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    bagsnatcher's Avatar Member
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    dual boxing and you and you

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    I have dual boxed for a while now and felt more should be known about it. there are pros and cons associated with it and hopefully i can analyse it enough to make you decide if its for you.

    how to do it:

    -2 or more accounts
    -2 or more pcs
    or a powerful computer to run 2 clients or more at once. Yes it works!! you can even install WoW many times so you can retain individual settings for each toon. (pref sound so it doesnt munch raw cpu)


    unlimited potential
    easy leveling
    mondo twinkage for pvp
    easy farming
    very easy farming

    :confused: cons

    double graveyard runs
    synchronisation eg, two different continents egg, two different dimensions
    double repair bills
    massive brain stress if healing for agroriffic party members while tanking, much running

    :wavey: Pref personal setup:

    70 warrior Arms spec / lil Fury
    I have specced for AOE damage with impr thunder clap, Sweeping strikes (DEF), Mortal strike hamstring. YOU HAVE TO PROTECT YOUR HEALER

    in fury i went cruelty, demo shout, piercing howl, impr cleave (max)

    As your soloing: you dont need to maintain the threat - you control the threat

    70 priest Holy spec / Disc

    If have specced for Maximum heals and strong bubble, greater heal is enough to be able to heal for a warrior to take down 6 - 8 mobs its own lvl pretty easy lol, circle of healing is like pressing easy mode healParty button, especially with melee. Just choose what you think is best on your healbot, remember not to worry about DPS if you just heal.

    In game

    When both of your characters are online in game (i dont have to go through 'how to open WOW' here do i? lol) Simply invite one into a party, and viola both your toons are able to trade everything without being a ninja and you can interact with the MoBs wandering azeroth and outlands.


    Run around with your healbot in tow (right click -> follow ), when you find a pack of mobs waiting to be culled, make sure your priest (your choice) stops following and is within range of where you will be assaulting. I do this so that i can spool a big heal while im gathering mobs. your first mission is to get agro on everything you have gathered, so that when you get a heal you do not have to chase anything that will be heading directly to your HEALS. When you heals die, you die. and running back twice sux.

    I usually charge -> gather mob -> hamstring -> hamstring next mob etc etc
    but slow down just enough to thunderclap them and keep them angry. gather up a bunch and run them back to my priest. When i have built enough rage i proc Sweeping strikes -> berzerker mode -> berzerker rage -> Whirl Wind

    you can throw a trinket in somewhere and the. Cleave and Thunderclap and run amok just using all your multiple target spells and mortal striking randomly. REND REND REND REND. keep it up on all of them -> YOU HAVE SO MUCH RAGE. Some times you need to chain heal ur self if things are messy so you have to concentrate harder. Learn your cooldowns, how long a heal takes to cast and when to press heal ASAP so that you dont die, all while killing man mobs.

    Or you could just run around killing mob to mob solo and never stop and all to drink or eat.

    I use the warrior on my laptop while the priest is on a pc i control with a keyboard, 1 - 8 on the other keyboard is all i need to press to control heals and etc. 1 for circle of healing, 2 for greater heal, 3 for flash heal, 4 for bubble, 5 for dispel magic, 6 for prayer of healing, 7 for abolish disease, 8 for holy nova

    Warriors is what ever, its up to your preference.

    I currently have a 47 mage that has a lvl 70 healbot, that is a Very fun combination and i cant wait to get to use bubbles (i am only healing out of the party atm so i dont cop the xp penalty) i cant wait to hit 70 so xp doesnt matter and its farming time.

    Its hard at first to get used to playing two characters at once, but if you can play both characters solo you can learn how they interact in battles and how to control the threat generated. It can be very challenging at times when extra mobs agro you dont expect and very rewarding when you can nail it. Eg. When i was lvl 64 on both characters i was in zangarmarsh at Daggerfen and agroed one whole camp of them, the fight went for agres and i got poisoned and knocked out and backstabbed for A LONG TIME. It was very stressful SO MANY ADDS OMFG. But walking around looting you realise you just pwnd what would usually pwn you. :confused: 6):

    food for thought. 6): 6):

    ( my rogue is leveling my shaman so he can get his AGI buff totem )

    Not sure if you want me to go into the instances I grind and at what lvls i quest though for fun, but any instance you can solo quickly on your main you can run your alt through for XP, you can farm and level at the same time.

    Quest in the areas that suit you for rewards or just liking the area. I like owning Hillsbrad humanoids fully twinked out while questing == 6): 6): .

    dual boxing and you and you
  2. #2
    original~GANK~staz's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: dual boxing and you and you

    well majere posted that thing about voice mods helping you

  3. #3
    Froogle's Avatar Legendary
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    Re: dual boxing and you and you

    There are easier ways, creating macros and using certain addons - I'm not going to tell you how to do this (better to find out yourself), but I AoE with a 70 Mage and 70 Priest a lot, great money, especially if you only need one keyboard to control both characters and don't need to look at more than one screen.

  4. #4
    bagsnatcher's Avatar Member
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    Re: dual boxing and you and you

    I currently use synergy with broadcasting + the normal mouse and keyboard on both machines, but all this guide intends to do is educate on the pros and cons of dual boxing, so ppl that dont do it currently can read up and determine if they want to try it out before they sign up for something that doesnt agree with them :P

    As for looking at the other screen, I do this to check to see if I am actually targeted, Ive died many times simply because my priest hasnt got me actively targeted or is sitting down still after drinking ><

    A site i would further recommend checking out (following up from my original post) would be: http://www.dual-boxing.com

    There are some really talented ppl on those forums + useful tips and suggestions

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