Titanium Ore Prospecting (READ THIS ITS NOT THE NORMAL CRAP) menu

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  1. #1
    Makro123's Avatar Member
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    Titanium Ore Prospecting (READ THIS ITS NOT THE NORMAL CRAP)

    Ok so as you all should know by now Titanium Ore can be Prospected in 3.2

    I have been on PTR and also checked PTR forums and can provide you with the information below which I am sure some of you may find very useful and reinforce the fact that buying your Titanium Ore was a wonderful idea.

    Firstly (This is taken from PTR Forums) Prospecting Percentages!

    Test one

    17 stacks of Titanium Ore
    1 Half stack
    Total amount. 70 prospects.


    48 Titanium Power
    4 Majestic Zircom
    4 Cardinal Ruby
    3 Eye of Zul
    4 Kings amber
    2 Ametrine
    2 Dreadstone

    Total amount of Epic gems. 19
    Percentage of prospects to epic gem. 27.14%

    (I did not keep track of the Blue gems for this one and they got mixed up with ones I already had in my bag.

    Test two.

    17 stacks of Titanium Ore
    1 Half stack
    Total amount. 70 prospects.


    38 Titanium Power
    3 Majestic Zircom
    3 Cardinal Ruby
    4 Eye of Zul
    5 Kings amber
    4 Ametrine
    2 Dreadstone

    Total amount of Epic gems. 21
    Percentage of prospects to epic gem. 30%

    (Blue gems)
    5 Scarlet Ruby
    6 Monarch Topaz
    2 Twilight Opal
    6 Sky Sapphire
    3 Forest Emerald
    1 Autumn's glow

    Total Amount of Blue gems. 23
    Percentage of prospects to a blue gem. 32.85%

    Test 3

    17 stacks of Titanium Ore
    1 Half stack
    Total amount. 70 prospects.


    42 Titanium Power
    4 Majestic Zircom
    2 Cardinal Ruby
    4 Eye of Zul
    6 Kings amber
    4 Ametrine
    2 Dreadstone

    Total amount of Epic gems. 22
    Percentage of prospects to epic gem. 31.42%

    (Blue gems)
    4 Scarlet Ruby
    2 Monarch Topaz
    6 Twilight Opal
    5 Forest Emerald
    5 Sky Sapphire
    1 Autumn's glow

    Total Amount of Blue gems. 23
    Percentage of prospects to a blue gem. 32.85%


    So on an Average Prospecting Titanium Ore will give you

    Epic Gem 29.52%
    Rare Gem 32.86
    Titanium Powder 60.95

    So the Prospecting chances seem pretty good on their own which is a bonus to those who have already bought lots of ore.


    Secondly is some great news as an extra thing about the recipes and Titanium Powder that some of you may not know.

    The epic Gem Recipes are bought from the Jewelcrafting Recipe seller in Dlaran at a cost of 5 Daily Jewelcrafting Tokens. So if you have stocked up on them this is great as there are quite alot to buy.

    Also there is a new Quest that will let Jewelcrafters trade 10 Titanium Powder for a Daily Token.


    So lets take my charcter for an example.

    Now i onyl have 10 Daily Tokens as i stupidly spent mine on buying Dragon's Eyes before i found out about all of this. I also have 1000 ore.

    That means that when i prospect all my ore i will get me 200 Prospects and will get me (ROUGHLY)

    59 Epic Gems
    66 Rare Gems
    122 Titanium Powder (or 12 Daily tokens which is 2 recipes and 2 spare tokens!)

    ALSO a little bit of personal advice. DO NOT BUY THE MOST COMMON RECIPES such as Hit Rating, Spell Power, Agility! These are the ones that EVERYONE is going to buy! Get the recipes which people use as secondary and will need to keep there meta bonuses! ALOT less people will be getting these to start with and you will make more money for a longer period of time if you do!

    Enjoy and hope you found this useful

    Also I am on the Boulderfist Server playing an Alliance Character! If there are any other people readying these forums who is on the same server and faction gimme a shout and we can work together for getting JC recipes!

    Titanium Ore Prospecting (READ THIS ITS NOT THE NORMAL CRAP)
  2. #2
    johm2's Avatar Active Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Last edited by johm2; 07-12-2009 at 08:16 AM. Reason: Stupid

  3. #3
    Folderpirate's Avatar Member
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    There has already been a threat about the statistics of prospecting titanium ore on the PTR as well as one that said to buy the uncommon patterns when the patch hits to profit more.

    HOWEVER, I feel that this post is still relevant because it adds more data to the mix that helps to verify the previous posts' percentages, so I'm giving you rep.

    I just remember that in an interview about JC losing the prismatic perk of dragon's eyes that they would refund us a large amount of jewelcrafting tokens to compensate. Has anyone figured out how much that is going to be yet?

  4. #4
    Kaszab's Avatar Member
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    As [sync] says, nothing new here. Also see my more in depth percentage analysis in his thread.

  5. #5
    Makro123's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by [sync] View Post
    I posted this in my economics thread.
    Link incoming.
    [e] http://www.mmowned.com/forums/wow-gu...d-elite-3.html

    So.. in conclusion, repost sorry D:
    Sync THANK YOU!

    I just read your previous post about suing reflector and managed to find a file to try it on via you tube and lowe and behold i log into the email and there is one email... from the guy who made it testing his program only the idiot used his real details....

    so his gold just got sent and char deleted :P

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