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  1. #1
    Synrithh's Avatar Contributor
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    How to get 3-5 days extra playtime every month paying with e-card (credit card)

    Hello! As I wrote in the topic! I have been doing this almost since I started playing WoW, so in my case I have been playing about 150-200 absolutly free.

    What I do is that I pay 1 month with a special service that my bank provides, I don't know how many other banks uses this but it's called an e-card on my bank.

    This is an e-card (taken from the website): e-card from Swedbank is the safe, effective and easy way for cardholders to shop online, without ever transmitting their actual debit card details over the Internet. By using an e-card, the cardholder can eliminate the risks of card fraud and identity theft that result in card numbers being exposed and potentially compromised.

    Using Swedbank's online banking website, the e-card service means that the cardholder can generate unique numbers linked to the cardholder's actual card account. These e-cards are complete with expiry date and signature panel code (***2/CVC2), and can be used in place of real debit card details while shopping online.

    So, I create a new not physical card every month to pay with with only the amount of money needed to pay for 1 month of playtime, and when the time is out my account always says "PENDING" or "FROZEN" but I can still log in to it for 3-5 days, I guess this is because it's trying to grab money from my card.

    This will probably work with a normal credit card but you won't have any money on it when your gametime expires, but I'm not sure how many times you can re-activate a single credit card.

    It would be pretty hard to confirm this but if you can use it, try it out! :=)

    How to get 3-5 days extra playtime every month paying with e-card (credit card)
  2. #2
    Sklug's Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    Umm... in my experience with this, you are not actually gaining any free days though. Let me explain: Basically, you get "pending" and are still able to play a few days... In this case let's say 3. So, once the 3 days is up your account becomes frozen. Then, you pay another month right? Well, the way the billing system works is that you technically are in-debt to blizz for 3 days. So, even though you just bought 30 more days, you actually are only getting 27, because you already used up the 3 in the "pending" time.

    Now, I have never used the e-card, but I have seen other billing exploits in the past and if there is one thing Blizzard hates is losing money and they will come down hardcore on anyone that schemes something up, FYI. That is, if this even works. All previous billing tricks that used similar ideas as this do not work currently. But who knows... maybe this e-card thing is different. Can anyone else confirm this?

  3. #3
    SiMka's Avatar Banned
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    Synrithh is a liar anyways.. the Swedbank's e-card is max half, maybe year old, so 150-200 days within an year?! And I think it's just like Sklug says, the system "take back" these "free days".

  4. #4
    Synrithh's Avatar Contributor
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    No, i'm not a liar, you are, I've been using it since aproxx 2007, and that's lets say 4 days every month x 12 x 4 = 192 days, and if you take x 3 it's almost 150.

    And also the bank Nordea e-card was released in 2005, and I bet that Swedbank released it before 2007, so don't ****ing put the wrong info if you haven't checked it up.
    Last edited by Synrithh; 07-24-2011 at 05:41 PM.

  5. #5
    Sklug's Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    Originally Posted by Synrithh View Post
    No, i'm not a liar, you are, I've been using it since aproxx 2007, and that's lets say 4 days every month x 12 x 4 = 192 days, and if you take x 3 it's almost 150.

    And also the bank Nordea e-card was released in 2005, and I bet that Swedbank released it before 2007, so don't ****ing put the wrong info if you haven't checked it up.
    Anyway, like I said... are you sure you're actually getting free days? Cause when blizz grants days in "pending" status you are actually in-debted to them and they deduct those days from future payments

  6. #6
    SiMka's Avatar Banned
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    Originally Posted by Synrithh View Post
    And also the bank Nordea e-card was released in 2005, and I bet that Swedbank released it before 2007, so don't ****ing put the wrong info if you haven't checked it up.
    Nobody talks about nordea.. You talked Swedbank, and as I previously said: The card is max year old (not needed to check this up as I'm Swedbank client). And FYI e-cards released april 8th 2010. Everyone can check it up as they want to.
    Just another troll, raising his post count OK, that's that..

    And if I'm not mistaken, something similar is already posted in here, and in that topic there was already discussed over that blizzard takes these days back. Also this way was possible to pay with PayPal and play like day or two, but after successful payment the month playtime was actually less than an month.
    Last edited by SiMka; 07-24-2011 at 11:37 PM.

  7. #7
    CursedOne's Avatar Sergeant Major
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    Originally Posted by SiMka View Post
    Nobody talks about nordea.. You talked Swedbank, and as I previously said: The card is max year old (not needed to check this up as I'm Swedbank client). And FYI e-cards released april 8th 2010. Everyone can check it up as they want to.
    Just another troll, raising his post count OK, that's that..

    And if I'm not mistaken, something similar is already posted in here, and in that topic there was already discussed over that blizzard takes these days back. Also this way was possible to pay with PayPal and play like day or two, but after successful payment the month playtime was actually less than an month.
    Instead of assuming your god or 100% correct I think you should show proof before being a douche.
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  8. #8
    Synrithh's Avatar Contributor
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    Simka, ......................... 8th april 2010 it wasn't released, please learn to read. "Sedan den 8 april 2010 har Swedbank och Sparbankerna infört krav på att alla bankkort måste vara anslutna till Verified by Visa/MasterCard SecureCode eller använda e-kort för att handla på nätet." = Since April 8, 2010, Swedbank and savings banks have introduced requirements that all debit cards must be connected to Verified by Visa / MasterCard SecureCode or use e-card to shop online.

    Nothing about the release hummm dumm?

    And btw, It was released somewhere around 9/9-2002, here you can download their pressrelease nt/waymaker1//Commands/ px?id=192197 (they were named Föreningsbanken then, still same company, new name)

    So, dont write stuff you dont know mate!
    Last edited by Synrithh; 07-25-2011 at 11:46 AM.

  9. #9
    Sklug's Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    This thread has turned into a pissing match lol... All I can say is I don't doubt Synrithh in that the e-card has been around a while as I have seen similiar things by other banks for years now. But, I am still fairly certain that whenever blizz grants game-time while waiting for a payment to clear or a time of "pending," that time is later deducted. All schemes I have seen like this just put a debt on the account. I remember someone figuring out how to play a full month free some time ago... BUT, when they tried to buy time again, they owed Blizz for 2 months, as they already were in-debted from the previous month.

    Might be useful if you never plan on using that account ever again, or if you are using a junk account and want a few extra days with no intention of buying in the future...

    Anyway, that is all

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