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  1. #31
    timebandit1's Avatar Active Member
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    small auctioneer tip for gold on the side

    If you enjoy occasional AH manipulation rather than staking it out all day, here are a couple searches that should help you earn a little money while you are out in the game world having fun.

    Of course, you need a functioning and hopefully up to date version of the auctioneer mod. I think I got mine from Curse. Next, you need to have done some scans, or at least look at the items you're in the market for a couple times per day to keep track of trends. Scans don't take very long anymore; esp if you are on a medium to low pop server. Just start the scan and afk or browse the internet, etc. This will update and save current AH prices, averages, deals, etc.

    For new users, the benefits of auctioneer are being able to see more items per page, accurate price sorting, tracking averages/means/medians/moving price/last won for/etc. It also displays prices in % relative to average pricing on said item.

    There are the items I usually look at when I am just playing the AH casually:

    19-49 twink blues
    Blue quest items such as bijous and darkmoon cards
    uncommon/rare/epic quality recipes
    inks/herbs/other trade goods

    Simple seach for 19-49 twink items:
    -all items (or you can search weapons first then armor, etc)
    -set threshold to rare
    -level range 2-49
    -organize by Buy Total, lowest to highest (lowest on top)
    Look for blue %s and missing %s (no % value means your auctioneer hasn't seen the item before and it could be very rare if you check AH daily)
    Double check before purchasing item to make sure it's less than server average

    I also like to look at the epics.
    -all items
    -set threshold to epic
    -no lvl range
    -organize by Buy Total, lowest to highest
    -manually tab through pages and look for very low prices. Epic armors and weapons require a larger deposit than other items typically, due to their high vendor value. Don't buy something very common at a high price or something you can't flip or you'll be reposting it forever. I mostly look for items like Shadowblade, Blood Razor, Krol Blade, 70 epics from outland world bosses (doomwalker gun for instance), etc. Underworld Bands and such. You can make huge profit from someone else's mistakes.

    huge money potential here.
    -set AH search to recipes
    -set threshold to uncommon
    -no lvl range
    -organize by Buy Total lowest to highest
    Look for super low % in blue and missing %. This is the area where you will see the rarest items the most often. Old world recipes and Outlands recipes can still net you 100s of gold per flip if you get to know what you are doing. Just start familiarizing yourself with prices, what's common and what's not, what people are farming and what people look for in trade chat. And always remember to undercut if someone keeps screwing with you, especially if your target selling price is significantly greater than the cost of the item. Don't get caught in the cycle of holding onto something that you can't use forever just because you can't get the price you want. This wastes precious bank space and is depressing. Of course there are opportunities to really profit from high pricing when you know you've got the only one and people want it.
    *Example recipes: Insane Strength Potion, Star Belt, Weapon Chains, mechanical Toad, things like this.

    Ores/Herbs/Trade goods
    This is a little less convenient as there is a ton of crap listed under trade goods. Just look for low %, you can also switch to Buy Each for this to make sure you're getting the lowest price. Herbs and ores, especially hard to get ones from lower zones (swiftthistle, gold ore, etc) can flip nicely if you can snatch them up. I like to put bids on all the stuff with a super low bid and no buyout. Look for auctions ending soon and put bids on good deals. You'll eventually win something.

    I can add to this later. If anyone has questions please pm. I know this is simple but for a novice to auctioneer it's a decent approach.
    "As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourishes. But the wind passes over, and soon all disappears; and his place will no more exist."

    Auction House Tips Compilation - Post All Of Your AH Tips HERE!
  2. #32
    GrinKiller's Avatar Member
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    Don’t kill the Auction house!

    It’s a common mistake for people, especially new ones to assume that World of Warcraft economy works like that of the real world. It doesn’t, (thank god!) Imagine losing your epic mount to one of the guards on there, or your gold to the bankers! With this assumption, comes one of the most common mistakes that people make when it comes to merchanting. They sell their items lower than the normal price, and selling a lot of the same item, at once.Making a good and fast profit on World of Warcraft is actually very easy, the answer isn’t about selling your items at a lower price than usual. It’s all about:

    * The item you are selling

    * The timezone your server is in

    * How good your server is

    The amount you’re selling your item is not at all very important when it comes to how fast people bid on it. It is important though, on how fair your price is. Pricing low makes you lose money. Price it high, and people won’t bid on it. Balance is the key.It’s very annoying for merchanters when they go to the Auction House and see someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing, selling an item for such a low price it’s actually an insult to the item itself.

    What I used to do when this happened was to sell my items for a bit lower than my usual price, but I realized I’m ripping myself off too. So what I do now is to buy out their items at the low price they are selling for and then put it up in my normal price range, and guess what? They sell! So you see, the price of the item doesn’t really change anything, it will still sell, as long as people find your prices reasonable. That being said, why bother selling for low when they would still buy at the normal to high price?
    Save yourself the trouble and don’t sell your items low. “Go for the gold” and earn maximum profits from your items!

    all credit goes to: Patricia Adams

    I hope you guys take this advice because I am tired of seeing items brought down way to low and making me loose money.

  3. #33
    darthdiddy's Avatar Member
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    Does not work you use 2 stacks to get 1 stack of bandages buy 2 stacks 3g each=6g sell 1 stack of bandages for 6g no profit

  4. #34
    Boddakiller's Avatar Member
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    With Level 40, Hutners can wear mail. So, buyout all lvl 38-40 Items with stamina and agility on them and put them in again for very high prices ( 20-30g each)

  5. #35
    iamspectre's Avatar Member
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    Titansteel Bars

    Buy other people's smelt cooldown (20g). Bars on my server usually go for 100g/bar (70g during the week)

    New epic spell blade in the patch takes 10 titansteel bars, and lots of new armor take 10 Titansteel. Price is going to sky rocket.

  6. #36
    Maxmaximuss2's Avatar Member
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    1: Goto Auction House
    2: Search the auction house during the whole week, while have auctioneer online..
    3: End of week, but the most cheapest but profitable
    4: start of new week, sell thoese for high price ! = PROFIT !


  7. #37
    Droodjerky's Avatar Member
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    Things you need:

    325 Enchanter
    ~400 Jewel Crafter

    Buy Bloodstone,Chalcydony,Sun Crystal,Huge Citrines.
    Buy Eternal Earths.

    Combine into the green level 70 rings and disenchant. This nets a high profit margin if done right.

    You can achieve a higher profit margin if you advertise you're looking for the green gems and Eternal Earths in Trade. As these don't sell to fast on most servers. So, people will be looking to get rid of a lot for a bit lower than AH prices.

  8. #38
    Myuu's Avatar Active Member
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    This way you can make loads of gold when 3.1 hits. But you might lose loads to so use it on your own risk :P
    Step 1: Go to the AH and check the prices for level 80 enchanting mats.
    Step 2: Buy out some of them (mainly Great Cosmic Essence)
    Step 3: Watch the prices of the items. If they drop buy more and more of them
    Step 4: When 3.1 hits sell some of it ASAP and then sell the other stuff during the first one or 2 weeks after the release of the patch. If the price doesn't get higher then it was before 3.1 you should watch the price till it's higher.
    /dnd leeching

  9. #39
    Maxmaximuss2's Avatar Member
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    Here is my guide :

    1:Goto the Auction house !
    2: press the search button
    3: Buy the lowest price of the green armor
    4: Find a enchanter
    5: Disenchant
    6: Put back on AH for more gold ! = profit !

    Good luck ... lol ^^

  10. #40
    dylan5102's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Maxmaximuss2 View Post
    Here is my guide :

    1:Goto the Auction house !
    2: press the search button
    3: Buy the lowest price of the green armor
    4: Find a enchanter
    5: Disenchant
    6: Put back on AH for more gold ! = profit !

    Good luck ... lol ^^
    I sometimes do this aswell, its an easy way, just buyout every single green item thats below 2g dissenchant that and put the mats that they dissenchant into back on the AH

    It's not much but you can make a few hundred gold by this each week

  11. #41
    Didget's Avatar Member
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    I have a few minor tips that i use, and it's helped make me rather rich from using the AH.

    1. Scan the auction house regularly, try at least once a day.

    2. Instead of putting up all your items for auction, try putting them up in Trade first, normally you can haggle more money out of them and save yourself the hefty AH cut, not to mention they may be interested in buying bulk of more of your stock!

    3. Buy on weekdays, and advertise your trades on weekends.

    4. Buy all 70+ greens for under 10g, and disenchant them. i generally sell the mats before patches or around 10:30pm server time, when people are coming out of raids looking to enchant there gear.

    5. Use your professions to get tips, whenever possible. it all adds up!

    6. Invest in high quality items in short stock, such as a rare epic drop with only 1 in AH, i generally pm the owner, buy it cheaper, then sell it on trade for much more.

    7. Invest in mats in short stock, stock your mats until they're on demand in AH, and you'll be able to get an extra 2g+ each, on the most minor items (It adds up to be buckets)

    8. When questing, leveling alts etc. buy pets and send them to a bank alt, and when you're free put them up in AH for ~10g ea, surprisingly, they sell quite easily by people too lazy to leave a city and get them 9g50s cheaper, people after their achievements will buy every different pet in the AH you have to offer, as long as it's a reasonable price.

    9. Use your friends to your benefit, for example; If you see cobalt ore selling for 20g a stack and cobalt bars selling for 30g, buy as much as you wish and ask a friend to smelt it for you, your friendship is the tip :~) this can be done with almost all professions to make a vast amount of money.

    10. Never invest all your gold into one thing, this can be the biggest mistake any merchant will face , it sometimes will pay off but generally isn't worth the risk and you will lose money!

    11. When leveling alts and professions etc. send all white things to a bank alt, such as meat, low level ores, motes everything! you'll find alot of the time it sells for just as much as wotlk mats, A random estimate would be that 70% of level 80's are too lazy to level their professions manually, and would rather not leave Orgrimmar/Ironforge. Their laziness is where you can cash in huge, an example of this would be meat selling for pre-bc meat selling 20-30g a stack and thorium/mithril ore selling 60g+ a stack on my server. (Will vary)

    Thanks all, will post more if needed

    - Didget

  12. #42
    trinityunit's Avatar Member
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    Most of the time in A LOT of servers there's a weak spot in the auction house. There sometimes will be easily grind-able items, that there is not much of, and sell for large amounts of gold.

    EX: Copper Bar's Sell for 10-20 gold a stack on my server, which is a high amount for an item that you can get at level 5.

    Now, I also suggest finding something that you can grind with a profession, I'm a Skinner/Miner, and I am able to get 100 gold a day at level 18, because you don't see much of them on the auction house on my server. So Copper Bars are easily sell-able on the AH, so is Leather, but leather is sold for 4-5 gold less on this server. Also, a flaw with skinning is that ruined leather scraps are extremely difficult to sell, so you may want to use enchanting for a substitute.
    Last edited by trinityunit; 04-12-2009 at 06:01 PM. Reason: Skinning and leatherworking mixup

  13. #43
    tsler's Avatar Active Member
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    • Be sure to log on to your bank alt at least twice a day, try and scan 3 times a day to get a good average over the full day
    • find items with bids on which are extremely low, for example glyphs < a gold are quite easy to find and with 3.1 here if you hold onto them for a while you can make a huge profit.
    • Trade goods are a good source of profit, any small amount of profit is good, be sure to keep an eye out for enchanting mats etc as these are the main sources of profit, as well as any greens put on for a low amount, you CAN make money off any green.

  14. #44
    dannyr9929's Avatar Member
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    AH tip

    Just have about 100 gold,

    buy loads of cloth, any that you can find lowest value and then sell higher than you got it for, no trick to it. You make low at first but every time you get that money you can buy more and more making your profits double, triple, ect... Easy as can be and very quickly you have more gold than you can shake a stick at.

  15. #45
    spaztaz666's Avatar Member
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    What i've been doing is scan AH
    got a new acc with enchanting
    find all disenchanting things
    DE them, and either up the enchanting skill or sell
    Either way profit really

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