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    Blasted Lands +50 Stat Bonus

    In the Blasted Lands you can farm buffs that give you +50 stats for one hour.

    R.O.I.D.S. = +50 Strength
    Ground Skorpok Assay = +50 Agility
    Lung Juice Cocktail = +50 Stamina
    Cerebral Cortex Compound = +50 Intellect
    Gizzard Gum = +50 Spirit

    There are two bloodelves on the right side of the road as you enter Blasted Lands, that give you the repeatable quests to get these buffs. The very first time you do the quest, you will receive the buff, and a consumable, which you can save to use later to give yourself the buff. If you repeat the quest you will only get the consumable. You may only have a maximum of one consumable of each type, and the consumables are Soulbound. I'm quite sure you can only have one +50 stat buff active at a time.

    Each different type of buff has a different quest. Each of those quests require you to turn in various animal parts which are dropped by the beasts in Blasted Lands. There are 5 types:

    Vulture Gizzard
    Blasted Boar Lung
    Skorpok Pincer
    Basilisk Brain
    Snickerfang Jowl

    Strength Requires : 3 Jowls / 2 Lungs / 1 Pincer
    Agility Requires : 3 Pincers / 2 Gizzards / 1 Lung
    Stam Requires : 3 Lungs / 2 Pincers / 1 Brain
    Int Requires : 10 Brains / 2 Gizzards
    Spirit : 10 Gizzards / 2 Jowls

    While the consumable you receive from the quest is Soulbound, the animal parts ARE NOT. So if you're out there farming and you start getting extras that you won't need, give them to someone else that'll need them. For example, as a Rogue I have absolutly no use for the Jowls.
    While warriors don't have much use for the Basilik brains and gizzards, Guildie casters would love to get some.

    Nothin wrong with an extra 500 health for a raid, Or another nice bonus from these buffs.

    Blasted Lands +50 Stat Bonus

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