There is a great spot for those LVL 20ish!
- Located in the Ruins of Mathyra (North Darkshore). To get there: Head towards Ruins of Mathyra, turn right at archway. Head SE when you see Myrms until you hit outskirts of Ruins of Mathyra. No monsters spawn in this area. Then go north until you see a small handful of Myrms spread out. You will be in the right spot when you see Cat Figurines.
- These Cat Figurines are what you're looking for. There are about 4 of them all within spitting distance of one another; you'll be able to see them. Just keep picking them up and they keep respawning.
- Kill the Myrms that spawn for a little exp...
- Here is the FUN part! Picking up the Cat Figurines will sometimes spawn a Ghost Saber (about lvl 20). Now this mob doesn't always drop, but will sometimes drop really nice weapons and armor, and better yet, will drop a Glowing Cat Figurine. This figurine causes a Ghost Saber Pet to spawn at your service.
- Bonus: you can have more than one pet fighting for you! Just sic these pets on the Myrms while you clean up on Cat Figurines, and then you're raking in the money and exp!