Currently I was farming Thorium ores because they worth 60-80g per stack on my server, if I prospect them normaly I will get more profit because too much ppl rerolled JC on my server, JC is a bit OP now in my opinion
I set my Hearthstone at EP, every hour I can farm Dire maul 5 times (2-3 rich Thorium nodes will pop up if you have killed the last boss in eastern DM)and then go EP to find additional nodes, in total its about 4 stacks per hour with additional gems such as Large Opal.
But farming Dire maul also offer other useful things:
1.Savage Frond and Core of Elements can be used for DK power leveling (9550xp per quests)
2.Librams for lowbies
3.Foror's Compendium of Dragon Slaying for nostalgia
4.Runn Tum Tuber for easier cooking leveling
5.Quest books maybe useful for archievment "Insane" to get exalted with Shen’dralar, please read The Egotistical Priest : A World of Warcraft Blog : » Blog Archive » “The Insane” for 3.10 PTR infos about this archievment
6.Tons of greens for Greater Eternal Essence, which sells always not bad on my server
7. If you hear the yell for the rare boss respawning, go out of the instance immediately because Orb of Deception sells about 500g on my server
2 useful macros:
For instance reseting: you can use your friend name in place of edwina here,then log out and log in
/invite Edwina
/script LeaveParty()
For destroying those useless greys in your bag:
/run for bag = 0, 4 do for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do local name = GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot) if name and string.find(name,"ff9d9d9d") then PickupContainerItem(bag,slot) DeleteCursorItem() end end end
Have fun and make money!