no one can use this guide at their site without first requestiong permission from me, so untill you do so you can not put this on another site. =)
what do i need you say?
cheat engine
and you have to know how to setup CE(see my guide on that)
well, attach CE to WoW, and change the "value type" to text.
next find the name of your item you want to change the name of (if you dont know how, your a dumbass and should quit WoW =P)
and enter it in the box above the words "scan type".
(ill be changing my relz ownzr staff)
then click scan.
you should come up with a bunch of **** with your item name, double click them from the list that comes up so they go down below like this
double click the names once they are down in the box like that picture, a pop up will come up and you can change the item name
type in your new item name, it should be the same length as the name originally was, or you might run into some problems.(note: when you change the name you will get an error, just ignore it)
repeat on all of the names then click the check box to the left of the names, congratulations! you did it nub! (jk =P)
thats what CE should look like when you are done
and in the game!
oh and btw DO NOT post this on other forums, or santa will come and cut off your balls with a rusty spoon![]()