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    Shizmaster's Avatar Active Member
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    Alliance to Horde acctrans with all gold & items.

    Once again, sorry ahead of time if this has been posted or if it is common knowledge.

    Guide Explanation: This guide will attempt, in the simplest way possible, to teach you how to take all your gold and BoE items with you, when you want to transfer to another server, and a different faction.

    Who this is meant for: Usually a group of friends or even a guild that wants a change in their faction.

    Does this come with a coast: Yes, one of you will lose a high level character and $25 (refer to acc trans for free on forums to minus that cost).

    Caution: You don't HAVE to Del. a high level character. If you know someone on your server who will be willing to transfer with you who is already on the faction you want to be.

    Who does this: People who wish to move to a NEW server to dominate the markets and pretty much own the server.
    ](Server you are already on, prep)
    Step 1: One of you must Del. your main and create a character on the opposing faction. This person must also trade all items and money he or she wishes to be transferred to another player before he does this.

    Step 2: Everyone else must pick a person (trustworthy hopefully) and transfer all their items and gold to him or her (they are obviously on the same faction as you).

    Step 3: Now comes the gold transfer, you need to do this FIRST so that you can get you optional BoE items as well. The person who made the new faction character needs to make his or her way down to Booty Bay and put some [gray item] up for however much gold you need to transfer.

    Step 4: The person who has all of your money now needs to buy the [gray item] (Make sure you agree that if you need to transfer items too, to keep a certain amount for posting the items in booty bay).

    Step 5: If there are no items you want to transfer, and then skip to the next section.

    Step 6: So you have some BoE items you want on your new chr's? Ok well this must be timed PERFECTLY; otherwise you will lose your items. It's best to do one item at a time. Now that your new factioned friend has all the money (and you some for posting items), post your BoE item for like 1 copper.

    Step 7: New factoiner buys all BoEs. He now has items, gold and you are all ready for the next section.

    (New Sever)

    Step 1: Everyone can make their new characters for new server and faction.

    Step 2: The new factioner from the previous server now must get a server transfer with that character to the new server.

    Step 3: If all goes well, you now are all on the same server and have all your items and gold from the previous server.

    - This takes a lot of time and prep, don't mess up or you will regret it.
    - If you are a guild or group, and you all agreed to do this, try and come up with some sort of payment idea so this doesn't coast the person who transfers money (again refer to free server transfer scam if you can get it to work).
    - It may be smart to have someone write up who had what and how much gold they had to make division of goods easier upon character transfer.

    - Everyone gets to transfer to a new server, with all goods they had from another server and keep their previous characters except one.
    - Still cheaper than buying another account to keep a higher level.

    - Time consuming and takes a lot of coordination.
    - May end up coasting $25
    - You lose a small investment of gold by posting items in Booty Bay.

    Hope this was helpful. Figured out most things on my own, and the way I have explained it, is my own understanding, therefore this guide is mine. Thanks for your time, and remember:

    Happy Leveling :wave:

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    I like you. That being said; when I take over the world, I'll make sure your death is quick and painless.

    Alliance to Horde acctrans with all gold & items.
  2. #2
    Papasmurf's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Alliance to Horde acctrans with all gold & items.

    Endless wall of text casts "Own"
    you dodge.
    Endless wall of text crits you for 1000000000000000000
    You die.
    \m/ (>_<) \m/ <--proud member of snitchstianity

  3. #3
    Shizmaster's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Alliance to Horde acctrans with all gold & items.

    lol, yeah it's a mouthfull, but it's wortht he read if you need the info.
    I like you. That being said; when I take over the world, I'll make sure your death is quick and painless.

  4. #4
    DrLecter's Avatar Contributor

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    Re: Alliance to Horde acctrans with all gold & items.

    Originally Posted by Papasmurf
    Endless wall of text casts "Own"
    you dodge.
    Endless wall of text crits you for 1000000000000000000
    You die.
    The guide is well spaced out and much better than some posts. I know you're just posting that to make your post count bigger and you e-peen somewhat larger, but in the end you're still stupid. So stfu and stop these kind of posts.

  5. #5
    Nugma's Avatar Field Marshal
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    Re: Alliance to Horde acctrans with all gold & items.

    Originally Posted by Papasmurf
    Endless wall of text casts "Own"
    you dodge.
    Endless wall of text crits you for 1000000000000000000
    You die.
    Ohh shut up please. It's not that big.

  6. #6
    sol82's Avatar Banned
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    Re: Alliance to Horde acctrans with all gold & items.

    seriously, on almost every post with some decent information that requires the slightest bit of reading, i see someone post "wall of text crits you for XX you die" the least you could do is put +rep beneath it to make your post worthwhile. otherwise, please stop.

  7. #7
    Kuiren's Avatar Banned
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    Re: Alliance to Horde acctrans with all gold & items.

    Ya stop teh spam. Nice guide Rep+

  8. #8
    Shizmaster's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Alliance to Horde acctrans with all gold & items.

    Thanks for the defense people, but in reality you are probably only fueling the fire. It's best just to ignore people who are like that, they are just attention whores.

    Anyway, I'm glad you all liked it, and truely (like I said) I hope it really helps.
    Last edited by Shizmaster; 05-08-2007 at 08:19 AM.
    I like you. That being said; when I take over the world, I'll make sure your death is quick and painless.

  9. #9
    Squirllz's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Alliance to Horde acctrans with all gold & items.

    Nice guide, thanks for contributing.

  10. #10
    Flashgordonx's Avatar Member
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    Re: Alliance to Horde acctrans with all gold & items.

    Nice guide +rep

  11. #11
    Laff's Avatar Member
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    Re: Alliance to Horde acctrans with all gold & items.

    The best way i've found to get all of your money/items cross-realm/faction is to get an alt lvl 10, turn all the gold into stackable items that usually sell for about the same and sell quickly, nexus/void crystals primal mights, etc(a smart thing to so is check ah prices for such things b4 hand and try and get things that sell higher on the realm your bringing the stuff to, free profit 4tw.)
    Then all you have to do is transfer the character, if to an opposing faction, borrow a friends acct, make a lvl 1 run to neutral Ah put up some nub food u get for 1g or 10s w/e, have your toon w/the stuff and a couple gold left buy the bread. Now put the shit up u want to get over there for 1c(ah wont tax it) just be quick about it so no one jacks it, and doing it at 5am is a good idea too.

    Once everything has been transfered to the opposing faction, get all the copper out of your mailbox. Have stacked lvl 1 put another peice of nub food up for the exact amount of money u have left on the lvl 10 that you transfered, have the lvl 10 buy it. Log off and deleted the lvl 10 and your done,

    You now have all your stuff and money transfered for the least amount of loss possible, maybe even a little profit if you did it correctly.

    EDIT:Forgot to mention that you don't even need a friends account, if you have access to a full trial account.
    Last edited by Laff; 05-19-2007 at 12:06 AM.

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