How to obtain extra gold from gold selling sites (Requires initial payment): menu

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    dannyboi's Avatar Member
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    How to obtain extra gold from gold selling sites (Requires initial payment):

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    This post is copyright by the user posting it and - World of Warcraft Exploits,Hacks, Bots and Guides, where it was posted. You may not copy or reproduce this information on any other site without written permission from both the poster and

    Ok, this is my first time posting here, so I apologize in advance if this is in the wrong section.

    Before I begin, this does require an initial purchase. You are buying the gold, you're just weening a little more than was agreed upon at the transaction phase.

    As you all know or should know, since Blizzard updated their mail system, it has become increasingly difficult for gold selling companies to accurately supply orders without the gold itself being intercepted by the GM staff, and today we're going to use that to our advantage:

    In this situation I, the buyer, have just purchased 200 gold and am approaching customer support with the claim that I have not received the initial 119 gold as stated in the e-mail provided. (Though, obviously, I did.)

    Please follow this chat log very closely and, if you would you, you may use my own lingo and text to recreate a similar situation. All in all, this took about 45 minutes to complete due to the fact that the customer service representative was checking into the matter (most likely with his superiors to get the ol' thumbs up) before he could resend the gold. The key here is to be patient, polite, and as non-intrusive as possible:

    The site used for this experiment was This service is offered for U.S. based servers only. 
    I imagine that this can be done to most every site that does not currently have an outstanding policy on intercepted deliveries.

    An agent will be with you in a moment. Thank you for your patience.
    You have been connected to Oliver F.
    Customer: Hello?
    Oliver F: Hi! Welcome to our site. How may I help you?
    Customer: Hello! I'm just having a small problem and am a little confused. I've been logged on since I made my purchase early this morning. Well, I just logged onto my email account and saw a notice from your company stating that 119 gold had been sent to my character.
    Customer: I checked my inbox, logged out, and logged back in, and checked again, but didn't see the gold there. I'm just checking in to see if everything's ok and why it isn't there if it says 119 gold has already been delivered. My order number is ****** and my transaction ID from PayPal is ******.
    Customer: Sorry, lol, I typed out my problem ahead of time on notepad because it was taking a while to get connected. ^_^
    Oliver F: For a moment please. Let me just pull up your records.
    Customer: Ok, thanks!
    Oliver F: No problem.
    Customer: I can also foward you the email from you guys if you'd like, as well as my paypal receipt.
    Oliver F: You need not have to. Let me just check on your records. Give me a moment on this.
    Customer: Ok take your time
    Oliver F: Thank you.

    Oliver F: Thank you for waiting. You have ordered 200 gold for ****** on ****** US::****** server. Is that correct?
    Customer: Yes, sir.
    Oliver F: Thank you for confirming.
    Oliver F: Give me another moment to check on it further.
    Customer: Ok, thanks.
    Customer: Take as much time as you need.
    Oliver F: Thank you.

    Oliver F: Thank you for waiting. I see here in our records that we already have delivered 119 gold to your account.
    Customer: I already explained my side of it, however. I received the email, but I've yet to have obtained the 119 gold that was said to have been delivered.
    Oliver F: Please give me another moment to check this again for you.
    Customer: Ok.
    Oliver F: Thank you.

    Oliver F: Thank you for waiting. Here's what I did, I redelivered the 119 gold that you have not receive just to compensate for everything. Would that be fine?
    Customer: That would be fine. About how long will that and the rest of the delivery take?
    Oliver F: I cannot give you an exact timeframe for I don't want to give you false hopes. Rest assured that we will deliver your order as soon as possible.
    Customer: Wow, what great service. Thank you very much for your time.
    Oliver F: You're welcome. Have a good one!
    Customer: You too!
    Your session has ended. You may now close this window.

    This is obviously a very simple scam executed. I can confirm that the gold has been sent (I repeated this three times over a period of two days). Make SURE you obtain the first batch of gold and the email before summoning a CSR for aid.

    EDIT: I've just realized that this should be in the WoW Scams section, so if a mod could move it there, I would greatly appreciate it. Again, sorry if this has been posted before.
    Last edited by dannyboi; 06-17-2007 at 03:28 PM.

    How to obtain extra gold from gold selling sites (Requires initial payment):
  2. #2
    Thorodin's Avatar Member
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    Re: How to obtain extra gold from gold selling sites (Requires initial payment):


    You buy 200 gold, you receive 400 ( yeah ^^ )
    Then you sell 200 to another website
    Right ? Free gold, imo

  3. #3
    dannyboi's Avatar Member
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    Re: How to obtain extra gold from gold selling sites (Requires initial payment):

    Haha, guess so!

    I'd suggest doing this twice, maybe three times at max. This was a small order, so he was obviously much more generous with his decision to compensate my "losses." I saved this chat log from my first attempt and then completed the experiment, which is why he is much less callous. Obviously they keep note of how many times a delivery has been lost, so it took a bit more persuasion towards the end. Got about 700 gold out of the deal, though.
    Last edited by dannyboi; 06-17-2007 at 04:10 PM.

  4. #4
    jimmy2222's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: How to obtain extra gold from gold selling sites (Requires initial payment):

    wow, sounds like some great service. also good tip.

  5. #5
    gravisoft's Avatar Member
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    Re: How to obtain extra gold from gold selling sites (Requires initial payment):

    A more sinister method (and more illegal) involves Paypal order duplication. Some sites send back an ID code to its host and thats how its verified that it was paid. The data is encrypted but if you place another order with the same stats/info (same gold amnt, to same char, etc) then repost the ID code with the new order ID, it'll count it as though you paid it.
    Catch is that the ID only works for about 5-10 minutes, ya gotta work fast. However, you can squeeze another 3-4 orders in. So... 4x the gold for the price of 1.
    I'd go into more details, but... legalities.
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  6. #6
    cab0ose's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: How to obtain extra gold from gold selling sites (Requires initial payment):

    All those chinese farmers are doing is the easiest funnest way to put food on his/her's families table..... i like it 6):

    I might try this out next time + Rep when i can.
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  7. #7
    loganpimp's Avatar Member
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    Re: How to obtain extra gold from gold selling sites (Requires initial payment):

    "you need not have to." i lol'ed

  8. #8
    cyber87's Avatar Member
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    Re: How to obtain extra gold from gold selling sites (Requires initial payment):

    this dosent work anymore as they print screen ingame. after sending the gold.

  9. #9
    Gary13579's Avatar Member
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    Re: How to obtain extra gold from gold selling sites (Requires initial payment):

    Originally Posted by cyber87
    this dosent work anymore as they print screen ingame. after sending the gold.
    (This never happened, I'm making this up to show what to do in this scenario)

    Customer: This is horrible service. I have paid for this gold, it's been 6 hours, you have said that you sent it but I have not received it. Obviously the person who took that screenshot canceled the letter a second later.
    Sucker: We be sorry, but we have proof the he really send the gold. There's nothing we can do. (*insert more random korean engrish here, "ME LOVE YOU LONG TIME"*)
    Customer: I can't accept that answer, there is nothing in my mailbox, and I have the same amount of gold I did this morning. I will be reporting you to Blizzard and I will file a chargeback on PayPal immediately. I will also be giving your site a bad rep to everyone I know.

  10. #10
    broremil1's Avatar Member
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    Re: How to obtain extra gold from gold selling sites (Requires initial payment):

    ty you for it

  11. #11
    bloor8yne's Avatar Member
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    Re: How to obtain extra gold from gold selling sites (Requires initial payment):

    doesnt work, i went to the company and bought 1k g and ended up losing money. they didnt pay back anything instead they brought it into paypal, and paypal found me guilty -_- im never going to pay for stupid intagible money ever again >.<

  12. #12
    Elopedwin's Avatar Member
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    Re: How to obtain extra gold from gold selling sites (Requires initial payment):

    You can do this many times as long as you get a differnt CSR. if you run into the same CSR just say, " whoops, clicked the wrong button" and reload it lol.

    My dad Rip's off gold sites like its nothing, he'll even use a phone he bought at walmart to call them up and complain's that he paid and didnt recieve the gold. he has a lvl 45 pally with no other char. and has about 1500g, and he spends it like its burning a hole in his pocket.

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