Guide by tehmasterer
Hello together,
cuz I did not found any guide on how to do this, i'll now describe how you can change your models and textures of items and / or characters in World of Warcraft.
I created this step by step guide because I think it's very interesting for the most or at least some of you.
What you need is:
- Word of Warcraft
- MyWarCraftStudio ( )
---> It is very important that you download version 0.6 Build 2714, the newest version does not work for this!
- 1.10.1 Patch
- one left and one right hand, two left hands are no need![]()
For better understanding:
The main core of this whole guide is, to rename the files of the model you want to see instead of the original one with the names of the "old" model and to place them in special folders.
Step 1
Take a screenshot of the item which you have equipped at the moment / which you want to change. In this sample i use the "Whirlwind Warhammer", which is the reward from lvl 40 Warrior quest.
Step 2
Take a screenshot of the item which you want to have instead of the original one, at the most cases you know this by heart alreadyI take the "Hand of Ragnaros" in my sample. This screen is needed as a little help while later searching for that item/model in the wow-package files.
Step 3
Open MyWarCraftStudio, which you have already unzipped. (Tip for blonde women: Click on the .exe file... twice)
Step 4
Now click on "File" -> "Open" in the MyWarCraftStudio.
Step 5
In the newly opened window, you can now begin searching the models (.m2) and textures (.blp) of the items you already have, which means you want to change, and the items you want to have instead of them. Therefore you must, of course, choose one of the 4 files which i marked red in the screenshot below and open it up![]()
Step 6
Via you now can search for the names of the textures and models of those items, which gets you rid off the problem of searching for them manually. If you did not find them there, you must eat the sour apple and go for a manually search... have fun.
( )
Step 7
Finally we found our Item via, which later should be transfered into "Hand of Ragnaros". Write down the EXACT name of this item, including underscore's and extensions. Check the spelling twice.
Step 8
The description of the suiting texture we got from the textures.mpq file. Note: This file must not be placed here in every case, it can also be placed in one of the three other *.mpq files. Where you can find it is currently not checkable via 8[
Step 9
Finally we also found Ragnaros' Hammer, which we must export/extract now. To do so, please right click on those two, coincidentally among themselves, files and extract them. Note that *.m2 file always is the model and *,blp file always is the texture. The window shown below is opening up. Search for a folder of your choice and save them there![]()
Step 10
Now you have to create some subfolders inside your Data Folder of your World of Warcraft installation. Those must have the same names as the file structure inside the *.mpq files had (where the original, old ones were!). In my sample these are only the two files from ragnaros' hammer which were in the same subfolders. It was Data\Item\ObjectComponents\Weapon.
Step 11
Now we have to copy these two files into the newly created folder. After you have done so, please rename the two files of the "Hand of Ragnaros" to the names of the original "old" items (Whirlwind Warhammer in my sample). Please note that you correctly rename the .m2 file to .m2 and the .blp to .blp and NOT m2 to blp![]()
Step 12
Now we are done. We only have to start/restard World of Warcraft now and can take a look at our low lvl Warrior with "Hand of Ragnaros". Of course this change is only local and does not affect/manipulate blizzard's filestream between client and server. Only you can see this texture/model changes on your local computer. All the other guys you meet ingame will see the original model/texture cuz every client loads them locally for itself.
This also is no hack or cheat, it is legal and was not forbidden by Blizzard yet. In fact, they CANT forbid this because we do not change something at their files. We only create new, own folders with new, own files in itAnd of course we can not smell it, that Blizzard uses this newly created files in our newly created folders, or can we?
You can do this too for armor sets or mount colors or at least to change a gnome into an undead or something stupid. But I will not describe this part here.
Now you know how it works properly and if you are not an idiot, you can do the rest by yourself.
At the end I'll show you a pic of the Hammer at my low lvl twink:
This is my Warrior in def stance after some additional changes. He has equipped the Untamed Blade as one handed weapon and the Red Dragonscale Protector shield in the offhand:
To create the pre-change state of your weapon style, simply delete the whole "Items" Folder with all its subfolders and files.
If you got some suggestions for improving this guide, please send me a private message or contact me via email, ( [email protected] ) thanks.
And now go on with flaming, criticizing and praising me in the discussion thread