleman/woman in the World of Warcraft.

    Hello OwnedCore
    (I liked MMOWNED better to be quite honest! I don't remember why the name was changed :confused: )

    This will be a short but informative read if you don't already know alot about addons and have too much spare time on your hands

    Take some time to setup your User Interface the exact way you want it. Once you've done so, everything will feel so much more smooth and relaxing (I hate words). Everything is at the tip of your finger.

    I'll list a few addons that I think are a MUST-HAVE, and I'll include a picture of my crudely setup UI, it's temporary and doesn't look exactly like I want it to, though it is getting there. (will add picture(s) later, server is down at the moment (did they completely stop warning people at the login screen now?)

    Carbonite - Yes, Carbonite. I cannot explain how much this addon does for you. It's able to show herbalism/mining/archaeology and everything on the map, you're able to seemlessly scroll in and out, track quests with pinpoint accuracy, see healthbars of everyone in a battleground on the map, see where the combat is going on - there's so much more to it.

    OPie - Keybindings for Raid Markers, World Markers, Quest Items, class skills, portals, whatever you want. Use Alt + R/T/Y or whatever you can think of as keybindings, I use the scroll wheel click for Raid Markers, shows up in a nice and convenient bar - really really useful and makes marking extremely fast.

    GTFO - As you might guess, this addon tells you to GTFO. Literally. Whenever you stand in shit you're not supposed to, it will beep and that means you have to move. This addon removes a bit of stress if you're tanking or focusing hard on your DPS rotation.

    ArkInventory - And again this addon is a game changer. On mouse over it shows you the number of the item on all your characters, it shows where you have more of that item etc etc. You're able to sort literally everything in separate bags, if you have item sets you want separated, you can do that. If you want to separate Green Bind-on-equip items from Blue BoE items, you can do that. You can sort everything, by item level, in descending order, you can even sort by how long you've had the items, all while looking extremely smooth. It's the best inventory addon out there, hands down.

    LinkWrangler - Because why not. Lets you have more than one item tooltip open for easy comparison + alot more.

    Power Auras Classic - Lets you add any "trigger" or cooldown you want to be monitored/warned about - or missing debuffs on the target etc etc etc etc. there is almost no limit to what this can do. You can set it up whichever way you want. ****ing ****, this is ****ing awesome. You really ****ing want this ****ing addon.. as soon as it updates that is. Might work, might not work in its current state. Sorry for swearing, but I was lacking words/explanations for how awesome this is.

    ElvUI - A complete UI overhaul, adds TONS AND TONS of optimizations and tweaks and fixes to your UI, very customizable and sexy looking. Trust me when I say you can't go wrong on this one. IF you are weird and THINK you don't like a part of the UI you can just disable it and use whatever else you normally use. I recommend disabling Party Frames and all the Raid frames so you can use VuhDo instead - Link below.

    VuhDo - Complete Party/Raid frame replacement, supports click healing, range finding and direction arrows if out of range, plus so so so so so much more. No need for shit like Decursive or anything else. You could basically use this on top of the standard UI and be set for healing in a raid. This is the best addon for any class that's ever going to exist. True story.

    Skillet - Profession window overhaul, let's you queue crafts, plus tons more. Must have if you have any crafting profession.

    More to be added when I can be bothered, but I've covered the addons I think are the most important and I use the most and need the most.

    :edit: Servers still down. Adding a few addons that aren't so important. No link will be included, just search for the name on

    NPCScan + NPCScan Overlay - Alerts you when a rare mob is in your area.

    Cursor - Good if you lose track of your mouse, or want to add something shiny. Don't know why I even have this.

    Addon Control Panel - Actually this should be on the top list, it's pretty sweet. It literally is what the name says. No need to logout to mess with addons.

    BuyEmAll - Lets you shift+click any item from a vendor and type in any number and it will then buy that number of items. Ignores stack limits, just keeps on buying til it reaches your specified number. Nice for buying flasks etc.

    HandyNotes + HandyNotes Lost and Found - shows you every "Lost and Found" item on the map, works with Carbonite map aswell. Very nice.

    Postal - Mailbox tweaks, adds a "Open All" function + more.

    I could probably add a video on how to setup each individual addon if people asked for it, though I don't think you'll have any problem with figuring it out yourself. Plus it's way more rewarding that way, at least in my opinion.

    And this is the "becoming a better person part" - you can skip it if you think you're nice already.

    A piece of my mind, admittedly this is a copy paste from "way back then".

    "This was written in the start of Cataclysm."

    Generalization is everywhere, especially in World of Warcraft.

    It might not be total bullshit that if a player has an extremely high Item Level he might actually be good, but, he might also be the worst prick you've ever met. Take it easy with all the prejudice.

    However I've seen lots of "hardcore raiders" in dungeons, fail the most obvious things.. Like, an elemental shaman that doesn't quickly take over healing when the healer dies...
    Or, a warrior over aggroing all the mobs in a group because it's fun, or he thinks by doing that, "he's pro", and by actually taking all the aggro and rage starving the tank, he's dooming himself to get face pounded by the mobs and the healer obviously tries to save him, but runs out of mana, so the entire group dies because of that stupid idiotic warrior.

    There's good players with low item level that actually know how to gem, how to gear, and how to spec, they know how to heal, they know how to maximize their DPS while not over aggroing, and there's tanks that know how to control a situation and how to be aware of everything and NOT JUST keep their eyes on the Threat Meter on a single target.

    Don't generalize, everybody that generalizes is a stupid idiot. (:P)

    Carry your own weight, don't start flaming just because of low item level, they might actually own your ass.
    And don't worship the people with high item level, they're just people with high item level (duhh?).

    Instead, WORSHIP the ones that help others, that don't give a shit about item level, but actually give a shit about skill and patience and maturity, and working together and wanting to actually do what they can and return the favors.

    I am now tired and do not want to spell check. Thanks for reading, hope it helps. I don't expect anything in return, just want to help and have somewhere to paste this. Easy to link to for all the noobies I meet aswell.

    :edit: Also please, could a moderator or something I am sure won't steal the credits for an exploit I've been using forever, but thinking about posting please contact me. I'm pretty sure what I have in mind MUST be posted in the elite section, but since I can't check I don't feel like posting not knowing and possibly ruining it for some people. (Sorry if I seem too secretive, but it is actually a big exploit. One that could possibly be THE exploit to determine whether or not you get that HC boss kill)

    :edit again: Very informative video! Haha.


    Poorly describing picture of my quickly setup UI while leveling Attachment 11161
    This is one of many ways VuhDo can lookAttachment 11163
    My UI hasn't always been nice Attachment 11164
    My old Hunter UI, item level 327 and still owning. Using Tier 10 is FTW!Attachment 11165
    Old Disc Priest UI. At least here you can sort of see VuhDo in "action"Attachment 11166
    Last edited by Kharnak; 11-07-2012 at 04:01 AM.

    How to win at WoW, and be a proper gamer, gentleman/woman in the World of Warcraft.
  2. #2
    T0mm's Avatar Sergeant Major
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    You might want to change your links around, atm the link thig says "" but when you click it you get to "http://vuhdo/" might help ^^,

  3. #3
    Kharnak's Avatar Sergeant
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    Originally Posted by T0mm View Post
    You might want to change your links around, atm the link thig says "" but when you click it you get to "http://vuhdo/" might help ^^,
    Shit, haha. Thank you. I didn't really read through enough I guess!

    Last edited by Kharnak; 11-07-2012 at 03:18 AM.

  4. #4
    T0mm's Avatar Sergeant Major
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    Np's bro!

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