How to find how long players is playing with they characters with a simple collect! menu


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  1. #1
    Takri's Avatar Active Member
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    How to find how long players is playing with they characters with a simple collect!

    Have you ever wanted to know how long is your friends playing? or how long is the noob that spamming you to invite him to your guild played? Judge the skill!

    (READ: This is only work on characters that made AFTER blizzard uploaded the "Achivements/Statistics" to the game! KEEP IN MIND! Its count only the amount played with the character you've checked! if the player has more than one player then you should check his alts aswell for the correct amount!) Anyhow its max the amount he played with the character class forsure!

    As simple as can be! Just go to some random in dalaran or who ever talking to you then follow and check his achivement:

    Achivement > Statistic > Wealth

    Then take a collector and set inside the number you see at "Total gold acquired" for example its 10000 gold then split the number with the number you see at "Average gold earned per day" for example 100 gold and tada! you find out hes played only 100 days! damn newb!

    Remmber, do not bother to count silver/copper since its wont change much, maybe hour or 2 and make the collection harder, if you want the 100% amount then do so with "dot" after gold and "dot" after silver

    The reason you wont find out the correct amount if he is older than the day the achivements came is: because the gold havnt been collected before then and you cant never know how much he played before it but you do able to know how much he played since then which is atleast 2 years! must have some skill i guess?:P

    Have fun finding out how newbs are your guild partners or even leaders to laugh at them or feel like "how the **** they lead me and i played more! SHIT! I AM SO LOSER!" :confused:

    How to find how long players is playing with they characters with a simple collect!
  2. #2
    Thidan's Avatar Contributor
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    Great concept but won't work with the results you want...
    A guildie of mine for an example:
    He's made 8046 gold in total, rounded up.
    With an average income of 15g a day.
    That means he's got a playtime of 536 days according to you.
    One problem,
    He started that character late december last year, how do I know that?
    His level 10 achievement is from December 23, 60 January 6, 70 January 14 and 80 January 20.

  3. #3
    hoikutzooi's Avatar Member
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    i dont think it is counter per /played days, becouse otherwise if you make a new char and farm 10 gold on it in 2hours, that would be multiplied by 12 to get too the 24 hours wich equals a day, wich means that it will say 120gold in your theory, but i think it just takes the amount of gold earned each day, counts it up and splits it through every day after your character is made.
    wich means, if you take that same char where you got 10gold on in 2 hours, it will say 10g, if that char is exactly 1 day old.
    but if you let it sit for another day without achieveing more gold, it will probably say 5gold.
    If that made any sence, becouse at the moment i have a 3.7 for maths.

  4. #4
    Jakewoods's Avatar Member
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    Sorry, but from what I see it isn't 100% accurate.
    Ex. You make a alt and sell your Engineering mount your gold earned be 16,000g but you wont get 16,000g per day you might get 15,000g per day and then you buy something else, your gold per day will go down some more because you are losing gold but your total gold earned doesn't go down it stays at 16,000g.
    (Fell free to correct me if I am wrong)

  5. #5
    s_e_a_n_66's Avatar Member
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    GoldScore - Addons - Curse
    but its not really an accurate measurement of how long somebody has played.

  6. #6
    Takri's Avatar Active Member
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    Well as simple as can be, he sold items with his alt before he reeched level 10 or its took him some time to level to 10 or he made the level 1 and havnt played it for gazilion years and only now he decided to level him up etc etc etc

    IT HAS NOTHING to do with how much gold you earn lifetime, nevertheless its 10 or 100000 billion gold!

    There is always total gold and gold earned per day that is being split buy total gold ONLY

    The total gold WONT be effected if you got the gold by mail from an alt or sold it to someone in trade or even got it by C.O.D and even if it does then its still was splited to the same amount

    Its NOT count by /played, only on how long the character lives, notice that each day your average go down by small amount and in case you sold a choper for 16000 gold via AH and you see total earned 16000 ON THE FIRST DAY you opened your character, not 2 weeks ago and then just log to sell it then you would see the day after 8000 gold per day, the average is being counted instantly with the time you earned your gold but the number of "days" is being reset/add day only at 3 AM

    Have fun, I have done it for over 30 players and was correct at all of them

    EDIT: S.e.e.n forget to answer you, As i said at the orginal post "READ" you have to check alts and such aswell if he do have some and then just go by the older alt days + also said you can count only after the achivements been added to the game since its havnt count before it
    Last edited by Takri; 08-27-2010 at 07:25 AM.

  7. #7
    BlastedBurrito's Avatar Member
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    Basically what he's saying is

    (Total gold/ Average gold per day = how many days ago that toon was made)

    Of course assuming that the toon was made after patch 3.0.

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